NCAP-CSC Dual Meet

Lee District RECenter
October 11, 2013

Sanction # PVD-14-101

Boys 8-10 50 Yard Freestyle
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Molino, Marco E           10 NCAP-PV                   NT      35.80        
  2 Norrie, Tyler K            9 NCAP-PV                   NT      36.18        
  3 Ruppe, Charles F          10 NCAP-PV                   NT      36.37        
  4 Webber, Colby D            8 NCAP-PV                   NT      36.88        
  5 Piland, James M            9 NCAP-PV                   NT      37.79        
  6 Humphreys, Joe H           9 NCAP-PV                   NT      39.21        
  7 Weszelovszky, Alexander    9 NCAP-PV                   NT      39.55        
  8 Balgley, Andrew B          8 NCAP-PV                   NT      39.78        
  9 Oswald, Michael T          8 NCAP-PV                   NT      40.77        
 10 Isenhower, James P         9 NCAP-PV                   NT      40.81        
 11 Hart, William B            8 CSC-PV                    NT      41.68        
 12 Bak, David J               8 NCAP-PV                   NT      42.78        
 13 Loveridge, Will P          8 NCAP-PV                   NT      43.60        
 14 Finn, Sean M               9 NCAP-PV                   NT      44.96        
 15 Sliwa, Colin J            10 NCAP-PV                   NT      45.49        
 16 Chen, Adam S               9 NCAP-PV                   NT      47.28        
 17 Gage, Brady S              9 NCAP-PV                   NT      47.31        
 18 Ly, Nicholas M             8 NCAP-PV                   NT      47.66        
 19 Jones, Phillip J           9 NCAP-PV                   NT      48.87        
 20 Gonsalves, Joseph K        9 CSC-PV                    NT      51.40        
 21 Gilman, Tyler J            9 NCAP-PV                   NT      52.12        
 22 Bosch, Daniel S            9 NCAP-PV                   NT      52.94        
 23 Lombardo, Evan M           9 NCAP-PV                   NT      54.40        
Boys 8-10 100 Yard Freestyle
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Sliwa, Colin J            10 NCAP-PV                   NT    1:48.53        
Boys 8-10 50 Yard Backstroke
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Xu, Jason B               10 NCAP-PV                   NT      42.27        
  2 Balgley, Andrew B          8 NCAP-PV                   NT      43.55        
  3 Norrie, Tyler K            9 NCAP-PV                   NT      43.95        
  4 Gonsalves, Joseph K        9 CSC-PV                    NT      44.76        
  5 Molino, Marco E           10 NCAP-PV                   NT      46.00        
  6 Weszelovszky, Alexander    9 NCAP-PV                   NT      47.66        
  7 Bak, David J               8 NCAP-PV                   NT      49.20        
  8 Oswald, Michael T          8 NCAP-PV                   NT      51.39        
  9 Loveridge, Will P          8 NCAP-PV                   NT      51.91        
 10 Gage, Brady S              9 NCAP-PV                   NT      54.42        
 11 Gilman, Tyler J            9 NCAP-PV                   NT      57.21        
 12 Finn, Sean M               9 NCAP-PV                   NT      57.49        
 13 Sliwa, Colin J            10 NCAP-PV                   NT      59.71        
 14 Chen, Adam S               9 NCAP-PV                   NT      59.81        
 15 Ly, Nicholas M             8 NCAP-PV                   NT    1:01.78        
 16 Bosch, Daniel S            9 NCAP-PV                   NT    1:04.90        
 17 Lombardo, Evan M           9 NCAP-PV                   NT    1:05.29        
 -- Humphreys, Joe H           9 NCAP-PV                   NT         DQ        
      Did not finish on back
 -- Zeini, Zakaria             9 NCAP-PV                   NT         DQ        
      Shoulders past vertical toward breast
Boys 8-10 50 Yard Breaststroke
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Xu, Jason B               10 NCAP-PV                   NT      42.86        
  2 Johnson, Evan J           10 NCAP-PV                   NT      43.08        
  3 Autor, Alec H             10 CSC-PV                    NT      47.37        
  4 Hart, William B            8 CSC-PV                    NT      48.57        
  5 Webber, Colby D            8 NCAP-PV                   NT      49.82        
  6 Isenhower, James P         9 NCAP-PV                   NT      51.72        
  7 Finn, Sean M               9 NCAP-PV                   NT      51.85        
  7 Ruppe, Charles F          10 NCAP-PV                   NT      51.85        
  9 Oswald, Michael T          8 NCAP-PV                   NT      55.11        
 10 Balgley, Andrew B          8 NCAP-PV                   NT      55.98        
 11 Jones, Phillip J           9 NCAP-PV                   NT      57.17        
 12 Weszelovszky, Alexander    9 NCAP-PV                   NT      59.61        
 13 Lis, Timothy A             9 NCAP-PV                   NT    1:00.75        
 14 Sliwa, Colin J            10 NCAP-PV                   NT    1:02.87        
 15 Bak, David J               8 NCAP-PV                   NT    1:06.96        
 16 Gage, Brady S              9 NCAP-PV                   NT    1:13.41        
 -- Reed, Jack E              10 NCAP-PV                   NT         DQ        
      No touch
 -- Zeini, Zakaria             9 NCAP-PV                   NT         DQ        
      Hands brought beyond the hipline during stroke
 -- Loveridge, Will P          8 NCAP-PV                   NT         DQ        
      Hands brought beyond the hipline during stroke
 -- Bosch, Daniel S            9 NCAP-PV                   NT         DQ        
      Hands brought beyond the hipline during stroke
 -- Gilman, Tyler J            9 NCAP-PV                   NT         DQ        
      Hands brought beyond the hipline during stroke
 -- Chen, Adam S               9 NCAP-PV                   NT         DQ        
      Downward butterfly kick
 -- Ly, Nicholas M             8 NCAP-PV                   NT         DQ        
      One hand touch
 -- Lombardo, Evan M           9 NCAP-PV                   NT         DQ        
Boys 8-10 50 Yard Butterfly
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Autor, Alec H             10 CSC-PV                    NT      37.36        
  2 Johnson, Evan J           10 NCAP-PV                   NT      40.51        
  3 Ruppe, Charles F          10 NCAP-PV                   NT      44.71        
  4 Norrie, Tyler K            9 NCAP-PV                   NT      46.06        
  5 Piland, James M            9 NCAP-PV                   NT      47.10        
 -- Reed, Jack E              10 NCAP-PV                   NT         DQ        
 -- Molino, Marco E           10 NCAP-PV                   NT         DQ        
      One hand touch
Boys 8-10 100 Yard IM
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Johnson, Evan J           10 NCAP-PV                   NT    1:27.59        
  2 Xu, Jason B               10 NCAP-PV                   NT    1:30.83        
  3 Autor, Alec H             10 CSC-PV                    NT    1:32.04        
  4 Norrie, Tyler K            9 NCAP-PV                   NT    1:42.60        
  5 Balgley, Andrew B          8 NCAP-PV                   NT    1:43.73        
  6 Hart, William B            8 CSC-PV               2:06.44    1:48.38        
  7 Piland, James M            9 NCAP-PV                   NT    1:48.71        
  8 Gonsalves, Joseph K        9 CSC-PV                    NT    1:50.45        
  9 Reed, Jack E              10 NCAP-PV                   NT    1:58.13        
 -- Humphreys, Joe H           9 NCAP-PV                   NT         DQ        
      Non-simultaneous arms - fly
 -- Ly, Nicholas M             8 NCAP-PV                   NT         DQ        
      One hand touch - breast
 -- Bak, David J               8 NCAP-PV                   NT         DQ        
      Alternating Kick - breast
 -- Webber, Colby D            8 NCAP-PV                   NT         DQ        
      Alternating Kick - breast
Boys 11-12 50 Yard Freestyle
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Reyes, Mikel S            11 NCAP-PV                   NT      31.64        
  2 Baker, Andrew H           11 NCAP-PV                   NT      32.64        
  3 Bonaiuto, Sebastian S     11 NCAP-PV                   NT      35.45        
  4 Konik, John               11 NCAP-PV                   NT      38.59        
Boys 11-12 100 Yard Freestyle
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Konik, John               11 NCAP-PV                   NT    1:35.75        
Boys 11-12 50 Yard Backstroke
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Yoder, Ryan J             12 NCAP-PV                   NT      39.01        
  2 Baker, Andrew H           11 NCAP-PV                   NT      42.58        
  3 Bonaiuto, Sebastian S     11 NCAP-PV                   NT      47.06        
  4 Konik, John               11 NCAP-PV                   NT      52.84        
Boys 11-12 50 Yard Breaststroke
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Reyes, Mikel S            11 NCAP-PV                   NT      44.50        
  2 Yoder, Ryan J             12 NCAP-PV                   NT      44.74        
  3 Konik, John               11 NCAP-PV                   NT      49.60        
Boys 11-12 50 Yard Butterfly
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Reyes, Mikel S            11 NCAP-PV                   NT      36.71        
  2 Yoder, Ryan J             12 NCAP-PV                   NT      39.75