Licensed to Potomac Valley Swimming - For Office Use Only License HY-TEK's MEET MANAGER 6.0 10/23/2016 08:42 PM 2016 PV UMAC BWST DC Wave Double Dual - 10/23/2016 Results Boys 8 & Under 25 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Henrikson-Brandt, Kai 8 DCPR-PV NT 15.24 2 Finberg, Matthias S 8 UMAC-PV NT 18.84 3 Pauley, Evan M 8 BWST-PV 20.49 19.26 4 Rowley, Jake D 8 BWST-PV NT 21.86 5 Diaz, Jaiden J 6 BWST-PV 21.18 22.37 6 Zhou, Bill Y 8 UMAC-PV 34.99 30.05 7 Puro, Eli H 8 UMAC-PV 26.76 33.55 Boys 8 & Under 25 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Finberg, Matthias S 8 UMAC-PV NT 21.72 2 Rowley, Jake D 8 BWST-PV NT 22.98 3 Garcia, Beni S 7 UMAC-PV 28.43 26.55 4 Diaz, Jaiden J 6 BWST-PV 26.81 27.54 5 Sparshott, Tom J 8 DCPR-PV NT 30.41 6 Delaney, Greyson E 8 BWST-PV 25.77 30.94 7 Puro, Eli H 8 UMAC-PV 26.27 31.82 8 Zhou, Bill Y 8 UMAC-PV 42.56 39.46 Boys 8 & Under 25 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Rowley, Jake D 8 BWST-PV NT 26.44 2 Pauley, Evan M 8 BWST-PV 32.09 28.72 3 Delaney, Greyson E 8 BWST-PV 29.39 28.73 -- Abdallah, Jad K 8 UMAC-PV NT DQ Downward butterfly kick -- Walsh, Christopher T 8 UMAC-PV NT DQ Downward butterfly kick -- Sparshott, Tom J 8 DCPR-PV NT DQ Scissors kick -- Puro, Eli H 8 UMAC-PV NT DQ Alternating Kick Boys 8 & Under 25 Yard Butterfly =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Henrikson-Brandt, Kai 8 DCPR-PV NT 18.77 2 Finberg, Matthias S 8 UMAC-PV NT 20.25 3 Pauley, Evan M 8 BWST-PV 45.21 23.14 4 Sparshott, Tom J 8 DCPR-PV NT 26.53 5 Garcia, Beni S 7 UMAC-PV NT 31.98 6 Walsh, Christopher T 8 UMAC-PV NT 36.63 7 Abdallah, Jad K 8 UMAC-PV NT 36.87 -- Delaney, Greyson E 8 BWST-PV 24.56 DQ Scissors kick -- Zhou, Bill Y 8 UMAC-PV NT DQ Non-simultaneous arms -- Diaz, Jaiden J 6 BWST-PV NT DQ Non-simultaneous arms Boys 8 & Under 100 Yard Freestyle Relay =============================================================================== Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Blue Wave Swim Team PV-PV 'A' 1:19.85 1:19.21 40.27 1:19.21 (38.94) 2 University of Maryland Aquatic-PV 'A' 1:50.15 1:29.25 Boys 10 & Under 50 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Qian, Chris W 10 BWST-PV 34.41 30.92 2 Park, Ian 9 BWST-PV 31.99 32.34 3 Davis Jr., Michael D 10 DCPR-PV 34.97 34.45 4 Pauley, Carter D 10 BWST-PV 36.89 35.80 5 Brockmeier, Ben 10 BWST-PV 35.03 36.13 6 Mason, Christopher 10 DCPR-PV 37.11 36.57 7 Roy, Gabe F 9 UMAC-PV 47.07 38.21 8 Bubb-Clarke, Kyle P 10 BWST-PV 43.28 41.15 9 Sparshott, Joe D 10 DCPR-PV 41.30 42.77 10 Hart, Griffin 8 BWST-PV 44.06 43.03 11 Crooke, Owen C 7 UMAC-PV 57.80 44.47 12 Donnelly, Liam J 9 DCPR-PV 47.63 45.50 13 Johnson, Caleb C 9 BWST-PV NT 47.05 14 Delaney, Keelan B 7 BWST-PV 48.20 49.92 15 Villatoro, Diego X 9 UMAC-PV 58.22 55.29 16 Ferguson, Kieran R 10 DCPR-PV 1:03.11 58.36 17 Walsh, Christopher T 8 UMAC-PV NT 1:05.63 18 Abdallah, Jad K 8 UMAC-PV NT 1:09.73 Boys 10 & Under 50 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Jackson, Christian 10 UMAC-PV 38.31 39.25 2 Anderson, Jake F 9 BWST-PV 42.32 40.51 3 Sehgal, Xander 10 DCPR-PV 41.65 42.89 4 Youmans, Jonathan G 9 BWST-PV 46.37 43.03 5 Roy, Gabe F 9 UMAC-PV 47.48 43.60 6 Pauley, Carter D 10 BWST-PV 49.78 43.61 7 Mason, Christopher 10 DCPR-PV 44.71 43.82 8 Catanzano, Max A 10 DCPR-PV 43.91 44.42 9 Sparshott, Joe D 10 DCPR-PV 45.34 45.28 10 Byer, Brody E 9 BWST-PV NT 45.35 11 Davis Jr., Michael D 10 DCPR-PV 48.34 45.94 12 Horrigan, Musashi M 10 BWST-PV 45.59 46.25 13 Joseph, Sulaiman B 9 DCPR-PV 52.25 47.30 14 Hunt, James J 10 DCPR-PV 56.87 48.36 15 Edwards, Jack W 9 BWST-PV 49.38 49.54 16 Hart, Griffin 8 BWST-PV 47.98 50.11 17 Owen, Nick M 10 UMAC-PV NT 51.62 18 Delaney, Keelan B 7 BWST-PV 53.88 53.25 19 Donnelly, Liam J 9 DCPR-PV NT 53.35 20 Crooke, Owen C 7 UMAC-PV NT 53.98 21 Ferguson, Kieran R 10 DCPR-PV 1:15.35 54.13 22 Miller, Malek D 9 UMAC-PV 54.23 54.83 23 Ellison, Maxwell P 9 UMAC-PV NT 56.50 -- Henrikson-Brandt, Kai 8 DCPR-PV NT DQ Toes curled over gutter after the start Boys 10 & Under 50 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Qian, Chris W 10 BWST-PV 44.19 41.86 2 Nappi, Sebastien J 9 Unattached 45.77 44.19 3 Sehgal, Xander 10 DCPR-PV 45.72 44.59 4 Anderson, Jake F 9 BWST-PV 48.38 47.53 5 Brockmeier, Ben 10 BWST-PV 49.25 49.45 6 Catanzano, Max A 10 DCPR-PV 52.30 50.47 7 Youmans, Jonathan G 9 BWST-PV 55.82 51.05 8 Hunt, James J 10 DCPR-PV 1:02.01 53.89 9 Miller, Malek D 9 UMAC-PV NT 54.53 10 Owen, Nick M 10 UMAC-PV NT 55.84 11 Byer, Brody E 9 BWST-PV 1:15.18 56.89 12 Edwards, Jack W 9 BWST-PV 1:00.60 59.46 13 Bubb-Clarke, Kyle P 10 BWST-PV 1:00.25 59.66 14 Pauley, Carter D 10 BWST-PV 1:09.09 1:01.89 15 Johnson, Caleb C 9 BWST-PV NT 1:02.33 16 Ferguson, Kieran R 10 DCPR-PV 1:15.13 1:04.89 17 Delaney, Keelan B 7 BWST-PV 1:07.99 1:13.18 -- Joseph, Sulaiman B 9 DCPR-PV 59.26 DQ One hand touch -- Ellison, Maxwell P 9 UMAC-PV NT DQ Scissors kick -- Donnelly, Liam J 9 DCPR-PV NT DQ One hand touch Boys 10 & Under 50 Yard Butterfly =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Park, Ian 9 BWST-PV 38.69 37.87 2 Youmans, Jonathan G 9 BWST-PV NT 39.50 3 Brockmeier, Ben 10 BWST-PV 45.30 39.60 4 Nappi, Sebastien J 9 Unattached 42.39 39.62 5 Sehgal, Xander 10 DCPR-PV 40.69 41.75 6 Mason, Christopher 10 DCPR-PV 44.78 43.43 7 Joseph, Sulaiman B 9 DCPR-PV 46.41 43.62 8 Hunt, James J 10 DCPR-PV NT 45.97 9 Horrigan, Musashi M 10 BWST-PV 51.58 47.46 10 Bubb-Clarke, Kyle P 10 BWST-PV 52.65 50.69 11 Sparshott, Joe D 10 DCPR-PV 1:01.28 54.27 12 Edwards, Jack W 9 BWST-PV 57.75 55.93 13 Johnson, Caleb C 9 BWST-PV NT 1:00.54 -- Villatoro, Diego X 9 UMAC-PV NT DQ Arms underwater recovery Boys 11-12 50 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Byer, Dylan 12 Unattached 29.08 30.10 2 Marlovits, Ryan M 12 BWST-PV 32.05 30.48 3 Hamilton, Liam P 12 Unattached 39.54 30.56 4 Barker, Charlie M 11 BWST-PV 29.75 31.41 5 Norde, Tavaughn D 12 DCPR-PV 35.00 32.12 6 Scarboro, Harrison 11 BWST-PV 33.47 32.16 7 Ferguson, Zach O 12 BWST-PV 35.72 33.27 8 Bryant, Kaleb A 11 DCPR-PV NT 37.40 9 Holder, Daniel M 12 DCPR-PV 48.22 40.64 Boys 11-12 50 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Nurkic Kacapor, Mackey E 11 UMAC-PV 33.29 34.68 2 Byer, Dylan 12 Unattached 35.41 35.25 3 Weddington, Wade E 12 DCPR-PV NT 37.37 4 Scarboro, Harrison 11 BWST-PV 37.79 38.38 5 Tran, Brandon 12 BWST-PV 38.65 38.89 6 Ferguson, Zach O 12 BWST-PV 38.83 39.10 7 Vannell, Morgan 11 BWST-PV 41.90 39.69 8 Simpson, Javi D 12 DCPR-PV NT 45.84 9 Huppert, Ben M 12 BWST-PV 43.52 46.81 10 Holder, Daniel M 12 DCPR-PV NT 55.57 Boys 11-12 50 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Hamilton, Liam P 12 Unattached 54.23 38.85 2 Hart, Torben R 11 BWST-PV 42.54 39.11 3 Byer, Dylan 12 Unattached 45.46 40.79 4 Norde, Tavaughn D 12 DCPR-PV 47.19 41.44 5 Bryant, Kaleb A 11 DCPR-PV NT 43.81 6 McDonald, Joanh S 11 DCPR-PV 55.50 44.96 7 Salemi, Anthony J 11 DCPR-PV NT 52.25 8 Abdallah, Karim 12 UMAC-PV NT 53.07 9 Walsh, Quentin A 11 UMAC-PV NT 57.56 -- Simpson, Javi D 12 DCPR-PV NT DQ One hand touch Boys 11-12 50 Yard Butterfly =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Barker, Charlie M 11 BWST-PV 32.75 33.29 2 Marlovits, Ryan M 12 BWST-PV 35.14 35.11 3 Norde, Tavaughn D 12 DCPR-PV 48.07 37.01 4 Weddington, Wade E 12 DCPR-PV NT 37.37 5 Hart, Torben R 11 BWST-PV 36.72 37.80 6 Vannell, Morgan 11 BWST-PV 40.38 39.46 7 McDonald, Joanh S 11 DCPR-PV 1:01.12 43.17 8 Bryant, Kaleb A 11 DCPR-PV NT 45.84 9 Huppert, Ben M 12 BWST-PV 47.36 48.69 10 Simpson, Javi D 12 DCPR-PV NT 55.57 -- Salemi, Anthony J 11 DCPR-PV NT DQ Non-simultaneous arms -- Tran, Brandon 12 BWST-PV 40.09 DQ One hand touch Boys 12 & Under 100 Yard IM =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Marlovits, Ryan M 12 BWST-PV 1:17.64 1:15.41 34.28 1:15.41 (41.13) 2 Hamilton, Liam P 12 Unattached NT 1:15.92 35.57 1:15.92 (40.35) 3 Nurkic Kacapor, Mackey E 11 UMAC-PV 1:18.55 1:16.01 34.22 1:16.01 (41.79) 4 Hart, Torben R 11 BWST-PV 1:26.03 1:17.27 5 Qian, Chris W 10 BWST-PV 1:24.99 1:18.41 35.24 1:18.41 (43.17) 6 Barker, Charlie M 11 BWST-PV 1:20.53 1:18.49 35.64 1:18.49 (42.85) 7 Scarboro, Harrison 11 BWST-PV 1:20.51 1:19.01 37.98 1:19.01 (41.03) 8 Ferguson, Zach O 12 BWST-PV 1:27.03 1:19.52 36.95 1:19.52 (42.57) 9 Park, Ian 9 BWST-PV 1:22.06 1:20.95 37.23 1:20.95 (43.72) 10 Tran, Brandon 12 BWST-PV 1:26.12 1:23.48 37.60 1:23.48 (45.88) 11 Nappi, Sebastien J 9 Unattached 1:30.71 1:24.46 38.57 1:24.46 (45.89) 12 Vannell, Morgan 11 BWST-PV 1:28.04 1:27.72 40.63 1:27.72 (47.09) 13 Weddington, Wade E 12 DCPR-PV NT 1:28.56 37.29 1:28.56 (51.27) 14 Davis Jr., Michael D 10 DCPR-PV 1:41.26 1:31.06 44.90 1:31.06 (46.16) 15 Gil, Luis 10 DCPR-PV NT 1:32.61 43.74 1:32.61 (48.87) 16 Crawford, Lucious F 10 DCPR-PV 1:37.50 1:33.24 17 Anderson, Jake F 9 BWST-PV 1:36.03 1:34.61 43.14 1:34.61 (51.47) 18 McDonald, Joanh S 11 DCPR-PV 1:48.87 1:35.38 47.89 1:35.38 (47.49) 19 Huppert, Ben M 12 BWST-PV 1:39.12 1:36.28 47.19 1:36.28 (49.09) 20 Roy, Gabe F 9 UMAC-PV 2:13.22 1:36.52 44.26 1:36.52 (52.26) 21 Horrigan, Musashi M 10 BWST-PV 1:53.57 1:38.61 48.36 1:38.61 (50.25) 22 Byer, Brody E 9 BWST-PV 1:57.87 1:40.24 44.60 1:40.24 (55.64) 23 Walsh, Quentin A 11 UMAC-PV NT 1:40.58 44.23 1:40.58 (56.35) 24 Owen, Nick M 10 UMAC-PV NT 1:47.48 49.52 1:47.48 (57.96) 25 Abdallah, Karim 12 UMAC-PV NT 1:51.14 54.59 1:51.14 (56.55) 26 Miller, Malek D 9 UMAC-PV NT 1:51.63 27 Hart, Griffin 8 BWST-PV 1:49.37 1:55.08 28 Crooke, Owen C 7 UMAC-PV 2:16.32 2:02.12 1:01.88 2:02.12 (1:00.24) 29 Villatoro, Diego X 9 UMAC-PV NT 2:19.16 1:09.86 2:19.16 (1:09.30) -- Ellison, Maxwell P 9 UMAC-PV NT DQ Delay initiating turn after past vertical - back 1:13.31 DQ (1:08.91) Boys 12 & Under 200 Yard Freestyle Relay =============================================================================== Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Blue Wave Swim Team PV-PV 'A' 2:05.21 2:04.21 33.77 1:14.16 (40.39) 1:33.67 (19.51) 2:04.21 (30.54) 2 University of Maryland Aquatic-PV 'A' 2:09.73 2:08.58 33.37 1:38.35 ( ) 2:08.58 (30.23) 3 Blue Wave Swim Team PV-PV 'B' 2:16.32 2:10.68 31.21 1:05.10 (33.89) 1:23.28 (18.18) 2:10.68 (47.40) 4 DC Wave Swim Team-PV 'A' 2:18.42 2:18.65 37.50 1:15.83 (38.33) 1:43.53 (27.70) 2:18.65 (35.12) 5 DC Wave Swim Team-PV 'C' 2:42.68 2:30.35 30.16 1:13.66 (43.50) 1:49.97 (36.31) 2:30.35 (40.38) 6 University of Maryland Aquatic-PV 'C' 3:16.88 3:04.00 38.05 1:31.22 (53.17) 2:22.82 (51.60) 3:04.00 (41.18) 7 University of Maryland Aquatic-PV 'B' 2:50.00 3:34.37 53.03 2:24.24 (1:31.21) 3:03.16 (38.92) 3:34.37 (31.21) -- DC Wave Swim Team-PV 'B' 2:29.45 DQ Early take-off swimmer #4 52.75 1:18.03 (25.28) 1:57.82 (39.79) DQ (37.17) Boys 13-14 200 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Wall, Trace S 14 BWST-PV 1:51.14 1:59.53 27.10 57.74 (30.64) 1:29.13 (31.39) 1:59.53 (30.40) 2 Coppola, Michael F 13 BWST-PV 2:05.60 2:05.90 28.64 1:00.51 (31.87) 1:33.29 (32.78) 2:05.90 (32.61) 3 Bolling, Absalom R 14 DCPR-PV 2:04.07 2:11.38 29.86 1:03.55 (33.69) 1:38.54 (34.99) 2:11.38 (32.84) 4 Tran, Johnathan Q 14 BWST-PV 2:08.86 2:12.02 30.16 1:04.71 (34.55) 1:39.47 (34.76) 2:12.02 (32.55) 5 Hart, Brantley M 14 BWST-PV 2:13.47 2:17.26 31.29 1:06.57 (35.28) 1:42.27 (35.70) 2:17.26 (34.99) 6 Argueta, Ryan 14 UMAC-PV 2:44.01 2:19.73 32.85 1:08.86 (36.01) 1:44.29 (35.43) 2:19.73 (35.44) 7 Bruce, Leo W 13 BWST-PV 2:20.73 2:21.23 31.67 1:07.46 (35.79) 1:45.34 (37.88) 2:21.23 (35.89) 8 Nguyen, Eric 13 BWST-PV 2:24.66 2:21.54 31.58 1:07.47 (35.89) 1:45.60 (38.13) 2:21.54 (35.94) 9 Mitarotonda, Zack R 13 BWST-PV 2:22.09 2:24.42 32.75 1:09.62 (36.87) 1:47.78 (38.16) 2:24.42 (36.64) 10 Smith, Connor J 14 UMAC-PV 2:27.87 2:26.45 34.18 1:11.20 (37.02) 1:49.74 (38.54) 2:26.45 (36.71) 11 Feit, Josh D 13 BWST-PV 2:32.68 2:33.44 34.49 1:14.43 (39.94) 1:55.04 (40.61) 2:33.44 (38.40) 12 Carr, Daniel S 14 BWST-PV 2:37.19 2:37.52 36.11 1:15.26 (39.15) 1:57.40 (42.14) 2:37.52 (40.12) -- Touhey, Augusten T 13 DCPR-PV NT DQ No touch on turn 49.27 1:48.13 (58.86) 2:49.77 (1:01.64) DQ (56.42) Boys 13-14 200 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Wall, Trace S 14 BWST-PV 2:02.89 2:12.87 30.75 1:03.94 (33.19) 1:38.74 (34.80) 2:12.87 (34.13) 2 Montes, Harry 14 DCPR-PV 2:26.39 2:19.33 30.43 1:05.64 (35.21) 1:42.70 (37.06) 2:19.33 (36.63) 3 Coppola, Michael F 13 BWST-PV 2:21.58 2:22.84 33.19 1:09.92 (36.73) 1:46.86 (36.94) 2:22.84 (35.98) 4 Tran, Johnathan Q 14 BWST-PV 2:21.99 2:23.57 32.37 1:08.14 (35.77) 1:45.51 (37.37) 2:23.57 (38.06) 5 French, Compton 13 DCPR-PV 2:22.16 2:25.82 33.74 1:10.86 (37.12) 1:48.38 (37.52) 2:25.82 (37.44) 6 Mott, Theo H 14 DCPR-PV 2:39.81 2:31.56 35.35 1:14.24 (38.89) 1:53.15 (38.91) 2:31.56 (38.41) 7 Crawford, Quincy E 13 UMAC-PV 2:46.62 2:34.39 35.33 1:14.38 (39.05) 1:54.32 (39.94) 2:34.39 (40.07) 8 Rives, Axel 14 DCPR-PV 2:46.24 2:37.97 37.51 1:16.70 (39.19) 1:58.21 (41.51) 2:37.97 (39.76) 9 Toppin, Jamari E 13 DCPR-PV NT 2:41.84 38.83 1:20.23 (41.40) 2:01.53 (41.30) 2:41.84 (40.31) 10 Feit, Josh D 13 BWST-PV 2:47.03 2:49.16 40.15 1:24.38 (44.23) 2:08.55 (44.17) 2:49.16 (40.61) 11 Williams, Jordan 14 DCPR-PV NT 2:59.23 41.93 1:27.59 (45.66) 2:14.30 (46.71) 2:59.23 (44.93) 12 Carr, Daniel S 14 BWST-PV NT 3:04.96 42.50 1:29.43 (46.93) 3:04.96 (1:35.53) -- Touhey, Augusten T 13 DCPR-PV NT DQ No touch at turn 56.84 DQ (2:09.45) Boys 13-14 100 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Nguyen, Eric 13 BWST-PV 1:16.07 1:14.28 35.47 1:14.28 (38.81) 2 French, Compton 13 DCPR-PV 1:15.48 1:15.10 35.29 1:15.10 (39.81) 3 Hart, Brantley M 14 BWST-PV 1:23.62 1:22.19 37.52 1:22.19 (44.67) 4 Smith, Connor J 14 UMAC-PV 1:21.68 1:22.25 38.96 1:22.25 (43.29) 5 Mott, Theo H 14 DCPR-PV 1:23.47 1:22.39 38.98 1:22.39 (43.41) 6 Mitarotonda, Zack R 13 BWST-PV 1:25.83 1:24.50 40.33 1:24.50 (44.17) 7 Robinson, Parker 13 DCPR-PV 1:29.62 1:24.79 40.26 1:24.79 (44.53) 8 Charles, Immanuel J 14 DCPR-PV 1:30.23 1:24.87 39.62 1:24.87 (45.25) 9 Argueta, Ryan 14 UMAC-PV 1:26.95 1:25.28 40.91 1:25.28 (44.37) 10 Bocock, Miles W 14 DCPR-PV NT 1:28.17 41.42 1:28.17 (46.75) 11 Holdridge, Christian 13 UMAC-PV NT 1:28.75 40.76 1:28.75 (47.99) 12 Toppin, Jamari E 13 DCPR-PV 1:36.32 1:29.65 41.16 1:29.65 (48.49) 13 Carr, Daniel S 14 BWST-PV 1:41.14 1:29.99 42.30 1:29.99 (47.69) 14 Bruce, Leo W 13 BWST-PV 1:31.14 1:32.15 15 Feit, Josh D 13 BWST-PV 1:34.14 1:33.40 44.10 1:33.40 (49.30) 16 Lam, Mateo F 13 DCPR-PV 1:43.46 1:34.07 46.48 1:34.07 (47.59) 17 Williams, Jordan 14 DCPR-PV 1:43.21 1:34.63 44.80 1:34.63 (49.83) 18 Jones IV, Clinton B 13 DCPR-PV 1:52.85 1:36.73 44.52 1:36.73 (52.21) -- Savory, Terrence I 13 UMAC-PV NT DQ One hand touch 1:00.47 DQ (1:20.39) Boys 13-14 100 Yard Butterfly =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Wall, Trace S 14 BWST-PV 55.78 57.22 26.50 57.22 (30.72) 2 Bolling, Absalom R 14 DCPR-PV 1:00.32 1:00.96 28.31 1:00.96 (32.65) 3 Tran, Johnathan Q 14 BWST-PV 1:09.32 1:06.46 29.01 1:06.46 (37.45) 4 Coppola, Michael F 13 BWST-PV 1:06.96 1:07.77 30.98 1:07.77 (36.79) 5 Mott, Theo H 14 DCPR-PV 1:09.44 1:09.55 32.72 1:09.55 (36.83) 6 French, Compton 13 DCPR-PV 1:09.01 1:09.63 32.02 1:09.63 (37.61) 7 Nguyen, Eric 13 BWST-PV 1:13.94 1:10.93 31.56 1:10.93 (39.37) 8 Bruce, Leo W 13 BWST-PV 1:08.68 1:11.74 9 Bocock, Miles W 14 DCPR-PV 1:23.86 1:14.57 33.75 1:14.57 (40.82) 10 Hart, Brantley M 14 BWST-PV 1:12.26 1:15.50 33.50 1:15.50 (42.00) 11 Robinson, Parker 13 DCPR-PV 1:33.95 1:16.63 34.66 1:16.63 (41.97) 12 Mitarotonda, Zack R 13 BWST-PV 1:31.34 1:20.09 36.92 1:20.09 (43.17) 13 Williams, Jordan 14 DCPR-PV 1:30.64 1:24.23 37.19 1:24.23 (47.04) 14 Lam, Mateo F 13 DCPR-PV NT 1:33.15 44.81 1:33.15 (48.34) 15 Jones IV, Clinton B 13 DCPR-PV NT 1:36.45 Boys 50 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Bendana, Jon S 17 UMAC-PV 22.28 22.92 2 Davis, Miguel 16 DCPR-PV 23.01 22.94 3 Jackson, Cade C 16 UMAC-PV 23.61 23.41 4 Montes, Harry 14 DCPR-PV 23.90 23.85 5 Holassie, Richie J 15 UMAC-PV 24.51 24.12 6 Robinson, Nathaniel G 16 UMAC-PV 24.04 24.25 7 Holdridge, Sebastian A 15 UMAC-PV 24.73 24.75 8 Bloomer, Tonle 19 UMAC-PV 25.11 25.14 9 Ferebee, Alexander N 16 UMAC-PV 26.32 26.17 10 Krause, Owen M 15 BWST-PV 27.49 26.19 11 Malone, Christian P 15 BWST-PV 27.76 26.67 12 Rives, Axel 14 DCPR-PV 28.09 27.05 13 Crawford, Quincy E 13 UMAC-PV 29.76 29.88 14 Burns, Conor M 17 DCPR-PV NT 30.11 15 Holdridge, Christian 13 UMAC-PV 33.76 30.52 16 Charles, Immanuel J 14 DCPR-PV 36.39 31.69 17 Savory, Terrence I 13 UMAC-PV NT 38.86 18 Touhey, Augusten T 13 DCPR-PV NT 46.91 Boys 200 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Fuller, Xavier T 16 UMAC-PV 1:59.42 1:57.94 26.66 55.13 ( ) 1:25.72 ( ) 1:57.94 (32.22) 2 Nolan, Matt F 17 DCPR-PV 1:54.67 1:58.65 26.73 56.28 ( ) 1:27.77 ( ) 1:58.65 (30.88) 3 Zapp, Jack P 15 BWST-PV 1:58.41 2:00.46 27.10 57.77 ( ) 1:29.84 ( ) 2:00.46 (30.62) 4 Burns, Conor M 17 DCPR-PV NT 2:34.29 32.11 1:11.08 (38.97) 1:54.76 (43.68) 2:34.29 (39.53) 5 Miller, Matthew A 12 UMAC-PV NT 2:53.13 38.84 1:22.88 (44.04) 2:08.52 (45.64) 2:53.13 (44.61) 6 Jackson, Christian 10 UMAC-PV 3:18.03 2:54.07 37.46 1:22.08 ( ) 2:09.21 ( ) 2:54.07 (44.86) 7 Gil, Luis 10 DCPR-PV NT 3:01.33 37.88 1:23.71 (45.83) 2:13.05 (49.34) 3:01.33 (48.28) 8 Catanzano, Max A 10 DCPR-PV 3:16.51 3:19.27 42.92 3:19.27 (2:36.35) 9 Walsh, Quentin A 11 UMAC-PV NT 3:24.09 43.56 1:38.61 ( ) 2:34.74 ( ) 3:24.09 (49.35) 10 Holder, Daniel M 12 DCPR-PV NT 3:48.27 44.45 1:42.66 ( ) 2:49.49 ( ) 3:48.27 (58.78) Boys 1000 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Bendana, Jon S 17 UMAC-PV 10:38.92 10:34.03 27.10 56.75 (29.65) 1:27.98 (31.23) 1:59.73 ( ) 2:31.96 (32.23) 3:03.57 (31.61) 3:35.37 ( ) 4:07.49 (32.12) 4:39.98 (32.49) 5:12.73 ( ) 5:45.13 (32.40) 6:16.62 (31.49) 6:49.13 (32.51) 7:21.74 ( ) 7:54.35 (32.61) 8:26.86 (32.51) 8:59.89 ( ) 9:32.71 (32.82) 10:03.53 (30.82) 10:34.03 (30.50) 2 Vanik, Alex J 17 BWST-PV 10:53.84 10:45.03 27.62 58.26 (30.64) 1:29.79 (31.53) 2:02.02 ( ) 2:34.69 (32.67) 3:07.64 (32.95) 3:40.13 ( ) 4:12.93 (32.80) 4:45.83 (32.90) 5:19.68 ( ) 5:51.20 (31.52) 6:23.80 (32.60) 6:57.33 (33.53) 7:30.43 ( ) 8:04.06 (33.63) 8:37.29 (33.23) 9:08.84 ( ) 9:42.29 (33.45) 10:15.36 (33.07) 10:45.03 (29.67) 3 Robinson, Nathaniel G 16 UMAC-PV 10:42.94 10:59.72 27.76 58.98 (31.22) 1:31.36 (32.38) 2:04.63 ( ) 2:37.44 (32.81) 3:09.95 (32.51) 3:43.36 ( ) 4:16.72 (33.36) 4:50.08 (33.36) 5:23.77 ( ) 5:57.52 (33.75) 6:31.31 (33.79) 7:05.29 (33.98) 7:39.23 ( ) 8:13.01 (33.78) 8:47.02 (34.01) 9:20.45 ( ) 9:53.94 (33.49) 10:26.98 (33.04) 10:59.72 (32.74) 4 Roy, Owen F 17 UMAC-PV 11:28.76 11:08.64 29.37 1:02.42 (33.05) 1:35.97 (33.55) 2:10.01 ( ) 2:43.86 (33.85) 3:17.90 (34.04) 3:51.90 ( ) 4:26.07 (34.17) 4:59.73 (33.66) 5:33.73 ( ) 6:07.52 (33.79) 6:41.57 (34.05) 7:15.35 (33.78) 7:49.19 ( ) 8:23.16 (33.97) 8:57.35 (34.19) 9:30.06 ( ) 10:03.51 (33.45) 10:36.57 (33.06) 11:08.64 (32.07) 5 Holassie, Richie J 15 UMAC-PV 14:22.77 11:52.90 30.05 1:03.45 (33.40) 1:37.44 (33.99) 2:11.81 ( ) 2:46.82 (35.01) 3:22.56 (35.74) 3:58.92 ( ) 4:35.75 (36.83) 5:12.14 (36.39) 5:49.10 ( ) 6:25.49 (36.39) 7:01.46 (35.97) 7:38.42 (36.96) 8:14.37 ( ) 8:50.16 (35.79) 9:25.92 (35.76) 10:03.34 ( ) 10:39.66 (36.32) 11:16.81 (37.15) 11:52.90 (36.09) 6 Holdridge, Sebastian A 15 UMAC-PV NT 12:05.08 30.63 1:05.23 (34.60) 1:40.70 (35.47) 2:16.96 ( ) 2:53.09 (36.13) 3:29.66 (36.57) 4:06.45 ( ) 4:42.35 (35.90) 5:19.01 (36.66) 5:56.16 ( ) 6:33.10 (36.94) 7:09.76 (36.66) 7:46.50 (36.74) 8:22.95 ( ) 8:59.77 (36.82) 9:37.00 (37.23) 10:14.25 ( ) 10:51.63 (37.38) 11:29.09 (37.46) 12:05.08 (35.99) 7 Ferebee, Alexander N 16 UMAC-PV 13:06.64 12:52.74 30.51 1:06.24 (35.73) 1:44.68 (38.44) 2:24.22 ( ) 3:03.71 (39.49) 3:43.15 (39.44) 4:22.11 ( ) 5:03.91 (41.80) 5:43.60 (39.69) 6:23.51 ( ) 7:03.54 (40.03) 7:42.56 (39.02) 8:22.18 (39.62) 9:02.44 ( ) 9:42.70 (40.26) 10:22.87 (40.17) 10:59.03 ( ) 11:37.82 (38.79) 12:16.39 (38.57) 12:52.74 (36.35) 8 Crawford, Lucious F 10 DCPR-PV NT 17:17.97 43.21 2:23.63 ( ) 4:07.63 ( ) 5:00.46 (52.83) 7:40.77 ( ) 9:28.31 ( ) 10:22.48 (54.17) 11:14.86 (52.38) 12:08.03 (53.17) 13:00.57 (52.54) 15:39.24 ( ) 17:17.97 (1:38.73) Boys 200 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Chenault, Calvin L 18 BWST-PV 2:05.58 2:09.20 30.62 1:02.73 (32.11) 1:36.32 (33.59) 2:09.20 (32.88) 2 Zapp, Jack P 15 BWST-PV 2:13.49 2:11.60 30.16 1:03.56 (33.40) 1:38.34 (34.78) 2:11.60 (33.26) 3 Vanik, Alex J 17 BWST-PV 2:15.34 2:12.31 30.58 1:03.60 (33.02) 1:38.65 (35.05) 2:12.31 (33.66) 4 Burbano, Nico B 17 BWST-PV 2:13.07 2:16.50 31.46 1:05.66 (34.20) 1:41.34 (35.68) 2:16.50 (35.16) 5 Jackson, Cade C 16 UMAC-PV 2:23.26 2:16.52 32.90 1:08.16 (35.26) 1:42.99 (34.83) 2:16.52 (33.53) 6 Fuller, Xavier T 16 UMAC-PV 2:19.21 2:16.93 32.25 1:05.69 (33.44) 1:41.29 (35.60) 2:16.93 (35.64) 7 Bloomer, Tonle 19 UMAC-PV 2:22.95 2:28.24 34.46 1:11.29 (36.83) 1:49.25 (37.96) 2:28.24 (38.99) 8 Wright, Marquis 15 DCPR-PV NT 3:04.58 42.26 1:30.07 ( ) 2:19.96 (49.89) 3:04.58 (44.62) 9 Crawford, Lucious F 10 DCPR-PV NT 3:39.15 1:48.79 ( ) 3:39.15 (1:50.36) Boys 100 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Davis, Miguel 16 DCPR-PV 59.48 1:00.85 29.29 1:00.85 (31.56) 2 Clendenin, Stephen A 27 BWST-PV 1:00.68 1:01.49 29.03 1:01.49 (32.46) 3 Fuller, Xavier T 16 UMAC-PV 1:02.58 1:04.26 30.62 1:04.26 (33.64) 4 Krause, Owen M 15 BWST-PV 1:10.69 1:09.48 32.45 1:09.48 (37.03) 5 Bloomer, Everest C 16 DCPR-PV 1:15.28 1:13.73 34.58 1:13.73 (39.15) 6 Crawford, Zach N 16 UMAC-PV 1:12.62 1:13.89 35.22 1:13.89 (38.67) 7 Roy, Owen F 17 UMAC-PV 1:12.32 1:14.22 34.39 1:14.22 (39.83) 8 Burbano, Nico B 17 BWST-PV 1:15.57 1:14.24 35.02 1:14.24 (39.22) 9 Bloomer, Tonle 19 UMAC-PV 1:12.84 1:15.13 35.72 1:15.13 (39.41) 10 Holassie, Richie J 15 UMAC-PV 1:13.85 1:15.61 34.53 1:15.61 (41.08) 11 Burns, Conor M 17 DCPR-PV NT 1:22.43 36.25 1:22.43 (46.18) 12 Wright, Marquis 15 DCPR-PV 1:49.00 1:22.69 38.61 1:22.69 (44.08) 13 Miller, Matthew A 12 UMAC-PV 1:47.33 1:36.22 44.89 1:36.22 (51.33) 14 Nurkic Kacapor, Mackey E 11 UMAC-PV 1:34.48 1:39.25 47.13 1:39.25 (52.12) 15 Weddington, Wade E 12 DCPR-PV NT 1:51.22 16 Salemi, Anthony J 11 DCPR-PV NT 1:55.63 55.97 1:55.63 (59.66) -- Brooks, Marvin 15 DCPR-PV NT DQ Downward butterfly kick 45.58 DQ (48.40) Boys 100 Yard Butterfly =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Clendenin, Stephen A 27 BWST-PV 49.05 53.34 24.82 53.34 (28.52) 2 Bendana, Jon S 17 UMAC-PV 52.96 55.05 25.78 55.05 (29.27) 3 Robinson, Nathaniel G 16 UMAC-PV 54.30 56.85 26.19 56.85 (30.66) 4 Chenault, Calvin L 18 BWST-PV 56.79 59.25 27.64 59.25 (31.61) 5 Bloomer, Everest C 16 DCPR-PV 56.27 59.35 27.40 59.35 (31.95) 6 Jackson, Cade C 16 UMAC-PV 1:00.98 1:00.27 27.86 1:00.27 (32.41) 7 Nolan, Matt F 17 DCPR-PV 59.50 1:01.06 28.42 1:01.06 (32.64) 8 Krause, Owen M 15 BWST-PV 1:12.68 1:05.76 29.07 1:05.76 (36.69) 9 Ferebee, Alexander N 16 UMAC-PV 1:06.91 1:07.66 30.14 1:07.66 (37.52) 10 Crawford, Zach N 16 UMAC-PV 1:06.91 1:13.09 34.22 1:13.09 (38.87) 11 Malone, Christian P 15 BWST-PV 1:19.15 1:14.98 33.75 1:14.98 (41.23) 12 Brooks, Marvin 15 DCPR-PV NT 1:22.22 35.89 1:22.22 (46.33) 13 Charles, Immanuel J 14 DCPR-PV NT 1:34.03 40.44 1:34.03 (53.59) 14 Miller, Matthew A 12 UMAC-PV NT 1:38.02 41.83 1:38.02 (56.19) -- Wright, Marquis 15 DCPR-PV 1:48.50 DQ Arms underwater recovery 37.33 DQ (52.78) Boys 200 Yard IM =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Clendenin, Stephen A 27 BWST-PV 1:49.43 1:57.39 24.52 53.48 (28.96) 1:28.35 (34.87) 1:57.39 (29.04) 2 Chenault, Calvin L 18 BWST-PV 2:08.01 2:08.11 27.77 59.70 (31.93) 1:37.95 (38.25) 2:08.11 (30.16) 3 Zapp, Jack P 15 BWST-PV 2:05.31 2:09.06 27.77 1:01.11 (33.34) 1:38.47 (37.36) 2:09.06 (30.59) 4 Davis, Miguel 16 DCPR-PV 2:12.66 2:10.41 27.17 1:03.15 (35.98) 1:39.54 (36.39) 2:10.41 (30.87) 5 Nolan, Matt F 17 DCPR-PV 2:09.73 2:14.09 28.59 1:03.97 (35.38) 1:43.55 (39.58) 2:14.09 (30.54) 6 Roy, Owen F 17 UMAC-PV 2:17.64 2:14.91 29.71 1:02.71 (33.00) 1:43.57 (40.86) 2:14.91 (31.34) 7 Bloomer, Everest C 16 DCPR-PV 2:13.16 2:15.28 26.89 1:00.56 (33.67) 2:15.28 (1:14.72) 8 Burbano, Nico B 17 BWST-PV 2:12.98 2:15.47 28.72 1:03.41 (34.69) 1:44.49 (41.08) 2:15.47 (30.98) 9 Montes, Harry 14 DCPR-PV 2:35.34 2:21.54 28.56 1:03.77 (35.21) 1:49.12 (45.35) 2:21.54 (32.42) 10 Bolling, Absalom R 14 DCPR-PV 2:24.47 2:25.52 27.80 1:03.73 (35.93) 1:49.43 (45.70) 2:25.52 (36.09) 11 Robinson, Parker 13 DCPR-PV 3:01.33 2:34.22 33.47 1:13.43 (39.96) 2:00.46 (47.03) 2:34.22 (33.76) 12 Argueta, Ryan 14 UMAC-PV 3:08.83 2:34.46 31.88 1:13.76 (41.88) 2:01.69 (47.93) 2:34.46 (32.77) 13 Crawford, Zach N 16 UMAC-PV 2:41.23 2:35.57 31.46 1:14.68 (43.22) 2:01.15 (46.47) 2:35.57 (34.42) 14 Crawford, Quincy E 13 UMAC-PV 2:37.64 2:36.20 33.27 1:12.22 (38.95) 1:58.63 (46.41) 2:36.20 (37.57) 15 Rives, Axel 14 DCPR-PV 2:42.60 2:38.06 33.06 1:12.86 (39.80) 2:03.48 (50.62) 2:38.06 (34.58) 16 Bocock, Miles W 14 DCPR-PV 2:55.01 2:48.45 32.70 1:14.76 (42.06) 2:08.11 (53.35) 2:48.45 (40.34) 17 Smith, Connor J 14 UMAC-PV 2:51.11 2:48.71 34.99 1:19.76 (44.77) 2:09.61 (49.85) 2:48.71 (39.10) 18 Toppin, Jamari E 13 DCPR-PV 3:00.66 2:49.36 37.88 1:17.63 (39.75) 2:11.81 (54.18) 2:49.36 (37.55) 19 Holdridge, Christian 13 UMAC-PV NT 3:00.22 36.86 1:23.14 (46.28) 2:21.09 (57.95) 3:00.22 (39.13) 20 Lam, Mateo F 13 DCPR-PV 3:33.26 3:02.95 42.52 1:30.51 (47.99) 2:23.48 (52.97) 3:02.95 (39.47) 21 Jackson, Christian 10 UMAC-PV NT 3:10.17 40.17 1:26.92 (46.75) 3:10.17 (1:43.25) -- Brooks, Marvin 15 DCPR-PV NT DQ Shoulders past vertical toward breast - back 35.40 1:21.25 (45.85) 2:14.14 (52.89) DQ (39.59) -- Savory, Terrence I 13 UMAC-PV NT DQ One hand touch - breast 45.08 2:01.56 (1:16.48) DQ (2:15.08) Boys 200 Yard Freestyle Relay =============================================================================== Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 University of Maryland Aquatic-PV 'A' 1:33.35 1:33.60 24.05 46.86 (22.81) 1:10.44 (23.58) 1:33.60 (23.16) 2 DC Wave Swim Team-PV 'A' 1:35.66 1:37.30 23.88 48.13 (24.25) 1:12.83 (24.70) 1:37.30 (24.47) 3 Blue Wave Swim Team PV-PV 'A' 1:32.23 1:38.28 24.16 49.08 (24.92) 1:13.31 (24.23) 1:38.28 (24.97) 4 University of Maryland Aquatic-PV 'B' 1:38.65 1:39.45 24.43 49.33 (24.90) 1:14.52 (25.19) 1:39.45 (24.93) 5 DC Wave Swim Team-PV 'B' 1:43.41 1:47.31 25.99 52.91 (26.92) 1:19.74 (26.83) 1:47.31 (27.57) 6 Blue Wave Swim Team PV-PV 'B' 1:44.09 1:47.46 26.89 53.05 (26.16) 1:18.62 (25.57) 1:47.46 (28.84) 7 University of Maryland Aquatic-PV 'C' 1:50.06 1:52.27 28.21 55.76 (27.55) 1:26.00 (30.24) 1:52.27 (26.27) 8 DC Wave Swim Team-PV 'C' 1:53.48 1:56.41 37.16 59.56 (22.40) 1:28.41 (28.85) 1:56.41 (28.00) 9 DC Wave Swim Team-PV 'D' 2:06.41 2:04.21 31.00 1:43.69 ( ) 2:04.21 (20.52)