As Presented at the PVS Board of Directors Meeting - January 17, 2007
After some more thought and a little research, the following is what I would propose for a diversity team for PVS.
- Take a team of 30-40 athletes, coaching staff, and a team manager. The purpose of limiting the team size to 40 is so that we only need to charter one bus. I feel this would make our first venture a little easier to manage. As detailed in my earlier ideas regarding selection, we should make every effort to have at least four swimmers per age group.
- With a potential team size of 40, I recommend we have a coaching staff of 4-5, and at least 1 team manager.
- I would like the Board to consider funding the trip in the amount of $ 12,000. This number was reached as follows, based on 40 athletes:
i) Transportation 3500
ii) Lodging 4500 (15 rooms @ 100 / night for 3 nights)
iii) Apparel 3000 (48 @ 60 / person)
iv) Entries 1400
v) Meals 3000 (1000 / day)
Total $ 15,400
I would suggest a fee of $100 - 125 / swimmer to cover the difference.
- The team would be open to all athletes based on the criteria I outlined at the Competition meeting.
- Any donations / sponsors we receive from vendors would enable us to either reduce the amount each swimmer is charged, or reduce the amount funded by PVS.
[See Diversity Team Proposal presented at January 14, 2007 Competition Committee Meeting]