Board of Directors Meeting April 25, 2007

Official Minutes


7:00 PM – WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25, 2007
McLean Community Center
McLean, VA


Attendance:  Board Members:  Jim Garner, Chair; Art Davis, Mark Faherty, John Hirschmann, Bill Marlin, Don Riedlinger, Bill Stephens,  Ron Whalen.  Non-voting Board members:  Janet Auger, John Ertter, Jim Van Erden, Boots Hall, Linda Klopfenstein.  Guests:  Elvin Foreman, Darnette Moore

Call to Order:  The meeting was called to order at approximately 6:43pm by Jim Garner, General Chair.

Agenda:  Jim provided the Board with a proposed Agenda.

Jim Garner welcomed guests Elvin Foreman and Darnette Moore of ERSC to the meeting.  Elvin expressed his appreciation to the Board for its past assistance.  The Board reviewed with Elvin and Darnette the various Outreach programs available from both PVS and USA Swimming and provided them with the names of several individuals at USA Swimming headquarters that various Board members recommended they contact for advice.

Approval of Minutes:  The minutes of the March 12, 2007 meeting were approved.  Don Riedlinger abstained.

General Chair Items:  Jim Garner reported that the Nominating Committee believes it currently has at least one individual to nominate for each position and that the slate will be posted by May 3rd.  Other information relating to the House of Delegates meeting on which the delegates will be expected to take action will need to be emailed to the House of Delegates Representatives (or posted to the PVS website) by the same date.

At Large Appointments for HoD Meeting:  Jim Garner recommended to the Board that the following individuals be designated as the 10 at-large delegates to the PVS House of Delegates as permitted by the By-Laws:  Riley Eaton, Steed Edwards, Kerry Ellett, John Ertter, Ward Foley, Tim Husson, Paris Jacobs, Linda Klopfenstein, Jim Thompson, and Jim Van Erden.  The Board concurred with the recommendation to make these appointments.

2007 Swimposium:  No discussion occurred as Paris Jacobs was unable to be present. 

Routine Requests:  Hirschmann gave a brief preliminary overview of pre- and post-meet reports or other meet related reporting requirements that are not always being submitted at all or on a timely basis.  He indicated that he would undertake a thorough inventory of list of expected reports and other requirements with the intent of reporting back to the Board at a later meeting.  He noted the Board has taken steps to assure certain reports are submitted through either financial incentives or penalties.  He suggested PVS might wish to take a more comprehensive approach to monitoring compliance and having a consistent set of incentives and/or penalties.

Conflict of Interest Statement: The Administrative Assistant reported that five individuals still needed to submit executed statements. The appropriate individuals are being reminded directly.

Athlete Representatives:  Neither of the Athlete Representatives was in attendance.

Senior Division:  Don Riedlinger informed the Board that one club had applied for travel assistance on behalf of one athlete who participated in the 2007 USA Paralympics Spring Can-Am Championships.  He explained that the request was submitted late due to a misunderstanding between the Head Coach and the parent, but that the athlete did meet the participation requirements.  It was noted that the amount of travel funds set aside for this meet was $1350, with a cap of $450 per swimmer.  The Board approved payment of $450 on behalf of this athlete to the appropriate club.

Treasurer’s Report / Finance Division:  Financial results for the period ending March 31, 2007 had been provided to the Board prior to the meeting.  PVS’s current assets on hand as of March 31, 2007 were $742,393.  With the transmittal, Hirschmann noted that most 2007 SC Zone expenditures had been paid (except outfitting), but that fees from the 78 swimmers entered into the meet had yet to be deposited.  Additionally, approximately $12,000 in entry fees for JO’s and three club meets had yet to be collected. The Board had no questions regarding the statements or accompanying reports.

John Ertter updated the Board on the status of amounts owed to PVS by Team A and Team B (see minutes of March 12th meeting).  While Team A was now current, no response had been received from Team B.  Per the motion approved at the March 12, 2007 meeting, Team B is now suspended from PVS.   

In introducing the proposed FY 2008 budget,  Hirschmann reported that PVS’s financial health continues to be very strong due to program growth (both membership and meet attendance) and a tendency to  not expend all or some funds planned for certain initiatives. It has also been helped by the procedures the Controller has in place to assure amounts owed to PVS are collected.   He reported that PVS now expects a surplus for the current year (FY2007) of approximately $53,026 even though we projected a deficit of $24,569 when the budget was adopted last year.

Copies of the proposed budget had been sent out in advance of the meeting.  They were also available at the meeting.  Hirschmann asked the Board go into Executive Session so that one line item in the budget involving matters of compensation could be discussed. The Board agreed to convene in Executive Session to allow discussion of this line item.

At the conclusion of the Executive Session – all those in attendance were informed that the Board had voted to include $140,000 in the Account 5805 (now renamed Contractor and Employee Services).  This is an increase of $50,000 from this year’s amount of $90,000.

After returning to Open Session, the Board reviewed new and/or changed initiatives in three groupings.  The first group was of items had already been approved by the Board and were reflected in the proposed budget.  Those items were:

The second group included New Proposals not yet formally approved by the Board, but which were included in the Proposed Budget provided to the Board for their consideration.. These had been proposed by Board members having direct responsibility for these functional areas. These items were listed as follows:

  1. Assume an increase 2007-08 athlete registrations by 200 resulting in $5,000 net income to PVS

  2. Budget for an Increase pool rental costs by 3.6% resulting in an increase of $4,123

  3. Increase in depreciation expense of $3,412 based on assumption of a $12,000 capital budget for 07-08

  4. Addition of $6,750 in travel assistance for SC National Championships (new meet replacing US Open)

  5. Elimination of $3,750 in travel assistance for US Open (meet eliminated)

  6. Elimination of $9,000 in travel assistance for Spring LC National Championships (meet eliminated)

  7. $1,350 reduction in travel assistance for Summer LC National Championships (based on less athletes expected to be eligible for travels assistance.)

  8. $450 reduction in travel assistance for US Paralympics National Championships, (based on less athletes expected to be eligible for travels assistance.)

  9. Elimination of $1,350 in travel assistance for US Paralympic Spring Championships

  10. Addition of $1,200 in travel assistance for US Paralympics Trials

  11. Addition of $500 in travel assistance for US Paralympics Open

  12. Addition of $8,000 in LSC support for 4 Athlete Camps at $2,000 each

The total impact of these changes was an increase of PVS’s budget deficit for 07-08 by $3,085.

Hirschmann and Marlin then recommended that the Board include in the baseline budget a net subsidy for the 2008 PVS Eastern Zone LC team of $20,000 (versus $32,500 in the current year.)  This is because the meet will be held at GMU/FFX and the Freedom Center and is based on a recommendation by the Age Group Chair that participants not be housed in hotels. However, because of the meet’s proximity, the team size may be larger.

The Board agreed to this recommendation to reduce the 2008 PVS LC Zone subsidy to $20,000

The Board next reviewed proposals that had been proposed by a Board member as part of the budget preparation, but not currently reflected in the Budget Proposal.  These items included the following:

  1. Reduce PVS Athlete Registration Fee from $25 to $20

  2. $3,000 elimination of PVS Mini-Meet pool rental

  3. $5,000 reduction in Championships Meet support

  4. $2,500 reduction in Official’s Support

  5. $2,500 reduction in Official’s Education/Travel

  6. $3,250 reduction for USAS Convention

  7. $5,000 addition for New Year’s Eve Athletes Parties

The Board was given an opportunity to both ask questions and to propose revisions to these items.  Highlights of the discussion were as follows:

The rationale given for recommending the reduction and/or elimination of funding for several of the programs was that the programs were either not being utilized at the current funding limit or had yet to be implemented.  Those opposed to these proposals stated that the programs remained beneficial to the organization, but implementation had been hampered by the lack of someone to spearhead them.  During the course of this discussion, various motions were made, seconded and voted upon.  In particular,

A motion to eliminate $3,000 for PVS Mini-Meet pool rentals failed on a tie vote of 4-4.  This had been proposed since the program had not been activated this year – however others wanted to give the proponents another year to see if they could get the program started.

A motion was made and seconded to reduce Championship Meet Support by $5,000. This was based on expectation that the $10,000 budgeted for this year would not be fully spent. An amendment to the original motion to reduce the support by $3,000 in lieu of $5,000 was rejected.  The original motion failed on a vote of 2-6.

A motion was made and seconded to reduce Official’s Support (code 5550) from $5,000 to $4,000.    An amendment was then offered and accepted that the category, Official’s Evaluation, (code 5552) with currently proposed funding of $1,000, be eliminated and its funding transferred into the Official’s Ed/Travel Assistance category (Code 5551).  A second amendment was offered and accepted that the reduction in Official’s Support be modified from $5,000 to $2,500.  The motion, as modified, passed unanimously.  (As a result, $3500 is now budgeted in 5551.)

A motion was made and seconded to reduce USAS Convention funding by $3,250.  The proposal was explained as twofold:  (1) the Convention’s duration had been reduced by one day and (2) the number of PVS attendees had been increasing over the years.  Those opposed to this proposal stated the importance of the Convention and the value it brought to the LSC.  Additionally, an opinion was expressed that, while the schedule had been reduced by one day, the additional cost of transportation to the Convention’s site this year would likely offset any savings.  The motion failed on a vote of 2-6.

A motion was made and seconded to include funding for two New Year’s Eve Athletes Parties on each side of the river at $2,500 each.  At its December 13, 2006 meeting the Board had deemed it appropriate to request funding during the budget preparation. The Board at that time supported the concept but felt insufficient time remained to permit it to happen for New Year’s Eve 2006.  The motion passed on a vote of 4-2, with 2 abstentions.

Hirschmann recommended that in addition to assuming an athlete membership growth of 200 for next year, that the Board also assume that growth in expected entries into PVS sponsored meets and club sponsored meet also be assumed.  He circulated information which showed that the former had grown by an average of approximately 2500 entries over the past three years and the latter by about 10000 entries – again over the past three years.  The Board agreed to amend the budget to make these changes in projected income.  (The former was also adjusted to reflect the fact additional meet hosting fees would have to be paid if there are 2500 more entries into PVS sponsored meets.)  The net impact of these two changes was to reduce PVS’s expected deficit by $5875 and $4500 respectively.

Hirschmann asked the Board if anyone had any additional budget proposals to be considered.  In response to his request, two new items were proposed:

The creation of the Membership Communications program was supported as a new initiative originally proposed to the Board at its February, 2007 meeting.  A motion was made and seconded to include $10,000 in funding for a Membership Communications program. It was observed that PVS communications could be improved and that use of the PVS website or flash mail was not necessarily the most effective way to communicate to our larger membership.  Regular mailing of a periodic newsletter might be more effective. The motion passed on a vote of 5-2 with one abstention.

Some members of the Board expressed concern over the size of the currently projected deficit, while others indicated that they did not believe a one year deficit was improper or imprudent.  Others noted that PVS has historically not spent all its new program initiatives – thus PVS may not spend all that is currently budgeted and that is another reason to not be concerned.   Also, the amount of next year’s deficit is approximately equal to this year’s expected surplus.  

Hirschmann however pointed out that, in contrast to prior years, the budget assumed additional growth in athlete membership and participation in PVS sanctioned meets – if this had not been done – the projected deficit would have been $15,375 larger.

A motion to increase Athlete Registration fees failed on a vote of 3-4 with one abstention.  Instead, a decision was made to include with the transmittal of the proposed budget an illustration of the effect on PVS’s budget of increasing fees for athletes, entry fees into PVS sponsored meets and/or sanction fees for club sponsored meets.

A motion was made to and seconded for the Board to recommend this budget, as amended during the meeting, to the House of Delegates for adoption.  The motion passed with one dissenting vote.  Ertter subsequently revised the budget to reflect the appropriate changes prior to it being sent to the House of Delegates for their consideration at the annual House of Delegates meeting.

Ertter reported to the Board that he had purchased various items requested by Operations (including 2 CTS VI timing systems and Championship starting systems.)   This had slightly exceeded amount budgeted for capitalized items.  In addition, Don Smith had recently purchased 3 new replacement laptop computers.  It was acknowledged given the problems that some experience with the CTS VI that many still prefer the CTS V.  Ertter reported he could buy CTS V’s at an attractive price.  In light of the laptop purchases and opportunity to purchase 2 CTS V’s economically, a motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to authorize an increase of $7,500 during this fiscal year for new capitalized equipment.  It was noted FY08 depreciation would also have to be adjusted as a result.

Age Group Division
2008 Summer Zones: 
Bill Marlin informed the Board that PVS and VSI had been discussing co-sponsoring the meet and sharing 50/50 all revenue and, expenses and therefore equally sharing in the resulting profit or loss.  Based on financial information that he had from the 2006 LC Zone meet and expected rental rates at the two pools to be used, he estimated the meet would result in a net profit of about $20,000 for the entire meet.  This also includes the Open Water meet that would be held in connection with this meet.  It was noted while VSI and PVS had jointly bid to host and sponsor this meet at the Eastern Zone meeting last September; the PVS Board had never formally acted on the matter.  A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to that the PVS formally agrees to co-sponsor this meet (including the Open Water portion) with VSI and that as co-sponsors PVS would share equally (50/50 split)  in any resulting profit or loss. The Board further   authorized Marlin to finalize discussions with the VSI Age Group Chair regarding specifics of the financial arrangements, what falls within the scope of the meet, which LSC has lead responsibility for which aspects of the meet, financial accounting arrangements.  This understanding would then be brought back to both the VSI and PVS Board for approval.

Replacement Zone Coordinator:  Marlin informed the Board that he would prepare a written job description of the position so as to facilitate advertisement for the position.

2008 Eastern Zone Long Course Assistant Coaches:  Noting that elections for the 2008 EZ LC Zone Assistant Coaches would be held at the upcoming Spring Competition Committee meeting, Marlin advised that three coaches had already requested to be on the ballot.  He asked the Administrative Assistant to send out a Flash mail to advise the coaches that any other individuals wishing to be considered at the May 15th Competition Committee meeting should inform Bill of their interest by May 13th.

April 29th PVS Catch the Spirit Camp:  Marlin reported to the Board that registrations for the upcoming PVS Catch the Spirit Camp was currently at 42 athletes, with 24 parents registered for the Parent Presentation to be conducted by Peter Clark, USA Swimming Sport Development Consultant for the Eastern Zone. 

Operations Division:  A request was made to further clarify PVS Policy & Procedure regarding waiver requests for club hosted meets when proceeds were being donated to a charity.  The Board was reminded that at its December 13, 2006 meeting, it had approved the conditions under which sanction fees would be waived; however, it had failed to address the matter of waiving the rental fees of PVS equipment.  A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to modify P&P to include the provision that PVS equipment rental fees would be waived under the same conditions as the waiver of sanction fees.  This waiver does not apply to equipment set-up fees.

The Board was informed that the Competition Committee would consider Fairfax County Park Authority’s offer to rent additional pool time to PVS in February 2008 at its Spring meeting.

Administrative Division:  Hirschmann pointed out an apparent discrepancy in the starting date for Seasonal Athlete registrations.  The currently posted 2007 Seasonal Athlete Registration Application indicates that the period commences April 15th.  Noting that the period is defined in the PVS By-Laws as May through August, a determination was made to add this item to the proposed By-Law changes to be presented at the House of Delegates meeting which were next on the agenda for discussion. The Board agreed to propose to the House that they approve an amendment to the by-laws so that PVS’s Seasonal Athlete registration period would run from April 1 to August 31.

Prior to the meeting, all members of the Board had been provided a draft of the proposed By-Law Amendments planned for presentation to the House of Delegates.  After agreeing to include the modification of the Seasonal Athlete Registration period in the list of requested changes, a motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to endorse the By-Law Amendments as presented.

New Business:  In preparation for the Annual House of Delegates meeting, the Administrative Assistant requested that all applicable reports be provided for posting no later than May 14th.

John Ertter requested clarification from the Board on two items relating to the previously approved modification to PVS Policy & Procedures regarding fines and penalties for late payment of entry fees for PVS sanctioned meet and/or splash fees for club-sponsored meets.  It was confirmed that, in the event a club is being invoiced for separate reasons these should be viewed as multiple occurrences and the club would be subject to the $100 fine for each occurrence.  Additionally, in the event that the overdue amount is less than $100, the imposed fine is double the overdue amount rather than $100.  In response to a request for clarification regarding the previously approved refund of $20 per meet to PVS host clubs that submit Officials’ sign-in sheets for all sessions, the Board confirmed that the refund would also apply in instances when all conditions had been met for a sanction fee waiver.  

Next Board Meeting:  The Chair announced that its next Board meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 13, 2007 at 6:30PM, location to be announced at a later date.  [Following the meeting, it was confirmed that the meeting would be held at River Falls and the date was changed to June 12, 2007.]

 Adjournment:  the meeting adjourned at 10:15 PM.

Respectfully submitted by,
Janet Auger
PVS Administrative Assistant