As approved at February 20, 2001 BofD Meeting


7:00 PM -- TUESDAY JANUARY 16, 2001
Whitman HS - RoomA218
Bethesda, MD

The meeting was called to order by the General Chairman, Thirl Crudup at 7:10 pm. In attendance were John Blaschke, Kelly Burke, Thirl Crudup, Jim Garner, John Hirschmann, Kit Mathews, Bob Walker, Greg York, Ward Foley, George Massey, Dave Tonnesen, Irene Millman, and Linda Edmunds.

Approval of the November BOD Meeting Minutes
Motion to accept the November BOD minutes as distributed. PASSED.

New Business
John Ertter arrived during this portion of the meeting.
Dave Tonnesen made a presentation to the Board of Directors seeking permission to include advertising/sponsorship at the PVS JO meet to be hosted by Occoquan Swimming. He noted that he was seeking a one time only exception. Dave stated that he was aware of the advertising issues previously considered by the Board and stressed that the advertising to be solicited would be corporate not from PVS teams. He additionally stated that OCCS would reimburse to PVS 25% of the advertising receipts but that PVS would not have to do anything to "earn" this. In response to questions, Dave stated that up to 6 sponsors could be included on the T-shirts. Ward Foley stated that at the Marketing meeting at the 2000 United States Aquatics Sports Convention, USA Swimming said that any meets below Sectionals are considered fair game for advertising, but that teams were requested to seek sponsorship from the sponsors of USA Swimming first. There was discussion about the current PVS policy regarding advertising and what may be included in a meet program of a PVS sponsored meet. Thirl stated that he was inclined to have the Competition Committee examine the issue of advertising and bring forth a policy, but that in the short term (until various implementation issues could be addressed) the current policy should continue. After further discussion of the effect of advertising on the PVS, its teams and the athletes, there was a consensus to send this issue to the Competition Committee and ask that a policy recommendation be brought forth to the BOD.

General Chairman's Report
Written report submitted.

Thirl stated that a Nominating Committee must be formed. The terms for the following positions expire as of September: General Chair, Finance Chair and Sr. Chair. [It was subsequently agreed that that Nominating Committee would need to also address three expiring terms on the Board of Review and the current vacancy in the Strategic Planning Chairmanship.]

Motion to approve the members of the Nominating Committee as John Hirschmann, Bob Walker, and Linda Klopfenstein. PASSED.

Ward Foley inquired as to whether the schedule for the visit of Sue Anderson (a representative of USA Swimming who is visiting PVS this week) had been set. Thirl responded that the schedule was being formulated now and that she would be visiting the office staff, member teams and attending an Officials clinic. There was further discussion of the visit.

Travel Assistance Requests
Jim Garner presented the requests for Travel Assistance for the 2000 US Open Meet. He stated that the 21 regular requests made were found to be qualified.

Motion to reimburse the clubs for the qualified requests. PASSED.

Jim G. presented the following as Travel assistance Appeals:

This athlete did not qualify for the event participation. The athlete had recently transferred into the LSC but has since been a very active participant. It was noted that one of the basic rules for "qualification" is having been a member for 6 months. This athlete does not meet that requirement. Motion to deny the club the requested travel assistance on behalf of this athlete. PASSED.

This athlete was submitted as an appeal; however, in review it was found that the athlete had in fact met the travel assistance requirements. Motion to grant the club the requested travel assistance on behalf of this athlete. PASSED.

This athlete did not meet the meet participation requirement. There was no explanation of the reason why this requirement was not met. Motion to deny the club the requested travel assistance on behalf of this athlete. PASSED.

Treasurer's Report
John E. presented the financial position of the LSC. He stated that the cash position is higher in comparison to last year, however registrations are down. There was discussion of the increase in athlete registration fees enacted this year and its effect on the number of registered athletes. It was acknowledged that some clubs are no longer registering swimmers who are not competing in PVS meets. It was felt they were planning to do this regardless of the dues increase. In response to a question regarding the pool budget, Irene responded that there has not been deviation from the planned venues. John E. stated that a surplus is not expected in this area.

John E. stated that he would like to have the Budget for FY 2002 by the April Board meeting. Board input will be required prior to this date.

Athlete Representatives
Mark Eldridge arrived during this portion of the meeting.

Coco stated that were concerns about the motivation of athletes as a result of the removal of the Speedo Junior meet. She stated that the Sectional meet was not viewed by athletes as being a special meet to work hard to achieve the QT's. Thirl stated that this concern would be relayed to Sue Anderson. Coco stated a desire to have athletes from the PVS member teams communicate with her. There was a consensus that she could contact the teams and ask for appropriate email addresses of athletes who would be interested in assisting her. It was agreed that this would be beneficial to the association. Coco stated that she had received an email regarding a scoreboard.

Administrative Division
The attached written report had been submitted.

Kit stated that a strategy is needed to involve more volunteers as there are getting to be fewer people willing to volunteer to handle these jobs. John H. stated that he had not received anything to put on the web site regarding open volunteer positions. Kit stated that a list is being formulated. There was further discussion regarding the lack of volunteers and the need to have a long-term solution to this issue.

Coco Buck excused herself from the meeting.

There was discussion of the proposal in the Administrative Report regarding which PVS positions would be funded to attend the Eastern Zone May Meeting. It was clarified that this applied to the current year only.

There was discussion of the proposal in the Administrative Report regarding which PVS positions would be funded to attend the annual USA Swimming Convention. There was a general consensus that National committee members who are entitled to a vote at the national House of Delegates should be added as attendees who should receive financial support from the LSC. John E. stated that PVS should do all the flight arrangements and that PVS should be the recipient of the mileage associated travel paid for by the association. Irene indicated that the additional workload in this area would not be an issue. In response to the requirement of Convention attendees being present at the PVS HOD meeting, it was stated that this was not a change to the current policy. It was agreed the General Chair should have authority to waive this requirement if a member was absent from the House of Delegates meeting due to circumstances beyond their control.

It was agreed anybody wishing to propose a modification to the proposal before it is submitted for vote at the February Board meeting.

There was further discussion of the written report in the areas of unpaid balances and coaches' registrations.

Executive Session
The Board went into Executive Session to discuss a matter of pool rental fees and the absence of a contract, given the sensitive nature of the matter.

Motion that no meets which can be relocated will be held at this facility until such time as a consistent and reasonable rate structure is established with the facility. PASSED.

The Board resumed its meeting in open session.

Competition Committee Report
Jim presented the 2001 long course schedule. It reflected both the proposed bid awards to clubs seeking to host PVS sponsored meets and the addition of club sponsored meets for which applications had been received. The Board was being asked to approve the bid awards and awarding of club sponsored meets. The former is being recommended to the Board, whereas the later requires the Competition Committee to consider it at its next meeting

There was a concern raised about a team which had previously not demonstrated the ability to run a meet effectively being awarded a meet. It was stated that there were no other bids. One suggestion was to solicit bids for meets where there is a lack of competing bids. John H. stated that he would work with the club in question to be sure there is total clarity on the expectations of the LSC from a meet host. Mark E. stated that his club would work to fill in the gaps on the schedule in terms of hosting meets if it were required.

It was stated that all requests by clubs to host PVS sponsored meets were being recommended to the Board and similarly all club requests for club sponsored meets were being submitted for approval.

Motion to have the Board approve the bid awards and also approve the requested club sponsored meets, the later being subject to the concurrence of the Competition Committee. PASSED.

Senior Division
Jim G. stated that he had nothing further to present.

Ward F. inquired about the entry fee for the PVS Sr. Qualifier meet. Kit stated that the entry fee had been changed after the November Board meeting with concurrence of several Board members due to concerns regarding the financial viability of the meet. Kit stated that the host club would only collect a $.75 per splash fee in spite of the increase in entry fee.

Age Group Division
Bob W. submitted the attached written report. There was discussion of the need to order awards for Athlete of the Year presentation and when the awards would now be presented

Operations Division
John H. submitted the attached report.

He stated that there had been good attendance at the clinics. Mark Eldridge inquired about the staffing of Officials at the PVS SCY Championships. There was discussion of the meets that the PVS Officials committee would be staffing and which meets this committee is obligated to staff.

John stated the Officials Committee had previously decided not to staff the PVS SCY Championships since it anticipated it would also have to staff both the Sectional Meet and Eastern Zones during the same month. Others questioned the appropriateness of the PVS Officials Committee staffing club meets, but not PVS sponsored championship meets. John stated he would be willing to review this decision with Boots upon her return since the responsibility of the PV Officials Committee to staff sectionals will be substantially less than previously anticipated. [The Board was subsequently advised that the Officials Committee had agreed to staff the PVS SCY Championship meet on March 1-4.]

Coach Representatives
Greg Y. had submitted the attached written report. Mark Eldridge stated that the Zone Coach election should take place at the Sectional meet. There was further discussion of how this election would be run.

Ward Foley inquired as to the schedule for Sue Anderson's visit.

Mark Eldridge stated a desire to have the listing of World Cup volunteers posted to the web site. John H. stated that he had yet to receive an electronic version of the list. Thirl asked that John H. be provided the list electronically.

Old Business
There was discussion of the club meet splash fee as it applies to meets with less than 200 splashes. It had previously been discussed at the November 2000 Board meeting. It was noted then that given the cap of $75 for the first 200 splashes made the 201st splash very expensive. Data was provided that in 1999-2000 and 2000-2001 to date there were only three meets with <200 splashes and the largest of those had 102 splashes. A motion was made that the PVS share of the splash fee for all club meets would be $.75 without regard to the number of splashes. PASSED.

New Business
Mark Eldridge inquired as to the Board's position in response to the email he sent earlier that day regarding the replacement of the scoreboard at the Rockville Municipal pool. Bob W. questioned the rationale of PVS making such an investment . Mark E stated that both Montgomery County Swim League and PVS have been asked to help share the expense of the replacement. A previous arrangement had been made in 1994 when the prior scoreboard was acquired.

Ward Foley asked about the time limits of meet results or announcements remaining on the "front page" of the PVS web page.

Motion to adjourn at 10:00. PASSED.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda Edmunds
Potomac Valley Swimming
Administrative Assistant

Link to Meeting Agenda