As approved by PVS Board of Directors -- October 23, 2002


7:00 PM -- Wednesday September 25, 2002
River Falls Community Center
Potomac, Md

Chairman: Thirl Crudup, Members: John Ertter, John Hirschmann, Bob Lindberg, Bill Marlin, Amy Stark, Bill Stephens, Greg York. Guests: Christian Doud, Linda Klopenstein.

Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by General Chairman, Thirl Crudup at 7:00 pm. Thirl welcomed the new Board members, Bob Lindberg, Bill Stephens and Amy Stark to their first official board meeting. He expressed his desire to continue to conduct the meetings in an expeditious manner as we have been doing.

Approval of Minutes
The Board approved the minutes of its meeting of July 29, 2002.

Note: The Board did not have a quorum at its planned August 28, 2002 meeting and therefore could pass them officially at that time.

Convention Reimbursement
The Board approved the following motion pertaining to reimbursement of expenses pertaining to PVS members attending the annual United States Aquatic Sports Convention.

This motion had been initiated at the informal Board meeting on August 28 at which only 5 official Board members were present.

Motion #1

PVS members who receive and exercise their vote at the USA-S House of Delegates will receive their Convention Registration Fee and a stipend of up to the value of three (3) "convention shares." They may have received their USA-S House of Delegates vote by virtue of their PVS office, their membership on a USA-S Committee, their receipt of a Presidential At-Large appointment, or by substituting for a PVS voting officer.

PVS Board members not having a vote at USA-S House of Delegates will receive their Convention Registration Fee and a stipend of up to the value of two (2) "convention shares."

NOTE: In order to receive a convention stipend, anybody who was a PVS Board member during the prior year must have during that period attended at least five (5) regularly scheduled PVS Board Meetings and that year's annual PVS House of Delegates meeting.

PVS members who are members of an USA-S Committee (but who are not members of the PVS Board of Directors nor have a vote at the USA-S House of Delegates) will have their Convention Registration Fee paid by PVS.

PVS will pay the lowest Convention Registration Fee available. PVS members will be responsible for any late registration surcharges.

Motion #2

The "convention share" for 2002 will be $250.

Motions #1 and #2 PASSED

It was noted that questions had been raised by some individuals immediately prior to the convention regarding how much they could be reimbursed under certain situations. Therefore it was suggested that expansion of the motion to also address the maximum that can be claimed for specific items -- regardless of the maximum permitted under the convention share cap -- should be addressed prior to next year's convention.

General Chairman's Report
The General Chairman indicated he would give his report under the Administrative Division Report.

Athlete's Report
Amy reported on her trip to the USAS convention, including the efforts of the athletes to encourage the return of the Junior Championship meet. It was observed that it is hoped that now that summer Juniors have been returned to the schedule, future efforts might also succeed in also returning spring Juniors.

Treasurer's Report
Ertter reported he had taken over day to day responsibility for PVS's financial activities from the PVS office. Many financial transactions had not been processed in a timely manner. He now has the accounting software and accounting data base previously maintained by PVS administrative office and was successfully utilizing it. Much accounting activity still needs to be made current and this is still an on-going activity. Much cross checking of records is being undertaken as part of this process. He stressed that he has found no evidence that PVS funds had been used for improper purposes.

As new funds are now being received, they are again being deposited immediately upon receipt and records made as the purpose for which the funds were received. Similarly, vendors and PVS clubs are now being paid for amounts they should have received earlier.

He emphasized that PVS is still in very good health financially with about $165K in our operating account, $75K in a CD and $55K in our brokerage held equity fund.

Administrative Division Report
Thirl Crudup reported on the status of the transition of the administrative office.

Thirl reported he continued to process registrations for PVS until a new registrar is hired. He reported that the last date on which USA Swimming would accept new registrations or changes to the 2002 registration data base was September 10. As of that date, PVS had 5914 athletes, no seasonal athletes, 458 non-athletes and 33 clubs. Considerable reconciliation between PVS and USA Swimming records had occurred.

Concern was expressed about PVS officials who had attempted to register for 2002 application, but whose application had not been processed. It was explained it was no longer possible to change the 2002 registration file, but PVS would do all it can to assure our officials are properly recognized for any certifications they may have been denied because of this failure.

Bill Stephens reviewed steps he was taking regarding transition of the PVS office.

He reported that limited number of applications had been received for the position of registrar. Those applications had been reviewed and after consultation with other members of the Search Committee, Sumie Emory was being recommended for the position. Considerable discussions about the position have been held with Sumie about the position and she was provided an updated job description to review. This includes being present at a permanent PVS office for limited but regular hours, once a PVS office is established and opened. She has indicated she will accept the position if offered.

The Board discussed and reviewed her application. A motion was made and accepted to appoint her to the position. Bill S will notify her of the Board's decision and Thirl will make arrangements to transfer the appropriate files, computer, computer software and files, etc. to her within the next week. Announcement of the appointment will be made when Sumie is ready to assume her duties.

Bill S also reported that advertising for the administrative position had been expanded to include posting it to the internet site As a result, several hundred applications had been received. Bill S is in the final stages of screening the applications. It was agreed the Search Committee would interview as quickly as possible those judged to be most qualified and make a recommendation to the Board.

Bill S also reported he is pursuing permanent office space for PVS appropriate to our needs. Several initial possibilities that had been identified were determined to be inappropriate. The general area of the preferred location for the PVS office was discussed. Possible ways to identify additional locations to consider was discussed.

Operations Division
Hirschmann had provided a
written report in advance of the meeting.

He supplemented his report by noting that efforts to have USA Swimming rules amended to permit a 2 button primary timing system to produce valid times for Top 16 consideration (when a 50M swim occurs in a 50M pool) had been unsuccessful after two attempts. Therefore, PVS will need to obtain a second harness to allow 3 button primary timing in situations where it is not possible to start from both ends of a 50M pool and it is not practical to install touchpads at both ends of the pool.

Competition Division
Greg York presented the various items that were acted upon by the Competition Committee at its September 21 meeting. He did so in the absence of Jim Garner who could not be present. He used the list of motions that had been prepared and circulated prior to the meeting as the basis for his presentation.

With two exceptions, the Board voted to support those items requiring the Board's approval. The two exceptions were:

Item #6 -- Accepting the selection of the Assistant Head Zone Coach. This was done on basis that PVS Policy and Procedures require a person selected for this position to have prior zone coaching experience. The Board had two concerns. There are unique situations that occur at a zone meet that is important that Assistant Head Zone Coach, which it is important they have prior experience. Also, other coaches with zone experience may not have applied to be considered for this position, believing they were not eligible. The Board asked the Competition Committee to readdress the filing of this position as its planned December, 2002 meeting.

Item #17 -- Accepting the recommendations to reduce the number of swims required of senior high school swimmers from 9 (6 of which must be at PVS sponsored meets) to 3 swims at any PVS sanctioned meet. The Board recognized that additional burden placed on high school swimmers to both make college visits and compete in PVS meets, but felt if this kept them from satisfying the travel assistance requirement, the appropriate approach was them to file an appeal and explain the extenuating circumstances.

The Board was advised that (1) a shift in the Spring 14/U SC Championship to a different pool, (2) a change in venues likely to be available in summer of 2003, and (3) the need to rent considerably more water to satisfy the new format for the LC Championship meets would cause the PVS pool budget to be exceeded by a considerable amount.

The Board felt it was important to both support the new LC championship format and to conduct its championship meets in high quality pools. It initiated a discussion of whether adjustment in meet entry fees to offset at least some of these additional costs would be appropriate. No conclusion was reached -- further discussion of options can take place at the Board's October meeting.

The Board was also advised that the Competition Committee had discussed equalizing the support given the LC versus SC Eastern Zone team. The possibility of sending an "official" team as distinct from having the athletes travel on their own and PVS just provide coaches on deck was also discussed. It was generally agreed that any change of this nature could not happen before 2004.

Senior Division
Klopenstein presented one "appeal" for travel assistance in connection with the 2002 National Championship in Ft Lauderdale. The athlete only competed in two events (as a PVS sponsored meet) during the 2002 LC season. This was because the athlete was attending summer school outside the area and therefore could not participate in other PVS LC meets during the summer season. The athlete had participated in PVS's program for several years prior. The Board voted to approve the appeal.

Klopenstein also reported there were many applications that had been received that could not be properly processed since they were lacking signatures of both coaches and athletes, listing of the events swum at Nationals, etc. She was urged to return them to the submitting club(s) to have them completed properly -- rather than have her attempt to finish them herself. This would be consistent with how PVS is currently handling improperly submitted registration information.

Coaches Report
A coaches report was provided to the Board in advance of the meeting.

Convention Report
A convention report was provided to the Board in advance of the meeting.

Old Business

New Business

Several Board members observed that from time to time, it would be beneficial for the Board to have benefit of legal counsel as it considers various matters and decides what type of action to take. Bill Stephens and Thirl Crudup agreed to take responsibility for identifying an individual who might be willing to offer this type of assistance to the Board.

Marlin presented a request to the Board to allow information about an "Attitude Training Camp" to be publicized on the PVS website. The Board agreed to support such a request since the Potomac Marlins would not make a profit from hosting this meet.

The possibility of PVS in the future providing financial assistance for this type of program and/or bringing it into the PVS camp program was also discussed.

Klopenstein asked whether in the future PVS should consider financial support that is provided separately by USA Swimming to the more accomplished athletes at USA Swimming Nationals as a partial or full offset to the assistance PVS provides. She also indicated that the Board should address soon whether it is appropriate for PVS to provide "travel assistance" for the summer 2003 Nationals since they will be held within our boundaries at the University of Maryland.

Bill Marlin indicated he had become qualified to teach ASCA Level I and Level II and was planning to offer it to PVS coaches needing or wanting to take these classes.

Thirl reported he had received 5 inquiries regarding becoming a new member club of PVS and USA Swimming and he had provided them with the information and requirements necessary to do so. So far only one club has submitted the necessary paperwork and fees to officially become a new club. The new club is Aquatic Rays Swim Club (ARSC)

Others expressed concern that other "new clubs" may be improperly representing themselves as being a properly registered club, conducting practices on that basis and/or expecting to enter PVS meets without having satisfied the requirements to become a USA Swimming club.

The new requirements to become a new USA Swimming club that were passed at convention was mentioned. It was noted that USA Swimming is offering the opportunity to hold the clinics (that will be required all new clubs within twelve months) throughout the country.

John Ertter made a motion that PVS assume responsibility for paying duly-elected PVS Board member's registration fees starting with the 2004 registration year. Motion PASSED with 1 dissenting vote.

Next Meeting
The Board agreed its next meeting would be Wednesday, October 23 at 7pm. Greg said he would check whether River Falls is available on that date.

The meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m.