The meeting was called to order by Competition Chairman, Jim Garner.
In attendance were Jim Garner, Chairman; Greg York, Age Grp Chr.; Ward Foley, AAC. Rick Curl, CUBU; Manga Dalizu, FAST; Mike Gerlach, MSSC; Dave Tonnessen, OCCS; Bill Marlin, PM; Todd Benedick, RMSC; Michael Pliuskaitis, SNOW; Bob Walker, TCSD, Victor Abrahamian, VSC; Ash Milard, YORK; Thirl Crudup, PVS, Matt Dugan, PVS; John Hirschmann, PVS; Bill Stephens, PVS.
Mintues of May 2002 Meeting
The chair requested approval of the minutes for the May, 2002 CC meeting. The minutes had been circulated prior to the meeting. The chair noted that the statement that the qualifying period for the 2003 EZ SC meet for 13-14 and 15-18 should not start until January 1, 2003 was not correct and should be stricken from the proposed minutes
Accordingly, the draft minutes of the May, 2002 Competition Committee meeting were amended so that top times for the 2003 EZ from the following time frames would be considered.
10&U, 11-12 and 13-14 -- 9/1/02 through Sunday of 14/ JO Champs (3/9/03)
15-18 -- 9/1/02 through Sunday of Speedo Championship Series (3/23/03)
Note: This motion from the May 2002 Competition Committee meeting was not referred to the PVS Board and therefore was never acted upon.
Motion to adopt the amended minutes PASSEDZone Qualifying Period
The CC was advised that the Zone Manager would have difficulty processing entries for the 15-18 age group with a March 23 cutoff and a March 25 entry deadline -- given the need to also determine interest in participating. Therefore the CC amended its prior recommendation to make the qualifying period for the 15-18 age group to 9/1/02 through the Sunday of PVS SCY Championships (3/2/03) . Moved and PASSED
It was also recommended that athlete applications will be accepted through the last day of the qualifying period for the respective age groups.
Concern was expressed that given the time span between the end of the selection period and beginning of competition, some athletes may reconsider their decision and choose not to compete. Accordingly, it was recommended that the athletes portion of the cost of participating will be due very soon after the entry deadline (when a position on team is accepted) and be non-refundable thereafter. In the event of subsequent resignations from the team, the EZ Head Coach shall have authority to make substitutions from the relevant top times list after also taking into consideration whether that athlete has been training in the interim. Recommendation adopted.
Zone SC Coaches
No nominations were received in advance for 2003 PVS EZ SC Head Zone Coach or Assistant Head Coach. The CC agreed to accept nominations from the floor. Evan Stiles was nominated. His nomination was accepted by acclimation.
The Committee agreed to accept the nomination of Michael Pliuskaitis as Assistant Head Zone Coach. It agreed that his prior coaching experience was an appropriate substitute for the absence of zone experience. His nomination was supported by the Committee by majority vote.
The Committee was advised of others who wished to be considered for zone coaches. It was pointed out that the election of these coaches would take place at PVS SCY Champs and PVS 14/U JO Champs.
PVS Zone Team Support
There was considerable discussion of the level of support PVS provides its spring SC zone team versus its summer LC team. Several present spoke in favor of PVS providing additional support for the LC team or if this was not possible, reevaluating the relative amount of assistance provided the two teams. It was noted that some other EZ LSC teams travel to LC zones as a team and accept on the team anybody with 4 or more QT's Athletes with fewer QT's can still attend on an individual basis much as all PVS athletes presently do for the LC meet. In contrast, PVS's current financial support for the LC Zone team is limited to the cost of having coaches and team managers present.
Others noted that if less assistance was provided the SC team, then the athlete's share of the cost of participating might have to increase substantially. Others noted that some PVS families do not want to make a full commitment to the LC team since it falls in vacation season and they want to travel independently to the meet site.
Mike P to chair committee (with Victor, Greg, and Manga) on how PVS should select/support its LC Zone team and the degree of financial support it should receive relative to the SC Zone team
Reports on USAS Convention
Garner briefed the Committee on highlights from the recently completed USAS convention. This included the increase in the USA Swimming share of dues for the 2004 registration year to $40 followed by a $1/year increase per year thereafter. Changes starting in 2005 in championship meet conducted by USA Swimming were summarized including easing the qualifying times for spring championships and the adding a single summer junior championship meet. Other news from the convention was provided to the Committee in written format and is available on the USA Swimming website.
Bill Marlin as PVS Coaches representative provided a summary on several items from convention. A copy of a written report (which had been prepared by Bob Lindberg) is attached. Bill highlighted the sections of Bob's report pertaining to sports medicine, motivation, proper and improper dietary supplements to use, and availability of the DARTSWIM software to evaluate stroke technique.
USA Swimming is very anxious to provide support to member clubs and the availability of Sue Anderson, Eastern Zone coordinator to answer questions was stressed.
Bill also advised the committee that his club was sponsoring an Attitude Training Camp by Dr Keith Bell on October 5 and that he hoped to obtain PVS Board approval on Wednesday night to publicize this camp via the PVS website.
2001-02 Outstanding Athletes
CC members were provided an opportunity to review the nominations that were received for consideration to be elected as 2001-02 Outstanding Athletes. CC members were then provided an opportunity to vote. The following PVS athletes were elected.
Women | Men
10/U | Jennifer Kotonias | Zack Wepasnick
| 11-12 | Suzanne Schwee | Alex Ray
| 13-14 | Leslie Swinley | Alex Anderson
| 15-16 | Kassandra Kugler | Ryan Hurley
| 17-18 | Rachael Burke | Chris Gibson
| Senior | Rachael Burke | Glenn Moses
| |
A motion to destroy the ballots was made and passed.
Jim G announced the following as the apparent winners of the distance swimming awards. He indicated they would be recognized in the absence of a overlooked swim being brought to our attention.
Women's SC 1000 Free | Rachael Burke
Women's LC 800 Free | Rachael Burke
| Men's SC 1650 Free | Jamie Grimes
| Men's LC 1500 Free | Yuri Suguiyama
| |
Open Water/Distance Swimming
Jim G announced that Ron Montrie is now the PVS Distance Coordinator and Kurt Thiel the PVS Open Water Coordinator. It was reported that Kurt had hoped to hold an open water meet within PVS this fall but encountered unforeseen problems obtaining permission from the parties that control access to the desired venue.
USA Swimming expects a 5K national championship race will be held in proximity to UMD next August 10 -- following the USA Swimming Nationals on August 5-9. PVS is anxious to conduct at least one race prior to this to assure the championship meet will run smoothly.
2003 PVS Long Course Calendar
CC was given a calendar to consider based on the 2002 PVS LC calendar. CC initially endorsed continuation of the following meets:
PVS Senior I LC Meet Sun June 8
PVS Age Group I Meet Sun June 15
PVS Senior II LC Meet Sun June 22
PVS Age Group II LC Meet Sun June 29
A question was raised whether it would also be possible to rent pools on the Saturday evenings prior to these Sunday morning meets. This would allow more swims on a weekend and make the meet more financially attractive to meet hosts. John H responded that he had looked into this and it did not appear that the pools we historically use for these meets would be available at that time.
After considerable discussion, CC voted to modify the LC Championship meet schedule as follows:
In addition, PVS Age Group Champs would be become a 14/U Champs as voted upon at the 2002 PVS HofD meeting and CC recommended that it be swum in prelims/finals format.
Dave T., Mike P and John H to develop Order of Events and QT's for this meet. It was requested that no competition be scheduled Sat AM July 19.
As a separate motion, CC endorsed holding the PVS LC Distance Meet Sat/Sun May 24/25.
2003/4 Short Course Calendar
CC was given a calendar to consider based on the 2002/3 PVS SC calendar.
CC initially approved the following two meets
Motion was made to adopt the above as the entire PVS 2003-4 SC schedule. FAILED.
After considerable discussion on whether it was more appropriate for PVS or its member clubs to assume responsibility for the following meets, CC endorsed the following meets for inclusion in the schedule
PVS October Open Meet Fri/Sun October 17-19
PVS November Open Meet Fri/Sun November 7-9
PVS January Distance Meet Sat/Sun January 3-4
These meets were approved with the following provisions. The dates of the October and November Open meets may need to change once the Redskins schedule is known In April 2003 and the availability of PGS&LC can be established.
PVS club meets may be scheduled in conflict with January Distance Meet so long as they do not offer 1000 or 1650 Freestyle.
After additional discussion, CC then voted to endorse the following two meets for inclusion in the PVS schedule.
January Open Meet Sat/Sun Jan 17/18
February Distance Meet Sat/Sun Jan 31/Feb 1
As indicated would be done at the May, 2002 meeting, Garner presented a proposal on how to reestablish SC Junior Championships. He presented time standards to get the desired number of heats for both what is now PVS SCY Champs and a possibly reinstated Junior Champs . This was both with and without including Sectional QT's . The desirability of doing so was discussed. Also, many alternatives on how it might happen (time of year). In addition to reinstating it when it previously occurred (just prior to PVS Seniors), having it either in January (before HS championship meets start) or much later (when zones are being swum) was discussed. No action was taken at this time. Such a meet might occur if a club bids to host it in 2003-04 season or it is subsequently added to PVS 2004-05 SC season.
PVS 14/U SCY Championship QT's
Greg York distributed proposed QT's for the upcoming PVS 14/U SCY Championship Meet. He explained that George Massey had started the work on them as then incoming Age Group chairman, before resigning to take a position in another LSC.
Comparative data for prior year's QT's was also provided and an explanation of how the time standards were established, the meet would be conducted, etc.
He noted that the the time standards had been established with the goal of having 8 heats of 50's, 6 heats of 100's and 4 heats of 200's for the older swimmers and less heats for the 10/U . Others stated they felt that such a distribution of heats was inappropriate as it did not encourage our swimmers to train in order to swim longer distances fast. Concern was expressed that the length of the morning sessions not be too long.
Suggestions were also offered on how to set the time standards for the new events -- i.e., 11-12 200 Back, Breast and Fly and 10/U 500 Free.
Dave T., Greg and John H were asked to review the proposed time standards in light of these comments and to also recommend how the new events (11-12 200 Back, 200 Breast and 200 Fly and 10/U 500 Free) should be included in the order of events for the meet.
Travel Assistance for Spring 2003 National Championships
The chair suggested that travel assistance remain unchanged from Spring 2002 both as regards the dollar amount of assistance and the required number and type of swim. Motion Passed
Matt Dugan asked CC to consider a recommendation from the athletes to modify travel assistance swim requirements for high school seniors
"Proposal: A graduating [high school] senior will be required to only swim3 events in PVS sanctioned meets during the fall/winter season (September-March) in order to qualify for travel reimbursement in the spring. (All other resident requirements remain.)
Rationale: Graduating seniors have unusual travel requirements in the fall (recruiting trips) and often miss the final meet in order to qualify for reimbursement in late February -- during or at the end of high school championship season --"
CC passed with two dissenting votes.
PVS vs Club Meet Sponsorship
Bill Marlin shared with CC thoughts he had regarding role of PVS versus its member clubs in sponsoring meets. He had circulated a e-mail reflecting many of those ideas the prior day to many members of the CC and others. It addressed several of the same issues that had also been discussed earlier in this meeting when the appropriateness of PVS continuing to sponsor several PVS SC meets was discussed. Bill recommended the matter be referred to the PVS Strategic Planning Committee for further consideration and development of a recommendation.
There was no old business.
Jim Garner announced that Eric Moore had resigned as Awards Chairman.
An inquiry was made regarding the status updating PVS records as posted to the website. It was acknowledged that many records need to be updated and it is expected records will be posted within the next few weeks. Until revised updated records are posted, advising of needed changes will not be helpful, given the large number of records that need updating.
New Business
A report on the status of the transition of the PVS administrative office was requested under new business. Thirl responded that it was his hope and expectation that PVS would hire a registrar within the next week to ten days. Selection and hiring of an Administrative Assistant should follow thereafter as will the establishment of a permanent office for PVS.
PVS is trying to balance both the need to do it promptly and do it right.
It was emphasized that when the office is opened, it will maintain normal business hours which will be announced. Coaches and others should no longer expect to be able to receive responses in the evenings and on the weekend and thus will need to plan accordingly.
Also, registrations are being received and checks deposited when they are submitted promptly. It was emphasized that any type of registration submitted needs to be complete and done correctly, otherwise it will be returned unprocessed. Coaches are being asked to resubmit all required certifications to allow these PVS records to be reestablished.
Next Meeting