Pat Lunsford visits Potomac Valley - November 11-12, 2006
On November 11, 2006 Pat Lunsford, the Operations Vice Chair of USA Swimming
visited Potomac Valley to conduct an Advanced Starters Clinic. Over thirty five
starters and referees from Potomac Valley and Virginia Swimming attended.
During his stay here, Pat also visited the PVS November Open swim meet, going to
Cub Run on Saturday and the Prince George's Sports and Learning Complex on
Sunday. While at these meets, Pat got to meet and observe many more PVS officials.
Below is a letter he sent to Potomac Valley (through Boots Hall) after the weekend.
November 16, 2006
To Potomac Valley Swimming participants of last week’s advanced starters training program, my sincere thanks for the invitation to be a presenter and, more importantly, a big thanks for taking additional time from an already long weekend to attend the clinic on Saturday evening.
The starters and referees I had the privilege to spend time with were very gracious and well prepared. Comments were openly received and adjustments, when necessary, were noticeable. This not only applied to the apprentices, but also the experienced officials.
The willingness and effort to train officials to become more proficient in their work is evidence that Potomac Valley Swimming is rated as one of the premier Local Swimming Committees in the United States. Having been to many areas around the country as an official, I can state this without hesitation. Your membership is willing to do what it takes to get the job done and often develops pace setting ideas and practices that become standard in other areas. The desire to continually improve official’s education is the legacy of your friend and mine, Dave Davis. He would be proud to see how Boots Hall et. al. have carried on his philosophy of excellence in officials training.
Once again, it was my honor and privilege to be able to spend time with everyone and wish you well in your development as well trained officials who know that kids come first in all you do.
Take care, best wishes for a successful season, and God Bless.
Pat Lunsford
Program Operations Vice President
USA Swimming
Here are a few pictures from Pat's visit to the PGS&LC. Click on the picture for a larger version.