Members present: Boots Hall Chairman, Frank Persico Vice Chairman, Arvydas Barzdukas, Jim Carey, Jim Garner, John Hirschmann and Jack Schaeffer.
The meeting convened at 7:10 pm at Boots' house in Fairfax.
New Committee Members
Boots brought to the Committee attention that the current membership of the Officials Committee consists primarily of members whose children are no longer competiting in the PVS program on a year round basis. It was suggested both for this reason and because some resignations are anticipated as Committee members leave the area that the Committee invite some new people to join the Committee. After discussion, the Committee decided to invite the following four individuals to join the Committee: Art Davis, Rita Page, Sue Schwartz and Jared Wisor.
It was agreed Boots would contact them. [Boots did so subsequent to the meeting and all four individuals have agreed to serve on the Committee.]
Test Grading
Boots also advised the Committee that since Lynee Phelps is expected to be leaving the area shortly, Jim Carey has agreed to resume grading officials tests for officials residing in MD and DC. [John McDonald is continuing to do it for VA officials] Boots also reported that ability to take the officials test "on line" is not yet ready for wide scale use. The test remains downloadable in hard copy (.pdf format) on the PVS website.
Name Tags Boots also reported that Sumie Emory has agreed to assume responsibility for ordering name tags for PVS officials.
Key Officials - PVS SCY Championships
Boots advised the PVS SCY Championships scheduled for February 27-March 2 has been designated (as it has been in past) as a National Certification meet. Suggestions were sought for Meet Referee and Admin Referee for this meet. Ron Whalen's was suggested and Jim Garner indicated he would also be glad to volunteer. It was agreed Jim would contact Ron and also determine who would serve as Meet Referee and Admin Referee.
Adaptive Swimming
Boots advised that Don Riedlinger and Pamela Starke-Reed had sent a questionnaire to all clubs in the LSC in order to ascertain the degree to which such athletes are currently participating in various club programs. Also, the clinic to be held by USA Swimming has been rescheduled from February to April.
Recognition of Officials
Boots indicated that Bill Stephens had contacted her about the possibility of finding ways to give greater recognition and support to PVS officials in order to thank them for their many hours of volunteer support to the association. The Committee generally felt that the recognition should be more modest that had originally been proposed.
The Committee endorsed the following recommendations:
The Committee discussed several situations that had arisen at the recently held Tom Dolan (fna Joe Jacoby) Invitational Meet.
Decertification Procedures
USA Swimming had circulated proposed Discipline and Decertification Guidelines for all the LSC's to consider adopting in late October. PVS is apparently one of the few LSC's which already had such a policy in place - see O-20, Suspension or Revocation of Official's Certification in PVS's Policy and Procedures Manual. Accordingly, a member of the USA Swimming Officials Committee was contacted to determine if they felt PVS's policies should be revised in light of these new guidelines. They indicated they felt we were within basic compliance and saw nothing that contradicts national policy. However, they suggested we may wish to distinguish between what can be handled locally versus requires National Board of Review participation. Also, the procedures may want to distinguish between problems of incompetence versus misconduct.
It was suggested that Officials Committee invite somebody to closely review the current PVS Policy to see changes should be recommended to the Officials Committee for their consideration. Once the Officials Committee endorsed them, they would then need to be forwarded to the PVS Board of Directors for adoption.
Note:Subsequent to the meeting, Jim Van Erden agreed to undertake the initial review.
Update Referee/Starter Final Certification Lists
The list of PVS officials who can observe and evaluate prospective starter's and referee's had last been updated in August, 2001. The Committee eliminated those officials who certification had lapsed and/or who had indicated they were no longer active in officiating.
The Committee also reviewed the list of current Referee's and Starter's to determine who would be good additions to the list. The Committee agreed to add 4 Referees to the Referee's list and 5 Starters to the Starter's list. Frank agreed to contact these individuals to confirm they would be willing to serve in this capacity.
Boots suggested PVS should give consideration to having one again. It has been many years since one was held in PVS. The LSC's adjoining PVS (MD and VA) have held them successfully in the recent past. Their experience is that better participation is achieved when the gathering is limited to one day.
Next Meeting
It was agreed the next meeting would be scheduled for Tuesday, February 18. (Due to weather, this meet was rescheduled to Monday February 24.) An important agenda item will be staffing of PVS SCY Championship Meet. Jim Garner agreed to see if MAC would be available.
The meeting adjourned at 9:15.
Respectfully submitted:
John Hirschmann
Committee Member