Members present: Boots Hall Chairman, Jim Carey, Jim Garner, John Hirschmann, Ron Whalen, Sue Schwartz, Art Davis, Jack Schaeffer and Rita Page.
The meeting convened at 7:15 pm at Boots' House.
Recognition of Officials: Boots informed the committee that 500 blank magnetic name badges had been purchased and will be engraved. They will be given out at Junior and Senior Champs, at clinics and the rest would be mailed. 25 bells have been purchased and will be given out to new starters when the have completed their deck requirements and observation. Whistles, lanyards and some shirts have either been placed on order or will be ordered.
Senior Champs: Ron Whalen agreed to take on the duties of Meet Referee for this meet. The senior format will be the same as always while running the Junior Champs during the in-between session.
Tests: Sue Schwartz agreed to take over the task of grading test for Maryland from Jim Carey who has been handling things since Lynee left. The 2003 tests are not ready yet and the 2002 tests will expire in August 2003.
Certification: Rita Page agreed to take on the duties of Certification Officer from Boots.
Clinics: Boots will handle for someone to schedule clinics in Maryland and she will schedule clinics in Virginia. Several clinics are already planned.
New Referees: The list of eligible candidates was passed around and several names were mentioned. Boots will contact them to see if they are interested.
December Meets: Jim Garner raised the issue of two Championship meets being held in December the Tom Dolan Invitational hosted by Curl-Burke and a Senior meet being hosted by Potomac Marlins on back-to-back weekends. The Committee was asked to consider whether or not we want to staff those meets either one, both or none at all and we will vote at our next meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm.
Next Meeting: August 2003
Respectfully submitted,
Rita Page
Committee Member