JUNE 23, 2004

Held at Jim Carey's office on North Capitol Street in the district at 7:00 pm

Attending were Jim Carey; Art Davis, Boots Hall,, Jim VanErden, Arvydas Bardzukas, Dick Griffith, Jerry Wisor, Ron Whalen, and Jack Schaeffer. Also attending were two new members of the committee Denise Wespasnick and Jim Thompson

  1. Arvydas Bardzukas discussed the meeting of the USA-Swimming officials held. the first weekend in June. The new FINA ruling on watches was discussed. It will be implemented immediately by USA-S and PVS. An e-mail to all referees was sent by Boots Hall concerning this issue.
  2. The current procedure for obtaining officials for the increased number of meets was discussed. It was decided that a meeting will be held in late September for the officials committee, the board and the club officials chairs to try to revitalize the club contact system. No date was set. Jim Carey will check on the U of Md clubhouse has a possible meeting place.
  3. A computerized method of contacting officials by e-mail was discussed.. Jim Thompson will take the lead in developing procedures. A starter list (like the current referee list) will also be developed.
  4. A one-page monthly newsletter was proposed. Denise Wepasnick will develop a prototype.
  5. Ron Whalen and Jim Carey will be the Meet Referee and Admin Referee for the Long Course Senior Championships. Jim Carey will be the contact person for officials.
  6. As the Board has a weekend meeting the last weekend in August when the officials committee usually meets, it was decided to delay the committee meeting until Sept 12 when a cookout meeting will be held.