Minutes of PVS Officials Committee Meetings
Minutes of
PVS Officials Committee Meeting
February 18, 2009
Members present: Jim Van Erden, Denice Wespasnik, Jack Schaeffer, Tim Husson, Jim Garner, Boots Hall, Dick Griffith, and Rita Page.
The meeting convened at 7:12 pm at 736 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD.
Meeting Minutes Approval: Both the November 2008 and January 2009 meeting minutes were approved.
New Committee Members: Jim Van Erden will compile and review a list of names suggested at the last several meetings for new committee members. He will pass the list on to the current committee members for a consensus.
Meet Forms: It has been mentioned by several referees attending meets in the last month or so that DQ slips, reseed forms and relay take off slips have not been available for use during the meet. The PVS Board voted to discontinue renting meet boxes as a part of the equipment rental policies effective February 1, 2009. PVS would continue to make the forms available to clubs at cost. Word of this change apparently has not reached all meet managers and meet referees. Jim Van Erden will get back to Terri Marlin regarding which forms need to be made available for purchase by host clubs. Meet managers and referees will be notified of this change via email and/or the Official’s newsletter.
Sectional Meet: The Sectional meet will be at Germantown on the last weekend of March. As of this meeting only 9 applications to officiate had been received. This meet will be an N3 evaluation meet. Boots has arranged for evaluators for this meet.
Senior Championship Meet: Senior Champs will be March 12-15 at GMU. This meet is sanctioned for N2 evaluation and N3 for all positions except final evaluations and Admin Referee. All other N3 positions are eligible for evaluation.
Junior Olympic Championship Meet: JO’s will be held March 19 22 at PGS&LC. Pam Starke Reed will be the Meet referee and Tim Husson will be the Admin Referee. This meet is eligible for N2 evaluation. Evaluators will be Jim Thompson, Ron Whalen, Jack Neill and Jim Van Erden.
Online Tracking System: Tim reported that 8 of the 10 January meets have been entered into the OTS. This shows good reporting for the first month. Hopefully all meets will use this tracking system.
Hy-Tek Certification: Tim Husson suggested that Hy-Tek operators should be required to go through a more detailed certification process. The Committee agreed that beginning next season with the September clinics, Hy-Tek operators would now be required to continue to attend a clinic but should also work 4 training session and receive an evaluation on the 5th session. Suey Norberg and Janice Flamand developed an evaluation document for Hy-Tek operators along the lines of what is currently used for Referees and Starters. Operators would be required to pass the evaluation before becoming certified in Hy-Tek. Tim will develop a list of officials to perform the evaluations.
Colorado Timing System Certification: It was suggested that the CTS operators should also be required to pass an evaluation to ensure that they are well versed in the standard functions of the machines. Jim Garner and Dick Griffith will develop standards for training and an evaluation form for new CTS operators. They will also review and update the current list of evaluators.
Starter Bells: Denice has 10 bells and will distribute them to evaluators at Senior Champs. Boots will order more bells. There is a need to distribute to those that are doing evaluations before they do them. Many of our new starters are not getting their bells. Evaluators should make arrangements to get a bell prior to doing an evaluation if possible.
Clinics: Jim Van Erden will arrange to have a makeup clinic for referees that did not make the clinic at MAC at the beginning of the season. Rita will send him a list of referees whose certification has expired prior to 2008 so he can check to see if they are interested in continuing to officiate.
There will be a S&T clinic at Spring Hill on February 21. April clinics will be scheduled in preparation for the summer season. 2009 US Mini rulebooks will be given out beginning at those clinics.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.
The Next meeting has not been scheduled.
Respectfully submitted,
Rita Page
Committee Member