Minutes of PVS Officials Committee Meetings
Minutes of
PVS Officials Committee Meeting
June 22, 2010
Members present: Jack Neill, Boots Hall, Pam Starke-Reed, Mike Rubin, Jim Thompson, Steed Edwards, Dick Griffith, Jim Garner, and Dave DiNardo. Also in attendance were Paris Jacobs (Administrative Vice Chair - Elect) and Brian Pawlowicz (Operations Vice Chair-Elect).
The meeting convened at 7:00pm at the Kings Park Library, Burke, VA.
Minutes: Minutes of the April 20, 2010 meeting were approved.
Summer Championship Meets: Details of LC championship meets were reviewed. LC Senior Championships are July 15-22 at the University of Maryland. This is an Officials Qualifying Meet with N2 and N3 evaluations available. Jack Neill is Meet Referee, Jim Thompson is Administrative Referee. LC Junior Championships are also July 15-22 at the University of Maryland. Scott Witkin is serving as Meet Referee. LC Age Group Championships are July 22-25 at Fairland Aquatic Center, with Pam Starke-Reed serving as Meet Referee, Tim Husson and Jack Neill sharing duties as Administrative Referee. Eastern Zone LC Championships are August 11-14 at Rockville and MAC. While PVS is not responsible for staffing this meet, the Eastern Zone will be looking for our help in providing officials for this meet. Ronald Whalen has agreed to serve as Meet Referee. This meet will be an Officials Qualifying Meet with N2 evaluations available.
Clinic Update: A schedule for officials clinics in the Fall of 2010 was reviewed and approved. Instructors were assigned for each clinic. The schedule will be posted on the PVS website. Jack asked members of the committee to consider topics that should be covered in the Referee clinic and forward the topics to him.
Clinic Instructors: The committee discussed the qualifications for clinic instructors. Our instructors must be highly knowledgeable, respected, experienced officials; they must possess extraordinary “people skills” on and off the deck; they must be organized, effective teachers; they must personify the PVS philosophy of officiating.
Chief Judge Certification Test: Steed Edwards presented the recently completed written test for Chief Judge certification. There was some discussion about the test and it was generally agreed that the test was well-constructed and effective. Boots Hall mentioned that USA Swimming was monitoring our progress on this project with an eye towards developing their own test. A motion was made by Steed that the passing score be established as 90%; the motion passed unanimously.
Required Test Scores: The committee re-affirmed the requirement that 90% is the passing score on online certification tests for PVS Referees and Starters.
2010-2011 Meet Schedule: The committee discussed the proposed 2010-2011 PVS meet schedule. The Board will be acting on this schedule at its next meeting. There are serious concerns with the schedule: Too many meets being scheduled, often in direct competition with PVS-sponsored meets. Many of the clubs sponsoring these meets have limited numbers of officials and several clubs do not have a Referee who can act as Meet Referee or a Club Officials Chair to recruit officials. Paris Jacobs informed the Committee that she and Art Davis (outgoing Administrative Vice Chair) would be making a proposal to the Board at the July meeting that would essentially reinstate several of PVS’s current Policies and Procedures with regard to obtaining a sanction for a meet. If these requirements are not in place at least 60 days prior to the Meet, a sanction would not be granted. Paris will communicate with the Committee after the July Board Meeting.
Facility Issues at Fairland: The committee was apprised of a facility issue at Fairland Aquatic Center that could impact meets. PVS administration will monitor the situation.
Committee Structure: Dick Griffith reported on the findings of the Committee Structure Subcommittee. A copy of his report is attached.
Distribution of Shirts: Dick reported on new ideas for the distribution of officials' shirts.
The meeting adjourned at 9:50pm
The next meeting will be the Sunday after Labor Day, September 12 at Jim Garner’s house.
Respectfully submitted by,
David DiNardo
Committee Member