PVS Officials

Minutes of PVS Officials Committee Meetings

Minutes of
PVS Officials Committee Meeting
November 17, 2010

Members Present: Jack Neill, Boots Hall, Jim Garner, Steed Edwards, Mike Rubin, Dave DiNardo, Dick Griffith, Tim Husson, Elizabeth Jester, Jack Schaeffer, Jim Thompson, and Brian Pawlewicz

The meeting convened at 7:00 pm at Overlee Swim Club.

MINUTES: Minutes of the October 20, 2010 meeting were approved.

CJ CERTIFICATION: Discussion surrounding the type of meet that is appropriate of the final “checkout” of CJ candidates. Agreed that mini-meets and distance meets were not appropriate for final CJ check-out. Jim Thompson agreed to update CJ check- out criteria.

HIGH SCHOOL CLINIC RECIPROCITY: MD High School officials are asking PVS to consider allowing attendance at their rules clinic to be used as a USA Swimming certification clinic for the Stroke and Turn Judge position. The committee agreed to assess reciprocity on a clinic by clinic basis.


(1) The Board has asked the Officials Committee to provide feedback to the competition committee regarding which teams are having difficulty staffing meets adequately. Jack should be informed of meets that are and meets that are not adequately staffed. Use of pass down sheets and a new form to apply for meet sanctions were discussed. Deck refs should note on the pass-down sheet if the meet is properly staffed and any equipment issues. Brian will review pass-down sheets from other LSCs and see if PVS can make this form more user friendly.

(2) No final word on background checks for officials as of this date. The committee requested that the Board reimburse the cost of the criminal background check for all active certified officials currently on the roster. For official certifying after this date, it is hoped that their clubs will consider paying the background check fee.

MEET PROCEDURES: Order of finals for PVS championship meets is now A/B/C. The order for National Championships, as well as the order used by most other LSCs is C/B/A. The Committee recommends that PVS follow national protocols so that PVS swimmers, coaches and officials will get accustomed to the same procedures on a local and national level.

CLUB OFFICIALS CHAIRS: Pam Starke-Reed, Elizabeth Jester, Dick Griffith and Mike Rubin will serve as Club Officials Chair Liasons. Each will contact their assigned club chairs and offer support. Updates will be provided at the January committee meeting.


(1) An additional referee certification clinic and CTS clinic will be scheduled in the new year.

(2) Attendance at the clinics should be entered into OTS by lead instructor. Tim will clear lead instructors so they will be able to input info from their clinics.

(3) Tom Dolan meet will be approved for N2 and N3 certification in all positions. Only question is whether N3 admin ref certification will be available. Tim will put the application to officiate on the website.

Respectfully submitted by,
Elizabeth Jester
Committee Member