In This Issue
1. A Coach's Perspective
2. Are you using chief judges at your local meet?
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Welcome to the new e-newsletter
for USA Swimming Officials. The purpose of this newsletter is to provide a foundation that allows for direct on-going communication with each of you.
We plan to have articles that cover the technical rules and interpretations, situations, application deadlines for upcoming meets, news from the
officials committee, etc. If you have any feedback, comments, or suggestions for stories (or even want to submit an article), please e-mail us at I trust everyone had an exceptional holiday season and joyously rang in the New Year. Last year was another exciting time for USA Swimming.
Based on the national team’s performance in Istanbul, it appears that we are off to a great start heading toward Rio in 2016. This coming year
we will have five national championship meets, as well as the Grand Prix and Sectional meets. There will be three national Championship meets this
summer, World Championship Trials, US Open and Juniors. Applications for these meets should be posted soon. Please check your calendars and come join
us for these important events.
Look forward to hearing from you. Clark Hammond, National
Officials Chair A coach’s perspective – YES! We need you at age Group

Click here to watch the video.
MEETS? By Steve Lottes, a Maryland Swimming official. Steve has worked as a chief judge and team lead at several national meets
and at the 2008 and 2012 Olympic Trials.
evolving role of chief judges continues to enhance the professional manner that we serve our athletes and the coaches. If this is true, how can we
effectively use chief judges at our local meets? Have you ever been the only deck referee at a local mini meet, trying to process fifty or more
disqualifications in one session? Despite your best intentions to be completely calm and focused, the stress can be unbearable. Now reflect on the
same session with two experienced chief judges, coordinated radio protocol, accurately written DQ slips, all swimmers notified of the
disqualifications and quality mentorship of deck officials. Of course, this is contingent upon the number of officials who show up for the session.
Sounds pretty good, but how does this happen?
If you decide that using a Chief Judge makes a lot of sense, the first step is training.
Begin by inviting some of your more experienced officials and your referees to a chief judge clinic. Be well organized, prepare an agenda, develop an
interactive presentation and provide your audience with a handout. Encourage open dialogue and respect for each official’s opinions and
perspectives. Describe how the role of the chief judge is integral to the smooth operation of the meet. Be prepared to answer some challenging
questions. Remember, your ultimate goal is to decide how you will best use chief judges at your local meets.
If the meet referee decides
to use chief judges, it is best that the chief judge runs the briefing, completes the deck assignments, discusses the rules and jurisdiction, reviews
radio protocol and how DQ slips are completed. The deck referee can provide support as needed on interpretation of the rules or deck protocol. While
on deck, a chief judge must be very attentive. However, being too intense or too social are both ways that create problems. A chief judge can be very
instrumental in helping a new official in becoming a highly qualified stroke and turn judge who enjoys the opportunity to be on deck and to serve as
part of the team. There are many teachable moments throughout the entire session. If your corrective actions are not done in a supportive manner, the
official will be more concerned about you. If you continually talk with the official about matters other than the session, opportunities will be lost
for officials to ask critical questions about deck protocol or possible stroke violations.
Radio protocol is probably the most important
skill that a chief judge needs to master. Effective communication between the deck referee and the chief judges is vital to a smooth running
session. Radio protocol should be rehearsed during the briefing to inform the deck officials and then prior to the session between the chief
judges and with the deck referee. When responding to an official who may have a possible disqualification, take your time. When you hurry, you will
make mistakes and ultimately you will take more time to process the call. As you become more familiar with radio protocol and as you develop a
routine, you will become much more efficient.
Chief judges can also make a significant difference through mentoring and the ability to
establish a positive rapport with officials on and off the deck. As with any new job, you may have textbook knowledge, but you will lack the
experiential knowledge that brings a meaning and purpose to why procedures and protocols are followed. An effective educator can communicate
information and create an enthusiasm for learning. A highly qualified chief judge can help to establish a genuine purpose to officiating. When the
chief judge demonstrates that officiating is not only rewarding but purposeful, then there is a greater chance that officials will want to come back
for an even richer experience that builds character and contributes to our professionalism as officials.
For a complete training packet that includes an agenda, training items and a local chief judge evaluation, contact Steve Lottes at