USA Swimming Online Testing Task Team

Subject: Updating of ALL online tests

The online tests are scheduled for a blanket updating during the week of February 20th.

As a result ALL online tests will be de-activated on Monday the 20th of February at 8:00AM EST.

ALL tests will be re-activated on Monday the 27th of February by no later than 5:00PM EST

We advise that if you have downloaded a test and are preparing to take it in the future that you take it before 8:00AM EST when the tests are de-activated.

After the tests are re-activated the tests, answers, references will all be aligned with the 2006 rule book, new Fina rule modifications and other needed changes which will possibly impact any test that has been downloaded prior to the de-activation and updating period.

We thank each of you in advance for your patience and support while we are updating all tests to better serve you.

The USA Testing Task Team

Link to USA-S Officials on-line Testing Homepage