JULY 12-15, 2007

Boys 50 LC Meter Freestyle
World Record: ! 21.64        2000 Alexander Popov, RUS                         
  USA Record: $ 21.76        2000 Gary Hall, Jr                                
PVS Open Rec: # 22.59        2003 Niel Walker, CCS-ST                          
    OTrial08: % 23.49                                                          
   Nationals: * 23.79                                                          
SpeedoChamps: & 25.49                                                          
Junior Nat 0: @ 24.79                                                          
    SCYNAT07: ^ 24.19                                                          
 Meet Qualifying:  26.79
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 Hayden, Zach S      19 CUBU-PV                24.07      23.90^        20  
  2 Cordes, Nicklaus J  18 UN-PV                  24.63      24.19^        17  
  3 Brown, Gaites P     17 NOVA-VA                25.00      24.54@        16  
  4 Knight, Eric S      20 UNAT-PV                24.78      24.69@        15  
  5 Leggett, Chris D    20 ASA-PV                 24.90      24.71@        14  
  6 Robertson, Lee J    19 NOVA-VA                24.78      24.76@        13  
  7 McLEAN, Matt B      19 CUBU-PV                25.02      24.81&        12  
  8 Vallario, Kevin M   16 FGAC-PV                24.84      25.07&        11  
B - Final
  9 Dilz, Andy L        20 UN-PV                  25.16      24.89&         8  
  9 DiPiazza, Jake T    20 UN-PV                  25.14      24.89&         8  
 11 Park, Brock B       17 CUBU-PV                25.21      24.90&         6  
 12 Wingert, Tim J      16 MAKO-PV                25.09      24.96&         5  
 13 Mengering, Daniel   20 RMSC-PV                25.33      25.10&         4  
 14 Mears, Andy S       18 CUBU-PV                25.27      25.14&         3  
 15 Conrad, Nick G      19 RMSC-PV                25.21      25.22&         2  
 16 Gledhill, Cameron   18 CUBU-PV                25.25      25.23&         1  
C - Final
 17 Lawson, Callum T    17 SNOW-PV                25.76      25.42&       
 18 Perrot, Hunter G    16 AAC-PV                 25.77      25.51        
 19 Cross, Jason A      19 RMSC-PV                25.56      25.54        
 20 Evans, Connor P     17 CUBU-PV                25.70      25.70        
 21 Anthony, Mac M      15 NOVA-VA                25.95      26.03        
 22 Tyburski, Max R     17 CUBU-PV                25.96      26.06        
 23 MacDonald, Angus J  15 OCCS-PV                25.89      26.10        
 24 Frantz, Scott S     19 Machine-PV             26.01      27.59        
Boys 50 LC Meter Freestyle
World Record: ! 21.64        2000 Alexander Popov, RUS                         
  USA Record: $ 21.76        2000 Gary Hall, Jr                                
PVS Open Rec: # 22.59        2003 Niel Walker, CCS-ST                          
    OTrial08: % 23.49                                                          
   Nationals: * 23.79                                                          
SpeedoChamps: & 25.49                                                          
Junior Nat 0: @ 24.79                                                          
    SCYNAT07: ^ 24.19                                                          
 Meet Qualifying:  26.79
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Hayden, Zach S            19 CUBU-PV                23.91      24.07^       
  2 Cordes, Nicklaus J        18 UN-PV                  23.58      24.63@       
  3 Knight, Eric S            20 UNAT-PV                25.30      24.78@       
  3 Robertson, Lee J          19 NOVA-VA                24.30      24.78@       
  5 Vallario, Kevin M         16 FGAC-PV                25.02      24.84&       
  6 Leggett, Chris D          20 ASA-PV                 24.78      24.90&       
  7 Brown, Gaites P           17 NOVA-VA                24.76      25.00&       
  8 McLEAN, Matt B            19 CUBU-PV                24.78      25.02&       
  9 Wingert, Tim J            16 MAKO-PV                25.25      25.09&       
 10 DiPiazza, Jake T          20 UN-PV                  25.44      25.14&       
 11 Dilz, Andy L              20 UN-PV                  24.52      25.16&       
 12 Park, Brock B             17 CUBU-PV                23.97      25.21&       
 12 Conrad, Nick G            19 RMSC-PV                24.22      25.21&       
 14 Gledhill, Cameron W       18 CUBU-PV                25.21      25.25&       
 15 Mears, Andy S             18 CUBU-PV                25.86      25.27&       
 16 Mengering, Daniel E       20 RMSC-PV                25.22      25.33&       
 17 Pool, Christopher D       20 CUBU-PV                24.60      25.35&       
 18 Cross, Jason A            19 RMSC-PV                25.71      25.56        
 19 Evans, Connor P           17 CUBU-PV                25.77      25.70        
 20 Lawson, Callum T          17 SNOW-PV                25.50      25.76        
 21 Perrot, Hunter G          16 AAC-PV                 25.37      25.77        
 22 Lytle, Patrick T          16 CUBU-PV                26.25Y     25.81        
 23 Chambers, Chris J         20 UN-PV                  25.24      25.85        
 24 MacDonald, Angus J        15 OCCS-PV                26.03      25.89        
 25 Anthony, Mac M            15 NOVA-VA                25.18      25.95        
 26 Tyburski, Max R           17 CUBU-PV                25.92      25.96        
 27 Benecki, Steven R         19 FISH-PV                25.89      25.97        
 28 Houchin, Joseph E         22 UNAT-PV                25.47      25.98        
 29 Krebs, Matt E             16 CUBU-PV                26.16      25.99        
 30 Frantz, Scott S           19 Machine-PV             25.80      26.01        
 31 Pinto, John David         19 CUBU-PV                25.42      26.04        
 32 Newcomer, Kenny F         16 YORK-PV                26.43      26.05        
 33 Cunningham, Jesse A       16 CUBU-PV                26.09      26.13        
 33 Wren, David H             18 NOVA-VA                26.01      26.13        
 35 Bank, Matt H              21 ASA-PV                 26.51      26.16        
 36 Clark, Christopher D      17 UN-CU-PV               25.91      26.17        
 36 Sakaris, Stephen A        16 RMSC-PV                25.93      26.17        
 38 Sheranek, Tom I           16 NOVA-VA                22.97Y     26.34        
 39 Pham, Chris T             17 RMSC-PV                26.67      26.50        
 40 Cravath, Craig C          16 RMSC-PV                22.94Y     26.54        
 40 Nichols, Robert E         15 CUBU-PV                23.37Y     26.54        
 42 Tuben, Benjamin P         17 PM-PV                  22.60Y     26.55        
 43 Hedquist, Cameron M       16 RMSC-PV                26.71      26.57        
 44 Shrum, Jake R             21 NOVA-VA                26.83      26.59        
 45 Piantedosi, Michael J     17 CUBU-PV                26.22      26.60        
 46 Coyle, Bradley S          24 RMSC-PV                26.25      26.61        
 47 Gasparis, Steven J        17 CUBU-PV                26.53      26.63        
 47 Coe, Robert C             17 RMSC-PV                26.37      26.63        
 49 Casey, Tom J              15 SNOW-PV                23.67Y     26.66        
 50 Katz, Justin C            17 RMSC-PV                26.04      26.71        
 51 Yang, Yang                17 Aqua Hoya-PV           26.33      26.76        
 52 Hale-Kupiec, Thomas A     18 CUBU-PV                26.38      26.77        
 52 Thaden, Michael T         17 NCAC-NC                26.56      26.77        
 54 Spencer, Adam M           17 RMSC-PV                22.64Y     26.80        
 55 McGehee, Andrew P         16 RMSC-PV                23.55Y     26.84        
 56 Bowers, Devin J           16 SNOW-PV                22.82Y     26.87        
 57 Wong, Brian W             18 PM-PV                  23.37Y     26.94        
 58 Wright, Geoffrey A        14 SNOW-PV                23.65Y     26.97        
 59 Bailey, Jonathan D        17 NOVA-VA                26.34      27.01        
 60 Miller, Michael R         21 CUBU-PV                22.47Y     27.03        
 61 Pennington, Adam S        15 FISH-PV                23.54Y     27.17        
 61 Perez, JP P               17 RMSC-PV                26.48      27.17        
 63 Maxwell, Tom J            17 OCCS-PV                23.48Y     27.19        
 64 Bruno, Joseph M           18 OCCS-PV                27.88      27.27        
 65 Haibel, Chris G           18 RMSC-PV                23.54Y     27.30        
 66 Haibel, Sandy J           17 RMSC-PV                26.40      27.31        
 67 Heidel, Kenneth M         16 UNATT-PV               23.58Y     27.36        
 68 Jackson, Warren C         15 RMSC-PV                23.61Y     27.47        
 68 Bui, Derek H              17 PM-PV                  26.76      27.47        
 70 Huether, Steve B          17 CUBU-PV                23.21Y     27.53        
 71 Kundrat, John A           14 FAST-PV                23.44Y     27.66        
 72 Clinton, Marc F           18 NCAC-NC                23.66Y     27.69        
 73 Tommerdahl, Jake P        17 NCAC-NC                29.10      27.80        
 74 Mahoney, Brian S          16 RMSC-PV                23.35Y     28.13        
 75 Gong, Wade T              16 CUBU-PV                27.88      28.94        
Boys 100 LC Meter Freestyle
World Record: ! 47.84        2000 Pieter van den Hoogenband, NED               
  USA Record: $ 48.17        2004 Jason Lezak                                  
PVS Open Rec: # 49.19        2003 Michael Phelps, NBAC-MD                      
    OTrial08: % 51.59                                                          
   Nationals: * 52.19                                                          
SpeedoChamps: & 55.99                                                          
Junior Nat 0: @ 53.89                                                          
    SCYNAT07: ^ 52.99                                                          
 Meet Qualifying:  58.79
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 McLEAN, Matt B      19 CUBU-PV                52.68      51.85*        20  
                  25.37       51.85 (26.48)                                        
  2 Hayden, Zach S      19 CUBU-PV                52.60      52.43^        17  
                  25.43       52.43 (27.00)                                        
  3 Robertson, Lee J    19 NOVA-VA                53.81      53.24@        16  
                  25.75       53.24 (27.49)                                        
  4 Knight, Eric S      20 UNAT-PV                54.46      53.51@        15  
                  25.45       53.51 (28.06)                                        
  5 Fletcher, Sean D    15 MAKO-PV                54.15      53.60@        14  
                  25.99       53.60 (27.61)                                        
  6 Brown, Gaites P     17 NOVA-VA                53.96      53.73@        13  
                  25.89       53.73 (27.84)                                        
  7 Wingert, Tim J      16 MAKO-PV                54.30      54.19&        12  
                  25.96       54.19 (28.23)                                        
  8 Vallario, Kevin M   16 FGAC-PV                54.10      54.53&        11  
                  26.72       54.53 (27.81)                                        
B - Final
  9 Mengering, Daniel   20 RMSC-PV                54.57      54.08&         9  
                  25.99       54.08 (28.09)                                        
 10 Park, Brock B       17 CUBU-PV                54.63      54.11&         7  
                  26.10       54.11 (28.01)                                        
 11 Lawson, Callum T    17 SNOW-PV                54.52      54.34&         6  
                  26.44       54.34 (27.90)                                        
 12 DiPiazza, Jake T    20 UN-PV                  54.90      54.57&         5  
                  26.08       54.57 (28.49)                                        
 13 Schnittker, John I  17 Machine-PV             55.13      54.91&         4  
                  26.54       54.91 (28.37)                                        
 14 Pinto, John David   19 CUBU-PV                54.98      54.96&         3  
                  26.12       54.96 (28.84)                                        
 15 Mears, Andy S       18 CUBU-PV                54.50      54.97&         2  
                  27.02       54.97 (27.95)                                        
 16 Cross, Jason A      19 RMSC-PV                55.37      55.16&         1  
                  26.13       55.16 (29.03)                                        
C - Final
 17 Cordes, Nicklaus J  18 UN-PV                  55.64      53.92&       
                  25.37       53.92 (28.55)                                        
 18 Tyburski, Max R     17 CUBU-PV                56.24      54.56&       
                  26.22       54.56 (28.34)                                        
 19 Gledhill, Cameron   18 CUBU-PV                55.80      54.59&       
                  26.25       54.59 (28.34)                                        
 20 Conrad, Nick G      19 RMSC-PV                55.81      55.25&       
                  26.16       55.25 (29.09)                                        
 21 Holmes, Zach D      18 Machine-PV             55.40      55.38&       
                  26.41       55.38 (28.97)                                        
 22 Evans, Connor P     17 CUBU-PV                55.91      55.88&       
                  26.83       55.88 (29.05)                                        
 23 Mechak, Ben P       18 RMSC-PV                55.65      56.26        
                  27.23       56.26 (29.03)                                        
 24 Kiss, David         17 CUBU-PV                55.45      58.47        
                  26.97       58.47 (31.50)                                        
Boys 100 LC Meter Freestyle
World Record: ! 47.84        2000 Pieter van den Hoogenband, NED               
  USA Record: $ 48.17        2004 Jason Lezak                                  
PVS Open Rec: # 49.19        2003 Michael Phelps, NBAC-MD                      
    OTrial08: % 51.59                                                          
   Nationals: * 52.19                                                          
SpeedoChamps: & 55.99                                                          
Junior Nat 0: @ 53.89                                                          
    SCYNAT07: ^ 52.99                                                          
 Meet Qualifying:  58.79
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Hayden, Zach S            19 CUBU-PV                53.47      52.60^       
                  25.09       52.60 (27.51)                                        
  2 McLEAN, Matt B            19 CUBU-PV                52.85      52.68^       
                  26.13       52.68 (26.55)                                        
  3 Robertson, Lee J          19 NOVA-VA                53.27      53.81@       
                  25.74       53.81 (28.07)                                        
  4 Brown, Gaites P           17 NOVA-VA                53.49      53.96&       
                  25.91       53.96 (28.05)                                        
  5 Vallario, Kevin M         16 FGAC-PV                54.49      54.10&       
                  25.63       54.10 (28.47)                                        
  6 Fletcher, Sean D          15 MAKO-PV                54.67      54.15&       
                  25.91       54.15 (28.24)                                        
  7 Wingert, Tim J            16 MAKO-PV                53.93      54.30&       
                  26.12       54.30 (28.18)                                        
  8 Knight, Eric S            20 UNAT-PV                46.10Y     54.46&       
                  25.75       54.46 (28.71)                                        
  9 Mears, Andy S             18 CUBU-PV                56.16      54.50&       
                  26.42       54.50 (28.08)                                        
 10 Lawson, Callum T          17 SNOW-PV                55.34      54.52&       
                  26.43       54.52 (28.09)                                        
 11 Dilz, Andy L              20 UN-PV                  54.58      54.53&       
 12 Mengering, Daniel E       20 RMSC-PV                54.30      54.57&       
                  26.19       54.57 (28.38)                                        
 13 Park, Brock B             17 CUBU-PV                54.02      54.63&       
                  26.30       54.63 (28.33)                                        
 14 DiPiazza, Jake T          20 UN-PV                  56.08      54.90&       
                  25.84       54.90 (29.06)                                        
 15 Pinto, John David         19 CUBU-PV                55.84      54.98&       
                  26.23       54.98 (28.75)                                        
 16 Schnittker, John I        17 Machine-PV             55.37      55.13&       
                  26.72       55.13 (28.41)                                        
 17 Cunningham, Jesse A       16 CUBU-PV                54.91      55.33&       
                  26.77       55.33 (28.56)                                        
 18 Cross, Jason A            19 RMSC-PV                55.95      55.37&       
                  26.15       55.37 (29.22)                                        
 19 Holmes, Zach D            18 Machine-PV             54.66      55.40&       
                  27.01       55.40 (28.39)                                        
 20 Kiss, David               17 CUBU-PV                56.02      55.45&       
                  27.06       55.45 (28.39)                                        
 21 Cordes, Nicklaus J        18 UN-PV                  53.23      55.64&       
                  26.13       55.64 (29.51)                                        
 22 Mechak, Ben P             18 RMSC-PV                56.77      55.65&       
                  26.72       55.65 (28.93)                                        
 23 Benecki, Steven R         19 FISH-PV                55.65      55.75&       
                  26.34       55.75 (29.41)                                        
 24 Gledhill, Cameron W       18 CUBU-PV                54.50      55.80&       
                  26.65       55.80 (29.15)                                        
 25 Conrad, Nick G            19 RMSC-PV                54.48      55.81&       
                  26.75       55.81 (29.06)                                        
 26 Evans, Connor P           17 CUBU-PV                57.26      55.91&       
                  26.74       55.91 (29.17)                                        
 27 Tyburski, Max R           17 CUBU-PV                56.27      56.24        
                  27.81       56.24 (28.43)                                        
 27 Meyer, Adam M             19 RMSC-PV                56.53      56.24        
                  26.96       56.24 (29.28)                                        
 29 Sakaris, Stephen A        16 RMSC-PV                55.70      56.41        
                  26.67       56.41 (29.74)                                        
 30 Haibel, Sandy J           17 RMSC-PV                48.98Y     56.61        
                  27.02       56.61 (29.59)                                        
 31 Morres, Alexander R       16 OCCS-PV                57.40      56.66        
                  27.40       56.66 (29.26)                                        
 32 Astiz, Adrian A           19 RMSC-PV                57.59      56.72        
                  27.45       56.72 (29.27)                                        
 33 Bourne, Sean T            17 CUBU-PV                49.12Y     56.73        
                  26.92       56.73 (29.81)                                        
 34 Perrot, Hunter G          16 AAC-PV                 55.78      56.88        
                  27.22       56.88 (29.66)                                        
 34 Ross, Brooks R            16 NOVA-VA                51.50Y     56.88        
                  27.67       56.88 (29.21)                                        
 36 Gasparis, Steven J        17 CUBU-PV                56.74      56.96        
                  27.27       56.96 (29.69)                                        
 37 Hedquist, Cameron M       16 RMSC-PV                57.94      57.02        
                  27.54       57.02 (29.48)                                        
 38 Diggs, Keith E            19 SDS-PV                 57.66      57.08        
                  28.12       57.08 (28.96)                                        
 39 Shrum, Jake R             21 NOVA-VA                58.49      57.09        
                  27.04       57.09 (30.05)                                        
 40 Frantz, Scott S           19 Machine-PV             57.11      57.11        
                  27.00       57.11 (30.11)                                        
 41 Mackenzie, Doug R         16 RMSC-PV                56.78      57.14        
                  27.44       57.14 (29.70)                                        
 42 Coyle, Bradley S          24 RMSC-PV                58.68      57.31        
                  27.73       57.31 (29.58)                                        
 43 Casey, Tom J              15 SNOW-PV                50.72Y     57.42        
                  28.08       57.42 (29.34)                                        
 44 Brake, Andy J             18 CUBU-PV                48.95Y     57.59        
 45 Christensen, Jon L        16 CUBU-PV                57.51      57.64        
                  28.01       57.64 (29.63)                                        
 46 Thaden, Michael T         17 NCAC-NC                58.48      57.69        
                  27.79       57.69 (29.90)                                        
 47 Budner, Aaron E           15 RMSC-PV                57.12      57.70        
                  27.59       57.70 (30.11)                                        
 48 Bank, Matt H              21 ASA-PV                 56.77      57.76        
                  28.00       57.76 (29.76)                                        
 49 Friedland, Eric T         17 RMSC-PV                56.22      57.82        
                  27.53       57.82 (30.29)                                        
 49 Shen, David Z             16 PM-PV                  56.79      57.82        
                  27.19       57.82 (30.63)                                        
 51 Paulling, Daniel K        21 CUBU-PV                58.40      58.02        
                  27.96       58.02 (30.06)                                        
 52 Miller, Michael R         21 CUBU-PV                56.35      58.03        
                  27.29       58.03 (30.74)                                        
 53 Tremols, Nicholas C       15 UNATT-PV               49.65Y     58.07        
                  27.88       58.07 (30.19)                                        
 54 Kundrat, John A           14 FAST-PV                58.01      58.11        
                  27.90       58.11 (30.21)                                        
 55 Leverone, Nick A          16 CUBU-PV                50.31Y     58.15        
                  27.75       58.15 (30.40)                                        
 56 Pham, Chris T             17 RMSC-PV                57.49      58.16        
                  27.79       58.16 (30.37)                                        
 57 Tollefson, Andrew H       15 RMSC-PV                50.78Y     58.20        
                  27.78       58.20 (30.42)                                        
 58 Hale-Kupiec, Thomas A     18 CUBU-PV                57.58      58.22        
                  27.48       58.22 (30.74)                                        
 59 Bollea, Drew L            18 CUBU-PV                57.40      58.24        
                  27.99       58.24 (30.25)                                        
 60 Frye, Sean R              16 CUBU-PV                51.78Y     58.25        
                  27.57       58.25 (30.68)                                        
 61 DeKlau, Tim E             17 PEAK-PV                58.40      58.26        
                  28.30       58.26 (29.96)                                        
 62 Bruno, Joseph M           18 OCCS-PV                58.23      58.28        
                  28.04       58.28 (30.24)                                        
 63 Chambers, Chris J         20 UN-PV                  56.55      58.60        
                  27.58       58.60 (31.02)                                        
 64 Bowers, Devin J           16 SNOW-PV                58.13      58.64        
                  28.16       58.64 (30.48)                                        
 65 Stevens, Matt D           16 FGAC-PV                50.89Y     58.76        
                  28.52       58.76 (30.24)                                        
 66 Clinton, Marc F           18 NCAC-NC                59.18      58.81        
                  28.11       58.81 (30.70)                                        
 67 Biesecker, Kyle R         17 RMSC-PV                58.10      58.85        
                  27.98       58.85 (30.87)                                        
 67 Wisda, Joe M              18 RMSC-PV                50.14Y     58.85        
                  27.68       58.85 (31.17)                                        
 67 Haibel, Chris G           18 RMSC-PV                51.29Y     58.85        
                  28.51       58.85 (30.34)                                        
 70 Pennington, Adam S        15 FISH-PV                58.12      58.86        
                  28.28       58.86 (30.58)                                        
 71 Anthony, Mac M            15 NOVA-VA                54.62      58.90        
                  27.95       58.90 (30.95)                                        
 72 Gordon, Jonathan A        17 RMSC-PV                51.62Y     59.07        
                  28.21       59.07 (30.86)                                        
 73 Cravath, Craig C          16 RMSC-PV              1:00.41      59.21        
                  28.37       59.21 (30.84)                                        
 74 Allsopp, David A          18 CUBU-PV                50.37Y     59.23        
                  28.30       59.23 (30.93)                                        
 75 Hallock, Michael E        16 Machine-PV             50.68Y     59.25        
                  27.98       59.25 (31.27)                                        
 76 Katz, Justin C            17 RMSC-PV                51.02Y     59.26        
                  29.36       59.26 (29.90)                                        
 77 Gray, Michael J           18 UN-PV                  48.35Y     59.38        
                  27.65       59.38 (31.73)                                        
 78 Clark, Christopher D      17 UN-CU-PV               55.56      59.39        
                  27.86       59.39 (31.53)                                        
 79 McKenzie, John T          14 SDS-PV                 58.70      59.73        
                  28.74       59.73 (30.99)                                        
 80 Stodter, Casey J          16 RMSC-PV                48.95Y     59.87        
                  28.41       59.87 (31.46)                                        
 81 Dunn, AJ J                17 Machine-PV             50.91Y   1:00.02        
                  27.80     1:00.02 (32.22)                                        
 82 Spencer, Adam M           17 RMSC-PV                50.37Y   1:00.07        
                  28.20     1:00.07 (31.87)                                        
 83 Ornstein, Cory L          17 RMSC-PV                51.31Y   1:00.29        
                  29.14     1:00.29 (31.15)                                        
 84 Coe, Robert C             17 RMSC-PV                57.93    1:00.39        
                  28.53     1:00.39 (31.86)                                        
 85 Nichols, Quyen A          17 PM-PV                  58.68    1:00.40        
                  28.34     1:00.40 (32.06)                                        
 86 DeGEORGES, Trey L         16 AAC-PV                 51.34Y   1:00.64        
                  28.04     1:00.64 (32.60)                                        
 87 Mahoney, Brian S          16 RMSC-PV                51.34Y   1:00.87        
                  28.85     1:00.87 (32.02)                                        
 88 Thiede, Scott W           15 ASA-PV                 58.26    1:00.94        
                  28.99     1:00.94 (31.95)                                        
 89 Bauernfeind, David R      16 PM-PV                  54.07Y   1:01.03        
                  28.98     1:01.03 (32.05)                                        
 90 Maxwell, Tom J            17 OCCS-PV                58.97    1:01.07        
                  28.55     1:01.07 (32.52)                                        
 91 Allsopp, Matt C           15 CUBU-PV                56.77    1:01.16        
                  28.45     1:01.16 (32.71)                                        
 92 Gandhi, Akshay            16 RMSC-PV                51.80Y   1:01.61        
                  28.76     1:01.61 (32.85)                                        
 93 Zanellato, Joe A          16 CUBU-PV                50.23Y   1:01.99        
                  28.53     1:01.99 (33.46)                                        
 94 Qian, Eddie T             17 CUBU-PV                51.69Y   1:04.25        
                  28.79     1:04.25 (35.46)                                        
 -- Pool, Christopher D       20 CUBU-PV                54.59        DFS        
Boys 200 LC Meter Freestyle
World Record: ! 1:44.06        2001 Ian Thorpe, AUS                            
  USA Record: $ 1:45.20        2005 Michael Phelps                             
PVS Open Rec: # 1:45.99        2003 Michael Phelps, NBAC-MD                    
    OTrial08: % 1:52.89                                                        
   Nationals: * 1:54.09                                                        
SpeedoChamps: & 2:01.49                                                        
Junior Nat 0: @ 1:57.29                                                        
    SCYNAT07: ^ 1:55.69                                                        
 Meet Qualifying:  2:07.59
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 Stewart, Sean P     16 RMSC-PV              1:58.68    1:54.84^        20  
                  26.82       56.78 (29.96)     1:26.32 (29.54)     1:54.84 (28.52)
  2 Wren, Garrett M     20 NOVA-VA              1:56.32    1:55.43^        17  
                  26.79       55.81 (29.02)     1:25.79 (29.98)     1:55.43 (29.64)
  3 Harris, Kenton M    21 NOVA-VA              1:58.45    1:55.67^        16  
                  27.29       56.78 (29.49)     1:26.38 (29.60)     1:55.67 (29.29)
  4 Robertson, Lee J    19 NOVA-VA              1:57.52    1:56.02@        15  
                  27.04       56.57 (29.53)     1:25.99 (29.42)     1:56.02 (30.03)
  5 Finelli, Drew S     19 CUBU-PV              1:58.44    1:57.71&        14  
                  27.57       57.21 (29.64)     1:27.68 (30.47)     1:57.71 (30.03)
  6 Koucheravy, Thomas  22 UNAT-PV              1:57.01    1:57.84&        13  
                  27.19       56.89 (29.70)     1:27.51 (30.62)     1:57.84 (30.33)
  7 Grimmett-Norris, R  18 CUBU-PV              1:58.55    1:58.33&        12  
                  27.45       57.47 (30.02)     1:27.86 (30.39)     1:58.33 (30.47)
  8 Benecki, Steven R   19 FISH-PV              1:58.67    1:58.95&        11  
                  27.72       57.88 (30.16)     1:28.15 (30.27)     1:58.95 (30.80)
B - Final
  9 Brown, Gaites P     17 NOVA-VA              1:59.14    1:57.07@         9  
                  25.93       54.37 (28.44)     1:24.96 (30.59)     1:57.07 (32.11)
 10 McMahon, Daniel M   19 NOVA-VA              1:59.90    1:58.07&         7  
                  27.83       57.82 (29.99)     1:28.44 (30.62)     1:58.07 (29.63)
 11 Schnittker, John I  17 Machine-PV           1:59.09    1:58.55&         6  
                  27.62       58.02 (30.40)     1:28.73 (30.71)     1:58.55 (29.82)
 12 Wingert, Tim J      16 MAKO-PV              1:59.82    1:58.87&         5  
                  27.89       58.60 (30.71)     1:29.35 (30.75)     1:58.87 (29.52)
 13 Golaszewski, Kenne  21 UN-PV                1:58.90    1:59.47&         4  
                  27.91       58.59 (30.68)     1:29.11 (30.52)     1:59.47 (30.36)
 14 Mendes, Jesse N     17 NCAC-NC              1:59.31    2:00.52&         3  
                  28.10       58.86 (30.76)     1:29.95 (31.09)     2:00.52 (30.57)
 15 Meyer, Mark P       17 RMSC-PV              1:59.88    2:00.88&         2  
                  28.74       59.52 (30.78)     1:30.75 (31.23)     2:00.88 (30.13)
 16 Berger, Christoph   17 NOVA-VA              1:59.18    2:01.91          1  
                  28.10       59.40 (31.30)     1:31.26 (31.86)     2:01.91 (30.65)
C - Final
 17 Lawson, Callum T    17 SNOW-PV              2:00.92    1:59.63&       
                  28.54       59.58 (31.04)     1:30.00 (30.42)     1:59.63 (29.63)
 18 Wren, David H       18 NOVA-VA              2:01.77    2:00.07&       
                  27.65       58.58 (30.93)     1:30.17 (31.59)     2:00.07 (29.90)
 19 Heinrich, Colin M   17 NOVA-VA              1:59.94    2:00.23&       
                  27.83       58.68 (30.85)     1:29.89 (31.21)     2:00.23 (30.34)
 20 Gibson, Chris R     23 CUBU-PV              2:01.55    2:00.98&       
                  27.96       58.32 (30.36)     1:29.76 (31.44)     2:00.98 (31.22)
 21 Mears, Andy S       18 CUBU-PV              2:00.47    2:01.53        
                  27.48       58.31 (30.83)     1:29.78 (31.47)     2:01.53 (31.75)
 22 Tyburski, Max R     17 CUBU-PV              2:01.08    2:02.07        
                  28.73     1:00.36 (31.63)     1:31.63 (31.27)     2:02.07 (30.44)
 23 Evans, Connor P     17 CUBU-PV              2:00.49    2:03.15        
                                  59.56 ( )     1:31.55 (31.99)     2:03.15 (31.60)
 24 Pinto, John David   19 CUBU-PV              2:01.18    2:05.57        
                  28.96     1:00.47 (31.51)     1:33.32 (32.85)     2:05.57 (32.25)
Boys 200 LC Meter Freestyle
World Record: ! 1:44.06        2001 Ian Thorpe, AUS                            
  USA Record: $ 1:45.20        2005 Michael Phelps                             
PVS Open Rec: # 1:45.99        2003 Michael Phelps, NBAC-MD                    
    OTrial08: % 1:52.89                                                        
   Nationals: * 1:54.09                                                        
SpeedoChamps: & 2:01.49                                                        
Junior Nat 0: @ 1:57.29                                                        
    SCYNAT07: ^ 1:55.69                                                        
 Meet Qualifying:  2:07.59
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Wren, Garrett M           20 NOVA-VA              1:58.43    1:56.32@       
                  27.04       56.37 (29.33)     1:26.51 (30.14)     1:56.32 (29.81)
  2 Koucheravy, Thomas M      22 UNAT-PV              1:54.27    1:57.01@       
                  27.16       56.80 (29.64)     1:27.08 (30.28)     1:57.01 (29.93)
  3 Robertson, Lee J          19 NOVA-VA              1:56.34    1:57.52&       
                  27.38       57.87 (30.49)     1:27.74 (29.87)     1:57.52 (29.78)
  4 Finelli, Drew S           19 CUBU-PV              1:59.70    1:58.44&       
                  27.79       57.77 (29.98)     1:28.54 (30.77)     1:58.44 (29.90)
  5 Harris, Kenton M          21 NOVA-VA              1:57.21    1:58.45&       
                  27.32       57.02 (29.70)     1:27.84 (30.82)     1:58.45 (30.61)
  6 Grimmett-Norris, Robert   18 CUBU-PV              1:58.58    1:58.55&       
                  27.75       58.03 (30.28)     1:28.34 (30.31)     1:58.55 (30.21)
  7 Benecki, Steven R         19 FISH-PV              1:59.97    1:58.67&       
                                  57.10 ( )     1:27.97 (30.87)     1:58.67 (30.70)
  8 Stewart, Sean P           16 RMSC-PV              1:56.92    1:58.68&       
                  27.24       57.45 (30.21)     1:28.72 (31.27)     1:58.68 (29.96)
  9 Golaszewski, Kenneth P    21 UN-PV                1:59.88    1:58.90&       
                  27.70       57.62 (29.92)     1:28.23 (30.61)     1:58.90 (30.67)
 10 Schnittker, John I        17 Machine-PV           2:00.93    1:59.09&       
                  27.24       57.84 (30.60)     1:28.80 (30.96)     1:59.09 (30.29)
 11 Brown, Gaites P           17 NOVA-VA              1:56.50    1:59.14&       
                                  56.60 ( )     1:27.63 (31.03)     1:59.14 (31.51)
 12 Berger, Christoph S       17 NOVA-VA              2:01.21    1:59.18&       
                  27.67       57.86 (30.19)     1:29.04 (31.18)     1:59.18 (30.14)
 13 Mendes, Jesse N           17 NCAC-NC              2:01.09    1:59.31&       
                  27.84       58.08 (30.24)     1:28.64 (30.56)     1:59.31 (30.67)
 14 Wingert, Tim J            16 MAKO-PV              2:01.28    1:59.82&       
                  27.00       56.54 (29.54)     1:27.90 (31.36)     1:59.82 (31.92)
 15 Meyer, Mark P             17 RMSC-PV              2:02.37    1:59.88&       
                  28.14       58.65 (30.51)     1:29.49 (30.84)     1:59.88 (30.39)
 16 McMahon, Daniel M         19 NOVA-VA              1:58.24    1:59.90&       
                  27.85       58.20 (30.35)     1:28.91 (30.71)     1:59.90 (30.99)
 17 Heinrich, Colin M         17 NOVA-VA              2:00.01    1:59.94&       
                  27.45       57.68 (30.23)     1:28.76 (31.08)     1:59.94 (31.18)
 18 Mears, Andy S             18 CUBU-PV              1:58.97    2:00.47&       
                  27.61       58.36 (30.75)     1:29.91 (31.55)     2:00.47 (30.56)
 19 Evans, Connor P           17 CUBU-PV              2:01.45    2:00.49&       
                  28.05       58.85 (30.80)     1:29.86 (31.01)     2:00.49 (30.63)
 20 Friedland, Eric T         17 RMSC-PV              2:07.14    2:00.81&       
                  27.92       58.96 (31.04)     1:29.58 (30.62)     2:00.81 (31.23)
 21 Lawson, Callum T          17 SNOW-PV              2:02.51    2:00.92&       
                  28.50       59.07 (30.57)     1:29.93 (30.86)     2:00.92 (30.99)
 22 Gledhill, Cameron W       18 CUBU-PV              1:57.15    2:00.97&       
                  27.48       58.22 (30.74)     1:29.39 (31.17)     2:00.97 (31.58)
 23 Tyburski, Max R           17 CUBU-PV              2:02.53    2:01.08&       
                                  59.51 ( )     1:30.27 (30.76)     2:01.08 (30.81)
 24 Morres, Alexander R       16 OCCS-PV              2:02.35    2:01.17&       
                  28.56       58.89 (30.33)     1:30.07 (31.18)     2:01.17 (31.10)
 25 Pinto, John David         19 CUBU-PV              2:01.75    2:01.18&       
                  28.64     1:00.19 (31.55)     1:31.17 (30.98)     2:01.18 (30.01)
 26 Gibson, Chris R           23 CUBU-PV              2:00.35    2:01.55        
                  28.34       58.84 (30.50)     1:31.01 (32.17)     2:01.55 (30.54)
 27 Wren, David H             18 NOVA-VA              2:00.23    2:01.77        
                  27.76       58.46 (30.70)     1:30.16 (31.70)     2:01.77 (31.61)
 28 Park, Brock B             17 CUBU-PV              1:59.56    2:01.80        
                  27.42       57.87 (30.45)     1:29.87 (32.00)     2:01.80 (31.93)
 29 Cross, Jason A            19 RMSC-PV              2:04.83    2:02.41        
                  28.37       59.57 (31.20)     1:30.77 (31.20)     2:02.41 (31.64)
 30 Shrum, Jake R             21 NOVA-VA              2:04.87    2:02.44        
                  28.45       59.86 (31.41)     1:31.82 (31.96)     2:02.44 (30.62)
 31 Vallario, Kevin M         16 FGAC-PV              2:04.59    2:02.45        
                  28.91       59.67 (30.76)     1:31.69 (32.02)     2:02.45 (30.76)
 32 Mackenzie, Doug R         16 RMSC-PV              2:04.00    2:02.56        
                  28.53       59.48 (30.95)     1:31.08 (31.60)     2:02.56 (31.48)
 33 Ross, Brooks R            16 NOVA-VA              2:03.48    2:02.77        
                  28.57       59.76 (31.19)     1:31.36 (31.60)     2:02.77 (31.41)
 34 Mengering, Daniel E       20 RMSC-PV              1:57.23    2:02.92        
                  28.76       59.47 (30.71)     1:30.81 (31.34)     2:02.92 (32.11)
 35 Mechak, Ben P             18 RMSC-PV              2:02.27    2:03.00        
                  27.99       59.08 (31.09)     1:31.16 (32.08)     2:03.00 (31.84)
 36 Sakaris, Stephen A        16 RMSC-PV              2:03.54    2:03.01        
                  28.52     1:00.27 (31.75)     1:31.97 (31.70)     2:03.01 (31.04)
 37 Brake, Andy J             18 CUBU-PV              1:59.55    2:03.04        
                  29.09     1:00.22 (31.13)     1:31.34 (31.12)     2:03.04 (31.70)
 38 Bollea, Drew L            18 CUBU-PV              2:03.97    2:03.73        
                  28.96     1:00.74 (31.78)     1:33.06 (32.32)     2:03.73 (30.67)
 38 Nichols, Robert E         15 CUBU-PV              2:03.88    2:03.73        
                  29.33     1:01.15 (31.82)     1:33.13 (31.98)     2:03.73 (30.60)
 38 Benecki, Matthew B        16 FISH-PV              2:03.94    2:03.73        
                  29.06     1:00.37 (31.31)     1:32.32 (31.95)     2:03.73 (31.41)
 41 Thaden, Michael T         17 NCAC-NC              2:07.07    2:03.83        
                  28.20       59.62 (31.42)     1:31.49 (31.87)     2:03.83 (32.34)
 42 Bruno, Joseph M           18 OCCS-PV              2:03.75    2:03.90        
                  28.87     1:00.25 (31.38)     1:32.19 (31.94)     2:03.90 (31.71)
 43 Bailey, Jonathan D        17 NOVA-VA              2:02.80    2:03.91        
                                1:00.29 ( )     1:31.85 (31.56)     2:03.91 (32.06)
 44 Harris, Matt L            19 RMSC-PV              1:59.04    2:04.36        
                  28.45     1:00.11 (31.66)     1:31.93 (31.82)     2:04.36 (32.43)
 45 Stanton, Colin T          17 Aqua Hoya-PV         2:04.99    2:04.67        
                  28.97     1:00.58 (31.61)     1:32.57 (31.99)     2:04.67 (32.10)
 45 Christensen, Jon L        16 CUBU-PV              1:46.14Y   2:04.67        
                  29.41     1:01.32 (31.91)     1:33.42 (32.10)     2:04.67 (31.25)
 47 Perrot, Hunter G          16 AAC-PV               2:04.63    2:04.89        
                  28.63       59.73 (31.10)     1:32.53 (32.80)     2:04.89 (32.36)
 48 Hedquist, Cameron M       16 RMSC-PV              1:44.99Y   2:04.93        
                  29.00     1:01.46 (32.46)     1:34.09 (32.63)     2:04.93 (30.84)
 49 Kiss, David               17 CUBU-PV              2:02.36    2:04.94        
                  29.54     1:00.78 (31.24)     1:32.03 (31.25)     2:04.94 (32.91)
 50 Stodter, Casey J          16 RMSC-PV              2:07.13    2:04.95        
                  29.63     1:01.88 (32.25)     1:33.48 (31.60)     2:04.95 (31.47)
 51 Budner, Aaron E           15 RMSC-PV              2:03.79    2:04.97        
                  28.32       59.00 (30.68)     1:31.34 (32.34)     2:04.97 (33.63)
 52 Ogren, Tad A              19 CUBU-PV              2:04.75    2:05.11        
                  29.27     1:00.92 (31.65)     1:33.38 (32.46)     2:05.11 (31.73)
 53 Miller, Michael R         21 CUBU-PV              2:01.56    2:05.29        
                  29.28       59.95 (30.67)     1:32.08 (32.13)     2:05.29 (33.21)
 54 Gasparis, Steven J        17 CUBU-PV              1:47.08Y   2:05.31        
                  29.03     1:01.52 (32.49)     1:34.35 (32.83)     2:05.31 (30.96)
 55 Gordon, Jonathan A        17 RMSC-PV              1:49.88Y   2:05.37        
                  29.28     1:00.58 (31.30)     1:33.08 (32.50)     2:05.37 (32.29)
 56 Astiz, Adrian A           19 RMSC-PV              2:01.44    2:05.41        
                  29.88     1:02.80 (32.92)     1:33.70 (30.90)     2:05.41 (31.71)
 57 Hill, Jack J              18 NCAC-NC              1:49.65Y   2:05.48        
                  28.67     1:00.20 (31.53)     1:33.31 (33.11)     2:05.48 (32.17)
 58 Krebs, Matt E             16 CUBU-PV              2:04.61    2:05.49        
                  29.41     1:01.45 (32.04)     1:33.82 (32.37)     2:05.49 (31.67)
 59 MacDonald, Angus J        15 OCCS-PV              2:06.45    2:05.53        
                  28.42     1:00.20 (31.78)     1:33.12 (32.92)     2:05.53 (32.41)
 60 Shaw, KJ J                16 NOVA-VA              1:50.68Y   2:05.67        
                  28.99     1:00.78 (31.79)     1:33.45 (32.67)     2:05.67 (32.22)
 61 Fay, Stephen G            16 HACC-PV              2:06.49    2:05.71        
                  28.83     1:00.57 (31.74)     1:33.24 (32.67)     2:05.71 (32.47)
 62 Spina, Alex M             16 CUBU-PV              1:50.01Y   2:05.87        
                  29.62     1:01.34 (31.72)     1:33.74 (32.40)     2:05.87 (32.13)
 63 Casey, Tom J              15 SNOW-PV              1:48.90Y   2:05.92        
                  28.45     1:00.43 (31.98)     1:32.96 (32.53)     2:05.92 (32.96)
 64 Shen, David Z             16 PM-PV                2:04.29    2:06.03        
                  29.10     1:00.74 (31.64)     1:33.58 (32.84)     2:06.03 (32.45)
 65 Bowers, Devin J           16 SNOW-PV              2:07.27    2:06.12        
                  29.14     1:01.00 (31.86)     1:33.89 (32.89)     2:06.12 (32.23)
 66 Brewer, Jamison D         16 NCAC-NC              1:51.65Y   2:06.18        
                  28.62     1:00.81 (32.19)     1:33.57 (32.76)     2:06.18 (32.61)
 67 Foltz, Wesley A           17 NCAC-NC              2:07.23    2:06.20        
                  29.44     1:01.76 (32.32)     1:34.39 (32.63)     2:06.20 (31.81)
 68 Phillips, Bradley D       15 CUBU-PV              2:07.13    2:06.45        
                  28.64     1:01.00 (32.36)     1:33.89 (32.89)     2:06.45 (32.56)
 69 Lichtenfels, Ryan R       17 CUBU-PV              2:06.40    2:06.57        
                  28.60     1:00.84 (32.24)     1:33.88 (33.04)     2:06.57 (32.69)
 70 Haibel, Chris G           18 RMSC-PV              1:50.66Y   2:06.60        
                  29.05     1:00.87 (31.82)     1:34.20 (33.33)     2:06.60 (32.40)
 71 Haibel, Sandy J           17 RMSC-PV              2:07.36    2:06.62        
                  28.48     1:01.22 (32.74)     1:34.40 (33.18)     2:06.62 (32.22)
 72 Clinton, Marc F           18 NCAC-NC              2:06.83    2:06.70        
                                1:01.83 ( )     1:34.63 (32.80)     2:06.70 (32.07)
 73 DeKlau, Tim E             17 PEAK-PV              1:46.33Y   2:06.83        
                  30.16     1:02.43 (32.27)     1:34.69 (32.26)     2:06.83 (32.14)
 74 Coe, Robert C             17 RMSC-PV              1:51.33Y   2:06.91        
                  29.20     1:01.56 (32.36)     1:34.57 (33.01)     2:06.91 (32.34)
 75 Sheranek, Tom I           16 NOVA-VA              2:00.72    2:06.92        
                  28.05       59.64 (31.59)     1:33.13 (33.49)     2:06.92 (33.79)
 76 Richards, Stephen M       15 SDS-PV               1:47.69Y   2:07.01        
                  29.51     1:02.12 (32.61)     1:34.42 (32.30)     2:07.01 (32.59)
 77 Wong, Brian W             18 PM-PV                1:50.72Y   2:07.65        
                  29.85     1:01.94 (32.09)     1:34.41 (32.47)     2:07.65 (33.24)
 78 Kundrat, John A           14 FAST-PV              1:50.86Y   2:07.78        
                  28.35     1:00.84 (32.49)     1:34.60 (33.76)     2:07.78 (33.18)
 79 Leverone, Nick A          16 CUBU-PV              1:50.00Y   2:07.96        
                  29.09     1:00.81 (31.72)     1:33.95 (33.14)     2:07.96 (34.01)
 80 Stevens, Matt D           16 FGAC-PV              1:49.99Y   2:08.03        
                  29.90     1:02.38 (32.48)     1:35.35 (32.97)     2:08.03 (32.68)
 81 Anthony, Mac M            15 NOVA-VA              1:59.19    2:08.11        
                  28.59     1:00.98 (32.39)     1:34.83 (33.85)     2:08.11 (33.28)
 82 Yang, Yang                17 Aqua Hoya-PV         2:05.91    2:08.33        
                  29.68     1:02.17 (32.49)     1:35.60 (33.43)     2:08.33 (32.73)
 83 Paulling, Daniel K        21 CUBU-PV              2:06.63    2:08.38        
                  29.49     1:01.90 (32.41)     1:35.66 (33.76)     2:08.38 (32.72)
 84 Kiss, Balazs              15 CUBU-PV              1:51.26Y   2:08.59        
                  29.56     1:01.88 (32.32)     1:35.29 (33.41)     2:08.59 (33.30)
 85 Bourne, Sean T            17 CUBU-PV              1:47.13Y   2:08.64        
                  29.69     1:02.20 (32.51)     1:36.01 (33.81)     2:08.64 (32.63)
 86 Pham, Chris T             17 RMSC-PV              2:06.48    2:08.93        
                  29.98     1:03.00 (33.02)     1:36.41 (33.41)     2:08.93 (32.52)
 87 Tuben, Benjamin P         17 PM-PV                1:46.65Y   2:09.00        
                  28.07     1:00.35 (32.28)     1:34.38 (34.03)     2:09.00 (34.62)
 87 Hale-Kupiec, Thomas A     18 CUBU-PV              2:05.18    2:09.00        
                  28.99     1:01.38 (32.39)     1:35.27 (33.89)     2:09.00 (33.73)
 89 Allsopp, David A          18 CUBU-PV              1:52.55Y   2:09.05        
                  29.81     1:02.64 (32.83)     1:36.10 (33.46)     2:09.05 (32.95)
 90 Hafkin, Josh V            19 RMSC-PV              1:49.42Y   2:09.12        
                  28.78     1:01.44 (32.66)     1:34.84 (33.40)     2:09.12 (34.28)
 91 Tollefson, Andrew H       15 RMSC-PV              1:51.09Y   2:09.17        
                  29.64     1:02.38 (32.74)     1:35.56 (33.18)     2:09.17 (33.61)
 92 Conrad, Nick G            19 RMSC-PV              2:05.91    2:09.35        
                  28.63     1:01.19 (32.56)     1:35.73 (34.54)     2:09.35 (33.62)
 93 Feasley, Robert A         18 RMSC-PV              1:50.38Y   2:09.54        
                  29.15     1:01.66 (32.51)     1:34.90 (33.24)     2:09.54 (34.64)
 94 Begun, Jeremy N           15 SNOW-PV              1:52.24Y   2:09.63        
                  30.19     1:03.45 (33.26)     1:36.70 (33.25)     2:09.63 (32.93)
 95 Frampton, Andrew M        20 RMSC-PV              2:08.52    2:09.92        
                  29.56     1:02.97 (33.41)     1:36.66 (33.69)     2:09.92 (33.26)
 96 Heidel, Kenneth M         16 UNATT-PV             1:51.27Y   2:10.17        
                  29.32     1:02.18 (32.86)     1:36.31 (34.13)     2:10.17 (33.86)
 97 Cooke, Peter B            17 PEAK-PV              2:12.62    2:10.20        
                  30.01     1:03.00 (32.99)     1:36.61 (33.61)     2:10.20 (33.59)
 98 Clendenin, Stephen A      18 Blue Wave-PV         1:51.97Y   2:10.81        
                                  17.24 ( )   1:35.43 (1:18.19)     2:10.81 (35.38)
 99 Gerlach, Ethan E          17 MSSC-PV              1:50.08Y   2:11.09        
                  30.30     1:02.95 (32.65)     1:36.87 (33.92)     2:11.09 (34.22)
100 Nichols, Quyen A          17 PM-PV                1:51.11Y   2:11.32        
                  29.78     1:02.58 (32.80)     1:36.42 (33.84)     2:11.32 (34.90)
101 Biesecker, Kyle R         17 RMSC-PV              1:51.17Y   2:11.37        
                  28.60     1:00.70 (32.10)     1:35.05 (34.35)     2:11.37 (36.32)
102 Wright, Geoffrey A        14 SNOW-PV              2:06.80    2:11.57        
                  28.92     1:02.17 (33.25)     1:36.69 (34.52)     2:11.57 (34.88)
103 Spencer, Adam M           17 RMSC-PV              1:51.30Y   2:11.93        
                  29.38     1:01.98 (32.60)     1:36.49 (34.51)     2:11.93 (35.44)
104 DeGEORGES, Trey L         16 AAC-PV               1:50.45Y   2:12.51        
                  30.56     1:03.73 (33.17)     1:38.24 (34.51)     2:12.51 (34.27)
105 Coyle, Bradley S          24 RMSC-PV              2:48.88    2:12.87        
                  29.40     1:01.43 (32.03)     1:36.46 (35.03)     2:12.87 (36.41)
106 McKenzie, John T          14 SDS-PV               2:14.24    2:13.10        
                  30.22     1:04.72 (34.50)     1:39.60 (34.88)     2:13.10 (33.50)
107 Gandhi, Akshay            16 RMSC-PV              2:17.87    2:13.59        
                  30.15     1:03.09 (32.94)     1:37.66 (34.57)     2:13.59 (35.93)
108 Bumiller, Mark T          17 CUBU-PV              1:49.21Y   2:13.81        
                  29.81     1:03.29 (33.48)     1:37.72 (34.43)     2:13.81 (36.09)
109 VanGelder, Sebastien Z    18 PM-PV                1:47.65Y   2:14.46        
                  30.79     1:05.03 (34.24)     1:39.77 (34.74)     2:14.46 (34.69)
110 Ornstein, Cory L          17 RMSC-PV              1:48.92Y   2:14.69        
                  30.86     1:04.98 (34.12)     1:39.89 (34.91)     2:14.69 (34.80)
111 Kreitler, Robert M        19 PM-PV                2:12.01    2:15.42        
                  30.88     1:06.00 (35.12)     1:41.79 (35.79)     2:15.42 (33.63)
112 Foley, Con S              17 Aqua Hoya-PV         2:18.98    2:16.21        
                  31.21     1:06.19 (34.98)     1:41.84 (35.65)     2:16.21 (34.37)
112 Jolly, Michael A          16 RMSC-PV              2:18.58    2:16.21        
                  31.01     1:05.51 (34.50)     1:41.40 (35.89)     2:16.21 (34.81)
114 Pennington, Adam S        15 FISH-PV              1:51.04Y   2:16.44        
                  28.75     1:03.58 (34.83)     1:41.36 (37.78)     2:16.44 (35.08)
115 Mahoney, Brian S          16 RMSC-PV              1:52.56Y   2:16.72        
                  30.52     1:04.69 (34.17)     1:40.39 (35.70)     2:16.72 (36.33)
116 Katz, Justin C            17 RMSC-PV              2:17.39    2:16.94        
                  30.62     1:06.13 (35.51)     1:42.47 (36.34)     2:16.94 (34.47)
117 Des Roches, Jake J        16 SDS-PV               2:07.48    2:17.35        
                  29.50     1:02.30 (32.80)     1:39.51 (37.21)     2:17.35 (37.84)
Boys 400 LC Meter Freestyle
World Record: ! 3:40.08        2002 Ian Thorpe, AUS                            
  USA Record: $ 3:44.11        2004 Klete Keller                               
PVS Open Rec: # 3:46.73        2003 Michael Phelps, NBAC-MD                    
    OTrial08: % 3:59.99                                                        
   Nationals: * 4:02.99                                                        
SpeedoChamps: & 4:18.59                                                        
Junior Nat 0: @ 4:08.59                                                        
    SCYNAT07: ^ 4:05.89                                                        
 Meet Qualifying:  4:31.49
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 Wren, Garrett M     20 NOVA-VA              4:10.45    4:06.31@        20  
                  28.82       59.44 (30.62)     1:30.41 (30.97)     2:02.11 (31.70)
        2:33.48 (31.37)     3:05.16 (31.68)     3:36.51 (31.35)     4:06.31 (29.80)
  2 Finelli, Drew S     19 CUBU-PV              4:08.78    4:06.43@        17  
                  27.82       57.85 (30.03)     1:29.06 (31.21)     2:00.74 (31.68)
        2:32.57 (31.83)     3:04.69 (32.12)     3:36.37 (31.68)     4:06.43 (30.06)
  3 Stewart, Sean P     16 RMSC-PV              4:11.63    4:09.08&        16  
                  27.68       59.07 (31.39)     1:30.59 (31.52)     2:02.45 (31.86)
        2:34.47 (32.02)     3:06.61 (32.14)     3:38.04 (31.43)     4:09.08 (31.04)
  4 Grimmett-Norris, R  18 CUBU-PV              4:10.91    4:09.90&        15  
                  27.94       59.06 (31.12)     1:30.49 (31.43)     2:02.79 (32.30)
        2:34.95 (32.16)     3:06.95 (32.00)     3:38.50 (31.55)     4:09.90 (31.40)
  5 McMahon, Daniel M   19 NOVA-VA              4:09.85    4:10.20&        14  
                  28.34       58.83 (30.49)     1:30.14 (31.31)     2:02.04 (31.90)
        2:34.52 (32.48)     3:07.22 (32.70)     3:39.68 (32.46)     4:10.20 (30.52)
  6 Mendes, Jesse N     17 NCAC-NC              4:10.55    4:11.23&        13  
                  28.54     1:00.10 (31.56)     1:31.73 (31.63)     2:04.24 (32.51)
        2:36.57 (32.33)     3:09.33 (32.76)     3:40.52 (31.19)     4:11.23 (30.71)
  7 Benecki, Steven R   19 FISH-PV              4:10.63    4:14.03&        12  
                  28.22       59.38 (31.16)     1:30.73 (31.35)     2:02.73 (32.00)
        2:34.92 (32.19)     3:07.93 (33.01)     3:41.25 (33.32)     4:14.03 (32.78)
  8 Litz, Justin T      16 NOVA-VA              4:10.22    4:14.94&        11  
                  28.48       59.51 (31.03)     1:31.05 (31.54)     2:03.28 (32.23)
        2:35.84 (32.56)     3:08.98 (33.14)     3:42.40 (33.42)     4:14.94 (32.54)
B - Final
  9 Fox, Brady C        16 RMSC-PV              4:12.47    4:09.53&         9  
                  28.24       59.25 (31.01)     1:30.73 (31.48)     2:02.99 (32.26)
        2:35.46 (32.47)     3:08.29 (32.83)     3:39.11 (30.82)     4:09.53 (30.42)
 10 Heinrich, Colin M   17 NOVA-VA              4:15.03    4:10.77&         7  
                  27.76       58.26 (30.50)     1:30.18 (31.92)     2:02.32 (32.14)
        2:35.06 (32.74)     3:07.25 (32.19)     3:39.39 (32.14)     4:10.77 (31.38)
 11 Benecki, Matthew B  16 FISH-PV              4:13.55    4:11.70&         6  
                  28.49     1:00.00 (31.51)     1:32.28 (32.28)     2:04.45 (32.17)
        2:36.56 (32.11)     3:08.60 (32.04)     3:40.66 (32.06)     4:11.70 (31.04)
 12 Ross, Brooks R      16 NOVA-VA              4:12.34    4:15.35&         5  
                  28.55     1:00.14 (31.59)     1:32.58 (32.44)     2:05.37 (32.79)
        2:37.74 (32.37)     3:10.23 (32.49)     3:42.98 (32.75)     4:15.35 (32.37)
 13 Berger, Christoph   17 NOVA-VA              4:16.60    4:17.81&         4  
                  28.86     1:00.68 (31.82)     1:33.49 (32.81)     2:07.05 (33.56)
        2:40.22 (33.17)     3:13.39 (33.17)     3:46.37 (32.98)     4:17.81 (31.44)
 14 Flach, Michael F    16 FISH-PV              4:14.29    4:18.10&         3  
                  29.24     1:01.23 (31.99)     1:33.87 (32.64)     2:07.10 (33.23)
        2:39.80 (32.70)     3:13.10 (33.30)     3:45.86 (32.76)     4:18.10 (32.24)
 15 Shrum, Jake R       21 NOVA-VA              4:18.07    4:18.39&         2  
                  28.74     1:00.87 (32.13)     1:33.27 (32.40)     2:06.46 (33.19)
        2:39.47 (33.01)     3:13.37 (33.90)     3:46.17 (32.80)     4:18.39 (32.22)
 16 Bruno, Joseph M     18 OCCS-PV              4:18.81    4:22.48          1  
                  29.15     1:00.60 (31.45)     1:33.49 (32.89)     2:06.85 (33.36)
        2:40.86 (34.01)     3:14.97 (34.11)     3:49.28 (34.31)     4:22.48 (33.20)
C - Final
 17 Golaszewski, Kenne  21 UN-PV                4:18.87    4:16.10&       
                  29.05     1:00.98 (31.93)     1:33.08 (32.10)     2:06.06 (32.98)
        2:38.55 (32.49)     3:11.29 (32.74)     3:43.87 (32.58)     4:16.10 (32.23)
 18 Tyburski, Max R     17 CUBU-PV              4:20.05    4:19.26        
                  30.33     1:03.66 (33.33)     1:37.21 (33.55)     2:11.10 (33.89)
        2:43.86 (32.76)     3:16.80 (32.94)     3:49.18 (32.38)     4:19.26 (30.08)
 19 Stodter, Casey J    16 RMSC-PV              4:21.42    4:19.88        
                  29.53     1:02.22 (32.69)     1:35.23 (33.01)     2:08.73 (33.50)
        2:41.86 (33.13)     3:15.34 (33.48)     3:48.28 (32.94)     4:19.88 (31.60)
 20 Meyer, Adam M       19 RMSC-PV              4:21.03    4:20.36        
                  30.40     1:03.53 (33.13)     1:36.97 (33.44)     2:10.97 (34.00)
        2:44.18 (33.21)     3:17.48 (33.30)     3:49.74 (32.26)     4:20.36 (30.62)
 20 Mendes, Bryce T     15 NCAC-NC              4:20.48    4:20.36        
                  30.01     1:02.62 (32.61)     1:35.58 (32.96)     2:09.25 (33.67)
        2:41.92 (32.67)     3:15.34 (33.42)     3:48.19 (32.85)     4:20.36 (32.17)
 22 Stanton, Colin T    17 Aqua Hoya-PV         4:21.87    4:22.97        
                  30.68     1:04.13 (33.45)     1:37.90 (33.77)     2:11.91 (34.01)
        2:44.68 (32.77)     3:17.72 (33.04)     3:51.17 (33.45)     4:22.97 (31.80)
 23 Hill, Jack J        18 NCAC-NC              4:21.34    4:23.06        
                  29.58     1:02.66 (33.08)     1:35.58 (32.92)     2:09.18 (33.60)
        2:42.59 (33.41)     3:16.66 (34.07)     3:50.37 (33.71)     4:23.06 (32.69)
 24 Morres, Alexander   16 OCCS-PV              4:19.44    4:24.91        
                  29.86     1:02.82 (32.96)     1:36.30 (33.48)     2:10.41 (34.11)
        2:44.56 (34.15)     3:18.87 (34.31)     3:52.61 (33.74)     4:24.91 (32.30)
Boys 400 LC Meter Freestyle
World Record: ! 3:40.08        2002 Ian Thorpe, AUS                            
  USA Record: $ 3:44.11        2004 Klete Keller                               
PVS Open Rec: # 3:46.73        2003 Michael Phelps, NBAC-MD                    
    OTrial08: % 3:59.99                                                        
   Nationals: * 4:02.99                                                        
SpeedoChamps: & 4:18.59                                                        
Junior Nat 0: @ 4:08.59                                                        
    SCYNAT07: ^ 4:05.89                                                        
 Meet Qualifying:  4:31.49
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Finelli, Drew S           19 CUBU-PV              4:13.12    4:08.78&       
                  28.73     1:00.13 (31.40)     1:32.01 (31.88)     2:04.17 (32.16)
        2:35.73 (31.56)     3:07.77 (32.04)     3:38.74 (30.97)     4:08.78 (30.04)
  2 Koucheravy, Thomas M      22 UNAT-PV              3:54.81    4:09.31&       
                  27.74       58.55 (30.81)     1:29.66 (31.11)     2:01.54 (31.88)
        2:33.40 (31.86)     3:05.70 (32.30)     3:37.60 (31.90)     4:09.31 (31.71)
  3 McMahon, Daniel M         19 NOVA-VA              4:08.96    4:09.85&       
                  28.57     1:00.12 (31.55)     1:31.79 (31.67)     2:03.78 (31.99)
        2:35.66 (31.88)     3:07.72 (32.06)     3:38.92 (31.20)     4:09.85 (30.93)
  4 Litz, Justin T            16 NOVA-VA              4:15.36    4:10.22&       
                  28.77     1:00.06 (31.29)     1:31.32 (31.26)     2:03.29 (31.97)
        2:35.26 (31.97)     3:07.37 (32.11)     3:39.16 (31.79)     4:10.22 (31.06)
  5 Wren, Garrett M           20 NOVA-VA              4:10.49    4:10.45&       
                  28.83     1:00.16 (31.33)     1:32.04 (31.88)     2:03.91 (31.87)
        2:36.04 (32.13)     3:08.39 (32.35)     3:39.98 (31.59)     4:10.45 (30.47)
  6 Mendes, Jesse N           17 NCAC-NC              4:11.79    4:10.55&       
                  29.11     1:00.51 (31.40)     1:32.27 (31.76)     2:04.68 (32.41)
        2:36.89 (32.21)     3:09.01 (32.12)     3:40.30 (31.29)     4:10.55 (30.25)
  7 Benecki, Steven R         19 FISH-PV              4:14.56    4:10.63&       
                  28.05       59.26 (31.21)     1:30.90 (31.64)     2:03.22 (32.32)
        2:35.13 (31.91)     3:07.36 (32.23)     3:39.12 (31.76)     4:10.63 (31.51)
  8 Grimmett-Norris, Robert   18 CUBU-PV              4:08.98    4:10.91&       
                  28.45     1:00.13 (31.68)     1:31.94 (31.81)     2:04.29 (32.35)
        2:36.20 (31.91)     3:08.41 (32.21)     3:40.12 (31.71)     4:10.91 (30.79)
  9 Stewart, Sean P           16 RMSC-PV              4:12.94    4:11.63&       
                  28.61     1:00.41 (31.80)     1:33.10 (32.69)     2:05.47 (32.37)
        2:37.66 (32.19)     3:10.08 (32.42)     3:42.17 (32.09)     4:11.63 (29.46)
 10 Ross, Brooks R            16 NOVA-VA              4:16.26    4:12.34&       
                  28.81       59.98 (31.17)     1:32.21 (32.23)     2:04.46 (32.25)
        2:36.94 (32.48)     3:09.30 (32.36)     3:41.49 (32.19)     4:12.34 (30.85)
 11 Fox, Brady C              16 RMSC-PV              4:09.45    4:12.47&       
                  28.23     1:00.67 (32.44)     1:33.15 (32.48)     2:06.46 (33.31)
        2:39.02 (32.56)     3:12.34 (33.32)     3:42.83 (30.49)     4:12.47 (29.64)
 12 Meyer, Mark P             17 RMSC-PV              4:17.21    4:12.71&       
                                1:01.07 ( )     1:33.22 (32.15)     2:05.79 (32.57)
        2:37.95 (32.16)     3:10.26 (32.31)     3:41.77 (31.51)     4:12.71 (30.94)
 13 Benecki, Matthew B        16 FISH-PV              4:12.83    4:13.55&       
                  29.01     1:00.39 (31.38)     1:32.54 (32.15)     2:04.86 (32.32)
        2:37.07 (32.21)     3:09.35 (32.28)     3:41.43 (32.08)     4:13.55 (32.12)
 14 Flach, Michael F          16 FISH-PV              4:19.93    4:14.29&       
                  28.89     1:00.38 (31.49)     1:32.16 (31.78)     2:04.35 (32.19)
        2:36.13 (31.78)     3:08.93 (32.80)     3:41.74 (32.81)     4:14.29 (32.55)
 15 Heinrich, Colin M         17 NOVA-VA              4:11.32    4:15.03&       
                  28.59     1:00.02 (31.43)     1:32.09 (32.07)     2:04.62 (32.53)
        2:37.45 (32.83)     3:10.09 (32.64)     3:42.91 (32.82)     4:15.03 (32.12)
 16 Berger, Christoph S       17 NOVA-VA              4:18.72    4:16.60&       
                  29.44     1:00.99 (31.55)     1:33.26 (32.27)     2:05.79 (32.53)
        2:38.70 (32.91)     3:11.62 (32.92)     3:44.66 (33.04)     4:16.60 (31.94)
 17 Shrum, Jake R             21 NOVA-VA              4:20.92    4:18.07&       
                  29.11     1:01.65 (32.54)     1:34.50 (32.85)     2:07.96 (33.46)
        2:41.04 (33.08)     3:14.38 (33.34)     3:46.84 (32.46)     4:18.07 (31.23)
 18 Bruno, Joseph M           18 OCCS-PV              4:20.91    4:18.81        
                  29.86     1:01.86 (32.00)     1:34.77 (32.91)     2:08.14 (33.37)
        2:41.06 (32.92)     3:14.43 (33.37)     3:47.22 (32.79)     4:18.81 (31.59)
 19 Golaszewski, Kenneth P    21 UN-PV                4:33.82Y   4:18.87        
                  29.29     1:01.73 (32.44)     1:34.25 (32.52)     2:07.32 (33.07)
        2:40.11 (32.79)     3:13.34 (33.23)     3:46.50 (33.16)     4:18.87 (32.37)
 20 Krebs, Matt E             16 CUBU-PV              4:27.56    4:18.96        
                  29.51     1:01.63 (32.12)     1:34.35 (32.72)     2:07.64 (33.29)
        2:40.80 (33.16)     3:14.26 (33.46)     3:47.08 (32.82)     4:18.96 (31.88)
 21 Morres, Alexander R       16 OCCS-PV              4:16.75    4:19.44        
                  29.33     1:00.92 (31.59)     1:33.65 (32.73)     2:06.60 (32.95)
        2:39.87 (33.27)     3:13.63 (33.76)     3:46.81 (33.18)     4:19.44 (32.63)
 22 Tyburski, Max R           17 CUBU-PV              4:23.72    4:20.05        
                                1:03.50 ( )     1:36.92 (33.42)     2:10.48 (33.56)
        2:43.05 (32.57)     3:16.52 (33.47)     3:48.97 (32.45)     4:20.05 (31.08)
 23 Mendes, Bryce T           15 NCAC-NC              4:25.96    4:20.48        
                  29.63     1:02.76 (33.13)     1:36.14 (33.38)     2:10.06 (33.92)
        2:43.40 (33.34)     3:16.59 (33.19)     3:49.09 (32.50)     4:20.48 (31.39)
 24 Meyer, Adam M             19 RMSC-PV              4:18.82    4:21.03        
                  29.94     1:02.10 (32.16)     1:34.53 (32.43)     2:08.03 (33.50)
        2:40.70 (32.67)     3:14.94 (34.24)     3:48.61 (33.67)     4:21.03 (32.42)
 25 Hill, Jack J              18 NCAC-NC              4:22.96    4:21.34        
                  29.78     1:02.01 (32.23)     1:34.47 (32.46)     2:07.81 (33.34)
        2:40.95 (33.14)     3:14.78 (33.83)     3:48.77 (33.99)     4:21.34 (32.57)
 26 Stodter, Casey J          16 RMSC-PV              4:24.94    4:21.42        
                                1:03.85 ( )     1:37.80 (33.95)     2:11.76 (33.96)
        2:44.99 (33.23)     3:17.93 (32.94)     3:49.78 (31.85)     4:21.42 (31.64)
 27 Stanton, Colin T          17 Aqua Hoya-PV         4:23.63    4:21.87        
                  30.99     1:04.74 (33.75)     1:38.46 (33.72)     2:12.13 (33.67)
        2:44.00 (31.87)     3:16.54 (32.54)     3:49.30 (32.76)     4:21.87 (32.57)
 28 Bollea, Drew L            18 CUBU-PV              4:24.21    4:21.94        
                                1:03.97 ( )     1:38.02 (34.05)     2:12.10 (34.08)
        2:45.38 (33.28)     3:18.65 (33.27)     3:51.10 (32.45)     4:21.94 (30.84)
 29 Foltz, Wesley A           17 NCAC-NC              4:30.41    4:22.22        
                  29.76     1:02.54 (32.78)     1:35.85 (33.31)     2:10.04 (34.19)
        2:43.57 (33.53)     3:17.04 (33.47)     3:49.96 (32.92)     4:22.22 (32.26)
 30 Lutterbein, Alex M        17 NOVA-VA              4:19.59    4:22.48        
                  29.80     1:02.07 (32.27)     1:35.50 (33.43)     2:09.15 (33.65)
        2:42.51 (33.36)     3:16.48 (33.97)     3:49.91 (33.43)     4:22.48 (32.57)
 31 Tommerdahl, Jake P        17 NCAC-NC              4:29.94    4:22.52        
                  31.52     1:04.79 (33.27)     1:37.53 (32.74)     2:10.99 (33.46)
        2:43.75 (32.76)     3:16.57 (32.82)     3:49.64 (33.07)     4:22.52 (32.88)
 31 Christensen, Jon L        16 CUBU-PV              4:22.03    4:22.52        
                  29.47     1:02.13 (32.66)     1:35.25 (33.12)     2:08.97 (33.72)
        2:42.93 (33.96)     3:17.15 (34.22)     3:50.19 (33.04)     4:22.52 (32.33)
 33 Wren, David H             18 NOVA-VA              4:26.00    4:22.87        
                  30.10     1:02.87 (32.77)     1:36.04 (33.17)     2:09.69 (33.65)
        2:43.00 (33.31)     3:16.68 (33.68)     3:50.23 (33.55)     4:22.87 (32.64)
 34 Brewer, Jamison D         16 NCAC-NC              4:26.25    4:23.36        
                  29.47     1:02.92 (33.45)     1:36.43 (33.51)     2:10.35 (33.92)
        2:44.02 (33.67)     3:17.71 (33.69)     3:51.41 (33.70)     4:23.36 (31.95)
 35 Mengering, Daniel E       20 RMSC-PV              4:12.34    4:23.61        
                  29.13     1:01.49 (32.36)                             2:08.34 ( )
        2:41.37 (33.03)     3:15.90 (34.53)     3:49.82 (33.92)     4:23.61 (33.79)
 36 Vogt, Ian C               17 NOVA-VA              4:15.07    4:23.94        
                  29.90     1:02.67 (32.77)     1:35.36 (32.69)     2:09.07 (33.71)
        2:42.80 (33.73)     3:16.73 (33.93)     3:50.25 (33.52)     4:23.94 (33.69)
 37 Lawson, Callum T          17 SNOW-PV              4:24.35    4:24.05        
                                1:03.41 ( )     1:37.37 (33.96)     2:11.53 (34.16)
        2:44.36 (32.83)     3:18.63 (34.27)     3:51.40 (32.77)     4:24.05 (32.65)
 38 Shaw, KJ J                16 NOVA-VA              4:27.17    4:24.79        
                  29.57     1:02.29 (32.72)     1:35.70 (33.41)     2:09.62 (33.92)
        2:43.86 (34.24)     3:17.93 (34.07)     3:51.88 (33.95)     4:24.79 (32.91)
 39 Phillips, Bradley D       15 CUBU-PV              4:28.28    4:25.01        
                  30.36     1:03.95 (33.59)     1:37.97 (34.02)     2:12.08 (34.11)
        2:45.42 (33.34)     3:19.36 (33.94)     3:53.16 (33.80)     4:25.01 (31.85)
 40 Parker, Justin M          18 RMSC-PV              4:29.15    4:25.25        
                  31.03     1:04.74 (33.71)     1:38.28 (33.54)     2:12.17 (33.89)
        2:45.58 (33.41)     3:19.57 (33.99)     3:52.78 (33.21)     4:25.25 (32.47)
 41 Lichtenfels, Ryan R       17 CUBU-PV              4:25.51    4:25.60        
                                1:04.29 ( )     1:37.99 (33.70)     2:12.31 (34.32)
        2:46.15 (33.84)     3:20.39 (34.24)     3:53.76 (33.37)     4:25.60 (31.84)
 42 Lucas, Benjamin N         17 CUBU-PV              4:27.54    4:25.99        
                  29.61     1:02.38 (32.77)     1:35.88 (33.50)     2:09.95 (34.07)
        2:43.87 (33.92)     3:18.17 (34.30)     3:52.21 (34.04)     4:25.99 (33.78)
 43 Budner, Aaron E           15 RMSC-PV              4:24.08    4:26.39        
                                1:03.24 ( )     1:36.91 (33.67)     2:11.22 (34.31)
        2:45.11 (33.89)     3:19.14 (34.03)     3:52.80 (33.66)     4:26.39 (33.59)
 44 Thaden, Michael T         17 NCAC-NC              4:30.39    4:26.46        
                  29.97     1:03.61 (33.64)     1:37.79 (34.18)     2:12.04 (34.25)
        2:45.77 (33.73)     3:19.82 (34.05)     3:53.05 (33.23)     4:26.46 (33.41)
 45 Carr, Brandon H           17 NOVA-VA              4:28.92    4:26.53        
                  29.88     1:03.48 (33.60)     1:37.50 (34.02)     2:12.06 (34.56)
        2:46.27 (34.21)     3:20.44 (34.17)     3:54.02 (33.58)     4:26.53 (32.51)
 46 Mackenzie, Doug R         16 RMSC-PV              4:24.92    4:26.83        
                                1:03.94 ( )     1:37.52 (33.58)     2:11.60 (34.08)
        2:45.32 (33.72)     3:19.56 (34.24)     3:53.36 (33.80)     4:26.83 (33.47)
 47 Kiss, Balazs              15 CUBU-PV              4:51.05Y   4:27.18        
                  29.18     1:02.08 (32.90)     1:35.48 (33.40)     2:09.87 (34.39)
        2:44.16 (34.29)     3:18.95 (34.79)     3:53.36 (34.41)     4:27.18 (33.82)
 48 Gordon, Jonathan A        17 RMSC-PV              4:58.27Y   4:27.24        
                  30.39     1:04.16 (33.77)     1:38.57 (34.41)     2:13.25 (34.68)
        2:47.03 (33.78)     3:21.21 (34.18)     3:54.34 (33.13)     4:27.24 (32.90)
 49 Perrot, Hunter G          16 AAC-PV               4:21.48    4:27.26        
                  30.56     1:03.24 (32.68)                             2:09.78 ( )
        2:44.08 (34.30)     3:18.59 (34.51)     3:53.11 (34.52)     4:27.26 (34.15)
 49 Spina, Alex M             16 CUBU-PV              4:54.43Y   4:27.26        
                  29.82     1:02.47 (32.65)     1:35.96 (33.49)     2:10.52 (34.56)
        2:44.47 (33.95)     3:19.13 (34.66)     3:53.35 (34.22)     4:27.26 (33.91)
 51 Casey, Tom J              15 SNOW-PV              4:56.73Y   4:27.69        
                  30.47     1:04.28 (33.81)     1:38.40 (34.12)     2:13.37 (34.97)
        2:47.50 (34.13)     3:22.50 (35.00)     3:55.94 (33.44)     4:27.69 (31.75)
 52 DeKlau, Tim E             17 PEAK-PV              4:26.56    4:27.70        
                  31.04     1:04.49 (33.45)     1:37.87 (33.38)     2:12.15 (34.28)
        2:45.73 (33.58)     3:19.77 (34.04)     3:54.15 (34.38)     4:27.70 (33.55)
 53 Tollefson, Andrew H       15 RMSC-PV              4:27.92    4:28.96        
                  30.31     1:03.88 (33.57)     1:37.83 (33.95)     2:12.67 (34.84)
        2:46.59 (33.92)     3:21.00 (34.41)     3:54.93 (33.93)     4:28.96 (34.03)
 54 Bailey, Jonathan D        17 NOVA-VA              4:15.35    4:29.03        
                  29.70     1:03.16 (33.46)     1:37.52 (34.36)     2:12.08 (34.56)
        2:46.84 (34.76)     3:21.14 (34.30)     3:55.20 (34.06)     4:29.03 (33.83)
 55 Grimmett-Norris, Michael  15 CUBU-PV              4:25.90    4:29.43        
                                1:03.52 ( )     1:37.64 (34.12)     2:12.37 (34.73)
        2:45.94 (33.57)     3:20.39 (34.45)     3:54.66 (34.27)     4:29.43 (34.77)
 56 Anderson, Mike P          15 RMSC-PV              4:22.83    4:29.58        
                  30.28     1:03.26 (32.98)     1:36.89 (33.63)     2:11.04 (34.15)
        2:45.44 (34.40)     3:20.21 (34.77)     3:55.37 (35.16)     4:29.58 (34.21)
 57 Sheranek, Tom I           16 NOVA-VA              4:15.34    4:29.71        
                  29.27     1:02.10 (32.83)     1:35.94 (33.84)     2:11.55 (35.61)
        2:46.05 (34.50)     3:21.15 (35.10)     3:55.69 (34.54)     4:29.71 (34.02)
 58 Haibel, Chris G           18 RMSC-PV              4:59.02Y   4:29.84        
                                  17.01 ( )       29.29 (12.28)     1:02.97 (33.68)
      2:46.49 (1:43.52)     3:21.13 (34.64)     3:55.75 (34.62)     4:29.84 (34.09)
 59 Lucas, Cameron R          15 CUBU-PV              5:03.70Y   4:30.00        
                  29.72     1:03.01 (33.29)     1:37.67 (34.66)     2:13.16 (35.49)
        2:47.91 (34.75)     3:23.26 (35.35)     3:57.38 (34.12)     4:30.00 (32.62)
 60 Conrad, Eric V            15 RMSC-PV              4:22.92    4:30.26        
                  30.75     1:04.35 (33.60)     1:38.25 (33.90)     2:12.93 (34.68)
        2:47.67 (34.74)     3:22.29 (34.62)     3:56.27 (33.98)     4:30.26 (33.99)
 61 Clinton, Marc F           18 NCAC-NC              4:27.49    4:30.38        
                  30.07     1:04.01 (33.94)     1:38.30 (34.29)     2:12.95 (34.65)
        2:47.76 (34.81)     3:22.21 (34.45)     3:56.69 (34.48)     4:30.38 (33.69)
 62 Bowers, Devin J           16 SNOW-PV              4:28.02    4:30.90        
                  30.90     1:05.18 (34.28)     1:39.57 (34.39)     2:14.74 (35.17)
        2:48.96 (34.22)     3:22.92 (33.96)     3:57.11 (34.19)     4:30.90 (33.79)
 63 Knight, Hunter S          15 NOVA-VA              5:03.52Y   4:31.51        
                  30.36     1:04.12 (33.76)     1:38.60 (34.48)     2:13.35 (34.75)
        2:48.19 (34.84)     3:23.82 (35.63)     3:58.02 (34.20)     4:31.51 (33.49)
 64 Mukri, Patrick R          16 RMSC-PV              4:52.98Y   4:34.61        
                  30.32     1:04.14 (33.82)     1:38.29 (34.15)     2:13.61 (35.32)
        2:48.78 (35.17)     3:24.42 (35.64)     3:59.79 (35.37)     4:34.61 (34.82)
 65 Kotonias, Nicholas J      14 FAST-PV              5:01.91Y   4:34.97        
                  30.66     1:04.94 (34.28)     1:39.80 (34.86)     2:15.27 (35.47)
        2:50.25 (34.98)     3:25.81 (35.56)     4:00.68 (34.87)     4:34.97 (34.29)
 66 Baumgardner, Jacob D      15 CUBU-PV              5:01.71Y   4:35.08        
                  30.79     1:05.27 (34.48)     1:39.73 (34.46)     2:15.10 (35.37)
        2:50.26 (35.16)     3:25.76 (35.50)     4:01.18 (35.42)     4:35.08 (33.90)
 67 Heidel, Kenneth M         16 UNATT-PV             4:57.31Y   4:35.29        
                                  16.97 ( )       31.16 (14.19)     1:05.07 (33.91)
      2:50.06 (1:44.99)     3:25.49 (35.43)     4:00.82 (35.33)     4:35.29 (34.47)
 68 Evans, Connor P           17 CUBU-PV              4:49.00Y   4:35.32        
                  30.43     1:04.50 (34.07)     1:39.33 (34.83)     2:14.95 (35.62)
        2:49.95 (35.00)     3:26.01 (36.06)     4:01.39 (35.38)     4:35.32 (33.93)
 69 Kundrat, John A           14 FAST-PV              4:39.69    4:35.74        
                  30.98     1:05.88 (34.90)     1:40.92 (35.04)     2:15.94 (35.02)
        2:51.68 (35.74)     3:27.84 (36.16)     4:03.28 (35.44)     4:35.74 (32.46)
 70 Stevens, Matt D           16 FGAC-PV              5:01.05Y   4:35.95        
                  30.77     1:04.80 (34.03)     1:39.13 (34.33)     2:14.44 (35.31)
        2:49.55 (35.11)     3:25.67 (36.12)     4:01.33 (35.66)     4:35.95 (34.62)
 71 Ogren, Tyler T            16 CUBU-PV              5:04.18Y   4:36.41        
                  31.13     1:05.89 (34.76)     1:40.91 (35.02)     2:16.43 (35.52)
        2:51.38 (34.95)     3:27.18 (35.80)     4:02.29 (35.11)     4:36.41 (34.12)
 72 Cooke, Peter B            17 PEAK-PV              5:03.03Y   4:36.71        
                  31.34     1:05.88 (34.54)     1:40.43 (34.55)     2:15.44 (35.01)
        2:50.72 (35.28)     3:26.64 (35.92)     4:02.26 (35.62)     4:36.71 (34.45)
 73 Shen, David Z             16 PM-PV                4:27.86    4:37.17        
                  31.04     1:04.78 (33.74)     1:39.21 (34.43)     2:14.52 (35.31)
        2:49.68 (35.16)     3:25.80 (36.12)     4:01.71 (35.91)     4:37.17 (35.46)
 74 Ornstein, Cory L          17 RMSC-PV              4:53.34Y   4:38.93        
                  30.97     1:04.98 (34.01)     1:39.29 (34.31)     2:14.60 (35.31)
        2:50.31 (35.71)     3:26.90 (36.59)     4:03.05 (36.15)     4:38.93 (35.88)
 75 Nichols, Quyen A          17 PM-PV                5:02.53Y   4:40.33        
                  31.18     1:06.02 (34.84)     1:41.24 (35.22)     2:16.86 (35.62)
        2:52.53 (35.67)     3:28.59 (36.06)     4:04.68 (36.09)     4:40.33 (35.65)
 76 Paulling, Daniel K        21 CUBU-PV              4:30.27    4:41.27        
                  31.02     1:05.90 (34.88)     1:40.99 (35.09)     2:16.86 (35.87)
        2:53.16 (36.30)     3:29.76 (36.60)     4:05.72 (35.96)     4:41.27 (35.55)
 77 Conrad, Nick G            19 RMSC-PV              4:38.43    4:44.94        
                  30.54     1:05.80 (35.26)     1:42.28 (36.48)     2:20.09 (37.81)
        2:57.84 (37.75)     3:34.33 (36.49)     4:10.75 (36.42)     4:44.94 (34.19)
 78 Coyle, Bradley S          24 RMSC-PV              6:04.07    4:46.03        
                                  16.16 ( )       30.60 (14.44)     1:05.41 (34.81)
        1:41.88 (36.47)     2:19.09 (37.21)   4:11.43 (1:52.34)     4:46.03 (34.60)
 79 Byrd, Matthew E           15 RMSC-PV              4:43.68    4:46.61        
                  31.58     1:07.47 (35.89)     1:44.19 (36.72)     2:21.29 (37.10)
        2:57.72 (36.43)     3:34.50 (36.78)     4:11.35 (36.85)     4:46.61 (35.26)
 80 Bumiller, Mark T          17 CUBU-PV              5:03.13Y   4:47.93        
                  31.19     1:06.62 (35.43)     1:42.13 (35.51)     2:18.76 (36.63)
        2:55.69 (36.93)     3:32.74 (37.05)     4:10.55 (37.81)     4:47.93 (37.38)
 81 Mahoney, Brian S          16 RMSC-PV              4:55.07    4:51.64        
                  32.01     1:08.37 (36.36)     1:45.15 (36.78)     2:22.81 (37.66)
        2:59.30 (36.49)     3:37.31 (38.01)     4:15.19 (37.88)     4:51.64 (36.45)
 82 Katz, Justin C            17 RMSC-PV              5:39.83Y   4:52.89        
                  33.40     1:11.45 (38.05)     1:49.45 (38.00)     2:28.26 (38.81)
        3:04.95 (36.69)     3:43.73 (38.78)     4:19.42 (35.69)     4:52.89 (33.47)
 83 Jolly, Michael A          16 RMSC-PV              5:01.50Y   5:00.20        
                  33.39     1:09.65 (36.26)     1:46.67 (37.02)     2:25.47 (38.80)
        3:03.61 (38.14)     3:42.46 (38.85)     4:22.11 (39.65)     5:00.20 (38.09)
Boys 800 LC Meter Freestyle
World Record: ! 7:38.65        2005 Grant Hackett, AUS                         
  USA Record: $ 7:45.63        2005 Larsen Jensen                              
PVS Open Rec: # 7:57.35        2003 Larsen Jensen, MVN-CA                      
   Nationals: * 8:24.29                                                        
SpeedoChamps: & 9:00.39                                                        
Junior Nat 0: @ 8:37.29                                                        
    SCYNAT07: ^ 8:29.79                                                        
 Meet Qualifying:  9:27.39
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Finelli, Drew S     19 CUBU-PV              8:32.44    8:24.03*        20  
                  28.82       59.67 (30.85)     1:22.76 (23.09)     2:02.90 (40.14)
        2:34.65 (31.75)     3:06.30 (31.65)     3:37.90 (31.60)     4:09.36 (31.46)
        4:41.48 (32.12)     5:13.30 (31.82)     5:45.23 (31.93)     6:17.27 (32.04)
        6:48.14 (30.87)     7:21.96 (33.82)     7:45.87 (23.91)     8:24.03 (38.16)
  2 McMahon, Daniel M   19 NOVA-VA              8:23.21    8:28.06^        17  
                  28.54     1:00.84 (32.30)     1:32.82 (31.98)     2:05.32 (32.50)
        2:36.93 (31.61)     3:09.37 (32.44)     3:41.70 (32.33)     4:13.56 (31.86)
        4:45.30 (31.74)     5:17.46 (32.16)     5:49.36 (31.90)     6:21.46 (32.10)
        6:53.16 (31.70)     7:25.53 (32.37)     7:49.26 (23.73)     8:28.06 (38.80)
  3 Koucheravy, Thomas  22 UNAT-PV              8:01.62    8:28.48^        16  
                  29.07     1:00.50 (31.43)     1:31.94 (31.44)     2:03.53 (31.59)
        2:35.26 (31.73)     3:06.97 (31.71)     3:29.53 (22.56)     4:11.11 (41.58)
        4:43.63 (32.52)     5:15.76 (32.13)     5:48.02 (32.26)     6:20.23 (32.21)
        6:52.68 (32.45)     7:24.86 (32.18)     7:56.38 (31.52)     8:28.48 (32.10)
  4 Stewart, Sean P     16 RMSC-PV              8:44.73    8:29.78^        15  
                  28.49     1:00.70 (32.21)     1:32.93 (32.23)     2:05.17 (32.24)
        2:37.54 (32.37)     3:09.88 (32.34)     3:42.48 (32.60)     4:14.92 (32.44)
        4:46.94 (32.02)     5:19.63 (32.69)     5:51.98 (32.35)     6:24.35 (32.37)
        6:57.11 (32.76)     7:29.35 (32.24)     8:00.77 (31.42)     8:29.78 (29.01)
  5 Wren, Garrett M     20 NOVA-VA              8:43.88    8:30.51@        14  
                  29.23     1:01.02 (31.79)     1:33.16 (32.14)     2:05.57 (32.41)
        2:37.66 (32.09)     3:09.95 (32.29)     3:42.14 (32.19)     4:14.27 (32.13)
        4:46.50 (32.23)     5:18.89 (32.39)     5:51.16 (32.27)     6:23.60 (32.44)
        6:56.06 (32.46)     7:28.67 (32.61)     8:00.51 (31.84)     8:30.51 (30.00)
  6 Fox, Brady C        16 RMSC-PV              8:34.02    8:31.41@        13  
                  29.74     1:02.53 (32.79)     1:34.62 (32.09)     2:06.82 (32.20)
        2:39.13 (32.31)     3:11.34 (32.21)     3:43.79 (32.45)     4:16.49 (32.70)
        4:48.80 (32.31)     5:21.50 (32.70)     5:54.16 (32.66)     6:26.53 (32.37)
        6:58.43 (31.90)     7:30.75 (32.32)     8:01.36 (30.61)     8:31.41 (30.05)
  7 Mendes, Jesse N     17 NCAC-NC              8:35.51    8:35.71@        12  
                  28.94     1:00.70 (31.76)     1:32.72 (32.02)     2:05.21 (32.49)
        2:37.70 (32.49)     3:10.37 (32.67)     3:43.17 (32.80)     4:16.13 (32.96)
        4:48.72 (32.59)     5:21.75 (33.03)     5:54.90 (33.15)     6:27.99 (33.09)
        6:59.15 (31.16)     7:33.05 (33.90)     7:58.29 (25.24)     8:35.71 (37.42)
  8 Heinrich, Colin M   17 NOVA-VA              8:37.17    8:35.89@        11  
                  29.26     1:01.51 (32.25)     1:25.05 (23.54)     2:06.15 (41.10)
        2:38.41 (32.26)     3:11.22 (32.81)     3:43.66 (32.44)     4:16.30 (32.64)
        4:48.79 (32.49)     5:21.55 (32.76)     5:54.33 (32.78)     6:27.01 (32.68)
        6:59.77 (32.76)     7:32.25 (32.48)     8:04.33 (32.08)     8:35.89 (31.56)
  9 Benecki, Matthew B  16 FISH-PV              8:42.01    8:36.54@         9  
                  29.14     1:01.14 (32.00)     1:33.28 (32.14)     2:05.69 (32.41)
        2:38.64 (32.95)     3:11.03 (32.39)     3:43.84 (32.81)     4:16.52 (32.68)
        4:43.96 (27.44)     5:23.18 (39.22)     5:55.98 (32.80)     6:28.63 (32.65)
        7:00.82 (32.19)     7:33.22 (32.40)     8:05.08 (31.86)     8:36.54 (31.46)
 10 Ross, Brooks R      16 NOVA-VA              8:44.66    8:36.62@         7  
                  28.96       59.97 (31.01)     1:31.87 (31.90)     2:04.02 (32.15)
        2:36.43 (32.41)     3:09.17 (32.74)     3:41.79 (32.62)     4:14.67 (32.88)
        4:47.44 (32.77)     5:20.21 (32.77)     5:53.07 (32.86)     6:26.27 (33.20)
        6:59.20 (32.93)     7:32.27 (33.07)     8:05.07 (32.80)     8:36.62 (31.55)
 11 Litz, Justin T      16 NOVA-VA              8:43.90    8:46.85&         6  
                  28.38       59.67 (31.29)     1:31.87 (32.20)     2:04.06 (32.19)
        2:36.44 (32.38)     3:09.18 (32.74)     3:42.22 (33.04)     4:15.14 (32.92)
        4:48.43 (33.29)     5:21.96 (33.53)     5:55.85 (33.89)     6:29.92 (34.07)
        7:04.40 (34.48)     7:38.69 (34.29)     8:13.11 (34.42)     8:46.85 (33.74)
 12 Berger, Christoph   17 NOVA-VA              8:52.40    8:47.95&         5  
                  29.77     1:01.72 (31.95)                             2:07.26 ( )
        2:40.17 (32.91)     3:12.98 (32.81)     3:46.02 (33.04)     4:19.12 (33.10)
        4:52.54 (33.42)     5:26.22 (33.68)     5:59.87 (33.65)     6:34.07 (34.20)
        7:07.99 (33.92)     7:42.08 (34.09)     8:16.55 (34.47)     8:47.95 (31.40)
 13 Schnittker, John I  17 Machine-PV           9:16.09    8:50.90&         4  
                  28.07       59.88 (31.81)     1:32.40 (32.52)     2:05.92 (33.52)
        2:39.02 (33.10)     3:12.43 (33.41)     3:45.86 (33.43)     4:20.15 (34.29)
        4:54.70 (34.55)     5:28.91 (34.21)     6:03.49 (34.58)     6:37.70 (34.21)
        7:11.89 (34.19)     7:45.94 (34.05)     8:19.18 (33.24)     8:50.90 (31.72)
 14 Lutterbein, Alex M  17 NOVA-VA              8:55.16    8:51.80&         3  
                  29.98     1:02.41 (32.43)     1:35.52 (33.11)     2:08.32 (32.80)
        2:41.66 (33.34)     3:14.89 (33.23)     3:48.48 (33.59)     4:22.08 (33.60)
        4:56.02 (33.94)     5:29.82 (33.80)     6:03.50 (33.68)     6:37.58 (34.08)
        7:11.74 (34.16)     7:45.36 (33.62)     8:19.27 (33.91)     8:51.80 (32.53)
 15 Mendes, Bryce T     15 NCAC-NC              9:08.09    8:53.20&         2  
                  30.27     1:03.36 (33.09)     1:37.18 (33.82)     2:10.76 (33.58)
        2:44.33 (33.57)     3:18.05 (33.72)     3:51.70 (33.65)     4:25.12 (33.42)
        4:58.90 (33.78)     5:32.19 (33.29)     6:05.92 (33.73)     6:39.37 (33.45)
        7:10.92 (31.55)     7:46.82 (35.90)     8:20.46 (33.64)     8:53.20 (32.74)
 16 Spina, Alex M       16 CUBU-PV              9:17.62    8:55.23&         1  
                  30.39     1:03.38 (32.99)     1:36.96 (33.58)     2:10.93 (33.97)
        2:42.23 (31.30)     3:18.81 (36.58)     3:52.79 (33.98)     4:26.91 (34.12)
        5:00.51 (33.60)     5:34.60 (34.09)     6:04.01 (29.41)     6:42.07 (38.06)
        7:09.15 (27.08)     7:49.00 (39.85)     8:22.41 (33.41)     8:55.23 (32.82)
 17 Flach, Michael F    16 FISH-PV              8:47.21    8:56.96&       
                  29.23     1:01.81 (32.58)     1:35.36 (33.55)     2:08.85 (33.49)
        2:42.71 (33.86)     3:16.68 (33.97)     3:50.62 (33.94)     4:24.61 (33.99)
        4:58.63 (34.02)     5:32.52 (33.89)     6:06.66 (34.14)     6:41.00 (34.34)
        7:15.10 (34.10)     7:49.32 (34.22)     8:23.78 (34.46)     8:56.96 (33.18)
 18 Bailey, Jonathan D  17 NOVA-VA              8:47.18    8:57.55&       
                  29.48     1:01.28 (31.80)     1:33.58 (32.30)     2:07.10 (33.52)
        2:40.74 (33.64)     3:15.02 (34.28)     3:49.22 (34.20)     4:23.61 (34.39)
        4:57.62 (34.01)     5:31.20 (33.58)     6:04.85 (33.65)     6:39.14 (34.29)
        7:13.31 (34.17)     7:47.96 (34.65)     8:23.34 (35.38)     8:57.55 (34.21)
 19 Hill, Jack J        18 NCAC-NC              9:02.57    8:58.48&       
                  29.63     1:02.38 (32.75)     1:35.24 (32.86)     2:08.82 (33.58)
        2:42.20 (33.38)     3:15.97 (33.77)     3:49.78 (33.81)     4:23.95 (34.17)
        4:58.52 (34.57)     5:32.30 (33.78)     6:06.91 (34.61)     6:41.39 (34.48)
        7:15.24 (33.85)     7:51.91 (36.67)     8:17.27 (25.36)     8:58.48 (41.21)
 20 Phillips, Bradley   15 CUBU-PV              9:06.77    8:59.01&       
                  30.38     1:03.59 (33.21)     1:37.44 (33.85)     2:11.48 (34.04)
        2:38.84 (27.36)     3:19.70 (40.86)     3:53.81 (34.11)     4:27.85 (34.04)
        5:02.01 (34.16)     5:36.15 (34.14)     6:10.52 (34.37)     6:44.99 (34.47)
        7:17.30 (32.31)     7:53.92 (36.62)     8:18.72 (24.80)     8:59.01 (40.29)
 21 Bruno, Joseph M     18 OCCS-PV              9:03.29    8:59.77&       
                  29.98     1:03.09 (33.11)     1:36.88 (33.79)     2:10.86 (33.98)
        2:44.99 (34.13)     3:19.28 (34.29)     3:51.38 (32.10)     4:27.91 (36.53)
        5:01.70 (33.79)     5:36.00 (34.30)     6:10.70 (34.70)     6:45.35 (34.65)
        7:19.40 (34.05)     7:53.96 (34.56)     8:26.17 (32.21)     8:59.77 (33.60)
 22 Pennington, Adam S  15 FISH-PV             10:21.22Y   9:02.15        
                  30.49     1:04.49 (34.00)     1:39.24 (34.75)     2:13.30 (34.06)
        2:47.91 (34.61)     3:22.86 (34.95)     3:56.55 (33.69)     4:30.71 (34.16)
        5:01.40 (30.69)     5:40.22 (38.82)                             6:47.34 ( )
                                7:55.64 ( )   9:02.15 (1:06.51)                    
 23 Foltz, Wesley A     17 NCAC-NC              9:19.92    9:02.83        
                  29.85     1:02.49 (32.64)     1:36.29 (33.80)     2:10.31 (34.02)
        2:44.76 (34.45)     3:19.15 (34.39)     3:53.56 (34.41)     4:28.13 (34.57)
        5:02.58 (34.45)     5:37.07 (34.49)     6:11.92 (34.85)     6:46.61 (34.69)
        7:21.23 (34.62)     7:55.68 (34.45)     8:29.46 (33.78)     9:02.83 (33.37)
 24 Perrot, Hunter G    16 AAC-PV               9:53.77Y   9:03.06        
                  26.91     1:05.59 (38.68)     1:40.22 (34.63)     2:15.31 (35.09)
        2:50.13 (34.82)     3:24.85 (34.72)     3:54.71 (29.86)     4:34.62 (39.91)
        5:01.87 (27.25)     5:41.31 (39.44)     6:15.37 (34.06)     6:49.38 (34.01)
        7:18.12 (28.74)     7:57.42 (39.30)     8:30.84 (33.42)     9:03.06 (32.22)
 25 Grimmett-Norris, M  15 CUBU-PV              9:14.51    9:03.34        
                  29.99     1:02.72 (32.73)     1:36.69 (33.97)     2:10.87 (34.18)
        2:45.05 (34.18)     3:19.10 (34.05)     3:49.39 (30.29)     4:27.49 (38.10)
        5:01.22 (33.73)     5:35.47 (34.25)     6:09.85 (34.38)     6:44.57 (34.72)
        7:19.20 (34.63)     7:54.50 (35.30)     8:19.97 (25.47)     9:03.34 (43.37)
 26 Tommerdahl, Jake P  17 NCAC-NC              9:22.39    9:05.55        
                  31.97     1:06.49 (34.52)     1:40.22 (33.73)     2:14.70 (34.48)
        2:49.10 (34.40)     3:23.71 (34.61)     3:57.79 (34.08)     4:32.81 (35.02)
        5:06.78 (33.97)     5:41.69 (34.91)     6:16.40 (34.71)     6:50.71 (34.31)
        7:24.71 (34.00)     7:59.02 (34.31)     8:23.18 (24.16)     9:05.55 (42.37)
 27 Brewer, Jamison D   16 NCAC-NC              9:12.53    9:05.77        
                  29.86     1:03.38 (33.52)     1:37.58 (34.20)     2:11.81 (34.23)
        2:46.07 (34.26)     3:20.35 (34.28)     3:55.02 (34.67)     4:29.15 (34.13)
        5:03.71 (34.56)     5:38.35 (34.64)     6:13.27 (34.92)     6:47.67 (34.40)
        7:22.37 (34.70)     7:56.92 (34.55)     8:26.90 (29.98)     9:05.77 (38.87)
 28 Bollea, Drew L      18 CUBU-PV              9:56.23Y   9:06.48        
                                  18.03 ( )   1:37.97 (1:19.94)     2:12.67 (34.70)
        2:47.33 (34.66)     3:22.29 (34.96)     3:56.90 (34.61)     4:31.63 (34.73)
        5:06.31 (34.68)     5:41.50 (35.19)     6:16.20 (34.70)     6:51.47 (35.27)
        7:25.87 (34.40)     8:00.27 (34.40)     8:33.93 (33.66)     9:06.48 (32.55)
 29 Contag, Alec G      15 FISH-PV              9:30.33    9:07.00        
                  30.29     1:04.37 (34.08)     1:38.47 (34.10)     2:13.64 (35.17)
        2:48.14 (34.50)     3:23.16 (35.02)     3:57.90 (34.74)     4:32.56 (34.66)
        5:06.93 (34.37)     5:42.27 (35.34)     6:17.31 (35.04)     6:52.04 (34.73)
        7:26.48 (34.44)     8:00.91 (34.43)     8:35.17 (34.26)     9:07.00 (31.83)
 30 Gordon, Jonathan A  17 RMSC-PV             10:10.28Y   9:07.73        
                  30.96     1:04.41 (33.45)     1:39.21 (34.80)     2:13.47 (34.26)
        2:47.86 (34.39)     3:22.16 (34.30)     3:56.33 (34.17)     4:31.06 (34.73)
        5:05.46 (34.40)     5:40.30 (34.84)     6:15.38 (35.08)     6:50.93 (35.55)
        7:18.24 (27.31)     8:00.58 (42.34)     8:34.61 (34.03)     9:07.73 (33.12)
 31 Lichtenfels, Ryan   17 CUBU-PV              9:02.00    9:09.43        
                  29.35     1:02.30 (32.95)     1:36.53 (34.23)     2:10.93 (34.40)
        2:45.32 (34.39)     3:19.70 (34.38)     3:54.50 (34.80)     4:29.14 (34.64)
        5:03.43 (34.29)     5:39.14 (35.71)     6:14.68 (35.54)     6:49.91 (35.23)
        7:21.88 (31.97)     8:00.52 (38.64)     8:29.47 (28.95)     9:09.43 (39.96)
 32 Stodter, Casey J    16 RMSC-PV              9:22.43    9:09.72        
                  31.39     1:05.90 (34.51)     1:40.60 (34.70)     2:15.74 (35.14)
        2:50.63 (34.89)     3:25.30 (34.67)     3:59.57 (34.27)     4:33.97 (34.40)
        5:08.76 (34.79)     5:43.36 (34.60)     6:18.35 (34.99)     6:52.94 (34.59)
        7:27.62 (34.68)     8:02.16 (34.54)     8:36.33 (34.17)     9:09.72 (33.39)
 33 Lucas, Benjamin N   17 CUBU-PV              9:13.40    9:11.68        
                  30.51     1:03.75 (33.24)     1:37.80 (34.05)     2:11.74 (33.94)
        2:45.60 (33.86)     3:20.14 (34.54)     3:54.86 (34.72)     4:30.06 (35.20)
        5:04.99 (34.93)     5:40.04 (35.05)     6:15.02 (34.98)     6:50.83 (35.81)
        7:26.59 (35.76)     8:01.77 (35.18)     8:37.01 (35.24)     9:11.68 (34.67)
 34 Parker, Justin M    18 RMSC-PV              9:01.08    9:13.19        
                  30.93     1:05.02 (34.09)     1:39.64 (34.62)     2:14.22 (34.58)
        2:48.92 (34.70)     3:23.95 (35.03)     3:58.74 (34.79)     4:33.72 (34.98)
        5:08.86 (35.14)     5:44.08 (35.22)     6:16.20 (32.12)     6:53.97 (37.77)
        7:28.88 (34.91)     8:04.01 (35.13)     8:33.67 (29.66)     9:13.19 (39.52)
 35 Hughes, Michael M   15 OCCS-PV             10:17.61Y   9:14.93        
                  30.74     1:04.91 (34.17)     1:39.75 (34.84)     2:15.06 (35.31)
        2:50.02 (34.96)     3:25.28 (35.26)     4:00.24 (34.96)     4:35.15 (34.91)
        5:10.32 (35.17)     5:45.13 (34.81)     6:20.40 (35.27)     6:55.85 (35.45)
        7:30.78 (34.93)     8:05.70 (34.92)     8:35.78 (30.08)     9:14.93 (39.15)
 36 Anderson, Mike P    15 RMSC-PV             10:08.53Y   9:15.38        
                  30.58     1:04.93 (34.35)     1:39.68 (34.75)     2:14.39 (34.71)
        2:48.31 (33.92)     3:23.21 (34.90)     3:57.93 (34.72)     4:32.02 (34.09)
        5:06.41 (34.39)     5:41.27 (34.86)     6:16.62 (35.35)     6:51.92 (35.30)
        7:27.87 (35.95)     8:03.91 (36.04)     8:40.18 (36.27)     9:15.38 (35.20)
 37 Dunne, Ryan C       14 OCCS-PV             10:24.04Y   9:16.57        
                  30.18     1:03.79 (33.61)     1:38.25 (34.46)     2:13.11 (34.86)
        2:48.07 (34.96)     3:23.25 (35.18)     3:58.32 (35.07)     4:33.86 (35.54)
        5:09.45 (35.59)     5:44.71 (35.26)     6:20.10 (35.39)     6:55.99 (35.89)
        7:31.70 (35.71)     8:07.41 (35.71)     8:42.25 (34.84)     9:16.57 (34.32)
 38 Thaden, Michael T   17 NCAC-NC              9:22.71    9:16.68        
                  30.25     1:04.19 (33.94)     1:38.25 (34.06)     2:12.69 (34.44)
        2:47.37 (34.68)     3:22.19 (34.82)     3:53.85 (31.66)     4:31.81 (37.96)
        5:06.48 (34.67)     5:41.72 (35.24)     6:17.26 (35.54)     6:52.99 (35.73)
        7:29.10 (36.11)     8:05.44 (36.34)     8:41.47 (36.03)     9:16.68 (35.21)
 39 Shaw, KJ J          16 NOVA-VA             10:07.87Y   9:17.89        
                  30.63     1:04.53 (33.90)     1:39.62 (35.09)     2:14.19 (34.57)
        2:49.71 (35.52)     3:25.07 (35.36)     4:00.88 (35.81)     4:36.41 (35.53)
        5:11.82 (35.41)     5:47.41 (35.59)     6:23.23 (35.82)     6:58.92 (35.69)
        7:34.45 (35.53)     8:10.15 (35.70)     8:44.63 (34.48)     9:17.89 (33.26)
 40 Finn, Thomas E      14 RMSC-PV             10:18.94Y   9:18.01        
                  30.93     1:05.42 (34.49)     1:39.86 (34.44)     2:15.18 (35.32)
        2:50.42 (35.24)     3:25.69 (35.27)     4:00.87 (35.18)     4:36.59 (35.72)
        5:11.87 (35.28)     5:47.62 (35.75)     6:23.17 (35.55)     6:58.49 (35.32)
        7:32.17 (33.68)     8:07.65 (35.48)     8:42.79 (35.14)     9:18.01 (35.22)
 41 Budner, Aaron E     15 RMSC-PV              9:06.42    9:18.11        
                  29.97     1:03.14 (33.17)     1:37.15 (34.01)     2:11.40 (34.25)
        2:46.06 (34.66)     3:21.19 (35.13)     3:56.55 (35.36)     4:32.43 (35.88)
        5:08.51 (36.08)     5:44.25 (35.74)     6:17.28 (33.03)     6:55.65 (38.37)
        7:31.51 (35.86)     8:07.66 (36.15)     8:43.32 (35.66)     9:18.11 (34.79)
 42 Clinton, Marc F     18 NCAC-NC             10:21.65Y   9:20.52        
                  30.53     1:04.76 (34.23)     1:39.45 (34.69)     2:13.59 (34.14)
        2:48.48 (34.89)     3:23.31 (34.83)     3:58.59 (35.28)     4:33.87 (35.28)
        5:09.77 (35.90)     5:45.43 (35.66)     6:21.53 (36.10)     6:57.78 (36.25)
        7:26.10 (28.32)     8:09.94 (43.84)     8:45.81 (35.87)     9:20.52 (34.71)
 43 Frampton, Andrew M  20 RMSC-PV              9:26.89    9:24.32        
                  31.66     1:06.77 (35.11)     1:41.79 (35.02)     2:17.54 (35.75)
        2:53.18 (35.64)     3:29.18 (36.00)     3:57.02 (27.84)     4:40.19 (43.17)
        5:10.95 (30.76)     5:51.30 (40.35)     6:18.31 (27.01)     7:02.67 (44.36)
        7:38.38 (35.71)     8:14.15 (35.77)     8:44.65 (30.50)     9:24.32 (39.67)
 44 Kotonias, Nicholas  14 FAST-PV             10:17.97Y   9:25.03        
                                1:06.19 ( )     1:40.96 (34.77)     2:16.58 (35.62)
        2:51.62 (35.04)     3:27.40 (35.78)     4:02.92 (35.52)     4:39.14 (36.22)
        5:10.52 (31.38)     5:50.57 (40.05)     6:26.42 (35.85)     7:02.50 (36.08)
        7:38.55 (36.05)     8:14.19 (35.64)     8:49.51 (35.32)     9:25.03 (35.52)
 45 Ogren, Tyler T      16 CUBU-PV             10:11.70Y   9:25.88        
                  31.27     1:06.13 (34.86)     1:41.93 (35.80)     2:17.74 (35.81)
        2:48.21 (30.47)     3:29.23 (41.02)     4:04.38 (35.15)     4:40.35 (35.97)
        5:16.13 (35.78)     5:52.13 (36.00)     6:19.95 (27.82)     7:03.61 (43.66)
        7:39.41 (35.80)     8:15.98 (36.57)     8:51.04 (35.06)     9:25.88 (34.84)
 46 Mukri, Patrick R    16 RMSC-PV             10:12.85Y   9:26.95        
                  31.02     1:05.30 (34.28)     1:40.15 (34.85)     2:14.90 (34.75)
        2:46.55 (31.65)     3:25.64 (39.09)   4:35.44 (1:09.80)      4:36.90 (1.46)
        5:15.48 (38.58)     5:49.18 (33.70)     6:25.14 (35.96)     7:01.59 (36.45)
        7:37.96 (36.37)     8:14.58 (36.62)     8:51.02 (36.44)     9:26.95 (35.93)
 47 Fay, Stephen G      16 HACC-PV              9:54.92Y   9:28.45        
                  30.06     1:03.94 (33.88)     1:38.42 (34.48)     2:13.58 (35.16)
        2:39.15 (25.57)     3:23.88 (44.73)     3:59.39 (35.51)     4:35.23 (35.84)
        5:01.10 (25.87)     5:46.91 (45.81)     6:22.89 (35.98)     6:59.76 (36.87)
        7:36.66 (36.90)     8:13.96 (37.30)     8:49.45 (35.49)     9:28.45 (39.00)
 48 Lucas, Cameron R    15 CUBU-PV              9:21.78    9:28.67        
                  31.55     1:05.10 (33.55)     1:33.50 (28.40)     2:15.27 (41.77)
        2:41.96 (26.69)     3:26.48 (44.52)     4:02.09 (35.61)     4:37.45 (35.36)
        5:09.13 (31.68)     5:49.66 (40.53)     6:26.75 (37.09)     7:03.89 (37.14)
        7:40.68 (36.79)     8:16.84 (36.16)     8:53.69 (36.85)     9:28.67 (34.98)
 49 Baumgardner, Jacob  15 CUBU-PV             10:17.34Y   9:30.63        
                  31.19     1:06.40 (35.21)     1:41.82 (35.42)     2:17.67 (35.85)
        2:53.75 (36.08)     3:30.39 (36.64)     4:06.73 (36.34)     4:43.30 (36.57)
        5:20.24 (36.94)     5:56.34 (36.10)     6:32.98 (36.64)     7:09.78 (36.80)
        7:45.63 (35.85)     8:21.18 (35.55)     8:56.21 (35.03)     9:30.63 (34.42)
 50 Gandhi, Akshay      16 RMSC-PV             10:21.38Y   9:32.36        
                  30.79     1:05.74 (34.95)     1:39.85 (34.11)     2:15.17 (35.32)
        2:50.11 (34.94)     3:25.58 (35.47)     4:00.88 (35.30)     4:36.72 (35.84)
        5:12.12 (35.40)     5:48.27 (36.15)     6:24.88 (36.61)     7:01.88 (37.00)
        7:39.04 (37.16)     8:16.58 (37.54)     8:54.47 (37.89)     9:32.36 (37.89)
 51 Cooke, Peter B      17 PEAK-PV              9:34.39    9:32.71        
                  32.47     1:08.21 (35.74)     1:44.07 (35.86)     2:20.65 (36.58)
        2:56.52 (35.87)     3:33.44 (36.92)     4:09.32 (35.88)     4:45.71 (36.39)
        5:21.15 (35.44)     5:56.86 (35.71)     6:32.49 (35.63)     7:08.80 (36.31)
        7:44.96 (36.16)     8:21.38 (36.42)     8:57.58 (36.20)     9:32.71 (35.13)
 52 Ratcliff, Kurtis M  14 UN-CU-PV             9:54.03    9:42.95        
                                1:07.70 ( )                             2:20.03 ( )
                                3:33.90 ( )                             4:47.37 ( )
                                6:02.63 ( )                             7:17.73 ( )
                                8:33.46 ( )   9:42.95 (1:09.49)                    
 53 Maxwell, Tom J      17 OCCS-PV             10:27.40Y   9:43.23        
                  31.83     1:07.66 (35.83)     1:44.10 (36.44)     2:20.93 (36.83)
        2:57.88 (36.95)     3:34.97 (37.09)     4:11.81 (36.84)     4:49.41 (37.60)
        5:25.94 (36.53)     6:02.69 (36.75)     6:39.76 (37.07)     7:16.87 (37.11)
        7:52.48 (35.61)     8:31.34 (38.86)     9:08.23 (36.89)     9:43.23 (35.00)
 54 Shifflett, Chris D  15 Machine-PV          10:24.93Y   9:43.40        
                  31.04     1:05.34 (34.30)     1:32.29 (26.95)     2:17.11 (44.82)
      3:20.41 (1:03.30)     3:30.74 (10.33)   4:34.98 (1:04.24)      4:44.77 (9.79)
        5:21.26 (36.49)     5:59.35 (38.09)     6:37.13 (37.78)     7:14.75 (37.62)
        7:51.27 (36.52)     8:29.96 (38.69)     9:02.68 (32.72)     9:43.40 (40.72)
 55 Byrd, Matthew E     15 RMSC-PV              9:51.03   10:03.60        
                  32.24     1:08.80 (36.56)     1:46.14 (37.34)     2:24.17 (38.03)
        3:01.34 (37.17)     3:38.90 (37.56)     4:14.01 (35.11)     4:54.29 (40.28)
        5:31.90 (37.61)     6:10.48 (38.58)     6:48.77 (38.29)     7:28.22 (39.45)
        8:07.37 (39.15)     8:46.28 (38.91)     9:25.08 (38.80)    10:03.60 (38.52)
Boys 1500 LC Meter Freestyle
World Record: ! 14:34.56        2001 Grant Hackett, AUS                        
  USA Record: $ 14:45.29        2004 Larsen Jensen                             
PVS Open Rec: # 15:11.81        2003 Larsen Jensen, MVN-CA                     
    OTrial08: % 15:53.59                                                       
   Nationals: * 16:06.49                                                       
SpeedoChamps: & 17:23.89                                                       
Junior Nat 0: @ 16:31.39                                                       
    SCYNAT07: ^ 16:18.59                                                       
 Meet Qualifying:  18:16.09
    Name               Age Team                    Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Koucheravy, Thomas  22 UNAT-PV             15:17.09   15:35.09%        20  
                  27.61       57.73 (30.12)     1:28.39 (30.66)     1:59.75 (31.36)
        2:30.55 (30.80)     3:02.04 (31.49)     3:33.31 (31.27)     4:04.62 (31.31)
        4:35.93 (31.31)     5:07.63 (31.70)     5:38.78 (31.15)     6:09.98 (31.20)
        6:41.51 (31.53)     7:12.89 (31.38)     7:44.38 (31.49)     8:16.22 (31.84)
        8:47.54 (31.32)     9:19.29 (31.75)     9:50.88 (31.59)    10:22.54 (31.66)
       10:54.14 (31.60)    11:25.45 (31.31)    11:56.68 (31.23)    12:28.05 (31.37)
       12:59.42 (31.37)    13:30.87 (31.45)    14:01.93 (31.06)    14:33.32 (31.39)
       15:04.53 (31.21)    15:35.09 (30.56)                                        
  2 Finelli, Drew S     19 CUBU-PV             16:27.39   16:20.92@        17  
                  29.04     1:00.99 (31.95)     1:33.14 (32.15)     2:05.82 (32.68)
        2:38.49 (32.67)     3:11.54 (33.05)     3:44.16 (32.62)     4:16.92 (32.76)
        4:49.42 (32.50)     5:22.21 (32.79)     5:54.56 (32.35)     6:27.57 (33.01)
        6:59.97 (32.40)     7:33.01 (33.04)     8:05.70 (32.69)     8:38.51 (32.81)
        9:11.12 (32.61)     9:44.19 (33.07)    10:17.01 (32.82)    10:50.30 (33.29)
       11:23.24 (32.94)    11:56.66 (33.42)    12:30.15 (33.49)    13:03.79 (33.64)
       13:36.98 (33.19)    14:10.73 (33.75)    14:44.15 (33.42)    15:17.54 (33.39)
       15:50.37 (32.83)    16:20.92 (30.55)                                        
  3 Ross, Brooks R      16 NOVA-VA             16:45.06   16:21.42@        16  
                  28.92     1:00.61 (31.69)     1:32.52 (31.91)     2:04.97 (32.45)
        2:37.60 (32.63)     3:10.21 (32.61)     3:42.61 (32.40)     4:15.35 (32.74)
        4:48.25 (32.90)     5:21.08 (32.83)     5:54.09 (33.01)     6:27.06 (32.97)
        7:00.12 (33.06)     7:33.20 (33.08)     8:06.04 (32.84)     8:39.13 (33.09)
        9:12.32 (33.19)     9:45.40 (33.08)    10:18.66 (33.26)    10:51.86 (33.20)
       11:25.12 (33.26)    11:58.36 (33.24)    12:31.63 (33.27)    13:04.86 (33.23)
       13:38.10 (33.24)    14:11.27 (33.17)    14:38.36 (27.09)    15:17.85 (39.49)
       15:50.54 (32.69)    16:21.42 (30.88)                                        
  4 Heinrich, Colin M   17 NOVA-VA             16:34.38   16:23.53@        15  
                  29.39     1:01.49 (32.10)     1:34.48 (32.99)     2:07.05 (32.57)
        2:39.92 (32.87)     3:12.92 (33.00)     3:45.73 (32.81)     4:18.81 (33.08)
        4:51.84 (33.03)     5:25.60 (33.76)     5:58.58 (32.98)     6:31.81 (33.23)
        7:05.54 (33.73)     7:39.53 (33.99)     8:13.11 (33.58)     8:45.96 (32.85)
        9:19.02 (33.06)     9:52.04 (33.02)    10:25.60 (33.56)    10:58.88 (33.28)
       11:32.10 (33.22)    12:05.23 (33.13)    12:38.12 (32.89)    13:10.60 (32.48)
       13:43.72 (33.12)    14:16.06 (32.34)    14:48.29 (32.23)    15:20.45 (32.16)
       15:52.62 (32.17)    16:23.53 (30.91)                                        
  5 McMahon, Daniel M   19 NOVA-VA             15:24.44Y  16:25.58@        13.5
                  28.92     1:01.98 (33.06)     1:34.39 (32.41)     2:07.33 (32.94)
        2:39.76 (32.43)     3:12.83 (33.07)     3:45.50 (32.67)     4:18.62 (33.12)
        4:51.27 (32.65)     5:24.46 (33.19)     5:57.20 (32.74)     6:30.35 (33.15)
        7:03.24 (32.89)     7:36.34 (33.10)     8:09.43 (33.09)     8:42.48 (33.05)
        9:15.40 (32.92)     9:48.41 (33.01)    10:21.30 (32.89)    10:54.59 (33.29)
       11:27.45 (32.86)    12:00.81 (33.36)    12:34.03 (33.22)    13:07.47 (33.44)
       13:40.69 (33.22)    14:14.30 (33.61)    14:47.08 (32.78)    15:20.31 (33.23)
       15:53.12 (32.81)    16:25.58 (32.46)                                        
  5 Stewart, Sean P     16 RMSC-PV             16:52.76   16:25.58@        13.5
                  29.40     1:01.74 (32.34)     1:34.62 (32.88)     2:07.34 (32.72)
        2:40.27 (32.93)     3:13.45 (33.18)     3:46.34 (32.89)     4:19.49 (33.15)
        4:52.41 (32.92)     5:25.36 (32.95)     5:58.39 (33.03)     6:31.56 (33.17)
        7:04.63 (33.07)     7:37.73 (33.10)     8:10.90 (33.17)     8:44.19 (33.29)
        9:17.33 (33.14)     9:50.52 (33.19)    10:23.69 (33.17)    10:57.01 (33.32)
       11:30.25 (33.24)    12:03.35 (33.10)    12:36.43 (33.08)    13:09.67 (33.24)
       13:38.73 (29.06)    14:16.08 (37.35)    14:48.89 (32.81)    15:21.75 (32.86)
       15:54.03 (32.28)    16:25.58 (31.55)                                        
  7 Mendes, Jesse N     17 NCAC-NC             16:33.65   16:33.87&        12  
                  29.49     1:02.48 (32.99)     1:34.72 (32.24)     2:07.72 (33.00)
        2:40.21 (32.49)     3:13.45 (33.24)     3:46.26 (32.81)     4:19.44 (33.18)
        4:52.54 (33.10)     5:26.14 (33.60)     5:59.00 (32.86)     6:32.41 (33.41)
        7:05.40 (32.99)     7:38.86 (33.46)     8:12.06 (33.20)     8:45.56 (33.50)
        9:18.84 (33.28)     9:52.45 (33.61)    10:25.63 (33.18)    10:59.38 (33.75)
       11:32.79 (33.41)    12:06.55 (33.76)    12:39.96 (33.41)    13:14.12 (34.16)
       13:47.89 (33.77)    14:21.92 (34.03)    14:55.07 (33.15)    15:29.05 (33.98)
       16:01.71 (32.66)    16:33.87 (32.16)                                        
  8 Benecki, Matthew B  16 FISH-PV             16:35.82   16:34.88&        11  
                  29.33     1:01.77 (32.44)     1:34.13 (32.36)     2:07.03 (32.90)
        2:39.54 (32.51)     3:12.58 (33.04)     3:45.39 (32.81)     4:18.42 (33.03)
        4:51.53 (33.11)     5:24.85 (33.32)     5:58.13 (33.28)     6:32.03 (33.90)
        7:05.34 (33.31)     7:38.98 (33.64)     8:12.24 (33.26)     8:45.91 (33.67)
        9:19.17 (33.26)     9:53.02 (33.85)    10:26.44 (33.42)    10:59.94 (33.50)
       11:33.22 (33.28)    12:07.12 (33.90)    12:41.13 (34.01)    13:14.71 (33.58)
       13:48.25 (33.54)    14:22.20 (33.95)    14:55.58 (33.38)    15:29.54 (33.96)
       16:02.71 (33.17)    16:34.88 (32.17)                                        
  9 Litz, Justin T      16 NOVA-VA             16:53.73   16:36.89&         9  
                  30.26     1:03.45 (33.19)     1:36.46 (33.01)     2:09.65 (33.19)
        2:42.62 (32.97)     3:15.78 (33.16)     3:48.79 (33.01)     4:22.15 (33.36)
        4:55.49 (33.34)     5:29.35 (33.86)     6:02.56 (33.21)     6:36.02 (33.46)
        7:09.37 (33.35)     7:42.75 (33.38)     8:16.31 (33.56)     8:50.12 (33.81)
        9:23.55 (33.43)     9:56.97 (33.42)    10:30.39 (33.42)    11:04.12 (33.73)
       11:37.61 (33.49)    12:11.18 (33.57)    12:44.50 (33.32)    13:18.01 (33.51)
       13:51.32 (33.31)    14:25.21 (33.89)    14:56.14 (30.93)    15:31.83 (35.69)
       15:54.94 (23.11)    16:36.89 (41.95)                                        
 10 Lutterbein, Alex M  17 NOVA-VA             17:00.48   16:50.93&         7  
                  30.70     1:03.88 (33.18)     1:37.03 (33.15)     2:10.71 (33.68)
        2:43.93 (33.22)     3:18.24 (34.31)     3:51.54 (33.30)     4:24.96 (33.42)
        4:58.90 (33.94)     5:33.38 (34.48)     6:07.43 (34.05)     6:41.79 (34.36)
        7:10.96 (29.17)     7:47.95 (36.99)     8:21.39 (33.44)     8:55.09 (33.70)
        9:29.09 (34.00)    10:03.35 (34.26)    10:37.49 (34.14)    11:11.98 (34.49)
       11:46.13 (34.15)    12:21.06 (34.93)    12:55.64 (34.58)    13:30.37 (34.73)
       14:04.68 (34.31)    14:39.41 (34.73)    15:12.98 (33.57)    15:47.35 (34.37)
       16:14.94 (27.59)    16:50.93 (35.99)                                        
 11 Golaszewski, Kenne  21 UN-PV               17:28.29   16:51.00&         6  
                  30.44     1:03.64 (33.20)     1:37.13 (33.49)     2:11.28 (34.15)
        2:45.17 (33.89)     3:19.06 (33.89)     3:52.77 (33.71)     4:26.88 (34.11)
        5:01.03 (34.15)     5:35.09 (34.06)     6:09.21 (34.12)     6:43.66 (34.45)
        7:17.86 (34.20)     7:52.33 (34.47)     8:26.31 (33.98)     9:00.57 (34.26)
        9:34.67 (34.10)    10:08.98 (34.31)    10:43.33 (34.35)    11:17.74 (34.41)
       11:51.95 (34.21)    12:25.89 (33.94)    12:59.84 (33.95)    13:33.81 (33.97)
       14:07.49 (33.68)    14:41.29 (33.80)    15:14.24 (32.95)    15:47.35 (33.11)
       16:19.53 (32.18)    16:51.00 (31.47)                                        
 12 Bailey, Jonathan D  17 NOVA-VA             16:43.18   16:55.15&         5  
                  29.78     1:02.09 (32.31)     1:34.74 (32.65)     2:07.80 (33.06)
        2:41.30 (33.50)     3:14.99 (33.69)     3:49.10 (34.11)     4:23.45 (34.35)
        4:57.61 (34.16)     5:31.97 (34.36)     6:06.39 (34.42)     6:40.70 (34.31)
        7:14.86 (34.16)     7:49.46 (34.60)     8:22.89 (33.43)     8:57.89 (35.00)
        9:27.94 (30.05)    10:06.52 (38.58)    10:40.65 (34.13)    11:15.52 (34.87)
       11:49.63 (34.11)    12:24.27 (34.64)    12:58.10 (33.83)    13:32.43 (34.33)
       14:06.58 (34.15)    14:40.82 (34.24)    15:14.40 (33.58)    15:48.74 (34.34)
       16:22.30 (33.56)    16:55.15 (32.85)                                        
 13 Mendes, Bryce T     15 NCAC-NC             17:04.59Y  17:02.81&         4  
                  30.09     1:03.91 (33.82)     1:38.08 (34.17)     2:12.44 (34.36)
        2:46.63 (34.19)     3:21.35 (34.72)     3:55.22 (33.87)     4:29.87 (34.65)
        5:03.96 (34.09)     5:38.51 (34.55)     6:12.59 (34.08)     6:46.84 (34.25)
        7:20.97 (34.13)     7:55.37 (34.40)     8:29.37 (34.00)     9:03.62 (34.25)
        9:37.74 (34.12)    10:12.04 (34.30)    10:46.26 (34.22)    11:20.62 (34.36)
       11:54.86 (34.24)    12:29.56 (34.70)    13:03.66 (34.10)    13:38.05 (34.39)
       14:12.26 (34.21)    14:46.75 (34.49)    15:21.06 (34.31)    15:55.51 (34.45)
       16:29.89 (34.38)    17:02.81 (32.92)                                        
 14 Spina, Alex M       16 CUBU-PV             17:45.97   17:07.42&         3  
                  31.13     1:04.97 (33.84)     1:39.43 (34.46)     2:14.29 (34.86)
        2:48.78 (34.49)     3:23.86 (35.08)     3:58.39 (34.53)     4:33.18 (34.79)
        4:59.71 (26.53)     5:42.60 (42.89)     6:16.64 (34.04)     6:51.17 (34.53)
        7:25.37 (34.20)     7:59.83 (34.46)     8:34.25 (34.42)     9:08.73 (34.48)
        9:43.31 (34.58)    10:17.62 (34.31)    10:51.99 (34.37)    11:26.61 (34.62)
       12:00.36 (33.75)    12:34.44 (34.08)    13:08.62 (34.18)    13:42.99 (34.37)
       14:17.14 (34.15)    14:51.52 (34.38)    15:25.90 (34.38)    16:00.22 (34.32)
       16:34.05 (33.83)    17:07.42 (33.37)                                        
 15 Anderson, Mike P    15 RMSC-PV             18:09.50   17:13.97&         2  
                                1:05.98 ( )     1:40.73 (34.75)     2:16.37 (35.64)
        2:51.34 (34.97)     3:26.15 (34.81)     4:00.47 (34.32)     4:35.07 (34.60)
        5:09.67 (34.60)     5:43.82 (34.15)     6:18.34 (34.52)     6:52.95 (34.61)
        7:27.86 (34.91)     8:01.81 (33.95)     8:36.14 (34.33)     9:10.22 (34.08)
        9:44.63 (34.41)    10:18.62 (33.99)    10:52.96 (34.34)    11:26.82 (33.86)
       12:00.57 (33.75)    12:35.63 (35.06)  14:20.28 (1:44.65)                    
                               14:54.86 ( )    15:29.88 (35.02)    16:04.67 (34.79)
       16:40.05 (35.38)    17:13.97 (33.92)                                        
 16 Stanton, Colin T    17 Aqua Hoya-PV        17:08.23   17:21.46&         1  
                  31.41     1:05.52 (34.11)     1:40.06 (34.54)     2:15.21 (35.15)
        2:49.58 (34.37)     3:24.33 (34.75)     3:59.10 (34.77)     4:34.42 (35.32)
        5:09.22 (34.80)     5:44.31 (35.09)     6:19.03 (34.72)     6:54.12 (35.09)
        7:28.99 (34.87)     8:04.37 (35.38)     8:34.12 (29.75)     9:14.61 (40.49)
        9:49.39 (34.78)    10:24.96 (35.57)    10:59.98 (35.02)    11:35.95 (35.97)
       12:09.96 (34.01)    12:44.57 (34.61)    13:09.18 (24.61)    13:53.99 (44.81)
       14:28.49 (34.50)    15:03.26 (34.77)    15:38.13 (34.87)    16:12.80 (34.67)
       16:47.40 (34.60)    17:21.46 (34.06)                                        
 17 Brewer, Jamison D   16 NCAC-NC             17:55.77   17:21.55&       
                  30.72     1:04.88 (34.16)     1:39.32 (34.44)     2:13.98 (34.66)
        2:48.72 (34.74)     3:23.48 (34.76)     3:58.11 (34.63)     4:32.95 (34.84)
        5:07.89 (34.94)     5:42.82 (34.93)     6:17.85 (35.03)     6:52.48 (34.63)
        7:27.13 (34.65)     8:01.83 (34.70)     8:36.43 (34.60)     9:11.18 (34.75)
        9:46.21 (35.03)    10:21.25 (35.04)    10:55.98 (34.73)    11:31.15 (35.17)
       12:06.15 (35.00)    12:41.30 (35.15)    13:16.45 (35.15)    13:51.74 (35.29)
       14:26.84 (35.10)    15:02.31 (35.47)    15:37.64 (35.33)    16:12.86 (35.22)
       16:48.00 (35.14)    17:21.55 (33.55)                                        
 18 Bruno, Joseph M     18 OCCS-PV             17:24.18   17:23.42&       
                  31.04     1:04.90 (33.86)     1:39.56 (34.66)     2:14.69 (35.13)
        2:49.45 (34.76)     3:24.51 (35.06)     3:59.56 (35.05)     4:34.99 (35.43)
        5:09.81 (34.82)     5:44.78 (34.97)     6:19.75 (34.97)     6:55.11 (35.36)
        7:29.48 (34.37)     8:04.61 (35.13)     8:39.28 (34.67)     9:14.46 (35.18)
        9:49.29 (34.83)    10:24.41 (35.12)    10:59.32 (34.91)    11:34.53 (35.21)
       12:09.68 (35.15)    12:44.80 (35.12)    13:19.94 (35.14)    13:55.54 (35.60)
       14:30.47 (34.93)    15:06.01 (35.54)    15:40.83 (34.82)    16:15.91 (35.08)
       16:50.80 (34.89)    17:23.42 (32.62)                                        
 19 Phillips, Bradley   15 CUBU-PV             17:19.93   17:26.40        
                  31.90     1:06.26 (34.36)     1:40.76 (34.50)     2:15.67 (34.91)
        2:50.22 (34.55)     3:25.15 (34.93)     3:59.87 (34.72)     4:35.09 (35.22)
        5:04.43 (29.34)     5:45.04 (40.61)     6:19.95 (34.91)     6:54.94 (34.99)
        7:25.41 (30.47)     8:05.00 (39.59)     8:40.20 (35.20)     9:15.34 (35.14)
        9:50.82 (35.48)    10:26.07 (35.25)    10:55.55 (29.48)    11:36.11 (40.56)
       12:11.05 (34.94)    12:46.14 (35.09)    13:21.09 (34.95)    13:56.46 (35.37)
       14:31.68 (35.22)    15:06.76 (35.08)    15:41.82 (35.06)    16:17.26 (35.44)
       16:49.25 (31.99)    17:26.40 (37.15)                                        
 20 Tommerdahl, Jake P  17 NCAC-NC             17:50.63   17:31.29        
                  32.54     1:07.35 (34.81)     1:42.17 (34.82)     2:17.24 (35.07)
        2:51.77 (34.53)     3:26.61 (34.84)     4:01.21 (34.60)     4:36.34 (35.13)
        5:11.39 (35.05)     5:46.42 (35.03)     6:21.36 (34.94)     6:56.57 (35.21)
        7:28.47 (31.90)     8:07.11 (38.64)     8:38.73 (31.62)     9:17.57 (38.84)
        9:52.88 (35.31)    10:28.43 (35.55)    11:03.67 (35.24)    11:39.17 (35.50)
       12:14.53 (35.36)    12:49.96 (35.43)    13:25.73 (35.77)    14:01.33 (35.60)
       14:36.48 (35.15)    15:11.86 (35.38)    15:45.81 (33.95)    16:22.34 (36.53)
       16:57.32 (34.98)    17:31.29 (33.97)                                        
 21 Grimmett-Norris, M  15 CUBU-PV             17:38.14   17:33.25        
                  30.44     1:04.82 (34.38)     1:39.48 (34.66)     2:14.36 (34.88)
        2:49.26 (34.90)     3:24.20 (34.94)     3:54.41 (30.21)     4:33.53 (39.12)
        5:08.07 (34.54)     5:42.85 (34.78)     6:17.47 (34.62)     6:51.95 (34.48)
        7:26.40 (34.45)     8:01.19 (34.79)     8:36.05 (34.86)     9:11.57 (35.52)
        9:46.97 (35.40)    10:23.01 (36.04)    10:59.14 (36.13)    11:35.20 (36.06)
       12:11.38 (36.18)    12:47.30 (35.92)    13:23.57 (36.27)    14:00.01 (36.44)
       14:36.05 (36.04)    15:12.56 (36.51)    15:49.11 (36.55)    16:25.09 (35.98)
       16:56.93 (31.84)    17:33.25 (36.32)                                        
 22 Contag, Alec G      15 FISH-PV             17:43.31Y  17:36.40        
                  30.53     1:05.21 (34.68)     1:35.30 (30.09)     2:15.50 (40.20)
        2:50.94 (35.44)     3:26.43 (35.49)     4:01.57 (35.14)     4:36.57 (35.00)
        5:11.94 (35.37)     5:47.76 (35.82)     6:23.19 (35.43)     6:58.40 (35.21)
        7:33.87 (35.47)     8:09.50 (35.63)     8:45.14 (35.64)     9:20.73 (35.59)
        9:56.66 (35.93)    10:32.57 (35.91)    11:08.57 (36.00)    11:44.25 (35.68)
       12:20.25 (36.00)    12:56.36 (36.11)    13:32.16 (35.80)    14:07.80 (35.64)
       14:43.26 (35.46)    15:19.17 (35.91)    15:54.69 (35.52)    16:29.99 (35.30)
       17:04.67 (34.68)    17:36.40 (31.73)                                        
 23 Hill, Jack J        18 NCAC-NC             17:25.80   17:37.11        
                  31.51     1:06.07 (34.56)     1:39.03 (32.96)     2:14.90 (35.87)
        2:47.95 (33.05)     3:24.29 (36.34)     3:59.09 (34.80)     4:34.57 (35.48)
        5:06.07 (31.50)     5:43.91 (37.84)     6:18.55 (34.64)     6:53.19 (34.64)
        7:28.09 (34.90)     8:03.05 (34.96)     8:38.77 (35.72)     9:13.96 (35.19)
        9:48.92 (34.96)    10:24.26 (35.34)    10:59.50 (35.24)    11:34.58 (35.08)
       12:10.08 (35.50)    12:45.82 (35.74)    13:21.99 (36.17)    13:58.67 (36.68)
       14:34.90 (36.23)    15:11.43 (36.53)    15:48.12 (36.69)    16:24.23 (36.11)
       17:00.98 (36.75)    17:37.11 (36.13)                                        
 24 Gordon, Jonathan A  17 RMSC-PV             17:05.34Y  17:37.85        
                  30.88     1:04.50 (33.62)     1:39.54 (35.04)     2:15.11 (35.57)
        2:50.93 (35.82)     3:27.10 (36.17)     4:02.57 (35.47)     4:38.57 (36.00)
        5:14.33 (35.76)     5:50.16 (35.83)     6:25.70 (35.54)     7:01.68 (35.98)
        7:37.36 (35.68)     8:13.73 (36.37)     8:49.91 (36.18)     9:26.02 (36.11)
       10:00.92 (34.90)    10:36.37 (35.45)    11:12.21 (35.84)    11:47.79 (35.58)
       12:23.98 (36.19)    13:00.27 (36.29)    13:34.75 (34.48)    14:10.43 (35.68)
       14:45.18 (34.75)    15:20.37 (35.19)    15:54.63 (34.26)    16:30.64 (36.01)
       17:04.94 (34.30)    17:37.85 (32.91)                                        
 25 Foltz, Wesley A     17 NCAC-NC             17:07.57Y  17:37.86        
                  31.46     1:05.92 (34.46)     1:41.34 (35.42)     2:17.04 (35.70)
        2:52.34 (35.30)     3:28.09 (35.75)     4:03.79 (35.70)     4:39.57 (35.78)
        5:14.71 (35.14)     5:50.13 (35.42)     6:24.87 (34.74)     6:59.67 (34.80)
        7:35.05 (35.38)     8:10.63 (35.58)     8:46.25 (35.62)     9:21.66 (35.41)
        9:57.04 (35.38)    10:32.51 (35.47)    11:05.60 (33.09)    11:43.87 (38.27)
       12:14.21 (30.34)    12:54.56 (40.35)    13:30.24 (35.68)    14:05.93 (35.69)
       14:41.73 (35.80)    15:17.35 (35.62)    15:52.68 (35.33)    16:28.32 (35.64)
       17:03.10 (34.78)    17:37.86 (34.76)                                        
 26 Dunne, Ryan C       14 OCCS-PV             17:22.96Y  17:53.21        
                                1:06.11 ( )                             2:17.24 ( )
                                3:28.61 ( )                             4:40.28 ( )
                                5:51.78 ( )                             7:02.89 ( )
                                8:14.76 ( )                             9:26.69 ( )
                               10:38.86 ( )                            11:51.51 ( )
                               13:04.43 ( )                            14:16.88 ( )
                               15:29.85 ( )                            16:42.34 ( )
     17:53.21 (1:10.87)                                                            
 27 DeKlau, Tim E       17 PEAK-PV             18:01.15   17:59.12        
                  31.68     1:07.33 (35.65)     1:42.48 (35.15)     2:18.05 (35.57)
                                3:28.91 ( )                             4:40.40 ( )
                                5:51.89 ( )                             7:03.05 ( )
                                8:14.82 ( )                             9:27.24 ( )
                               10:41.22 ( )    11:17.88 (36.66)    11:54.15 (36.27)
       12:30.43 (36.28)    13:06.49 (36.06)    13:43.77 (37.28)    14:20.70 (36.93)
                               15:33.61 ( )                            16:47.05 ( )
     17:59.12 (1:12.07)                                                            
 28 Mukri, Patrick R    16 RMSC-PV             17:44.97Y  18:01.87        
                  31.77     1:06.82 (35.05)     1:42.20 (35.38)     2:18.22 (36.02)
        2:53.98 (35.76)     3:30.03 (36.05)     4:06.14 (36.11)     4:42.53 (36.39)
        5:18.51 (35.98)     5:54.84 (36.33)     6:31.14 (36.30)     7:07.56 (36.42)
        7:43.47 (35.91)     8:19.47 (36.00)     8:55.74 (36.27)     9:32.17 (36.43)
       10:08.48 (36.31)    10:44.93 (36.45)    11:21.47 (36.54)    11:58.15 (36.68)
       12:34.34 (36.19)    13:10.97 (36.63)    13:47.39 (36.42)    14:23.85 (36.46)
       15:00.25 (36.40)    15:36.87 (36.62)    16:13.45 (36.58)    16:49.77 (36.32)
       17:26.06 (36.29)    18:01.87 (35.81)                                        
 29 Ogren, Tyler T      16 CUBU-PV             17:31.39Y  18:04.01        
                  31.55     1:06.88 (35.33)     1:42.91 (36.03)     2:19.24 (36.33)
        2:55.41 (36.17)     3:32.26 (36.85)     4:07.96 (35.70)     4:45.10 (37.14)
        5:21.50 (36.40)     5:58.20 (36.70)     6:34.74 (36.54)     7:11.29 (36.55)
        7:47.28 (35.99)     8:23.86 (36.58)     9:00.68 (36.82)     9:37.74 (37.06)
       10:14.70 (36.96)    10:51.89 (37.19)    11:28.03 (36.14)    12:04.35 (36.32)
       12:40.69 (36.34)    13:17.23 (36.54)    13:53.81 (36.58)    14:30.37 (36.56)
       15:06.10 (35.73)    15:42.57 (36.47)    16:18.34 (35.77)    16:54.34 (36.00)
       17:29.51 (35.17)    18:04.01 (34.50)                                        
 30 Kotonias, Nicholas  14 FAST-PV             17:51.67   18:06.51        
                  32.11     1:07.93 (35.82)     1:43.71 (35.78)     2:19.36 (35.65)
        2:55.15 (35.79)     3:31.43 (36.28)     4:07.82 (36.39)     4:44.43 (36.61)
        5:20.76 (36.33)     5:57.18 (36.42)     6:33.45 (36.27)     7:10.05 (36.60)
        7:46.46 (36.41)     8:23.07 (36.61)     8:59.35 (36.28)     9:36.09 (36.74)
       10:12.44 (36.35)    10:49.01 (36.57)    11:20.65 (31.64)    12:01.94 (41.29)
       12:38.36 (36.42)    13:15.22 (36.86)    13:51.72 (36.50)    14:28.70 (36.98)
       15:05.06 (36.36)    15:42.00 (36.94)    16:18.24 (36.24)    16:54.83 (36.59)
       17:30.90 (36.07)    18:06.51 (35.61)                                        
 31 Lucas, Cameron R    15 CUBU-PV             17:37.77   18:08.10        
                  31.78     1:06.49 (34.71)     1:41.66 (35.17)     2:17.64 (35.98)
        2:54.06 (36.42)     3:29.93 (35.87)     4:06.39 (36.46)     4:42.67 (36.28)
        5:18.79 (36.12)     5:54.75 (35.96)     6:31.30 (36.55)     7:09.28 (37.98)
        7:46.10 (36.82)     8:22.80 (36.70)     8:59.42 (36.62)     9:36.17 (36.75)
       10:12.08 (35.91)    10:48.84 (36.76)    11:23.36 (34.52)    12:01.92 (38.56)
       12:32.72 (30.80)    13:15.27 (42.55)    13:51.70 (36.43)    14:28.70 (37.00)
       15:05.02 (36.32)    15:42.19 (37.17)    16:19.18 (36.99)    16:56.02 (36.84)
       17:32.40 (36.38)    18:08.10 (35.70)                                        
 32 Hoffer, Luke M      15 NCAC-NC             18:49.23   18:10.86        
                  33.50     1:09.69 (36.19)     1:45.93 (36.24)     2:22.34 (36.41)
        2:58.44 (36.10)     3:34.89 (36.45)     4:11.12 (36.23)     4:47.59 (36.47)
        5:23.83 (36.24)     6:00.42 (36.59)     6:37.02 (36.60)     7:13.76 (36.74)
        7:49.90 (36.14)     8:26.53 (36.63)     9:03.09 (36.56)     9:39.80 (36.71)
       10:15.97 (36.17)    10:52.66 (36.69)    11:29.30 (36.64)    12:06.19 (36.89)
       12:43.09 (36.90)    13:19.93 (36.84)    13:56.79 (36.86)    14:33.65 (36.86)
       15:10.37 (36.72)    15:47.31 (36.94)    16:23.11 (35.80)    16:59.53 (36.42)
       17:35.76 (36.23)    18:10.86 (35.10)                                        
 33 Tyburski, Max R     17 CUBU-PV             18:05.18   18:15.98        
                  31.38     1:06.24 (34.86)     1:41.75 (35.51)     2:16.66 (34.91)
        2:52.52 (35.86)     3:27.97 (35.45)     4:03.80 (35.83)     4:40.18 (36.38)
        5:16.71 (36.53)     5:54.17 (37.46)     6:30.66 (36.49)     7:08.05 (37.39)
        7:44.86 (36.81)     8:22.57 (37.71)     8:58.93 (36.36)     9:36.31 (37.38)
       10:12.73 (36.42)    10:49.51 (36.78)    11:26.25 (36.74)    12:03.46 (37.21)
       12:40.23 (36.77)    13:17.50 (37.27)    13:54.76 (37.26)    14:32.82 (38.06)
       15:09.64 (36.82)    15:47.66 (38.02)    16:24.58 (36.92)    17:02.25 (37.67)
       17:39.21 (36.96)    18:15.98 (36.77)                                        
 34 Byrd, Matthew E     15 RMSC-PV             17:44.38Y  18:39.58        
                  32.51     1:08.89 (36.38)     1:46.11 (37.22)     2:23.51 (37.40)
        3:01.02 (37.51)     3:38.28 (37.26)     4:09.39 (31.11)     4:53.52 (44.13)
        5:30.71 (37.19)     6:07.74 (37.03)     6:45.39 (37.65)     7:23.01 (37.62)
        8:00.77 (37.76)     8:38.11 (37.34)     9:08.95 (30.84)     9:53.09 (44.14)
       10:30.76 (37.67)    11:08.21 (37.45)    11:46.26 (38.05)    12:24.06 (37.80)
       13:02.18 (38.12)    13:40.36 (38.18)    14:19.67 (39.31)    14:58.09 (38.42)
       15:26.45 (28.36)    16:13.99 (47.54)    16:50.90 (36.91)    17:29.17 (38.27)
       18:05.59 (36.42)    18:39.58 (33.99)                                        
 35 Flamand, Michael W  15 RMSC-PV             17:43.08Y  18:39.81        
                  32.60     1:09.44 (36.84)     1:41.13 (31.69)     2:24.23 (43.10)
        2:55.71 (31.48)     3:39.32 (43.61)     4:16.65 (37.33)     4:53.86 (37.21)
        5:22.44 (28.58)     6:08.92 (46.48)     6:45.59 (36.67)     7:23.02 (37.43)
        8:00.27 (37.25)     8:37.36 (37.09)     9:14.59 (37.23)     9:52.11 (37.52)
       10:25.10 (32.99)    11:08.37 (43.27)    11:37.04 (28.67)    12:24.33 (47.29)
       13:02.17 (37.84)    13:40.11 (37.94)    14:19.03 (38.92)    14:57.93 (38.90)
       15:36.57 (38.64)    16:14.17 (37.60)    16:51.70 (37.53)    17:29.01 (37.31)
       18:06.29 (37.28)    18:39.81 (33.52)                                        
 36 Husson, Patrick A   15 PEAK-PV             18:57.95   18:43.87        
                  34.17     1:11.48 (37.31)     1:47.64 (36.16)     2:24.31 (36.67)
        3:00.38 (36.07)     3:37.38 (37.00)     4:14.12 (36.74)     4:51.18 (37.06)
        5:27.89 (36.71)     6:05.51 (37.62)     6:42.42 (36.91)     7:19.73 (37.31)
        7:56.87 (37.14)     8:34.20 (37.33)     9:11.44 (37.24)     9:48.77 (37.33)
       10:26.25 (37.48)    11:04.21 (37.96)    11:41.88 (37.67)    12:19.89 (38.01)
       12:57.89 (38.00)    13:36.54 (38.65)    14:14.62 (38.08)    14:53.23 (38.61)
       15:31.42 (38.19)    16:10.13 (38.71)    16:48.12 (37.99)    17:26.98 (38.86)
       18:05.71 (38.73)    18:43.87 (38.16)                                        
 37 Cooke, Peter B      17 PEAK-PV             17:35.29Y  18:48.97        
                  33.33     1:09.39 (36.06)     1:45.72 (36.33)     2:22.55 (36.83)
        2:59.29 (36.74)     3:36.38 (37.09)     4:13.13 (36.75)     4:50.42 (37.29)
        5:27.28 (36.86)     6:04.63 (37.35)     6:42.33 (37.70)     7:20.16 (37.83)
        7:57.77 (37.61)     8:36.02 (38.25)     9:13.85 (37.83)     9:51.98 (38.13)
       10:29.59 (37.61)    11:08.19 (38.60)    11:46.30 (38.11)    12:24.58 (38.28)
       13:02.88 (38.30)    13:41.11 (38.23)    14:19.60 (38.49)    14:58.24 (38.64)
       15:36.88 (38.64)    16:15.48 (38.60)    16:54.40 (38.92)    17:32.98 (38.58)
       18:11.49 (38.51)    18:48.97 (37.48)                                        
 38 Maxwell, Tom J      17 OCCS-PV             17:44.56Y  18:49.96        
                  31.76     1:06.97 (35.21)     1:43.50 (36.53)     2:20.59 (37.09)
        2:57.79 (37.20)     3:36.03 (38.24)     4:13.70 (37.67)     4:51.50 (37.80)
        5:28.95 (37.45)     6:07.55 (38.60)     6:45.05 (37.50)     7:22.89 (37.84)
        8:00.99 (38.10)     8:38.60 (37.61)     9:16.34 (37.74)     9:54.72 (38.38)
       10:33.03 (38.31)    11:10.81 (37.78)    11:48.53 (37.72)    12:26.96 (38.43)
       13:05.20 (38.24)    13:43.34 (38.14)    14:22.02 (38.68)    15:00.44 (38.42)
       15:38.81 (38.37)    16:17.85 (39.04)    16:56.04 (38.19)    17:35.00 (38.96)
       18:08.59 (33.59)    18:49.96 (41.37)                                        
 39 Gandhi, Akshay      16 RMSC-PV             17:19.72Y  18:52.70        
                  31.48     1:06.81 (35.33)     1:43.66 (36.85)     2:21.04 (37.38)
        2:57.89 (36.85)     3:35.42 (37.53)     4:13.41 (37.99)     4:51.20 (37.79)
        5:27.71 (36.51)     6:05.46 (37.75)     6:44.53 (39.07)     7:23.61 (39.08)
        8:02.57 (38.96)     8:41.32 (38.75)     9:15.66 (34.34)     9:54.63 (38.97)
       10:34.65 (40.02)    11:13.95 (39.30)    11:52.60 (38.65)    12:30.86 (38.26)
       13:09.64 (38.78)    13:49.19 (39.55)    14:28.61 (39.42)    15:07.91 (39.30)
       15:46.48 (38.57)    16:24.71 (38.23)    17:03.00 (38.29)    17:38.27 (35.27)
       18:11.78 (33.51)    18:52.70 (40.92)                                        
 40 Huizinga, Ben D     15 ASA-PV              17:46.13Y  18:58.42        
                  32.55     1:07.35 (34.80)                             2:20.82 ( )
        2:57.94 (37.12)     3:35.60 (37.66)     4:13.76 (38.16)     4:51.58 (37.82)
        5:29.54 (37.96)     6:07.33 (37.79)                             7:23.48 ( )
                                8:39.22 ( )                             9:55.98 ( )
       10:34.37 (38.39)    11:13.06 (38.69)                            12:30.62 ( )
       13:09.92 (39.30)    13:48.38 (38.46)                            15:07.54 ( )
                               16:26.48 ( )                            17:45.17 ( )
     18:58.42 (1:13.25)                                                            
Boys 100 LC Meter Backstroke
World Record: !   53.17        2005 Aaron Peirsol, USA                         
  USA Record: $   53.17        2005 Aaron Peirsol                              
PVS Open Rec: #   54.63        2003 Randall Bal, STAN-PC                       
    OTrial08: %   57.99                                                        
   Nationals: *   58.69                                                        
SpeedoChamps: & 1:03.79                                                        
Junior Nat 0: @ 1:00.59                                                        
    SCYNAT07: ^   59.79                                                        
 Meet Qualifying:  1:06.99
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 Gibson, Chris R     23 CUBU-PV                59.78      58.57*        20  
                  28.90       58.57 (29.67)                                        
  2 Fox, Brady C        16 RMSC-PV                59.84      58.79^        17  
                  28.72       58.79 (30.07)                                        
  3 Wren, David H       18 NOVA-VA                59.61      58.93^        16  
                  28.62       58.93 (30.31)                                        
  4 Harris, Kenton M    21 NOVA-VA              1:00.02      59.67^        15  
                  28.78       59.67 (30.89)                                        
  5 Coe, Robert C       17 RMSC-PV              1:01.39    1:00.24@        14  
                  29.51     1:00.24 (30.73)                                        
  6 Falkenstein, Kevin  23 ASA-PV                 59.97    1:00.50@        13  
                  29.00     1:00.50 (31.50)                                        
  7 Frantz, Scott S     19 Machine-PV           1:00.99    1:01.24&        12  
                  29.93     1:01.24 (31.31)                                        
  8 Hayden, Zach S      19 CUBU-PV              1:01.23    1:03.46&        11  
                  29.87     1:03.46 (33.59)                                        
B - Final
  9 Thomasson, Eric M   21 UN-PV                1:01.84    1:00.86&         9  
                  29.47     1:00.86 (31.39)                                        
 10 Sheranek, Tom I     16 NOVA-VA              1:01.84    1:00.89&         7  
                  29.57     1:00.89 (31.32)                                        
 11 Brown, Gaites P     17 NOVA-VA              1:01.85    1:01.23&         6  
                  29.68     1:01.23 (31.55)                                        
 12 Relihan, Andrew J   17 RMSC-PV              1:01.77    1:01.95&         5  
                  30.21     1:01.95 (31.74)                                        
 13 Berger, Christoph   17 NOVA-VA              1:02.19    1:02.14&         4  
                  30.23     1:02.14 (31.91)                                        
 14 Nichols, Robert E   15 CUBU-PV              1:02.91    1:02.43&         3  
                  30.55     1:02.43 (31.88)                                        
 15 Haibel, Sandy J     17 RMSC-PV              1:03.70    1:03.70&         2  
                  31.24     1:03.70 (32.46)                                        
 16 MacDonald, Angus J  15 OCCS-PV              1:03.50    1:04.90          1  
                  30.89     1:04.90 (34.01)                                        
C - Final
 17 Tuben, Benjamin P   17 PM-PV                1:04.48    1:02.87&       
                  30.15     1:02.87 (32.72)                                        
 18 Conrad, Eric V      15 RMSC-PV              1:04.15    1:03.04&       
                  30.88     1:03.04 (32.16)                                        
 19 Spina, Alex M       16 CUBU-PV              1:04.06    1:03.80        
                  31.13     1:03.80 (32.67)                                        
 20 Mackenzie, Doug R   16 RMSC-PV              1:04.63    1:03.99        
                  31.18     1:03.99 (32.81)                                        
 21 Parker, Justin M    18 RMSC-PV              1:04.53    1:04.14        
                  31.86     1:04.14 (32.28)                                        
 22 Gong, Wade T        16 CUBU-PV              1:04.32    1:04.33        
                  31.04     1:04.33 (33.29)                                        
 23 Casey, Tom J        15 SNOW-PV              1:04.73    1:04.69        
                  31.20     1:04.69 (33.49)                                        
 24 Flach, Michael F    16 FISH-PV              1:04.45    1:05.27        
                  32.50     1:05.27 (32.77)                                        
Boys 100 LC Meter Backstroke
World Record: !   53.17        2005 Aaron Peirsol, USA                         
  USA Record: $   53.17        2005 Aaron Peirsol                              
PVS Open Rec: #   54.63        2003 Randall Bal, STAN-PC                       
    OTrial08: %   57.99                                                        
   Nationals: *   58.69                                                        
SpeedoChamps: & 1:03.79                                                        
Junior Nat 0: @ 1:00.59                                                        
    SCYNAT07: ^   59.79                                                        
 Meet Qualifying:  1:06.99
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Wren, David H             18 NOVA-VA                59.14      59.61^       
                  29.09       59.61 (30.52)                                        
  2 Gibson, Chris R           23 CUBU-PV                58.33      59.78^       
                  29.36       59.78 (30.42)                                        
  3 Fox, Brady C              16 RMSC-PV                58.44      59.84@       
                  29.36       59.84 (30.48)                                        
  4 Falkenstein, Kevin A      23 ASA-PV               1:00.37      59.97@       
                  29.38       59.97 (30.59)                                        
  5 Harris, Kenton M          21 NOVA-VA                59.98    1:00.02@       
                  29.03     1:00.02 (30.99)                                        
  6 Frantz, Scott S           19 Machine-PV           1:01.12    1:00.99&       
                  29.94     1:00.99 (31.05)                                        
  7 Hayden, Zach S            19 CUBU-PV              1:00.90    1:01.23&       
                  29.89     1:01.23 (31.34)                                        
  8 Coe, Robert C             17 RMSC-PV              1:01.54    1:01.39&       
                  29.55     1:01.39 (31.84)                                        
  9 Relihan, Andrew J         17 RMSC-PV              1:02.84    1:01.77&       
                  29.99     1:01.77 (31.78)                                        
 10 Sheranek, Tom I           16 NOVA-VA                58.67    1:01.84&       
                  29.54     1:01.84 (32.30)                                        
 10 Thomasson, Eric M         21 UN-PV                1:00.86    1:01.84&       
                  29.58     1:01.84 (32.26)                                        
 12 Brown, Gaites P           17 NOVA-VA              1:01.53    1:01.85&       
                  29.76     1:01.85 (32.09)                                        
 13 Berger, Christoph S       17 NOVA-VA                53.81Y   1:02.19&       
                  30.31     1:02.19 (31.88)                                        
 14 Nichols, Robert E         15 CUBU-PV              1:03.32    1:02.91&       
                  31.26     1:02.91 (31.65)                                        
 15 MacDonald, Angus J        15 OCCS-PV              1:03.95    1:03.50&       
                  30.83     1:03.50 (32.67)                                        
 16 Haibel, Sandy J           17 RMSC-PV              1:03.75    1:03.70&       
                  30.41     1:03.70 (33.29)                                        
 17 Spina, Alex M             16 CUBU-PV              1:05.02    1:04.06        
                  31.40     1:04.06 (32.66)                                        
 18 Conrad, Eric V            15 RMSC-PV              1:04.76    1:04.15        
                  31.31     1:04.15 (32.84)                                        
 19 Gong, Wade T              16 CUBU-PV              1:01.80    1:04.32        
                  31.27     1:04.32 (33.05)                                        
 20 Flach, Michael F          16 FISH-PV              1:03.65    1:04.45        
                  30.99     1:04.45 (33.46)                                        
 21 Tuben, Benjamin P         17 PM-PV                1:06.87    1:04.48        
                  30.91     1:04.48 (33.57)                                        
 22 Parker, Justin M          18 RMSC-PV              1:02.38    1:04.53        
                  31.90     1:04.53 (32.63)                                        
 23 Mackenzie, Doug R         16 RMSC-PV              1:05.37    1:04.63        
                  31.69     1:04.63 (32.94)                                        
 24 Casey, Tom J              15 SNOW-PV                56.25Y   1:04.73        
 25 Kiss, David               17 CUBU-PV              1:05.43    1:04.75        
                  31.83     1:04.75 (32.92)                                        
 26 Houchin, Joseph E         22 UNAT-PV              1:02.19    1:04.80        
                  31.13     1:04.80 (33.67)                                        
 27 Lichtenfels, Ryan R       17 CUBU-PV              1:06.72    1:05.18        
                  31.34     1:05.18 (33.84)                                        
 28 Spencer, Adam M           17 RMSC-PV                54.30Y   1:05.43        
                  31.10     1:05.43 (34.33)                                        
 29 Christensen, Jon L        16 CUBU-PV                55.74Y   1:05.47        
                  31.62     1:05.47 (33.85)                                        
 30 Shaw, KJ J                16 NOVA-VA              1:04.31    1:05.55        
                  31.91     1:05.55 (33.64)                                        
 31 Heinrich, Colin M         17 NOVA-VA                55.84Y   1:05.73        
                  32.05     1:05.73 (33.68)                                        
 32 Grimmett-Norris, Robert   18 CUBU-PV              1:05.08    1:05.84        
                  31.30     1:05.84 (34.54)                                        
 33 Pinto, John David         19 CUBU-PV                57.15Y   1:05.92        
                  31.13     1:05.92 (34.79)                                        
 34 Pennington, Adam S        15 FISH-PV              1:06.52    1:06.13        
                  32.50     1:06.13 (33.63)                                        
 35 Jackson, Warren C         15 RMSC-PV              1:05.86    1:06.15        
                  32.46     1:06.15 (33.69)                                        
 36 Vallario, Kevin M         16 FGAC-PV              1:05.26    1:06.26        
                  32.37     1:06.26 (33.89)                                        
 36 Begun, Jeremy N           15 SNOW-PV              1:06.58    1:06.26        
                  32.43     1:06.26 (33.83)                                        
 38 Cordes, Nicklaus J        18 UN-PV                  59.40    1:06.39        
                  31.20     1:06.39 (35.19)                                        
 39 McGehee, Andrew P         16 RMSC-PV                57.12Y   1:06.44        
                  31.92     1:06.44 (34.52)                                        
 40 Lutterbein, Alex M        17 NOVA-VA              1:05.19    1:06.55        
                  32.58     1:06.55 (33.97)                                        
 41 Mukri, Patrick R          16 RMSC-PV                57.71Y   1:06.67        
                  31.99     1:06.67 (34.68)                                        
 42 Jolly, Michael A          16 RMSC-PV                56.58Y   1:06.83        
                  32.38     1:06.83 (34.45)                                        
 43 Stodter, Casey J          16 RMSC-PV                56.93Y   1:07.06        
                  32.41     1:07.06 (34.65)                                        
 44 Hedquist, Cameron M       16 RMSC-PV              1:06.29    1:07.12        
                  32.89     1:07.12 (34.23)                                        
 45 Clark, Christopher D      17 UN-CU-PV             1:06.16    1:07.23        
                  33.06     1:07.23 (34.17)                                        
 46 Meckley, John H           16 UN-CU-PV               57.70Y   1:07.43        
                  31.92     1:07.43 (35.51)                                        
 47 Anderson, Mike P          15 RMSC-PV                58.87Y   1:07.59        
                  32.99     1:07.59 (34.60)                                        
 48 Clinton, Marc F           18 NCAC-NC                59.15Y   1:07.71        
                  33.24     1:07.71 (34.47)                                        
 49 Anthony, Mac M            15 NOVA-VA              1:04.55    1:07.96        
                  32.10     1:07.96 (35.86)                                        
 50 Baumgardner, Jacob D      15 CUBU-PV              1:06.81    1:08.25        
                  33.12     1:08.25 (35.13)                                        
 51 Sidman, John-Howard H     17 CUBU-PV              1:06.90    1:08.29        
                  32.71     1:08.29 (35.58)                                        
 52 Wash, Mason E             17 NOVA-VA                57.93Y   1:08.35        
                  33.23     1:08.35 (35.12)                                        
 53 Herrmann, Ricky A         17 CUBU-PV                55.41Y   1:08.96        
                  33.21     1:08.96 (35.75)                                        
 54 Lin, Jeffrey              15 RMSC-PV              1:00.06Y   1:09.58        
 55 Byrd, Matthew E           15 RMSC-PV                57.92Y   1:09.64        
 56 Wright, Geoffrey A        14 SNOW-PV                57.55Y   1:09.70        
                  32.94     1:09.70 (36.76)                                        
 57 Heidel, Kenneth M         16 UNATT-PV               58.75Y   1:10.44        
                  34.00     1:10.44 (36.44)                                        
Boys 200 LC Meter Backstroke
World Record: ! 1:54.55        2006 Aaron Peirsol, USA                         
  USA Record: $ 1:54.55        2006 Aaron Peirsol                              
PVS Open Rec: # 1:56.10        2003 Michael Phelps, NBAC-MD                    
    OTrial08: % 2:04.99                                                        
   Nationals: * 2:07.19                                                        
SpeedoChamps: & 2:16.89                                                        
Junior Nat 0: @ 2:11.49                                                        
    SCYNAT07: ^ 2:09.09                                                        
 Meet Qualifying:  2:23.69
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 Harris, Kenton M    21 NOVA-VA              2:07.39    2:07.10*        20  
                  29.64     1:02.62 (32.98)     1:35.27 (32.65)     2:07.10 (31.83)
  2 Wren, David H       18 NOVA-VA              2:10.66    2:07.43^        17  
                  29.44     1:01.66 (32.22)     1:34.88 (33.22)     2:07.43 (32.55)
  3 Gibson, Chris R     23 CUBU-PV              2:12.40    2:08.20^        16  
                  30.10     1:02.90 (32.80)     1:35.80 (32.90)     2:08.20 (32.40)
  4 Coe, Robert C       17 RMSC-PV              2:14.21    2:09.33@        15  
                  30.52     1:03.35 (32.83)     1:36.99 (33.64)     2:09.33 (32.34)
  5 Relihan, Andrew J   17 RMSC-PV              2:10.78    2:10.12@        14  
                  30.71     1:03.21 (32.50)     1:37.02 (33.81)     2:10.12 (33.10)
  6 Mechak, Ben P       18 RMSC-PV              2:11.96    2:11.32@        13  
                  30.71     1:03.44 (32.73)     1:37.65 (34.21)     2:11.32 (33.67)
  7 Spina, Alex M       16 CUBU-PV              2:15.23    2:14.31&        12  
                  31.42     1:05.14 (33.72)     1:39.60 (34.46)     2:14.31 (34.71)
  8 Berger, Christoph   17 NOVA-VA              2:14.38    2:16.05&        11  
                  31.56     1:05.87 (34.31)     1:41.20 (35.33)     2:16.05 (34.85)
B - Final
  9 Sheranek, Tom I     16 NOVA-VA              2:15.62    2:10.99@         9  
                  30.23     1:03.14 (32.91)     1:36.61 (33.47)     2:10.99 (34.38)
 10 Wren, Garrett M     20 NOVA-VA              2:16.95    2:14.28&         7  
                  31.44     1:05.76 (34.32)     1:40.57 (34.81)     2:14.28 (33.71)
 11 Conrad, Eric V      15 RMSC-PV              2:16.85    2:14.44&         6  
                  31.80     1:06.28 (34.48)     1:40.79 (34.51)     2:14.44 (33.65)
 12 Litz, Justin T      16 NOVA-VA              2:15.74    2:15.26&         5  
                  31.91     1:06.03 (34.12)     1:40.77 (34.74)     2:15.26 (34.49)
 13 Parker, Justin M    18 RMSC-PV              2:17.28    2:15.35&         4  
                  32.13     1:05.72 (33.59)     1:40.53 (34.81)     2:15.35 (34.82)
 14 Gong, Wade T        16 CUBU-PV              2:21.06    2:19.00          3  
                  32.39     1:07.97 (35.58)     1:44.23 (36.26)     2:19.00 (34.77)
 15 Lichtenfels, Ryan   17 CUBU-PV              2:19.89    2:19.33          2  
                  32.26     1:07.87 (35.61)     1:43.63 (35.76)     2:19.33 (35.70)
 16 Lutterbein, Alex M  17 NOVA-VA              2:18.11    2:19.57          1  
                  33.27     1:09.04 (35.77)     1:44.85 (35.81)     2:19.57 (34.72)
C - Final
 17 Friedland, Eric T   17 RMSC-PV              2:22.55    2:17.27        
                  32.72     1:08.00 (35.28)     1:42.47 (34.47)     2:17.27 (34.80)
 18 Jolly, Michael A    16 RMSC-PV              2:22.02    2:18.54        
                  32.99     1:08.27 (35.28)     1:44.03 (35.76)     2:18.54 (34.51)
 19 Nichols, Robert E   15 CUBU-PV              2:22.68    2:19.01        
                  32.14     1:07.56 (35.42)     1:44.35 (36.79)     2:19.01 (34.66)
 20 Casey, Tom J        15 SNOW-PV              2:21.41    2:19.41        
                  32.57     1:07.52 (34.95)     1:43.64 (36.12)     2:19.41 (35.77)
 21 Pennington, Adam S  15 FISH-PV              2:22.45    2:19.83        
                  33.28     1:08.40 (35.12)     1:44.75 (36.35)     2:19.83 (35.08)
 22 Shaw, KJ J          16 NOVA-VA              2:21.34    2:20.12        
                  33.57     1:08.58 (35.01)     1:44.63 (36.05)     2:20.12 (35.49)
 23 Baumgardner, Jacob  15 CUBU-PV              2:22.46    2:21.22        
                  33.81     1:10.21 (36.40)     1:45.66 (35.45)     2:21.22 (35.56)
 24 McGehee, Andrew P   16 RMSC-PV              2:21.47    2:21.47        
                  32.36     1:07.72 (35.36)     1:43.94 (36.22)     2:21.47 (37.53)
Boys 200 LC Meter Backstroke
World Record: ! 1:54.55        2006 Aaron Peirsol, USA                         
  USA Record: $ 1:54.55        2006 Aaron Peirsol                              
PVS Open Rec: # 1:56.10        2003 Michael Phelps, NBAC-MD                    
    OTrial08: % 2:04.99                                                        
   Nationals: * 2:07.19                                                        
SpeedoChamps: & 2:16.89                                                        
Junior Nat 0: @ 2:11.49                                                        
    SCYNAT07: ^ 2:09.09                                                        
 Meet Qualifying:  2:23.69
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Harris, Kenton M          21 NOVA-VA              2:09.11    2:07.39^       
                  30.08     1:03.40 (33.32)     1:36.05 (32.65)     2:07.39 (31.34)
  2 Wren, David H             18 NOVA-VA              2:07.94    2:10.66@       
                  30.53     1:03.12 (32.59)     1:36.63 (33.51)     2:10.66 (34.03)
  3 Relihan, Andrew J         17 RMSC-PV              2:12.06    2:10.78@       
                  31.30     1:04.42 (33.12)     1:37.80 (33.38)     2:10.78 (32.98)
  4 Mechak, Ben P             18 RMSC-PV              2:11.92    2:11.96&       
                  31.02     1:04.29 (33.27)     1:37.98 (33.69)     2:11.96 (33.98)
  5 Gibson, Chris R           23 CUBU-PV              2:06.45    2:12.40&       
                  30.53     1:03.66 (33.13)     1:38.16 (34.50)     2:12.40 (34.24)
  6 Coe, Robert C             17 RMSC-PV              2:16.80    2:14.21&       
                  31.29     1:05.01 (33.72)     1:39.29 (34.28)     2:14.21 (34.92)
  7 Berger, Christoph S       17 NOVA-VA              2:21.15    2:14.38&       
                  32.02     1:06.16 (34.14)     1:40.49 (34.33)     2:14.38 (33.89)
  8 Spina, Alex M             16 CUBU-PV              2:18.81    2:15.23&       
                  32.06     1:05.95 (33.89)     1:40.38 (34.43)     2:15.23 (34.85)
  9 Sheranek, Tom I           16 NOVA-VA              2:09.28    2:15.62&       
                  30.99     1:04.28 (33.29)     1:39.97 (35.69)     2:15.62 (35.65)
 10 Litz, Justin T            16 NOVA-VA              2:17.67    2:15.74&       
                  31.48     1:05.84 (34.36)     1:40.72 (34.88)     2:15.74 (35.02)
 11 Brake, Andy J             18 CUBU-PV              2:15.37    2:16.55&       
                  33.04     1:07.63 (34.59)     1:42.18 (34.55)     2:16.55 (34.37)
 12 Conrad, Eric V            15 RMSC-PV              2:16.32    2:16.85&       
                  32.08     1:07.02 (34.94)     1:42.21 (35.19)     2:16.85 (34.64)
 13 Wren, Garrett M           20 NOVA-VA              2:13.85    2:16.95        
                  31.30     1:05.71 (34.41)     1:41.16 (35.45)     2:16.95 (35.79)
 14 Parker, Justin M          18 RMSC-PV              2:12.61    2:17.28        
                  33.03     1:07.16 (34.13)     1:42.11 (34.95)     2:17.28 (35.17)
 15 Fisher, Drew K            16 CUBU-PV              2:20.54    2:18.11        
                  32.82     1:07.85 (35.03)     1:43.08 (35.23)     2:18.11 (35.03)
 15 Lutterbein, Alex M        17 NOVA-VA              2:19.25    2:18.11        
                  33.13     1:08.12 (34.99)     1:43.43 (35.31)     2:18.11 (34.68)
 17 Lichtenfels, Ryan R       17 CUBU-PV              2:23.19    2:19.89        
                  32.40     1:08.25 (35.85)     1:44.43 (36.18)     2:19.89 (35.46)
 18 Krebs, Matt E             16 CUBU-PV              2:21.40    2:20.01        
                  32.86     1:08.56 (35.70)     1:44.30 (35.74)     2:20.01 (35.71)
 19 Clendenin, Stephen A      18 Blue Wave-PV         2:20.43    2:20.15        
                  31.94     1:07.46 (35.52)     1:43.80 (36.34)     2:20.15 (36.35)
 20 Diggs, Keith E            19 SDS-PV               2:20.36    2:20.27        
                  32.51     1:08.75 (36.24)     1:44.73 (35.98)     2:20.27 (35.54)
 21 Gong, Wade T              16 CUBU-PV              2:14.91    2:21.06        
                  33.03     1:08.87 (35.84)     1:45.40 (36.53)     2:21.06 (35.66)
 22 Hafkin, Josh V            19 RMSC-PV              2:05.30    2:21.23        
                  31.56     1:07.31 (35.75)     1:44.32 (37.01)     2:21.23 (36.91)
 23 Shaw, KJ J                16 NOVA-VA              2:22.68    2:21.34        
                  33.48     1:08.95 (35.47)     1:45.54 (36.59)     2:21.34 (35.80)
 24 Casey, Tom J              15 SNOW-PV              2:00.85Y   2:21.41        
                  32.42     1:08.09 (35.67)     1:45.28 (37.19)     2:21.41 (36.13)
 25 McGehee, Andrew P         16 RMSC-PV              2:05.12Y   2:21.47        
                  33.34     1:08.96 (35.62)     1:45.05 (36.09)     2:21.47 (36.42)
 26 Tuben, Benjamin P         17 PM-PV                2:00.41Y   2:21.91        
                  33.04     1:09.67 (36.63)     1:46.73 (37.06)     2:21.91 (35.18)
 27 Jolly, Michael A          16 RMSC-PV              2:01.81Y   2:22.02        
                  33.57     1:08.85 (35.28)     1:45.60 (36.75)     2:22.02 (36.42)
 28 Pennington, Adam S        15 FISH-PV              2:23.44    2:22.45        
                  33.36     1:09.95 (36.59)     1:46.53 (36.58)     2:22.45 (35.92)
 29 Baumgardner, Jacob D      15 CUBU-PV              1:58.91Y   2:22.46        
                  33.79     1:10.40 (36.61)     1:46.60 (36.20)     2:22.46 (35.86)
 30 Friedland, Eric T         17 RMSC-PV              2:22.13    2:22.55        
                  33.72     1:10.37 (36.65)     1:46.35 (35.98)     2:22.55 (36.20)
 31 Nichols, Robert E         15 CUBU-PV              2:19.33    2:22.68        
                  33.22     1:08.96 (35.74)     1:46.02 (37.06)     2:22.68 (36.66)
 32 Bauernfeind, David R      16 PM-PV                2:05.44Y   2:23.63        
                  32.76     1:08.63 (35.87)     1:45.58 (36.95)     2:23.63 (38.05)
 33 Spencer, Adam M           17 RMSC-PV              2:22.20    2:24.28        
                  32.28     1:08.10 (35.82)     1:45.88 (37.78)     2:24.28 (38.40)
 34 Hallock, Michael E        16 Machine-PV           2:02.27Y   2:24.51        
                  32.21     1:08.38 (36.17)     1:46.67 (38.29)     2:24.51 (37.84)
 35 Mackenzie, Doug R         16 RMSC-PV              2:19.95    2:25.01        
                  33.29     1:08.75 (35.46)     1:45.79 (37.04)     2:25.01 (39.22)
 36 Anderson, Mike P          15 RMSC-PV              2:23.59    2:25.53        
                  34.16     1:11.32 (37.16)     1:48.39 (37.07)     2:25.53 (37.14)
 37 Begun, Jeremy N           15 SNOW-PV              2:02.63Y   2:26.36        
                  34.98     1:12.21 (37.23)     1:49.96 (37.75)     2:26.36 (36.40)
 38 Hedquist, Cameron M       16 RMSC-PV              2:02.21Y   2:26.49        
                  33.78     1:10.48 (36.70)     1:48.26 (37.78)     2:26.49 (38.23)
 39 Allsopp, Matt C           15 CUBU-PV              2:00.55Y   2:27.22        
                  34.17     1:11.65 (37.48)     1:50.07 (38.42)     2:27.22 (37.15)
 40 Byrd, Matthew E           15 RMSC-PV              2:02.58Y   2:30.45        
                  35.25     1:13.41 (38.16)     1:51.76 (38.35)     2:30.45 (38.69)
 41 Herrmann, Ricky A         17 CUBU-PV              1:59.39Y   2:31.11        
                  34.37     1:12.55 (38.18)     1:51.36 (38.81)     2:31.11 (39.75)
 42 Collins, Jack F           17 AAC-PV               2:04.41Y   2:31.88        
                  35.24     1:14.31 (39.07)     1:52.81 (38.50)     2:31.88 (39.07)
 43 Zanellato, Joe A          16 CUBU-PV              2:04.10Y   2:37.67        
                  33.94     1:12.34 (38.40)     1:54.20 (41.86)     2:37.67 (43.47)
 -- Wash, Mason E             17 NOVA-VA              2:02.67Y        DQ        
                  34.00     1:11.65 (37.65)     1:49.51 (37.86)          DQ (38.95)
Boys 100 LC Meter Breaststroke
World Record: !   59.13        2006 Brendan Hansen, USA                        
  USA Record: $   59.13        2006 Brendan Hansen                             
PVS Open Rec: # 1:01.82        2003 Scott Usher, HG-MW                         
    OTrial08: % 1:04.69                                                        
   Nationals: * 1:05.59                                                        
SpeedoChamps: & 1:12.69                                                        
Junior Nat 0: @ 1:08.39                                                        
    SCYNAT07: ^ 1:06.79                                                        
 Meet Qualifying:  1:16.29
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 Hurley, Ryan P      21 CUBU-PV              1:06.52    1:04.89*        20  
                  30.80     1:04.89 (34.09)                                        
  2 Hayden, Zach S      19 CUBU-PV              1:05.18    1:05.55*        17  
                  30.47     1:05.55 (35.08)                                        
  3 Cullen, Eric P      20 UN-PV                1:08.25    1:07.36@        16  
                  31.64     1:07.36 (35.72)                                        
  4 Morres, Alexander   16 OCCS-PV              1:07.07    1:07.52@        15  
                  31.79     1:07.52 (35.73)                                        
  5 Bui, Derek H        17 PM-PV                1:08.35    1:07.91@        14  
                  31.47     1:07.91 (36.44)                                        
  6 Wheatley, Zach M    17 AAC-PV               1:08.08    1:07.93@        13  
                  31.58     1:07.93 (36.35)                                        
  7 Knight, Eric S      20 UNAT-PV              1:07.50    1:08.13@        12  
                  31.85     1:08.13 (36.28)                                        
  8 Melillo, Simone     18 CUBU-PV              1:09.33    1:08.68&        11  
                  31.89     1:08.68 (36.79)                                        
B - Final
  9 Friedland, Eric T   17 RMSC-PV              1:10.09    1:08.97&         9  
                  32.46     1:08.97 (36.51)                                        
 10 Christensen, Jon L  16 CUBU-PV              1:09.81    1:09.24&         7  
                  32.45     1:09.24 (36.79)                                        
 11 Sidman, John-Howar  17 CUBU-PV              1:09.58    1:09.90&         6  
                  32.85     1:09.90 (37.05)                                        
 12 Brake, Andy J       18 CUBU-PV              1:10.36    1:10.02&         5  
                  33.34     1:10.02 (36.68)                                        
 13 Vogt, Ian C         17 NOVA-VA              1:10.29    1:10.09&         4  
                  33.49     1:10.09 (36.60)                                        
 14 Relihan, Andrew J   17 RMSC-PV              1:09.81    1:10.17&         3  
                  33.60     1:10.17 (36.57)                                        
 15 Miller, Haywood H   18 Aqua Hoya-PV         1:11.12    1:11.30&         2  
                  32.97     1:11.30 (38.33)                                        
 16 Sminkey, John A     18 UN-FG-PV             1:10.79    1:11.48&         1  
                  33.70     1:11.48 (37.78)                                        
C - Final
 17 Gledhill, Cameron   18 CUBU-PV              1:12.33    1:09.06&       
                  31.69     1:09.06 (37.37)                                        
 18 Knight, Hunter S    15 NOVA-VA              1:11.91    1:10.62&       
                  33.41     1:10.62 (37.21)                                        
 19 Ogren, Tyler T      16 CUBU-PV              1:11.26    1:10.77&       
                  33.27     1:10.77 (37.50)                                        
 20 Meyer, Adam M       19 RMSC-PV              1:11.25    1:11.23&       
                  33.54     1:11.23 (37.69)                                        
 21 Wepasnick, Zack L   15 RMSC-PV              1:11.31    1:11.30&       
                  33.39     1:11.30 (37.91)                                        
 22 Stanton, Colin T    17 Aqua Hoya-PV         1:11.68    1:12.04&       
                  33.95     1:12.04 (38.09)                                        
 23 Pool, Jonathan D    18 CUBU-PV              1:12.38    1:12.91        
                  34.38     1:12.91 (38.53)                                        
 24 Stephens, Michael   16 Aqua Hoya-PV         1:12.78    1:13.65        
                  34.32     1:13.65 (39.33)                                        
Boys 100 LC Meter Breaststroke
World Record: !   59.13        2006 Brendan Hansen, USA                        
  USA Record: $   59.13        2006 Brendan Hansen                             
PVS Open Rec: # 1:01.82        2003 Scott Usher, HG-MW                         
    OTrial08: % 1:04.69                                                        
   Nationals: * 1:05.59                                                        
SpeedoChamps: & 1:12.69                                                        
Junior Nat 0: @ 1:08.39                                                        
    SCYNAT07: ^ 1:06.79                                                        
 Meet Qualifying:  1:16.29
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Hayden, Zach S            19 CUBU-PV              1:06.38    1:05.18*       
                  30.03     1:05.18 (35.15)                                        
  2 Hurley, Ryan P            21 CUBU-PV              1:03.39    1:06.52^       
                  32.01     1:06.52 (34.51)                                        
  3 Morres, Alexander R       16 OCCS-PV              1:07.10    1:07.07@       
                  31.73     1:07.07 (35.34)                                        
  4 Knight, Eric S            20 UNAT-PV                57.23Y   1:07.50@       
                  31.68     1:07.50 (35.82)                                        
  5 Wheatley, Zach M          17 AAC-PV               1:11.97    1:08.08@       
                  31.89     1:08.08 (36.19)                                        
  6 Cullen, Eric P            20 UN-PV                1:05.47    1:08.25@       
                  32.28     1:08.25 (35.97)                                        
  7 Bui, Derek H              17 PM-PV                1:07.30    1:08.35@       
                  32.23     1:08.35 (36.12)                                        
  8 Edmonds, Greg D           18 CUBU-PV              1:10.06    1:08.75&       
                  32.17     1:08.75 (36.58)                                        
  9 Melillo, Simone           18 CUBU-PV              1:07.83    1:09.33&       
                  32.31     1:09.33 (37.02)                                        
 10 Sidman, John-Howard H     17 CUBU-PV              1:09.22    1:09.58&       
                  32.50     1:09.58 (37.08)                                        
 11 Christensen, Jon L        16 CUBU-PV              1:10.00    1:09.81&       
                  33.57     1:09.81 (36.24)                                        
 11 Relihan, Andrew J         17 RMSC-PV              1:10.27    1:09.81&       
                  32.80     1:09.81 (37.01)                                        
 13 Friedland, Eric T         17 RMSC-PV              1:08.11    1:10.09&       
                  32.98     1:10.09 (37.11)                                        
 14 Vogt, Ian C               17 NOVA-VA              1:10.30    1:10.29&       
                  33.41     1:10.29 (36.88)                                        
 15 Brake, Andy J             18 CUBU-PV              1:10.62    1:10.36&       
                  33.60     1:10.36 (36.76)                                        
 16 Sminkey, John A           18 UN-FG-PV             1:14.42    1:10.79&       
                  33.09     1:10.79 (37.70)                                        
 17 Miller, Haywood H         18 Aqua Hoya-PV         1:08.51    1:11.12&       
                  32.74     1:11.12 (38.38)                                        
 18 Meyer, Adam M             19 RMSC-PV              1:09.57    1:11.25&       
                  32.65     1:11.25 (38.60)                                        
 19 Ogren, Tyler T            16 CUBU-PV              1:15.53    1:11.26&       
 20 Wepasnick, Zack L         15 RMSC-PV              1:11.69    1:11.31&       
                  33.65     1:11.31 (37.66)                                        
 21 Stanton, Colin T          17 Aqua Hoya-PV         1:12.86    1:11.68&       
                  33.65     1:11.68 (38.03)                                        
 22 Knight, Hunter S          15 NOVA-VA              1:11.07    1:11.91&       
                  33.45     1:11.91 (38.46)                                        
 23 Gledhill, Cameron W       18 CUBU-PV              1:08.58    1:12.33&       
                  33.32     1:12.33 (39.01)                                        
 24 Pool, Jonathan D          18 CUBU-PV              1:09.57    1:12.38&       
                  34.22     1:12.38 (38.16)                                        
 25 Knecht, Joe M             18 RMSC-PV              1:09.85    1:12.58&       
                  33.85     1:12.58 (38.73)                                        
 26 Stephens, Michael A       16 Aqua Hoya-PV         1:03.83Y   1:12.78        
                  33.94     1:12.78 (38.84)                                        
 27 Dunn, AJ J                17 Machine-PV           1:14.52    1:12.92        
                  33.93     1:12.92 (38.99)                                        
 28 Mittan, Tim A             16 SNOW-PV              1:13.69    1:12.98        
                  34.38     1:12.98 (38.60)                                        
 29 Richards, Stephen M       15 SDS-PV               1:02.09Y   1:13.19        
                  33.92     1:13.19 (39.27)                                        
 30 Husson, Patrick A         15 PEAK-PV              1:14.69    1:13.44        
                  34.16     1:13.44 (39.28)                                        
 31 McDermott, Danny J        15 CUBU-PV              1:07.00Y   1:13.64        
                  34.86     1:13.64 (38.78)                                        
 32 Tollefson, Andrew H       15 RMSC-PV              1:12.83    1:13.84        
                  34.71     1:13.84 (39.13)                                        
 33 McGehee, Andrew P         16 RMSC-PV              1:05.05Y   1:13.91        
                  34.21     1:13.91 (39.70)                                        
 34 Hagy, Trey E              18 SDS-PV               1:09.66    1:13.96        
                  33.96     1:13.96 (40.00)                                        
 35 Lucas, Benjamin N         17 CUBU-PV              1:13.30    1:14.04        
                  34.33     1:14.04 (39.71)                                        
 36 Qian, Eddie T             17 CUBU-PV              1:01.34Y   1:14.35        
                  33.78     1:14.35 (40.57)                                        
 37 DeGEORGES, Trey L         16 AAC-PV               1:16.29    1:14.39        
                  35.23     1:14.39 (39.16)                                        
 38 Stevens, Matt D           16 FGAC-PV              1:03.84Y   1:14.60        
                  35.40     1:14.60 (39.20)                                        
 39 Tremols, Nicholas C       15 UNATT-PV             1:03.51Y   1:14.74        
                  34.92     1:14.74 (39.82)                                        
 40 Richards, David C         22 UN-SD-PV             1:02.44    1:14.96        
                  34.71     1:14.96 (40.25)                                        
 41 Hoffer, Luke M            15 NCAC-NC              1:15.55    1:15.22        
                  35.81     1:15.22 (39.41)                                        
 42 Hale-Kupiec, Thomas A     18 CUBU-PV              1:15.69    1:15.77        
                  35.52     1:15.77 (40.25)                                        
 43 Cook, Tommy M             16 Machine-PV           1:04.36Y   1:16.15        
                  34.88     1:16.15 (41.27)                                        
 44 Shaw, KJ J                16 NOVA-VA              1:05.28Y   1:16.38        
                  35.63     1:16.38 (40.75)                                        
 45 Chen, Kevin H             16 RMSC-PV              1:13.80    1:16.41        
                  36.15     1:16.41 (40.26)                                        
 46 Huether, Steve B          17 CUBU-PV              1:14.88    1:16.50        
                  34.34     1:16.50 (42.16)                                        
 47 Carr, Brandon H           17 NOVA-VA              1:15.85    1:16.71        
                  35.68     1:16.71 (41.03)                                        
 48 Collins, Jack F           17 AAC-PV               1:11.88    1:17.11        
                  35.67     1:17.11 (41.44)                                        
 49 Lytle, Patrick T          16 CUBU-PV              1:13.98    1:17.23        
                  36.34     1:17.23 (40.89)                                        
 50 Mills, Joseph R           16 MSSC-PV              1:17.90    1:17.26        
                  36.37     1:17.26 (40.89)                                        
 51 Smith, Zachary T          15 CUBU-PV              1:04.59Y   1:17.50        
                  35.36     1:17.50 (42.14)                                        
 52 Perrot, Hunter G          16 AAC-PV               1:07.33Y   1:17.77        
                  37.12     1:17.77 (40.65)                                        
 53 Michael, James P          12 SDS-PV               1:07.18Y   1:17.85        
                  36.77     1:17.85 (41.08)                                        
 54 Anthony, Mac M            15 NOVA-VA              1:13.62    1:17.89        
                  36.29     1:17.89 (41.60)                                        
 55 Sun, Jimmy                16 RMSC-PV              1:06.18Y   1:17.91        
                  36.62     1:17.91 (41.29)                                        
 56 Mendes, Bryce T           15 NCAC-NC              1:05.59Y   1:18.05        
                  36.95     1:18.05 (41.10)                                        
 57 Clark, Christopher D      17 UN-CU-PV             1:06.87Y   1:18.72        
                  36.49     1:18.72 (42.23)                                        
 58 Brewer, Jamison D         16 NCAC-NC              1:07.30Y   1:19.12        
                  37.30     1:19.12 (41.82)                                        
 59 Piantedosi, Michael J     17 CUBU-PV              1:02.60Y   1:19.29        
                  36.47     1:19.29 (42.82)                                        
 60 Haase, Bruce J            16 RMSC-PV              1:05.80Y   1:19.45        
                  36.89     1:19.45 (42.56)                                        
 61 Allsopp, Matt C           15 CUBU-PV              1:06.21Y   1:19.60        
                  36.49     1:19.60 (43.11)                                        
 62 Zanellato, Joe A          16 CUBU-PV              1:04.87Y   1:19.64        
                  37.08     1:19.64 (42.56)                                        
 63 Barone, Jacob M           14 UNATT-PV             1:05.82Y   1:19.85        
                  36.90     1:19.85 (42.95)                                        
 64 Lawson, Callum T          17 SNOW-PV              1:02.59Y   1:22.44        
Boys 200 LC Meter Breaststroke
World Record: ! 2:08.50        2006 Brendan Hansen, USA                        
  USA Record: $ 2:08.50        2006 Brendan Hansen                             
PVS Open Rec: # 2:13.22        2003 Gary Marshall, STAN-PC                     
    OTrial08: % 2:20.79                                                        
   Nationals: * 2:22.79                                                        
SpeedoChamps: & 2:38.99                                                        
Junior Nat 0: @ 2:28.59                                                        
    SCYNAT07: ^ 2:25.29                                                        
 Meet Qualifying:  2:46.89
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 Hurley, Ryan P      21 CUBU-PV              2:24.60    2:20.07%        20  
                  32.23     1:08.23 (36.00)     1:43.80 (35.57)     2:20.07 (36.27)
  2 Dilz, Andy L        20 UN-PV                2:29.91    2:22.08*        17  
                  31.99     1:08.02 (36.03)     1:44.68 (36.66)     2:22.08 (37.40)
  3 Morres, Alexander   16 OCCS-PV              2:25.91    2:25.05^        16  
                  32.92     1:09.95 (37.03)     1:47.26 (37.31)     2:25.05 (37.79)
  4 Cullen, Eric P      20 UN-PV                2:31.76    2:28.10@        15  
                  33.50     1:11.43 (37.93)     1:49.78 (38.35)     2:28.10 (38.32)
  5 Relihan, Andrew J   17 RMSC-PV              2:30.79    2:28.83&        14  
                  34.00     1:11.95 (37.95)     1:50.02 (38.07)     2:28.83 (38.81)
  6 Wheatley, Zach M    17 AAC-PV               2:31.14    2:30.33&        13  
                  33.07     1:11.01 (37.94)     1:50.31 (39.30)     2:30.33 (40.02)
  7 Vogt, Ian C         17 NOVA-VA              2:31.86    2:30.64&        12  
                  35.24     1:13.52 (38.28)     1:52.02 (38.50)     2:30.64 (38.62)
  8 Brake, Andy J       18 CUBU-PV              2:31.62    2:32.76&        11  
                  35.14     1:13.66 (38.52)     1:52.76 (39.10)     2:32.76 (40.00)
B - Final
  9 Wepasnick, Zack L   15 RMSC-PV              2:33.68    2:27.18@         9  
                  33.42     1:10.81 (37.39)     1:48.73 (37.92)     2:27.18 (38.45)
 10 Melillo, Simone     18 CUBU-PV              2:33.66    2:31.66&         7  
                  34.39     1:13.67 (39.28)     1:52.65 (38.98)     2:31.66 (39.01)
 11 Mittan, Tim A       16 SNOW-PV              2:35.48    2:31.98&         6  
                  35.49     1:14.23 (38.74)     1:53.01 (38.78)     2:31.98 (38.97)
 12 Meyer, Adam M       19 RMSC-PV              2:32.89    2:32.53&         5  
                  34.69     1:13.44 (38.75)     1:52.35 (38.91)     2:32.53 (40.18)
 13 Ogren, Tyler T      16 CUBU-PV              2:37.24    2:36.12&         4  
                  35.73     1:15.52 (39.79)     1:55.90 (40.38)     2:36.12 (40.22)
 14 Tollefson, Andrew   15 RMSC-PV              2:36.14    2:36.81&         3  
                  34.55     1:14.58 (40.03)     1:55.43 (40.85)     2:36.81 (41.38)
 15 Sidman, John-Howar  17 CUBU-PV              2:37.57    2:37.17&         2  
                  35.20     1:14.64 (39.44)     1:54.93 (40.29)     2:37.17 (42.24)
 16 Sminkey, John A     18 UN-FG-PV             2:38.76    2:37.94&         1  
                  35.63     1:16.23 (40.60)     1:56.94 (40.71)     2:37.94 (41.00)
C - Final
 17 Shen, David Z       16 PM-PV                2:39.19    2:36.46&       
                  35.95     1:15.19 (39.24)     1:55.68 (40.49)     2:36.46 (40.78)
 18 Litz, Justin T      16 NOVA-VA              2:40.10    2:36.78&       
                  35.63     1:15.68 (40.05)     1:56.03 (40.35)     2:36.78 (40.75)
 19 Knight, Hunter S    15 NOVA-VA              2:39.12    2:37.87&       
                  34.17     1:13.40 (39.23)     1:55.03 (41.63)     2:37.87 (42.84)
 20 Husson, Patrick A   15 PEAK-PV              2:40.83    2:38.59&       
                  36.02     1:16.02 (40.00)     1:56.35 (40.33)     2:38.59 (42.24)
 21 Hoffer, Luke M      15 NCAC-NC              2:40.13    2:38.75&       
                  36.51     1:16.97 (40.46)     1:58.11 (41.14)     2:38.75 (40.64)
 22 McDermott, Danny J  15 CUBU-PV              2:40.46    2:39.52        
                  36.41     1:17.81 (41.40)     1:58.86 (41.05)     2:39.52 (40.66)
 23 Lucas, Benjamin N   17 CUBU-PV              2:44.89    2:40.83        
                  35.65     1:15.92 (40.27)     1:58.09 (42.17)     2:40.83 (42.74)
 24 Stanton, Colin T    17 Aqua Hoya-PV         2:42.71    2:41.71        
                  35.76     1:16.50 (40.74)     1:58.90 (42.40)     2:41.71 (42.81)
Boys 200 LC Meter Breaststroke
World Record: ! 2:08.50        2006 Brendan Hansen, USA                        
  USA Record: $ 2:08.50        2006 Brendan Hansen                             
PVS Open Rec: # 2:13.22        2003 Gary Marshall, STAN-PC                     
    OTrial08: % 2:20.79                                                        
   Nationals: * 2:22.79                                                        
SpeedoChamps: & 2:38.99                                                        
Junior Nat 0: @ 2:28.59                                                        
    SCYNAT07: ^ 2:25.29                                                        
 Meet Qualifying:  2:46.89
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Hurley, Ryan P            21 CUBU-PV              2:14.91    2:24.60^       
                  32.13     1:10.03 (37.90)     1:48.50 (38.47)     2:24.60 (36.10)
  2 Morres, Alexander R       16 OCCS-PV              2:24.98    2:25.91@       
                  33.57     1:10.84 (37.27)     1:48.21 (37.37)     2:25.91 (37.70)
  3 Dilz, Andy L              20 UN-PV                2:24.14    2:29.91&       
                  33.94     1:11.41 (37.47)     1:49.92 (38.51)     2:29.91 (39.99)
  4 Relihan, Andrew J         17 RMSC-PV              2:30.55    2:30.79&       
                  35.56     1:13.55 (37.99)     1:52.20 (38.65)     2:30.79 (38.59)
  5 Wheatley, Zach M          17 AAC-PV               2:37.70    2:31.14&       
                  32.65     1:10.48 (37.83)     1:50.31 (39.83)     2:31.14 (40.83)
  6 Brake, Andy J             18 CUBU-PV              2:35.29    2:31.62&       
                  35.23     1:14.00 (38.77)     1:52.05 (38.05)     2:31.62 (39.57)
  7 Cullen, Eric P            20 UN-PV                2:26.92    2:31.76&       
                  34.46     1:12.82 (38.36)     1:51.97 (39.15)     2:31.76 (39.79)
  8 Vogt, Ian C               17 NOVA-VA              2:25.34    2:31.86&       
                  34.83     1:12.93 (38.10)     1:52.55 (39.62)     2:31.86 (39.31)
  9 Meyer, Adam M             19 RMSC-PV              2:30.61    2:32.89&       
                  35.03     1:13.90 (38.87)     1:53.23 (39.33)     2:32.89 (39.66)
 10 Melillo, Simone           18 CUBU-PV              2:25.45    2:33.66&       
                  34.19     1:13.23 (39.04)     1:52.89 (39.66)     2:33.66 (40.77)
 11 Wepasnick, Zack L         15 RMSC-PV              2:31.59    2:33.68&       
                  34.25     1:13.43 (39.18)     1:53.53 (40.10)     2:33.68 (40.15)
 12 Mittan, Tim A             16 SNOW-PV              2:40.47    2:35.48&       
                  35.96     1:15.73 (39.77)     1:55.49 (39.76)     2:35.48 (39.99)
 13 Tollefson, Andrew H       15 RMSC-PV              2:38.47    2:36.14&       
                  35.18     1:14.51 (39.33)     1:54.70 (40.19)     2:36.14 (41.44)
 14 Ogren, Tyler T            16 CUBU-PV              2:13.55Y   2:37.24&       
                  35.62     1:16.40 (40.78)     1:56.66 (40.26)     2:37.24 (40.58)
 15 Sidman, John-Howard H     17 CUBU-PV              2:38.37    2:37.57&       
                  35.39     1:15.24 (39.85)     1:56.09 (40.85)     2:37.57 (41.48)
 16 Cunningham, Jesse A       16 CUBU-PV              2:38.88    2:38.02&       
                  36.17     1:16.98 (40.81)     1:57.11 (40.13)     2:38.02 (40.91)
 17 Sminkey, John A           18 UN-FG-PV             2:42.49    2:38.76&       
                  35.39     1:15.55 (40.16)     1:56.89 (41.34)     2:38.76 (41.87)
 18 Knight, Hunter S          15 NOVA-VA              2:38.73    2:39.12        
                  35.29     1:16.12 (40.83)     1:57.17 (41.05)     2:39.12 (41.95)
 19 Shen, David Z             16 PM-PV                2:40.94    2:39.19        
                  35.60     1:16.01 (40.41)     1:57.09 (41.08)     2:39.19 (42.10)
 20 Litz, Justin T            16 NOVA-VA              2:36.14    2:40.10        
                  35.66     1:16.55 (40.89)     1:57.87 (41.32)     2:40.10 (42.23)
 21 Hoffer, Luke M            15 NCAC-NC              2:39.69    2:40.13        
                  36.75     1:18.01 (41.26)     1:59.18 (41.17)     2:40.13 (40.95)
 22 McDermott, Danny J        15 CUBU-PV              2:24.30Y   2:40.46        
                  36.67     1:18.17 (41.50)     1:59.07 (40.90)     2:40.46 (41.39)
 23 Husson, Patrick A         15 PEAK-PV              2:42.21    2:40.83        
                  37.43     1:18.12 (40.69)     1:59.09 (40.97)     2:40.83 (41.74)
 24 Phillips, Bradley D       15 CUBU-PV              2:41.66    2:42.13        
                  37.23     1:18.54 (41.31)     2:00.24 (41.70)     2:42.13 (41.89)
 25 Stanton, Colin T          17 Aqua Hoya-PV         2:42.65    2:42.71        
                  36.31     1:16.58 (40.27)     1:58.86 (42.28)     2:42.71 (43.85)
 26 Pool, Jonathan D          18 CUBU-PV              2:35.65    2:43.23        
                  36.24     1:16.64 (40.40)     1:59.11 (42.47)     2:43.23 (44.12)
 27 Lucas, Benjamin N         17 CUBU-PV              2:37.07    2:44.89        
                  35.79     1:17.45 (41.66)     2:00.85 (43.40)     2:44.89 (44.04)
 28 McGehee, Andrew P         16 RMSC-PV              2:25.18Y   2:45.00        
                  36.31     1:18.87 (42.56)     2:01.28 (42.41)     2:45.00 (43.72)
 29 Stevens, Matt D           16 FGAC-PV              2:21.36Y   2:45.08        
                  36.62     1:18.24 (41.62)     2:01.44 (43.20)     2:45.08 (43.64)
 30 Mendes, Bryce T           15 NCAC-NC              2:23.24Y   2:45.97        
                  38.38     1:21.02 (42.64)     2:03.49 (42.47)     2:45.97 (42.48)
 31 Yang, Yang                17 Aqua Hoya-PV         2:37.38    2:46.24        
                  36.69     1:17.49 (40.80)     2:01.25 (43.76)     2:46.24 (44.99)
 32 Collins, Jack F           17 AAC-PV               2:39.22    2:48.39        
                  38.44     1:20.39 (41.95)     2:04.22 (43.83)     2:48.39 (44.17)
 33 Carr, Brandon H           17 NOVA-VA              2:13.63Y   2:49.08        
                  37.20     1:21.66 (44.46)     2:05.86 (44.20)     2:49.08 (43.22)
 34 Chen, Kevin H             16 RMSC-PV              2:42.61    2:49.83        
                  37.30     1:20.34 (43.04)     2:04.18 (43.84)     2:49.83 (45.65)
 35 Kotonias, Nicholas J      14 FAST-PV              2:26.51Y   2:50.47        
                  38.83     1:22.61 (43.78)     2:06.49 (43.88)     2:50.47 (43.98)
 36 Clark, Christopher D      17 UN-CU-PV             2:27.23Y   2:51.21        
                  37.65     1:21.35 (43.70)     2:06.94 (45.59)     2:51.21 (44.27)
 37 McKenzie, John T          14 SDS-PV               2:26.08Y   2:52.51        
                  39.23     1:23.28 (44.05)     2:08.05 (44.77)     2:52.51 (44.46)
 38 Haase, Bruce J            16 RMSC-PV              2:55.47    2:53.11        
                  38.08     1:21.73 (43.65)     2:06.73 (45.00)     2:53.11 (46.38)
 39 Sun, Jimmy                16 RMSC-PV              2:26.42Y   2:53.43        
                  37.74     1:21.79 (44.05)     2:07.09 (45.30)     2:53.43 (46.34)
 40 Huether, Steve B          17 CUBU-PV              2:25.32Y   2:55.61        
                  37.27     1:21.81 (44.54)     2:08.59 (46.78)     2:55.61 (47.02)
 41 Bumiller, Mark T          17 CUBU-PV              2:25.98Y   3:01.84        
                  42.28     1:27.72 (45.44)     2:14.07 (46.35)     3:01.84 (47.77)
 -- Stephens, Michael A       16 Aqua Hoya-PV         2:20.67Y        DQ        
                  37.81     1:18.97 (41.16)     2:00.34 (41.37)          DQ (41.61)
 -- Bui, Derek H              17 PM-PV                2:31.09         DQ        
                  34.69     1:13.09 (38.40)     1:51.81 (38.72)          DQ (40.75)
 -- Wong, Brian W             18 PM-PV                2:43.69         DQ        
                  38.24     1:20.66 (42.42)     2:04.46 (43.80)          DQ (44.78)
Boys 100 LC Meter Butterfly
World Record: !   50.40        2005 Ian Crocker, USA                           
  USA Record: $   50.40        2005 Ian Crocker                                
PVS Open Rec: #   53.20        2003 Eugene Botes, BCAT-MA                      
    OTrial08: %   55.59                                                        
   Nationals: *   56.19                                                        
SpeedoChamps: & 1:00.99                                                        
Junior Nat 0: @   58.19                                                        
    SCYNAT07: ^   57.19                                                        
 Meet Qualifying:  1:03.99
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 Robertson, Lee J    19 NOVA-VA                56.06      55.95*        20  
                  26.10       55.95 (29.85)                                        
  2 Thomasson, Eric M   21 UN-PV                  57.18      56.61^        17  
                  26.03       56.61 (30.58)                                        
  3 Pool, Christopher   20 CUBU-PV                57.18      56.64^        16  
                  26.78       56.64 (29.86)                                        
  4 Harris, Matt L      19 RMSC-PV                58.32      57.94@        15  
                  27.25       57.94 (30.69)                                        
  5 DiPiazza, Jake T    20 UN-PV                  58.09      58.27&        14  
                  26.98       58.27 (31.29)                                        
  6 McLEAN, Matt B      19 CUBU-PV                58.67      58.28&        13  
                  27.28       58.28 (31.00)                                        
  7 Vogt, Ian C         17 NOVA-VA                58.42      58.71&        12  
                  27.99       58.71 (30.72)                                        
 -- Gibson, Chris R     23 CUBU-PV                57.82         DQ        
                  26.86          DQ (31.67)                                        
B - Final
  9 Grimmett-Norris, R  18 CUBU-PV                58.73      57.80@         9  
                  26.94       57.80 (30.86)                                        
 10 Cordes, Nicklaus J  18 UN-PV                  59.48      58.00@         7  
                  26.28       58.00 (31.72)                                        
 11 Fletcher, Sean D    15 MAKO-PV                59.01      58.02@         6  
                  27.24       58.02 (30.78)                                        
 12 Meyer, Mark P       17 RMSC-PV                58.76      58.69&         5  
                  27.62       58.69 (31.07)                                        
 13 Astiz, Adrian A     19 RMSC-PV                58.91      59.02&         4  
                  27.35       59.02 (31.67)                                        
 14 Ogren, Tad A        19 CUBU-PV                58.94      59.20&         3  
                  27.81       59.20 (31.39)                                        
 15 Mengering, Daniel   20 RMSC-PV                59.10      59.26&         2  
                  27.48       59.26 (31.78)                                        
 16 Meyer, Adam M       19 RMSC-PV                59.17      59.75&         1  
                  27.82       59.75 (31.93)                                        
C - Final
 17 Knecht, Joe M       18 RMSC-PV                59.78      59.13&       
                  27.38       59.13 (31.75)                                        
 18 Benecki, Steven R   19 FISH-PV                59.85      59.68&       
                  27.92       59.68 (31.76)                                        
 19 Carr, Brandon H     17 NOVA-VA              1:00.40      59.85&       
                  28.05       59.85 (31.80)                                        
 19 Pinto, John David   19 CUBU-PV                59.68      59.85&       
                  27.81       59.85 (32.04)                                        
 19 Kiss, David         17 CUBU-PV                59.97      59.85&       
                  27.81       59.85 (32.04)                                        
 22 Brown, Gaites P     17 NOVA-VA              1:00.24      59.97&       
                  28.21       59.97 (31.76)                                        
 23 Thaden, Michael T   17 NCAC-NC              1:00.25    1:00.12&       
                  27.94     1:00.12 (32.18)                                        
 24 Wren, Garrett M     20 NOVA-VA                59.94    1:01.63        
                  28.61     1:01.63 (33.02)                                        
Boys 100 LC Meter Butterfly
World Record: !   50.40        2005 Ian Crocker, USA                           
  USA Record: $   50.40        2005 Ian Crocker                                
PVS Open Rec: #   53.20        2003 Eugene Botes, BCAT-MA                      
    OTrial08: %   55.59                                                        
   Nationals: *   56.19                                                        
SpeedoChamps: & 1:00.99                                                        
Junior Nat 0: @   58.19                                                        
    SCYNAT07: ^   57.19                                                        
 Meet Qualifying:  1:03.99
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Robertson, Lee J          19 NOVA-VA                56.56      56.06*       
                  26.05       56.06 (30.01)                                        
  2 Pool, Christopher D       20 CUBU-PV                56.78      57.18^       
                  27.14       57.18 (30.04)                                        
  2 Thomasson, Eric M         21 UN-PV                  56.73      57.18^       
                  26.39       57.18 (30.79)                                        
  4 Gibson, Chris R           23 CUBU-PV                55.60      57.82@       
                  26.95       57.82 (30.87)                                        
  5 DiPiazza, Jake T          20 UN-PV                1:02.66      58.09@       
                  26.94       58.09 (31.15)                                        
  6 Harris, Matt L            19 RMSC-PV                58.03      58.32&       
                  27.53       58.32 (30.79)                                        
  7 Vogt, Ian C               17 NOVA-VA                57.13      58.42&       
                  27.85       58.42 (30.57)                                        
  8 McLEAN, Matt B            19 CUBU-PV                58.52      58.67&       
                  27.48       58.67 (31.19)                                        
  9 Grimmett-Norris, Robert   18 CUBU-PV                57.29      58.73&       
                  27.24       58.73 (31.49)                                        
 10 Meyer, Mark P             17 RMSC-PV                57.77      58.76&       
                  27.62       58.76 (31.14)                                        
 11 Astiz, Adrian A           19 RMSC-PV                57.88      58.91&       
                  27.53       58.91 (31.38)                                        
 12 Ogren, Tad A              19 CUBU-PV              1:00.94      58.94&       
                  27.42       58.94 (31.52)                                        
 13 Fletcher, Sean D          15 MAKO-PV                58.26      59.01&       
                  27.60       59.01 (31.41)                                        
 14 Mengering, Daniel E       20 RMSC-PV                59.17      59.10&       
                  27.72       59.10 (31.38)                                        
 15 Meyer, Adam M             19 RMSC-PV                59.77      59.17&       
                  27.94       59.17 (31.23)                                        
 16 Cordes, Nicklaus J        18 UN-PV                  57.56      59.48&       
                  26.92       59.48 (32.56)                                        
 17 Pinto, John David         19 CUBU-PV              1:00.04      59.68&       
                  27.89       59.68 (31.79)                                        
 18 Knecht, Joe M             18 RMSC-PV                57.59      59.78&       
                  27.57       59.78 (32.21)                                        
 19 Benecki, Steven R         19 FISH-PV                   NT      59.85&       
                  28.73       59.85 (31.12)                                        
 20 Wren, Garrett M           20 NOVA-VA                59.97      59.94&       
                  28.39       59.94 (31.55)                                        
 21 Kiss, David               17 CUBU-PV                58.31      59.97&       
                  28.29       59.97 (31.68)                                        
 22 Brown, Gaites P           17 NOVA-VA                59.37    1:00.24&       
                  28.13     1:00.24 (32.11)                                        
 23 Thaden, Michael T         17 NCAC-NC              1:01.31    1:00.25&       
                  27.88     1:00.25 (32.37)                                        
 24 Carr, Brandon H           17 NOVA-VA              1:00.93    1:00.40&       
                  28.20     1:00.40 (32.20)                                        
 25 Haibel, Sandy J           17 RMSC-PV              1:02.47    1:00.61&       
                  28.26     1:00.61 (32.35)                                        
 26 Tuben, Benjamin P         17 PM-PV                1:03.85    1:00.68&       
                  27.82     1:00.68 (32.86)                                        
 27 Hafkin, Josh V            19 RMSC-PV              1:02.05    1:00.85&       
                  27.81     1:00.85 (33.04)                                        
 28 Flach, Michael F          16 FISH-PV              1:00.12    1:01.01        
                  28.14     1:01.01 (32.87)                                        
 29 Mechak, Ben P             18 RMSC-PV                59.82    1:01.02        
                  28.76     1:01.02 (32.26)                                        
 30 Cullen, Eric P            20 UN-PV                  59.30    1:01.12        
                  28.81     1:01.12 (32.31)                                        
 31 Evans, Connor P           17 CUBU-PV              1:00.86    1:01.45        
                  28.99     1:01.45 (32.46)                                        
 32 Wingert, Tim J            16 MAKO-PV              1:02.87    1:01.73        
                  29.21     1:01.73 (32.52)                                        
 33 Park, Brock B             17 CUBU-PV              1:02.02    1:01.74        
                  28.95     1:01.74 (32.79)                                        
 34 Tremols, Nicholas C       15 UNATT-PV             1:03.22    1:01.85        
                  28.60     1:01.85 (33.25)                                        
 35 Conrad, Eric V            15 RMSC-PV                53.76Y   1:02.15        
                  29.21     1:02.15 (32.94)                                        
 36 Wash, Mason E             17 NOVA-VA              1:03.21    1:02.24        
                  29.53     1:02.24 (32.71)                                        
 37 Foltz, Wesley A           17 NCAC-NC              1:03.37    1:02.32        
                  29.31     1:02.32 (33.01)                                        
 38 Nichols, Robert E         15 CUBU-PV              1:03.45    1:02.45        
                  29.39     1:02.45 (33.06)                                        
 39 Sarman, Mark C            14 CUBU-PV              1:02.52    1:02.57        
                  29.28     1:02.57 (33.29)                                        
 40 Bollea, Drew L            18 CUBU-PV              1:01.65    1:02.91        
                  30.11     1:02.91 (32.80)                                        
 41 Wepasnick, Zack L         15 RMSC-PV                56.47Y   1:02.96        
                  29.58     1:02.96 (33.38)                                        
 42 Shen, David Z             16 PM-PV                1:02.34    1:03.36        
                  28.50     1:03.36 (34.86)                                        
 43 Pool, Jonathan D          18 CUBU-PV              1:01.39    1:03.39        
                  30.65     1:03.39 (32.74)                                        
 44 Frye, Sean R              16 CUBU-PV                56.36Y   1:03.41        
                  29.24     1:03.41 (34.17)                                        
 44 Cross, Jason A            19 RMSC-PV              1:03.62    1:03.41        
                  28.55     1:03.41 (34.86)                                        
 46 Kreitler, Robert M        19 PM-PV                1:01.72    1:03.50        
                  29.61     1:03.50 (33.89)                                        
 47 Crabb, James T            14 UNATT-PV             1:03.04    1:03.71        
                  29.73     1:03.71 (33.98)                                        
 48 Bowers, Devin J           16 SNOW-PV                55.60Y   1:03.76        
                  29.82     1:03.76 (33.94)                                        
 49 Feasley, Robert A         18 RMSC-PV                55.07Y   1:03.78        
                  28.93     1:03.78 (34.85)                                        
 50 Jackson, Warren C         15 RMSC-PV              1:03.73    1:04.31        
                  29.12     1:04.31 (35.19)                                        
 51 Heidel, Kenneth M         16 UNATT-PV             1:02.96    1:04.34        
                  30.09     1:04.34 (34.25)                                        
 52 Clendenin, Stephen A      18 Blue Wave-PV         1:03.35    1:04.39        
                  29.44     1:04.39 (34.95)                                        
 53 Herrmann, Ricky A         17 CUBU-PV              1:01.95    1:04.41        
                  30.75     1:04.41 (33.66)                                        
 54 Patterson, Cameron W      16 CUBU-PV                56.01Y   1:04.55        
                  30.15     1:04.55 (34.40)                                        
 55 Haibel, Chris G           18 RMSC-PV                56.08Y   1:04.64        
                  30.90     1:04.64 (33.74)                                        
 56 Wisda, Joe M              18 RMSC-PV                55.61Y   1:04.69        
                  30.31     1:04.69 (34.38)                                        
 56 Frantz, Scott S           19 Machine-PV           1:01.60    1:04.69        
                  28.38     1:04.69 (36.31)                                        
 58 Baumgardner, Jacob D      15 CUBU-PV                55.27Y   1:04.75        
                  30.21     1:04.75 (34.54)                                        
 59 MacDonald, Angus J        15 OCCS-PV                55.80Y   1:04.88        
                  29.59     1:04.88 (35.29)                                        
 60 Meckley, John H           16 UN-CU-PV               56.19Y   1:04.96        
                  29.64     1:04.96 (35.32)                                        
 61 Smith, Zachary T          15 CUBU-PV                55.32Y   1:04.97        
                  30.58     1:04.97 (34.39)                                        
 61 Allsopp, David A          18 CUBU-PV                56.10Y   1:04.97        
                  30.44     1:04.97 (34.53)                                        
 63 Perez, JP P               17 RMSC-PV                53.85Y   1:05.52        
                  30.20     1:05.52 (35.32)                                        
 64 Spencer, Adam M           17 RMSC-PV                55.45Y   1:05.54        
                  29.86     1:05.54 (35.68)                                        
 65 Leverone, Nick A          16 CUBU-PV                55.95Y   1:05.68        
                  29.93     1:05.68 (35.75)                                        
 66 Mindes, Ben S             17 RMSC-PV                55.46Y   1:05.74        
                  30.72     1:05.74 (35.02)                                        
 67 Stephens, Michael A       16 Aqua Hoya-PV         1:08.85    1:05.77        
                  30.39     1:05.77 (35.38)                                        
 68 Nichols, Quyen A          17 PM-PV                1:02.91    1:05.87        
                  30.69     1:05.87 (35.18)                                        
 69 Vallario, Kevin M         16 FGAC-PV              1:02.87    1:05.91        
                  30.74     1:05.91 (35.17)                                        
 70 Jones, Daniel M           16 CUBU-PV                56.42Y   1:06.25        
                  29.97     1:06.25 (36.28)                                        
 71 Kundrat, John A           14 FAST-PV              1:04.73    1:06.49        
                  30.77     1:06.49 (35.72)                                        
 72 Tommerdahl, Jake P        17 NCAC-NC              1:08.70    1:06.55        
                  31.61     1:06.55 (34.94)                                        
 73 Bruno, Joseph M           18 OCCS-PV                56.22Y   1:06.86        
                  30.49     1:06.86 (36.37)                                        
 74 Piantedosi, Michael J     17 CUBU-PV              1:01.28    1:07.10        
                  29.85     1:07.10 (37.25)                                        
 75 Maxwell, Tom J            17 OCCS-PV              1:07.63    1:07.86        
                  30.14     1:07.86 (37.72)                                        
 76 Collins, Jack F           17 AAC-PV                 54.82Y   1:08.26        
                  31.25     1:08.26 (37.01)                                        
 77 Gray, Michael J           18 UN-PV                  54.65Y   1:09.69        
                  29.82     1:09.69 (39.87)                                        
 78 Mahoney, Brian S          16 RMSC-PV              1:10.64    1:10.15        
                  32.10     1:10.15 (38.05)                                        
 79 Barone, Jacob M           14 UNATT-PV             1:07.84    1:11.05        
                  32.81     1:11.05 (38.24)                                        
 80 Cook, Tommy M             16 Machine-PV                NT    1:18.43        
                  36.00     1:18.43 (42.43)                                        
 -- Clark, Christopher D      17 UN-CU-PV             1:05.97   X1:08.14        
                  31.21     1:08.14 (36.93)                                        
Boys 200 LC Meter Butterfly
World Record: ! 1:53.71        2007 Michael Phelps, USA                        
  USA Record: $ 1:53.71        2007 Michael Phelps                             
PVS Open Rec: # 1:59.29        2003 Brian Johns, Canada                        
    OTrial08: % 2:03.99                                                        
   Nationals: * 2:05.09                                                        
SpeedoChamps: & 2:16.89                                                        
Junior Nat 0: @ 2:09.79                                                        
    SCYNAT07: ^ 2:06.99                                                        
 Meet Qualifying:  2:23.69
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 Meyer, Mark P       17 RMSC-PV              2:05.60    2:04.74*        20  
                  28.09       59.98 (31.89)     1:32.19 (32.21)     2:04.74 (32.55)
  2 Vogt, Ian C         17 NOVA-VA              2:07.48    2:05.23^        17  
                  28.79     1:00.64 (31.85)     1:33.33 (32.69)     2:05.23 (31.90)
  3 McMahon, Daniel M   19 NOVA-VA              2:08.86    2:06.07^        16  
                  28.26     1:00.95 (32.69)     1:33.41 (32.46)     2:06.07 (32.66)
  4 Fox, Brady C        16 RMSC-PV              2:10.56    2:06.22^        15  
                  27.89       59.80 (31.91)     1:32.83 (33.03)     2:06.22 (33.39)
  5 Houchin, Joseph E   22 UNAT-PV              2:09.09    2:06.74^        14  
                  28.16     1:00.34 (32.18)     1:33.50 (33.16)     2:06.74 (33.24)
  6 Robertson, Lee J    19 NOVA-VA              2:10.42    2:08.98@        13  
                  28.43     1:01.24 (32.81)     1:35.07 (33.83)     2:08.98 (33.91)
  7 Thomasson, Eric M   21 UN-PV                2:10.89    2:09.45@        12  
                  28.28     1:00.95 (32.67)     1:34.31 (33.36)     2:09.45 (35.14)
  8 Wren, Garrett M     20 NOVA-VA              2:10.28    2:11.07&        11  
                  28.77     1:02.06 (33.29)     1:35.98 (33.92)     2:11.07 (35.09)
B - Final
  9 Pool, Christopher   20 CUBU-PV              2:11.74    2:09.37@         9  
                  29.33     1:03.23 (33.90)     1:36.09 (32.86)     2:09.37 (33.28)
 10 Berger, Christoph   17 NOVA-VA              2:13.42    2:13.37&         7  
                  29.66     1:03.07 (33.41)     1:38.25 (35.18)     2:13.37 (35.12)
 11 Tuben, Benjamin P   17 PM-PV                2:15.88    2:13.57&         6  
                  29.55     1:03.60 (34.05)     1:38.70 (35.10)     2:13.57 (34.87)
 12 Pinto, John David   19 CUBU-PV              2:15.97    2:14.58&         5  
                  29.98     1:03.54 (33.56)     1:38.50 (34.96)     2:14.58 (36.08)
 13 Bollea, Drew L      18 CUBU-PV              2:17.56    2:15.92&         4  
                  30.71     1:06.06 (35.35)     1:41.41 (35.35)     2:15.92 (34.51)
 14 Haibel, Sandy J     17 RMSC-PV              2:17.49    2:16.85&         3  
                  29.40     1:03.50 (34.10)     1:38.05 (34.55)     2:16.85 (38.80)
 15 Thaden, Michael T   17 NCAC-NC              2:18.39    2:17.82          2  
                  29.17     1:02.98 (33.81)     1:39.04 (36.06)     2:17.82 (38.78)
 16 Heinrich, Colin M   17 NOVA-VA              2:16.10    2:21.22          1  
                  30.69     1:07.16 (36.47)     1:43.99 (36.83)     2:21.22 (37.23)
C - Final
 17 Carr, Brandon H     17 NOVA-VA              2:19.18    2:15.59&       
                  29.23     1:03.44 (34.21)     1:38.65 (35.21)     2:15.59 (36.94)
 18 Conrad, Eric V      15 RMSC-PV              2:20.41    2:15.82&       
                  29.91     1:04.83 (34.92)     1:40.47 (35.64)     2:15.82 (35.35)
 19 Wash, Mason E       17 NOVA-VA              2:19.33    2:17.62        
                  30.65     1:05.64 (34.99)     1:41.06 (35.42)     2:17.62 (36.56)
 20 Lucas, Cameron R    15 CUBU-PV              2:18.77    2:18.46        
                  30.52     1:06.24 (35.72)     1:43.07 (36.83)     2:18.46 (35.39)
 21 Bowers, Devin J     16 SNOW-PV              2:20.46    2:19.15        
                  31.10     1:06.48 (35.38)     1:42.57 (36.09)     2:19.15 (36.58)
 22 Grimmett-Norris, M  15 CUBU-PV              2:22.14    2:24.03        
                  31.43     1:07.76 (36.33)     1:45.34 (37.58)     2:24.03 (38.69)
 23 Bailey, Jonathan D  17 NOVA-VA              2:20.92    2:24.85        
                  31.38     1:08.89 (37.51)     1:46.88 (37.99)     2:24.85 (37.97)
Boys 200 LC Meter Butterfly
World Record: ! 1:53.71        2007 Michael Phelps, USA                        
  USA Record: $ 1:53.71        2007 Michael Phelps                             
PVS Open Rec: # 1:59.29        2003 Brian Johns, Canada                        
    OTrial08: % 2:03.99                                                        
   Nationals: * 2:05.09                                                        
SpeedoChamps: & 2:16.89                                                        
Junior Nat 0: @ 2:09.79                                                        
    SCYNAT07: ^ 2:06.99                                                        
 Meet Qualifying:  2:23.69
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Meyer, Mark P             17 RMSC-PV              2:04.30    2:05.60^       
                  28.40     1:00.11 (31.71)     1:32.76 (32.65)     2:05.60 (32.84)
  2 Vogt, Ian C               17 NOVA-VA              2:02.95    2:07.48@       
                  29.01     1:01.80 (32.79)     1:34.01 (32.21)     2:07.48 (33.47)
  3 McMahon, Daniel M         19 NOVA-VA              2:05.59    2:08.86@       
                  28.36     1:01.47 (33.11)     1:34.73 (33.26)     2:08.86 (34.13)
  4 Houchin, Joseph E         22 UNAT-PV              2:05.86    2:09.09@       
                  28.43     1:01.06 (32.63)     1:34.64 (33.58)     2:09.09 (34.45)
  5 Stewart, Sean P           16 RMSC-PV              2:10.19    2:09.60@       
                  29.12     1:02.70 (33.58)     1:36.87 (34.17)     2:09.60 (32.73)
  6 Wren, Garrett M           20 NOVA-VA              2:12.23    2:10.28&       
                  29.05     1:02.18 (33.13)     1:36.07 (33.89)     2:10.28 (34.21)
  7 Robertson, Lee J          19 NOVA-VA              2:14.28    2:10.42&       
                  28.75     1:02.47 (33.72)     1:36.35 (33.88)     2:10.42 (34.07)
  8 Fox, Brady C              16 RMSC-PV              2:09.99    2:10.56&       
                  28.71     1:02.06 (33.35)     1:35.74 (33.68)     2:10.56 (34.82)
  9 Thomasson, Eric M         21 UN-PV                2:09.73    2:10.89&       
                  28.71     1:02.12 (33.41)     1:36.74 (34.62)     2:10.89 (34.15)
 10 Pool, Christopher D       20 CUBU-PV              2:06.70    2:11.74&       
                  28.69     1:00.94 (32.25)     1:35.53 (34.59)     2:11.74 (36.21)
 11 Grimmett-Norris, Robert   18 CUBU-PV              2:08.95    2:11.75&       
                  28.87     1:01.94 (33.07)     1:35.85 (33.91)     2:11.75 (35.90)
 12 Berger, Christoph S       17 NOVA-VA              2:17.59    2:13.42&       
                  29.61     1:03.08 (33.47)     1:38.59 (35.51)     2:13.42 (34.83)
 13 Knecht, Joe M             18 RMSC-PV              2:08.54    2:15.56&       
                  29.51     1:03.90 (34.39)     1:39.36 (35.46)     2:15.56 (36.20)
 14 Tuben, Benjamin P         17 PM-PV                2:18.83    2:15.88&       
                  30.30     1:04.68 (34.38)     1:40.27 (35.59)     2:15.88 (35.61)
 15 Pinto, John David         19 CUBU-PV              2:19.51    2:15.97&       
                  30.34     1:04.77 (34.43)     1:39.77 (35.00)     2:15.97 (36.20)
 16 Heinrich, Colin M         17 NOVA-VA              1:56.48Y   2:16.10&       
                  30.05     1:04.01 (33.96)     1:39.43 (35.42)     2:16.10 (36.67)
 17 Haibel, Sandy J           17 RMSC-PV              2:20.02    2:17.49        
                  30.04     1:05.95 (35.91)     1:41.93 (35.98)     2:17.49 (35.56)
 18 Bollea, Drew L            18 CUBU-PV              2:15.98    2:17.56        
                  31.04     1:06.49 (35.45)     1:42.17 (35.68)     2:17.56 (35.39)
 19 Thaden, Michael T         17 NCAC-NC              2:20.60    2:18.39        
                  30.29     1:05.50 (35.21)     1:41.88 (36.38)     2:18.39 (36.51)
 20 Mengering, Daniel E       20 RMSC-PV              2:14.88    2:18.62        
                  30.30     1:04.87 (34.57)     1:40.56 (35.69)     2:18.62 (38.06)
 21 Lucas, Cameron R          15 CUBU-PV              2:19.86    2:18.77        
                  30.59     1:06.25 (35.66)     1:42.51 (36.26)     2:18.77 (36.26)
 22 Astiz, Adrian A           19 RMSC-PV              2:16.12    2:18.84        
                  30.09     1:05.36 (35.27)     1:41.29 (35.93)     2:18.84 (37.55)
 23 Carr, Brandon H           17 NOVA-VA              2:17.43    2:19.18        
                  29.34     1:04.06 (34.72)     1:40.83 (36.77)     2:19.18 (38.35)
 24 Wash, Mason E             17 NOVA-VA              2:18.91    2:19.33        
                  31.03     1:06.37 (35.34)     1:42.90 (36.53)     2:19.33 (36.43)
 25 Conrad, Eric V            15 RMSC-PV              2:19.70    2:20.41        
                  31.64     1:07.90 (36.26)     1:44.32 (36.42)     2:20.41 (36.09)
 26 Bowers, Devin J           16 SNOW-PV              2:23.03    2:20.46        
                  30.78     1:05.98 (35.20)     1:42.66 (36.68)     2:20.46 (37.80)
 27 Bailey, Jonathan D        17 NOVA-VA              2:14.41    2:20.92        
                  30.32     1:06.09 (35.77)     1:43.19 (37.10)     2:20.92 (37.73)
 28 Clendenin, Stephen A      18 Blue Wave-PV         1:59.26Y   2:21.43        
                  29.72     1:05.73 (36.01)     1:43.27 (37.54)     2:21.43 (38.16)
 29 Grimmett-Norris, Michael  15 CUBU-PV              2:21.74    2:22.14        
                  31.98     1:07.73 (35.75)     1:44.23 (36.50)     2:22.14 (37.91)
 30 Tommerdahl, Jake P        17 NCAC-NC              2:06.86Y   2:22.43        
                  33.31     1:09.69 (36.38)     1:45.67 (35.98)     2:22.43 (36.76)
 31 Cross, Jason A            19 RMSC-PV              2:23.14    2:22.61        
                                1:06.90 ( )     1:45.03 (38.13)     2:22.61 (37.58)
 32 Jackson, Warren C         15 RMSC-PV              2:02.91Y   2:23.07        
                  31.55     1:07.41 (35.86)     1:44.87 (37.46)     2:23.07 (38.20)
 33 Foltz, Wesley A           17 NCAC-NC              2:02.45Y   2:23.34        
                  31.49     1:06.60 (35.11)     1:43.80 (37.20)     2:23.34 (39.54)
 34 Knight, Hunter S          15 NOVA-VA              2:02.43Y   2:23.59        
                  31.41     1:07.27 (35.86)     1:45.10 (37.83)     2:23.59 (38.49)
 35 Kreitler, Robert M        19 PM-PV                2:16.60    2:24.02        
                  31.74     1:07.37 (35.63)     1:45.06 (37.69)     2:24.02 (38.96)
 36 Pool, Jonathan D          18 CUBU-PV              2:19.14    2:24.06        
                  31.47     1:07.95 (36.48)     1:45.86 (37.91)     2:24.06 (38.20)
 37 Sarman, Mark C            14 CUBU-PV              2:21.95    2:24.14        
                                1:08.02 ( )     1:45.76 (37.74)     2:24.14 (38.38)
 38 Heidel, Kenneth M         16 UNATT-PV             2:21.56    2:24.22        
                  30.50     1:05.66 (35.16)     1:43.62 (37.96)     2:24.22 (40.60)
 39 Lin, Jeffrey              15 RMSC-PV              2:22.36    2:24.35        
                  30.74     1:06.92 (36.18)     1:44.46 (37.54)     2:24.35 (39.89)
 40 Crabb, James T            14 UNATT-PV             2:21.40    2:24.96        
                  31.55     1:08.58 (37.03)     1:46.52 (37.94)     2:24.96 (38.44)
 41 Feasley, Robert A         18 RMSC-PV              2:03.24Y   2:25.15        
                  32.48     1:09.77 (37.29)     1:45.97 (36.20)     2:25.15 (39.18)
 42 Flach, Michael F          16 FISH-PV              2:13.67    2:25.58        
                  29.74     1:05.56 (35.82)     1:45.58 (40.02)     2:25.58 (40.00)
 43 Gerlach, Ethan E          17 MSSC-PV              2:24.88    2:25.89        
                  32.04     1:08.92 (36.88)     1:46.90 (37.98)     2:25.89 (38.99)
 44 Foley, Con S              17 Aqua Hoya-PV         2:05.35Y   2:27.77        
                  32.90     1:10.56 (37.66)     1:48.88 (38.32)     2:27.77 (38.89)
 45 Smith, Zachary T          15 CUBU-PV              2:05.25Y   2:29.06        
                  33.27     1:11.89 (38.62)     1:50.00 (38.11)     2:29.06 (39.06)
 46 Mendes, Bryce T           15 NCAC-NC              2:36.66    2:29.56        
                  32.94     1:11.06 (38.12)     1:50.52 (39.46)     2:29.56 (39.04)
 47 Nichols, Quyen A          17 PM-PV                2:22.60    2:29.85        
                  33.37     1:10.95 (37.58)     1:49.65 (38.70)     2:29.85 (40.20)
 48 Ornstein, Cory L          17 RMSC-PV              2:14.37Y   2:41.62        
                  34.57     1:14.65 (40.08)     1:57.06 (42.41)     2:41.62 (44.56)
 -- Haibel, Chris G           18 RMSC-PV              2:06.58Y        DQ        
                  33.80     1:11.58 (37.78)     1:48.67 (37.09)          DQ (36.62)
 -- Herrmann, Ricky A         17 CUBU-PV              2:00.43Y       DFS        
Boys 200 LC Meter IM
World Record: ! 1:55.84        2006 Michael Phelps, USA                        
  USA Record: $ 1:55.84        2006 Michael Phelps                             
PVS Open Rec: # 1:55.94        2003 Michael Phelps, NBAC-MD                    
    OTrial08: % 2:07.39                                                        
   Nationals: * 2:08.79                                                        
SpeedoChamps: & 2:17.19                                                        
Junior Nat 0: @ 2:12.39                                                        
    SCYNAT07: ^ 2:10.59                                                        
 Meet Qualifying:  2:24.09
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 Relihan, Andrew J   17 RMSC-PV              2:11.74    2:10.90@        20  
                  28.85     1:02.86 (34.01)     1:40.17 (37.31)     2:10.90 (30.73)
  2 Friedland, Eric T   17 RMSC-PV              2:14.05    2:11.46@        17  
                  28.58     1:03.48 (34.90)     1:40.42 (36.94)     2:11.46 (31.04)
  3 Krebs, Matt E       16 CUBU-PV              2:13.32    2:12.28@        16  
                  28.57     1:03.05 (34.48)     1:41.56 (38.51)     2:12.28 (30.72)
  4 Meyer, Adam M       19 RMSC-PV              2:13.31    2:13.14&        15  
                  27.73     1:02.99 (35.26)     1:41.29 (38.30)     2:13.14 (31.85)
  5 Hurley, Ryan P      21 CUBU-PV              2:14.20    2:13.22&        14  
                  28.61     1:05.69 (37.08)     1:41.62 (35.93)     2:13.22 (31.60)
  6 Vogt, Ian C         17 NOVA-VA              2:14.87    2:13.59&        13  
                  29.10     1:03.85 (34.75)     1:43.19 (39.34)     2:13.59 (30.40)
  7 Harris, Kenton M    21 NOVA-VA              2:14.81    2:14.63&        12  
                  28.58     1:04.04 (35.46)     1:44.86 (40.82)     2:14.63 (29.77)
  8 Fletcher, Sean D    15 MAKO-PV              2:14.98    2:15.51&        11  
                  28.16     1:02.98 (34.82)     1:44.60 (41.62)     2:15.51 (30.91)
B - Final
  9 Morres, Alexander   16 OCCS-PV              2:16.14    2:14.45&         9  
                  30.28     1:07.42 (37.14)     1:43.80 (36.38)     2:14.45 (30.65)
 10 Wepasnick, Zack L   15 RMSC-PV              2:15.84    2:14.89&         7  
                  28.84     1:02.60 (33.76)     1:42.78 (40.18)     2:14.89 (32.11)
 11 Grimmett-Norris, R  18 CUBU-PV              2:18.51    2:15.61&         6  
                  27.39     1:02.16 (34.77)     1:42.98 (40.82)     2:15.61 (32.63)
 12 Gledhill, Cameron   18 CUBU-PV              2:18.38    2:16.51&         5  
                  28.71     1:05.19 (36.48)     1:43.32 (38.13)     2:16.51 (33.19)
 13 Melillo, Simone     18 CUBU-PV              2:18.73    2:17.20          4  
                  29.31     1:06.82 (37.51)     1:44.79 (37.97)     2:17.20 (32.41)
 14 Lutterbein, Alex M  17 NOVA-VA              2:17.41    2:18.65          3  
                  30.36     1:05.29 (34.93)     1:46.08 (40.79)     2:18.65 (32.57)
 15 Brown, Gaites P     17 NOVA-VA              2:18.28    2:23.60          2  
                  29.26     1:05.75 (36.49)     1:50.90 (45.15)     2:23.60 (32.70)
 16 McLEAN, Matt B      19 CUBU-PV              2:18.19    2:24.93          1  
                  29.15     1:08.04 (38.89)     1:51.74 (43.70)     2:24.93 (33.19)
C - Final
 17 Cullen, Eric P      20 UN-PV                2:19.11    2:12.33@       
                  27.85     1:02.78 (34.93)     1:39.83 (37.05)     2:12.33 (32.50)
 18 Phillips, Bradley   15 CUBU-PV              2:19.14    2:16.86&       
                  29.32     1:05.20 (35.88)     1:45.88 (40.68)     2:16.86 (30.98)
 19 Sheranek, Tom I     16 NOVA-VA              2:20.94    2:17.43        
                  29.66     1:02.83 (33.17)     1:46.36 (43.53)     2:17.43 (31.07)
 20 Lichtenfels, Ryan   17 CUBU-PV              2:21.27    2:18.24        
                  29.49     1:04.32 (34.83)     1:46.71 (42.39)     2:18.24 (31.53)
 21 Stanton, Colin T    17 Aqua Hoya-PV         2:21.14    2:20.31        
                  29.82     1:08.03 (38.21)     1:48.44 (40.41)     2:20.31 (31.87)
 22 Hill, Jack J        18 NCAC-NC              2:19.35    2:20.80        
                  31.09     1:07.40 (36.31)     1:48.99 (41.59)     2:20.80 (31.81)
 23 Tollefson, Andrew   15 RMSC-PV              2:21.04    2:20.89        
                  30.49     1:08.22 (37.73)     1:47.91 (39.69)     2:20.89 (32.98)
Boys 200 LC Meter IM
World Record: ! 1:55.84        2006 Michael Phelps, USA                        
  USA Record: $ 1:55.84        2006 Michael Phelps                             
PVS Open Rec: # 1:55.94        2003 Michael Phelps, NBAC-MD                    
    OTrial08: % 2:07.39                                                        
   Nationals: * 2:08.79                                                        
SpeedoChamps: & 2:17.19                                                        
Junior Nat 0: @ 2:12.39                                                        
    SCYNAT07: ^ 2:10.59                                                        
 Meet Qualifying:  2:24.09
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Relihan, Andrew J         17 RMSC-PV              2:14.29    2:11.74@       
                  29.46     1:03.88 (34.42)     1:41.28 (37.40)     2:11.74 (30.46)
  2 Dilz, Andy L              20 UN-PV                2:11.46    2:11.98@       
                  28.44     1:05.09 (36.65)     1:41.51 (36.42)     2:11.98 (30.47)
  3 Meyer, Adam M             19 RMSC-PV              2:14.08    2:13.31&       
                  28.48     1:03.91 (35.43)     1:42.21 (38.30)     2:13.31 (31.10)
  4 Krebs, Matt E             16 CUBU-PV              2:15.54    2:13.32&       
                  29.29     1:04.02 (34.73)     1:42.74 (38.72)     2:13.32 (30.58)
  5 Friedland, Eric T         17 RMSC-PV              2:15.38    2:14.05&       
                  28.56     1:04.56 (36.00)     1:41.99 (37.43)     2:14.05 (32.06)
  6 Hurley, Ryan P            21 CUBU-PV              2:12.30    2:14.20&       
                  29.15     1:06.03 (36.88)     1:42.23 (36.20)     2:14.20 (31.97)
  7 Harris, Kenton M          21 NOVA-VA              2:14.04    2:14.81&       
                  28.61     1:04.47 (35.86)     1:45.26 (40.79)     2:14.81 (29.55)
  8 Vogt, Ian C               17 NOVA-VA              2:11.03    2:14.87&       
                                  15.55 ( )   1:43.69 (1:28.14)     2:14.87 (31.18)
  9 Fletcher, Sean D          15 MAKO-PV              2:14.85    2:14.98&       
                  27.97     1:02.54 (34.57)     1:44.30 (41.76)     2:14.98 (30.68)
 10 Wepasnick, Zack L         15 RMSC-PV              2:15.77    2:15.84&       
                  29.47     1:03.80 (34.33)     1:43.93 (40.13)     2:15.84 (31.91)
 11 Morres, Alexander R       16 OCCS-PV              2:15.00    2:16.14&       
                  30.25     1:07.59 (37.34)     1:45.24 (37.65)     2:16.14 (30.90)
 12 Lutterbein, Alex M        17 NOVA-VA              2:19.55    2:17.41        
                  30.20     1:05.46 (35.26)     1:45.96 (40.50)     2:17.41 (31.45)
 13 McLEAN, Matt B            19 CUBU-PV              2:15.13    2:18.19        
                  27.12     1:02.52 (35.40)     1:47.82 (45.30)     2:18.19 (30.37)
 14 Brown, Gaites P           17 NOVA-VA              2:16.85    2:18.28        
                  28.22     1:03.32 (35.10)     1:46.91 (43.59)     2:18.28 (31.37)
 15 Gledhill, Cameron W       18 CUBU-PV              2:13.94    2:18.38        
                  28.68     1:05.04 (36.36)     1:45.19 (40.15)     2:18.38 (33.19)
 16 Grimmett-Norris, Robert   18 CUBU-PV              2:14.44    2:18.51        
                  27.89     1:03.74 (35.85)     1:44.98 (41.24)     2:18.51 (33.53)
 17 Melillo, Simone           18 CUBU-PV              2:13.08    2:18.73        
                  29.65     1:07.11 (37.46)     1:45.94 (38.83)     2:18.73 (32.79)
 18 Cullen, Eric P            20 UN-PV                2:12.40    2:19.11        
                  28.53     1:06.03 (37.50)     1:45.35 (39.32)     2:19.11 (33.76)
 19 Phillips, Bradley D       15 CUBU-PV              2:04.22Y   2:19.14        
                  30.74     1:06.79 (36.05)     1:47.93 (41.14)     2:19.14 (31.21)
 20 Hill, Jack J              18 NCAC-NC              2:23.80    2:19.35        
                  30.98     1:06.80 (35.82)     1:48.38 (41.58)     2:19.35 (30.97)
 21 Wingert, Tim J            16 MAKO-PV              2:21.11    2:19.48        
                  29.17     1:05.74 (36.57)     1:48.31 (42.57)     2:19.48 (31.17)
 22 Putnam, Charlie M         14 Machine-PV           2:20.31    2:19.49        
                  30.98     1:04.90 (33.92)     1:46.49 (41.59)     2:19.49 (33.00)
 23 Sidman, John-Howard H     17 CUBU-PV              2:20.78    2:20.53        
                  30.22     1:08.63 (38.41)     1:47.33 (38.70)     2:20.53 (33.20)
 24 Kiss, David               17 CUBU-PV              2:19.17    2:20.78        
                  28.12     1:04.82 (36.70)     1:48.90 (44.08)     2:20.78 (31.88)
 25 Cunningham, Jesse A       16 CUBU-PV              2:19.13    2:20.79        
                  30.83     1:07.33 (36.50)     1:48.39 (41.06)     2:20.79 (32.40)
 26 Sheranek, Tom I           16 NOVA-VA              2:14.08    2:20.94        
                  29.72     1:03.23 (33.51)     1:47.41 (44.18)     2:20.94 (33.53)
 27 Tollefson, Andrew H       15 RMSC-PV              2:22.08    2:21.04        
                  30.95     1:10.12 (39.17)     1:49.05 (38.93)     2:21.04 (31.99)
 28 Stanton, Colin T          17 Aqua Hoya-PV         2:23.64    2:21.14        
                  30.36     1:08.74 (38.38)     1:49.05 (40.31)     2:21.14 (32.09)
 29 Lichtenfels, Ryan R       17 CUBU-PV              2:00.52Y   2:21.27        
                  29.50     1:04.88 (35.38)     1:48.85 (43.97)     2:21.27 (32.42)
 30 Sakaris, Stephen A        16 RMSC-PV              2:19.61    2:21.88        
                  29.93     1:06.83 (36.90)     1:49.14 (42.31)     2:21.88 (32.74)
 31 Carr, Brandon H           17 NOVA-VA              2:22.90    2:22.13        
                  29.67     1:05.84 (36.17)     1:49.64 (43.80)     2:22.13 (32.49)
 32 Shaw, KJ J                16 NOVA-VA              2:22.74    2:22.28        
                  30.50     1:07.26 (36.76)     1:49.09 (41.83)     2:22.28 (33.19)
 33 Kiss, Balazs              15 CUBU-PV              2:23.36    2:22.39        
                  30.42     1:07.65 (37.23)     1:49.93 (42.28)     2:22.39 (32.46)
 34 Redcay, Ross M            20 UNAT-PV              1:59.85Y   2:22.40        
                                  16.02 ( )       28.39 (12.37)   2:22.40 (1:54.01)
 35 Wren, David H             18 NOVA-VA              2:18.15    2:22.62        
                  29.47     1:04.41 (34.94)     1:49.38 (44.97)     2:22.62 (33.24)
 36 Brewer, Jamison D         16 NCAC-NC              2:06.76Y   2:22.72        
                  31.19     1:08.41 (37.22)     1:50.53 (42.12)     2:22.72 (32.19)
 37 Flach, Michael F          16 FISH-PV              2:16.38    2:22.75        
                                  16.24 ( )   1:48.45 (1:32.21)     2:22.75 (34.30)
 38 Vallario, Kevin M         16 FGAC-PV              2:05.02Y   2:22.86        
                  30.80     1:07.63 (36.83)     1:50.85 (43.22)     2:22.86 (32.01)
 39 Lucas, Benjamin N         17 CUBU-PV              2:21.47    2:23.25        
                  30.84     1:08.58 (37.74)     1:49.89 (41.31)     2:23.25 (33.36)
 40 Shen, David Z             16 PM-PV                2:23.12    2:23.60        
                  31.40     1:08.86 (37.46)     1:50.69 (41.83)     2:23.60 (32.91)
 41 Knecht, Joe M             18 RMSC-PV              2:15.56    2:23.61        
                  28.64     1:06.83 (38.19)     1:49.26 (42.43)     2:23.61 (34.35)
 42 Clendenin, Stephen A      18 Blue Wave-PV         2:23.32    2:23.85        
                  29.48     1:05.99 (36.51)     1:50.08 (44.09)     2:23.85 (33.77)
 43 McGehee, Andrew P         16 RMSC-PV              2:06.72Y   2:23.99        
                  31.43     1:07.91 (36.48)     1:50.66 (42.75)     2:23.99 (33.33)
 44 Bui, Derek H              17 PM-PV                2:01.03Y   2:24.00        
                                  17.39 ( )       30.63 (13.24)   2:24.00 (1:53.37)
 45 Mackenzie, Doug R         16 RMSC-PV              2:20.25    2:24.20        
                  31.26     1:08.17 (36.91)     1:51.49 (43.32)     2:24.20 (32.71)
 46 Pham, Chris T             17 RMSC-PV              2:04.54Y   2:24.46        
                  31.46     1:10.36 (38.90)     1:52.92 (42.56)     2:24.46 (31.54)
 47 Knight, Hunter S          15 NOVA-VA              2:20.91    2:24.78        
                  31.56     1:08.95 (37.39)     1:51.30 (42.35)     2:24.78 (33.48)
 48 Lin, Jeffrey              15 RMSC-PV              2:04.87Y   2:24.85        
                  31.11     1:08.84 (37.73)     1:52.75 (43.91)     2:24.85 (32.10)
 49 Budner, Aaron E           15 RMSC-PV              2:22.41    2:25.09        
                  31.10     1:09.25 (38.15)     1:53.40 (44.15)     2:25.09 (31.69)
 50 Tremols, Nicholas C       15 UNATT-PV             2:05.36Y   2:25.43        
                  29.81     1:11.16 (41.35)     1:53.28 (42.12)     2:25.43 (32.15)
 51 Baumgardner, Jacob D      15 CUBU-PV              2:01.21Y   2:25.48        
                                  16.65 ( )       31.00 (14.35)   2:25.48 (1:54.48)
 52 Stevens, Matt D           16 FGAC-PV              2:05.69Y   2:25.72        
                  31.57     1:10.30 (38.73)     1:51.82 (41.52)     2:25.72 (33.90)
 53 Stephens, Michael A       16 Aqua Hoya-PV         2:06.32Y   2:25.78        
                  30.73     1:11.54 (40.81)     1:52.87 (41.33)     2:25.78 (32.91)
 54 Clark, Christopher D      17 UN-CU-PV             2:02.00Y   2:26.03        
                  31.68     1:11.53 (39.85)     1:52.98 (41.45)     2:26.03 (33.05)
 55 Meyer, Mark P             17 RMSC-PV              2:17.18    2:26.22        
                  30.46     1:09.54 (39.08)     1:51.80 (42.26)     2:26.22 (34.42)
 56 Kundrat, John A           14 FAST-PV              2:23.89    2:26.59        
                  30.91     1:08.99 (38.08)     1:52.89 (43.90)     2:26.59 (33.70)
 57 DeGEORGES, Trey L         16 AAC-PV               2:02.34Y   2:26.82        
                  31.75     1:13.50 (41.75)     1:54.23 (40.73)     2:26.82 (32.59)
 58 Collins, Jack F           17 AAC-PV               2:23.29    2:26.92        
                  31.93     1:10.51 (38.58)     1:51.89 (41.38)     2:26.92 (35.03)
 59 Pool, Jonathan D          18 CUBU-PV              2:24.02    2:27.23        
                  31.32     1:11.06 (39.74)     1:53.58 (42.52)     2:27.23 (33.65)
 60 Anthony, Mac M            15 NOVA-VA              2:18.53    2:27.38        
                  31.47     1:10.06 (38.59)     1:54.34 (44.28)     2:27.38 (33.04)
 61 Hale-Kupiec, Thomas A     18 CUBU-PV              2:20.18    2:27.54        
                  30.86     1:08.41 (37.55)     1:50.92 (42.51)     2:27.54 (36.62)
 62 Sarman, Mark C            14 CUBU-PV              2:05.18Y   2:27.74        
                  30.57     1:11.25 (40.68)     1:54.83 (43.58)     2:27.74 (32.91)
 63 Ross, Brooks R            16 NOVA-VA              2:23.19    2:28.31        
                  31.34     1:09.46 (38.12)     1:56.59 (47.13)     2:28.31 (31.72)
 64 Sminkey, John A           18 UN-FG-PV             2:29.53    2:28.35        
                                  21.66 ( )   1:52.23 (1:30.57)     2:28.35 (36.12)
 65 Foley, Con S              17 Aqua Hoya-PV         2:32.31    2:28.38        
                  32.08     1:11.62 (39.54)     1:55.62 (44.00)     2:28.38 (32.76)
 66 Allsopp, David A          18 CUBU-PV              2:03.20Y   2:28.76        
                  31.26     1:09.43 (38.17)     1:53.60 (44.17)     2:28.76 (35.16)
 67 Heidel, Kenneth M         16 UNATT-PV             2:06.35Y   2:29.85        
                  30.29     1:09.89 (39.60)     1:56.24 (46.35)     2:29.85 (33.61)
 68 Gerlach, Ethan E          17 MSSC-PV              2:26.39    2:30.13        
                  32.69     1:11.87 (39.18)     1:57.17 (45.30)     2:30.13 (32.96)
 69 Bowers, Devin J           16 SNOW-PV              2:05.45Y   2:31.18        
                  31.06     1:11.18 (40.12)     1:57.69 (46.51)     2:31.18 (33.49)
 70 Crabb, James T            14 UNATT-PV             2:28.39    2:31.31        
                  29.84     1:08.58 (38.74)     1:58.22 (49.64)     2:31.31 (33.09)
 71 Cimons, Ben M             16 ASA-PV               2:28.95    2:31.86        
                  32.50     1:11.08 (38.58)     1:57.05 (45.97)     2:31.86 (34.81)
 72 Bauernfeind, David R      16 PM-PV                2:32.64    2:32.03        
                  32.11     1:10.46 (38.35)     1:57.94 (47.48)     2:32.03 (34.09)
 73 Hallock, Michael E        16 Machine-PV           2:06.62Y   2:32.31        
                  31.47     1:10.41 (38.94)     1:58.80 (48.39)     2:32.31 (33.51)
 74 Dunn, AJ J                17 Machine-PV           1:58.81Y   2:32.42        
                  32.80     1:12.36 (39.56)     1:56.02 (43.66)     2:32.42 (36.40)
 75 Gong, Wade T              16 CUBU-PV              2:05.09Y   2:33.15        
                  31.32     1:08.52 (37.20)     1:57.36 (48.84)     2:33.15 (35.79)
 76 Jones, Daniel M           16 CUBU-PV              2:06.49Y   2:35.65        
                  31.54     1:10.13 (38.59)     1:56.53 (46.40)     2:35.65 (39.12)
 77 Jolly, Michael A          16 RMSC-PV              2:41.10    2:35.76        
                  34.98     1:14.23 (39.25)     2:01.28 (47.05)     2:35.76 (34.48)
 78 Qian, Eddie T             17 CUBU-PV              2:35.80    2:38.08        
                  34.55     1:15.72 (41.17)     1:58.75 (43.03)     2:38.08 (39.33)
Boys 400 LC Meter IM
World Record: ! 4:08.26        2004 Michael Phelps, USA                        
  USA Record: $ 4:08.26        2004 Michael Phelps                             
PVS Open Rec: # 4:17.04        2003 Brian Johns, Canada                        
    OTrial08: % 4:30.49                                                        
   Nationals: * 4:34.29                                                        
SpeedoChamps: & 4:54.59                                                        
Junior Nat 0: @ 4:41.59                                                        
    SCYNAT07: ^ 4:37.39                                                        
 Meet Qualifying:  5:09.29
    Name               Age Team                 Prelims     Finals       Points 
A - Final
  1 Lutterbein, Alex M  17 NOVA-VA              4:40.22    4:38.92@        20  
                  29.99     1:04.29 (34.30)     1:39.76 (35.47)     2:13.80 (34.04)
        2:54.05 (40.25)     3:35.07 (41.02)     4:07.81 (32.74)     4:38.92 (31.11)
  2 Finelli, Drew S     19 CUBU-PV              4:41.12    4:39.54@        17  
                  29.88     1:03.99 (34.11)     1:41.01 (37.02)     2:17.71 (36.70)
        2:57.96 (40.25)     3:38.67 (40.71)     4:10.44 (31.77)     4:39.54 (29.10)
  3 Litz, Justin T      16 NOVA-VA              4:43.12    4:40.39@        16  
                  29.72     1:04.15 (34.43)     1:40.14 (35.99)     2:15.90 (35.76)
        2:56.36 (40.46)     3:38.37 (42.01)     4:09.74 (31.37)     4:40.39 (30.65)
  4 Mendes, Jesse N     17 NCAC-NC              4:41.81    4:42.13&        15  
                  29.98     1:04.65 (34.67)     1:42.42 (37.77)     2:18.45 (36.03)
        2:59.73 (41.28)     3:41.17 (41.44)     4:12.20 (31.03)     4:42.13 (29.93)
  5 Meyer, Mark P       17 RMSC-PV              4:42.01    4:44.02&        14  
                  29.23     1:02.54 (33.31)     1:39.82 (37.28)     2:17.30 (37.48)
        2:59.38 (42.08)     3:41.13 (41.75)     4:12.92 (31.79)     4:44.02 (31.10)
  6 Relihan, Andrew J   17 RMSC-PV              4:42.73    4:44.78&        13  
                  30.67     1:05.36 (34.69)     1:41.24 (35.88)     2:17.40 (36.16)
        2:57.44 (40.04)     3:39.19 (41.75)     4:12.66 (33.47)     4:44.78 (32.12)
  7 Vogt, Ian C         17 NOVA-VA              4:44.05    4:45.10&        12  
                  29.26     1:03.22 (33.96)     1:40.16 (36.94)     2:17.52 (37.36)
        2:57.83 (40.31)     3:39.36 (41.53)     4:12.62 (33.26)     4:45.10 (32.48)
  8 Berger, Christoph   17 NOVA-VA              4:47.25    4:59.40         11  
                  30.58     1:06.27 (35.69)     1:45.72 (39.45)     2:24.76 (39.04)
        3:08.32 (43.56)     3:52.06 (43.74)     4:25.93 (33.87)     4:59.40 (33.47)
B - Final
  9 Wepasnick, Zack L   15 RMSC-PV              4:55.64    4:43.60&         9  
                  29.84     1:04.67 (34.83)     1:40.63 (35.96)     2:17.45 (36.82)
        2:58.05 (40.60)     3:39.03 (40.98)     4:11.85 (32.82)     4:43.60 (31.75)
 10 Krebs, Matt E       16 CUBU-PV              4:48.48    4:43.68&         7  
                  30.03     1:04.60 (34.57)     1:41.22 (36.62)     2:16.37 (35.15)
        2:57.39 (41.02)     3:38.93 (41.54)     4:12.59 (33.66)     4:43.68 (31.09)
 11 Golaszewski, Kenne  21 UN-PV                4:50.44    4:51.49&         6  
                  30.40     1:05.68 (35.28)     1:44.10 (38.42)     2:21.81 (37.71)
        3:05.42 (43.61)     3:49.36 (43.94)     4:20.46 (31.10)     4:51.49 (31.03)
 12 Friedland, Eric T   17 RMSC-PV              4:53.35    4:52.34&         5  
                  31.03     1:06.96 (35.93)     1:45.45 (38.49)     2:24.01 (38.56)
        3:05.30 (41.29)     3:47.48 (42.18)     4:21.15 (33.67)     4:52.34 (31.19)
 13 Morres, Alexander   16 OCCS-PV              4:53.99    4:53.71&         4  
                  31.68     1:08.96 (37.28)     1:48.89 (39.93)     2:28.12 (39.23)
        3:07.57 (39.45)     3:48.22 (40.65)     4:22.08 (33.86)     4:53.71 (31.63)
 14 Heinrich, Colin M   17 NOVA-VA              4:52.97    4:55.22          3  
                  31.23     1:07.39 (36.16)     1:44.90 (37.51)     2:22.19 (37.29)
        3:05.98 (43.79)     3:50.07 (44.09)     4:23.02 (32.95)     4:55.22 (32.20)
 15 Hill, Jack J        18 NCAC-NC              4:56.48    4:59.65          2  
                  31.32     1:08.33 (37.01)     1:46.00 (37.67)     2:25.05 (39.05)
        3:07.79 (42.74)     3:52.02 (44.23)     4:25.96 (33.94)     4:59.65 (33.69)
 16 Ross, Brooks R      16 NOVA-VA              4:56.50    5:02.03          1  
                  31.59     1:07.79 (36.20)     1:47.21 (39.42)     2:26.39 (39.18)
        3:10.50 (44.11)     3:55.90 (45.40)     4:28.85 (32.95)     5:02.03 (33.18)
C - Final
 17 Conrad, Eric V      15 RMSC-PV              4:56.62    4:51.41&       
                  29.97     1:05.04 (35.07)     1:42.50 (37.46)     2:19.12 (36.62)
        3:02.49 (43.37)     3:46.60 (44.11)     4:19.75 (33.15)     4:51.41 (31.66)
 18 Knecht, Joe M       18 RMSC-PV              4:58.62    4:53.23&       
                  30.72     1:05.34 (34.62)     1:44.31 (38.97)     2:23.66 (39.35)
        3:06.09 (42.43)     3:48.53 (42.44)     4:21.81 (33.28)     4:53.23 (31.42)
 19 Lichtenfels, Ryan   17 CUBU-PV              4:57.97    4:54.64        
                  30.01     1:05.76 (35.75)     1:42.83 (37.07)     2:19.71 (36.88)
        3:04.28 (44.57)     3:49.32 (45.04)     4:22.53 (33.21)     4:54.64 (32.11)
 20 Carr, Brandon H     17 NOVA-VA              4:57.76    4:55.73        
                  29.69     1:04.32 (34.63)     1:43.84 (39.52)     2:22.81 (38.97)
        3:05.92 (43.11)     3:49.72 (43.80)     4:22.86 (33.14)     4:55.73 (32.87)
 21 Phillips, Bradley   15 CUBU-PV              4:58.55    4:58.06        
                  31.15     1:08.05 (36.90)     1:46.19 (38.14)     2:24.02 (37.83)
        3:06.93 (42.91)     3:50.97 (44.04)     4:24.72 (33.75)     4:58.06 (33.34)
 22 Mendes, Bryce T     15 NCAC-NC              4:59.44    5:00.25        
                  32.16     1:09.87 (37.71)     1:48.66 (38.79)     2:26.14 (37.48)
        3:09.58 (43.44)     3:53.19 (43.61)     4:27.58 (34.39)     5:00.25 (32.67)
 23 Knight, Hunter S    15 NOVA-VA              4:56.81    5:01.13        
                  31.18     1:07.16 (35.98)     1:46.11 (38.95)     2:24.49 (38.38)
        3:08.06 (43.57)     3:51.98 (43.92)     4:26.59 (34.61)     5:01.13 (34.54)
 24 Tyburski, Max R     17 CUBU-PV              4:59.58    5:04.98        
                  31.92     1:09.11 (37.19)     1:47.62 (38.51)     2:26.44 (38.82)
        3:11.81 (45.37)     3:57.04 (45.23)     4:31.16 (34.12)     5:04.98 (33.82)
Boys 400 LC Meter IM
World Record: ! 4:08.26        2004 Michael Phelps, USA                        
  USA Record: $ 4:08.26        2004 Michael Phelps                             
PVS Open Rec: # 4:17.04        2003 Brian Johns, Canada                        
    OTrial08: % 4:30.49                                                        
   Nationals: * 4:34.29                                                        
SpeedoChamps: & 4:54.59                                                        
Junior Nat 0: @ 4:41.59                                                        
    SCYNAT07: ^ 4:37.39                                                        
 Meet Qualifying:  5:09.29
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims        
  1 Lutterbein, Alex M        17 NOVA-VA              4:47.56    4:40.22@       
                  30.18     1:04.74 (34.56)     1:39.76 (35.02)     2:13.50 (33.74)
        2:53.87 (40.37)     3:35.24 (41.37)     4:08.09 (32.85)     4:40.22 (32.13)
  2 Finelli, Drew S           19 CUBU-PV              4:44.26    4:41.12@       
                  30.12     1:05.21 (35.09)     1:42.28 (37.07)     2:19.45 (37.17)
        2:58.52 (39.07)     3:38.99 (40.47)     4:10.58 (31.59)     4:41.12 (30.54)
  3 Mendes, Jesse N           17 NCAC-NC              4:42.41    4:41.81&       
                  29.86     1:03.52 (33.66)     1:40.99 (37.47)     2:17.33 (36.34)
        2:58.90 (41.57)     3:40.44 (41.54)     4:11.67 (31.23)     4:41.81 (30.14)
  4 Meyer, Mark P             17 RMSC-PV              4:44.03    4:42.01&       
                  29.23     1:02.10 (32.87)     1:39.36 (37.26)     2:16.09 (36.73)
        2:57.39 (41.30)     3:39.90 (42.51)     4:11.38 (31.48)     4:42.01 (30.63)
  5 Relihan, Andrew J         17 RMSC-PV              4:48.48    4:42.73&       
                  30.70     1:05.79 (35.09)     1:41.83 (36.04)     2:17.03 (35.20)
        2:57.00 (39.97)     3:37.56 (40.56)     4:10.56 (33.00)     4:42.73 (32.17)
  6 Litz, Justin T            16 NOVA-VA              4:43.38    4:43.12&       
                  30.10     1:04.14 (34.04)     1:39.70 (35.56)     2:15.85 (36.15)
        2:56.78 (40.93)     3:39.67 (42.89)     4:11.39 (31.72)     4:43.12 (31.73)
  7 Vogt, Ian C               17 NOVA-VA              4:32.87    4:44.05&       
                  29.18     1:02.23 (33.05)     1:39.20 (36.97)     2:15.72 (36.52)
        2:56.14 (40.42)     3:37.44 (41.30)     4:11.23 (33.79)     4:44.05 (32.82)
  8 Berger, Christoph S       17 NOVA-VA              4:51.53    4:47.25&       
                  28.98     1:02.77 (33.79)     1:40.08 (37.31)     2:16.25 (36.17)
        2:58.62 (42.37)     3:42.15 (43.53)     4:15.29 (33.14)     4:47.25 (31.96)
  9 Krebs, Matt E             16 CUBU-PV              4:52.64    4:48.48&       
                  30.88     1:06.12 (35.24)     1:43.48 (37.36)     2:20.14 (36.66)
        3:01.17 (41.03)     3:42.99 (41.82)     4:16.45 (33.46)     4:48.48 (32.03)
 10 Golaszewski, Kenneth P    21 UN-PV                4:13.83Y   4:50.44&       
                  30.29     1:05.56 (35.27)     1:43.69 (38.13)     2:21.00 (37.31)
        3:03.38 (42.38)     3:47.31 (43.93)     4:19.10 (31.79)     4:50.44 (31.34)
 11 Heinrich, Colin M         17 NOVA-VA              4:53.41    4:52.97&       
                  30.93     1:07.02 (36.09)     1:45.28 (38.26)     2:22.10 (36.82)
        3:05.83 (43.73)     3:49.99 (44.16)     4:22.51 (32.52)     4:52.97 (30.46)
 12 Friedland, Eric T         17 RMSC-PV              4:47.08    4:53.35&       
                                1:06.41 ( )     1:45.78 (39.37)     2:25.21 (39.43)
        3:06.07 (40.86)     3:46.68 (40.61)     4:20.99 (34.31)     4:53.35 (32.36)
 13 Morres, Alexander R       16 OCCS-PV              4:48.30    4:53.99&       
                  31.11     1:08.20 (37.09)     1:47.65 (39.45)     2:26.95 (39.30)
        3:06.10 (39.15)     3:46.67 (40.57)     4:20.84 (34.17)     4:53.99 (33.15)
 14 Wepasnick, Zack L         15 RMSC-PV              4:53.67    4:55.64        
                  30.63     1:08.27 (37.64)     1:44.97 (36.70)     2:22.56 (37.59)
        3:05.17 (42.61)     3:48.90 (43.73)     4:23.21 (34.31)     4:55.64 (32.43)
 15 Hill, Jack J              18 NCAC-NC              5:00.00    4:56.48        
                  32.12     1:08.29 (36.17)     1:45.76 (37.47)     2:23.00 (37.24)
        3:06.39 (43.39)     3:50.84 (44.45)     4:24.40 (33.56)     4:56.48 (32.08)
 16 Ross, Brooks R            16 NOVA-VA              5:00.92    4:56.50        
                  31.92     1:07.96 (36.04)     1:47.07 (39.11)     2:25.38 (38.31)
        3:10.68 (45.30)     3:55.25 (44.57)     4:26.28 (31.03)     4:56.50 (30.22)
 17 Conrad, Eric V            15 RMSC-PV              5:06.97    4:56.62        
                  30.62     1:07.29 (36.67)     1:44.70 (37.41)     2:22.06 (37.36)
        3:05.86 (43.80)     3:50.85 (44.99)     4:24.15 (33.30)     4:56.62 (32.47)
 18 Knight, Hunter S          15 NOVA-VA              4:59.94    4:56.81        
                  31.03     1:05.88 (34.85)     1:44.79 (38.91)     2:22.80 (38.01)
        3:05.03 (42.23)     3:47.60 (42.57)     4:23.14 (35.54)     4:56.81 (33.67)
 19 Carr, Brandon H           17 NOVA-VA              4:55.88    4:57.76        
                  29.49     1:03.70 (34.21)     1:41.65 (37.95)     2:19.47 (37.82)
        3:03.31 (43.84)     3:49.22 (45.91)     4:23.59 (34.37)     4:57.76 (34.17)
 20 Lichtenfels, Ryan R       17 CUBU-PV              4:59.88    4:57.97        
                  30.51     1:06.37 (35.86)     1:44.49 (38.12)     2:22.61 (38.12)
        3:06.81 (44.20)     3:52.23 (45.42)     4:25.28 (33.05)     4:57.97 (32.69)
 21 Phillips, Bradley D       15 CUBU-PV              4:58.11    4:58.55        
                  31.53     1:07.58 (36.05)     1:46.43 (38.85)     2:24.94 (38.51)
        3:06.97 (42.03)     3:50.92 (43.95)     4:25.32 (34.40)     4:58.55 (33.23)
 22 Knecht, Joe M             18 RMSC-PV              4:55.98    4:58.62        
                  31.11     1:06.75 (35.64)     1:44.69 (37.94)     2:23.66 (38.97)
        3:06.45 (42.79)     3:50.28 (43.83)     4:25.18 (34.90)     4:58.62 (33.44)
 23 Mendes, Bryce T           15 NCAC-NC              4:30.32Y   4:59.44        
                  32.53     1:10.25 (37.72)     1:48.47 (38.22)     2:26.85 (38.38)
        3:09.22 (42.37)     3:52.69 (43.47)     4:27.02 (34.33)     4:59.44 (32.42)
 24 Tyburski, Max R           17 CUBU-PV              5:04.56    4:59.58        
                  31.07     1:07.24 (36.17)     1:45.81 (38.57)     2:23.47 (37.66)
        3:07.82 (44.35)     3:52.96 (45.14)     4:26.99 (34.03)     4:59.58 (32.59)
 25 Spina, Alex M             16 CUBU-PV              4:24.39Y   4:59.98        
                  31.22     1:06.85 (35.63)     1:43.78 (36.93)     2:20.09 (36.31)
        3:06.59 (46.50)     3:54.77 (48.18)     4:27.96 (33.19)     4:59.98 (32.02)
 26 Tommerdahl, Jake P        17 NCAC-NC              4:29.17Y   5:00.05        
                  32.47     1:08.50 (36.03)     1:49.28 (40.78)     2:29.35 (40.07)
        3:11.82 (42.47)     3:55.33 (43.51)     4:28.46 (33.13)     5:00.05 (31.59)
 27 DeKlau, Tim E             17 PEAK-PV              5:08.36    5:00.24        
                  32.22     1:09.82 (37.60)     1:49.58 (39.76)     2:29.60 (40.02)
        3:11.91 (42.31)     3:54.87 (42.96)     4:28.04 (33.17)     5:00.24 (32.20)
 28 Baumgardner, Jacob D      15 CUBU-PV              5:03.31    5:00.53        
                  31.87     1:08.10 (36.23)     1:45.42 (37.32)     2:22.32 (36.90)
        3:07.46 (45.14)     3:53.51 (46.05)     4:27.81 (34.30)     5:00.53 (32.72)
 29 Lucas, Benjamin N         17 CUBU-PV              4:57.77    5:00.68        
                  30.93     1:07.95 (37.02)     1:47.07 (39.12)     2:26.65 (39.58)
        3:08.45 (41.80)     3:52.08 (43.63)     4:26.81 (34.73)     5:00.68 (33.87)
 30 Benecki, Matthew B        16 FISH-PV              5:01.99    5:01.27        
                  33.30     1:08.57 (35.27)     1:46.96 (38.39)     2:24.55 (37.59)
        3:12.31 (47.76)     3:59.26 (46.95)     4:30.02 (30.76)     5:01.27 (31.25)
 31 Sheranek, Tom I           16 NOVA-VA              4:48.51    5:01.46        
                  31.49     1:08.53 (37.04)     1:44.32 (35.79)     2:20.69 (36.37)
        3:06.53 (45.84)     3:52.59 (46.06)     4:26.47 (33.88)     5:01.46 (34.99)
 32 Flach, Michael F          16 FISH-PV              4:47.36    5:01.55        
                  29.39     1:05.48 (36.09)     1:45.14 (39.66)     2:23.81 (38.67)
        3:07.26 (43.45)     3:52.28 (45.02)     4:27.91 (35.63)     5:01.55 (33.64)
 33 Richards, Stephen M       15 SDS-PV               4:20.36Y   5:02.39        
                  31.82     1:09.36 (37.54)     1:48.60 (39.24)     2:27.70 (39.10)
        3:09.39 (41.69)     3:53.34 (43.95)     4:28.65 (35.31)     5:02.39 (33.74)
 34 Tollefson, Andrew H       15 RMSC-PV              5:01.93    5:03.11        
                  32.84     1:11.29 (38.45)     1:51.84 (40.55)     2:31.26 (39.42)
        3:11.53 (40.27)     3:54.31 (42.78)     4:29.18 (34.87)     5:03.11 (33.93)
 35 Lucas, Cameron R          15 CUBU-PV              5:04.20    5:03.24        
                  31.20     1:08.09 (36.89)     1:47.60 (39.51)     2:26.37 (38.77)
        3:11.31 (44.94)     3:57.10 (45.79)     4:31.12 (34.02)     5:03.24 (32.12)
 36 Grimmett-Norris, Michael  15 CUBU-PV              5:06.84    5:04.28        
                  31.20     1:07.33 (36.13)     1:45.65 (38.32)     2:23.44 (37.79)
        3:08.95 (45.51)     3:55.60 (46.65)     4:29.92 (34.32)     5:04.28 (34.36)
 37 Bailey, Jonathan D        17 NOVA-VA              4:50.55    5:04.35        
                                1:09.32 ( )     1:48.39 (39.07)     2:26.56 (38.17)
        3:11.59 (45.03)     3:57.09 (45.50)     4:30.41 (33.32)     5:04.35 (33.94)
 38 Anderson, Mike P          15 RMSC-PV              5:08.08    5:04.45        
                                1:09.52 ( )                             2:26.52 ( )
                                3:57.65 ( )   5:04.45 (1:06.80)                    
 39 Brewer, Jamison D         16 NCAC-NC              4:27.67Y   5:05.35        
                  32.35     1:10.14 (37.79)     1:50.71 (40.57)     2:31.38 (40.67)
        3:14.52 (43.14)     3:59.66 (45.14)     4:32.89 (33.23)     5:05.35 (32.46)
 40 Kotonias, Nicholas J      14 FAST-PV              4:32.32Y   5:09.51        
                  32.44     1:10.74 (38.30)     1:51.84 (41.10)     2:32.78 (40.94)
        3:15.76 (42.98)     4:00.38 (44.62)     4:35.31 (34.93)     5:09.51 (34.20)
 41 Dunn, AJ J                17 Machine-PV           4:21.03Y   5:10.40        
                  33.17     1:12.67 (39.50)     1:53.10 (40.43)     2:33.34 (40.24)
        3:16.42 (43.08)     4:00.95 (44.53)     4:35.37 (34.42)     5:10.40 (35.03)
 42 Mackenzie, Doug R         16 RMSC-PV              5:07.76    5:10.96        
                  32.54     1:09.82 (37.28)     1:48.41 (38.59)     2:26.57 (38.16)
        3:12.42 (45.85)     4:01.59 (49.17)     4:36.82 (35.23)     5:10.96 (34.14)
 43 Wong, Brian W             18 PM-PV                4:20.30Y   5:11.36        
                  32.80     1:10.46 (37.66)     1:51.03 (40.57)     2:32.81 (41.78)
        3:15.72 (42.91)     4:00.55 (44.83)     4:36.13 (35.58)     5:11.36 (35.23)
 44 Hedquist, Cameron M       16 RMSC-PV              4:26.09Y   5:12.02        
                  32.02     1:09.90 (37.88)     1:50.31 (40.41)     2:29.24 (38.93)
        3:14.91 (45.67)     4:01.19 (46.28)     4:37.37 (36.18)     5:12.02 (34.65)
 45 Wash, Mason E             17 NOVA-VA              4:32.89Y   5:12.69        
                  31.68     1:07.96 (36.28)     1:46.62 (38.66)     2:26.40 (39.78)
        3:13.07 (46.67)     4:04.22 (51.15)     4:37.53 (33.31)     5:12.69 (35.16)
 46 Foley, Con S              17 Aqua Hoya-PV         4:29.48Y   5:13.53        
                  32.51     1:09.32 (36.81)     1:50.54 (41.22)     2:31.19 (40.65)
        3:16.09 (44.90)     4:03.11 (47.02)     4:38.73 (35.62)     5:13.53 (34.80)
 47 Ratcliff, Kurtis M        14 UN-CU-PV             4:32.24Y   5:13.79        
                  32.57     1:10.37 (37.80)     1:53.01 (42.64)     2:33.72 (40.71)
        3:19.67 (45.95)     4:06.05 (46.38)     4:41.39 (35.34)     5:13.79 (32.40)
 48 Mindes, Ben S             17 RMSC-PV              4:24.52Y   5:14.51        
                  32.07     1:10.32 (38.25)     1:51.37 (41.05)     2:32.56 (41.19)
        3:17.94 (45.38)     4:06.10 (48.16)     4:41.34 (35.24)     5:14.51 (33.17)
 49 Gerlach, Ethan E          17 MSSC-PV              5:06.39    5:14.77        
                  31.90     1:09.59 (37.69)     1:49.96 (40.37)     2:30.15 (40.19)
        3:15.97 (45.82)     4:03.77 (47.80)     4:39.15 (35.38)     5:14.77 (35.62)
 50 Tremols, Nicholas C       15 UNATT-PV             4:26.43Y   5:15.86        
                  32.28     1:10.41 (38.13)     1:54.13 (43.72)     2:37.67 (43.54)
        3:20.94 (43.27)     4:06.18 (45.24)     4:41.73 (35.55)     5:15.86 (34.13)
 51 Hoffer, Luke M            15 NCAC-NC              5:39.53    5:16.24        
                  36.69     1:19.17 (42.48)     2:01.00 (41.83)     2:43.29 (42.29)
        3:24.09 (40.80)     4:05.57 (41.48)     4:41.49 (35.92)     5:16.24 (34.75)
 52 Sarman, Mark C            14 CUBU-PV              4:30.83Y   5:17.52        
                  31.79     1:09.97 (38.18)     1:52.46 (42.49)     2:33.87 (41.41)
        3:19.63 (45.76)     4:07.15 (47.52)     4:42.89 (35.74)     5:17.52 (34.63)
 53 Mills, Joseph R           16 MSSC-PV              4:30.74Y   5:17.56        
                  36.85     1:19.08 (42.23)     1:58.70 (39.62)     2:38.08 (39.38)
        3:20.69 (42.61)     4:05.58 (44.89)     4:41.66 (36.08)     5:17.56 (35.90)
 54 Crabb, James T            14 UNATT-PV             5:12.65    5:18.26        
                  31.15     1:09.16 (38.01)     1:50.06 (40.90)     2:31.76 (41.70)
        3:20.42 (48.66)     4:09.69 (49.27)     4:46.07 (36.38)     5:18.26 (32.19)
 55 Collins, Jack F           17 AAC-PV               5:08.79    5:19.57        
                  32.93     1:11.38 (38.45)     1:53.13 (41.75)     2:33.91 (40.78)
        3:18.43 (44.52)     4:03.68 (45.25)     4:41.78 (38.10)     5:19.57 (37.79)
 56 Clinton, Marc F           18 NCAC-NC              4:30.63Y   5:21.57        
                  34.89     1:16.13 (41.24)     1:56.62 (40.49)     2:36.38 (39.76)
                                4:16.40 ( )   5:21.57 (1:05.17)                    
 57 DeGEORGES, Trey L         16 AAC-PV               4:25.73Y   5:21.94        
                                1:13.24 ( )                             2:40.85 ( )
                                4:10.05 ( )     4:45.66 (35.61)     5:21.94 (36.28)
 58 Husson, Patrick A         15 PEAK-PV              5:22.25    5:22.22        
                  34.75     1:14.98 (40.23)     1:59.20 (44.22)     2:42.88 (43.68)
        3:26.14 (43.26)     4:10.04 (43.90)     4:45.87 (35.83)     5:22.22 (36.35)
 59 Ornstein, Cory L          17 RMSC-PV              5:29.57    5:24.63        
                  36.03     1:16.63 (40.60)     1:59.08 (42.45)     2:41.11 (42.03)
        3:28.07 (46.96)     4:15.50 (47.43)     4:50.49 (34.99)     5:24.63 (34.14)
 60 Cooke, Michael J          15 PEAK-PV              4:25.85Y   5:45.09        
                  35.38     1:17.37 (41.99)     2:01.27 (43.90)     2:45.03 (43.76)
        3:34.51 (49.48)     4:25.88 (51.37)     5:06.54 (40.66)     5:45.09 (38.55)
 -- Wren, David H             18 NOVA-VA              4:43.78         DQ        
                  30.57     1:07.23 (36.66)     1:43.16 (35.93)     2:18.74 (35.58)
        3:05.25 (46.51)     3:52.33 (47.08)     4:26.83 (34.50)          DQ (33.30)
 -- Meyer, Adam M             19 RMSC-PV              4:36.09         DQ        
                  29.13     1:02.96 (33.83)     1:40.75 (37.79)     2:17.31 (36.56)
        2:57.83 (40.52)     3:39.69 (41.86)     4:11.95 (32.26)          DQ (31.13)
 -- Sminkey, John A           18 UN-FG-PV             5:33.25         DQ        
                  33.34     1:14.12 (40.78)     1:53.56 (39.44)     2:33.36 (39.80)
        3:16.36 (43.00)     4:00.12 (43.76)     4:37.70 (37.58)          DQ (36.44)
Boys 200 LC Meter Freestyle Relay
PVS Open Rec: # 1:37.90        1989 SOLO                                       
                         Morgan, Cooke, Juhl, Cline                        
 Meet Qualifying:  1:53.19
    Team                                           Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Nova of VA Aquatics-VA  'A'                 1:39.68    1:38.51        
     1) Brown, Gaites P 17              2) Anthony, Mac M 15              
     3) Wren, Garrett M 20              4) Robertson, Lee J 19            
                  24.52       49.60 (25.08)     1:14.22 (24.62)     1:38.51 (24.29)
  2 Nova of VA Aquatics-VA  'B'                 1:44.40    1:43.23        
     1) Harris, Kenton M 21             2) Berger, Christoph S 17         
     3) Sheranek, Tom I 16              4) Wren, David H 18               
                  36.36       50.85 (14.49)     1:16.49 (25.64)     1:43.23 (26.74)
  3 Occoquan Swimming-PV  'A'                   1:47.74    1:46.36        
     1) Maxwell, Tom J 17               2) Morres, Alexander R 16         
     3) Bruno, Joseph M 18              4) MacDonald, Angus J 15          
                  27.79       53.95 (26.16)     1:33.86 (39.91)     1:46.36 (12.50)
Boys 400 LC Meter Freestyle Relay
World Record: ! 3:12.46        2006 USA                                        
  USA Record: $ 3:12.46        2006                                            
                         Phelps, Walker, Jones, Lezak                      
PVS Open Rec: # 3:37.97        1982 STAR                                       
                         Ammon, Clinton, Wren, Keating                     
   Nationals: * 3:33.59                                                        
SpeedoChamps: & 3:52.99                                                        
Junior Nat 0: @ 3:40.19                                                        
    SCYNAT07: ^ 3:37.69                                                        
 Meet Qualifying:  4:04.59
    Team                                           Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Curl-Burke Swim Club-PV  'A'                3:35.30    3:33.06*        40  
     1) Hayden, Zach S 19               2) Park, Brock B 17               
     3) Tyburski, Max R 17              4) McLEAN, Matt B 19              
                  25.78       52.76 (52.76)                         1:46.29 (53.53)
        2:12.56 (26.27)     2:41.21 (54.92)     3:06.29 (25.08)     3:33.06 (51.85)
  2 Nova of VA Aquatics-VA  'A'                 3:36.41    3:34.80^        34  
     1) Brown, Gaites P 17              2) Wren, Garrett M 20             
     3) Harris, Kenton M 21             4) Robertson, Lee J 19            
                  26.09       54.32 (54.32)                         1:48.06 (53.74)
        2:13.37 (25.31)     2:41.70 (53.64)     3:06.95 (25.25)     3:34.80 (53.10)
  3 Curl-Burke Swim Club-PV  'B'                3:41.26    3:42.85&        32  
     1) Mears, Andy S 18                2) Pinto, John David 19           
     3) Gibson, Chris R 23              4) Gledhill, Cameron W 18         
                  26.81       55.78 (55.78)     1:21.95 (26.17)     1:51.73 (55.95)
        2:18.25 (26.52)     2:46.66 (54.93)     3:13.83 (27.17)     3:42.85 (56.19)
  4 Nova of VA Aquatics-VA  'B'                 3:45.30    3:48.15&        30  
     1) Litz, Justin T 16               2) Berger, Christoph S 17         
     3) Heinrich, Colin M 17            4) Ross, Brooks R 16              
                  26.89       55.87 (55.87)     1:22.59 (26.72)     1:52.05 (56.18)
                            2:49.39 (57.34)     3:17.34 (27.95)     3:48.15 (58.76)
  5 N. C. Aquatic Club-NC  'A'                  3:53.12    3:50.58&        28  
     1) Foltz, Wesley A 17              2) Thaden, Michael T 17           
     3) Mendes, Bryce T 15              4) Hill, Jack J 18                
                  27.31       56.97 (56.97)                         1:53.61 (56.64)
        2:21.54 (27.93)     2:52.59 (58.98)     3:20.06 (27.47)     3:50.58 (57.99)
  6 Occoquan Swimming-PV  'A'                   3:54.13    3:56.32         26  
     1) Hughes, Michael M 15            2) Bruno, Joseph M 18             
     3) Maxwell, Tom J 17               4) Morres, Alexander R 16         
                  28.27   1:00.02 (1:00.02)     1:27.39 (27.37)     1:57.65 (57.63)
        2:25.59 (27.94)   2:58.87 (1:01.22)     3:26.68 (27.81)     3:56.32 (57.45)
 -- Curl-Burke Swim Club-PV  'C'                3:44.15         DQ        
     1) Grimmett-Norris, Robert W 18    2) Evans, Connor P 17             
     3) Nichols, Robert E 15            4) Kiss, David 17                 
                  26.38       55.55 (55.55)     1:22.25 (26.70)     1:52.97 (57.42)
        2:19.63 (26.66)     2:49.56 (56.59)     3:16.62 (27.06)          DQ (56.64)
Boys 800 LC Meter Freestyle Relay
World Record: ! 7:04.66        2001 Australia                                  
  USA Record: $ 7:05.28        2006                                            
                         Phelps, Lochte, Vanderkaay, Keller                
PVS Open Rec: # 7:52.56        1991 PAA                                        
                         Ross, Kyritsis, Dzavik, Root                      
   Nationals: * 7:53.79                                                        
SpeedoChamps: & 8:26.19                                                        
Junior Nat 0: @ 8:01.29                                                        
    SCYNAT07: ^ 7:59.89                                                        
 Meet Qualifying:  8:51.49
    Team                                           Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Nova of VA Aquatics-VA  'A'                 7:48.48    7:51.39#        40  
     1) Wren, Garrett M 20              2) Brown, Gaites P 17             
     3) Harris, Kenton M 21             4) Robertson, Lee J 19            
                  27.13       56.68 (56.68)   1:27.78 (1:27.78)   1:58.09 (1:58.09)
                            2:54.81 (56.72)   3:25.71 (1:27.62)   3:56.69 (1:58.60)
                            4:54.24 (57.55)   5:24.99 (1:28.30)   5:55.46 (1:58.77)
                            6:51.25 (55.79)   7:21.60 (1:26.14)   7:51.39 (1:55.93)
  2 Curl-Burke Swim Club-PV  'A'                8:12.99    8:06.77&        34  
     1) McLEAN, Matt B 19               2) Mears, Andy S 18               
     3) Grimmett-Norris, Robert W 18    4) Finelli, Drew S 19             
                  27.61       57.60 (57.60)   1:26.68 (1:26.68)   1:56.50 (1:56.50)
        2:23.68 (27.18)     2:56.01 (59.51)   3:28.80 (1:32.30)   4:02.17 (2:05.67)
        4:29.32 (27.15)     5:00.89 (58.72)   5:34.12 (1:31.95)   6:06.21 (2:04.04)
        6:33.87 (27.66)     7:04.42 (58.21)   7:36.03 (1:29.82)   8:06.77 (2:00.56)
  3 Curl-Burke Swim Club-PV  'B'                8:19.03    8:07.61&        32  
     1) Gledhill, Cameron W 18          2) Evans, Connor P 17             
     3) Tyburski, Max R 17              4) Pinto, John David 19           
                  27.90       58.74 (58.74)   1:29.81 (1:29.81)   2:00.79 (2:00.79)
                            3:00.60 (59.81)   3:32.96 (1:32.17)   4:04.43 (2:03.64)
        4:33.66 (29.23)   5:05.69 (1:01.26)   5:37.15 (1:32.72)   6:06.84 (2:02.41)
        6:34.24 (27.40)     7:05.92 (59.08)   7:37.68 (1:30.84)   8:07.61 (2:00.77)
  4 Nova of VA Aquatics-VA  'B'                 8:00.15    8:08.55&        30  
     1) Wren, David H 18                2) Anthony, Mac M 15              
     3) Bailey, Jonathan D 17           4) Sheranek, Tom I 16             
                  27.77       58.54 (58.54)   1:30.40 (1:30.40)   2:01.09 (2:01.09)
        2:29.55 (28.46)   3:01.21 (1:00.12)   3:33.22 (1:32.13)   4:05.72 (2:04.63)
        4:33.12 (27.40)     5:05.09 (59.37)   5:36.54 (1:30.82)   6:07.75 (2:02.03)
        6:35.54 (27.79)     7:07.04 (59.29)   7:38.31 (1:30.56)   8:08.55 (2:00.80)
  5 Curl-Burke Swim Club-PV  'C'                8:32.89   x8:12.96&       
     1) Park, Brock B 17                2) Brake, Andy J 18               
     3) Bollea, Drew L 18               4) Nichols, Robert E 15           
                  27.70       58.81 (58.81)   1:30.45 (1:30.45)   2:00.81 (2:00.81)
        2:29.85 (29.04)   3:01.10 (1:00.29)   3:32.70 (1:31.89)   4:04.12 (2:03.31)
        4:32.95 (28.83)   5:05.58 (1:01.46)   5:38.12 (1:34.00)   6:10.13 (2:06.01)
                            6:28.88 (18.75)   7:40.83 (1:30.70)   8:12.96 (2:02.83)
  6 N. C. Aquatic Club-NC  'A'                  8:22.99    8:21.57&        28  
     1) Mendes, Bryce T 15              2) Thaden, Michael T 17           
     3) Hill, Jack J 18                 4) Mendes, Jesse N 17             
                  28.89   1:00.72 (1:00.72)   1:33.31 (1:33.31)   2:05.54 (2:05.54)
        2:33.83 (28.29)   3:05.84 (1:00.30)   3:38.91 (1:33.37)   4:12.05 (2:06.51)
                            4:35.04 (22.99)   5:46.35 (1:34.30)   6:19.34 (2:07.29)
        6:47.48 (28.14)     7:18.66 (59.32)   7:50.58 (1:31.24)   8:21.57 (2:02.23)
  7 Occoquan Swimming-PV  'A'                   8:29.47    8:27.89         26  
     1) Morres, Alexander R 16          2) Bruno, Joseph M 18             
     3) Maxwell, Tom J 17               4) MacDonald, Angus J 15          
                  28.69       59.93 (59.93)   1:32.00 (1:32.00)   2:03.73 (2:03.73)
        2:31.07 (27.34)     3:02.19 (58.46)   3:34.45 (1:30.72)   4:07.39 (2:03.66)
                            4:25.69 (18.30)     4:36.05 (28.66)   6:22.01 (2:14.62)
        6:49.83 (27.82)     7:21.26 (59.25)   7:54.36 (1:32.35)   8:27.89 (2:05.88)
  8 Potomac Marlins-PV  'A'                     8:30.03    8:30.84         24  
     1) Shen, David Z 16                2) Wong, Brian W 18               
     3) Tuben, Benjamin P 17            4) Nichols, Quyen A 17            
                  27.92       59.32 (59.32)   1:32.52 (1:32.52)   2:05.72 (2:05.72)
        2:34.60 (28.88)   3:06.67 (1:00.95)   3:40.47 (1:34.75)   4:14.56 (2:08.84)
                            5:13.94 (59.38)   5:47.61 (1:33.05)   6:21.64 (2:07.08)
                          7:23.09 (1:01.45)   7:56.75 (1:35.11)   8:30.84 (2:09.20)
Boys 200 LC Meter Medley Relay
PVS Open Rec: # 1:50.06        1990 AYFF                                       
                         Wolf, Heath, Jarrett, Vantassell                  
 Meet Qualifying:  2:13.99
    Team                                           Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Machine Aquatics-PV  'A'                    1:54.71    1:54.40         40  
     1) Schnittker, John I 17           2) Dunn, AJ J 17                  
     3) Frantz, Scott S 19              4) Holmes, Zach D 18              
                  29.56     1:02.96 (33.40)     1:41.20 (38.24)     1:54.40 (13.20)
  2 Nova of VA Aquatics-VA  'A'                 1:52.00    1:56.93         34  
     1) Harris, Kenton M 21             2) Knight, Hunter S 15            
     3) Carr, Brandon H 17              4) Anthony, Mac M 15              
                  41.25     1:03.62 (22.37)     1:42.83 (39.21)     1:56.93 (14.10)
 -- Nova of VA Aquatics-VA  'B'                 1:54.00         DQ        
     1) Wren, David H 18                2) Vogt, Ian C 17                 
     3) Robertson, Lee J 19             4) Brown, Gaites P 17             
                  38.93     1:01.34 (22.41)     1:38.69 (37.35)          DQ (12.47)
Boys 400 LC Meter Medley Relay
World Record: ! 3:30.68        2004 USA                                        
  USA Record: $ 3:30.68        2004                                            
                         Peirsol, Hansen, Crocker, Lezak                   
PVS Open Rec: # 3:53.52        1991 PAA                                        
                         Sharp, Diebel, Miranda, Wells                     
   Nationals: * 3:55.69                                                        
SpeedoChamps: & 4:23.59                                                        
Junior Nat 0: @ 4:06.09                                                        
    SCYNAT07: ^ 4:01.19                                                        
 Meet Qualifying:  4:36.79
    Team                                           Seed     Finals       Points 
  1 Nova of VA Aquatics-VA  'A'                 3:59.02    3:59.68^        40  
     1) Wren, David H 18                2) Vogt, Ian C 17                 
     3) Robertson, Lee J 19             4) Brown, Gaites P 17             
                  29.41   1:00.55 (1:00.55)     1:33.69 (33.14)   2:10.30 (1:09.75)
        2:35.81 (25.51)     3:06.51 (56.21)     3:31.31 (24.80)     3:59.68 (53.17)
  2 Curl-Burke Swim Club-PV  'B'                4:00.91    4:01.10^        34  
     1) Nichols, Robert E 15            2) Hayden, Zach S 19              
     3) Pinto, John David 19            4) Park, Brock B 17               
                  30.25   1:02.45 (1:02.45)     1:31.55 (29.10)   2:07.68 (1:05.23)
                            3:07.56 (59.88)     4:01.10 (53.54)                    
  3 Nova of VA Aquatics-VA  'B'                 4:03.38    4:06.96&        32  
     1) Harris, Kenton M 21             2) Knight, Hunter S 15            
     3) McMahon, Daniel M 19            4) Wren, Garrett M 20             
                  29.65   1:00.28 (1:00.28)     1:33.63 (33.35)   2:12.24 (1:11.96)
        2:40.10 (27.86)   3:12.61 (1:00.37)     3:38.54 (25.93)     4:06.96 (54.35)
  4 Potomac Marlins-PV  'A'                     4:09.50    4:08.20&        30  
     1) VanGelder, Sebastien Z 18       2) Bui, Derek H 17                
     3) Tuben, Benjamin P 17            4) Shen, David Z 16               
                  30.73   1:04.14 (1:04.14)     1:35.88 (31.74)   2:12.08 (1:07.94)
        2:39.55 (27.47)     3:11.33 (59.25)     3:37.99 (26.66)     4:08.20 (56.87)
  5 Curl-Burke Swim Club-PV  'C'                4:06.17    4:09.26&        28  
     1) Spina, Alex M 16                2) Gledhill, Cameron W 18         
     3) Brake, Andy J 18                4) Mears, Andy S 18               
                  31.28   1:03.67 (1:03.67)     1:34.86 (31.19)   2:14.05 (1:10.38)
        2:42.75 (28.70)   3:14.71 (1:00.66)     3:40.05 (25.34)     4:09.26 (54.55)
  6 Occoquan Swimming-PV  'A'                   4:16.40    4:19.50&        26  
     1) MacDonald, Angus J 15           2) Morres, Alexander R 16         
     3) Bruno, Joseph M 18              4) Maxwell, Tom J 17              
                  31.72   1:05.63 (1:05.63)     1:37.26 (31.63)   2:13.56 (1:07.93)
        2:42.91 (29.35)   3:18.57 (1:05.01)     3:46.63 (28.06)   4:19.50 (1:00.93)
  7 N. C. Aquatic Club-NC  'A'                  4:20.80    4:25.22         24  
     1) Clinton, Marc F 18              2) Hoffer, Luke M 15              
     3) Thaden, Michael T 17            4) Foltz, Wesley A 17             
                  32.76   1:07.66 (1:07.66)     1:43.79 (36.13)   2:24.18 (1:16.52)
        2:52.31 (28.13)   3:26.24 (1:02.06)     3:54.16 (27.92)     4:25.22 (58.98)
 -- Curl-Burke Swim Club-PV  'A'                3:55.59         DQ        
     1) Gibson, Chris R 23              2) Hurley, Ryan P 21              
     3) Grimmett-Norris, Robert W 18    4) McLEAN, Matt B 19              
                  29.14       59.74 (59.74)     1:29.80 (30.06)   2:04.92 (1:05.18)
        2:31.11 (26.19)     3:02.82 (57.90)     3:27.37 (24.55)          DQ (51.76)