Claude Moore Recreation Center
October 12-14, 2012
Sanction # PVI-13-06
Boys 8 & Under 25 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Van Tassell, Connor 8 SNOW-PV 16.06 15.81 2 Ennaciri, Sami 8 BWST-PV 18.16 17.57 3 ChoJung, Edward D 8 SNOW-PV 18.42 17.65 4 Carlson, Sam M 7 SNOW-PV 18.53 18.31 5 Thompson, Andrew 7 WST-VA NT 18.69 6 Nguyen, Tinn H 8 LMAC-PV NT 18.91 7 McCluskey, Jake B 8 BWST-PV NT 18.95 8 Park, Joshua J 8 SNOW-PV 19.42 19.00 9 Markey, Colin D 8 SNOW-PV NT 19.13 10 St. Onge, Mason H 7 SNOW-PV NT 19.80 11 Gerving, Cody R 8 SNOW-PV NT 20.00 12 Bell, Cade H 6 SNOW-PV 21.26 20.02 13 Bokkisam, Ronith C 7 SNOW-PV 29.96 20.78 14 Hunt, Austin J 7 BWST-PV 28.46 21.08 15 Pollock, Colin D 6 BWST-PV 23.49 21.22 16 Barry, Alpha B 8 SNOW-PV 22.81 21.63 17 Missing, Harry M 8 SNOW-PV 20.97 21.75 18 Desousa, Martin A 8 SNOW-PV 22.69 21.83 19 Tran, Brandon 8 BWST-PV 23.38 22.75 20 Jordan, Vincent A 8 SNOW-PV NT 22.97 21 Schlemmer, Kyle W 8 SNOW-PV 26.37 23.02 22 Suh, Zach J 7 UN-PV 27.75 23.13 23 Iglesias, Matthew L 7 LMAC-PV NT 23.40 24 Agayan, Alec V 7 HACC-PV 27.82 24.27 25 Monck, Jake A 6 SNOW-PV NT 24.73 26 Ly, Jonathan V 6 SNOW-PV NT 25.19 27 Marcheschi, Joey R 6 SNOW-PV NT 25.45 28 Elbash, Adam * 7 SNOW-PV NT 25.57 29 Vannell, Morgan 7 BWST-PV NT 25.62 30 Gorukanti, Abhinav * 6 SNOW-PV NT 26.05 31 Adams, Ethan H 6 SNOW-PV NT 28.95 32 Goureddy, Raushan R 6 SNOW-PV NT 29.37 33 Hahn, Jordan C 8 SNOW-PV NT 29.66 34 Do, Peter N 8 LMAC-PV NT 30.87 35 Calvert, Adrian J 7 SNOW-PV NT 32.14 36 Kuruba, Pannu M 7 SNOW-PV NT 35.70 37 St. Onge, Brady P 5 SNOW-PV NT 36.76 Boys 8 & Under 50 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Van Tassell, Connor 8 SNOW-PV 37.03 33.87 2 Katragadda, Saideep * 8 SNOW-PV NT 41.88 3 Rieling, John B 8 HACC-PV 49.94 42.36 4 Thompson, Andrew 7 WST-VA NT 43.66 5 Bokkisam, Ronith C 7 SNOW-PV NT 44.63 6 Lee, Aaron 7 BWST-PV 46.95 44.86 7 Pollock, Colin D 6 BWST-PV NT 45.00 8 Gerving, Cody R 8 SNOW-PV NT 47.28 9 Missing, Harry M 8 SNOW-PV 45.78 47.54 10 St. Onge, Mason H 7 SNOW-PV NT 48.50 11 Caron, Charley M 8 SNOW-PV 47.93 50.27 12 Warnagiris, Paul D 7 WST-VA NT 51.45 13 Desousa, Martin A 8 SNOW-PV NT 52.90 14 Jeong, Adam G 8 LMAC-PV NT 54.08 15 Teames, Ethan N 8 SNOW-PV NT 54.85 16 Hart, Torben R 7 SNOW-PV NT 1:05.96 Boys 8 & Under 100 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Van Tassell, Connor 8 SNOW-PV 1:23.82 1:16.90 35.94 1:16.90 (40.96) 2 Moore, Paul V 8 SNOW-PV 1:28.76 1:23.99 38.97 1:23.99 (45.02) 3 Gerving, Cody R 8 SNOW-PV NT 1:42.66 4 Park, Joshua J 8 SNOW-PV NT 1:43.62 47.35 1:43.62 (56.27) 5 Rieling, John B 8 HACC-PV 1:43.80 1:43.83 47.32 1:43.83 (56.51) Boys 8 & Under 25 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Van Tassell, Connor 8 SNOW-PV 22.64 19.22 2 Moore, Paul V 8 SNOW-PV 19.73 19.57 3 Ennaciri, Sami 8 BWST-PV 23.88 19.97 4 ChoJung, Edward D 8 SNOW-PV 23.22 21.37 5 Gerving, Cody R 8 SNOW-PV NT 21.94 6 Carlson, Sam M 7 SNOW-PV 25.26 22.04 7 Pollock, Colin D 6 BWST-PV 27.00 22.10 8 Hunt, Austin J 7 BWST-PV 27.98 22.21 9 Bokkisam, Ronith C 7 SNOW-PV 28.34 22.34 10 Missing, Harry M 8 SNOW-PV 22.32 22.36 10 Bell, Cade H 6 SNOW-PV 24.40 22.36 12 St. Onge, Mason H 7 SNOW-PV NT 22.42 13 Rieling, John B 8 HACC-PV 24.40 22.75 14 Thompson, Andrew 7 WST-VA NT 22.97 15 Nguyen, Tinn H 8 LMAC-PV NT 23.01 16 Park, Joshua J 8 SNOW-PV 24.76 23.25 17 Desousa, Martin A 8 SNOW-PV 25.55 23.47 18 Tran, Brandon 8 BWST-PV 25.04 23.56 19 Markey, Colin D 8 SNOW-PV NT 23.87 20 McCluskey, Jake B 8 BWST-PV NT 24.25 21 Ly, Jonathan V 6 SNOW-PV NT 25.43 22 Barry, Alpha B 8 SNOW-PV 34.14 25.74 23 Iglesias, Matthew L 7 LMAC-PV NT 26.16 24 Do, Peter N 8 LMAC-PV NT 26.37 25 Suh, Zach J 7 UN-PV 32.89 27.09 26 Schlemmer, Kyle W 8 SNOW-PV 31.49 27.16 27 Elbash, Adam * 7 SNOW-PV NT 27.56 28 Monck, Jake A 6 SNOW-PV NT 27.90 29 Jordan, Vincent A 8 SNOW-PV NT 29.67 30 Yalamanchilli, Aadithya 7 SNOW-PV NT 30.57 31 Marcheschi, Joey R 6 SNOW-PV NT 30.83 32 Adams, Ethan H 6 SNOW-PV NT 31.85 33 Vannell, Morgan 7 BWST-PV NT 36.75 34 Kuruba, Pannu M 7 SNOW-PV NT 37.35 35 Goureddy, Raushan R 6 SNOW-PV NT 41.33 36 St. Onge, Brady P 5 SNOW-PV NT 41.53 -- Calvert, Adrian J 7 SNOW-PV NT DQ Shoulders past vertical toward breast -- Hahn, Jordan C 8 SNOW-PV NT DQ Shoulders past vertical toward breast Boys 8 & Under 50 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Van Tassell, Connor 8 SNOW-PV 47.48 42.01 2 Katragadda, Saideep * 8 SNOW-PV NT 47.93 3 Bokkisam, Ronith C 7 SNOW-PV NT 52.64 4 Jeong, Adam G 8 LMAC-PV NT 54.05 5 Teames, Ethan N 8 SNOW-PV NT 59.08 6 Hart, Torben R 7 SNOW-PV NT 1:01.65 -- Warnagiris, Paul D 7 WST-VA NT DQ Not on back off wall Boys 8 & Under 25 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Moore, Paul V 8 SNOW-PV 21.68 19.83 2 ChoJung, Edward D 8 SNOW-PV 24.06 21.69 3 Lee, Aaron 7 BWST-PV 27.12 24.35 4 Thompson, Andrew 7 WST-VA NT 25.53 5 Schlemmer, Kyle W 8 SNOW-PV NT 25.91 6 Missing, Harry M 8 SNOW-PV 26.14 26.71 7 Tran, Brandon 8 BWST-PV 30.13 26.74 8 Pollock, Colin D 6 BWST-PV 34.13 29.49 9 Markey, Colin D 8 SNOW-PV NT 30.50 10 Bokkisam, Ronith C 7 SNOW-PV NT 30.66 -- Goureddy, Raushan R 6 SNOW-PV NT DQ Hands brought beyond the hipline during stroke -- Yalamanchilli, Aadithya 7 SNOW-PV NT DQ Scissors kick -- Warnagiris, Paul D 7 WST-VA NT DQ Hands brought beyond the hipline during stroke -- Ly, Jonathan V 6 SNOW-PV NT DQ Alternating Kick Boys 8 & Under 50 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Moore, Paul V 8 SNOW-PV 48.44 45.36 2 ChoJung, Edward D 8 SNOW-PV 54.44 47.13 3 Schlemmer, Kyle W 8 SNOW-PV NT 55.46 4 Missing, Harry M 8 SNOW-PV NT 55.84 5 Ennaciri, Sami 8 BWST-PV 1:07.52 55.97 6 Carlson, Sam M 7 SNOW-PV NT 56.90 7 Park, Joshua J 8 SNOW-PV 1:03.05 56.94 8 Thompson, Andrew 7 WST-VA NT 58.93 9 Nguyen, Tinn H 8 LMAC-PV NT 1:02.92 10 Barry, Alpha B 8 SNOW-PV NT 1:05.97 -- Do, Peter N 8 LMAC-PV NT DQ One hand touch -- Rieling, John B 8 HACC-PV 58.18 DQ Arms two strokes underwater -- Agayan, Alec V 7 HACC-PV 1:29.53 DQ Arms not in same horizontal plane Boys 8 & Under 25 Yard Butterfly =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Moore, Paul V 8 SNOW-PV 21.09 18.65 2 Van Tassell, Connor 8 SNOW-PV 19.74 18.84 3 Caron, Charley M 8 SNOW-PV 19.97 19.73 4 Markey, Colin D 8 SNOW-PV NT 21.52 5 Rieling, John B 8 HACC-PV 27.47 23.53 6 Gerving, Cody R 8 SNOW-PV NT 26.07 7 Lee, Aaron 7 BWST-PV 31.52 26.18 8 Tran, Brandon 8 BWST-PV 35.79 27.06 9 Schlemmer, Kyle W 8 SNOW-PV NT 27.14 10 Thompson, Andrew 7 WST-VA NT 27.18 11 St. Onge, Mason H 7 SNOW-PV NT 27.27 12 Missing, Harry M 8 SNOW-PV 28.72 29.88 13 Hart, Torben R 7 SNOW-PV NT 36.60 -- Pollock, Colin D 6 BWST-PV NT DQ Arms underwater recovery -- Goureddy, Raushan R 6 SNOW-PV NT DQ Arms underwater recovery -- Ly, Jonathan V 6 SNOW-PV NT DQ Alternating Kick Boys 8 & Under 50 Yard Butterfly =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== -- Katragadda, Saideep * 8 SNOW-PV NT DQ False start -- Agayan, Alec V 7 HACC-PV 1:23.28 DQ Non-simultaneous arms Boys 8 & Under 100 Yard IM =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Moore, Paul V 8 SNOW-PV 1:35.62 1:30.48 42.70 1:30.48 (47.78) 2 ChoJung, Edward D 8 SNOW-PV NT 1:38.98 48.05 1:38.98 (50.93) 3 Markey, Colin D 8 SNOW-PV NT 1:48.38 49.17 1:48.38 (59.21) 4 Gerving, Cody R 8 SNOW-PV NT 1:54.80 54.30 1:54.80 (1:00.50) 5 Rieling, John B 8 HACC-PV 1:55.83 1:59.13 53.74 1:59.13 (1:05.39) 6 Schlemmer, Kyle W 8 SNOW-PV NT 2:02.86 58.83 2:02.86 (1:04.03) 7 Caron, Charley M 8 SNOW-PV NT 2:02.89 52.08 2:02.89 (1:10.81) Boys 9-10 50 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 32.59 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Oliver, Sam E 10 SNOW-PV 31.46 30.15 PVJO 2 Smolsky, Jordan A 10 SNOW-PV 32.53 30.28 PVJO 3 Hunter, Shane M 10 SNOW-PV 36.96 32.24 PVJO 4 Rivinius, Daniel O 10 SNOW-PV 31.35 32.46 PVJO 5 Crichton, Billy J 10 LMAC-PV NT 33.05 6 Atkins, Will 10 SNOW-PV 35.67 33.44 7 Suh, Jeremy J 10 SNOW-PV NT 33.64 8 Brown, Nate W 10 SNOW-PV 33.55 33.79 9 Behrens, Jared M 10 BWST-PV 44.90 34.53 10 Sitton, Jackson R 10 WST-VA 38.98 34.60 11 Wenner, Teddy D 10 BWST-PV 38.78 34.91 12 Blusiewicz, Andrew 9 SNOW-PV 37.43 35.38 13 Tran, Johnathan Q 10 BWST-PV 38.00 35.53 14 Sibley, Nick C 9 SNOW-PV 37.45 35.85 15 Gonzalez, Joaquin J 10 LMAC-PV NT 35.94 16 Titov, Maxim * 9 SNOW-PV 42.21 36.71 17 LaBarbera, Antonio * 9 SNOW-PV 46.02 37.23 18 O'Donovan, James J 10 HACC-PV NT 37.40 19 Elbash, zac * 9 SNOW-PV NT 37.42 20 Lewis, Colin W 9 SNOW-PV 39.29 37.62 21 Heddadji, Adel N 9 SNOW-PV 41.76 37.63 22 Kopac, Christopher 9 SNOW-PV 39.78 37.80 23 ChoJung, David D 10 SNOW-PV 43.84 38.39 24 Iglesias, Justin L 9 LMAC-PV NT 39.04 25 Grange, Caelen L 10 SNOW-PV NT 39.44 26 Baluja, Ashwin Z 9 SNOW-PV NT 39.98 27 Dawson, Rylan T 10 SNOW-PV 43.31 40.16 28 McLain, Matthew 10 BWST-PV 51.58 40.64 29 McCarthy, Timmy M 9 WST-VA NT 40.68 30 Nguyen, Eric 9 BWST-PV 41.89 41.19 31 Boboltz, Daniel J 10 HACC-PV 44.25 41.38 32 Mitarotonda, Zack R 9 BWST-PV 50.17 42.63 33 Fishenden, Aidan 10 BWST-PV 47.41 43.13 34 Davis, Jack R 9 SNOW-PV 56.89 44.50 35 Jia, Steven Z 10 SNOW-PV 54.63 46.50 36 Knowles, Sam 10 BWST-PV NT 46.67 37 Kalinowsky, Sean R 9 SNOW-PV 48.68 47.69 38 Gandhi, Sachin * 9 LMAC-PV NT 48.40 39 Anderson, Graham W 9 HACC-PV NT 48.65 40 Grimes, Phillip S 9 SNOW-PV 55.66 48.81 41 Craft, Trey F 9 WST-VA 50.61 50.92 42 Kukatla, Sujay A 9 HACC-PV NT 51.57 43 Aksoy, Adam B 9 SNOW-PV NT 53.13 44 Curran, Nathan D 9 SNOW-PV NT 53.37 45 Medde-Witage, Tash K 10 SNOW-PV NT 53.99 46 Timmins, Liam E 9 LMAC-PV NT 55.20 47 Kim, Tyler D 10 LMAC-PV NT 57.74 48 Elavarasu, Nitin * 10 LMAC-PV NT 58.07 Boys 9-10 100 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 1:11.99 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Moore, Jack P 10 SNOW-PV 1:03.05 1:03.61 PVJO 30.85 1:03.61 (32.76) 2 Lee, Justin G 10 BWST-PV 1:11.77 1:04.17 PVJO 30.94 1:04.17 (33.23) 3 Oliver, Sam E 10 SNOW-PV 1:08.93 1:07.12 PVJO 32.02 1:07.12 (35.10) 4 Wall, Trace S 10 BWST-PV 1:15.83 1:08.17 PVJO 32.02 1:08.17 (36.15) 5 Rivinius, Daniel O 10 SNOW-PV 1:06.41 1:12.61 34.03 1:12.61 (38.58) 6 Atkins, Will 10 SNOW-PV 1:30.85 1:16.69 35.42 1:16.69 (41.27) 7 Blusiewicz, Andrew 9 SNOW-PV NT 1:17.53 36.64 1:17.53 (40.89) 8 Gomez, Sammy J 10 SNOW-PV NT 1:18.61 38.45 1:18.61 (40.16) 9 Sibley, Nick C 9 SNOW-PV 1:25.31 1:19.28 36.79 1:19.28 (42.49) 10 Suh, Jeremy J 10 SNOW-PV NT 1:19.31 38.11 1:19.31 (41.20) 11 O'Donovan, James J 10 HACC-PV NT 1:19.74 38.15 1:19.74 (41.59) 12 Gonzalez, Joaquin J 10 LMAC-PV NT 1:20.23 38.65 1:20.23 (41.58) 13 Kopac, Christopher 9 SNOW-PV 1:28.80 1:20.78 39.02 1:20.78 (41.76) 14 Titov, Maxim * 9 SNOW-PV NT 1:23.20 37.89 1:23.20 (45.31) 15 O'Brien, Alex 10 SNOW-PV 1:27.62 1:23.29 39.09 1:23.29 (44.20) 16 Wenner, Teddy D 10 BWST-PV 1:29.76 1:24.58 38.38 1:24.58 (46.20) 17 Tran, Johnathan Q 10 BWST-PV 1:33.35 1:24.91 40.06 1:24.91 (44.85) 18 McCarthy, Timmy M 9 WST-VA NT 1:27.61 40.45 1:27.61 (47.16) 19 Carlson, Jonah C 10 SNOW-PV 1:41.16 1:28.18 42.64 1:28.18 (45.54) 20 Bayliss, Jason C 9 HACC-PV 1:39.74 1:29.66 41.47 1:29.66 (48.19) 21 Nguyen, Eric 9 BWST-PV 1:33.99 1:31.53 42.97 1:31.53 (48.56) 22 Witt, Martin D 9 SNOW-PV NT 1:33.42 43.52 1:33.42 (49.90) 23 Mitarotonda, Zack R 9 BWST-PV 1:59.43 1:33.52 44.43 1:33.52 (49.09) 24 McLain, Matthew 10 BWST-PV NT 1:38.77 43.56 1:38.77 (55.21) 25 Fierstine, Kory 9 BWST-PV NT 1:41.28 46.90 1:41.28 (54.38) 26 Cho, Marshall 10 WST-VA NT 1:42.45 45.64 1:42.45 (56.81) 27 Kalinowsky, Sean R 9 SNOW-PV 1:45.13 1:42.46 45.93 1:42.46 (56.53) 28 Khera, Aditya 10 HACC-PV NT 1:44.02 47.70 1:44.02 (56.32) 29 Grimes, Phillip S 9 SNOW-PV 1:51.68 1:46.24 30 Kukatla, Sujay A 9 HACC-PV NT 2:03.04 57.49 2:03.04 (1:05.55) 31 Anderson, Graham W 9 HACC-PV NT 2:04.30 32 Ruwe, Josh C 10 LMAC-PV NT 2:04.44 51.26 2:04.44 (1:13.18) 33 Medde-Witage, Tash K 10 SNOW-PV NT 2:11.19 1:01.11 2:11.19 (1:10.08) 34 Rege, Ritvik R 9 HACC-PV NT 2:15.02 1:01.56 2:15.02 (1:13.46) -- Aksoy, Adam B 9 SNOW-PV NT DNF Did not finish Boys 9-10 50 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== 38.49 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Moore, Jack P 10 SNOW-PV 35.64 34.30 PVJO 2 Smolsky, Jordan A 10 SNOW-PV 36.96 35.40 PVJO 3 Oliver, Sam E 10 SNOW-PV 39.16 38.15 PVJO 4 Blusiewicz, Andrew 9 SNOW-PV NT 39.12 5 Wenner, Teddy D 10 BWST-PV 40.64 39.21 6 Titov, Maxim * 9 SNOW-PV 42.58 39.70 7 Kopac, Christopher 9 SNOW-PV 42.41 40.56 8 Nguyen, Eric 9 BWST-PV 45.48 41.13 9 Tran, Johnathan Q 10 BWST-PV 45.74 42.50 10 McCarthy, Timmy M 9 WST-VA NT 43.51 11 O'Donovan, James J 10 HACC-PV NT 43.59 12 Suh, Jeremy J 10 SNOW-PV NT 44.56 13 LaBarbera, Antonio * 9 SNOW-PV 51.51 45.54 14 McLain, Matthew 10 BWST-PV 50.94 46.50 15 Kalinowsky, Sean R 9 SNOW-PV 1:29.81 46.60 16 ChoJung, David D 10 SNOW-PV 50.57 48.56 17 Fishenden, Aidan 10 BWST-PV 49.68 48.65 18 Nguyen, Alex 9 BWST-PV 57.20 49.08 19 Dawson, Rylan T 10 SNOW-PV 49.65 49.10 20 Medde-Witage, Tash K 10 SNOW-PV NT 49.55 21 Elbash, zac * 9 SNOW-PV NT 49.68 22 Fierstine, Kory 9 BWST-PV NT 50.74 23 Mitarotonda, Zack R 9 BWST-PV 55.47 50.97 24 Wilson, Evan M 9 BWST-PV NT 51.03 25 Davuluri, Neel A 9 HACC-PV 58.85 51.81 26 Whomsley, David A 9 HACC-PV NT 51.83 27 Khera, Aditya 10 HACC-PV NT 51.96 28 Timmins, Liam E 9 LMAC-PV NT 52.20 29 Ruwe, Josh C 10 LMAC-PV NT 52.34 30 Cho, Marshall 10 WST-VA NT 54.02 31 Grimes, Phillip S 9 SNOW-PV 56.09 55.74 32 Anderson, Graham W 9 HACC-PV NT 57.38 33 Aksoy, Adam B 9 SNOW-PV NT 1:00.87 34 Curran, Nathan D 9 SNOW-PV NT 1:01.93 35 Kukatla, Sujay A 9 HACC-PV NT 1:02.31 36 Rege, Ritvik R 9 HACC-PV NT 1:07.35 37 Elavarasu, Nitin * 10 LMAC-PV NT 1:10.69 -- Bayliss, Jason C 9 HACC-PV 54.62 DQ Shoulders past vertical toward breast -- Witt, Martin D 9 SNOW-PV NT DQ Not on back off wall Boys 9-10 100 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== 1:22.79 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Lee, Justin G 10 BWST-PV 1:18.45 1:13.54 PVJO 35.91 1:13.54 (37.63) 2 Wall, Trace S 10 BWST-PV 1:21.11 1:20.62 PVJO 38.35 1:20.62 (42.27) 3 Titov, Maxim * 9 SNOW-PV NT 1:30.63 43.02 1:30.63 (47.61) 4 Boboltz, Daniel J 10 HACC-PV NT 1:31.13 43.25 1:31.13 (47.88) 5 Turman, Vincent T 10 SNOW-PV NT 1:41.33 48.58 1:41.33 (52.75) 6 Davuluri, Neel A 9 HACC-PV NT 1:47.93 7 Mishra, Rohan 9 HACC-PV NT 1:48.43 51.57 1:48.43 (56.86) 8 Medde-Witage, Tash K 10 SNOW-PV NT 1:52.71 9 Grimes, Phillip S 9 SNOW-PV NT 1:56.15 56.51 1:56.15 (59.64) 10 Craft, Trey F 9 WST-VA NT 2:00.30 54.18 2:00.30 (1:06.12) 11 Aksoy, Adam B 9 SNOW-PV NT 2:16.19 1:04.27 2:16.19 (1:11.92) 12 Kim, Tyler D 10 LMAC-PV NT 2:19.02 13 Anderson, Graham W 9 HACC-PV NT 2:21.06 1:09.41 2:21.06 (1:11.65) 14 Best, Piers C 10 LMAC-PV NT 2:21.94 1:09.07 2:21.94 (1:12.87) -- Nakamura, Conrad D 9 SNOW-PV NT DQ Multiple strokes past vertical at turn 55.06 DQ (59.74) -- Gandhi, Sachin * 9 LMAC-PV NT DQ Multiple strokes past vertical at turn -- McCarthy, Timmy M 9 WST-VA NT DQ Delay initiating turn after past vertical 46.63 DQ (51.85) Boys 9-10 50 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== 43.59 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Moore, Jack P 10 SNOW-PV 40.90 39.32 PVJO 2 O'Brien, Alex 10 SNOW-PV 46.21 43.90 3 Smolsky, Jordan A 10 SNOW-PV 50.23 44.20 4 Blusiewicz, Andrew 9 SNOW-PV NT 44.69 5 Turman, Vincent T 10 SNOW-PV NT 45.54 6 O'Donovan, James J 10 HACC-PV NT 45.55 7 Atkins, Will 10 SNOW-PV 53.58 47.07 8 Gomez, Sammy J 10 SNOW-PV NT 48.15 9 Suh, Jeremy J 10 SNOW-PV NT 48.64 10 Gonzalez, Joaquin J 10 LMAC-PV NT 48.93 11 Kopac, Christopher 9 SNOW-PV NT 49.25 12 Titov, Maxim * 9 SNOW-PV NT 49.88 13 Sibley, Nick C 9 SNOW-PV NT 50.41 14 ChoJung, David D 10 SNOW-PV 1:01.57 50.75 15 Wenner, Teddy D 10 BWST-PV 50.07 51.57 16 Nguyen, Eric 9 BWST-PV 52.43 52.15 17 Kalinowsky, Sean R 9 SNOW-PV 55.23 53.11 18 McLain, Matthew 10 BWST-PV 1:00.69 53.29 19 Bayliss, Jason C 9 HACC-PV 58.39 53.42 20 Elbash, zac * 9 SNOW-PV NT 53.56 21 Mitarotonda, Zack R 9 BWST-PV 1:00.80 54.10 22 Davuluri, Neel A 9 HACC-PV 58.19 54.19 23 Carlson, Jonah C 10 SNOW-PV 1:00.57 54.71 24 Fierstine, Kory 9 BWST-PV NT 54.98 25 Cho, Marshall 10 WST-VA NT 56.37 26 Fishenden, Aidan 10 BWST-PV 1:13.29 56.46 27 Whomsley, David A 9 HACC-PV NT 56.73 28 Anderson, Graham W 9 HACC-PV 59.44 57.67 29 McCarthy, Timmy M 9 WST-VA NT 59.15 30 LaBarbera, Antonio * 9 SNOW-PV 1:15.31 59.62 31 Ruwe, Josh C 10 LMAC-PV NT 1:13.31 32 Medde-Witage, Tash K 10 SNOW-PV NT 1:13.39 -- Rege, Ritvik R 9 HACC-PV NT DQ One hand touch -- Kukatla, Sujay A 9 HACC-PV NT DQ Scissors kick -- Timmins, Liam E 9 LMAC-PV NT DQ One hand touch -- Khera, Aditya 10 HACC-PV NT DQ Scissors kick -- Nguyen, Alex 9 BWST-PV 1:15.33 DQ Arms two strokes underwater -- Wilson, Evan M 9 BWST-PV NT DQ Alternating Kick Boys 9-10 100 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== 1:33.39 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Moore, Jack P 10 SNOW-PV 1:28.18 1:22.45 PVJO 38.77 1:22.45 (43.68) 2 Lee, Justin G 10 BWST-PV 1:30.38 1:25.71 PVJO 39.84 1:25.71 (45.87) 3 Wall, Trace S 10 BWST-PV 1:40.02 1:35.54 45.11 1:35.54 (50.43) 4 Brown, Nate W 10 SNOW-PV 1:45.10 1:39.23 46.74 1:39.23 (52.49) 5 Atkins, Will 10 SNOW-PV NT 1:44.06 49.32 1:44.06 (54.74) 6 Turman, Vincent T 10 SNOW-PV NT 1:48.14 50.04 1:48.14 (58.10) 7 Gonzalez, Joaquin J 10 LMAC-PV NT 1:50.85 53.88 1:50.85 (56.97) 8 Lewis, Colin W 9 SNOW-PV 1:55.76 1:54.27 53.93 1:54.27 (1:00.34) 9 Kalinowsky, Sean R 9 SNOW-PV 1:59.50 1:55.10 53.55 1:55.10 (1:01.55) 10 Grange, Caelen L 10 SNOW-PV NT 1:56.73 54.57 1:56.73 (1:02.16) 11 Sessions, Lewe T 10 LMAC-PV NT 1:56.83 54.35 1:56.83 (1:02.48) 12 Davuluri, Neel A 9 HACC-PV NT 1:57.36 57.30 1:57.36 (1:00.06) 13 Mishra, Rohan 9 HACC-PV NT 2:03.66 58.69 2:03.66 (1:04.97) 14 Hart, Brantley M 10 SNOW-PV NT 2:15.99 1:01.88 2:15.99 (1:14.11) -- Nakamura, Conrad D 9 SNOW-PV NT DQ Alternating Kick 59.35 DQ (1:03.56) Boys 9-10 50 Yard Butterfly =============================================================================== 37.39 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Moore, Jack P 10 SNOW-PV 33.10 33.36 PVJO 2 Smolsky, Jordan A 10 SNOW-PV 36.96 33.60 PVJO 3 Oliver, Sam E 10 SNOW-PV 38.23 35.35 PVJO 4 Hunter, Shane M 10 SNOW-PV 35.53 36.32 PVJO 5 Brown, Nate W 10 SNOW-PV NT 36.73 PVJO 6 Wenner, Teddy D 10 BWST-PV 40.22 38.14 7 Behrens, Jared M 10 BWST-PV NT 39.40 8 Blusiewicz, Andrew 9 SNOW-PV NT 39.56 9 Atkins, Will 10 SNOW-PV 1:08.08 40.54 10 Suh, Jeremy J 10 SNOW-PV NT 40.85 11 Heddadji, Adel N 9 SNOW-PV 50.71 42.82 12 Kopac, Christopher 9 SNOW-PV NT 42.94 13 O'Donovan, James J 10 HACC-PV NT 43.13 14 Titov, Maxim * 9 SNOW-PV NT 43.43 15 Sitton, Jackson R 10 WST-VA 57.83 45.56 16 Nguyen, Eric 9 BWST-PV 51.26 45.71 17 Mitarotonda, Zack R 9 BWST-PV 55.63 47.81 18 Tran, Johnathan Q 10 BWST-PV 52.36 48.79 19 LaBarbera, Antonio * 9 SNOW-PV 1:03.45 50.99 20 Knowles, Sam 10 BWST-PV NT 52.45 21 Lewis, Colin W 9 SNOW-PV NT 53.99 22 Kalinowsky, Sean R 9 SNOW-PV NT 54.82 23 Grange, Caelen L 10 SNOW-PV NT 54.96 24 Fishenden, Aidan 10 BWST-PV 1:07.31 55.33 25 McLain, Matthew 10 BWST-PV 1:03.52 56.14 26 Davis, Jack R 9 SNOW-PV NT 1:19.04 -- Davuluri, Neel A 9 HACC-PV NT DQ Kick breaststroke type -- Curran, Nathan D 9 SNOW-PV NT DQ Non-simultaneous arms -- Timmins, Liam E 9 LMAC-PV NT DQ Arms underwater recovery -- Baluja, Ashwin Z 9 SNOW-PV NT DQ Non-simultaneous arms -- Grimes, Phillip S 9 SNOW-PV NT DQ Arms underwater recovery Boys 9-10 100 Yard Butterfly =============================================================================== 1:32.59 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Lee, Justin G 10 BWST-PV 1:22.49 1:17.30 PVJO 37.41 1:17.30 (39.89) 2 Smolsky, Jordan A 10 SNOW-PV NT 1:18.18 PVJO 35.47 1:18.18 (42.71) 3 Wall, Trace S 10 BWST-PV 1:24.27 1:22.08 PVJO 38.22 1:22.08 (43.86) 4 Rivinius, Daniel O 10 SNOW-PV 1:27.64 1:25.71 PVJO 37.71 1:25.71 (48.00) -- Witt, Martin D 9 SNOW-PV NT DQ One hand touch Boys 9-10 100 Yard IM =============================================================================== 1:21.79 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Moore, Jack P 10 SNOW-PV 1:15.01 1:13.08 PVJO 33.92 1:13.08 (39.16) 2 Smolsky, Jordan A 10 SNOW-PV 1:25.50 1:17.25 PVJO 35.11 1:17.25 (42.14) 3 Oliver, Sam E 10 SNOW-PV 1:24.59 1:19.15 PVJO 36.61 1:19.15 (42.54) 4 Rivinius, Daniel O 10 SNOW-PV 1:22.70 1:19.17 PVJO 37.00 1:19.17 (42.17) 5 Hunter, Shane M 10 SNOW-PV 1:30.60 1:24.11 37.94 1:24.11 (46.17) 6 Sibley, Nick C 9 SNOW-PV 1:33.31 1:24.91 40.92 1:24.91 (43.99) 7 Blusiewicz, Andrew 9 SNOW-PV 1:35.27 1:25.24 39.99 1:25.24 (45.25) 8 Crichton, Billy J 10 LMAC-PV NT 1:28.64 40.76 1:28.64 (47.88) 9 Kopac, Christopher 9 SNOW-PV 1:32.71 1:29.56 43.20 1:29.56 (46.36) 10 Wenner, Teddy D 10 BWST-PV 1:29.61 1:30.14 40.71 1:30.14 (49.43) 11 O'Donovan, James J 10 HACC-PV NT 1:30.28 44.31 1:30.28 (45.97) 12 Suh, Jeremy J 10 SNOW-PV NT 1:32.14 43.14 1:32.14 (49.00) 13 Sitton, Jackson R 10 WST-VA NT 1:33.34 44.29 1:33.34 (49.05) 14 Heddadji, Adel N 9 SNOW-PV NT 1:37.50 46.90 1:37.50 (50.60) 15 Nguyen, Eric 9 BWST-PV 1:47.73 1:40.02 46.83 1:40.02 (53.19) 16 ChoJung, David D 10 SNOW-PV NT 1:40.07 47.57 1:40.07 (52.50) 17 Tran, Johnathan Q 10 BWST-PV 1:51.98 1:41.11 47.39 1:41.11 (53.72) 18 Boboltz, Daniel J 10 HACC-PV 1:47.02 1:42.35 46.20 1:42.35 (56.15) 19 Baluja, Ashwin Z 9 SNOW-PV NT 1:42.43 51.02 1:42.43 (51.41) 20 Mishra, Rohan 9 HACC-PV NT 1:44.76 50.21 1:44.76 (54.55) 21 McLain, Matthew 10 BWST-PV 2:01.84 1:45.94 51.18 1:45.94 (54.76) 22 Mitarotonda, Zack R 9 BWST-PV 2:01.11 1:46.72 53.21 1:46.72 (53.51) 23 McCarthy, Timmy M 9 WST-VA NT 1:50.24 50.98 1:50.24 (59.26) 24 Iglesias, Justin L 9 LMAC-PV NT 1:52.80 52.52 1:52.80 (1:00.28) 25 Sessions, Lewe T 10 LMAC-PV NT 1:54.65 54.81 1:54.65 (59.84) 25 Knowles, Sam 10 BWST-PV NT 1:54.65 53.46 1:54.65 (1:01.19) 27 Craft, Trey F 9 WST-VA 2:08.51 2:00.10 58.50 2:00.10 (1:01.60) 28 Hart, Brantley M 10 SNOW-PV NT 2:00.20 1:02.64 2:00.20 (57.56) 29 Curran, Nathan D 9 SNOW-PV NT 2:14.43 1:05.16 2:14.43 (1:09.27) -- Kukatla, Sujay A 9 HACC-PV NT DQ Scissors kick - fly 1:03.35 DQ (1:06.41) -- Davis, Jack R 9 SNOW-PV NT DQ Arms underwater recovery - fly 1:03.38 DQ (1:02.96) -- Gonzalez, Joaquin J 10 LMAC-PV NT DQ Did not finish on back - back 51.99 DQ (47.92) -- Khera, Aditya 10 HACC-PV NT DQ Alternating Kick - fly 58.22 DQ (1:01.66) -- Turman, Vincent T 10 SNOW-PV NT DQ Not on back off wall - back 49.23 DQ (51.09) -- Behrens, Jared M 10 BWST-PV NT DNF Did not finish - Misc Boys 10 & Under 200 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 2:35.59 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Lee, Justin G 10 BWST-PV 2:32.10 2:21.00 PVJO 31.86 1:06.71 (34.85) 1:44.09 (37.38) 2:21.00 (36.91) 2 Rivinius, Daniel O 10 SNOW-PV 2:20.59 2:29.68 PVJO 32.73 1:51.60 (1:18.87) 2:29.68 (38.08) 3 Wall, Trace S 10 BWST-PV 2:42.63 2:30.35 PVJO 33.51 1:12.40 (38.89) 1:53.75 (41.35) 2:30.35 (36.60) 4 Sibley, Nick C 9 SNOW-PV NT 2:45.53 36.75 1:19.75 (43.00) 2:03.22 (43.47) 2:45.53 (42.31) 5 Hart, Brantley M 10 SNOW-PV NT 3:25.40 44.24 1:38.78 (54.54) 2:34.53 (55.75) 3:25.40 (50.87) 6 Khera, Aditya 10 HACC-PV NT 3:44.32 48.04 1:48.50 (1:00.46) 3:44.32 (1:55.82) 7 Kukatla, Sujay A 9 HACC-PV NT 3:45.01 52.09 1:49.94 (57.85) 2:46.93 (56.99) 3:45.01 (58.08) Boys 10 & Under 200 Yard IM =============================================================================== 2:57.99 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Lee, Justin G 10 BWST-PV 2:48.39 2:36.92 PVJO 33.03 1:12.73 (39.70) 2:00.70 (47.97) 2:36.92 (36.22) 2 Wall, Trace S 10 BWST-PV 3:02.86 2:47.93 PVJO 36.98 1:19.54 (42.56) 2:09.96 (50.42) 2:47.93 (37.97) 3 Rivinius, Daniel O 10 SNOW-PV 2:51.12 2:52.03 PVJO 39.00 1:22.34 (43.34) 2:14.30 (51.96) 2:52.03 (37.73) 4 Sibley, Nick C 9 SNOW-PV NT 3:02.90 40.60 1:27.97 (47.37) 2:21.92 (53.95) 3:02.90 (40.98) 5 Atkins, Will 10 SNOW-PV NT 3:11.29 43.98 1:32.62 (48.64) 2:27.91 (55.29) 3:11.29 (43.38) 6 O'Brien, Alex 10 SNOW-PV NT 3:15.40 46.05 1:38.30 (52.25) 2:31.22 (52.92) 3:15.40 (44.18) -- Oliver, Sam E 10 SNOW-PV 2:57.27 DQ Delay initiating turn after past vertical - back 35.26 1:19.01 (43.75) 2:11.59 (52.58) DQ (35.48) -- Gomez, Sammy J 10 SNOW-PV NT DQ Non-simultaneous arms - fly 41.63 1:28.20 (46.57) 2:21.66 (53.46) DQ (42.98) -- Whomsley, David A 9 HACC-PV NT DQ Not on back off wall - back 54.56 1:53.21 (58.65) 2:58.16 (1:04.95) DQ (54.08) -- Gonzalez, Joaquin J 10 LMAC-PV NT DQ Shoulders past vertical toward breast - back 57.41 1:52.66 (55.25) 2:51.19 (58.53) DQ (45.15) -- Davuluri, Neel A 9 HACC-PV NT DQ Incomplete stroke cycle other than one pull followed by one kick - breast 1:53.53 3:00.12 ( ) DQ (51.80) Boys 11-12 50 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 28.59 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Hughes, Collin M 12 SNOW-PV 25.76 25.64 PVJO 2 Moore, Thomas H 12 SNOW-PV 28.99 27.41 PVJO 3 Conway, Sean Y 11 SNOW-PV 29.21 28.28 PVJO 4 Ramberg, Jack C 12 SNOW-PV 30.69 29.44 5 Stassinos, Dirk O 11 HACC-PV 29.61 29.80 6 Stevens, Carson L 12 HACC-PV 30.52 29.89 7 Walsh, Thomas M 12 SNOW-PV 31.62 29.92 8 Sun, Kevin 12 HACC-PV 31.66 30.09 9 Murphy, Ryan C 11 SNOW-PV 30.21 31.24 10 Eisner, Cole T 12 SNOW-PV 31.71 31.80 11 Beisler, Jack H 12 SNOW-PV NT 32.13 12 Kane, Jacob C 12 BWST-PV NT 32.18 13 McCummings, Jackson M 11 BWST-PV 35.51 32.38 14 Kim, Josh J 11 SNOW-PV 35.33 33.46 15 Longuillo, Thomas A 12 HACC-PV 32.72 33.59 16 Rossbach, John H 11 SNOW-PV 35.22 33.61 17 Gorijala, Rahul 11 HACC-PV 35.19 33.96 18 McCabe, Blaise B 12 SNOW-PV 34.21 34.67 19 Haberland, Dillon 11 BWST-PV 35.67 34.85 20 Hall, Jackson J 12 LMAC-PV NT 34.97 21 Krause, Owen M 11 UN-PV 37.92 35.51 22 Nguyen, Daniel Q 11 LMAC-PV 36.14 36.08 23 McShaffrey, Dylan C 11 SNOW-PV 38.24 36.20 24 von Kleeck, Charlie T 12 SNOW-PV NT 36.65 25 Blasdell, Nathan S 11 SNOW-PV 40.20 36.80 26 Morency, Carson 11 BWST-PV 37.20 37.21 27 Davis, Thomas J 11 SNOW-PV 41.54 37.49 28 Joo, William M 11 SNOW-PV 43.16 41.43 29 Goodrum, Chase C 11 SNOW-PV NT 45.53 30 Babka, Max M 12 HACC-PV NT 45.80 Boys 11-12 100 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 1:02.79 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Hilmi, Luay I 12 SNOW-PV 57.61 59.32 PVJO 28.89 59.32 (30.43) 2 Moore, Thomas H 12 SNOW-PV 1:01.26 59.63 PVJO 28.54 59.63 (31.09) 3 Roque, Mikey M 12 WST-VA 1:04.41 1:02.19 PVJO 29.77 1:02.19 (32.42) 4 Atkinson, Christophe E 11 SNOW-PV 1:02.12 1:02.27 PVJO 30.77 1:02.27 (31.50) 5 Conway, Sean Y 11 SNOW-PV 1:04.82 1:02.36 PVJO 29.93 1:02.36 (32.43) 6 Russello, Gage 12 SNOW-PV 1:06.26 1:03.49 30.94 1:03.49 (32.55) 7 Pliuskaitis, Stuart S 12 SNOW-PV 1:04.05 1:03.95 30.02 1:03.95 (33.93) 8 Stassinos, Dirk O 11 HACC-PV 1:07.20 1:05.65 31.09 1:05.65 (34.56) 9 Dorn, Jacob M 12 WST-VA 1:10.20 1:05.94 31.46 1:05.94 (34.48) 10 Walsh, Thomas M 12 SNOW-PV 1:14.91 1:07.17 31.81 1:07.17 (35.36) 11 Wright, Kieran J 11 SNOW-PV 1:15.76 1:08.02 33.36 1:08.02 (34.66) 12 Murphy, Ryan C 11 SNOW-PV 1:10.77 1:08.65 32.43 1:08.65 (36.22) 13 Zapp, Jack P 11 BWST-PV 1:12.23 1:09.14 33.44 1:09.14 (35.70) 14 Le, Vincent A 11 LMAC-PV NT 1:09.16 32.97 1:09.16 (36.19) 15 Eisner, Cole T 12 SNOW-PV 1:14.01 1:09.43 33.53 1:09.43 (35.90) 16 McNulty, Hugh F 11 HACC-PV 1:28.77 1:10.40 32.72 1:10.40 (37.68) 17 Scully, Joey D 12 BWST-PV 1:16.19 1:11.09 32.69 1:11.09 (38.40) 18 Beisler, Jack H 12 SNOW-PV NT 1:11.83 34.54 1:11.83 (37.29) 19 Rossbach, John H 11 SNOW-PV 1:18.55 1:12.26 33.93 1:12.26 (38.33) 20 Longuillo, Thomas A 12 HACC-PV 1:22.33 1:12.55 34.88 1:12.55 (37.67) 21 Kane, Jacob C 12 BWST-PV NT 1:14.25 34.92 1:14.25 (39.33) 22 Krauss, Ethan K 11 BWST-PV 1:17.43 1:16.73 35.67 1:16.73 (41.06) 23 Kleeb, Thomas M 11 SNOW-PV 1:26.82 1:17.21 36.73 1:17.21 (40.48) 24 Saravanan, Arya S 11 BWST-PV 1:26.50 1:20.14 36.82 1:20.14 (43.32) 25 Schaefer, Ethan T 11 SNOW-PV 1:30.42 1:20.21 39.57 1:20.21 (40.64) 26 David, Mark S 11 HACC-PV 1:26.85 1:20.76 37.54 1:20.76 (43.22) 27 McCabe, Blaise B 12 SNOW-PV 1:21.79 1:21.02 39.03 1:21.02 (41.99) 28 Nguyen, Daniel Q 11 LMAC-PV 1:52.77 1:21.39 38.82 1:21.39 (42.57) 29 Krause, Owen M 11 UN-PV 1:27.49 1:21.86 37.48 1:21.86 (44.38) 30 Morency, Carson 11 BWST-PV 1:30.48 1:29.12 42.41 1:29.12 (46.71) 31 Whitney, Tim J 11 SNOW-PV NT 1:31.17 40.25 1:31.17 (50.92) 32 Goodrum, Chase C 11 SNOW-PV NT 1:43.89 47.18 1:43.89 (56.71) 33 Anderson, Joel N 11 HACC-PV 2:02.00 1:57.82 51.52 1:57.82 (1:06.30) Boys 11-12 200 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 2:16.29 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Hughes, Collin M 12 SNOW-PV 2:11.46 2:02.21 PVJO 28.13 59.12 (30.99) 1:31.42 (32.30) 2:02.21 (30.79) 2 Atkinson, Christophe E 11 SNOW-PV 2:13.79 2:10.73 PVJO 30.06 1:03.48 (33.42) 1:38.15 (34.67) 2:10.73 (32.58) 3 Hilmi, Luay I 12 SNOW-PV 2:05.32 2:10.91 PVJO 29.78 1:03.15 (33.37) 1:37.38 (34.23) 2:10.91 (33.53) 4 Conway, Sean Y 11 SNOW-PV 2:16.11 2:12.15 PVJO 30.41 1:04.13 (33.72) 1:38.88 (34.75) 2:12.15 (33.27) 5 Pliuskaitis, Stuart S 12 SNOW-PV 2:20.37 2:19.05 31.60 1:06.45 (34.85) 1:42.49 (36.04) 2:19.05 (36.56) 6 Van Tassell, Mason A 11 SNOW-PV 2:24.62 2:25.66 31.73 1:08.58 (36.85) 1:47.98 (39.40) 2:25.66 (37.68) 7 Zapp, Jack P 11 BWST-PV 2:47.77 2:35.27 34.08 1:14.55 (40.47) 1:56.89 (42.34) 2:35.27 (38.38) 8 Krauss, Ethan K 11 BWST-PV 2:50.52 2:42.37 35.34 1:16.98 (41.64) 2:01.03 (44.05) 2:42.37 (41.34) 9 Prisbrey, Hunter P 12 BWST-PV 3:06.21 2:42.55 34.80 1:17.57 (42.77) 2:02.15 (44.58) 2:42.55 (40.40) 10 Green, Elijah L 12 HACC-PV 3:58.74 2:58.89 37.22 1:22.55 (45.33) 2:12.88 (50.33) 2:58.89 (46.01) 11 Gorijala, Rahul 11 HACC-PV NT 2:59.10 38.03 1:25.18 (47.15) 2:16.21 (51.03) 2:59.10 (42.89) 12 Haines, Cole S 12 WST-VA 3:41.86 2:59.68 40.21 1:28.04 (47.83) 2:15.58 (47.54) 2:59.68 (44.10) 13 David, Mark S 11 HACC-PV 3:41.32 3:08.53 38.67 1:26.07 (47.40) 3:08.53 (1:42.46) 14 Regan, Miles S 11 HACC-PV 3:31.28 3:08.76 40.50 1:29.07 (48.57) 2:20.20 (51.13) 3:08.76 (48.56) 15 Anderson, Joel N 11 HACC-PV NT 4:16.38 53.11 1:56.88 (1:03.77) 3:06.24 (1:09.36) 4:16.38 (1:10.14) Boys 11-12 50 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== 33.69 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Hughes, Collin M 12 SNOW-PV 30.35 30.05 PVJO 2 Hilmi, Luay I 12 SNOW-PV 29.90 30.31 PVJO 3 Conway, Sean Y 11 SNOW-PV 33.90 32.68 PVJO 4 Sun, Kevin 12 HACC-PV 36.93 35.41 5 Stassinos, Dirk O 11 HACC-PV 36.76 36.05 6 McCummings, Jackson M 11 BWST-PV 44.24 37.96 7 Beisler, Jack H 12 SNOW-PV NT 38.03 8 Scully, Joey D 12 BWST-PV 42.57 38.14 9 Eisner, Cole T 12 SNOW-PV 39.72 39.16 10 Murphy, Ryan C 11 SNOW-PV 39.69 39.58 11 Nguyen, Daniel Q 11 LMAC-PV 42.19 39.74 12 Kane, Jacob C 12 BWST-PV NT 40.06 13 Krause, Owen M 11 UN-PV 46.20 40.48 14 Deege, Aidan C 11 HACC-PV NT 40.94 15 Saravanan, Arya S 11 BWST-PV 41.43 41.00 16 Longuillo, Thomas A 12 HACC-PV 44.55 41.79 17 McCabe, Blaise B 12 SNOW-PV 43.16 41.99 18 Kleeb, Thomas M 11 SNOW-PV 44.57 42.88 19 Whitney, Tim J 11 SNOW-PV NT 43.81 20 Schaefer, Ethan T 11 SNOW-PV 48.73 43.86 21 Morency, Carson 11 BWST-PV 48.72 44.12 22 von Kleeck, Charlie T 12 SNOW-PV NT 45.37 23 Haines, Cole S 12 WST-VA 47.71 47.53 24 Desousa, Maxwell W 11 SNOW-PV 52.73 48.30 25 Joo, William M 11 SNOW-PV 55.33 54.42 26 Anderson, Joel N 11 HACC-PV NT 58.14 Boys 11-12 100 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== 1:11.99 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Hilmi, Luay I 12 SNOW-PV 1:04.01 1:07.37 PVJO 32.29 1:07.37 (35.08) 2 Conway, Sean Y 11 SNOW-PV 1:12.08 1:11.16 PVJO 34.93 1:11.16 (36.23) 3 Van Tassell, Mason A 11 SNOW-PV 1:15.20 1:16.67 37.57 1:16.67 (39.10) 4 Prisbrey, Hunter P 12 BWST-PV 1:26.23 1:18.58 38.13 1:18.58 (40.45) 5 Eisner, Cole T 12 SNOW-PV 1:25.46 1:20.76 38.93 1:20.76 (41.83) 6 Zapp, Jack P 11 BWST-PV 1:21.43 1:20.84 39.55 1:20.84 (41.29) 7 Krauss, Ethan K 11 BWST-PV 1:22.72 1:22.66 40.14 1:22.66 (42.52) 8 Gorijala, Rahul 11 HACC-PV 1:39.47 1:30.59 9 David, Mark S 11 HACC-PV 2:05.82 1:38.10 -- Hall, Jackson J 12 LMAC-PV NT DQ No touch at turn Boys 11-12 50 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== 37.59 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Moore, Thomas H 12 SNOW-PV 36.67 35.16 PVJO 2 Atkinson, Christophe E 11 SNOW-PV 37.52 36.85 PVJO 3 Walsh, Thomas M 12 SNOW-PV 40.67 37.59 PVJO 4 Stevens, Carson L 12 HACC-PV 37.11 37.64 5 Ramberg, Jack C 12 SNOW-PV 50.03 38.67 6 Sun, Kevin 12 HACC-PV 43.10 40.78 7 Kane, Jacob C 12 BWST-PV NT 41.15 8 McCummings, Jackson M 11 BWST-PV 50.08 41.85 9 Beisler, Jack H 12 SNOW-PV NT 41.88 10 Rossbach, John H 11 SNOW-PV 51.57 42.37 11 Davis, Thomas J 11 SNOW-PV 50.90 43.05 12 Murphy, Ryan C 11 SNOW-PV 43.98 43.43 13 Krause, Owen M 11 UN-PV 45.66 43.51 14 Blasdell, Nathan S 11 SNOW-PV 47.92 44.68 15 Stassinos, Dirk O 11 HACC-PV 43.37 44.72 16 McCabe, Blaise B 12 SNOW-PV 55.05 44.74 17 Green, Elijah L 12 HACC-PV 45.87 44.79 18 Schaefer, Nicholas G 12 SNOW-PV 44.99 46.05 19 Longuillo, Thomas A 12 HACC-PV 49.99 46.37 20 Haberland, Dillon 11 BWST-PV 50.99 48.70 21 Haines, Cole S 12 WST-VA 54.14 48.82 22 Morency, Carson 11 BWST-PV 52.63 50.06 23 Babka, Max M 12 HACC-PV NT 53.50 24 Goodrum, Chase C 11 SNOW-PV NT 54.71 25 Sivak, Andrew R 11 HACC-PV NT 54.90 26 Hall, Jackson J 12 LMAC-PV NT 54.94 27 Alford, Adam C 12 LMAC-PV NT 55.46 28 Regan, Miles S 11 HACC-PV 1:00.90 58.12 -- Anderson, Joel N 11 HACC-PV NT DQ Scissors kick -- Nguyen, Daniel Q 11 LMAC-PV 49.14 DQ One hand touch Boys 11-12 100 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== 1:22.49 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Walsh, Thomas M 12 SNOW-PV 1:31.54 1:21.20 PVJO 39.27 1:21.20 (41.93) 2 Atkinson, Christophe E 11 SNOW-PV 1:23.63 1:22.37 PVJO 39.13 1:22.37 (43.24) 3 Hilmi, Luay I 12 SNOW-PV 1:27.16 1:24.89 40.07 1:24.89 (44.82) 4 Zapp, Jack P 11 BWST-PV 1:35.00 1:31.62 43.06 1:31.62 (48.56) 5 Prisbrey, Hunter P 12 BWST-PV 1:47.54 1:35.04 46.65 1:35.04 (48.39) 6 Beisler, Jack H 12 SNOW-PV NT 1:35.92 46.06 1:35.92 (49.86) 7 McNulty, Hugh F 11 HACC-PV 1:43.20 1:36.51 44.57 1:36.51 (51.94) 8 Eisner, Cole T 12 SNOW-PV 1:43.02 1:40.16 47.59 1:40.16 (52.57) 9 Schaefer, Nicholas G 12 SNOW-PV 1:45.86 1:40.37 46.43 1:40.37 (53.94) 10 David, Mark S 11 HACC-PV 1:52.78 1:40.85 47.03 1:40.85 (53.82) 11 Goodrum, Chase C 11 SNOW-PV NT 1:55.70 54.89 1:55.70 (1:00.81) -- Anderson, Joel N 11 HACC-PV 2:10.41 DQ Scissors kick 56.49 DQ (1:05.58) -- Krauss, Ethan K 11 BWST-PV 1:42.50 DQ One hand touch 45.96 DQ (51.63) Boys 11-12 200 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== 2:54.69 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Atkinson, Christophe E 11 SNOW-PV 3:03.51 2:55.50 38.10 1:22.79 (44.69) 2:10.26 (47.47) 2:55.50 (45.24) 2 Davis, Thomas J 11 SNOW-PV NT 3:33.37 46.03 1:41.15 (55.12) 2:39.14 (57.99) 3:33.37 (54.23) Boys 11-12 50 Yard Butterfly =============================================================================== 32.19 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Hughes, Collin M 12 SNOW-PV 30.11 29.02 PVJO 2 Roque, Mikey M 12 WST-VA 34.35 31.15 PVJO 3 Stassinos, Dirk O 11 HACC-PV 33.07 32.41 4 Moore, Thomas H 12 SNOW-PV 32.60 32.48 5 Le, Vincent A 11 LMAC-PV NT 32.58 6 Russello, Gage 12 SNOW-PV 33.76 32.66 7 Sun, Kevin 12 HACC-PV 36.27 34.16 8 Scully, Joey D 12 BWST-PV 36.59 35.52 9 Murphy, Ryan C 11 SNOW-PV 34.41 37.63 10 McCummings, Jackson M 11 BWST-PV 45.59 37.82 11 Kane, Jacob C 12 BWST-PV NT 38.11 12 Schaefer, Ethan T 11 SNOW-PV 47.92 39.01 13 Morency, Carson 11 BWST-PV 41.02 39.77 14 Rossbach, John H 11 SNOW-PV 47.08 39.98 15 Saravanan, Arya S 11 BWST-PV 51.43 40.35 16 Longuillo, Thomas A 12 HACC-PV 53.44 42.55 17 Nguyen, Daniel Q 11 LMAC-PV 45.19 43.37 18 Krause, Owen M 11 UN-PV 45.92 46.93 19 Haines, Cole S 12 WST-VA NT 49.07 -- Deege, Aidan C 11 HACC-PV NT DQ False start Boys 11-12 100 Yard Butterfly =============================================================================== 1:14.09 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Moore, Thomas H 12 SNOW-PV 1:22.02 1:13.61 PVJO 35.05 1:13.61 (38.56) 2 Russello, Gage 12 SNOW-PV 1:20.70 1:14.23 34.66 1:14.23 (39.57) 3 Zapp, Jack P 11 BWST-PV 1:29.91 1:23.11 39.14 1:23.11 (43.97) 4 Wright, Kieran J 11 SNOW-PV 1:28.36 1:26.14 41.40 1:26.14 (44.74) 5 Prisbrey, Hunter P 12 BWST-PV 1:44.45 1:29.55 41.60 1:29.55 (47.95) 6 Schaefer, Ethan T 11 SNOW-PV NT 1:29.72 42.74 1:29.72 (46.98) 7 Krauss, Ethan K 11 BWST-PV 1:30.35 1:30.98 42.21 1:30.98 (48.77) 8 David, Mark S 11 HACC-PV NT 1:47.32 50.09 1:47.32 (57.23) 9 Sivak, Andrew R 11 HACC-PV NT 1:52.19 49.60 1:52.19 (1:02.59) -- Alford, Adam C 12 LMAC-PV NT DQ Arms underwater recovery 55.93 DQ (1:07.94) Boys 11-12 200 Yard Butterfly =============================================================================== 2:43.99 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Sun, Kevin 12 HACC-PV NT 2:56.76 36.54 1:22.74 (46.20) 2:10.43 (47.69) 2:56.76 (46.33) 2 Wright, Kieran J 11 SNOW-PV NT 3:13.12 40.05 1:29.56 (49.51) 2:20.17 (50.61) 3:13.12 (52.95) Boys 11-12 100 Yard IM =============================================================================== 1:12.29 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Hughes, Collin M 12 SNOW-PV 1:03.47 1:03.59 PVJO 29.99 1:03.59 (33.60) 2 Russello, Gage 12 SNOW-PV 1:16.69 1:12.18 PVJO 33.31 1:12.18 (38.87) 3 Ramberg, Jack C 12 SNOW-PV 1:17.29 1:14.10 33.66 1:14.10 (40.44) 4 Stevens, Carson L 12 HACC-PV 1:17.63 1:15.10 35.01 1:15.10 (40.09) 5 Sun, Kevin 12 HACC-PV 1:20.99 1:16.03 34.93 1:16.03 (41.10) 6 Van Tassell, Mason A 11 SNOW-PV 1:14.46 1:17.35 35.52 1:17.35 (41.83) 7 Wright, Kieran J 11 SNOW-PV 1:23.43 1:19.05 37.61 1:19.05 (41.44) 8 Stassinos, Dirk O 11 HACC-PV 1:19.40 1:19.81 35.56 1:19.81 (44.25) 9 Murphy, Ryan C 11 SNOW-PV 1:20.69 1:20.91 38.77 1:20.91 (42.14) 10 Rossbach, John H 11 SNOW-PV 1:31.92 1:20.94 37.55 1:20.94 (43.39) 11 Beisler, Jack H 12 SNOW-PV NT 1:21.73 37.95 1:21.73 (43.78) 12 Kane, Jacob C 12 BWST-PV NT 1:22.18 38.93 1:22.18 (43.25) 13 Eisner, Cole T 12 SNOW-PV 1:38.74 1:23.98 39.58 1:23.98 (44.40) 14 McCummings, Jackson M 11 BWST-PV 1:34.92 1:26.68 42.21 1:26.68 (44.47) 15 McCabe, Blaise B 12 SNOW-PV 1:29.70 1:28.46 42.04 1:28.46 (46.42) 16 Longuillo, Thomas A 12 HACC-PV 1:36.58 1:28.69 41.40 1:28.69 (47.29) 17 Haberland, Dillon 11 BWST-PV 1:32.06 1:29.05 42.30 1:29.05 (46.75) 18 Green, Elijah L 12 HACC-PV 1:32.32 1:30.19 42.93 1:30.19 (47.26) 19 Nguyen, Daniel Q 11 LMAC-PV 1:32.18 1:30.63 43.60 1:30.63 (47.03) 20 Schaefer, Nicholas G 12 SNOW-PV 1:36.98 1:31.06 43.34 1:31.06 (47.72) 21 McShaffrey, Dylan C 11 SNOW-PV NT 1:31.42 43.10 1:31.42 (48.32) 22 Krause, Owen M 11 UN-PV 1:34.05 1:31.56 44.62 1:31.56 (46.94) 23 Blasdell, Nathan S 11 SNOW-PV 1:37.79 1:35.46 47.93 1:35.46 (47.53) 24 Haines, Cole S 12 WST-VA 1:50.37 1:36.06 45.80 1:36.06 (50.26) 25 Kim, Josh J 11 SNOW-PV 1:36.42 1:37.58 42.37 1:37.58 (55.21) 26 Sivak, Andrew R 11 HACC-PV NT 1:42.15 46.11 1:42.15 (56.04) 27 Regan, Miles S 11 HACC-PV 1:53.79 1:44.10 48.83 1:44.10 (55.27) 28 Alford, Adam C 12 LMAC-PV NT 1:46.25 50.70 1:46.25 (55.55) 29 Goodrum, Chase C 11 SNOW-PV NT 1:49.76 53.74 1:49.76 (56.02) -- Morency, Carson 11 BWST-PV 1:33.27 DQ One hand touch - breast -- Anderson, Joel N 11 HACC-PV NT DQ Scissors kick - breast 58.32 DQ (1:02.20) -- Schaefer, Ethan T 11 SNOW-PV 1:46.26 DQ Not on back off wall - back 41.91 DQ (47.28) Boys 11-12 200 Yard IM =============================================================================== 2:35.29 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Hughes, Collin M 12 SNOW-PV 2:18.71 2:16.78 PVJO 29.61 1:05.18 (35.57) 1:44.91 (39.73) 2:16.78 (31.87) 2 Atkinson, Christophe E 11 SNOW-PV 2:35.53 2:34.09 PVJO 35.87 1:16.67 (40.80) 2:01.20 (44.53) 2:34.09 (32.89) 3 Pliuskaitis, Stuart S 12 SNOW-PV 2:38.09 2:37.69 34.44 1:14.62 (40.18) 2:02.59 (47.97) 2:37.69 (35.10) 4 Dorn, Jacob M 12 WST-VA NT 2:42.43 33.79 1:16.76 (42.97) 2:05.97 (49.21) 2:42.43 (36.46) 5 Roque, Mikey M 12 WST-VA 2:56.45 2:43.02 34.70 1:17.84 (43.14) 2:09.08 (51.24) 2:43.02 (33.94) 6 Le, Vincent A 11 LMAC-PV NT 2:47.71 33.05 1:18.41 (45.36) 2:08.08 (49.67) 2:47.71 (39.63) 7 Zapp, Jack P 11 BWST-PV 2:58.83 2:51.88 38.83 1:21.58 (42.75) 2:12.38 (50.80) 2:51.88 (39.50) 8 Prisbrey, Hunter P 12 BWST-PV 3:17.32 2:55.94 38.15 1:19.26 (41.11) 2:16.49 (57.23) 2:55.94 (39.45) 9 Krauss, Ethan K 11 BWST-PV 3:19.18 2:56.76 41.01 1:23.06 (42.05) 2:17.03 (53.97) 2:56.76 (39.73) 10 Rossbach, John H 11 SNOW-PV NT 3:01.06 39.56 1:27.09 (47.53) 2:19.52 (52.43) 3:01.06 (41.54) 11 McNulty, Hugh F 11 HACC-PV NT 3:01.75 40.13 1:28.75 (48.62) 2:23.54 (54.79) 3:01.75 (38.21) 12 Schaefer, Nicholas G 12 SNOW-PV NT 3:19.69 44.83 1:36.43 (51.60) 2:31.83 (55.40) 3:19.69 (47.86) 13 Deege, Aidan C 11 HACC-PV NT 3:19.90 44.82 1:35.34 (50.52) 2:32.88 (57.54) 3:19.90 (47.02) 14 Haines, Cole S 12 WST-VA NT 3:31.07 51.63 1:45.31 (53.68) 2:44.00 (58.69) 3:31.07 (47.07) -- Conway, Sean Y 11 SNOW-PV 2:35.81 DQ One hand touch - breast 34.38 1:13.03 (38.65) 2:00.19 (47.16) DQ (33.75) -- Kleeb, Thomas M 11 SNOW-PV NT DQ Alternating Kick - fly 44.68 1:34.34 (49.66) 2:35.00 (1:00.66) DQ (42.04) -- David, Mark S 11 HACC-PV 3:36.96 DQ Non-simultaneous arms - fly 46.54 1:34.94 (48.40) 2:32.67 (57.73) DQ (44.05) -- Russello, Gage 12 SNOW-PV 3:01.18 DQ Delay initiating turn after past vertical - back 34.25 1:14.81 (40.56) 2:02.04 (47.23) DQ (35.59) Boys 12 & Under 500 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Hughes, Collin M 12 SNOW-PV NT 5:29.82 28.72 1:01.51 (32.79) 1:34.68 (33.17) 2:08.33 (33.65) 2:42.20 (33.87) 3:16.29 (34.09) 3:50.31 (34.02) 4:24.62 (34.31) 4:58.75 (34.13) 5:29.82 (31.07) 2 Rivinius, Daniel O 10 SNOW-PV 6:06.42 6:10.63 32.87 1:10.05 (37.18) 1:47.21 (37.16) 2:24.98 (37.77) 3:02.99 (38.01) 3:40.28 (37.29) 4:18.79 (38.51) 4:56.64 (37.85) 5:34.82 (38.18) 6:10.63 (35.81) 3 Van Tassell, Mason A 11 SNOW-PV 7:05.35 6:16.68 33.05 1:10.30 (37.25) 1:48.51 (38.21) 2:27.20 (38.69) 3:05.79 (38.59) 3:44.21 (38.42) 4:22.79 (38.58) 5:01.35 (38.56) 5:39.49 (38.14) 6:16.68 (37.19) 4 Russello, Gage 12 SNOW-PV 7:00.43 6:16.79 33.33 1:10.61 (37.28) 1:49.49 (38.88) 2:29.27 (39.78) 3:08.30 (39.03) 3:47.19 (38.89) 4:25.73 (38.54) 5:04.78 (39.05) 5:41.31 (36.53) 6:16.79 (35.48) 5 Roque, Mikey M 12 WST-VA 6:43.81 6:20.09 31.11 1:07.08 (35.97) 1:44.52 (37.44) 2:23.86 (39.34) 4:20.75 ( ) 5:00.75 (40.00) 6:20.48 (1:19.73) 6:20.09 ( ) 6 Lee, Justin G 10 BWST-PV 6:40.33 6:25.52 33.00 1:10.92 (37.92) 1:50.23 (39.31) 2:30.51 (40.28) 3:10.31 (39.80) 3:50.59 (40.28) 4:32.43 (41.84) 5:12.40 (39.97) 5:50.56 (38.16) 6:25.52 (34.96) 7 Sun, Kevin 12 HACC-PV NT 6:27.22 32.23 1:10.70 (38.47) 1:50.96 (40.26) 2:31.59 (40.63) 3:12.35 (40.76) 3:52.89 (40.54) 4:33.27 (40.38) 5:12.77 (39.50) 5:50.86 (38.09) 6:27.22 (36.36) 8 Zapp, Jack P 11 BWST-PV 7:20.99 6:41.25 33.95 1:13.35 (39.40) 1:54.62 (41.27) 2:36.78 (42.16) 3:17.87 (41.09) 3:59.34 (41.47) 4:40.69 (41.35) 5:22.07 (41.38) 6:02.17 (40.10) 6:41.25 (39.08) 9 Wall, Trace S 10 BWST-PV 7:26.84 6:55.43 33.93 1:14.20 (40.27) 1:57.10 (42.90) 2:40.54 (43.44) 3:22.79 (42.25) 4:06.23 (43.44) 4:49.45 (43.22) 5:32.98 (43.53) 6:15.59 (42.61) 6:55.43 (39.84) 10 Prisbrey, Hunter P 12 BWST-PV 8:15.95 7:26.52 37.38 1:23.16 (45.78) 2:08.86 (45.70) 2:54.16 (45.30) 3:40.78 (46.62) 4:27.98 (47.20) 5:16.16 (48.18) 6:01.01 (44.85) 6:45.88 (44.87) 7:26.52 (40.64) 11 Kopac, Christopher 9 SNOW-PV NT 7:27.45 39.99 1:25.81 (45.82) 2:11.95 (46.14) 2:57.62 (45.67) 3:42.85 (45.23) 4:28.91 (46.06) 5:14.84 (45.93) 6:01.12 (46.28) 6:44.96 (43.84) 7:27.45 (42.49) 12 Schaefer, Nicholas G 12 SNOW-PV NT 8:13.18 39.36 1:26.69 (47.33) 2:17.14 (50.45) 3:07.85 (50.71) 4:51.19 (1:43.34) 5:42.26 (51.07) 6:33.18 (50.92) 7:24.41 (51.23) 8:13.18 (48.77) 13 Haines, Cole S 12 WST-VA NT 8:28.03 42.57 1:33.50 (50.93) 2:25.90 (52.40) 3:18.25 (52.35) 4:12.68 (54.43) 5:05.68 (53.00) 6:00.05 (54.37) 6:49.79 (49.74) 7:39.58 (49.79) 8:28.03 (48.45) 14 Sivak, Andrew R 11 HACC-PV 8:27.26 8:45.06 40.31 1:31.40 (51.09) 2:25.70 (54.30) 3:18.97 (53.27) 4:13.68 (54.71) 5:09.23 (55.55) 6:05.47 (56.24) 6:58.03 (52.56) 7:54.22 (56.19) 8:45.06 (50.84) 15 Spencer, Cody P 12 HACC-PV 8:41.79 8:53.10 43.18 1:35.26 (52.08) 2:29.55 (54.29) 3:25.14 (55.59) 4:21.91 (56.77) 5:17.11 (55.20) 6:13.15 (56.04) 7:09.14 (55.99) 8:06.57 (57.43) 8:53.10 (46.53) 16 Goodrum, Chase C 11 SNOW-PV NT 9:30.94 51.89 1:48.59 (56.70) 2:44.70 (56.11) 3:42.99 (58.29) 4:42.08 (59.09) 5:41.14 (59.06) 6:40.12 (58.98) 7:37.43 (57.31) 8:33.94 (56.51) 9:30.94 (57.00) Boys 12 & Under 200 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== 2:34.19 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Hughes, Collin M 12 SNOW-PV 2:20.45 2:18.55 PVJO 32.45 1:07.75 (35.30) 1:43.82 (36.07) 2:18.55 (34.73) 2 Hilmi, Luay I 12 SNOW-PV 2:17.05 2:21.89 PVJO 32.88 1:08.80 (35.92) 1:45.99 (37.19) 2:21.89 (35.90) 3 Pliuskaitis, Stuart S 12 SNOW-PV 2:31.76 2:34.39 37.67 1:16.58 (38.91) 1:56.66 (40.08) 2:34.39 (37.73) 4 Lee, Justin G 10 BWST-PV NT 2:38.44 37.54 1:18.51 (40.97) 1:59.20 (40.69) 2:38.44 (39.24) 5 Van Tassell, Mason A 11 SNOW-PV 2:39.22 2:39.72 37.39 1:17.27 (39.88) 1:58.86 (41.59) 2:39.72 (40.86) 6 Stevens, Carson L 12 HACC-PV NT 2:40.33 37.35 1:18.23 (40.88) 1:59.67 (41.44) 2:40.33 (40.66) 7 Stassinos, Dirk O 11 HACC-PV 2:48.56 2:47.96 39.38 1:22.74 (43.36) 2:07.40 (44.66) 2:47.96 (40.56) -- Spencer, Cody P 12 HACC-PV NT DQ 50.77 1:50.13 (59.36) 2:52.45 (1:02.32) DQ (59.02) -- Schaefer, Ethan T 11 SNOW-PV NT DQ 47.51 1:38.96 (51.45) 2:33.15 (54.19) DQ (48.88) Boys 13 & Over 50 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 25.49 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Fedderly, Matthew 26 SNOW-PV 21.19 21.98 PVJO 2 Burris, Tim S 16 SNOW-PV 23.25 23.56 PVJO 3 Banister, Chris Y 17 SNOW-PV 22.76 23.57 PVJO 4 Babington, Conor W 15 WST-VA 25.22 23.71 PVJO 5 Kost, Nick A 17 BWST-PV 24.03 23.80 PVJO 6 Dixon, Cameron T 17 WST-VA 23.73 24.30 PVJO 7 Ouyang, Nathan W 16 HACC-PV 24.01 24.32 PVJO 8 Myers, Alex C 17 SNOW-PV 26.47 24.56 PVJO 9 Kent, Jonathon J 16 HACC-PV 25.19 25.52 10 Burris, Michael S 13 SNOW-PV 26.37 25.70 11 Shen, Charlie T 15 HACC-PV 26.26 25.74 12 Briceno, Leonardo L 15 SNOW-PV 27.38 25.91 13 Palmieri, Nick D 13 SNOW-PV 28.54 25.92 14 Oh, Daniel * 14 SNOW-PV 26.08 25.94 15 Pleasure, Mitchell V 15 HACC-PV 24.75 25.97 16 Zhai, Alan S 13 HACC-PV 27.29 26.26 17 Mantelli, Isaac D 14 HACC-PV 26.91 26.44 18 Pierce, Billy J 14 SNOW-PV 27.97 26.45 19 Charmsaz, Soren * 15 SNOW-PV NT 26.60 20 Rodakowski, Matthew S 16 HACC-PV 26.86 26.63 21 Williams, James W 16 WST-VA NT 26.65 22 Faieq, Zakey A 16 HACC-PV 26.94 26.74 23 Trahan, Casey S 17 HACC-PV 24.79 26.76 24 Popovich, Matthew R 13 SNOW-PV 28.44 26.88 25 Yeager, Jake R 13 SNOW-PV 27.87 27.02 26 Trahan, Jackson L 14 HACC-PV 28.14 27.15 27 Vaka, Nicholas C 13 SNOW-PV 26.69 27.16 28 Yaunches, Andrew T 14 LMAC-PV 30.32 27.72 29 Rice, Elliott D 17 SNOW-PV NT 27.82 30 Finkenbinder, Dillon T 15 SNOW-PV 28.51 27.98 31 Green, Isaac V 14 HACC-PV 28.56 28.12 32 Keane, Sean M 13 SNOW-PV 30.08 28.18 33 Rowell, Liam M 14 HACC-PV 29.33 28.30 34 Soldano, Shadow A 14 SNOW-PV 29.69 28.38 35 Exel, D.J. J 13 SNOW-PV 29.44 28.74 36 Rexroad, Nick C 13 SNOW-PV 29.99 28.75 37 Coyle, Mason A 13 BWST-PV 29.53 28.79 38 Beach, Matthew G 13 HACC-PV 29.37 28.84 39 Barghi, Alex 15 SNOW-PV 29.07 29.07 40 Nicgorski, Bryan J 14 HACC-PV NT 29.30 41 Webb, Monty F 14 SNOW-PV 31.42 29.87 42 Wang, Brandon Y 13 HACC-PV 32.42 30.32 43 Yoon, Kevin B 13 SNOW-PV NT 30.88 44 Aquiatan, Alexis N 15 HACC-PV 30.69 31.61 45 Nguyen, Teddy T 14 SNOW-PV NT 31.70 46 Mallory, Jeremiah P 13 SNOW-PV NT 31.77 47 O'Neal, Tyler J 14 HACC-PV 32.77 31.91 48 Desmond, Fionn D 13 BWST-PV NT 32.17 49 Fishenden, Jimmy 13 BWST-PV 37.57 35.14 50 Kirkwood, Matthew W 15 SNOW-PV NT 35.62 51 David, William J 13 HACC-PV 41.75 35.93 52 Walton, Collin D 13 BWST-PV 39.37 38.37 53 Kirkwood, Daniel M 13 SNOW-PV NT 41.15 Boys 13 & Over 100 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 54.99 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Kost, Nick A 17 BWST-PV 51.98 50.75 PVJO 24.08 50.75 (26.67) 2 Banister, Chris Y 17 SNOW-PV 50.47 51.31 PVJO 24.86 51.31 (26.45) 3 Burris, Tim S 16 SNOW-PV 51.28 51.80 PVJO 24.32 51.80 (27.48) 4 Dixon, Cameron T 17 WST-VA 51.01 51.86 PVJO 24.83 51.86 (27.03) 5 Ouyang, Nathan W 16 HACC-PV 53.71 53.55 PVJO 25.61 53.55 (27.94) 6 Popovich, John Paul 15 SNOW-PV 52.60 53.70 PVJO 25.99 53.70 (27.71) 7 Chase, Nolan D 15 HACC-PV 53.31 53.75 PVJO 25.59 53.75 (28.16) 8 Babington, Conor W 15 WST-VA 55.68 53.76 PVJO 26.08 53.76 (27.68) 9 Presgraves, Sam N 16 SNOW-PV 54.70 53.89 PVJO 26.27 53.89 (27.62) 10 Hurrell, Sean 17 SNOW-PV 52.16 54.40 PVJO 25.89 54.40 (28.51) 11 Burris, Michael S 13 SNOW-PV 56.80 54.86 PVJO 26.72 54.86 (28.14) 12 Lloyd, Forrest B 17 WST-VA 54.18 55.09 26.66 55.09 (28.43) 13 Gallagher, Benjamin S 16 UN-PV 58.66 55.81 25.79 55.81 (30.02) 14 Kent, Jonathon J 16 HACC-PV 56.51 55.87 26.44 55.87 (29.43) 15 Palmieri, Nick D 13 SNOW-PV 1:04.55 55.92 27.11 55.92 (28.81) 16 Gabriel, Joaquin S 14 SNOW-PV 57.78 56.41 27.28 56.41 (29.13) 17 McNulty, Devin M 14 HACC-PV 56.36 56.53 26.97 56.53 (29.56) 18 Hoff, Adam R 16 SNOW-PV 57.22 56.81 27.30 56.81 (29.51) 19 Popovich, Matthew R 13 SNOW-PV 1:00.12 56.90 27.66 56.90 (29.24) 20 Maccannon, Jason M 15 HACC-PV 57.99 57.31 27.25 57.31 (30.06) 21 Pleasure, Mitchell V 15 HACC-PV 55.07 57.52 27.51 57.52 (30.01) 22 Blackley, Nick S 16 SNOW-PV 58.53 57.95 27.57 57.95 (30.38) 23 Ginieczki, Christian B 13 HACC-PV 58.37 58.58 27.61 58.58 (30.97) 24 Trahan, Casey S 17 HACC-PV 56.64 58.80 28.14 58.80 (30.66) 25 Vaka, Nicholas C 13 SNOW-PV 58.47 58.90 28.00 58.90 (30.90) 26 Witmer, Cale E 13 HACC-PV 1:00.57 59.05 28.54 59.05 (30.51) 27 Martin, Zach M 14 SNOW-PV 1:02.69 59.13 28.59 59.13 (30.54) 28 Yeager, Jake R 13 SNOW-PV 1:05.86 59.62 28.33 59.62 (31.29) 29 Trahan, Jackson L 14 HACC-PV 1:02.65 1:00.11 28.92 1:00.11 (31.19) 30 Faieq, Zakey A 16 HACC-PV 1:47.17 1:00.28 27.67 1:00.28 (32.61) 31 Mantelli, Isaac D 14 HACC-PV 1:02.01 1:00.34 28.54 1:00.34 (31.80) 32 Rodakowski, Matthew S 16 HACC-PV 58.90 1:00.48 28.93 1:00.48 (31.55) 33 Bermingham, Joseph P 14 HACC-PV 1:01.39 1:00.62 28.72 1:00.62 (31.90) 34 Yaunches, Andrew T 14 LMAC-PV 1:09.87 1:00.77 28.68 1:00.77 (32.09) 35 Finkenbinder, Dillon T 15 SNOW-PV 1:05.43 1:01.09 29.29 1:01.09 (31.80) 36 Hover, Zack J 16 SNOW-PV NT 1:01.17 29.77 1:01.17 (31.40) 37 Chenault, Calvin L 14 BWST-PV 1:06.11 1:01.22 29.80 1:01.22 (31.42) 38 Medrano, Ethan 14 WST-VA NT 1:01.35 29.76 1:01.35 (31.59) 39 Romano, Daniel A 14 BWST-PV 1:04.92 1:02.83 29.97 1:02.83 (32.86) 40 Beach, Matthew G 13 HACC-PV 1:05.49 1:02.90 30.24 1:02.90 (32.66) 41 Burbano, Nico B 13 BWST-PV 1:13.56 1:03.03 31.06 1:03.03 (31.97) 42 Exel, D.J. J 13 SNOW-PV 1:05.12 1:03.09 30.68 1:03.09 (32.41) 43 Rexroad, Nick C 13 SNOW-PV 1:09.30 1:03.31 29.81 1:03.31 (33.50) 44 Lightbody, Joey A 15 SNOW-PV 1:06.89 1:03.54 30.62 1:03.54 (32.92) 45 Keane, Sean M 13 SNOW-PV 1:08.13 1:03.61 46 Vanik, Alex J 13 BWST-PV 1:20.20 1:05.18 31.62 1:05.18 (33.56) 47 Ali, Jibran 14 HACC-PV 1:07.25 1:06.48 31.07 1:06.48 (35.41) 48 Haley, Jared R 15 SNOW-PV NT 1:06.93 31.35 1:06.93 (35.58) 49 Rice, Elliott D 17 SNOW-PV NT 1:07.16 30.87 1:07.16 (36.29) 50 Morton, Jack D 14 BWST-PV 1:09.18 1:07.62 32.22 1:07.62 (35.40) 51 David, Jake M 13 WST-VA NT 1:07.82 31.65 1:07.82 (36.17) 52 Coyle, Mason A 13 BWST-PV 1:10.62 1:08.89 32.92 1:08.89 (35.97) 53 Shangraw, Jack J 15 SNOW-PV NT 1:09.14 32.67 1:09.14 (36.47) 54 Albers, Grayson P 13 BWST-PV 1:13.70 1:09.31 33.18 1:09.31 (36.13) 55 O'Neal, Tyler J 14 HACC-PV 1:20.75 1:09.53 32.74 1:09.53 (36.79) 56 Houser, Zack Z 13 UN-PV NT 1:10.05 33.59 1:10.05 (36.46) 57 Yoon, Kevin B 13 SNOW-PV NT 1:11.43 34.41 1:11.43 (37.02) 58 Scott, Jack M 14 SNOW-PV NT 1:16.66 35.85 1:16.66 (40.81) 59 Sheridan, Jason 14 SNOW-PV NT 1:22.35 37.63 1:22.35 (44.72) 60 Fishenden, Jimmy 13 BWST-PV 1:22.62 1:24.71 41.21 1:24.71 (43.50) 61 Walton, Collin D 13 BWST-PV 1:28.52 1:24.99 41.09 1:24.99 (43.90) 62 David, William J 13 HACC-PV 1:31.89 1:30.74 39.59 1:30.74 (51.15) Boys 13 & Over 200 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 1:59.39 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Kost, Nick A 17 BWST-PV 1:55.71 1:52.90 PVJO 25.62 54.71 (29.09) 1:23.87 (29.16) 1:52.90 (29.03) 2 Banister, Chris Y 17 SNOW-PV 1:54.53 1:54.03 PVJO 26.89 56.56 (29.67) 1:25.67 (29.11) 1:54.03 (28.36) 3 Dixon, Cameron T 17 WST-VA 1:50.36 1:55.70 PVJO 26.22 55.60 (29.38) 1:25.60 (30.00) 1:55.70 (30.10) 4 Burris, Tim S 16 SNOW-PV 1:57.63 1:57.15 PVJO 27.16 57.06 (29.90) 1:27.25 (30.19) 1:57.15 (29.90) 5 Burris, Michael S 13 SNOW-PV 2:04.92 1:57.24 PVJO 27.32 57.22 (29.90) 1:27.41 (30.19) 1:57.24 (29.83) 6 Presgraves, Sam N 16 SNOW-PV 2:00.53 1:57.94 PVJO 26.82 56.41 (29.59) 1:26.41 (30.00) 1:57.94 (31.53) 7 Lloyd, Forrest B 17 WST-VA 1:59.84 1:59.96 27.84 58.30 (30.46) 1:29.35 (31.05) 1:59.96 (30.61) 8 Ouyang, Nathan W 16 HACC-PV 2:05.75 2:00.17 26.95 57.70 (30.75) 1:28.32 (30.62) 2:00.17 (31.85) 9 Chase, Nolan D 15 HACC-PV 1:58.70 2:00.51 27.08 57.21 (30.13) 1:28.65 (31.44) 2:00.51 (31.86) 10 Babington, Conor W 15 WST-VA 2:34.71 2:01.98 27.29 59.18 (31.89) 1:31.94 (32.76) 2:01.98 (30.04) 11 Gabriel, Joaquin S 14 SNOW-PV 2:08.15 2:03.10 27.29 58.37 (31.08) 1:30.55 (32.18) 2:03.10 (32.55) 12 Williams, James W 16 WST-VA NT 2:05.10 28.79 1:00.39 (31.60) 1:32.78 (32.39) 2:05.10 (32.32) 13 Kent, Jonathon J 16 HACC-PV 2:32.07 2:06.31 28.24 59.98 (31.74) 1:33.51 (33.53) 2:06.31 (32.80) 14 Oh, Daniel * 14 SNOW-PV 2:08.57 2:06.35 27.73 59.53 (31.80) 1:32.82 (33.29) 2:06.35 (33.53) 15 Vaka, Nicholas C 13 SNOW-PV 2:06.86 2:07.90 28.60 1:00.56 (31.96) 1:33.99 (33.43) 2:07.90 (33.91) 16 Martin, Zach M 14 SNOW-PV 2:14.45 2:08.02 29.04 1:01.28 (32.24) 1:34.68 (33.40) 2:08.02 (33.34) 17 Briceno, Leonardo L 15 SNOW-PV 2:19.07 2:08.51 28.11 59.89 (31.78) 1:34.50 (34.61) 2:08.51 (34.01) 18 Rodakowski, Matthew S 16 HACC-PV 2:08.39 2:08.73 29.48 1:02.23 (32.75) 1:35.98 (33.75) 2:08.73 (32.75) 19 Shen, Charlie T 15 HACC-PV 2:15.89 2:10.22 28.57 1:01.61 (33.04) 1:36.61 (35.00) 2:10.22 (33.61) 20 Caffo, Zachary C 16 SNOW-PV 2:17.24 2:11.30 28.95 1:02.49 (33.54) 1:37.43 (34.94) 2:11.30 (33.87) 21 Chenault, Calvin L 14 BWST-PV 2:22.27 2:11.85 29.88 1:02.90 (33.02) 1:38.12 (35.22) 2:11.85 (33.73) 22 Pleasure, Mitchell V 15 HACC-PV 2:04.11 2:12.04 28.08 1:00.42 (32.34) 1:35.92 (35.50) 2:12.04 (36.12) 23 Beach, Matthew G 13 HACC-PV 2:26.31 2:14.67 30.57 1:05.10 (34.53) 1:40.87 (35.77) 2:14.67 (33.80) 24 Mantelli, Isaac D 14 HACC-PV 2:20.27 2:15.44 28.75 1:02.67 (33.92) 1:39.56 (36.89) 2:15.44 (35.88) 25 Trahan, Casey S 17 HACC-PV 2:08.48 2:17.47 28.48 1:02.81 (34.33) 1:41.48 (38.67) 2:17.47 (35.99) 26 Burbano, Nico B 13 BWST-PV 2:25.21 2:17.63 30.65 1:05.18 (34.53) 1:41.93 (36.75) 2:17.63 (35.70) 27 Trahan, Jackson L 14 HACC-PV 2:21.45 2:18.00 30.91 1:05.80 (34.89) 1:42.71 (36.91) 2:18.00 (35.29) 28 Rowell, Liam M 14 HACC-PV 2:12.70 2:19.35 29.47 1:02.61 (33.14) 1:38.41 (35.80) 2:19.35 (40.94) 29 Barghi, Alex 15 SNOW-PV 2:20.86 2:20.11 31.26 1:06.34 (35.08) 1:43.45 (37.11) 2:20.11 (36.66) 30 Pierce, Billy J 14 SNOW-PV 2:21.02 2:20.80 30.06 1:05.48 (35.42) 1:43.92 (38.44) 2:20.80 (36.88) 31 Finkenbinder, Dillon T 15 SNOW-PV NT 2:23.24 30.92 1:06.06 (35.14) 1:44.60 (38.54) 2:23.24 (38.64) 32 Romano, Daniel A 14 BWST-PV 2:26.38 2:26.25 30.87 1:06.42 (35.55) 1:45.29 (38.87) 2:26.25 (40.96) 33 Wang, Brandon Y 13 HACC-PV NT 2:26.99 30.98 1:07.36 (36.38) 1:47.73 (40.37) 2:26.99 (39.26) 34 Green, Isaac V 14 HACC-PV 2:23.44 2:28.67 31.11 1:09.53 (38.42) 1:50.67 (41.14) 2:28.67 (38.00) 35 Vanik, Alex J 13 BWST-PV 2:56.16 2:32.74 1:15.26 1:55.39 ( ) 2:32.74 (37.35) 36 O'Neal, Tyler J 14 HACC-PV 2:28.18 2:32.99 33.29 1:11.10 (37.81) 1:52.04 (40.94) 2:32.99 (40.95) 37 Coyle, Mason A 13 BWST-PV 2:36.76 2:34.16 32.51 1:11.60 (39.09) 1:53.71 (42.11) 2:34.16 (40.45) 38 Nicgorski, Bryan J 14 HACC-PV NT 2:35.74 31.94 1:10.75 (38.81) 1:54.01 (43.26) 2:35.74 (41.73) 39 Albers, Grayson P 13 BWST-PV 2:35.15 2:36.12 34.56 1:14.29 (39.73) 1:56.19 (41.90) 2:36.12 (39.93) 40 Desmond, Fionn D 13 BWST-PV NT 2:38.03 35.58 1:16.52 (40.94) 1:58.47 (41.95) 2:38.03 (39.56) 41 Webb, Monty F 14 SNOW-PV 2:46.73 2:45.39 33.44 1:13.90 (40.46) 2:00.01 (46.11) 2:45.39 (45.38) 42 Walton, Collin D 13 BWST-PV NT 2:58.84 41.50 1:27.91 (46.41) 2:16.22 (48.31) 2:58.84 (42.62) 43 Fishenden, Jimmy 13 BWST-PV NT 3:06.93 40.34 1:26.36 (46.02) 2:14.02 (47.66) 3:06.93 (52.91) 44 David, William J 13 HACC-PV 3:24.43 3:09.83 38.57 1:27.64 (49.07) 2:18.80 (51.16) 3:09.83 (51.03) 45 Dulai, Gurveer S 13 SNOW-PV NT 3:27.63 43.49 1:33.66 (50.17) 2:28.91 (55.25) 3:27.63 (58.72) Boys 13 & Over 500 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 5:17.99 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Maxwell, Brennan A 16 BWST-PV 5:22.49 5:11.87 PVJO 27.02 57.97 (30.95) 1:29.56 (31.59) 2:01.81 (32.25) 2:34.39 (32.58) 3:06.82 (32.43) 3:39.46 (32.64) 4:11.72 (32.26) 4:43.34 (31.62) 5:11.87 (28.53) 2 Banister, Chris Y 17 SNOW-PV 5:04.96 5:12.01 PVJO 27.71 58.13 (30.42) 1:28.85 (30.72) 1:59.90 (31.05) 2:31.63 (31.73) 3:03.75 (32.12) 3:36.44 (32.69) 4:09.22 (32.78) 4:41.26 (32.04) 5:12.01 (30.75) 3 Dixon, Cameron T 17 WST-VA 5:12.23 5:19.95 28.02 58.88 (30.86) 1:30.91 (32.03) 2:03.59 (32.68) 2:37.21 (33.62) 3:09.71 (32.50) 3:43.08 (33.37) 4:15.89 (32.81) 4:48.07 (32.18) 5:19.95 (31.88) 4 Kost, Nick A 17 BWST-PV 5:33.56 5:20.95 26.91 58.31 (31.40) 1:30.93 (32.62) 2:04.09 (33.16) 2:36.99 (32.90) 3:10.18 (33.19) 3:43.47 (33.29) 4:17.26 (33.79) 4:49.90 (32.64) 5:20.95 (31.05) 5 Schroth, Jake J 16 BWST-PV 5:26.92 5:22.91 28.28 59.69 (31.41) 1:32.12 (32.43) 2:04.59 (32.47) 2:37.11 (32.52) 3:09.96 (32.85) 3:42.55 (32.59) 4:15.74 (33.19) 4:49.84 (34.10) 5:22.91 (33.07) 6 Chase, Nolan D 15 HACC-PV 5:39.33 5:25.57 28.10 59.76 (31.66) 1:32.70 (32.94) 2:38.99 ( ) 3:12.95 (33.96) 3:46.30 (33.35) 4:19.98 (33.68) 4:53.46 (33.48) 5:25.57 (32.11) 7 Lucas, Jackson J 13 BWST-PV 5:34.05 5:26.71 28.21 59.28 (31.07) 1:32.73 (33.45) 2:06.18 (33.45) 2:40.48 (34.30) 3:13.86 (33.38) 3:47.36 (33.50) 4:20.89 (33.53) 4:55.08 (34.19) 5:26.71 (31.63) 8 Yang, Dennis H 14 BWST-PV 5:58.66 5:28.17 29.89 3:16.72 (2:46.83) 3:50.87 ( ) 4:23.92 (33.05) 4:57.03 (33.11) 5:28.17 (31.14) 9 Kost, Michael A 15 BWST-PV 5:51.04 5:28.20 28.78 1:00.53 (31.75) 1:34.15 (33.62) 2:08.51 (34.36) 2:42.31 (33.80) 3:16.93 (34.62) 3:51.38 (34.45) 4:25.87 (34.49) 4:57.63 (31.76) 5:28.20 (30.57) 10 Paz, Anthony F 14 BWST-PV 5:51.12 5:29.71 30.90 3:18.03 (2:47.13) 3:51.60 ( ) 4:25.24 (33.64) 4:58.35 (33.11) 5:29.71 (31.36) 11 Hurrell, Sean 17 SNOW-PV 5:34.25 5:30.26 29.25 1:00.98 (31.73) 1:33.60 (32.62) 2:06.79 (33.19) 2:40.23 (33.44) 3:14.21 (33.98) 3:48.37 (34.16) 4:22.55 (34.18) 4:56.92 (34.37) 5:30.26 (33.34) 12 Marron, Danny P 16 BWST-PV 5:27.97 5:33.64 1:03.52 1:36.77 ( ) 2:11.09 (34.32) 2:45.77 (34.68) 3:19.38 (33.61) 3:54.20 (34.82) 4:28.13 (33.93) 5:02.14 (34.01) 5:33.64 (31.50) 13 McAllister, Daniel J 17 BWST-PV 5:21.02 5:33.67 1:02.36 1:35.52 ( ) 2:09.22 (33.70) 2:43.12 (33.90) 3:17.47 (34.35) 3:51.25 (33.78) 4:26.08 (34.83) 5:00.77 (34.69) 5:33.67 (32.90) 14 Davidson, Chris S 14 BWST-PV 5:50.53 5:37.69 29.85 1:03.34 (33.49) 1:37.67 (34.33) 2:12.12 (34.45) 2:47.27 (35.15) 3:22.06 (34.79) 3:56.99 (34.93) 4:31.40 (34.41) 5:05.63 (34.23) 5:37.69 (32.06) 15 Allen, Justin J 17 BWST-PV 5:34.30 5:39.08 28.42 1:00.89 (32.47) 1:36.22 (35.33) 2:10.48 (34.26) 2:45.19 (34.71) 3:19.76 (34.57) 3:55.17 (35.41) 4:29.36 (34.19) 5:04.21 (34.85) 5:39.08 (34.87) 16 Martin, Zach M 14 SNOW-PV NT 5:43.93 31.49 1:06.03 (34.54) 1:41.62 (35.59) 2:17.73 (36.11) 2:53.43 (35.70) 3:29.36 (35.93) 4:05.26 (35.90) 4:40.77 (35.51) 5:13.14 (32.37) 5:43.93 (30.79) 17 Vaka, Nicholas C 13 SNOW-PV 5:42.54 5:45.29 30.22 1:04.52 (34.30) 1:39.52 (35.00) 2:14.91 (35.39) 2:50.04 (35.13) 3:25.60 (35.56) 4:00.78 (35.18) 4:36.10 (35.32) 5:11.00 (34.90) 5:45.29 (34.29) 18 Chen, Austin 14 BWST-PV 6:28.96 5:47.88 28.78 1:02.29 (33.51) 1:37.79 (35.50) 2:13.75 (35.96) 2:50.61 (36.86) 3:27.42 (36.81) 4:03.18 (35.76) 4:38.74 (35.56) 5:14.17 (35.43) 5:47.88 (33.71) 19 Rodakowski, Matthew S 16 HACC-PV 5:23.93 5:53.30 1:04.17 1:39.98 ( ) 2:15.26 (35.28) 2:50.87 (35.61) 3:27.87 (37.00) 4:04.86 (36.99) 4:41.75 (36.89) 5:18.18 (36.43) 5:53.30 (35.12) 20 Cecil, Tommy I 14 HACC-PV 6:09.57 5:57.13 28.99 2:17.42 (1:48.43) 2:53.86 (36.44) 3:32.43 (38.57) 4:10.13 ( ) 4:46.50 (36.37) 5:22.01 (35.51) 5:57.13 (35.12) 21 Beach, Matthew G 13 HACC-PV 6:30.68 6:05.90 31.85 2:23.07 (1:51.22) 3:00.79 (37.72) 3:38.26 (37.47) 4:15.97 ( ) 4:54.22 (38.25) 5:30.78 (36.56) 6:05.90 (35.12) 22 Rowell, Liam M 14 HACC-PV 6:27.34 6:11.09 32.51 2:23.25 (1:50.74) 3:00.14 (36.89) 3:37.89 ( ) 4:16.83 (38.94) 4:55.27 (38.44) 5:33.09 (37.82) 6:11.09 (38.00) 23 Trahan, Casey S 17 HACC-PV 6:00.67 6:16.18 31.79 2:23.04 (1:51.25) 3:02.47 (39.43) 3:40.64 ( ) 4:19.84 (39.20) 5:00.42 (40.58) 5:40.48 (40.06) 6:16.18 (35.70) 24 Exel, D.J. J 13 SNOW-PV NT 6:23.19 33.45 1:12.02 (38.57) 1:51.80 (39.78) 2:31.35 (39.55) 3:11.34 (39.99) 3:51.62 (40.28) 4:31.37 (39.75) 5:09.40 (38.03) 5:47.38 (37.98) 6:23.19 (35.81) 25 Lightbody, Joey A 15 SNOW-PV 7:16.08 6:27.25 1:07.10 3:46.62 ( ) 5:08.69 (1:22.07) 5:48.74 (40.05) 6:27.25 (38.51) 6:27.25 ( ) 26 Trahan, Jackson L 14 HACC-PV 6:28.49 6:27.27 31.02 2:26.95 (1:55.93) 3:07.99 (41.04) 3:49.72 ( ) 4:28.67 ( ) 5:08.47 (39.80) 5:50.94 (42.47) 6:27.27 (36.33) 27 Yaunches, Andrew T 14 LMAC-PV 6:56.76 6:33.61 31.52 1:08.91 (37.39) 1:48.66 (39.75) 2:29.84 (41.18) 3:11.17 (41.33) 3:53.13 (41.96) 4:34.33 (41.20) 5:15.92 (41.59) 5:56.70 (40.78) 6:33.61 (36.91) 28 Haley, Jared R 15 SNOW-PV NT 7:31.64 32.10 1:10.31 (38.21) 1:53.80 (43.49) 2:39.73 (45.93) 3:27.88 (48.15) 4:17.63 ( ) 5:58.45 (1:40.82) 6:48.04 (49.59) 7:31.64 (43.60) 29 David, William J 13 HACC-PV NT 8:35.29 40.66 1:30.92 (50.26) 2:23.97 (53.05) 3:17.37 (53.40) 4:11.17 (53.80) 5:05.37 (54.20) 5:58.92 (53.55) 6:52.08 (53.16) 8:35.29 (1:43.21) Boys 13 & Over 1000 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 11:19.99 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Higdon, Christopher S 16 UN-NC-PV 9:58.75 10:14.12 PVJO 27.56 57.73 (30.17) 1:28.37 (30.64) 1:59.16 (30.79) 2:29.99 (30.83) 3:00.89 (30.90) 3:31.97 (31.08) 4:03.22 (31.25) 4:34.47 (31.25) 5:05.84 (31.37) 5:36.97 (31.13) 6:08.17 (31.20) 7:41.46 (1:33.29) 8:12.44 (30.98) 10:14.12 (2:01.68) 2 Fabian, Brandon G 14 NCAP-PV 10:27.46 10:15.12 PVJO 28.19 59.08 (30.89) 1:29.96 (30.88) 2:01.17 (31.21) 2:32.60 (31.43) 3:04.01 (31.41) 3:35.48 (31.47) 4:06.92 (31.44) 4:37.98 (31.06) 5:09.33 (31.35) 5:40.68 (31.35) 6:11.94 (31.26) 6:42.79 (30.85) 7:13.60 (30.81) 7:44.60 (31.00) 8:15.55 (30.95) 8:46.21 (30.66) 9:17.02 (30.81) 9:47.31 (30.29) 10:15.12 (27.81) 3 Pomajevich, Sam R 14 NCAP-PV 10:19.38 10:21.16 PVJO 27.74 58.43 (30.69) 1:29.12 (30.69) 1:59.76 (30.64) 2:30.51 (30.75) 3:02.24 (31.73) 3:33.19 (30.95) 4:04.39 (31.20) 4:35.83 (31.44) 5:07.88 (32.05) 5:39.94 (32.06) 6:11.54 (31.60) 6:43.67 (32.13) 7:15.74 (32.07) 7:47.46 (31.72) 8:19.04 (31.58) 8:50.71 (31.67) 9:22.15 (31.44) 9:52.08 (29.93) 10:21.16 (29.08) 4 Chung, James W 16 NCAP-PV 10:30.99 10:21.96 PVJO 27.82 58.07 (30.25) 1:29.22 (31.15) 2:00.52 (31.30) 2:32.32 (31.80) 3:03.91 (31.59) 3:35.82 (31.91) 4:07.63 (31.81) 4:39.24 (31.61) 5:11.36 (32.12) 5:43.37 (32.01) 6:15.05 (31.68) 6:46.49 (31.44) 7:17.98 (31.49) 7:48.90 (30.92) 8:19.92 (31.02) 8:50.70 (30.78) 9:22.10 (31.40) 9:53.43 (31.33) 10:21.96 (28.53) 5 Popovich, John Paul 15 SNOW-PV 10:51.15 10:28.33 PVJO 28.55 59.64 (31.09) 1:31.16 (31.52) 2:03.12 (31.96) 2:35.05 (31.93) 3:06.97 (31.92) 3:38.95 (31.98) 4:10.88 (31.93) 4:42.52 (31.64) 5:15.11 (32.59) 5:46.81 (31.70) 6:18.72 (31.91) 6:51.12 (32.40) 7:22.60 (31.48) 7:54.40 (31.80) 8:25.53 (31.13) 8:56.75 (31.22) 9:27.96 (31.21) 9:59.06 (31.10) 10:28.33 (29.27) 6 McGarry, Cole J 16 NCAP-PV 10:14.79 10:39.66 PVJO 28.04 58.98 (30.94) 1:29.99 (31.01) 2:01.65 (31.66) 2:33.68 (32.03) 3:05.51 (31.83) 3:37.89 (32.38) 4:10.19 (32.30) 4:42.64 (32.45) 5:15.08 (32.44) 5:47.67 (32.59) 6:20.28 (32.61) 6:52.59 (32.31) 7:25.28 (32.69) 7:57.62 (32.34) 8:30.33 (32.71) 9:02.69 (32.36) 9:35.42 (32.73) 10:07.61 (32.19) 10:39.66 (32.05) 7 Martinez, Matt J 16 NCAP-PV 10:35.99 10:43.42 PVJO 28.53 59.98 (31.45) 1:31.90 (31.92) 2:04.15 (32.25) 2:36.43 (32.28) 3:09.00 (32.57) 3:41.80 (32.80) 4:14.53 (32.73) 4:47.51 (32.98) 5:20.34 (32.83) 5:52.41 (32.07) 6:25.48 (33.07) 6:58.17 (32.69) 7:30.89 (32.72) 8:03.59 (32.70) 8:36.39 (32.80) 9:08.10 (31.71) 9:40.18 (32.08) 10:11.97 (31.79) 10:43.42 (31.45) 8 Presgraves, Sam N 16 SNOW-PV 11:10.96 10:47.10 PVJO 29.02 1:01.14 (32.12) 1:33.17 (32.03) 2:05.23 (32.06) 2:37.67 (32.44) 3:10.32 (32.65) 3:42.79 (32.47) 4:15.04 (32.25) 4:47.79 (32.75) 5:20.38 (32.59) 5:52.77 (32.39) 6:25.37 (32.60) 6:58.17 (32.80) 7:31.22 (33.05) 8:04.00 (32.78) 8:36.62 (32.62) 9:09.56 (32.94) 9:42.67 (33.11) 10:15.49 (32.82) 10:47.10 (31.61) 9 Chartier, Collin H 18 NCAP-PV 11:03.18 10:47.33 PVJO 28.48 1:00.04 (31.56) 1:31.79 (31.75) 2:03.60 (31.81) 2:36.03 (32.43) 3:08.18 (32.15) 3:40.61 (32.43) 4:13.06 (32.45) 4:45.66 (32.60) 5:18.72 (33.06) 5:52.10 (33.38) 6:25.16 (33.06) 6:58.60 (33.44) 7:31.81 (33.21) 8:05.26 (33.45) 8:38.62 (33.36) 9:11.90 (33.28) 9:44.62 (32.72) 10:17.25 (32.63) 10:47.33 (30.08) 10 Maxwell, Brennan A 16 BWST-PV 13:02.83 10:50.19 PVJO 28.82 1:00.48 (31.66) 1:33.32 (32.84) 2:06.40 (33.08) 2:39.81 (33.41) 3:13.07 (33.26) 3:46.54 (33.47) 4:20.02 (33.48) 4:53.11 (33.09) 5:26.32 (33.21) 5:59.63 (33.31) 6:32.61 (32.98) 7:38.34 (1:05.73) 8:11.07 ( ) 8:43.83 (32.76) 9:16.57 (32.74) 10:57.14 ( ) 10:50.19 ( ) 11 Kost, Nick A 17 BWST-PV 11:16.38 10:52.65 PVJO 28.02 59.59 (31.57) 1:31.76 (32.17) 2:03.87 (32.11) 2:36.33 (32.46) 3:08.74 (32.41) 3:41.18 (32.44) 4:14.19 (33.01) 4:47.38 (33.19) 5:21.09 (33.71) 5:54.55 (33.46) 6:28.33 (33.78) 7:01.68 (33.35) 7:34.89 (33.21) 8:08.34 (33.45) 8:41.67 (33.33) 9:15.80 (34.13) 9:49.74 (33.94) 10:21.54 (31.80) 10:52.65 (31.11) 12 Alarcon, Andres A 13 NCAP-PV 11:05.45 10:53.67 PVJO 28.58 1:00.92 (32.34) 1:33.84 (32.92) 2:06.62 (32.78) 2:39.62 (33.00) 3:13.18 (33.56) 3:46.31 (33.13) 4:19.76 (33.45) 4:53.05 (33.29) 5:26.05 (33.00) 5:59.37 (33.32) 6:32.53 (33.16) 7:05.65 (33.12) 7:38.94 (33.29) 8:11.94 (33.00) 8:44.90 (32.96) 9:18.20 (33.30) 9:51.34 (33.14) 10:23.08 (31.74) 10:53.67 (30.59) 13 Schroth, Jake J 16 BWST-PV 11:19.12 11:01.98 PVJO 28.64 59.93 (31.29) 1:31.90 (31.97) 2:04.11 (32.21) 2:37.09 (32.98) 3:10.34 (33.25) 3:44.36 (34.02) 4:17.87 (33.51) 4:51.52 (33.65) 5:25.21 (33.69) 5:59.27 (34.06) 6:33.36 (34.09) 7:06.95 (33.59) 7:40.17 (33.22) 8:13.66 (33.49) 8:47.61 (33.95) 9:21.16 (33.55) 9:55.29 (34.13) 10:29.44 (34.15) 11:01.98 (32.54) 14 Kost, Michael A 15 BWST-PV 13:39.48 11:03.37 PVJO 28.62 1:00.61 (31.99) 1:34.35 (33.74) 2:08.56 (34.21) 2:42.63 (34.07) 3:16.51 (33.88) 3:51.01 (34.50) 4:24.17 (33.16) 4:57.66 (33.49) 5:31.58 (33.92) 6:05.40 (33.82) 6:37.69 (32.29) 7:11.48 (33.79) 7:45.57 (34.09) 8:19.50 (33.93) 8:50.95 (31.45) 9:24.40 (33.45) 9:58.23 (33.83) 10:32.03 (33.80) 11:03.37 (31.34) 15 Boland, JP P 15 NCAP-PV 11:08.43 11:07.35 PVJO 28.81 1:00.77 (31.96) 1:33.62 (32.85) 2:07.34 (33.72) 2:40.36 (33.02) 3:13.87 (33.51) 3:48.02 (34.15) 4:21.69 (33.67) 4:56.15 (34.46) 5:29.93 (33.78) 6:03.53 (33.60) 6:37.76 (34.23) 7:11.84 (34.08) 7:45.78 (33.94) 8:19.78 (34.00) 8:53.43 (33.65) 9:27.52 (34.09) 10:01.50 (33.98) 10:34.96 (33.46) 11:07.35 (32.39) 16 Klipp, Ben D 14 NCAP-PV 10:49.61 11:09.08 PVJO 29.88 1:02.26 (32.38) 1:34.95 (32.69) 2:07.78 (32.83) 2:41.05 (33.27) 3:14.70 (33.65) 3:48.10 (33.40) 4:21.09 (32.99) 4:54.79 (33.70) 5:28.79 (34.00) 6:02.55 (33.76) 6:36.80 (34.25) 7:10.82 (34.02) 7:44.93 (34.11) 8:19.11 (34.18) 8:53.36 (34.25) 9:27.94 (34.58) 10:02.12 (34.18) 10:35.96 (33.84) 11:09.08 (33.12) 17 Lucas, Jackson J 13 BWST-PV 12:15.20 11:10.22 PVJO 30.22 1:02.92 (32.70) 1:36.33 (33.41) 2:09.91 (33.58) 2:43.46 (33.55) 3:17.37 (33.91) 3:51.64 (34.27) 4:25.89 (34.25) 5:00.22 (34.33) 5:34.01 (33.79) 6:07.09 (33.08) 6:40.23 (33.14) 7:13.35 (33.12) 7:47.58 (34.23) 8:21.52 (33.94) 8:55.73 (34.21) 9:28.55 (32.82) 10:03.07 (34.52) 10:38.12 (35.05) 11:10.22 (32.10) 18 Yang, Dennis H 14 BWST-PV NT 11:13.47 PVJO 30.81 1:05.11 (34.30) 1:38.91 (33.80) 2:12.29 (33.38) 2:45.59 (33.30) 3:18.94 (33.35) 3:51.84 (32.90) 4:24.57 (32.73) 4:57.66 (33.09) 5:30.85 (33.19) 6:04.61 (33.76) 6:38.08 (33.47) 7:12.03 (33.95) 7:45.98 (33.95) 8:19.97 (33.99) 8:54.27 (34.30) 9:29.43 (35.16) 10:04.21 (34.78) 11:13.47 (1:09.26) 11:13.47 ( ) 19 Stone, Lane R 13 NCAP-PV 11:40.89 11:15.01 PVJO 30.18 1:03.66 (33.48) 1:38.00 (34.34) 2:12.73 (34.73) 2:46.05 (33.32) 3:20.06 (34.01) 3:54.24 (34.18) 4:28.33 (34.09) 5:02.46 (34.13) 5:36.70 (34.24) 6:11.81 (35.11) 6:46.24 (34.43) 7:20.47 (34.23) 7:54.44 (33.97) 8:28.87 (34.43) 9:03.31 (34.44) 9:37.66 (34.35) 10:12.60 (34.94) 10:45.46 (32.86) 11:15.01 (29.55) 20 Popovich, Matthew R 13 SNOW-PV NT 11:16.07 PVJO 30.26 1:03.41 (33.15) 1:36.98 (33.57) 2:10.68 (33.70) 2:44.79 (34.11) 3:19.14 (34.35) 3:53.26 (34.12) 4:27.40 (34.14) 5:02.26 (34.86) 5:36.63 (34.37) 6:11.12 (34.49) 6:46.09 (34.97) 7:20.78 (34.69) 7:55.72 (34.94) 8:29.76 (34.04) 9:03.22 (33.46) 9:37.05 (33.83) 10:11.43 (34.38) 10:44.85 (33.42) 11:16.07 (31.22) 21 Henry, Austin W 14 NCAP-PV 11:42.94 11:17.98 PVJO 30.27 1:03.97 (33.70) 1:37.92 (33.95) 2:11.67 (33.75) 2:45.43 (33.76) 3:19.38 (33.95) 3:53.33 (33.95) 4:27.41 (34.08) 5:01.52 (34.11) 5:35.49 (33.97) 6:10.10 (34.61) 6:44.67 (34.57) 7:19.24 (34.57) 7:53.81 (34.57) 8:28.58 (34.77) 9:03.43 (34.85) 9:38.01 (34.58) 10:12.29 (34.28) 10:46.27 (33.98) 11:17.98 (31.71) 22 Davidson, Chris S 14 BWST-PV 12:16.81 11:29.94 30.76 1:05.37 (34.61) 1:40.07 (34.70) 2:15.09 (35.02) 2:50.29 (35.20) 3:25.47 (35.18) 4:00.76 (35.29) 4:35.92 (35.16) 5:11.09 (35.17) 5:46.35 (35.26) 6:21.19 (34.84) 6:56.44 (35.25) 7:31.29 (34.85) 8:05.95 (34.66) 8:41.09 (35.14) 9:15.84 (34.75) 9:50.34 (34.50) 10:24.54 (34.20) 10:58.44 (33.90) 11:29.94 (31.50) 23 Marron, Danny P 16 BWST-PV 11:39.57 11:30.37 30.01 1:03.37 (33.36) 1:37.44 (34.07) 2:11.71 (34.27) 2:45.64 (33.93) 3:19.98 (34.34) 3:54.85 (34.87) 4:30.79 (35.94) 5:42.62 (1:11.83) 6:18.60 (35.98) 7:31.52 ( ) 8:06.99 (35.47) 8:41.83 (34.84) 9:16.46 (34.63) 9:51.03 (34.57) 10:25.99 (34.96) 10:59.61 (33.62) 11:30.37 (30.76) 24 Morrow, Alex B 15 WST-VA 10:57.95 11:36.02 28.51 1:01.90 (33.39) 1:36.71 (34.81) 2:11.63 (34.92) 2:46.53 (34.90) 3:22.30 (35.77) 3:57.72 (35.42) 4:33.40 (35.68) 5:08.70 (35.30) 5:44.28 (35.58) 6:20.18 (35.90) 6:55.70 (35.52) 7:31.73 (36.03) 8:06.96 (35.23) 8:42.71 (35.75) 9:18.23 (35.52) 9:53.64 (35.41) 10:28.40 (34.76) 11:02.77 (34.37) 11:36.02 (33.25) 25 Palmieri, Nick D 13 SNOW-PV 13:38.84 11:40.78 30.31 1:03.47 (33.16) 1:38.18 (34.71) 2:13.35 (35.17) 2:48.25 (34.90) 3:23.87 (35.62) 3:59.84 (35.97) 4:35.44 (35.60) 5:10.41 (34.97) 5:45.78 (35.37) 6:22.00 (36.22) 6:58.75 (36.75) 7:35.42 (36.67) 8:12.04 (36.62) 8:46.31 (34.27) 9:21.57 (35.26) 9:57.20 (35.63) 10:32.61 (35.41) 11:07.69 (35.08) 11:40.78 (33.09) 26 Vaka, Nicholas C 13 SNOW-PV 12:19.24 11:42.74 30.84 1:05.46 (34.62) 1:41.15 (35.69) 2:16.44 (35.29) 2:51.54 (35.10) 3:26.99 (35.45) 4:02.54 (35.55) 4:37.98 (35.44) 5:13.86 (35.88) 5:49.13 (35.27) 6:24.01 (34.88) 6:58.93 (34.92) 7:34.29 (35.36) 8:09.72 (35.43) 8:45.30 (35.58) 9:20.91 (35.61) 9:56.89 (35.98) 10:32.74 (35.85) 11:08.31 (35.57) 11:42.74 (34.43) 27 McAllister, Daniel J 17 BWST-PV 11:36.70 11:49.07 29.03 1:01.13 (32.10) 1:33.72 (32.59) 2:06.92 (33.20) 2:40.99 (34.07) 3:15.43 (34.44) 3:50.70 (35.27) 4:26.34 (35.64) 5:02.49 (36.15) 5:38.79 (36.30) 6:15.24 (36.45) 6:51.82 (36.58) 7:28.85 (37.03) 8:06.25 (37.40) 8:43.80 (37.55) 9:21.47 (37.67) 9:59.22 (37.75) 10:36.86 (37.64) 11:13.87 (37.01) 11:49.07 (35.20) 28 Witmer, Cale E 13 HACC-PV 12:50.91 12:08.72 31.59 1:07.48 (35.89) 1:44.30 (36.82) 2:21.39 (37.09) 2:58.77 (37.38) 3:36.17 (37.40) 4:13.52 (37.35) 4:50.87 (37.35) 5:27.95 (37.08) 6:05.44 (37.49) 6:42.57 (37.13) 7:19.61 (37.04) 7:56.80 (37.19) 8:34.55 (37.75) 9:11.47 (36.92) 9:48.10 (36.63) 10:24.53 (36.43) 11:00.53 (36.00) 11:35.92 (35.39) 12:08.72 (32.80) 29 Pleasure, Mitchell V 15 HACC-PV 12:27.67 12:26.64 29.93 1:03.63 (33.70) 1:38.98 (35.35) 2:15.22 (36.24) 2:52.19 (36.97) 3:29.16 (36.97) 4:07.07 (37.91) 4:45.29 (38.22) 5:23.86 (38.57) 6:02.47 (38.61) 6:41.02 (38.55) 7:19.77 (38.75) 7:58.38 (38.61) 8:36.92 (38.54) 9:15.62 (38.70) 9:54.44 (38.82) 10:33.41 (38.97) 11:11.59 (38.18) 11:49.72 (38.13) 12:26.64 (36.92) 30 Trahan, Jackson L 14 HACC-PV 13:38.65 13:00.01 31.54 1:07.47 (35.93) 1:45.02 (37.55) 2:24.04 (39.02) 3:02.55 (38.51) 3:40.91 (38.36) 4:20.03 (39.12) 5:00.92 (40.89) 5:41.19 (40.27) 6:21.77 (40.58) 7:01.81 (40.04) 7:41.24 (39.43) 8:21.92 (40.68) 9:02.74 (40.82) 9:44.92 (42.18) 10:24.39 (39.47) 11:04.84 (40.45) 11:45.36 (40.52) 12:24.22 (38.86) 13:00.01 (35.79) Boys 13 & Over 100 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== 1:03.49 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Maxwell, Brennan A 16 BWST-PV 56.22 55.98 PVJO 27.19 55.98 (28.79) 2 Chase, Nolan D 15 HACC-PV 57.51 59.37 PVJO 28.62 59.37 (30.75) 3 McAllister, Daniel J 17 BWST-PV 56.85 59.40 PVJO 28.78 59.40 (30.62) 4 Burris, Tim S 16 SNOW-PV 1:00.47 1:00.51 PVJO 29.62 1:00.51 (30.89) 5 Schroth, Jake J 16 BWST-PV 1:04.92 1:01.51 PVJO 29.59 1:01.51 (31.92) 6 Kost, Michael A 15 BWST-PV 1:06.31 1:01.74 PVJO 29.51 1:01.74 (32.23) 7 Dixon, Cameron T 17 WST-VA 59.08 1:01.90 PVJO 30.22 1:01.90 (31.68) 8 Marron, Danny P 16 BWST-PV 1:03.16 1:03.59 31.14 1:03.59 (32.45) 9 Ouyang, Nathan W 16 HACC-PV 1:01.97 1:03.73 30.68 1:03.73 (33.05) 10 Allen, Justin J 17 BWST-PV 1:04.44 1:03.82 30.61 1:03.82 (33.21) 11 Lloyd, Forrest B 17 WST-VA 1:02.64 1:04.25 31.17 1:04.25 (33.08) 12 Yeager, Jake R 13 SNOW-PV 1:07.32 1:04.53 30.98 1:04.53 (33.55) 13 Lucas, Jackson J 13 BWST-PV 1:04.43 1:05.12 31.51 1:05.12 (33.61) 14 Myers, Alex C 17 SNOW-PV NT 1:05.22 31.38 1:05.22 (33.84) 15 Yang, Dennis H 14 BWST-PV 1:07.83 1:06.35 31.75 1:06.35 (34.60) 16 Davidson, Chris S 14 BWST-PV 1:07.40 1:06.45 32.32 1:06.45 (34.13) 17 Paz, Anthony F 14 BWST-PV 1:12.13 1:06.47 33.06 1:06.47 (33.41) 18 Chenault, Calvin L 14 BWST-PV 1:12.50 1:06.96 33.02 1:06.96 (33.94) 19 Chen, Austin 14 BWST-PV 1:11.85 1:07.19 32.53 1:07.19 (34.66) 20 Martin, Zach M 14 SNOW-PV 1:11.72 1:07.60 33.49 1:07.60 (34.11) 21 Briceno, Leonardo L 15 SNOW-PV 1:11.38 1:08.06 33.93 1:08.06 (34.13) 22 Kent, Jonathon J 16 HACC-PV 1:09.25 1:08.22 32.78 1:08.22 (35.44) 23 Finkenbinder, Dillon T 15 SNOW-PV 1:12.87 1:08.63 33.99 1:08.63 (34.64) 24 Exel, D.J. J 13 SNOW-PV 1:14.97 1:09.65 34.29 1:09.65 (35.36) 25 Yaunches, Andrew T 14 LMAC-PV 1:19.60 1:11.52 34.08 1:11.52 (37.44) 26 Soldano, Shadow A 14 SNOW-PV 1:18.62 1:12.24 35.49 1:12.24 (36.75) 27 Barghi, Alex 15 SNOW-PV 1:12.46 1:13.38 28 Trahan, Jackson L 14 HACC-PV 1:11.68 1:13.95 35.16 1:13.95 (38.79) 29 Rexroad, Nick C 13 SNOW-PV 1:22.30 1:14.34 35.29 1:14.34 (39.05) 30 Burbano, Nico B 13 BWST-PV 1:18.02 1:15.30 37.14 1:15.30 (38.16) 31 Pierce, Billy J 14 SNOW-PV 1:15.28 1:16.42 38.14 1:16.42 (38.28) 32 Albers, Grayson P 13 BWST-PV 1:19.09 1:16.62 38.00 1:16.62 (38.62) 33 Nicgorski, Bryan J 14 HACC-PV NT 1:17.43 34 Vanik, Alex J 13 BWST-PV 1:29.52 1:17.46 38.53 1:17.46 (38.93) 35 Keane, Sean M 13 SNOW-PV 1:27.01 1:19.72 36 Desmond, Fionn D 13 BWST-PV NT 1:21.03 39.29 1:21.03 (41.74) 37 Coyle, Mason A 13 BWST-PV 1:24.93 1:21.94 40.10 1:21.94 (41.84) 38 Webb, Monty F 14 SNOW-PV 1:22.51 1:22.88 41.12 1:22.88 (41.76) 39 O'Neal, Tyler J 14 HACC-PV 1:30.82 1:23.03 40.03 1:23.03 (43.00) 40 Fishenden, Jimmy 13 BWST-PV 1:37.49 1:34.75 46.20 1:34.75 (48.55) 41 David, William J 13 HACC-PV 1:53.17 1:45.38 50.29 1:45.38 (55.09) -- Dulai, Gurveer S 13 SNOW-PV NT DQ Delay initiating turn after past vertical 49.55 DQ (52.48) -- Aquiatan, Alexis N 15 HACC-PV 1:14.86 DQ Delay initiating arm pull at turn -- Mallory, Jeremiah P 13 SNOW-PV NT DQ Not on back off wall 42.46 DQ (47.01) -- Walton, Collin D 13 BWST-PV NT DQ Delay initiating arm pull at turn 48.76 DQ (50.55) -- Romano, Daniel A 14 BWST-PV 1:21.30 DQ Delay initiating turn after past vertical 38.38 DQ (40.47) Boys 13 & Over 200 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== 2:15.99 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Rude, Evin G 17 NCAP-PV 1:55.01 1:59.25 PVJO 28.63 59.65 (31.02) 1:59.25 (59.60) 2 Maxwell, Brennan A 16 BWST-PV 2:05.38 2:03.66 PVJO 28.99 1:00.49 (31.50) 1:32.31 (31.82) 2:03.66 (31.35) 3 Chung, James W 16 NCAP-PV 2:02.66 2:05.66 PVJO 29.71 1:01.66 (31.95) 1:34.40 (32.74) 2:05.66 (31.26) 4 McGarry, Cole J 16 NCAP-PV 2:10.74 2:05.86 PVJO 30.37 1:02.19 (31.82) 1:33.77 (31.58) 2:05.86 (32.09) 5 Kost, Nick A 17 BWST-PV 2:12.08 2:06.35 PVJO 29.42 1:00.95 (31.53) 1:33.93 (32.98) 2:06.35 (32.42) 6 Murphy, Michael C 14 NCAP-PV 2:01.81 2:07.31 PVJO 30.21 1:01.70 (31.49) 1:34.58 (32.88) 2:07.31 (32.73) 7 Fabian, Brandon G 14 NCAP-PV 2:05.63 2:07.47 PVJO 29.87 1:02.56 (32.69) 1:35.31 (32.75) 2:07.47 (32.16) 8 Chase, Nolan D 15 HACC-PV 2:06.22 2:08.04 PVJO 30.43 1:02.84 (32.41) 1:35.31 (32.47) 2:08.04 (32.73) 9 McAllister, Daniel J 17 BWST-PV 2:02.32 2:11.55 PVJO 30.65 1:36.85 ( ) 2:11.55 (34.70) 10 Boland, JP P 15 NCAP-PV 2:18.63 2:12.08 PVJO 30.13 1:03.54 (33.41) 1:38.15 (34.61) 2:12.08 (33.93) 11 Pomajevich, Sam R 14 NCAP-PV 2:18.48 2:13.44 PVJO 31.02 1:05.44 (34.42) 1:40.20 (34.76) 2:13.44 (33.24) 12 Kost, Michael A 15 BWST-PV 2:21.93 2:13.45 PVJO 30.14 1:03.70 (33.56) 1:38.65 (34.95) 2:13.45 (34.80) 13 Henry, Austin W 14 NCAP-PV 2:01.81 2:13.59 PVJO 31.88 1:06.09 (34.21) 1:39.89 (33.80) 2:13.59 (33.70) 14 Schroth, Jake J 16 BWST-PV 2:18.91 2:14.02 PVJO 31.88 1:05.80 (33.92) 1:40.47 (34.67) 2:14.02 (33.55) 15 Alarcon, Andres A 13 NCAP-PV 2:24.56 2:14.36 PVJO 31.71 1:05.55 (33.84) 1:40.31 (34.76) 2:14.36 (34.05) 16 Presgraves, Sam N 16 SNOW-PV 2:22.99 2:14.79 PVJO 32.46 1:05.94 (33.48) 1:40.25 (34.31) 2:14.79 (34.54) 17 Chartier, Collin H 18 NCAP-PV 2:04.92 2:15.36 PVJO 32.11 1:06.50 (34.39) 1:40.98 (34.48) 2:15.36 (34.38) 18 Yang, Dennis H 14 BWST-PV 2:31.30 2:18.16 32.03 1:07.27 (35.24) 1:43.01 (35.74) 2:18.16 (35.15) 19 Palmieri, Nick D 13 SNOW-PV 2:46.37 2:18.29 32.55 1:07.19 (34.64) 1:43.20 (36.01) 2:18.29 (35.09) 20 Stone, Lane R 13 NCAP-PV 2:40.89 2:19.12 32.63 1:08.37 (35.74) 1:44.35 (35.98) 2:19.12 (34.77) 21 Marron, Danny P 16 BWST-PV 2:16.98 2:19.32 32.18 1:07.33 (35.15) 1:43.70 (36.37) 2:19.32 (35.62) 22 Davidson, Chris S 14 BWST-PV 2:23.73 2:21.23 32.85 1:08.56 (35.71) 1:45.24 (36.68) 2:21.23 (35.99) 23 Chenault, Calvin L 14 BWST-PV 2:31.87 2:21.47 34.39 1:10.31 (35.92) 1:46.52 (36.21) 2:21.47 (34.95) 24 Lucas, Jackson J 13 BWST-PV 2:20.18 2:21.84 32.28 1:07.95 (35.67) 1:44.99 (37.04) 2:21.84 (36.85) 25 Shen, Charlie T 15 HACC-PV 2:55.17 2:22.55 32.12 1:08.22 (36.10) 1:45.96 (37.74) 2:22.55 (36.59) 26 Klipp, Ben D 14 NCAP-PV 2:25.46 2:24.12 33.45 1:09.62 (36.17) 1:47.23 (37.61) 2:24.12 (36.89) 27 Zhai, Alan S 13 HACC-PV NT 2:24.76 33.30 1:09.80 (36.50) 1:47.94 (38.14) 2:24.76 (36.82) 28 Witmer, Cale E 13 HACC-PV 2:28.17 2:24.97 33.86 1:10.53 (36.67) 1:48.30 (37.77) 2:24.97 (36.67) 29 Faieq, Zakey A 16 HACC-PV NT 2:27.02 32.20 1:09.01 (36.81) 1:48.38 (39.37) 2:27.02 (38.64) 30 Kent, Jonathon J 16 HACC-PV 2:43.53 2:27.16 33.24 1:10.45 (37.21) 1:49.33 (38.88) 2:27.16 (37.83) 31 Vaka, Nicholas C 13 SNOW-PV 2:31.26 2:27.86 34.69 1:12.65 (37.96) 1:50.66 (38.01) 2:27.86 (37.20) 32 Trahan, Casey S 17 HACC-PV 2:28.69 2:33.55 34.14 1:12.67 (38.53) 1:54.95 (42.28) 2:33.55 (38.60) 33 Beach, Matthew G 13 HACC-PV NT 2:43.72 37.49 1:19.48 (41.99) 2:02.51 (43.03) 2:43.72 (41.21) 34 Albers, Grayson P 13 BWST-PV 2:47.62 2:45.23 38.04 1:19.42 (41.38) 2:02.52 (43.10) 2:45.23 (42.71) 35 Vanik, Alex J 13 BWST-PV NT 2:46.74 38.13 1:20.52 (42.39) 2:03.53 (43.01) 2:46.74 (43.21) 36 Nicgorski, Bryan J 14 HACC-PV NT 2:51.64 37.23 2:06.62 ( ) 2:51.64 (45.02) 37 O'Neal, Tyler J 14 HACC-PV 3:23.72 2:59.29 38.61 1:20.48 (41.87) 2:05.06 (44.58) 2:59.29 (54.23) Boys 13 & Over 100 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== 1:10.49 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Gabriel, Joaquin S 14 SNOW-PV 1:03.87 1:02.61 PVJO 29.95 1:02.61 (32.66) 2 Popovich, John Paul 15 SNOW-PV 1:06.38 1:05.16 PVJO 30.33 1:05.16 (34.83) 3 Marron, Danny P 16 BWST-PV 1:07.15 1:05.54 PVJO 31.20 1:05.54 (34.34) 4 Presgraves, Sam N 16 SNOW-PV 1:03.27 1:06.83 PVJO 31.64 1:06.83 (35.19) 5 Banister, Chris Y 17 SNOW-PV 1:07.84 1:08.42 PVJO 32.47 1:08.42 (35.95) 6 Schroth, Jake J 16 BWST-PV 1:11.53 1:08.89 PVJO 32.36 1:08.89 (36.53) 7 McNulty, Devin M 14 HACC-PV 1:12.80 1:09.11 PVJO 32.17 1:09.11 (36.94) 8 McAllister, Daniel J 17 BWST-PV 1:07.99 1:09.27 PVJO 32.80 1:09.27 (36.47) 9 Blackley, Nick S 16 SNOW-PV 1:06.61 1:09.31 PVJO 32.30 1:09.31 (37.01) 10 Maccannon, Jason M 15 HACC-PV 1:09.76 1:09.33 PVJO 32.51 1:09.33 (36.82) 11 Burris, Michael S 13 SNOW-PV 1:11.31 1:09.42 PVJO 32.73 1:09.42 (36.69) 12 Pleasure, Mitchell V 15 HACC-PV 1:09.37 1:09.90 PVJO 33.14 1:09.90 (36.76) 13 Allen, Justin J 17 BWST-PV 1:11.04 1:09.98 PVJO 33.10 1:09.98 (36.88) 14 Ouyang, Nathan W 16 HACC-PV 1:08.99 1:10.38 PVJO 32.81 1:10.38 (37.57) 15 Kost, Michael A 15 BWST-PV 1:13.82 1:11.16 33.52 1:11.16 (37.64) 16 Kost, Nick A 17 BWST-PV 1:13.58 1:11.30 33.65 1:11.30 (37.65) 17 Palmieri, Nick D 13 SNOW-PV 1:16.72 1:11.96 35.06 1:11.96 (36.90) 18 Hoff, Adam R 16 SNOW-PV 1:13.61 1:12.58 34.19 1:12.58 (38.39) 19 Chen, Austin 14 BWST-PV 1:19.56 1:12.75 33.97 1:12.75 (38.78) 20 Bermingham, Joseph P 14 HACC-PV 1:13.64 1:13.21 34.35 1:13.21 (38.86) 21 Yeager, Jake R 13 SNOW-PV 1:15.28 1:14.24 34.18 1:14.24 (40.06) 22 Paz, Anthony F 14 BWST-PV 1:17.58 1:15.15 35.69 1:15.15 (39.46) 23 Mantelli, Isaac D 14 HACC-PV 1:17.35 1:16.28 35.65 1:16.28 (40.63) 24 Faieq, Zakey A 16 HACC-PV NT 1:16.31 34.47 1:16.31 (41.84) 25 Popovich, Matthew R 13 SNOW-PV 1:20.15 1:17.05 36.29 1:17.05 (40.76) 26 Davidson, Chris S 14 BWST-PV 1:27.79 1:17.65 36.93 1:17.65 (40.72) 27 Chenault, Calvin L 14 BWST-PV 1:24.81 1:18.72 37.46 1:18.72 (41.26) 28 Maxwell, Brennan A 16 BWST-PV 1:14.80 1:18.80 36.84 1:18.80 (41.96) 29 Lloyd, Forrest B 17 WST-VA 1:28.64 1:19.38 37.15 1:19.38 (42.23) 30 Cecil, Tommy I 14 HACC-PV 1:18.06 1:19.42 36.57 1:19.42 (42.85) 31 Shangraw, Jack J 15 SNOW-PV NT 1:19.81 36.74 1:19.81 (43.07) 32 Yang, Dennis H 14 BWST-PV 1:22.48 1:19.91 37.70 1:19.91 (42.21) 33 Lucas, Jackson J 13 BWST-PV 1:20.63 1:20.09 37.36 1:20.09 (42.73) 34 Yaunches, Andrew T 14 LMAC-PV 1:24.74 1:20.45 37.52 1:20.45 (42.93) 35 Hover, Zack J 16 SNOW-PV NT 1:20.86 38.30 1:20.86 (42.56) 36 Kent, Jonathon J 16 HACC-PV NT 1:21.21 38.74 1:21.21 (42.47) 37 Rowell, Liam M 14 HACC-PV 1:25.21 1:22.36 37.22 1:22.36 (45.14) 38 Lightbody, Joey A 15 SNOW-PV 1:30.78 1:22.57 39.44 1:22.57 (43.13) 39 David, Jake M 13 WST-VA NT 1:23.09 38.62 1:23.09 (44.47) 40 Haley, Jared R 15 SNOW-PV NT 1:23.41 37.71 1:23.41 (45.70) 41 Rexroad, Nick C 13 SNOW-PV NT 1:23.93 39.49 1:23.93 (44.44) 42 Houser, Zack Z 13 UN-PV NT 1:24.81 38.73 1:24.81 (46.08) 42 Witmer, Cale E 13 HACC-PV 1:25.41 1:24.81 40.02 1:24.81 (44.79) 44 Albers, Grayson P 13 BWST-PV 1:32.46 1:25.76 41.20 1:25.76 (44.56) 45 Rice, Elliott D 17 SNOW-PV NT 1:26.27 39.88 1:26.27 (46.39) 46 Ali, Jibran 14 HACC-PV 1:37.78 1:26.47 40.46 1:26.47 (46.01) 47 Sheridan, Jason 14 SNOW-PV 1:44.13 1:26.94 41.61 1:26.94 (45.33) 48 Burbano, Nico B 13 BWST-PV 1:33.99 1:27.20 40.91 1:27.20 (46.29) 49 Morton, Jack D 14 BWST-PV 1:29.17 1:27.80 41.59 1:27.80 (46.21) 50 Romano, Daniel A 14 BWST-PV 1:34.88 1:27.82 41.34 1:27.82 (46.48) 51 Vanik, Alex J 13 BWST-PV 1:49.10 1:30.32 43.94 1:30.32 (46.38) 52 O'Neal, Tyler J 14 HACC-PV 1:33.92 1:31.98 42.44 1:31.98 (49.54) 53 Yoon, Kevin B 13 SNOW-PV NT 1:34.25 45.08 1:34.25 (49.17) 54 Scott, Jack M 14 SNOW-PV NT 1:34.62 44.10 1:34.62 (50.52) 55 Coyle, Mason A 13 BWST-PV NT 1:37.09 56 Medrano, Ethan 14 WST-VA NT 1:41.44 46.79 1:41.44 (54.65) 57 Walton, Collin D 13 BWST-PV 1:57.48 1:50.01 50.74 1:50.01 (59.27) -- Fishenden, Jimmy 13 BWST-PV 1:59.16 DQ False start 53.78 Boys 13 & Over 200 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== 2:35.89 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Fedderly, Matthew 26 SNOW-PV 2:01.16 2:07.56 PVJO 28.95 1:01.42 (32.47) 1:34.16 (32.74) 2:07.56 (33.40) 2 Gabriel, Joaquin S 14 SNOW-PV 2:19.00 2:16.91 PVJO 31.28 1:05.88 (34.60) 1:41.51 (35.63) 2:16.91 (35.40) 3 Presgraves, Sam N 16 SNOW-PV 2:17.12 2:28.05 PVJO 33.08 1:10.28 (37.20) 1:48.85 (38.57) 2:28.05 (39.20) 4 Burris, Michael S 13 SNOW-PV 2:38.44 2:31.43 PVJO 34.10 1:12.27 (38.17) 1:51.47 (39.20) 2:31.43 (39.96) 5 Palmieri, Nick D 13 SNOW-PV 2:51.06 2:35.56 PVJO 35.87 1:15.16 (39.29) 1:55.20 (40.04) 2:35.56 (40.36) 6 Pleasure, Mitchell V 15 HACC-PV 2:29.70 2:37.72 35.23 1:15.44 (40.21) 1:56.78 (41.34) 2:37.72 (40.94) 7 Myers, Alex C 17 SNOW-PV 2:42.25 2:39.02 34.38 1:14.65 (40.27) 1:56.49 (41.84) 2:39.02 (42.53) 8 Zhai, Alan S 13 HACC-PV 2:48.00 2:43.74 37.16 1:18.67 (41.51) 2:01.98 (43.31) 2:43.74 (41.76) 9 Charmsaz, Soren * 15 SNOW-PV NT 2:48.30 34.13 1:16.25 (42.12) 2:02.06 (45.81) 2:48.30 (46.24) 10 Martin, Zach M 14 SNOW-PV 2:56.26 2:49.75 37.65 1:20.66 (43.01) 2:05.94 (45.28) 2:49.75 (43.81) 11 Mantelli, Isaac D 14 HACC-PV 2:53.50 2:51.97 36.96 1:19.84 (42.88) 2:06.15 (46.31) 2:51.97 (45.82) 12 Exel, D.J. J 13 SNOW-PV NT 2:57.35 40.23 1:26.63 (46.40) 2:11.74 (45.11) 2:57.35 (45.61) 13 Rowell, Liam M 14 HACC-PV 3:03.20 2:58.41 37.95 1:22.68 (44.73) 2:10.52 (47.84) 2:58.41 (47.89) 14 Rexroad, Nick C 13 SNOW-PV NT 2:59.21 39.61 1:25.20 (45.59) 2:13.04 (47.84) 2:59.21 (46.17) 15 Yaunches, Andrew T 14 LMAC-PV 3:11.67 2:59.85 38.23 1:23.50 (45.27) 2:11.82 (48.32) 2:59.85 (48.03) 16 Kirkwood, Matthew W 15 SNOW-PV NT 4:08.36 51.20 3:04.73 (2:13.53) 4:08.36 (1:03.63) Boys 13 & Over 100 Yard Butterfly =============================================================================== 1:02.29 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Maxwell, Brennan A 16 BWST-PV 53.64 54.89 PVJO 25.70 54.89 (29.19) 2 Schroth, Jake J 16 BWST-PV 1:01.58 57.90 PVJO 27.05 57.90 (30.85) 3 Kost, Nick A 17 BWST-PV 1:00.30 58.75 PVJO 27.96 58.75 (30.79) 4 Babington, Conor W 15 WST-VA 1:03.35 58.83 PVJO 27.48 58.83 (31.35) 5 Kost, Michael A 15 BWST-PV 59.20 59.41 PVJO 27.77 59.41 (31.64) 6 Davidson, Chris S 14 BWST-PV 1:05.13 59.55 PVJO 27.99 59.55 (31.56) 7 Banister, Chris Y 17 SNOW-PV 1:00.50 1:00.07 PVJO 27.93 1:00.07 (32.14) 8 McAllister, Daniel J 17 BWST-PV 56.39 1:00.10 PVJO 27.70 1:00.10 (32.40) 9 Marron, Danny P 16 BWST-PV 1:01.72 1:01.84 PVJO 28.72 1:01.84 (33.12) 10 Allen, Justin J 17 BWST-PV 1:00.15 1:01.95 PVJO 29.44 1:01.95 (32.51) 11 Presgraves, Sam N 16 SNOW-PV 1:05.05 1:02.75 29.76 1:02.75 (32.99) 12 Shen, Charlie T 15 HACC-PV 1:07.91 1:02.76 28.56 1:02.76 (34.20) 13 Rodakowski, Matthew S 16 HACC-PV 1:04.65 1:03.41 29.20 1:03.41 (34.21) 14 Lloyd, Forrest B 17 WST-VA 1:03.71 1:03.70 29.60 1:03.70 (34.10) 15 Popovich, Matthew R 13 SNOW-PV 1:06.51 1:03.76 29.92 1:03.76 (33.84) 16 Gabriel, Joaquin S 14 SNOW-PV 1:09.64 1:04.38 30.93 1:04.38 (33.45) 17 Trahan, Casey S 17 HACC-PV 1:00.60 1:04.62 29.02 1:04.62 (35.60) 18 Chase, Nolan D 15 HACC-PV 1:08.31 1:05.69 30.34 1:05.69 (35.35) 19 Palmieri, Nick D 13 SNOW-PV 1:20.19 1:05.94 31.92 1:05.94 (34.02) 20 Lucas, Jackson J 13 BWST-PV 1:09.55 1:07.63 30.34 1:07.63 (37.29) 20 Chenault, Calvin L 14 BWST-PV 1:13.12 1:07.63 31.05 1:07.63 (36.58) 22 Caffo, Zachary C 16 SNOW-PV 1:13.19 1:09.00 31.15 1:09.00 (37.85) 23 Vaka, Nicholas C 13 SNOW-PV 1:09.29 1:09.99 31.72 1:09.99 (38.27) 24 Williams, James W 16 WST-VA NT 1:10.04 32.07 1:10.04 (37.97) 25 Yang, Dennis H 14 BWST-PV 1:12.27 1:10.44 31.94 1:10.44 (38.50) 26 Paz, Anthony F 14 BWST-PV 1:16.93 1:11.14 33.12 1:11.14 (38.02) 27 Soldano, Shadow A 14 SNOW-PV NT 1:11.39 33.06 1:11.39 (38.33) 28 Chen, Austin 14 BWST-PV 1:22.70 1:11.45 32.38 1:11.45 (39.07) 29 Beach, Matthew G 13 HACC-PV 1:29.74 1:14.00 34.43 1:14.00 (39.57) 30 Green, Isaac V 14 HACC-PV 1:27.75 1:15.03 34.92 1:15.03 (40.11) 31 Romano, Daniel A 14 BWST-PV 1:20.41 1:21.09 36.40 1:21.09 (44.69) 32 Vanik, Alex J 13 BWST-PV 1:39.08 1:21.95 37.52 1:21.95 (44.43) 33 Wang, Brandon Y 13 HACC-PV NT 1:22.39 36.63 1:22.39 (45.76) 34 Aquiatan, Alexis N 15 HACC-PV 1:29.89 1:24.02 35.18 1:24.02 (48.84) 35 Keane, Sean M 13 SNOW-PV 1:25.62 1:24.38 37.64 1:24.38 (46.74) 36 Albers, Grayson P 13 BWST-PV 1:36.99 1:39.98 43.08 1:39.98 (56.90) -- Burbano, Nico B 13 BWST-PV 1:31.80 DQ False start 34.09 DQ (38.55) Boys 13 & Over 200 Yard Butterfly =============================================================================== 2:24.49 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Ginieczki, Christian B 13 HACC-PV 2:13.19 2:16.88 PVJO 30.06 1:04.24 (34.18) 1:40.06 (35.82) 2:16.88 (36.82) 2 Lloyd, Forrest B 17 WST-VA NT 2:31.90 1:11.57 1:51.41 (39.84) 2:31.90 (40.49) 2:31.90 ( ) Boys 13 & Over 200 Yard IM =============================================================================== 2:16.99 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Popovich, John Paul 15 SNOW-PV 2:13.13 2:08.30 PVJO 28.06 1:03.27 (35.21) 1:38.98 (35.71) 2:08.30 (29.32) 2 Presgraves, Sam N 16 SNOW-PV 2:08.23 2:10.63 PVJO 29.38 1:04.70 (35.32) 1:40.99 (36.29) 2:10.63 (29.64) 3 Schroth, Jake J 16 BWST-PV 2:11.96 2:10.79 PVJO 27.30 1:00.25 (32.95) 1:39.65 (39.40) 2:10.79 (31.14) 4 Maxwell, Brennan A 16 BWST-PV 2:08.32 2:11.49 PVJO 26.05 58.42 (32.37) 1:42.72 (44.30) 2:11.49 (28.77) 5 Chase, Nolan D 15 HACC-PV 2:11.02 2:11.98 PVJO 29.52 1:02.14 (32.62) 1:41.33 (39.19) 2:11.98 (30.65) 6 Gabriel, Joaquin S 14 SNOW-PV 2:14.08 2:12.14 PVJO 27.88 1:02.70 (34.82) 1:39.69 (36.99) 2:12.14 (32.45) 7 Hurrell, Sean 17 SNOW-PV 2:06.79 2:12.79 PVJO 27.77 1:03.43 (35.66) 1:41.89 (38.46) 2:12.79 (30.90) 8 Marron, Danny P 16 BWST-PV 2:13.51 2:13.16 PVJO 28.46 1:03.64 (35.18) 1:41.40 (37.76) 2:13.16 (31.76) 9 Burris, Tim S 16 SNOW-PV NT 2:13.86 PVJO 27.41 1:00.52 (33.11) 1:42.48 (41.96) 2:13.86 (31.38) 10 Kost, Michael A 15 BWST-PV 2:21.81 2:15.04 PVJO 28.17 1:03.50 (35.33) 1:43.79 (40.29) 2:15.04 (31.25) 11 Allen, Justin J 17 BWST-PV 2:14.34 2:15.87 PVJO 27.95 1:05.20 (37.25) 1:44.23 (39.03) 2:15.87 (31.64) 12 Ouyang, Nathan W 16 HACC-PV 2:23.98 2:16.49 PVJO 28.07 1:03.44 (35.37) 1:44.39 (40.95) 2:16.49 (32.10) 13 Davidson, Chris S 14 BWST-PV 2:25.45 2:17.55 28.30 1:03.89 (35.59) 1:46.79 (42.90) 2:17.55 (30.76) 14 Palmieri, Nick D 13 SNOW-PV 2:35.83 2:17.82 29.60 1:06.85 (37.25) 1:45.80 (38.95) 2:17.82 (32.02) 15 Ginieczki, Christian B 13 HACC-PV 2:25.29 2:18.68 28.22 1:02.62 (34.40) 1:46.26 (43.64) 2:18.68 (32.42) 16 Dixon, Cameron T 17 WST-VA 2:11.63 2:19.07 30.23 1:03.96 (33.73) 1:48.28 (44.32) 2:19.07 (30.79) 17 Pleasure, Mitchell V 15 HACC-PV 2:18.34 2:19.85 28.52 1:05.49 (36.97) 1:46.30 (40.81) 2:19.85 (33.55) 18 Popovich, Matthew R 13 SNOW-PV 2:28.05 2:20.04 29.69 1:07.15 (37.46) 1:48.28 (41.13) 2:20.04 (31.76) 19 Yang, Dennis H 14 BWST-PV 2:28.00 2:20.71 30.18 1:05.38 (35.20) 1:49.74 (44.36) 2:20.71 (30.97) 20 Chen, Austin 14 BWST-PV 2:36.07 2:21.80 31.01 1:08.70 (37.69) 1:49.39 (40.69) 2:21.80 (32.41) 21 Babington, Conor W 15 WST-VA 2:33.53 2:22.28 26.97 1:03.88 (36.91) 1:48.95 (45.07) 2:22.28 (33.33) 22 McNulty, Devin M 14 HACC-PV 2:20.36 2:22.76 29.19 1:03.83 (34.64) 1:46.33 (42.50) 2:22.76 (36.43) 23 Lucas, Jackson J 13 BWST-PV 2:22.75 2:22.87 31.64 1:06.34 (34.70) 1:51.69 (45.35) 2:22.87 (31.18) 24 Paz, Anthony F 14 BWST-PV 2:26.66 2:24.10 33.13 1:09.08 (35.95) 1:51.42 (42.34) 2:24.10 (32.68) 25 Chenault, Calvin L 14 BWST-PV 2:38.30 2:25.95 32.25 1:09.05 (36.80) 1:52.11 (43.06) 2:25.95 (33.84) 26 Maccannon, Jason M 15 HACC-PV 2:26.97 2:26.22 29.17 1:07.93 (38.76) 1:50.61 (42.68) 2:26.22 (35.61) 27 Martin, Zach M 14 SNOW-PV 2:31.20 2:27.00 31.96 1:08.68 (36.72) 1:52.43 (43.75) 2:27.00 (34.57) 28 Kent, Jonathon J 16 HACC-PV NT 2:28.48 30.59 1:07.22 (36.63) 1:55.56 (48.34) 2:28.48 (32.92) 29 Rodakowski, Matthew S 16 HACC-PV 2:27.56 2:29.20 30.28 1:10.41 (40.13) 1:54.78 (44.37) 2:29.20 (34.42) 30 Witmer, Cale E 13 HACC-PV 2:31.98 2:29.29 33.62 1:11.50 (37.88) 1:56.25 (44.75) 2:29.29 (33.04) 31 Faieq, Zakey A 16 HACC-PV NT 2:30.33 29.87 1:06.57 (36.70) 1:52.63 (46.06) 2:30.33 (37.70) 32 Vaka, Nicholas C 13 SNOW-PV 2:36.95 2:31.18 30.97 1:09.22 (38.25) 1:56.52 (47.30) 2:31.18 (34.66) 33 Bermingham, Joseph P 14 HACC-PV 2:37.32 2:33.84 32.03 1:13.78 (41.75) 1:57.94 (44.16) 2:33.84 (35.90) 34 Mantelli, Isaac D 14 HACC-PV 2:45.29 2:35.98 33.84 1:15.49 (41.65) 1:59.98 (44.49) 2:35.98 (36.00) 35 Trahan, Casey S 17 HACC-PV 2:35.67 2:37.10 30.76 1:10.13 (39.37) 2:03.07 (52.94) 2:37.10 (34.03) 36 Beach, Matthew G 13 HACC-PV 3:07.46 2:41.00 35.71 1:19.52 (43.81) 2:06.82 (47.30) 2:41.00 (34.18) 37 Rowell, Liam M 14 HACC-PV 2:43.54 2:41.18 33.44 1:15.58 (42.14) 2:03.61 (48.03) 2:41.18 (37.57) 38 Ali, Jibran 14 HACC-PV 3:09.25 2:42.54 35.70 1:17.65 (41.95) 2:06.47 (48.82) 2:42.54 (36.07) 39 Rexroad, Nick C 13 SNOW-PV 2:50.34 2:42.73 34.88 1:15.01 (40.13) 2:08.09 (53.08) 2:42.73 (34.64) 40 Vanik, Alex J 13 BWST-PV 3:14.14 2:45.71 38.23 1:20.06 (41.83) 2:08.40 (48.34) 2:45.71 (37.31) 41 David, Jake M 13 WST-VA NT 2:46.23 2:08.11 ( ) 2:46.23 (38.12) 42 Trahan, Jackson L 14 HACC-PV 2:44.26 2:47.15 35.08 1:16.74 (41.66) 2:11.38 (54.64) 2:47.15 (35.77) 43 Romano, Daniel A 14 BWST-PV 2:53.91 2:47.88 38.37 1:22.82 (44.45) 2:10.87 (48.05) 2:47.88 (37.01) 44 Morton, Jack D 14 BWST-PV 2:44.44 2:49.30 37.71 1:20.31 (42.60) 2:09.57 (49.26) 2:49.30 (39.73) 45 Medrano, Ethan 14 WST-VA NT 2:50.60 33.90 1:15.41 (41.51) 2:11.72 (56.31) 2:50.60 (38.88) 46 Albers, Grayson P 13 BWST-PV 2:56.42 2:51.29 41.49 1:22.94 (41.45) 2:11.61 (48.67) 2:51.29 (39.68) 47 O'Neal, Tyler J 14 HACC-PV 3:24.25 2:57.24 38.97 1:26.54 (47.57) 2:17.09 (50.55) 2:57.24 (40.15) 48 Coyle, Mason A 13 BWST-PV NT 2:59.05 41.98 1:25.56 (43.58) 2:20.26 (54.70) 2:59.05 (38.79) 49 Fishenden, Jimmy 13 BWST-PV NT 3:29.23 47.91 1:39.14 (51.23) 2:41.74 (1:02.60) 3:29.23 (47.49) 50 David, William J 13 HACC-PV 3:58.75 3:40.92 53.41 1:49.87 (56.46) 2:51.59 (1:01.72) 3:40.92 (49.33) -- McAllister, Daniel J 17 BWST-PV 2:04.17 DQ Did not finish on back - back 28.02 1:01.94 (33.92) 1:42.77 (40.83) DQ (29.49) -- Cecil, Tommy I 14 HACC-PV 2:31.52 DQ Delay initiating turn after past vertical - back 32.54 1:13.40 (40.86) 1:56.44 (43.04) DQ (33.41) -- Walton, Collin D 13 BWST-PV NT DQ Alternating Kick - breast 49.48 1:40.46 (50.98) 2:38.77 (58.31) DQ (47.65) -- Hoff, Adam R 16 SNOW-PV 2:22.76 DQ False start - Misc 27.55 1:05.00 (37.45) 1:47.67 (42.67) DQ (36.03) Boys 13 & Over 400 Yard IM =============================================================================== 4:49.99 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Schroth, Jake J 16 BWST-PV 4:46.88 4:34.97 PVJO 28.42 1:01.76 (33.34) 1:37.26 (35.50) 2:12.57 (35.31) 2:51.49 (38.92) 3:31.59 (40.10) 4:03.72 (32.13) 4:34.97 (31.25) 2 Maxwell, Brennan A 16 BWST-PV 4:46.10 4:41.57 PVJO 27.20 59.31 (32.11) 1:34.56 (35.25) 2:10.42 (35.86) 2:54.86 (44.44) 3:40.01 (45.15) 4:11.81 (31.80) 4:41.57 (29.76) 3 Kost, Michael A 15 BWST-PV 4:53.95 4:44.55 PVJO 28.91 1:02.48 (33.57) 1:41.32 (38.84) 2:18.94 (37.62) 2:59.19 (40.25) 3:40.87 (41.68) 4:13.01 (32.14) 4:44.55 (31.54) 4 Marron, Danny P 16 BWST-PV 4:43.18 4:45.69 PVJO 28.34 1:02.72 (34.38) 1:41.31 (38.59) 2:20.43 (39.12) 3:00.19 (39.76) 3:41.16 (40.97) 4:14.36 (33.20) 4:45.69 (31.33) 5 Allen, Justin J 17 BWST-PV 4:46.05 4:45.77 PVJO 29.66 1:04.75 (35.09) 1:43.06 (38.31) 2:21.61 (38.55) 3:01.60 (39.99) 3:41.24 (39.64) 4:14.91 (33.67) 4:45.77 (30.86) 6 Davidson, Chris S 14 BWST-PV 5:08.35 4:52.42 29.87 1:04.78 (34.91) 1:43.08 (38.30) 2:20.40 (37.32) 3:04.12 (43.72) 3:47.45 (43.33) 4:20.87 (33.42) 4:52.42 (31.55) 7 McAllister, Daniel J 17 BWST-PV 4:50.63 4:57.08 30.17 1:05.77 (35.60) 1:43.51 (37.74) 2:21.17 (37.66) 3:04.37 (43.20) 3:48.14 (43.77) 4:23.10 (34.96) 4:57.08 (33.98) 8 Lucas, Jackson J 13 BWST-PV 5:02.54 4:59.48 32.31 1:09.80 (37.49) 1:45.92 (36.12) 2:24.53 (38.61) 3:08.62 (44.09) 3:54.07 (45.45) 4:27.53 (33.46) 4:59.48 (31.95) 9 Zhai, Alan S 13 HACC-PV NT 5:04.11 30.70 1:05.00 (34.30) 1:45.89 (40.89) 2:27.11 (41.22) 3:11.21 (44.10) 3:56.12 (44.91) 4:30.48 (34.36) 5:04.11 (33.63) 10 Popovich, Matthew R 13 SNOW-PV 5:07.86 5:04.76 30.76 1:06.92 (36.16) 1:46.77 (39.85) 2:24.48 (37.71) 3:10.74 (46.26) 3:56.99 (46.25) 4:31.58 (34.59) 5:04.76 (33.18) 11 Paz, Anthony F 14 BWST-PV 5:13.70 5:05.51 34.30 1:16.46 (42.16) 1:53.92 (37.46) 2:30.87 (36.95) 3:15.56 (44.69) 3:59.92 (44.36) 4:34.32 (34.40) 5:05.51 (31.19) 12 Yang, Dennis H 14 BWST-PV 5:43.36 5:05.91 31.51 1:12.32 (40.81) 1:53.30 (40.98) 2:31.63 (38.33) 3:15.58 (43.95) 4:01.35 (45.77) 4:34.52 (33.17) 5:05.91 (31.39) 13 Chen, Austin 14 BWST-PV 6:02.92 5:06.14 33.32 1:12.74 (39.42) 1:52.81 (40.07) 2:32.61 (39.80) 3:13.94 (41.33) 3:57.49 (43.55) 4:33.41 (35.92) 5:06.14 (32.73)