Claude Moore Recreation Center
October 12-14, 2012
Sanction # PVI-13-06
Girls 8 & Under 25 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Hunter, Maire L 7 SNOW-PV 19.51 17.77 2 Garriss, Olivia 8 BWST-PV 21.56 18.05 3 O'Donovan, Kathleen H 8 HACC-PV NT 18.41 4 Kauffman, Madison C 8 HACC-PV 20.51 18.44 5 Esslinger, Lyddie 8 WST-VA NT 19.00 6 Graham, Caroline P 8 SNOW-PV NT 19.13 7 Wall, Tatum E 8 BWST-PV 20.68 19.62 8 Twigg, Madelynn A 7 WST-VA 22.78 20.82 9 Rho, Hannah M 7 BWST-PV 23.54 20.90 10 Nguyen, Kha An 8 LMAC-PV NT 20.96 11 Shanneb, Nadia 7 BWST-PV 23.90 21.11 11 Nappi, Isabelle A 8 SNOW-PV NT 21.11 13 Haberland, Tawny 8 BWST-PV 21.73 21.16 14 Schlemmer, Natalie A 8 SNOW-PV 23.47 21.35 15 Choung, Chloe H 7 BWST-PV 24.05 21.42 16 Belt, Catherine J 8 HACC-PV 20.51 21.68 17 Paliwal, Shreya S 8 BWST-PV 25.48 21.71 18 Thamasett, Lili G 7 BWST-PV NT 21.94 19 Reed, Madison N 6 WST-VA 33.08 21.98 20 Whitney, Amanda L 7 SNOW-PV NT 22.25 21 Howard, Allie G 8 BWST-PV 27.37 22.26 22 Strange, Anderson J 7 SNOW-PV NT 22.37 23 Gordon, Ava 8 BWST-PV 20.76 22.41 23 Caffo, Ashley C 7 SNOW-PV NT 22.41 25 Gartland, Lillian M 7 SNOW-PV NT 22.76 26 Yang, Christina A 7 BWST-PV 25.41 22.81 27 Sessions, Kylee N 7 LMAC-PV NT 22.88 28 Monck, Charlotte F 8 SNOW-PV 24.24 23.01 29 Collette, Cadence M 7 SNOW-PV NT 23.19 30 Parmele, Rachel E 8 LMAC-PV NT 23.22 31 Rosales, Paige E 7 BWST-PV 27.75 23.67 32 Moore, Melodie C 6 SNOW-PV 25.53 23.74 33 Boyle, Kylie E 7 LMAC-PV NT 23.88 34 Bowman, Anna E 8 WST-VA 21.77 24.25 35 Graham, Molly Kate K 6 SNOW-PV NT 24.26 36 Ogango, Layla M 7 SNOW-PV 24.78 24.89 37 Skacel, Sophia/Sophie E 7 SNOW-PV NT 25.35 38 Akhtar, Alexandra S 8 LMAC-PV NT 25.58 39 Hutchinson, Jenna * 7 SNOW-PV NT 25.78 40 Gentry, Bella B 7 SNOW-PV NT 26.41 41 Rebich, Elizabeth M 6 SNOW-PV NT 26.91 42 DiCarlo, Allison M 7 SNOW-PV NT 28.01 43 Wood, Augusta L 8 HACC-PV 26.96 28.11 44 Fassacesia, Giada L 5 SNOW-PV NT 28.56 45 Acker, Lily M 7 SNOW-PV NT 28.60 46 Bannerton, Avery M 6 SNOW-PV NT 29.24 47 Biby, Cate G 7 SNOW-PV NT 29.82 48 Alvis, Rachel R 6 LMAC-PV NT 30.44 49 Hall, Lauren A 6 LMAC-PV NT 31.65 50 Parmele, Megan G 6 LMAC-PV NT 31.97 51 Derderian, Ava L 7 LMAC-PV NT 32.94 52 Jordan, Ava Bella B 5 SNOW-PV NT 36.53 53 LaBarbera, Katarina * 7 SNOW-PV NT 41.37 Girls 8 & Under 50 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Van Ess, Isabella A 8 BWST-PV 40.77 37.90 2 Vannell, Emma G 8 BWST-PV 40.30 38.20 3 Nguyen, Evelyn Q 8 BWST-PV 38.24 39.36 4 Kauffman, Madison C 8 HACC-PV 44.12 39.96 5 Atkins, Caroline 7 BWST-PV 47.75 41.68 6 Hunter, Maire L 7 SNOW-PV 43.32 42.01 7 O'Donovan, Kathleen H 8 HACC-PV NT 43.35 8 Saravanan, Nishi 8 BWST-PV 49.49 44.80 9 Twigg, Madelynn A 7 WST-VA 54.35 45.00 10 Siewick, Natalie C 8 HACC-PV 44.91 45.48 11 Graham, Caroline P 8 SNOW-PV NT 46.33 12 Hawkinson, Grace C 8 LMAC-PV NT 46.87 13 Nappi, Isabelle A 8 SNOW-PV NT 46.95 14 Paliwal, Shreya S 8 BWST-PV 59.57 47.71 15 Payne, Sophia M 8 SNOW-PV NT 48.64 16 Yaunches, Eva I 8 LMAC-PV 1:10.04 49.93 17 Gordon, Ava 8 BWST-PV 48.93 50.41 18 Bowman, Anna E 8 WST-VA NT 52.48 19 Skacel, Sophia/Sophie E 7 SNOW-PV NT 53.20 20 Collette, Cadence M 7 SNOW-PV NT 53.31 21 Gartland, Lillian M 7 SNOW-PV NT 53.70 22 Haines, Noelle M 8 WST-VA 1:06.76 54.87 23 Sigler, Avery M 8 WST-VA NT 58.37 24 Kennedy, Hannah E 7 SNOW-PV 50.78 59.03 25 Juday, Fiona M 7 WST-VA NT 1:00.14 26 Derderian, Ava L 7 LMAC-PV NT 1:01.80 27 Ogango, Layla M 7 SNOW-PV 56.47 1:03.67 Girls 8 & Under 100 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Baez, Mary E 8 HACC-PV NT 1:24.66 41.75 1:24.66 (42.91) 2 Vannell, Emma G 8 BWST-PV 1:27.16 1:26.63 41.71 1:26.63 (44.92) 3 Platt, Sierra L 8 HACC-PV 1:39.41 1:26.69 42.47 1:26.69 (44.22) 4 O'Donovan, Kathleen H 8 HACC-PV NT 1:36.61 43.68 1:36.61 (52.93) 5 Nguyen, Evelyn Q 8 BWST-PV 1:38.59 1:37.65 44.60 1:37.65 (53.05) 6 Yaunches, Eva I 8 LMAC-PV NT 1:41.81 49.51 1:41.81 (52.30) 7 Belt, Catherine J 8 HACC-PV 2:08.38 1:43.17 8 Nappi, Isabelle A 8 SNOW-PV NT 1:51.54 49.58 1:51.54 (1:01.96) 9 Acker, Lily M 7 SNOW-PV NT 2:16.76 1:05.86 2:16.76 (1:10.90) Girls 8 & Under 25 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Garriss, Olivia 8 BWST-PV 22.50 20.34 2 Kauffman, Madison C 8 HACC-PV 28.59 21.87 3 O'Donovan, Kathleen H 8 HACC-PV NT 22.00 4 Baez, Mary E 8 HACC-PV 23.94 22.03 5 Wall, Tatum E 8 BWST-PV 23.07 22.10 6 Shanneb, Nadia 7 BWST-PV 27.58 22.23 7 Greig, Lauren K 8 SNOW-PV NT 22.84 8 Elias, Isabel L 7 SNOW-PV NT 22.99 9 Monck, Charlotte F 8 SNOW-PV 29.36 23.18 10 Hawkinson, Grace C 8 LMAC-PV NT 23.84 11 Hunter, Maire L 7 SNOW-PV 24.90 23.89 12 Esslinger, Lyddie 8 WST-VA NT 24.03 13 Rho, Hannah M 7 BWST-PV 24.88 24.07 14 Twigg, Madelynn A 7 WST-VA 25.79 24.08 15 Haberland, Tawny 8 BWST-PV 24.76 24.18 16 Gordon, Ava 8 BWST-PV 25.41 24.37 17 Nappi, Isabelle A 8 SNOW-PV NT 24.69 18 Thamasett, Lili G 7 BWST-PV NT 24.84 19 Hutchinson, Jenna * 7 SNOW-PV NT 24.85 20 Choung, Chloe H 7 BWST-PV 28.07 24.95 21 Strange, Anderson J 7 SNOW-PV NT 24.97 22 Gartland, Lillian M 7 SNOW-PV NT 25.03 23 Belt, Catherine J 8 HACC-PV 25.42 25.08 24 Reed, Madison N 6 WST-VA 33.01 25.29 25 Acker, Lily M 7 SNOW-PV NT 25.36 26 Schlemmer, Natalie A 8 SNOW-PV NT 25.54 27 Moore, Melodie C 6 SNOW-PV 30.29 25.76 28 Paliwal, Shreya S 8 BWST-PV 28.67 25.78 29 Caffo, Ashley C 7 SNOW-PV NT 25.88 30 Parmele, Rachel E 8 LMAC-PV NT 26.19 31 Yang, Christina A 7 BWST-PV 30.39 26.37 32 Boyle, Kylie E 7 LMAC-PV NT 26.54 33 Rosales, Paige E 7 BWST-PV 32.83 26.72 34 Howard, Allie G 8 BWST-PV 30.97 27.50 35 Sessions, Kylee N 7 LMAC-PV NT 27.57 36 Yaunches, Eva I 8 LMAC-PV 29.70 27.59 37 Bowman, Anna E 8 WST-VA NT 28.43 38 Gentry, Bella B 7 SNOW-PV NT 28.67 39 Graham, Molly Kate K 6 SNOW-PV NT 29.26 40 Collette, Cadence M 7 SNOW-PV NT 29.32 40 Parmele, Megan G 6 LMAC-PV NT 29.32 42 Rebich, Elizabeth M 6 SNOW-PV NT 29.37 43 DiCarlo, Allison M 7 SNOW-PV NT 29.66 44 Alvis, Rachel R 6 LMAC-PV NT 30.67 45 Akhtar, Alexandra S 8 LMAC-PV NT 30.74 46 Skacel, Sophia/Sophie E 7 SNOW-PV NT 32.19 47 Ogango, Layla M 7 SNOW-PV 28.81 32.22 48 Fassacesia, Giada L 5 SNOW-PV NT 34.22 49 Bannerton, Avery M 6 SNOW-PV NT 34.81 50 Hall, Lauren A 6 LMAC-PV NT 39.44 51 LaBarbera, Katarina * 7 SNOW-PV NT 40.38 -- Jordan, Ava Bella B 5 SNOW-PV NT DQ Shoulders past vertical toward breast -- Derderian, Ava L 7 LMAC-PV NT DQ Not on back off wall -- Whitney, Amanda L 7 SNOW-PV NT DQ Shoulders past vertical toward breast Girls 8 & Under 50 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Van Ess, Isabella A 8 BWST-PV 46.28 40.61 2 Vannell, Emma G 8 BWST-PV 47.53 41.84 3 Nguyen, Evelyn Q 8 BWST-PV 45.87 45.26 4 Wall, Tatum E 8 BWST-PV 50.73 47.53 5 Kauffman, Madison C 8 HACC-PV NT 50.15 6 Twigg, Madelynn A 7 WST-VA NT 55.46 7 Elias, Isabel L 7 SNOW-PV NT 55.59 8 Hernandez, Juana N 8 HACC-PV 55.80 55.86 9 Bowman, Anna E 8 WST-VA NT 56.63 10 Yaunches, Eva I 8 LMAC-PV NT 57.78 11 Haines, Noelle M 8 WST-VA NT 1:02.76 12 Moore, Melodie C 6 SNOW-PV NT 1:04.28 -- Hunter, Maire L 7 SNOW-PV 57.77 DQ Shoulders past vertical toward breast -- Hawkinson, Grace C 8 LMAC-PV NT DQ Shoulders past vertical toward breast -- Derderian, Ava L 7 LMAC-PV NT DQ Shoulders past vertical toward breast Girls 8 & Under 25 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Atkins, Caroline 7 BWST-PV 28.85 24.76 2 Wall, Tatum E 8 BWST-PV 29.55 25.69 3 Yang, Christina A 7 BWST-PV 33.44 26.18 4 Greig, Lauren K 8 SNOW-PV NT 26.44 5 Nappi, Isabelle A 8 SNOW-PV NT 26.56 6 Siewick, Natalie C 8 HACC-PV 31.08 27.19 7 Schlemmer, Natalie A 8 SNOW-PV 28.11 27.23 8 Gordon, Ava 8 BWST-PV 32.06 27.68 9 Sessions, Kylee N 7 LMAC-PV NT 28.22 10 O'Donovan, Kathleen H 8 HACC-PV NT 28.26 11 Graham, Caroline P 8 SNOW-PV NT 28.72 12 Paliwal, Shreya S 8 BWST-PV 35.47 29.30 13 Choung, Chloe H 7 BWST-PV 37.62 29.44 14 Haines, Noelle M 8 WST-VA 32.84 29.70 15 Saravanan, Nishi 8 BWST-PV 35.22 30.54 16 Whitney, Amanda L 7 SNOW-PV NT 31.16 17 Parmele, Rachel E 8 LMAC-PV NT 31.53 18 Strange, Anderson J 7 SNOW-PV NT 32.53 19 Bowman, Anna E 8 WST-VA NT 32.97 20 Gartland, Lillian M 7 SNOW-PV NT 34.20 21 Collette, Cadence M 7 SNOW-PV NT 34.37 22 Kennedy, Hannah E 7 SNOW-PV 40.58 34.78 23 Biby, Cate G 7 SNOW-PV NT 35.97 -- Elias, Isabel L 7 SNOW-PV NT DQ Hands brought beyond the hipline during stroke -- Juday, Fiona M 7 WST-VA NT DQ Hands brought beyond the hipline during stroke -- Rho, Hannah M 7 BWST-PV 34.29 DQ Downward butterfly kick -- Gentry, Bella B 7 SNOW-PV NT DQ One hand touch Girls 8 & Under 50 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Vannell, Emma G 8 BWST-PV 55.74 47.95 2 Nguyen, Evelyn Q 8 BWST-PV 54.44 48.82 3 Platt, Sierra L 8 HACC-PV NT 55.69 4 Kauffman, Madison C 8 HACC-PV 1:07.77 55.78 5 Garriss, Olivia 8 BWST-PV 1:03.42 57.10 6 Schlemmer, Natalie A 8 SNOW-PV NT 57.89 7 Wall, Tatum E 8 BWST-PV 1:03.97 59.94 8 Moore, Melodie C 6 SNOW-PV 1:11.70 59.97 9 Gordon, Ava 8 BWST-PV 1:09.69 1:00.62 10 Monck, Charlotte F 8 SNOW-PV 1:29.02 1:01.89 11 Rosales, Paige E 7 BWST-PV NT 1:02.57 12 Esslinger, Lyddie 8 WST-VA NT 1:04.99 13 Yaunches, Eva I 8 LMAC-PV NT 1:05.87 14 Paliwal, Shreya S 8 BWST-PV 1:20.56 1:07.66 15 Howard, Allie G 8 BWST-PV NT 1:12.33 16 Ogango, Layla M 7 SNOW-PV NT 1:21.32 -- Twigg, Madelynn A 7 WST-VA NT DQ Hands brought beyond the hipline during stroke -- Wood, Augusta L 8 HACC-PV NT DQ Scissors kick -- Hall, Lauren A 6 LMAC-PV NT DQ Incomplete stroke cycle other than one pull followed by one kick Girls 8 & Under 25 Yard Butterfly =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Wall, Tatum E 8 BWST-PV 24.93 20.54 2 Payne, Sophia M 8 SNOW-PV NT 21.57 3 Kauffman, Madison C 8 HACC-PV 27.78 21.75 3 Graham, Caroline P 8 SNOW-PV NT 21.75 5 Atkins, Caroline 7 BWST-PV 26.72 21.87 6 Saravanan, Nishi 8 BWST-PV 28.65 22.41 7 Hunter, Maire L 7 SNOW-PV NT 22.85 8 Schlemmer, Natalie A 8 SNOW-PV 32.50 25.14 9 Greig, Lauren K 8 SNOW-PV NT 25.79 10 Moore, Melodie C 6 SNOW-PV 30.23 26.65 11 Choung, Chloe H 7 BWST-PV 33.31 26.78 12 Rho, Hannah M 7 BWST-PV 40.13 26.81 13 Juday, Fiona M 7 WST-VA NT 27.62 14 Gordon, Ava 8 BWST-PV 33.22 27.63 15 Paliwal, Shreya S 8 BWST-PV 32.78 27.72 16 Yaunches, Eva I 8 LMAC-PV NT 28.62 17 Ogango, Layla M 7 SNOW-PV NT 31.39 -- Collette, Cadence M 7 SNOW-PV NT DQ Non-simultaneous arms -- Yang, Christina A 7 BWST-PV 40.62 DQ Arms underwater recovery -- Sigler, Avery M 8 WST-VA 33.16 DQ Arms underwater recovery -- Nappi, Isabelle A 8 SNOW-PV NT DQ Non-simultaneous arms Girls 8 & Under 50 Yard Butterfly =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Vannell, Emma G 8 BWST-PV 47.66 40.84 2 Nguyen, Evelyn Q 8 BWST-PV 50.40 48.62 3 Platt, Sierra L 8 HACC-PV 1:18.17 52.09 4 Hunter, Maire L 7 SNOW-PV NT 56.64 5 Baez, Mary E 8 HACC-PV NT 56.77 -- Collette, Cadence M 7 SNOW-PV NT DQ -- Wood, Augusta L 8 HACC-PV NT DQ Girls 8 & Under 100 Yard IM =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Van Ess, Isabella A 8 BWST-PV 1:43.54 1:31.18 42.18 1:31.18 (49.00) 2 Vannell, Emma G 8 BWST-PV 1:39.34 1:31.38 42.11 1:31.38 (49.27) 3 Nguyen, Evelyn Q 8 BWST-PV 1:46.03 1:38.96 47.22 1:38.96 (51.74) 4 Payne, Sophia M 8 SNOW-PV NT 1:55.99 54.99 1:55.99 (1:01.00) 5 O'Donovan, Kathleen H 8 HACC-PV NT 1:56.65 53.41 1:56.65 (1:03.24) 6 Schlemmer, Natalie A 8 SNOW-PV NT 2:00.14 1:01.30 2:00.14 (58.84) 7 Moore, Melodie C 6 SNOW-PV 2:18.52 2:01.86 58.47 2:01.86 (1:03.39) 8 Hernandez, Juana N 8 HACC-PV 2:19.47 2:08.34 57.10 2:08.34 (1:11.24) 9 Kennedy, Hannah E 7 SNOW-PV NT 2:15.04 1:04.00 2:15.04 (1:11.04) 10 Sigler, Avery M 8 WST-VA NT 2:15.84 1:05.47 2:15.84 (1:10.37) 11 Ogango, Layla M 7 SNOW-PV NT 2:41.36 1:16.07 2:41.36 (1:25.29) -- Elias, Isabel L 7 SNOW-PV NT DQ Hands brought beyond the hipline during stroke - breast 1:02.67 DQ (1:05.30) Girls 9-10 50 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 32.69 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Kopac, Allison N 10 SNOW-PV 29.82 28.58 PVJO 2 Gerving, Shelby L 10 SNOW-PV 30.13 28.74 PVJO 3 Rho, Casey 10 BWST-PV 33.36 29.90 PVJO 4 Marcheschi, Elizabeth J 10 SNOW-PV 31.55 31.59 PVJO 5 McKay, Kaia M 10 SNOW-PV 33.54 32.12 PVJO 6 Bias, Emma G 10 SNOW-PV 33.27 32.75 7 Jacks, Chale M 10 SNOW-PV 34.37 33.00 8 Frie, Sarah E 10 SNOW-PV 35.90 33.54 9 Pliuskaitis, Sam M 10 SNOW-PV 33.44 33.72 10 Winklosky, Katie E 10 BWST-PV 37.19 34.20 11 Allen, Ashley S 10 SNOW-PV NT 35.02 12 Manzo, Madison A 10 SNOW-PV 36.82 35.16 13 McCummings, Delaney S 10 BWST-PV 37.08 35.78 14 Mandrgoc, Caroline 10 BWST-PV 35.89 35.88 15 Gordon, Alexandra J 10 BWST-PV 38.09 35.91 16 Borden, Reese 9 SNOW-PV 37.01 36.14 17 Mihalic, Reagan A 9 BWST-PV 37.85 36.42 18 Warnagiris, Kimberly E 9 WST-VA 39.51 36.64 19 Stockov, Cheney C 10 SNOW-PV 40.94 37.27 20 Scarboro, Meredith 10 BWST-PV NT 37.55 21 Mietlicki, Rachel N 10 HACC-PV 38.01 37.74 22 McShaffrey, Cassie H 9 SNOW-PV NT 37.90 23 McNulty, Theresa M 9 HACC-PV 40.48 38.08 24 Zheng, Jennifer A 10 HACC-PV NT 38.51 25 Malloy, Maggie D 10 BWST-PV 39.71 38.74 26 Kennedy, Molly A 9 SNOW-PV 47.05 38.87 27 Byars, Kelly 9 BWST-PV 40.95 39.16 28 Nichols, Jocelyn 9 HACC-PV 38.98 39.37 29 Calvert, Julia P 9 SNOW-PV 39.24 39.40 30 Kane, Rachel K 10 BWST-PV 36.98 39.49 31 Terran, Ella M 10 BWST-PV NT 39.50 32 Culebro, Daniela A 10 SNOW-PV NT 39.81 33 Lam, Allisyn N 9 LMAC-PV NT 40.19 34 Nguyen, Courtney 10 SNOW-PV 46.44 40.21 35 Birman, Zoey R 9 HACC-PV 42.83 40.73 36 Watts, Molly M 10 SNOW-PV NT 40.80 37 Elbash, Jannah * 10 SNOW-PV NT 40.86 38 Arroyo, Briana 10 BWST-PV NT 40.96 39 Bernal, Ariel 10 SNOW-PV NT 41.79 40 Juday, Siobhan B 9 WST-VA 41.61 41.81 41 Bowman, Ellie L 10 WST-VA NT 42.06 42 Goodrum, Catey M 9 SNOW-PV NT 42.41 43 LeCount, Olivia J 9 BWST-PV NT 42.91 44 Agarwal, Ananya 9 BWST-PV 44.40 43.16 45 Winklosky, Nicole 9 BWST-PV 44.69 43.28 46 Maus, Katherine 10 HACC-PV NT 43.66 47 Sedlak, Rachel T 10 SNOW-PV NT 43.68 48 Porter, Claire Z 9 SNOW-PV 42.40 44.32 49 Thompson, Rachel K 9 HACC-PV 50.26 45.56 50 Mohrman, Sailor S 9 SNOW-PV NT 45.75 51 Bernal, Daphne 9 SNOW-PV NT 46.15 52 Eberly, Kelly A 9 SNOW-PV 43.21 47.28 53 Exel, Jeanmarie R 9 SNOW-PV 46.20 47.29 54 O'Dea, Katelyn R 9 SNOW-PV 58.62 47.40 55 Marcais, Annabelle A 9 BWST-PV 51.96 47.70 56 McPhillips, Molly M 9 SNOW-PV NT 48.57 57 Pham, Jordan E 10 SNOW-PV NT 48.93 58 Zamani, Yasmin * 10 SNOW-PV NT 49.22 59 Vidal, Juliana N 9 BWST-PV 49.35 49.81 60 Dawson, Rachel A 9 SNOW-PV 54.97 51.37 61 Marvil, Bri L 9 SNOW-PV NT 52.62 62 Soohoo, Morgan M 10 LMAC-PV NT 57.24 63 Dudley, Forbes F 10 SNOW-PV NT 1:00.29 -- Lewis, Kierany C 9 SNOW-PV NT DQ No touch on turn -- Cutrell, Georgia M 9 HACC-PV 34.65 DQ False start Girls 9-10 100 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 1:12.89 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Gerving, Shelby L 10 SNOW-PV 1:05.63 1:01.14 PVJO 29.20 1:01.14 (31.94) 2 Kopac, Allison N 10 SNOW-PV 1:02.58 1:01.54 PVJO 29.69 1:01.54 (31.85) 3 Smithers, Natalie R 10 BWST-PV 1:15.41 1:10.31 PVJO 33.11 1:10.31 (37.20) 4 Rho, Casey 10 BWST-PV 1:13.38 1:10.72 PVJO 34.79 1:10.72 (35.93) 5 Perezous, Janika 10 SNOW-PV 1:14.24 1:10.79 PVJO 32.95 1:10.79 (37.84) 6 Marcheschi, Elizabeth J 10 SNOW-PV 1:08.29 1:10.80 PVJO 34.15 1:10.80 (36.65) 7 Desmond, Ellie 10 BWST-PV 1:16.81 1:11.81 PVJO 34.37 1:11.81 (37.44) 8 Schlemmer, Rachel L 10 SNOW-PV 1:12.89 1:12.57 PVJO 34.08 1:12.57 (38.49) 9 Bias, Emma G 10 SNOW-PV 1:18.98 1:13.39 36.06 1:13.39 (37.33) 10 McKay, Kaia M 10 SNOW-PV 1:15.39 1:13.85 34.89 1:13.85 (38.96) 11 Jacks, Chale M 10 SNOW-PV 1:18.50 1:13.89 34.17 1:13.89 (39.72) 12 Frie, Sarah E 10 SNOW-PV 1:21.44 1:14.51 35.99 1:14.51 (38.52) 13 Pliuskaitis, Sam M 10 SNOW-PV 1:15.22 1:15.37 35.70 1:15.37 (39.67) 14 Myers, Morgan A 10 BWST-PV 1:17.47 1:16.09 35.62 1:16.09 (40.47) 15 Winklosky, Katie E 10 BWST-PV 1:26.01 1:16.34 36.60 1:16.34 (39.74) 16 Grossback, Emma C 10 HACC-PV NT 1:17.49 17 Baez, Alli R 10 HACC-PV 1:21.89 1:17.72 35.92 1:17.72 (41.80) 18 Allen, Ashley S 10 SNOW-PV NT 1:18.27 36.55 1:18.27 (41.72) 19 Holstein, Regan 10 BWST-PV 1:23.25 1:18.67 37.19 1:18.67 (41.48) 20 Manzo, Madison A 10 SNOW-PV 1:25.40 1:19.27 36.70 1:19.27 (42.57) 21 Herndon, Anne M 10 SNOW-PV NT 1:20.43 39.49 1:20.43 (40.94) 22 Gordon, Alexandra J 10 BWST-PV 1:30.76 1:20.69 39.15 1:20.69 (41.54) 23 Belt, Lauren S 10 HACC-PV 1:27.10 1:21.27 37.91 1:21.27 (43.36) 24 Borden, Reese 9 SNOW-PV 1:32.53 1:21.87 38.28 1:21.87 (43.59) 25 McCummings, Delaney S 10 BWST-PV 1:27.79 1:22.79 38.61 1:22.79 (44.18) 26 Mandrgoc, Caroline 10 BWST-PV 1:26.08 1:23.84 39.03 1:23.84 (44.81) 27 Bae, Ashley W 10 SNOW-PV NT 1:24.63 40.58 1:24.63 (44.05) 28 Huang, Ashley V 10 HACC-PV NT 1:24.76 39.68 1:24.76 (45.08) 29 Zheng, Jennifer A 10 HACC-PV NT 1:25.91 42.28 1:25.91 (43.63) 30 Gillespie, Anna L 10 HACC-PV NT 1:26.20 40.34 1:26.20 (45.86) 31 Kane, Rachel K 10 BWST-PV 1:37.00 1:26.93 39.95 1:26.93 (46.98) 32 Calvert, Julia P 9 SNOW-PV 1:26.50 1:27.77 41.84 1:27.77 (45.93) 33 Nichols, Jocelyn 9 HACC-PV 1:32.37 1:28.42 39.67 1:28.42 (48.75) 34 Watts, Molly M 10 SNOW-PV NT 1:29.70 41.37 1:29.70 (48.33) 35 Bowman, Ellie L 10 WST-VA NT 1:30.26 41.88 1:30.26 (48.38) 36 Boyle, Josie M 10 SNOW-PV 1:46.03 1:30.43 42.84 1:30.43 (47.59) 37 Scarboro, Meredith 10 BWST-PV NT 1:31.21 42.40 1:31.21 (48.81) 38 Hermus, Jessica L 9 HACC-PV 1:53.56 1:31.80 44.26 1:31.80 (47.54) 39 Martin, Makenzie K 10 SNOW-PV NT 1:32.63 43.19 1:32.63 (49.44) 40 Nguyen, Courtney 10 SNOW-PV 1:46.48 1:33.24 43.59 1:33.24 (49.65) 41 Terran, Ella M 10 BWST-PV NT 1:33.77 44.70 1:33.77 (49.07) 42 Fowler, Grace B 10 SNOW-PV NT 1:34.30 45.73 1:34.30 (48.57) 43 Bermingham, Mary L 9 HACC-PV 1:36.87 1:34.38 45.14 1:34.38 (49.24) 44 Holstein, Sarah 9 BWST-PV 1:43.99 1:34.80 45.80 1:34.80 (49.00) 45 Arroyo, Briana 10 BWST-PV NT 1:37.34 45.23 1:37.34 (52.11) 46 Garriss, Madison 10 BWST-PV 1:39.74 1:37.58 45.44 1:37.58 (52.14) 47 Goodrum, Catey M 9 SNOW-PV NT 1:38.19 48.02 1:38.19 (50.17) 48 Chen, Yuca C 10 LMAC-PV NT 1:41.04 43.44 1:41.04 (57.60) 49 Exel, Jeanmarie R 9 SNOW-PV 1:37.91 1:41.44 48.21 1:41.44 (53.23) 50 Porter, Claire Z 9 SNOW-PV NT 1:41.50 51 Sedlak, Rachel T 10 SNOW-PV NT 1:41.81 46.19 1:41.81 (55.62) 52 Louie, Elizabeth D 10 UN-PV NT 1:41.93 47.21 1:41.93 (54.72) 53 Do, Denise T 9 LMAC-PV NT 1:42.53 47.32 1:42.53 (55.21) 54 Zamani, Yasmin * 10 SNOW-PV NT 1:43.31 48.60 1:43.31 (54.71) 55 Agarwal, Ananya 9 BWST-PV 1:53.80 1:44.77 48.98 1:44.77 (55.79) 56 Jones, Sylvie R 10 SNOW-PV 1:43.73 1:45.48 50.79 1:45.48 (54.69) 57 Mohrman, Sailor S 9 SNOW-PV NT 1:46.31 48.11 1:46.31 (58.20) 58 Gorukanti, Anagha 9 SNOW-PV NT 1:48.15 52.45 1:48.15 (55.70) 59 Brown, Lucy C 9 HACC-PV NT 1:48.20 49.24 1:48.20 (58.96) 60 Marcais, Annabelle A 9 BWST-PV NT 1:54.38 52.77 1:54.38 (1:01.61) 61 Jenkins, Holland E 9 SNOW-PV NT 1:55.12 50.74 1:55.12 (1:04.38) 62 McPhillips, Molly M 9 SNOW-PV NT 2:10.32 53.92 2:10.32 (1:16.40) -- Soong, Sabine 9 BWST-PV NT DQ No touch on turn 51.64 DQ (58.41) Girls 9-10 50 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== 38.29 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Kopac, Allison N 10 SNOW-PV 35.50 33.48 PVJO 2 Rho, Casey 10 BWST-PV 38.41 34.66 PVJO 3 Borden, Kassidy 10 SNOW-PV 37.36 34.87 PVJO 4 Marcheschi, Elizabeth J 10 SNOW-PV 38.85 37.48 PVJO 5 Gordon, Alexandra J 10 BWST-PV 42.25 37.57 PVJO 6 McKay, Kaia M 10 SNOW-PV 38.20 37.79 PVJO 7 Holstein, Regan 10 BWST-PV 39.87 37.89 PVJO 8 Bias, Emma G 10 SNOW-PV 40.45 38.16 PVJO 9 Pliuskaitis, Sam M 10 SNOW-PV 38.89 38.56 10 Calvert, Julia P 9 SNOW-PV 46.90 39.22 11 Grossback, Emma C 10 HACC-PV NT 39.43 12 Manzo, Madison A 10 SNOW-PV 42.70 39.54 13 Winklosky, Katie E 10 BWST-PV 43.11 40.28 14 Borden, Reese 9 SNOW-PV 48.86 40.41 15 Watts, Molly M 10 SNOW-PV NT 40.61 16 Ramberg, Abigail S 10 SNOW-PV 42.28 40.83 17 McCummings, Delaney S 10 BWST-PV 42.63 41.10 18 Twigg, Lillian G 10 WST-VA 45.38 41.36 19 Garriss, Madison 10 BWST-PV 43.56 42.35 20 Bae, Ashley W 10 SNOW-PV NT 42.67 21 Mandrgoc, Caroline 10 BWST-PV 41.96 43.30 22 Kane, Rachel K 10 BWST-PV 43.46 43.38 23 Boyle, Josie M 10 SNOW-PV 46.49 43.75 24 Chen, Yuca C 10 LMAC-PV NT 44.08 25 Nichols, Jocelyn 9 HACC-PV 44.68 44.26 26 Martin, Makenzie K 10 SNOW-PV NT 44.36 27 Scarboro, Meredith 10 BWST-PV NT 44.71 28 Greig, Morgan E 10 SNOW-PV NT 44.72 29 Huang, Ashley V 10 HACC-PV NT 45.26 30 Gillespie, Anna L 10 HACC-PV NT 45.30 31 Belt, Lauren S 10 HACC-PV 46.72 45.44 32 Porter, Claire Z 9 SNOW-PV 48.13 46.14 33 Holstein, Sarah 9 BWST-PV 52.63 46.15 34 Bernal, Ariel 10 SNOW-PV NT 46.17 35 Elbash, Jannah * 10 SNOW-PV NT 46.50 36 LeCount, Olivia J 9 BWST-PV NT 46.68 37 Mietlicki, Rachel N 10 HACC-PV 51.77 47.52 38 Do, Denise T 9 LMAC-PV NT 47.85 39 Soong, Sabine 9 BWST-PV NT 47.93 40 Jenkins, Anna K 10 SNOW-PV 49.97 48.05 41 Bernal, Daphne 9 SNOW-PV NT 48.52 42 Goodrum, Catey M 9 SNOW-PV NT 48.61 42 Sedlak, Rachel T 10 SNOW-PV NT 48.61 44 Mohrman, Sailor S 9 SNOW-PV NT 48.76 45 Agarwal, Ananya 9 BWST-PV 53.93 48.83 46 Vidal, Juliana N 9 BWST-PV 52.66 48.95 47 Bowman, Ellie L 10 WST-VA NT 49.33 48 Jenkins, Holland E 9 SNOW-PV NT 49.63 49 Marcais, Annabelle A 9 BWST-PV 56.28 51.56 50 Hermus, Jessica L 9 HACC-PV 59.56 51.95 51 Exel, Jeanmarie R 9 SNOW-PV 51.54 51.98 52 Terran, Ella M 10 BWST-PV NT 52.09 53 Brown, Lucy C 9 HACC-PV NT 52.96 54 Jones, Sylvie R 10 SNOW-PV 53.46 53.45 55 Bermingham, Mary L 9 HACC-PV NT 54.06 56 Marvil, Bri L 9 SNOW-PV NT 54.40 57 Zheng, Jennifer A 10 HACC-PV NT 54.52 58 Sawyer, Katie E 10 BWST-PV NT 58.23 59 Gorukanti, Anagha 9 SNOW-PV 1:07.93 1:01.26 60 Zamani, Yasmin * 10 SNOW-PV NT 1:04.32 61 McPhillips, Molly M 9 SNOW-PV NT 1:05.59 -- Herndon, Anne M 10 SNOW-PV NT DQ Delay initiating turn after past vertical -- McShaffrey, Cassie H 9 SNOW-PV NT DQ Not on back off wall -- Arroyo, Briana 10 BWST-PV NT DQ Shoulders past vertical toward breast -- Bell, Brinley M 10 SNOW-PV 36.44 DQ Compeletely submerged prior to turn or finish -- Allen, Ashley S 10 SNOW-PV NT DQ Multiple strokes past vertical at turn Girls 9-10 100 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== 1:23.19 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Smithers, Natalie R 10 BWST-PV 1:17.88 1:12.91 PVJO 35.34 1:12.91 (37.57) 2 Borden, Kassidy 10 SNOW-PV 1:17.92 1:13.34 PVJO 35.92 1:13.34 (37.42) 3 Myers, Morgan A 10 BWST-PV 1:21.89 1:18.86 PVJO 37.90 1:18.86 (40.96) 4 Desmond, Ellie 10 BWST-PV 1:26.21 1:22.34 PVJO 40.83 1:22.34 (41.51) 5 Bias, Emma G 10 SNOW-PV 1:24.59 1:23.88 41.95 1:23.88 (41.93) 6 Cutrell, Georgia M 9 HACC-PV 1:27.61 1:24.44 40.90 1:24.44 (43.54) 7 Pliuskaitis, Sam M 10 SNOW-PV 1:22.04 1:24.55 40.01 1:24.55 (44.54) 8 Manzo, Madison A 10 SNOW-PV 1:31.28 1:28.58 42.57 1:28.58 (46.01) 9 Slater, Megan L 10 HACC-PV NT 1:29.34 10 Borden, Reese 9 SNOW-PV 1:30.17 1:29.50 43.75 1:29.50 (45.75) 11 McNulty, Theresa M 9 HACC-PV NT 1:40.22 46.71 1:40.22 (53.51) 12 Lewis, Kierany C 9 SNOW-PV NT 1:41.72 45.19 1:41.72 (56.53) 13 Culebro, Daniela A 10 SNOW-PV NT 1:42.99 47.50 1:42.99 (55.49) 14 Bowman, Ellie L 10 WST-VA NT 1:43.07 50.11 1:43.07 (52.96) 15 Sedlak, Rachel T 10 SNOW-PV NT 1:46.06 52.53 1:46.06 (53.53) 16 Mohrman, Sailor S 9 SNOW-PV NT 1:46.50 50.89 1:46.50 (55.61) 17 Jones, Sylvie R 10 SNOW-PV 1:56.46 1:53.51 56.22 1:53.51 (57.29) 18 Thompson, Rachel K 9 HACC-PV NT 2:06.10 1:02.28 2:06.10 (1:03.82) -- Watts, Molly M 10 SNOW-PV NT DQ Delay initiating arm pull at turn -- Dudley, Forbes F 10 SNOW-PV NT DQ Shoulders past vertical toward breast -- Maus, Katherine 10 HACC-PV NT DQ Delay initiating turn after past vertical 51.91 DQ (1:03.70) -- Soohoo, Morgan M 10 LMAC-PV NT DQ Shoulders past vertical toward breast 1:05.41 DQ (1:16.02) -- Stockov, Cheney C 10 SNOW-PV 1:47.15 DQ Delay initiating turn after past vertical 46.51 DQ (49.00) -- Dorn, Gracie G 10 WST-VA NT DQ Delay initiating turn after past vertical Girls 9-10 50 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== 43.09 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Gerving, Shelby L 10 SNOW-PV 44.07 37.52 PVJO 2 Borden, Kassidy 10 SNOW-PV 39.39 38.64 PVJO 3 Perezous, Janika 10 SNOW-PV 40.08 40.44 PVJO 4 Bell, Brinley M 10 SNOW-PV 41.65 40.51 PVJO 5 Ye, Hannah 10 SNOW-PV 44.42 41.68 PVJO 6 Schlemmer, Rachel L 10 SNOW-PV 41.94 42.03 PVJO 7 Marcheschi, Elizabeth J 10 SNOW-PV 41.40 42.80 PVJO 8 Rho, Casey 10 BWST-PV 46.73 43.40 9 McKay, Kaia M 10 SNOW-PV 46.87 43.41 10 Boyle, Josie M 10 SNOW-PV 48.33 44.15 11 Frie, Sarah E 10 SNOW-PV 45.36 44.23 12 Grossback, Emma C 10 HACC-PV NT 44.53 13 Baez, Alli R 10 HACC-PV 47.67 44.56 14 Winklosky, Katie E 10 BWST-PV 49.77 44.76 15 Manzo, Madison A 10 SNOW-PV 48.15 44.83 16 Jacks, Chale M 10 SNOW-PV 52.84 45.91 17 Allen, Ashley S 10 SNOW-PV NT 45.99 18 Garriss, Madison 10 BWST-PV 52.23 46.67 19 Greig, Morgan E 10 SNOW-PV NT 46.68 20 Martin, Makenzie K 10 SNOW-PV 48.23 46.89 21 Zheng, Jennifer A 10 HACC-PV NT 46.96 22 Ramberg, Abigail S 10 SNOW-PV 52.08 47.50 23 Nguyen, Courtney 10 SNOW-PV 56.21 47.67 24 Bae, Ashley W 10 SNOW-PV NT 47.69 25 Twigg, Lillian G 10 WST-VA 50.61 47.74 26 Borden, Reese 9 SNOW-PV 52.98 47.82 27 Bowman, Ellie L 10 WST-VA NT 48.39 28 Louie, Elizabeth D 10 UN-PV NT 48.48 29 Holstein, Regan 10 BWST-PV 50.38 49.26 30 Gordon, Alexandra J 10 BWST-PV 51.27 49.29 30 Bernal, Ariel 10 SNOW-PV NT 49.29 32 Bernal, Daphne 9 SNOW-PV NT 49.46 33 Hermus, Jessica L 9 HACC-PV 51.55 49.59 34 Barry, Muna S 10 SNOW-PV 56.44 49.68 35 McCummings, Delaney S 10 BWST-PV 49.56 49.93 36 Nichols, Jocelyn 9 HACC-PV 52.58 49.99 37 Arroyo, Briana 10 BWST-PV NT 50.23 38 Watts, Molly M 10 SNOW-PV NT 50.89 39 Herndon, Anne M 10 SNOW-PV NT 51.87 40 Huang, Ashley V 10 HACC-PV NT 52.28 41 Jenkins, Anna K 10 SNOW-PV 52.86 52.31 42 Bermingham, Mary L 9 HACC-PV 57.94 52.37 43 Mietlicki, Rachel N 10 HACC-PV 52.96 52.64 44 Porter, Claire Z 9 SNOW-PV 1:02.30 53.01 45 Fowler, Grace B 10 SNOW-PV NT 53.08 46 Soong, Sabine 9 BWST-PV NT 53.46 47 Zamani, Yasmin * 10 SNOW-PV NT 53.84 48 Mandrgoc, Caroline 10 BWST-PV 54.47 53.95 49 Jones, Sylvie R 10 SNOW-PV 56.90 54.21 50 Kane, Rachel K 10 BWST-PV 1:00.20 54.78 51 Do, Denise T 9 LMAC-PV NT 54.92 52 Terran, Ella M 10 BWST-PV NT 56.00 53 Goodrum, Catey M 9 SNOW-PV NT 56.44 54 Calvert, Julia P 9 SNOW-PV NT 56.58 55 Marcais, Annabelle A 9 BWST-PV 1:10.96 57.90 56 Exel, Jeanmarie R 9 SNOW-PV 1:01.17 59.15 57 Agarwal, Ananya 9 BWST-PV 1:03.13 59.71 58 Marvil, Bri L 9 SNOW-PV NT 59.97 59 LeCount, Olivia J 9 BWST-PV NT 1:00.62 60 Vidal, Juliana N 9 BWST-PV NT 1:00.78 61 Gorukanti, Anagha 9 SNOW-PV NT 1:00.91 62 Holstein, Sarah 9 BWST-PV NT 1:01.10 63 Dawson, Rachel A 9 SNOW-PV NT 1:01.41 64 Brown, Lucy C 9 HACC-PV NT 1:03.42 65 Jenkins, Holland E 9 SNOW-PV NT 1:07.25 66 Mohrman, Sailor S 9 SNOW-PV NT 1:09.08 67 Belt, Lauren S 10 HACC-PV 1:07.85 1:09.31 -- Sawyer, Katie E 10 BWST-PV NT DQ One hand touch -- Scarboro, Meredith 10 BWST-PV NT DQ Scissors kick Girls 9-10 100 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== 1:34.09 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Borden, Kassidy 10 SNOW-PV 1:28.23 1:23.38 PVJO 39.69 1:23.38 (43.69) 2 Schlemmer, Rachel L 10 SNOW-PV 1:32.48 1:26.94 PVJO 41.79 1:26.94 (45.15) 3 Smithers, Natalie R 10 BWST-PV 1:33.39 1:28.73 PVJO 42.50 1:28.73 (46.23) 4 Ye, Hannah 10 SNOW-PV 1:31.81 1:28.83 PVJO 42.80 1:28.83 (46.03) 5 Perezous, Janika 10 SNOW-PV 1:30.60 1:29.35 PVJO 41.78 1:29.35 (47.57) 6 Myers, Morgan A 10 BWST-PV 1:39.10 1:31.82 PVJO 44.71 1:31.82 (47.11) 7 Slater, Megan L 10 HACC-PV 1:43.35 1:36.18 46.25 1:36.18 (49.93) 8 Frie, Sarah E 10 SNOW-PV 1:42.03 1:37.03 45.82 1:37.03 (51.21) 9 Allen, Ashley S 10 SNOW-PV NT 1:38.73 47.33 1:38.73 (51.40) 10 Desmond, Ellie 10 BWST-PV 1:42.64 1:39.61 47.91 1:39.61 (51.70) 11 Twigg, Lillian G 10 WST-VA NT 1:45.77 50.70 1:45.77 (55.07) 12 Nguyen, Courtney 10 SNOW-PV 1:58.88 1:47.41 51.18 1:47.41 (56.23) 13 McNulty, Theresa M 9 HACC-PV NT 1:48.84 50.84 1:48.84 (58.00) 14 Zheng, Jennifer A 10 HACC-PV NT 1:49.06 53.58 1:49.06 (55.48) 15 Nichols, Jocelyn 9 HACC-PV 1:52.54 1:51.40 51.99 1:51.40 (59.41) 16 Mietlicki, Rachel N 10 HACC-PV 1:58.23 1:51.74 52.10 1:51.74 (59.64) 17 Porter, Claire Z 9 SNOW-PV NT 2:00.17 56.61 2:00.17 (1:03.56) 18 Birman, Zoey R 9 HACC-PV NT 2:00.65 58.63 2:00.65 (1:02.02) 19 Maus, Katherine 10 HACC-PV NT 2:02.21 58.20 2:02.21 (1:04.01) 20 Marvil, Bri L 9 SNOW-PV NT 2:02.54 1:02.16 2:02.54 (1:00.38) 21 Lewis, Kierany C 9 SNOW-PV NT 2:02.92 57.41 2:02.92 (1:05.51) 22 Goodrum, Catey M 9 SNOW-PV NT 2:03.35 59.90 2:03.35 (1:03.45) 23 Thompson, Rachel K 9 HACC-PV NT 2:04.17 58.63 2:04.17 (1:05.54) 24 Exel, Jeanmarie R 9 SNOW-PV NT 2:05.88 1:00.79 2:05.88 (1:05.09) 25 Zamani, Yasmin * 10 SNOW-PV NT 2:10.11 1:01.51 2:10.11 (1:08.60) 26 Soohoo, Morgan M 10 LMAC-PV NT 2:49.95 1:17.10 2:49.95 (1:32.85) Girls 9-10 50 Yard Butterfly =============================================================================== 37.49 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Gerving, Shelby L 10 SNOW-PV 36.86 32.60 PVJO 2 Rho, Casey 10 BWST-PV 37.01 34.47 PVJO 3 Jacks, Chale M 10 SNOW-PV 35.60 34.73 PVJO 4 McKay, Kaia M 10 SNOW-PV 36.58 35.40 PVJO 5 Schlemmer, Rachel L 10 SNOW-PV 35.95 37.03 PVJO 6 Winklosky, Katie E 10 BWST-PV 43.81 37.84 7 Bias, Emma G 10 SNOW-PV 39.48 38.14 8 Frie, Sarah E 10 SNOW-PV 42.97 38.46 9 Cutrell, Georgia M 9 HACC-PV 37.45 40.13 10 Mandrgoc, Caroline 10 BWST-PV 41.67 40.67 11 Gordon, Alexandra J 10 BWST-PV 42.47 41.13 12 McCummings, Delaney S 10 BWST-PV 45.71 41.57 13 Manzo, Madison A 10 SNOW-PV 45.30 41.87 14 Scarboro, Meredith 10 BWST-PV NT 42.12 15 Elbash, Jannah * 10 SNOW-PV NT 42.40 16 Calvert, Julia P 9 SNOW-PV NT 42.43 17 Mihalic, Reagan A 9 BWST-PV 48.62 42.66 18 Mietlicki, Rachel N 10 HACC-PV 42.99 42.93 19 Twigg, Lillian G 10 WST-VA 44.42 43.33 20 Barry, Muna S 10 SNOW-PV NT 43.53 21 Kane, Rachel K 10 BWST-PV 43.59 44.34 22 Zheng, Jennifer A 10 HACC-PV NT 44.73 23 Porter, Claire Z 9 SNOW-PV NT 45.02 24 Byars, Kelly 9 BWST-PV NT 45.45 25 Arroyo, Briana 10 BWST-PV NT 45.60 26 Bernal, Ariel 10 SNOW-PV NT 46.34 27 Greig, Morgan E 10 SNOW-PV NT 46.74 28 Malloy, Maggie D 10 BWST-PV 55.98 47.42 29 Terran, Ella M 10 BWST-PV NT 47.68 30 Culebro, Daniela A 10 SNOW-PV NT 48.92 31 Bernal, Daphne 9 SNOW-PV NT 48.99 32 Winklosky, Nicole 9 BWST-PV 54.36 49.83 33 Nichols, Jocelyn 9 HACC-PV 49.67 49.90 34 Eberly, Kelly A 9 SNOW-PV NT 49.92 35 Jones, Sylvie R 10 SNOW-PV NT 50.43 36 Agarwal, Ananya 9 BWST-PV 56.23 50.92 -- Dorn, Gracie G 10 WST-VA NT DQ Non-simultaneous arms -- Sedlak, Rachel T 10 SNOW-PV NT DQ Non-simultaneous arms -- Kennedy, Molly A 9 SNOW-PV 46.99 DQ Alternating Kick -- Juday, Siobhan B 9 WST-VA NT DQ Non-simultaneous arms -- LeCount, Olivia J 9 BWST-PV NT DQ Arms underwater recovery -- Lam, Allisyn N 9 LMAC-PV NT DQ Arms underwater recovery -- Marcais, Annabelle A 9 BWST-PV 1:00.25 DQ Alternating Kick Girls 9-10 100 Yard Butterfly =============================================================================== 1:30.69 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Kopac, Allison N 10 SNOW-PV 1:22.99 1:14.12 PVJO 34.46 1:14.12 (39.66) 2 Bell, Brinley M 10 SNOW-PV 1:18.12 1:14.91 PVJO 36.82 1:14.91 (38.09) 3 Myers, Morgan A 10 BWST-PV 1:29.94 1:24.41 PVJO 39.26 1:24.41 (45.15) 4 Smithers, Natalie R 10 BWST-PV 1:35.55 1:26.18 PVJO 41.85 1:26.18 (44.33) 5 Ye, Hannah 10 SNOW-PV 1:30.18 1:29.86 PVJO 41.72 1:29.86 (48.14) 6 Pliuskaitis, Sam M 10 SNOW-PV 1:32.56 1:33.26 40.95 1:33.26 (52.31) 7 Desmond, Ellie 10 BWST-PV 1:43.89 1:37.69 43.00 1:37.69 (54.69) 8 Mietlicki, Rachel N 10 HACC-PV 1:41.47 1:39.11 44.30 1:39.11 (54.81) Girls 9-10 100 Yard IM =============================================================================== 1:22.09 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Gerving, Shelby L 10 SNOW-PV 1:16.97 1:11.74 PVJO 33.56 1:11.74 (38.18) 2 Kopac, Allison N 10 SNOW-PV 1:14.64 1:12.51 PVJO 34.96 1:12.51 (37.55) 3 Borden, Kassidy 10 SNOW-PV 1:19.50 1:17.47 PVJO 37.31 1:17.47 (40.16) 4 Perezous, Janika 10 SNOW-PV 1:18.67 1:17.63 PVJO 35.34 1:17.63 (42.29) 5 Rho, Casey 10 BWST-PV 1:29.33 1:19.02 PVJO 36.24 1:19.02 (42.78) 6 Marcheschi, Elizabeth J 10 SNOW-PV 1:18.07 1:19.49 PVJO 38.80 1:19.49 (40.69) 7 McKay, Kaia M 10 SNOW-PV 1:24.57 1:20.19 PVJO 37.00 1:20.19 (43.19) 8 Ye, Hannah 10 SNOW-PV 1:27.17 1:20.25 PVJO 37.99 1:20.25 (42.26) 9 Gordon, Alexandra J 10 BWST-PV 1:37.48 1:23.58 39.30 1:23.58 (44.28) 10 Winklosky, Katie E 10 BWST-PV 1:33.25 1:24.80 40.42 1:24.80 (44.38) 11 Jacks, Chale M 10 SNOW-PV 1:28.48 1:25.13 38.89 1:25.13 (46.24) 12 Pliuskaitis, Sam M 10 SNOW-PV 1:25.98 1:26.91 38.89 1:26.91 (48.02) 13 Allen, Ashley S 10 SNOW-PV NT 1:27.95 41.64 1:27.95 (46.31) 14 McCummings, Delaney S 10 BWST-PV 1:32.84 1:30.87 42.46 1:30.87 (48.41) 15 Borden, Reese 9 SNOW-PV 1:34.07 1:32.12 42.59 1:32.12 (49.53) 16 Warnagiris, Kimberly E 9 WST-VA 1:49.13 1:32.41 42.93 1:32.41 (49.48) 17 Mihalic, Reagan A 9 BWST-PV 1:38.05 1:33.48 42.52 1:33.48 (50.96) 18 Kane, Rachel K 10 BWST-PV 1:58.00 1:36.40 43.35 1:36.40 (53.05) 19 Byars, Kelly 9 BWST-PV 1:51.30 1:36.70 45.49 1:36.70 (51.21) 20 Mandrgoc, Caroline 10 BWST-PV 1:35.08 1:36.90 44.05 1:36.90 (52.85) 21 Bernal, Ariel 10 SNOW-PV NT 1:37.29 43.72 1:37.29 (53.57) 22 Bowman, Ellie L 10 WST-VA NT 1:39.09 47.97 1:39.09 (51.12) 23 Stockov, Cheney C 10 SNOW-PV 1:44.92 1:39.92 47.87 1:39.92 (52.05) 24 Scarboro, Meredith 10 BWST-PV NT 1:40.31 43.74 1:40.31 (56.57) 25 Kennedy, Molly A 9 SNOW-PV 1:41.40 1:41.46 48.20 1:41.46 (53.26) 26 Arroyo, Briana 10 BWST-PV NT 1:42.08 27 Bernal, Daphne 9 SNOW-PV NT 1:43.13 53.15 1:43.13 (49.98) 28 Terran, Ella M 10 BWST-PV NT 1:43.25 50.83 1:43.25 (52.42) 29 Winklosky, Nicole 9 BWST-PV 1:51.59 1:43.69 46.15 1:43.69 (57.54) 30 Malloy, Maggie D 10 BWST-PV 1:50.55 1:46.23 46.77 1:46.23 (59.46) 31 Marvil, Bri L 9 SNOW-PV NT 1:46.80 49.06 1:46.80 (57.74) 32 Vidal, Juliana N 9 BWST-PV 2:04.07 1:51.12 49.46 1:51.12 (1:01.66) 33 Jones, Sylvie R 10 SNOW-PV NT 1:52.64 55.53 1:52.64 (57.11) 34 O'Dea, Katelyn R 9 SNOW-PV NT 1:52.89 53.71 1:52.89 (59.18) 35 Exel, Jeanmarie R 9 SNOW-PV 1:58.03 1:52.98 52.44 1:52.98 (1:00.54) 36 Agarwal, Ananya 9 BWST-PV 2:13.72 1:53.82 49.30 1:53.82 (1:04.52) 37 Juday, Siobhan B 9 WST-VA NT 1:55.57 54.76 1:55.57 (1:00.81) 38 Mohrman, Sailor S 9 SNOW-PV NT 1:56.70 53.39 1:56.70 (1:03.31) 39 Pham, Jordan E 10 SNOW-PV NT 2:00.18 57.12 2:00.18 (1:03.06) 40 Marcais, Annabelle A 9 BWST-PV NT 2:05.27 57.22 2:05.27 (1:08.05) 41 Zamani, Yasmin * 10 SNOW-PV NT 2:06.33 1:00.72 2:06.33 (1:05.61) -- Calvert, Julia P 9 SNOW-PV 1:45.30 DQ Shoulders past vertical toward breast - back 43.12 DQ (54.03) Girls 10 & Under 200 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 2:36.99 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Kopac, Allison N 10 SNOW-PV 2:17.83 2:14.01 PVJO 30.51 2:14.14 (1:43.63) 3:01.26 (47.12) 2:14.01 ( ) 2 Marcheschi, Elizabeth J 10 SNOW-PV 2:34.12 2:28.96 PVJO 34.65 2:28.96 (1:54.31) 3 Perezous, Janika 10 SNOW-PV 2:47.10 2:29.16 PVJO 33.59 2:29.16 (1:55.57) 4 Smithers, Natalie R 10 BWST-PV 2:43.30 2:29.93 PVJO 33.23 2:29.93 (1:56.70) 5 Schlemmer, Rachel L 10 SNOW-PV 2:30.73 2:33.28 PVJO 34.83 2:33.28 (1:58.45) 6 Desmond, Ellie 10 BWST-PV 2:44.55 2:36.45 PVJO 35.47 2:36.45 (2:00.98) 7 Myers, Morgan A 10 BWST-PV 2:56.06 2:38.56 36.25 2:38.56 (2:02.31) 8 Ye, Hannah 10 SNOW-PV NT 2:38.83 35.44 2:38.83 (2:03.39) 9 Twigg, Lillian G 10 WST-VA NT 2:57.77 40.82 2:57.77 (2:16.95) 10 Slater, Megan L 10 HACC-PV 2:58.93 3:01.52 1:26.30 2:14.57 (48.27) 3:01.54 (46.97) 3:01.52 ( ) 11 Warnagiris, Kimberly E 9 WST-VA NT 3:03.46 39.61 3:03.46 (2:23.85) 12 Dorn, Gracie G 10 WST-VA NT 3:26.86 45.55 3:26.86 (2:41.31) 13 Birman, Zoey R 9 HACC-PV NT 3:37.07 45.48 3:37.07 (2:51.59) 14 Siewick, Natalie C 8 HACC-PV NT 3:43.87 51.40 3:43.87 (2:52.47) 15 Hernandez, Juana N 8 HACC-PV NT 3:46.70 49.92 3:46.70 (2:56.78) 16 Twigg, Madelynn A 7 WST-VA NT 3:52.49 52.17 3:52.49 (3:00.32) Girls 10 & Under 200 Yard IM =============================================================================== 2:57.99 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Gerving, Shelby L 10 SNOW-PV 2:43.96 2:34.90 PVJO 32.56 1:12.86 (40.30) 1:59.02 (46.16) 2:34.90 (35.88) 2 Perezous, Janika 10 SNOW-PV 2:46.19 2:39.85 PVJO 34.66 1:15.95 (41.29) 2:02.88 (46.93) 2:39.85 (36.97) 3 Borden, Kassidy 10 SNOW-PV 2:53.67 2:44.52 PVJO 37.08 1:16.74 (39.66) 2:05.93 (49.19) 2:44.52 (38.59) 4 Smithers, Natalie R 10 BWST-PV 2:54.92 2:48.73 PVJO 38.44 1:18.65 (40.21) 2:09.50 (50.85) 2:48.73 (39.23) 5 Schlemmer, Rachel L 10 SNOW-PV 2:49.82 2:50.30 PVJO 37.38 1:23.26 (45.88) 2:12.06 (48.80) 2:50.30 (38.24) 6 Myers, Morgan A 10 BWST-PV 3:08.21 2:54.19 PVJO 38.70 1:21.57 (42.87) 2:14.09 (52.52) 2:54.19 (40.10) 7 Ye, Hannah 10 SNOW-PV 3:00.28 2:56.87 PVJO 40.50 1:25.18 (44.68) 2:15.32 (50.14) 2:56.87 (41.55) 8 Desmond, Ellie 10 BWST-PV 3:16.05 2:57.45 PVJO 41.20 1:23.44 (42.24) 2:17.62 (54.18) 2:57.45 (39.83) 9 Jacks, Chale M 10 SNOW-PV NT 3:01.07 35.36 1:23.34 (47.98) 2:18.43 (55.09) 3:01.07 (42.64) 10 Baez, Alli R 10 HACC-PV NT 3:10.07 39.96 1:28.06 (48.10) 2:23.27 (55.21) 3:10.07 (46.80) 11 Twigg, Lillian G 10 WST-VA NT 3:24.63 46.32 1:39.87 (53.55) 2:37.59 (57.72) 3:24.63 (47.04) 12 Louie, Elizabeth D 10 UN-PV NT 3:50.29 56.79 1:51.19 (54.40) 2:55.21 (1:04.02) 3:50.29 (55.08) 13 Jenkins, Anna K 10 SNOW-PV NT 4:08.14 1:04.28 3:13.02 (2:08.74) 4:08.14 (55.12) -- Frie, Sarah E 10 SNOW-PV NT DQ Alternating Kick - fly 41.61 1:28.68 (47.07) 2:22.55 (53.87) DQ (38.15) Girls 11-12 50 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 28.79 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Hemminger, Keely M 12 SNOW-PV 26.86 26.47 PVJO 2 Calhoun, Meg 12 HACC-PV 27.35 27.56 PVJO 3 Nguyen, Katie Q 11 HACC-PV 27.70 28.01 PVJO 4 McFarlane, Malley E 12 SNOW-PV 28.44 28.52 PVJO 5 Oliver, Maren E 12 SNOW-PV 29.78 29.14 6 Champ, Melody D 12 SNOW-PV 29.59 29.64 7 Vlattas, Madeline A 12 HACC-PV 30.74 29.67 8 Missing, Annabel D 11 SNOW-PV 29.62 29.69 9 Frie, Rita C 12 SNOW-PV 30.46 29.75 10 Hudak, Sophie M 11 SNOW-PV 31.86 30.29 11 Shannon, Alina D 11 HACC-PV 31.05 30.30 12 Burkley, Sally 11 SNOW-PV 32.36 31.14 13 Penfield, Chelsea M 11 SNOW-PV 32.13 31.91 14 Ward, Sierra M 11 SNOW-PV 33.23 32.29 15 Hollis, Kiersten G 12 HACC-PV NT 32.32 16 Yaunches, Becca L 12 LMAC-PV 34.50 32.34 17 Heer, Emily J 12 SNOW-PV NT 32.54 18 Stonerook, Lydia G 12 SNOW-PV 36.92 32.73 19 Rossbach, Josie W 11 SNOW-PV 35.66 32.81 20 Webb, Margaux M 12 SNOW-PV 36.10 33.01 21 Nguyen, Kimvi H 12 LMAC-PV NT 33.36 22 Uppalapati, Sitara 11 HACC-PV 36.35 33.41 23 Quach, Cassie N 12 LMAC-PV NT 33.46 24 Obaid, Ayshah 11 SNOW-PV 34.20 33.95 25 Myers, Kristen 11 BWST-PV NT 35.39 26 McDuffie, Cara R 11 WST-VA 36.59 37.05 27 Hausch, Gabi 12 BWST-PV 40.12 37.07 28 Lenderman, Kyra J 12 LMAC-PV NT 37.24 29 Walton, Grace Ann 11 BWST-PV 38.54 37.42 30 Morse, Hailey E 12 SNOW-PV NT 37.60 31 Hricik, Madison N 11 BWST-PV 40.65 39.86 32 Vannell, Lauren S 11 BWST-PV NT 40.97 33 Gopal, Ankita 11 WST-VA 41.60 41.35 34 Alemayehu, Liah J 12 SNOW-PV 44.15 42.46 35 Nguyen, Anna B 12 BWST-PV NT 44.17 36 Klabunde, Karena G 11 LMAC-PV NT 45.95 37 Norman, Natalie A 11 LMAC-PV NT 46.10 Girls 11-12 100 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 1:02.99 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Hemminger, Keely M 12 SNOW-PV 56.99 57.70 PVJO 28.12 57.70 (29.58) 2 Carter, Hannah M 12 SNOW-PV 56.97 58.60 PVJO 28.46 58.60 (30.14) 3 Nguyen, Katie Q 11 HACC-PV 1:01.00 1:00.23 PVJO 28.86 1:00.23 (31.37) 4 Calhoun, Meg 12 HACC-PV 1:01.74 1:01.69 PVJO 29.03 1:01.69 (32.66) 5 McFarlane, Malley E 12 SNOW-PV 1:02.96 1:02.10 PVJO 30.45 1:02.10 (31.65) 6 Nguyen, Elise Q 11 BWST-PV 1:04.58 1:02.67 PVJO 29.97 1:02.67 (32.70) 7 Oliver, Maren E 12 SNOW-PV 1:07.52 1:03.74 31.78 1:03.74 (31.96) 8 Ryan, Lisa A 12 SNOW-PV 1:04.77 1:03.96 30.61 1:03.96 (33.35) 9 Frie, Rita C 12 SNOW-PV 1:06.68 1:04.08 31.36 1:04.08 (32.72) 10 Harper, Taylor B 12 BWST-PV 1:04.14 1:04.88 31.18 1:04.88 (33.70) 11 Herbstritt, Katie E 12 BWST-PV 1:07.50 1:05.41 32.06 1:05.41 (33.35) 12 Shannon, Alina D 11 HACC-PV 1:08.43 1:05.79 31.44 1:05.79 (34.35) 13 Davis, Spencer M 12 SNOW-PV 1:05.20 1:06.02 31.42 1:06.02 (34.60) 14 Hudak, Sophie M 11 SNOW-PV 1:10.22 1:06.75 32.51 1:06.75 (34.24) 15 Allen, Kari J 12 BWST-PV 1:11.28 1:07.17 32.24 1:07.17 (34.93) 16 Lyman, Maeve E 11 WST-VA 1:06.42 1:08.14 32.32 1:08.14 (35.82) 17 Champ, Melody D 12 SNOW-PV 1:09.67 1:08.22 33.17 1:08.22 (35.05) 18 Dinh, Trang 12 BWST-PV 1:13.39 1:08.28 33.36 1:08.28 (34.92) 19 Korotovskikh, Dana 11 BWST-PV 1:12.47 1:08.62 32.76 1:08.62 (35.86) 20 Ward, Sierra M 11 SNOW-PV 1:15.26 1:10.37 34.84 1:10.37 (35.53) 21 Yaunches, Becca L 12 LMAC-PV 1:14.58 1:10.78 33.77 1:10.78 (37.01) 22 Heer, Emily J 12 SNOW-PV NT 1:11.03 34.08 1:11.03 (36.95) 23 Wenner, Jordan 11 BWST-PV 1:15.21 1:11.54 34.53 1:11.54 (37.01) 24 Stonerook, Lydia G 12 SNOW-PV 1:27.09 1:12.87 35.03 1:12.87 (37.84) 25 Popovich, Kylee N 11 SNOW-PV 1:13.44 1:13.36 34.66 1:13.36 (38.70) 26 Thornton, Lizzy R 11 BWST-PV 1:18.11 1:13.90 35.22 1:13.90 (38.68) 27 Graham, Kayla P 11 BWST-PV 1:19.15 1:14.97 35.38 1:14.97 (39.59) 28 Scallion, Caroline J 12 BWST-PV NT 1:15.41 34.97 1:15.41 (40.44) 29 Myers, Kristen 11 BWST-PV NT 1:18.35 38.00 1:18.35 (40.35) 30 McLain, Sophia 12 BWST-PV 1:22.23 1:18.84 37.57 1:18.84 (41.27) 31 Schlitzer, Rebekah D 12 SNOW-PV NT 1:18.85 37.34 1:18.85 (41.51) 32 Chenault, Valerie 11 BWST-PV 1:24.82 1:20.69 33 Walton, Grace Ann 11 BWST-PV 1:27.35 1:22.09 40.04 1:22.09 (42.05) 34 McDuffie, Cara R 11 WST-VA 1:24.10 1:24.78 39.53 1:24.78 (45.25) 35 Houser, Ellie V 11 UN-PV NT 1:24.84 39.93 1:24.84 (44.91) 36 Hausch, Gabi 12 BWST-PV 1:29.27 1:27.26 40.60 1:27.26 (46.66) 37 Alemayehu, Liah J 12 SNOW-PV 1:38.39 1:29.92 38 Hricik, Madison N 11 BWST-PV 1:33.70 1:33.86 42.84 1:33.86 (51.02) 39 Vannell, Lauren S 11 BWST-PV NT 1:35.26 40 Essman, Teagan M 12 SNOW-PV NT 1:36.44 45.72 1:36.44 (50.72) 41 Gopal, Ankita 11 WST-VA 1:43.84 1:36.65 44.65 1:36.65 (52.00) 42 Clark, Kyleigh J 11 WST-VA NT 1:45.26 47.66 1:45.26 (57.60) 43 Coles, Vanasia S 11 SNOW-PV NT 1:49.83 Girls 11-12 200 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 2:17.39 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Carter, Hannah M 12 SNOW-PV 1:59.98 2:03.76 PVJO 29.53 1:01.12 (31.59) 1:33.24 (32.12) 2:03.76 (30.52) 2 Hemminger, Keely M 12 SNOW-PV 2:03.85 2:04.68 PVJO 30.68 1:02.64 (31.96) 1:33.94 (31.30) 2:04.68 (30.74) 3 Nguyen, Elise Q 11 BWST-PV 2:24.36 2:20.95 31.00 1:07.36 (36.36) 1:44.69 (37.33) 2:20.95 (36.26) 4 Herbstritt, Katie E 12 BWST-PV 2:29.06 2:23.16 32.92 1:09.06 (36.14) 1:46.75 (37.69) 2:23.16 (36.41) 5 Frie, Rita C 12 SNOW-PV 2:27.39 2:23.75 32.81 1:09.97 (37.16) 1:49.17 (39.20) 2:23.75 (34.58) 5 Davis, Spencer M 12 SNOW-PV 2:19.90 2:23.75 32.99 1:09.65 (36.66) 1:47.34 (37.69) 2:23.75 (36.41) 7 Harper, Taylor B 12 BWST-PV 2:29.27 2:26.95 32.84 1:11.28 (38.44) 1:49.44 (38.16) 2:26.95 (37.51) 8 Allen, Kari J 12 BWST-PV 2:38.74 2:30.52 33.95 1:13.09 (39.14) 1:53.25 (40.16) 2:30.52 (37.27) 9 Holstein, Cassie M 12 BWST-PV 2:36.32 2:31.11 35.33 1:14.07 (38.74) 1:53.44 (39.37) 2:31.11 (37.67) 10 Ward, Sierra M 11 SNOW-PV 2:42.43 2:32.39 35.09 1:14.43 (39.34) 1:54.09 (39.66) 2:32.39 (38.30) 11 Korotovskikh, Dana 11 BWST-PV 2:39.42 2:34.57 34.26 1:12.84 (38.58) 1:54.42 (41.58) 2:34.57 (40.15) 12 Dooley, Erin K 12 WST-VA 2:41.99 2:35.63 35.09 1:14.49 (39.40) 1:55.50 (41.01) 2:35.63 (40.13) 13 Thornton, Lizzy R 11 BWST-PV 2:46.08 2:42.74 35.43 1:17.09 (41.66) 2:00.20 (43.11) 2:42.74 (42.54) 14 Wenner, Jordan 11 BWST-PV 2:45.25 2:43.29 35.44 1:16.29 (40.85) 2:00.79 (44.50) 2:43.29 (42.50) 15 Chenault, Valerie 11 BWST-PV 3:04.83 2:52.19 37.36 1:22.72 (45.36) 2:08.69 (45.97) 2:52.19 (43.50) 16 Riordan, Grace E 11 SNOW-PV 3:12.18 2:52.91 38.57 1:22.58 (44.01) 2:08.42 (45.84) 2:52.91 (44.49) 17 McLain, Sophia 12 BWST-PV NT 2:54.00 37.74 1:22.68 (44.94) 2:09.64 (46.96) 2:54.00 (44.36) 18 Uppalapati, Sitara 11 HACC-PV 3:37.16 3:03.89 35.86 1:21.35 (45.49) 2:12.77 (51.42) 3:03.89 (51.12) 19 Devgan, Shirin B 11 HACC-PV NT 3:59.29 55.11 1:59.38 (1:04.27) 3:03.50 (1:04.12) 3:59.29 (55.79) -- Dinh, Trang 12 BWST-PV 2:33.38 DQ False start 33.59 1:10.96 (37.37) 1:49.20 (38.24) DQ (37.57) Girls 11-12 50 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== 33.59 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Hemminger, Keely M 12 SNOW-PV 30.86 31.03 PVJO 2 McFarlane, Malley E 12 SNOW-PV 32.38 31.43 PVJO 3 Nguyen, Katie Q 11 HACC-PV 31.43 31.44 PVJO 4 Calhoun, Meg 12 HACC-PV 32.98 33.02 PVJO 5 Oliver, Maren E 12 SNOW-PV 34.50 33.08 PVJO 6 Ryan, Lisa A 12 SNOW-PV 34.40 34.04 7 Cutrell, Grace E 11 HACC-PV 35.05 34.35 8 Vlattas, Madeline A 12 HACC-PV 34.83 34.70 9 Burkley, Sally 11 SNOW-PV 36.79 35.25 10 Lu, Jessica A 12 SNOW-PV 36.68 35.41 11 Missing, Annabel D 11 SNOW-PV 36.86 36.22 12 Shannon, Alina D 11 HACC-PV 38.73 36.23 13 Hudak, Sophie M 11 SNOW-PV 37.07 36.57 14 Penfield, Chelsea M 11 SNOW-PV 36.66 36.64 15 Yaunches, Becca L 12 LMAC-PV 41.92 37.68 16 Graham, Kayla P 11 BWST-PV 37.69 38.03 17 Rossbach, Josie W 11 SNOW-PV 43.32 39.19 18 Ward, Sierra M 11 SNOW-PV 42.14 39.35 19 Stonerook, Lydia G 12 SNOW-PV 42.95 39.93 20 Schlitzer, Rebekah D 12 SNOW-PV 41.02 40.91 21 Pickering, Emma A 11 SNOW-PV 44.21 41.49 22 Myers, Kristen 11 BWST-PV NT 43.77 23 Hausch, Gabi 12 BWST-PV 46.43 44.19 23 Lenderman, Kyra J 12 LMAC-PV NT 44.19 25 Walton, Grace Ann 11 BWST-PV 46.04 44.30 26 McDuffie, Cara R 11 WST-VA 44.46 44.91 27 Hricik, Madison N 11 BWST-PV 46.24 49.04 28 Norman, Natalie A 11 LMAC-PV NT 49.35 29 Alemayehu, Liah J 12 SNOW-PV 55.64 50.03 30 Essman, Teagan M 12 SNOW-PV NT 50.79 31 Vannell, Lauren S 11 BWST-PV NT 52.49 32 Gopal, Ankita 11 WST-VA 1:00.19 56.11 -- Jones, Lizzie M 12 SNOW-PV NT DQ False start -- Clark, Kyleigh J 11 WST-VA NT DQ Not on back off wall -- Scallion, Caroline J 12 BWST-PV 44.21 DQ Delay initiating turn after past vertical Girls 11-12 100 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== 1:11.99 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Hemminger, Keely M 12 SNOW-PV 1:05.79 1:06.29 PVJO 32.58 1:06.29 (33.71) 2 McFarlane, Malley E 12 SNOW-PV 1:09.59 1:06.80 PVJO 32.90 1:06.80 (33.90) 3 Oliver, Maren E 12 SNOW-PV 1:17.50 1:10.59 PVJO 34.83 1:10.59 (35.76) 4 Nguyen, Elise Q 11 BWST-PV 1:14.95 1:10.64 PVJO 33.86 1:10.64 (36.78) 5 Ryan, Lisa A 12 SNOW-PV 1:10.95 1:12.07 34.80 1:12.07 (37.27) 6 Herbstritt, Katie E 12 BWST-PV 1:16.02 1:13.70 35.99 1:13.70 (37.71) 6 Allen, Kari J 12 BWST-PV 1:19.35 1:13.70 36.24 1:13.70 (37.46) 8 Champ, Melody D 12 SNOW-PV 1:15.16 1:15.33 9 Wenner, Jordan 11 BWST-PV 1:24.01 1:16.95 37.61 1:16.95 (39.34) 10 Holstein, Cassie M 12 BWST-PV 1:18.61 1:17.09 37.74 1:17.09 (39.35) 11 Korotovskikh, Dana 11 BWST-PV 1:16.59 1:17.66 37.62 1:17.66 (40.04) 12 Dinh, Trang 12 BWST-PV 1:18.02 1:18.06 38.31 1:18.06 (39.75) 13 Thornton, Lizzy R 11 BWST-PV 1:19.01 1:18.19 37.97 1:18.19 (40.22) 14 Harper, Taylor B 12 BWST-PV 1:16.40 1:18.30 38.35 1:18.30 (39.95) 15 Yaunches, Becca L 12 LMAC-PV 1:28.50 1:19.54 16 Penfield, Chelsea M 11 SNOW-PV 1:18.42 1:19.67 37.97 1:19.67 (41.70) 17 Popovich, Kylee N 11 SNOW-PV 1:24.28 1:21.78 40.01 1:21.78 (41.77) 18 Webb, Margaux M 12 SNOW-PV NT 1:23.11 40.04 1:23.11 (43.07) 19 Chenault, Valerie 11 BWST-PV 1:27.50 1:25.71 42.33 1:25.71 (43.38) 20 Stonerook, Lydia G 12 SNOW-PV 1:37.64 1:27.59 41.52 1:27.59 (46.07) 21 Morse, Hailey E 12 SNOW-PV NT 1:30.65 44.08 1:30.65 (46.57) 22 McLain, Sophia 12 BWST-PV 1:41.51 1:33.42 44.48 1:33.42 (48.94) 23 McDuffie, Cara R 11 WST-VA NT 1:37.28 24 Gopal, Ankita 11 WST-VA NT 2:08.61 59.71 2:08.61 (1:08.90) -- Nguyen, Kimvi H 12 LMAC-PV NT DQ Delay initiating turn after past vertical 39.55 DQ (42.09) -- Hollis, Kiersten G 12 HACC-PV NT DQ Delay initiating arm pull at turn 37.98 DQ (42.10) Girls 11-12 50 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== 37.69 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Oliver, Maren E 12 SNOW-PV 35.98 34.39 PVJO 2 Calhoun, Meg 12 HACC-PV 36.80 35.72 PVJO 3 Vlattas, Madeline A 12 HACC-PV 36.51 36.01 PVJO 4 Davis, Spencer M 12 SNOW-PV 36.63 37.24 PVJO 5 Nguyen, Katie Q 11 HACC-PV 37.28 37.65 PVJO 6 Hudak, Sophie M 11 SNOW-PV 39.40 38.40 7 Missing, Annabel D 11 SNOW-PV 38.21 39.35 8 Rossbach, Josie W 11 SNOW-PV 42.95 39.50 9 Burkley, Sally 11 SNOW-PV 39.91 40.23 10 Heer, Emily J 12 SNOW-PV NT 40.99 11 Lu, Jessica A 12 SNOW-PV 42.96 42.04 12 Popovich, Kylee N 11 SNOW-PV 42.63 42.25 13 Penfield, Chelsea M 11 SNOW-PV 48.78 43.97 14 Shannon, Alina D 11 HACC-PV 47.00 44.60 15 Webb, Margaux M 12 SNOW-PV 47.51 44.62 16 Morse, Hailey E 12 SNOW-PV NT 45.05 17 Cameron, Chelney N 12 SNOW-PV 47.44 46.56 18 Walton, Grace Ann 11 BWST-PV 52.65 49.38 19 Hausch, Gabi 12 BWST-PV 52.12 49.63 20 Nguyen, Anna B 12 BWST-PV NT 49.66 21 Hricik, Madison N 11 BWST-PV 54.49 50.30 22 Vannell, Lauren S 11 BWST-PV NT 50.95 23 Norman, Natalie A 11 LMAC-PV NT 54.31 24 Devgan, Shirin B 11 HACC-PV 1:14.36 56.45 25 Gopal, Ankita 11 WST-VA 58.68 1:00.40 -- Myers, Kristen 11 BWST-PV NT DQ Arms two strokes underwater Girls 11-12 100 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== 1:21.49 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Oliver, Maren E 12 SNOW-PV 1:17.99 1:14.85 PVJO 35.11 1:14.85 (39.74) 2 Vlattas, Madeline A 12 HACC-PV 1:20.36 1:19.78 PVJO 37.10 1:19.78 (42.68) 3 Nguyen, Elise Q 11 BWST-PV 1:22.73 1:20.22 PVJO 37.49 1:20.22 (42.73) 4 Herbstritt, Katie E 12 BWST-PV 1:23.59 1:20.38 PVJO 38.53 1:20.38 (41.85) 5 Harper, Taylor B 12 BWST-PV 1:21.35 1:20.43 PVJO 38.29 1:20.43 (42.14) 6 Davis, Spencer M 12 SNOW-PV 1:19.18 1:23.12 38.21 1:23.12 (44.91) 7 Lyman, Maeve E 11 WST-VA 1:24.46 1:23.56 39.41 1:23.56 (44.15) 8 Wenner, Jordan 11 BWST-PV 1:32.27 1:26.29 41.35 1:26.29 (44.94) 9 Allen, Kari J 12 BWST-PV 1:37.36 1:26.85 41.49 1:26.85 (45.36) 10 Burkley, Sally 11 SNOW-PV 1:24.95 1:27.54 41.84 1:27.54 (45.70) 11 Korotovskikh, Dana 11 BWST-PV 1:30.21 1:28.08 41.74 1:28.08 (46.34) 12 Champ, Melody D 12 SNOW-PV 1:33.43 1:28.69 43.63 1:28.69 (45.06) 13 Rossbach, Josie W 11 SNOW-PV 1:33.61 1:29.16 42.27 1:29.16 (46.89) 14 Lu, Jessica A 12 SNOW-PV 1:33.12 1:30.66 43.31 1:30.66 (47.35) 15 Yaunches, Becca L 12 LMAC-PV 1:38.08 1:31.21 42.14 1:31.21 (49.07) 16 Popovich, Kylee N 11 SNOW-PV 1:31.54 1:31.45 44.17 1:31.45 (47.28) 17 Dinh, Trang 12 BWST-PV 1:34.54 1:33.39 44.33 1:33.39 (49.06) 18 McLain, Sophia 12 BWST-PV 1:43.05 1:34.22 43.94 1:34.22 (50.28) 19 Reda, Solveig A 11 HACC-PV NT 1:43.70 51.05 1:43.70 (52.65) 19 Chenault, Valerie 11 BWST-PV 1:47.60 1:43.70 48.58 1:43.70 (55.12) 21 Thornton, Lizzy R 11 BWST-PV 1:45.84 1:46.13 49.71 1:46.13 (56.42) 22 Essman, Teagan M 12 SNOW-PV NT 1:52.59 52.92 1:52.59 (59.67) 23 Clark, Kyleigh J 11 WST-VA NT 2:09.81 59.38 2:09.81 (1:10.43) Girls 11-12 200 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== 2:53.99 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Davis, Spencer M 12 SNOW-PV 2:49.88 2:56.82 38.57 1:23.88 (45.31) 2:10.48 (46.60) 2:56.82 (46.34) 2 Burkley, Sally 11 SNOW-PV 3:07.83 3:08.48 42.26 1:30.34 (48.08) 2:20.69 (50.35) 3:08.48 (47.79) 3 Popovich, Kylee N 11 SNOW-PV 3:12.24 3:08.97 42.77 1:30.91 (48.14) 2:20.12 (49.21) 3:08.97 (48.85) 4 Yaunches, Becca L 12 LMAC-PV NT 3:15.08 42.51 1:31.78 (49.27) 2:24.76 (52.98) 3:15.08 (50.32) 5 Morse, Hailey E 12 SNOW-PV NT 3:27.23 46.53 1:39.48 (52.95) 2:33.21 (53.73) 3:27.23 (54.02) 6 Uppalapati, Sitara 11 HACC-PV NT 3:36.80 46.25 1:39.59 (53.34) 2:38.68 (59.09) 3:36.80 (58.12) 7 Riordan, Grace E 11 SNOW-PV NT 3:40.86 53.18 1:49.72 (56.54) 2:45.58 (55.86) 3:40.86 (55.28) Girls 11-12 50 Yard Butterfly =============================================================================== 32.19 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Carter, Hannah M 12 SNOW-PV 29.46 31.29 PVJO 2 Calhoun, Meg 12 HACC-PV 34.40 31.57 PVJO 3 Nguyen, Katie Q 11 HACC-PV 32.34 32.89 4 Vlattas, Madeline A 12 HACC-PV 34.43 33.37 5 Missing, Annabel D 11 SNOW-PV 34.23 33.43 6 Hudak, Sophie M 11 SNOW-PV 35.48 33.62 7 Cutrell, Grace E 11 HACC-PV 34.03 33.69 8 Shannon, Alina D 11 HACC-PV 34.82 33.83 9 Heer, Emily J 12 SNOW-PV NT 35.27 10 Frie, Rita C 12 SNOW-PV 38.99 35.39 11 Lu, Jessica A 12 SNOW-PV 35.82 35.67 12 Champ, Melody D 12 SNOW-PV NT 36.64 13 Graham, Kayla P 11 BWST-PV 39.38 36.71 14 Rossbach, Josie W 11 SNOW-PV 40.54 37.65 15 Scallion, Caroline J 12 BWST-PV NT 37.97 16 Pickering, Emma A 11 SNOW-PV 36.87 38.00 17 Ward, Sierra M 11 SNOW-PV 39.02 38.85 18 Stonerook, Lydia G 12 SNOW-PV 44.33 39.02 19 Myers, Kristen 11 BWST-PV NT 39.13 20 Jones, Lizzie M 12 SNOW-PV NT 39.39 21 Reda, Solveig A 11 HACC-PV NT 39.59 22 Houser, Ellie V 11 UN-PV NT 39.68 23 Obaid, Ayshah 11 SNOW-PV 43.10 42.59 24 Walton, Grace Ann 11 BWST-PV 48.56 47.52 25 Hausch, Gabi 12 BWST-PV 48.54 47.98 26 McDuffie, Cara R 11 WST-VA 49.43 48.59 27 Vannell, Lauren S 11 BWST-PV NT 49.95 28 Hricik, Madison N 11 BWST-PV 55.22 52.22 -- Gopal, Ankita 11 WST-VA NT DQ Non-simultaneous arms Girls 11-12 100 Yard Butterfly =============================================================================== 1:13.39 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Carter, Hannah M 12 SNOW-PV 1:08.05 1:07.52 PVJO 32.08 1:07.52 (35.44) 2 Nguyen, Elise Q 11 BWST-PV 1:09.74 1:07.70 PVJO 31.42 1:07.70 (36.28) 3 Harper, Taylor B 12 BWST-PV 1:12.33 1:14.05 34.09 1:14.05 (39.96) 4 Korotovskikh, Dana 11 BWST-PV 1:16.47 1:14.33 34.72 1:14.33 (39.61) 5 Ryan, Lisa A 12 SNOW-PV 1:13.50 1:14.35 34.99 1:14.35 (39.36) 6 Herbstritt, Katie E 12 BWST-PV 1:20.37 1:15.72 35.10 1:15.72 (40.62) 7 Dinh, Trang 12 BWST-PV 1:20.02 1:16.37 36.15 1:16.37 (40.22) 8 Allen, Kari J 12 BWST-PV 1:31.23 1:17.34 35.39 1:17.34 (41.95) 9 Heer, Emily J 12 SNOW-PV NT 1:25.26 37.06 1:25.26 (48.20) 10 Dooley, Erin K 12 WST-VA 1:30.26 1:25.63 38.91 1:25.63 (46.72) 11 Wenner, Jordan 11 BWST-PV 1:29.89 1:26.86 40.48 1:26.86 (46.38) 12 Holstein, Cassie M 12 BWST-PV 1:31.92 1:29.28 42.32 1:29.28 (46.96) 13 Thornton, Lizzy R 11 BWST-PV 1:35.24 1:35.62 44.42 1:35.62 (51.20) 14 McLain, Sophia 12 BWST-PV 1:42.32 1:37.93 45.53 1:37.93 (52.40) 15 Klabunde, Karena G 11 LMAC-PV NT 2:05.43 58.04 2:05.43 (1:07.39) -- Devgan, Shirin B 11 HACC-PV NT DQ Non-simultaneous arms 1:04.83 DQ (1:11.50) -- Chenault, Valerie 11 BWST-PV 1:33.13 DQ Alternating Kick 41.46 DQ (49.71) Girls 11-12 200 Yard Butterfly =============================================================================== 2:52.99 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Ryan, Lisa A 12 SNOW-PV 2:42.78 2:44.53 PVJO 36.04 1:17.28 (41.24) 2:01.51 (44.23) 2:44.53 (43.02) 2 Burkley, Sally 11 SNOW-PV 3:05.40 3:03.18 1:24.67 ( ) 2:15.28 (50.61) 3:03.18 (47.90) Girls 11-12 100 Yard IM =============================================================================== 1:12.69 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Carter, Hannah M 12 SNOW-PV 1:08.01 1:09.60 PVJO 32.59 1:09.60 (37.01) 2 Nguyen, Katie Q 11 HACC-PV 1:09.89 1:09.84 PVJO 33.14 1:09.84 (36.70) 3 McFarlane, Malley E 12 SNOW-PV 1:11.13 1:11.34 PVJO 32.96 1:11.34 (38.38) 4 Calhoun, Meg 12 HACC-PV 1:10.13 1:11.73 PVJO 33.15 1:11.73 (38.58) 5 Ryan, Lisa A 12 SNOW-PV 1:15.53 1:13.83 34.16 1:13.83 (39.67) 6 Missing, Annabel D 11 SNOW-PV 1:14.65 1:14.22 36.93 1:14.22 (37.29) 7 Hudak, Sophie M 11 SNOW-PV 1:16.59 1:14.75 35.37 1:14.75 (39.38) 8 Champ, Melody D 12 SNOW-PV 1:30.02 1:16.96 37.77 1:16.96 (39.19) 9 Shannon, Alina D 11 HACC-PV 1:21.39 1:17.37 35.45 1:17.37 (41.92) 10 Lu, Jessica A 12 SNOW-PV 1:19.42 1:17.55 35.60 1:17.55 (41.95) 11 Frie, Rita C 12 SNOW-PV 1:20.31 1:17.87 36.88 1:17.87 (40.99) 12 Rossbach, Josie W 11 SNOW-PV 1:25.61 1:20.49 38.93 1:20.49 (41.56) 13 Heer, Emily J 12 SNOW-PV NT 1:21.90 37.32 1:21.90 (44.58) 14 Penfield, Chelsea M 11 SNOW-PV 1:23.09 1:22.04 38.77 1:22.04 (43.27) 15 Dooley, Erin K 12 WST-VA 1:23.87 1:22.25 38.68 1:22.25 (43.57) 16 Hollis, Kiersten G 12 HACC-PV NT 1:23.10 37.79 1:23.10 (45.31) 17 Ward, Sierra M 11 SNOW-PV 1:26.72 1:23.88 39.90 1:23.88 (43.98) 18 Myers, Kristen 11 BWST-PV NT 1:29.29 42.44 1:29.29 (46.85) 19 Cameron, Chelney N 12 SNOW-PV 1:32.83 1:30.85 42.98 1:30.85 (47.87) 20 Walton, Grace Ann 11 BWST-PV 1:40.64 1:34.81 47.16 1:34.81 (47.65) 21 Riordan, Grace E 11 SNOW-PV 1:37.66 1:35.01 46.62 1:35.01 (48.39) 22 McDuffie, Cara R 11 WST-VA 1:38.60 1:37.69 48.23 1:37.69 (49.46) 23 Hausch, Gabi 12 BWST-PV 1:46.52 1:39.70 47.79 1:39.70 (51.91) 24 Alemayehu, Liah J 12 SNOW-PV 1:51.70 1:41.72 49.13 1:41.72 (52.59) 25 Vannell, Lauren S 11 BWST-PV NT 1:41.90 48.94 1:41.90 (52.96) 26 Hricik, Madison N 11 BWST-PV 1:48.30 1:44.63 47.59 1:44.63 (57.04) 27 Nguyen, Anna B 12 BWST-PV NT 1:50.92 57.60 1:50.92 (53.32) 28 Klabunde, Karena G 11 LMAC-PV NT 1:53.08 54.14 1:53.08 (58.94) Girls 11-12 200 Yard IM =============================================================================== 2:35.49 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Carter, Hannah M 12 SNOW-PV 2:32.14 2:24.02 PVJO 31.80 1:08.38 (36.58) 1:52.46 (44.08) 2:24.02 (31.56) 2 Hemminger, Keely M 12 SNOW-PV 2:31.63 2:29.16 PVJO 32.23 1:08.45 (36.22) 1:55.74 (47.29) 2:29.16 (33.42) 3 Nguyen, Elise Q 11 BWST-PV 2:35.27 2:31.66 PVJO 32.05 1:11.69 (39.64) 1:56.52 (44.83) 2:31.66 (35.14) 4 McFarlane, Malley E 12 SNOW-PV 2:36.61 2:33.48 PVJO 34.38 1:11.41 (37.03) 1:58.28 (46.87) 2:33.48 (35.20) 5 Herbstritt, Katie E 12 BWST-PV 2:49.98 2:35.52 36.18 1:14.85 (38.67) 1:58.54 (43.69) 2:35.52 (36.98) 6 Missing, Annabel D 11 SNOW-PV 2:38.02 2:37.17 34.66 1:14.27 (39.61) 2:02.19 (47.92) 2:37.17 (34.98) 7 Harper, Taylor B 12 BWST-PV 2:35.31 2:39.61 34.35 1:15.31 (40.96) 2:01.54 (46.23) 2:39.61 (38.07) 8 Davis, Spencer M 12 SNOW-PV 2:49.67 2:40.60 35.71 1:19.51 (43.80) 2:04.60 (45.09) 2:40.60 (36.00) 9 Cutrell, Grace E 11 HACC-PV 2:49.90 2:42.42 33.36 1:14.14 (40.78) 2:04.49 (50.35) 2:42.42 (37.93) 10 Allen, Kari J 12 BWST-PV 2:57.59 2:44.07 35.55 1:15.96 (40.41) 2:05.15 (49.19) 2:44.07 (38.92) 11 Dinh, Trang 12 BWST-PV 2:50.71 2:45.43 35.37 1:17.23 (41.86) 2:07.64 (50.41) 2:45.43 (37.79) 12 Lyman, Maeve E 11 WST-VA 2:48.59 2:46.93 37.25 1:20.84 (43.59) 2:07.54 (46.70) 2:46.93 (39.39) 13 Korotovskikh, Dana 11 BWST-PV 2:54.15 2:47.91 36.39 1:19.58 (43.19) 2:09.35 (49.77) 2:47.91 (38.56) 14 Frie, Rita C 12 SNOW-PV 2:52.54 2:48.68 2:12.96 ( ) 2:48.68 (35.72) 15 Popovich, Kylee N 11 SNOW-PV 2:55.99 2:50.10 37.60 1:21.30 (43.70) 2:10.31 (49.01) 2:50.10 (39.79) 16 Wenner, Jordan 11 BWST-PV 2:57.53 2:52.13 37.66 1:21.15 (43.49) 2:10.62 (49.47) 2:52.13 (41.51) 17 Thornton, Lizzy R 11 BWST-PV 3:03.02 3:01.85 40.78 1:23.19 (42.41) 2:19.06 (55.87) 3:01.85 (42.79) 18 Chenault, Valerie 11 BWST-PV 3:18.82 3:08.21 40.90 1:28.20 (47.30) 2:23.97 (55.77) 3:08.21 (44.24) 19 McLain, Sophia 12 BWST-PV NT 3:13.01 43.73 1:33.49 (49.76) 2:27.54 (54.05) 3:13.01 (45.47) 20 Reda, Solveig A 11 HACC-PV NT 3:17.83 40.25 2:31.79 ( ) 3:17.83 (46.04) Girls 12 & Under 500 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Carter, Hannah M 12 SNOW-PV 5:20.08 5:28.44 30.15 1:02.89 (32.74) 1:36.31 (33.42) 2:10.00 (33.69) 2:43.72 (33.72) 3:17.22 (33.50) 3:50.60 (33.38) 4:24.06 (33.46) 4:57.24 (33.18) 5:28.44 (31.20) 2 Hemminger, Keely M 12 SNOW-PV 5:35.89 5:39.92 30.76 1:04.13 (33.37) 1:38.86 (34.73) 2:13.53 (34.67) 2:48.65 (35.12) 3:23.50 (34.85) 3:58.60 (35.10) 4:32.94 (34.34) 5:06.78 (33.84) 5:39.92 (33.14) 3 Kopac, Allison N 10 SNOW-PV 6:06.94 5:58.72 31.27 1:06.41 (35.14) 1:42.87 (36.46) 2:19.24 (36.37) 2:55.89 (36.65) 3:32.40 (36.51) 4:09.49 (37.09) 4:46.72 (37.23) 5:23.60 (36.88) 5:58.72 (35.12) 4 Gerving, Shelby L 10 SNOW-PV 6:29.87 6:05.45 31.57 1:07.54 (35.97) 1:44.48 (36.94) 2:22.03 (37.55) 2:59.00 (36.97) 3:36.30 (37.30) 4:14.12 (37.82) 4:52.13 (38.01) 5:29.14 (37.01) 6:05.45 (36.31) 5 Davis, Spencer M 12 SNOW-PV 5:58.20 6:11.34 32.36 1:09.49 (37.13) 1:47.75 (38.26) 2:25.25 (37.50) 3:03.19 (37.94) 3:41.78 (38.59) 4:19.55 (37.77) 4:57.93 (38.38) 5:35.40 (37.47) 6:11.34 (35.94) 6 Vlattas, Madeline A 12 HACC-PV 6:21.71 6:14.96 32.53 1:08.91 (36.38) 1:46.25 (37.34) 2:23.85 (37.60) 3:01.87 (38.02) 3:40.60 (38.73) 4:19.65 (39.05) 4:58.18 (38.53) 5:37.27 (39.09) 6:14.96 (37.69) 7 Ryan, Lisa A 12 SNOW-PV 6:14.02 6:16.94 32.75 1:09.83 (37.08) 1:48.15 (38.32) 2:27.19 (39.04) 3:06.14 (38.95) 3:44.72 (38.58) 4:23.30 (38.58) 5:02.36 (39.06) 5:40.27 (37.91) 6:16.94 (36.67) 8 Missing, Annabel D 11 SNOW-PV 6:50.42 6:17.66 34.80 1:12.48 (37.68) 1:51.92 (39.44) 2:30.83 (38.91) 3:09.52 (38.69) 3:48.30 (38.78) 4:26.46 (38.16) 5:04.87 (38.41) 5:42.80 (37.93) 6:17.66 (34.86) 9 Nguyen, Elise Q 11 BWST-PV 6:32.95 6:17.98 30.49 1:06.51 (36.02) 1:45.39 (38.88) 2:25.01 (39.62) 3:04.75 (39.74) 3:44.59 (39.84) 4:23.76 (39.17) 5:03.99 (40.23) 5:41.80 (37.81) 6:17.98 (36.18) 10 McFarlane, Malley E 12 SNOW-PV NT 6:19.58 33.82 1:11.77 (37.95) 1:50.26 (38.49) 2:29.14 (38.88) 3:07.67 (38.53) 3:47.11 (39.44) 4:27.10 (39.99) 5:06.77 (39.67) 5:44.80 (38.03) 6:19.58 (34.78) 11 Herbstritt, Katie E 12 BWST-PV 7:10.19 6:23.76 34.21 1:11.82 (37.61) 1:50.20 (38.38) 3:09.05 ( ) 6:23.76 (3:14.71) 12 Burkley, Sally 11 SNOW-PV 6:33.17 6:24.16 32.51 1:09.80 (37.29) 1:49.12 (39.32) 2:29.14 (40.02) 3:09.06 (39.92) 3:47.86 (38.80) 4:27.97 (40.11) 5:07.88 (39.91) 5:47.55 (39.67) 6:24.16 (36.61) 13 Shannon, Alina D 11 HACC-PV 7:14.88 6:25.48 33.84 1:11.78 (37.94) 1:50.76 (38.98) 2:30.54 (39.78) 3:10.23 (39.69) 3:49.34 (39.11) 4:28.90 (39.56) 5:08.61 (39.71) 5:47.65 (39.04) 6:25.48 (37.83) 14 Holstein, Cassie M 12 BWST-PV 6:55.87 6:27.07 34.69 1:13.47 (38.78) 1:53.95 (40.48) 2:33.65 (39.70) 3:12.84 (39.19) 3:52.40 (39.56) 4:31.47 (39.07) 5:10.55 (39.08) 5:50.04 (39.49) 6:27.07 (37.03) 15 Perezous, Janika 10 SNOW-PV NT 6:28.42 34.48 1:13.39 (38.91) 1:53.88 (40.49) 2:34.09 (40.21) 3:13.39 (39.30) 3:53.06 (39.67) 4:33.15 (40.09) 5:12.40 (39.25) 5:51.43 (39.03) 6:28.42 (36.99) 16 Harper, Taylor B 12 BWST-PV 6:36.40 6:31.74 33.64 1:12.46 (38.82) 1:52.91 (40.45) 2:32.81 (39.90) 3:13.61 (40.80) 3:53.78 (40.17) 4:34.62 (40.84) 5:14.78 (40.16) 5:54.33 (39.55) 6:31.74 (37.41) 17 Allen, Kari J 12 BWST-PV 7:11.73 6:34.56 34.12 1:11.96 (37.84) 1:50.47 (38.51) 2:30.17 (39.70) 3:10.80 (40.63) 3:50.76 (39.96) 4:32.78 (42.02) 5:15.10 (42.32) 5:55.45 (40.35) 6:34.56 (39.11) 18 Schlemmer, Rachel L 10 SNOW-PV 6:38.73 6:44.55 36.40 1:16.97 (40.57) 1:58.69 (41.72) 2:40.15 (41.46) 3:22.36 (42.21) 4:03.51 (41.15) 4:45.12 (41.61) 5:27.50 (42.38) 6:07.50 (40.00) 6:44.55 (37.05) 19 Bell, Brinley M 10 SNOW-PV 7:00.96 6:46.91 35.33 1:16.45 (41.12) 1:58.05 (41.60) 2:39.83 (41.78) 3:21.93 (42.10) 4:03.54 (41.61) 4:45.66 (42.12) 5:27.64 (41.98) 6:08.32 (40.68) 6:46.91 (38.59) 20 Marcheschi, Elizabeth J 10 SNOW-PV NT 6:52.63 34.10 1:12.78 (38.68) 6:52.71 ( ) 6:52.63 ( ) 21 Jacks, Chale M 10 SNOW-PV NT 7:00.85 32.76 1:13.23 (40.47) 1:56.18 (42.95) 2:40.14 (43.96) 3:23.71 (43.57) 4:08.05 (44.34) 4:52.83 (44.78) 5:36.27 (43.44) 6:20.15 (43.88) 7:00.85 (40.70) 22 Desmond, Ellie 10 BWST-PV 7:36.22 7:03.54 36.03 1:17.42 (41.39) 1:59.22 (41.80) 2:42.31 (43.09) 3:26.88 (44.57) 4:11.51 (44.63) 4:55.64 (44.13) 5:39.29 (43.65) 6:21.49 (42.20) 7:03.54 (42.05) 23 Holstein, Regan 10 BWST-PV NT 7:13.40 35.38 1:17.57 (42.19) 2:01.98 (44.41) 2:47.95 (45.97) 3:32.02 (44.07) 4:17.22 (45.20) 5:01.58 (44.36) 5:45.84 (44.26) 6:30.49 (44.65) 7:13.40 (42.91) 24 Morrow, Josie A 12 WST-VA 7:33.76 7:16.09 37.02 1:19.03 (42.01) 2:03.88 (44.85) 2:48.63 (44.75) 3:34.75 (46.12) 4:20.72 (45.97) 5:05.82 (45.10) 5:49.15 (43.33) 6:33.89 (44.74) 7:16.09 (42.20) 25 Thornton, Lizzy R 11 BWST-PV 6:58.12 7:18.51 35.87 1:18.03 (42.16) 2:03.86 (45.83) 2:49.69 (45.83) 3:36.33 (46.64) 4:21.56 (45.23) 5:05.91 (44.35) 5:51.53 (45.62) 6:35.42 (43.89) 7:18.51 (43.09) 26 Wenner, Jordan 11 BWST-PV 7:28.63 7:19.47 35.28 1:16.53 (41.25) 2:00.86 (44.33) 2:46.27 (45.41) 3:31.93 (45.66) 4:18.30 (46.37) 5:04.14 (45.84) 5:50.09 (45.95) 6:35.99 (45.90) 7:19.47 (43.48) 27 Myers, Morgan A 10 BWST-PV 7:56.51 7:21.23 37.63 1:20.64 (43.01) 2:05.86 (45.22) 2:51.13 (45.27) 3:36.93 (45.80) 4:22.82 (45.89) 5:09.37 (46.55) 5:55.16 (45.79) 6:40.75 (45.59) 7:21.23 (40.48) 28 Winklosky, Katie E 10 BWST-PV NT 7:27.70 37.79 1:21.81 (44.02) 2:06.40 (44.59) 2:52.09 (45.69) 3:38.42 (46.33) 4:24.92 (46.50) 5:12.64 (47.72) 5:58.31 (45.67) 6:44.76 (46.45) 7:27.70 (42.94) 29 Chenault, Valerie 11 BWST-PV 7:55.84 7:29.24 39.08 1:23.66 (44.58) 2:10.17 (46.51) 2:55.31 (45.14) 3:42.03 (46.72) 4:28.52 (46.49) 5:14.25 (45.73) 6:01.03 (46.78) 6:46.52 (45.49) 7:29.24 (42.72) 30 McLain, Sophia 12 BWST-PV NT 7:56.91 38.42 1:24.72 (46.30) 2:13.71 (48.99) 3:02.08 (48.37) 3:51.82 (49.74) 4:42.05 (50.23) 5:31.87 (49.82) 6:21.73 (49.86) 7:11.31 (49.58) 7:56.91 (45.60) 31 Kennedy, Molly A 9 SNOW-PV NT 8:09.37 43.00 1:32.18 (49.18) 2:21.35 (49.17) 3:12.86 (51.51) 4:04.10 (51.24) 4:54.73 (50.63) 5:44.10 (49.37) 6:34.37 (50.27) 7:24.84 (50.47) 8:09.37 (44.53) 32 Goodrum, Catey M 9 SNOW-PV NT 9:41.88 48.37 1:43.88 (55.51) 2:44.63 (1:00.75) 3:46.79 (1:02.16) 4:47.94 (1:01.15) 5:49.40 (1:01.46) 6:49.71 (1:00.31) 7:51.44 (1:01.73) 8:52.13 (1:00.69) 9:41.88 (49.75) 33 Klabunde, Karena G 11 LMAC-PV NT 10:06.98 46.58 1:42.70 (56.12) 3:48.90 (2:06.20) 4:52.23 ( ) 5:53.41 (1:01.18) 6:58.06 (1:04.65) 8:03.14 (1:05.08) 9:09.07 (1:05.93) 10:06.98 (57.91) -- Mohrman, Sailor S 9 SNOW-PV NT DQ 46.68 3:48.69 ( ) 4:51.65 (1:02.96) 5:50.98 (59.33) 6:51.94 (1:00.96) 7:54.63 (1:02.69) 8:54.99 (1:00.36) Girls 12 & Under 200 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== 2:34.49 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Hemminger, Keely M 12 SNOW-PV 2:20.67 2:21.73 PVJO 33.23 1:09.60 (36.37) 1:45.87 (36.27) 2:21.73 (35.86) 2 Carter, Hannah M 12 SNOW-PV 2:36.82 2:25.81 PVJO 34.82 1:12.02 (37.20) 1:49.36 (37.34) 2:25.81 (36.45) 3 McFarlane, Malley E 12 SNOW-PV 2:31.13 2:27.42 PVJO 34.37 1:11.51 (37.14) 1:49.95 (38.44) 2:27.42 (37.47) 4 Lumley, Alex J 12 SNOW-PV 2:26.89 2:30.20 PVJO 34.65 1:11.85 (37.20) 1:51.40 (39.55) 2:30.20 (38.80) 5 Kopac, Allison N 10 SNOW-PV 2:42.98 2:32.98 PVJO 36.04 1:14.72 (38.68) 1:54.35 (39.63) 2:32.98 (38.63) 6 Calhoun, Meg 12 HACC-PV 3:16.67 2:33.49 PVJO 34.47 1:12.40 (37.93) 1:53.47 (41.07) 2:33.49 (40.02) 7 Smithers, Natalie R 10 BWST-PV NT 2:34.79 35.10 1:14.71 (39.61) 1:54.65 (39.94) 2:34.79 (40.14) 8 Missing, Annabel D 11 SNOW-PV NT 2:38.83 38.01 1:17.24 (39.23) 1:58.72 (41.48) 2:38.83 (40.11) 9 Cutrell, Grace E 11 HACC-PV NT 2:38.98 35.74 1:15.69 (39.95) 1:57.63 (41.94) 2:38.98 (41.35) 10 Davis, Spencer M 12 SNOW-PV 2:58.47 2:44.58 38.71 1:20.96 (42.25) 2:03.37 (42.41) 2:44.58 (41.21) 11 Thornton, Lizzy R 11 BWST-PV NT 2:44.73 37.36 1:18.79 (41.43) 2:02.39 (43.60) 2:44.73 (42.34) 12 Schlemmer, Rachel L 10 SNOW-PV NT 2:53.08 41.93 1:26.02 (44.09) 2:11.61 (45.59) 2:53.08 (41.47) 13 Ye, Hannah 10 SNOW-PV NT 2:55.45 41.92 1:27.12 (45.20) 2:12.49 (45.37) 2:55.45 (42.96) 14 Hollis, Kiersten G 12 HACC-PV NT 2:56.55 38.27 1:21.25 (42.98) 2:09.00 (47.75) 2:56.55 (47.55) 15 Pliuskaitis, Sam M 10 SNOW-PV 2:53.17 2:57.71 40.98 1:27.07 (46.09) 2:13.55 (46.48) 2:57.71 (44.16) 16 Frie, Sarah E 10 SNOW-PV 3:13.48 2:59.72 43.33 2:59.72 (2:16.39) 17 Mietlicki, Rachel N 10 HACC-PV NT 3:34.70 18 Nichols, Jocelyn 9 HACC-PV NT 3:37.10 48.58 1:44.18 (55.60) 2:41.34 (57.16) 3:37.10 (55.76) -- Frie, Rita C 12 SNOW-PV NT DQ 38.82 1:20.79 (41.97) 2:03.65 (42.86) DQ (39.65) -- Kennedy, Molly A 9 SNOW-PV NT DQ 47.64 1:38.34 (50.70) 2:32.63 (54.29) DQ (50.28) Girls 13 & Over 50 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 26.99 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Silpacharn, Pim 15 SNOW-PV 25.27 25.74 PVJO 2 Ogango, Imelda A 15 SNOW-PV 26.09 25.91 PVJO 3 Lee, Abby M 13 SNOW-PV 27.51 26.09 PVJO 4 Rosenburg, Kaleigh G 17 SNOW-PV 25.35 26.30 PVJO 5 Comm, Erica G 16 SNOW-PV 25.48 26.50 PVJO 6 Carney, Megan A 13 HACC-PV 27.04 26.63 PVJO 7 Lee, Katie E 17 SNOW-PV 27.23 26.75 PVJO 8 Lee, Carrie R 15 SNOW-PV 25.26 26.86 PVJO 9 Nguyen, Emily L 13 HACC-PV 26.64 26.89 PVJO 10 Garner, Kristen K 15 SNOW-PV 26.18 26.90 PVJO 11 King, Caitlyn N 13 HACC-PV 27.58 27.00 12 Stassinos, Malina M 13 HACC-PV 26.76 27.06 13 Peters, Christina E 14 HACC-PV 26.52 27.26 14 Oh, Rebecca * 13 SNOW-PV 27.40 27.45 15 Shannon, Siena N 13 HACC-PV 28.54 27.46 16 Schlemmer, Sara E 14 SNOW-PV 28.33 27.56 17 Gowdy, Marylee F 17 WST-VA NT 27.69 18 Oliver, Maddie N 14 SNOW-PV 28.48 28.08 19 Smith, Veronica P 17 HACC-PV 28.00 28.12 20 McKay, Madison P 13 SNOW-PV 31.25 28.33 21 Krynicki, Jenna N 16 HACC-PV NT 28.38 22 Lee, Christina Y 17 WST-VA 28.15 28.40 23 Jobson, Cameron E 13 SNOW-PV 28.73 28.44 24 Page, Clara G 13 SNOW-PV 32.34 28.55 25 Wright, Carly M 16 UN-PV 31.70 28.69 26 Flynn, Meaghan E 15 SNOW-PV 28.94 28.70 27 Groot, Chantal 14 SNOW-PV 29.72 28.78 28 Hausamann, Elli 13 SNOW-PV 29.74 28.93 29 Smith, Anya M 16 UN-PV 27.89 28.95 30 Park, Grace J 14 SNOW-PV 28.86 28.98 31 Cutrell, Gillian M 13 HACC-PV 29.00 29.03 32 Song, Shannon M 16 SNOW-PV 28.61 29.04 33 Manning, Molly A 14 SNOW-PV 29.01 29.16 34 Missing, Emilia J 13 SNOW-PV 29.07 29.17 35 Seth, Juhi D 15 BWST-PV 29.40 29.54 36 Mitchum, Emma H 14 SNOW-PV 30.60 29.60 37 Ouyang, Vivian W 14 HACC-PV 29.97 29.75 38 Sheridan, Sarah E 16 SNOW-PV 27.56 29.83 39 Martin, Lori A 15 SNOW-PV 30.33 30.03 40 Schlemmer, Anna C 13 SNOW-PV 32.35 30.11 41 Sheehan, Emily K 15 UN-PV NT 30.26 42 Yeganeh, Miranda L 13 SNOW-PV 30.52 30.45 43 Martin, Erin E 17 SNOW-PV 29.52 30.55 44 Thomas, Jamie R 15 SNOW-PV 32.54 30.68 45 Fowler, Abby S 14 SNOW-PV NT 30.80 46 Alemayehu, Jade J 13 SNOW-PV 31.03 30.92 47 Belo, Joanie J 13 HACC-PV 30.71 31.28 48 Keane, Kelly 13 SNOW-PV 33.68 31.74 49 Knapik, Marina E 14 SNOW-PV 30.76 31.88 50 Weakland, Jenny L 14 SNOW-PV 32.77 32.03 51 Young, Hannah E 13 BWST-PV NT 32.14 52 Aquiatan, Prudence N 13 HACC-PV 30.94 32.18 52 Vetter, Courtney S 14 HACC-PV NT 32.18 54 Mietlicki, Ashley E 13 HACC-PV 33.43 32.20 55 Turman, Anna P 15 SNOW-PV NT 32.89 56 Murphy, Flannery J 13 HACC-PV 32.57 33.34 57 Barreto, Mabel * 14 SNOW-PV NT 33.96 58 Edens, Caroline A 13 WST-VA NT 34.06 59 Cruz Castillo, Fe 15 HACC-PV 33.47 34.20 60 Chitko, Roma R 13 HACC-PV 36.33 34.42 61 Klug, Morgan G 13 SNOW-PV NT 34.92 62 Zabela, Sasha G 16 SNOW-PV 35.63 35.54 Girls 13 & Over 100 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 58.09 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Jordan, Kylie V 14 SNOW-PV 52.17 52.90 PVJO 25.56 52.90 (27.34) 2 Rosenburg, Kaleigh G 17 SNOW-PV 52.88 56.54 PVJO 27.58 56.54 (28.96) 3 Silpacharn, Pim 15 SNOW-PV 55.59 57.01 PVJO 27.67 57.01 (29.34) 4 Ogango, Imelda A 15 SNOW-PV 56.64 57.49 PVJO 27.93 57.49 (29.56) 5 Lee, Carrie R 15 SNOW-PV 53.69 57.90 PVJO 27.55 57.90 (30.35) 6 Comm, Erica G 16 SNOW-PV 55.94 58.00 PVJO 28.01 58.00 (29.99) 7 Hauck, Kacey A 14 SNOW-PV 58.73 58.67 28.73 58.67 (29.94) 8 Lee, Abby M 13 SNOW-PV 59.96 58.80 28.71 58.80 (30.09) 9 King, Caitlyn N 13 HACC-PV 58.78 58.85 28.14 58.85 (30.71) 10 Nguyen, Emily L 13 HACC-PV 59.11 58.96 28.04 58.96 (30.92) 11 Murphy, Ryan E 16 HACC-PV 55.77 58.99 28.08 58.99 (30.91) 12 Oliver, Maddie N 14 SNOW-PV 1:00.75 59.08 28.65 59.08 (30.43) 13 Stassinos, Malina M 13 HACC-PV 57.26 59.09 28.57 59.09 (30.52) 14 Carney, Megan A 13 HACC-PV 58.65 59.15 28.28 59.15 (30.87) 15 Garner, Kristen K 15 SNOW-PV 59.15 59.23 28.64 59.23 (30.59) 16 Ginieczki, Karly R 15 HACC-PV 57.53 59.34 28.59 59.34 (30.75) 17 Shannon, Siena N 13 HACC-PV 1:00.49 59.67 28.72 59.67 (30.95) 18 Lee, Christina Y 17 WST-VA 1:02.85 59.86 28.68 59.86 (31.18) 19 Juday, Maeve A 14 WST-VA 1:00.84 1:00.32 28.98 1:00.32 (31.34) 20 Fairbanks, Lindsay J 13 WST-VA 1:02.26 1:00.89 29.85 1:00.89 (31.04) 21 Lee, Katie E 17 SNOW-PV 58.90 1:01.14 29.26 1:01.14 (31.88) 22 Wright, Carly M 16 UN-PV NT 1:01.55 29.23 1:01.55 (32.32) 23 Smith, Veronica P 17 HACC-PV 1:00.53 1:01.58 29.00 1:01.58 (32.58) 24 Hilliker, Kelley L 15 WST-VA 1:02.13 1:01.61 29.14 1:01.61 (32.47) 25 Witmer, Abigail L 14 HACC-PV 1:02.03 1:02.49 30.01 1:02.49 (32.48) 26 Williams, Holly K 13 BWST-PV 1:03.25 1:03.08 30.48 1:03.08 (32.60) 27 Sharma, Juhi 13 HACC-PV 1:02.88 1:03.10 30.45 1:03.10 (32.65) 28 Huang, Aileen C 17 HACC-PV 1:03.93 1:03.38 29.16 1:03.38 (34.22) 29 McNulty, Elizabeth A 16 HACC-PV 1:02.72 1:03.49 30.58 1:03.49 (32.91) 30 Hausamann, Elli 13 SNOW-PV 1:04.65 1:03.67 30.28 1:03.67 (33.39) 31 Missing, Emilia J 13 SNOW-PV 1:04.04 1:03.80 30.58 1:03.80 (33.22) 32 Cutrell, Gillian M 13 HACC-PV 1:02.68 1:03.90 30.57 1:03.90 (33.33) 33 Flynn, Meaghan E 15 SNOW-PV 1:02.72 1:04.15 30.22 1:04.15 (33.93) 34 Mihalic, Rachel E 13 BWST-PV 1:06.02 1:04.52 30.72 1:04.52 (33.80) 35 Krynicki, Jenna N 16 HACC-PV NT 1:04.76 29.88 1:04.76 (34.88) 36 Seth, Juhi D 15 BWST-PV 1:07.34 1:04.77 30.83 1:04.77 (33.94) 37 Mitchum, Emma H 14 SNOW-PV 1:05.47 1:04.85 31.00 1:04.85 (33.85) 38 Juday, Sinead M 13 WST-VA 1:04.44 1:04.87 31.31 1:04.87 (33.56) 39 Howell, Madison S 16 HACC-PV 1:02.57 1:05.08 30.97 1:05.08 (34.11) 40 Sheehan, Emily K 15 UN-PV NT 1:05.11 31.45 1:05.11 (33.66) 41 Mandrgoc, Lizzy P 13 BWST-PV 1:06.93 1:05.64 31.98 1:05.64 (33.66) 42 Marshall, Megan E 13 BWST-PV 1:07.83 1:06.15 31.24 1:06.15 (34.91) 43 Alemayehu, Jade J 13 SNOW-PV 1:05.89 1:06.74 32.78 1:06.74 (33.96) 44 Martin, Lori A 15 SNOW-PV 1:04.75 1:06.77 32.17 1:06.77 (34.60) 45 Page, Clara G 13 SNOW-PV NT 1:06.79 31.24 1:06.79 (35.55) 46 Yeganeh, Miranda L 13 SNOW-PV 1:09.12 1:07.81 33.19 1:07.81 (34.62) 47 Witteveen, Izzy F 14 SNOW-PV NT 1:07.86 32.18 1:07.86 (35.68) 48 Sheridan, Sarah E 16 SNOW-PV 1:02.39 1:08.06 32.38 1:08.06 (35.68) 49 Belo, Joanie J 13 HACC-PV 1:09.49 1:08.11 32.66 1:08.11 (35.45) 50 Thomas, Jamie R 15 SNOW-PV 1:08.70 1:08.51 32.51 1:08.51 (36.00) 51 Bowman, Hannah G 15 SNOW-PV 1:08.91 1:08.56 32.99 1:08.56 (35.57) 52 Knapik, Marina E 14 SNOW-PV 1:07.55 1:09.00 32.51 1:09.00 (36.49) 53 Atkinson, Georgina E 13 SNOW-PV 1:10.23 1:09.49 33.20 1:09.49 (36.29) 54 Schlemmer, Anna C 13 SNOW-PV 1:14.25 1:09.50 33.47 1:09.50 (36.03) 55 Keane, Kelly 13 SNOW-PV 1:12.65 1:09.96 1:10.07 1:09.96 ( ) 56 Elbash, Sima * 13 SNOW-PV NT 1:10.44 32.38 1:10.44 (38.06) 57 Boyles, Grace H 13 BWST-PV 1:07.30 1:11.14 33.68 1:11.14 (37.46) 58 Eberly, Ashley R 15 SNOW-PV 1:09.93 1:11.42 33.71 1:11.42 (37.71) 59 Akins, Sarah 13 BWST-PV 1:11.68 1:11.65 34.56 1:11.65 (37.09) 60 Hilliker, Kaitlyn C 13 WST-VA 1:24.98 1:11.83 34.35 1:11.83 (37.48) 61 Mietlicki, Ashley E 13 HACC-PV 1:15.60 1:12.16 34.47 1:12.16 (37.69) 62 Garcia, Jackie A 16 SNOW-PV 1:18.26 1:12.38 34.94 1:12.38 (37.44) 63 Turman, Anna P 15 SNOW-PV NT 1:13.03 34.84 1:13.03 (38.19) 64 Pollock, Kaitlyn M 13 BWST-PV 1:16.56 1:14.53 36.11 1:14.53 (38.42) 65 Weakland, Jenny L 14 SNOW-PV 1:16.84 1:14.74 34.98 1:14.74 (39.76) 66 Vetter, Courtney S 14 HACC-PV NT 1:15.73 36.79 1:15.73 (38.94) 67 Vought, Emily C 14 HACC-PV 1:17.90 1:17.30 35.76 1:17.30 (41.54) 68 Zabela, Sasha G 16 SNOW-PV 1:16.77 1:18.50 37.59 1:18.50 (40.91) 69 McCabe, Kiki I 14 SNOW-PV 1:19.62 1:23.29 38.18 1:23.29 (45.11) 70 Healy, Sara A 13 SNOW-PV NT 1:26.46 40.68 1:26.46 (45.78) 71 Lane, Rowan A 14 SNOW-PV NT 1:29.68 41.67 1:29.68 (48.01) 72 Pascarelli, Emily B 15 HACC-PV NT 1:43.72 47.45 1:43.72 (56.27) 73 Levinrad, Rachel A 14 LMAC-PV NT 1:50.99 51.82 1:50.99 (59.17) 74 Levinrad, Nicole R 16 LMAC-PV NT 2:12.11 1:02.33 2:12.11 (1:09.78) Girls 13 & Over 200 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 2:05.89 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Jordan, Kylie V 14 SNOW-PV 1:51.63 1:54.62 PVJO 26.76 56.27 (29.51) 1:25.70 (29.43) 1:54.62 (28.92) 2 Rosenburg, Kaleigh G 17 SNOW-PV 1:56.74 2:02.37 PVJO 28.35 58.77 (30.42) 1:30.20 (31.43) 2:02.37 (32.17) 3 Hauck, Kacey A 14 SNOW-PV 2:03.92 2:07.55 29.75 1:02.73 (32.98) 1:35.52 (32.79) 2:07.55 (32.03) 4 Carney, Megan A 13 HACC-PV 2:11.97 2:08.86 28.34 1:00.84 (32.50) 1:35.10 (34.26) 2:08.86 (33.76) 5 Invernizzi, Guilia 17 WST-VA NT 2:09.64 31.04 1:03.85 (32.81) 1:36.92 (33.07) 2:09.64 (32.72) 6 Hilliker, Kelley L 15 WST-VA 2:17.78 2:10.23 29.66 1:02.24 (32.58) 1:36.31 (34.07) 2:10.23 (33.92) 7 Lee, Abby M 13 SNOW-PV 2:16.37 2:10.42 29.59 1:02.61 (33.02) 1:37.45 (34.84) 2:10.42 (32.97) 8 Comm, Erica G 16 SNOW-PV 2:12.54 2:10.74 29.24 1:02.63 (33.39) 1:36.85 (34.22) 2:10.74 (33.89) 9 Lee, Katie E 17 SNOW-PV 2:06.47 2:10.93 29.93 1:02.91 (32.98) 1:37.59 (34.68) 2:10.93 (33.34) 10 Shannon, Siena N 13 HACC-PV 2:16.54 2:10.95 30.05 1:03.36 (33.31) 1:37.40 (34.04) 2:10.95 (33.55) 11 Wroniewicz, Katie A 14 SNOW-PV 2:11.82 2:11.18 30.15 1:03.59 (33.44) 1:38.02 (34.43) 2:11.18 (33.16) 12 Peters, Christina E 14 HACC-PV 2:18.34 2:12.13 30.27 1:02.74 (32.47) 1:37.68 (34.94) 2:12.13 (34.45) 13 King, Caitlyn N 13 HACC-PV 2:11.68 2:12.50 29.59 1:02.64 (33.05) 1:38.75 (36.11) 2:12.50 (33.75) 14 Garner, Kristen K 15 SNOW-PV 2:14.84 2:12.81 29.86 1:03.99 (34.13) 1:38.41 (34.42) 2:12.81 (34.40) 15 Fairbanks, Lindsay J 13 WST-VA 2:10.70 2:12.89 31.62 1:06.12 (34.50) 1:40.56 (34.44) 2:12.89 (32.33) 16 Smith, Anya M 16 UN-PV 2:06.27 2:14.03 30.00 1:03.18 (33.18) 1:38.39 (35.21) 2:14.03 (35.64) 17 Gowdy, Marylee F 17 WST-VA NT 2:14.77 30.10 1:03.58 (33.48) 1:39.34 (35.76) 2:14.77 (35.43) 18 Stassinos, Malina M 13 HACC-PV 2:15.65 2:15.39 31.06 1:04.81 (33.75) 1:40.63 (35.82) 2:15.39 (34.76) 19 Smith, Veronica P 17 HACC-PV 2:15.49 2:15.86 29.87 1:03.67 (33.80) 1:39.59 (35.92) 2:15.86 (36.27) 20 Hausamann, Elli 13 SNOW-PV 2:23.24 2:16.98 31.76 1:06.27 (34.51) 1:41.28 (35.01) 2:16.98 (35.70) 21 Moore, Nathalie R 16 SNOW-PV 2:14.35 2:17.40 30.50 1:05.18 (34.68) 1:41.01 (35.83) 2:17.40 (36.39) 22 Streeter, Ellie D 14 BWST-PV 2:21.37 2:18.02 32.48 1:07.61 (35.13) 1:43.38 (35.77) 2:18.02 (34.64) 23 Flynn, Meaghan E 15 SNOW-PV 2:18.09 2:19.25 30.91 1:06.08 (35.17) 1:43.28 (37.20) 2:19.25 (35.97) 24 Donovan, Laura E 15 SNOW-PV 2:19.87 2:19.30 30.78 1:05.96 (35.18) 1:43.03 (37.07) 2:19.30 (36.27) 25 Williams, Holly K 13 BWST-PV 2:19.40 2:19.85 31.53 1:07.00 (35.47) 1:44.79 (37.79) 2:19.85 (35.06) 26 Ouyang, Vivian W 14 HACC-PV 2:34.32 2:20.50 31.69 1:06.39 (34.70) 1:43.66 (37.27) 2:20.50 (36.84) 27 Mandrgoc, Lizzy P 13 BWST-PV 2:29.10 2:20.83 31.82 1:06.99 (35.17) 1:44.71 (37.72) 2:20.83 (36.12) 28 Nguyen, Emily L 13 HACC-PV 2:25.88 2:20.91 29.75 1:04.47 (34.72) 1:42.60 (38.13) 2:20.91 (38.31) 29 Cutrell, Gillian M 13 HACC-PV 2:24.64 2:21.06 30.02 1:04.75 (34.73) 1:43.58 (38.83) 2:21.06 (37.48) 30 Mihalic, Rachel E 13 BWST-PV 2:23.96 2:21.33 31.51 1:07.38 (35.87) 1:44.31 (36.93) 2:21.33 (37.02) 31 Martin, Lori A 15 SNOW-PV 2:23.38 2:22.53 32.18 1:08.22 (36.04) 1:45.48 (37.26) 2:22.53 (37.05) 32 Schlemmer, Anna C 13 SNOW-PV 2:33.03 2:23.65 32.69 1:09.83 (37.14) 1:46.04 (36.21) 2:23.65 (37.61) 33 Alemayehu, Jade J 13 SNOW-PV 2:21.81 2:24.33 33.10 1:09.73 (36.63) 1:47.26 (37.53) 2:24.33 (37.07) 34 Martin, Erin E 17 SNOW-PV 2:15.28 2:24.65 33.77 1:10.06 (36.29) 1:47.83 (37.77) 2:24.65 (36.82) 35 Groot, Chantal 14 SNOW-PV 2:22.86 2:25.03 34.05 1:10.77 (36.72) 1:48.80 (38.03) 2:25.03 (36.23) 36 Krynicki, Jenna N 16 HACC-PV NT 2:25.08 31.86 1:07.25 (35.39) 1:47.05 (39.80) 2:25.08 (38.03) 37 Pierce, Shannon M 15 SNOW-PV 2:22.09 2:25.25 33.04 1:09.56 (36.52) 1:47.49 (37.93) 2:25.25 (37.76) 38 Yeganeh, Miranda L 13 SNOW-PV 2:24.12 2:26.28 33.74 1:11.25 (37.51) 1:49.88 (38.63) 2:26.28 (36.40) 39 Belo, Joanie J 13 HACC-PV 2:36.56 2:27.22 33.82 1:11.42 (37.60) 1:51.20 (39.78) 2:27.22 (36.02) 40 Witteveen, Izzy F 14 SNOW-PV 2:31.56 2:30.15 33.47 1:11.80 (38.33) 1:51.97 (40.17) 2:30.15 (38.18) 41 Thomas, Jamie R 15 SNOW-PV 2:25.64 2:30.21 32.12 1:08.92 (36.80) 1:49.41 (40.49) 2:30.21 (40.80) 42 Keane, Kelly 13 SNOW-PV 2:36.05 2:30.48 33.19 1:11.12 (37.93) 1:51.15 (40.03) 2:30.48 (39.33) 43 Marshall, Megan E 13 BWST-PV 2:30.39 2:31.95 32.99 1:12.41 (39.42) 1:53.10 (40.69) 2:31.95 (38.85) 44 Pollock, Kaitlyn M 13 BWST-PV 2:44.09 2:36.42 35.04 1:15.94 (40.90) 1:57.44 (41.50) 2:36.42 (38.98) 45 Murphy, Flannery J 13 HACC-PV 2:48.12 2:36.52 35.10 1:15.50 (40.40) 1:56.72 (41.22) 2:36.52 (39.80) 46 Young, Hannah E 13 BWST-PV NT 2:37.12 35.40 1:14.66 (39.26) 1:56.67 (42.01) 2:37.12 (40.45) 47 Mietlicki, Ashley E 13 HACC-PV 3:17.18 2:41.13 35.25 1:17.13 (41.88) 2:00.80 (43.67) 2:41.13 (40.33) 48 Turman, Anna P 15 SNOW-PV NT 2:42.17 34.86 1:15.33 (40.47) 1:59.61 (44.28) 2:42.17 (42.56) 49 Edens, Caroline A 13 WST-VA NT 2:42.28 36.10 1:17.63 (41.53) 2:00.68 (43.05) 2:42.28 (41.60) 50 Zabela, Sasha G 16 SNOW-PV 3:06.83 2:44.65 37.45 1:19.17 (41.72) 2:01.68 (42.51) 2:44.65 (42.97) 51 Fu, Jenny Y 13 SNOW-PV NT 2:48.55 37.75 1:20.54 (42.79) 2:04.58 (44.04) 2:48.55 (43.97) 52 Bussell, Carly N 15 HACC-PV NT 2:50.54 37.10 1:20.66 (43.56) 2:06.64 (45.98) 2:50.54 (43.90) 53 Weakland, Jenny L 14 SNOW-PV 3:04.47 2:51.38 36.47 1:18.98 (42.51) 2:04.80 (45.82) 2:51.38 (46.58) 54 Chitko, Roma R 13 HACC-PV 3:18.87 2:51.85 37.57 1:22.12 (44.55) 2:08.86 (46.74) 2:51.85 (42.99) 55 Vetter, Courtney S 14 HACC-PV NT 2:57.24 37.73 1:20.81 (43.08) 2:09.02 (48.21) 2:57.24 (48.22) Girls 13 & Over 500 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 5:34.99 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Lee, Carrie R 15 SNOW-PV 5:23.87 5:26.40 PVJO 28.42 59.92 (31.50) 1:32.72 (32.80) 2:05.75 (33.03) 2:39.08 (33.33) 3:12.63 (33.55) 3:46.10 (33.47) 4:19.85 (33.75) 4:53.36 (33.51) 5:26.40 (33.04) 2 Hauck, Kacey A 14 SNOW-PV 5:25.86 5:29.19 PVJO 29.83 1:02.37 (32.54) 1:35.90 (33.53) 2:09.73 (33.83) 2:43.71 (33.98) 3:17.59 (33.88) 3:51.52 (33.93) 4:24.81 (33.29) 4:57.99 (33.18) 5:29.19 (31.20) 3 Morency, Sami G 15 BWST-PV 5:27.17 5:29.68 PVJO 29.86 1:02.68 (32.82) 1:36.21 (33.53) 2:10.20 (33.99) 2:44.28 (34.08) 3:18.40 (34.12) 3:51.24 (32.84) 4:24.27 (33.03) 4:57.62 (33.35) 5:29.68 (32.06) 4 Lee, Katie E 17 SNOW-PV 5:33.20 5:42.40 30.74 1:03.43 (32.69) 1:37.86 (34.43) 2:12.31 (34.45) 2:47.44 (35.13) 3:22.83 (35.39) 3:58.19 (35.36) 4:33.31 (35.12) 5:08.20 (34.89) 5:42.40 (34.20) 5 Jobson, Cameron E 13 SNOW-PV 6:07.70 5:45.97 31.66 1:06.43 (34.77) 1:41.83 (35.40) 2:17.17 (35.34) 2:52.05 (34.88) 3:27.32 (35.27) 4:02.63 (35.31) 4:37.94 (35.31) 5:12.53 (34.59) 5:45.97 (33.44) 6 Murphy, Ryan E 16 HACC-PV 5:35.35 5:48.09 31.29 1:05.46 (34.17) 1:40.36 (34.90) 2:15.65 (35.29) 2:51.34 (35.69) 3:27.16 (35.82) 4:02.38 (35.22) 4:37.46 (35.08) 5:12.80 (35.34) 5:48.09 (35.29) 7 Ginieczki, Karly R 15 HACC-PV 5:55.95 5:51.67 31.61 1:06.41 (34.80) 1:41.84 (35.43) 2:18.17 (36.33) 2:53.78 (35.61) 3:30.09 (36.31) 4:05.75 (35.66) 4:41.87 (36.12) 5:17.07 (35.20) 5:51.67 (34.60) 8 Haines, Caroline L 15 BWST-PV 5:54.89 5:53.58 31.90 1:07.17 (35.27) 1:43.28 (36.11) 2:18.86 (35.58) 2:54.43 (35.57) 3:30.14 (35.71) 4:06.01 (35.87) 4:42.48 (36.47) 5:18.50 (36.02) 5:53.58 (35.08) 9 Lee, Christina Y 17 WST-VA 6:20.16 5:57.66 31.62 1:06.21 (34.59) 1:43.17 (36.96) 2:20.78 (37.61) 2:57.49 (36.71) 3:33.93 (36.44) 4:10.24 (36.31) 4:47.72 (37.48) 5:24.00 (36.28) 5:57.66 (33.66) 10 Kozlowski, Katie M 17 WST-VA 6:36.23 5:58.44 32.93 1:08.60 (35.67) 1:45.18 (36.58) 2:21.93 (36.75) 2:58.36 (36.43) 3:35.31 (36.95) 4:11.43 (36.12) 4:47.84 (36.41) 5:24.41 (36.57) 5:58.44 (34.03) 11 Hilliker, Kelley L 15 WST-VA 8:01.91 5:59.46 33.31 1:09.74 (36.43) 1:46.77 (37.03) 2:23.89 (37.12) 3:00.89 (37.00) 3:37.99 (37.10) 4:14.60 (36.61) 4:50.68 (36.08) 5:26.10 (35.42) 5:59.46 (33.36) 12 Streeter, Ellie D 14 BWST-PV 6:15.82 6:03.09 33.03 1:08.65 (35.62) 1:45.38 (36.73) 2:22.63 (37.25) 2:59.54 (36.91) 3:36.82 (37.28) 4:14.37 (37.55) 4:51.42 (37.05) 5:28.38 (36.96) 6:03.09 (34.71) 13 Martin, Erin E 17 SNOW-PV 6:01.15 6:06.42 33.07 1:09.35 (36.28) 1:46.53 (37.18) 2:23.84 (37.31) 3:01.16 (37.32) 3:38.62 (37.46) 4:16.45 (37.83) 4:53.97 (37.52) 5:30.56 (36.59) 6:06.42 (35.86) 14 Snider, Kayla E 14 BWST-PV 6:23.55 6:06.79 33.88 1:11.63 (37.75) 1:48.99 (37.36) 2:26.39 (37.40) 3:03.53 (37.14) 3:40.85 (37.32) 4:18.36 (37.51) 4:55.17 (36.81) 5:31.44 (36.27) 6:06.79 (35.35) 15 Smith, Veronica P 17 HACC-PV 5:57.70 6:06.85 31.04 1:06.53 (35.49) 1:43.56 (37.03) 2:20.57 (37.01) 2:57.91 (37.34) 3:35.65 (37.74) 4:13.34 (37.69) 4:51.46 (38.12) 5:29.90 (38.44) 6:06.85 (36.95) 16 King, Caitlyn N 13 HACC-PV 6:09.77 6:07.81 31.46 1:08.02 (36.56) 1:45.41 (37.39) 2:23.90 (38.49) 3:02.41 (38.51) 3:40.37 (37.96) 4:18.26 (37.89) 4:56.34 (38.08) 5:33.61 (37.27) 6:07.81 (34.20) 17 Juday, Maeve A 14 WST-VA 6:16.26 6:09.44 30.92 1:06.18 (35.26) 1:44.14 (37.96) 2:21.79 (37.65) 3:00.17 (38.38) 3:38.23 (38.06) 4:16.26 (38.03) 4:53.88 (37.62) 5:33.75 (39.87) 6:09.44 (35.69) 18 Groot, Chantal 14 SNOW-PV 6:17.22 6:10.52 32.77 1:09.59 (36.82) 1:46.12 (36.53) 2:23.61 (37.49) 3:01.74 (38.13) 3:40.25 (38.51) 4:18.12 (37.87) 4:56.61 (38.49) 5:34.54 (37.93) 6:10.52 (35.98) 19 Flynn, Meaghan E 15 SNOW-PV NT 6:21.69 33.09 1:10.74 (37.65) 1:49.32 (38.58) 2:29.38 (40.06) 3:08.56 (39.18) 3:48.48 (39.92) 4:27.49 (39.01) 5:07.01 (39.52) 5:45.41 (38.40) 6:21.69 (36.28) 20 Juday, Sinead M 13 WST-VA 6:19.77 6:23.39 34.46 1:12.40 (37.94) 1:50.93 (38.53) 2:29.31 (38.38) 3:09.36 (40.05) 3:48.85 (39.49) 4:28.02 (39.17) 5:07.77 (39.75) 5:46.84 (39.07) 6:23.39 (36.55) 21 Song, Shannon M 16 SNOW-PV 6:17.74 6:25.58 32.71 1:09.19 (36.48) 1:46.64 (37.45) 2:25.29 (38.65) 3:04.92 (39.63) 3:44.35 (39.43) 4:24.65 (40.30) 5:05.24 (40.59) 5:46.28 (41.04) 6:25.58 (39.30) 22 Witteveen, Izzy F 14 SNOW-PV 6:40.15 6:28.11 33.78 1:11.82 (38.04) 1:51.10 (39.28) 2:29.89 (38.79) 3:09.94 (40.05) 3:50.50 (40.56) 4:31.47 (40.97) 5:10.77 (39.30) 5:52.04 (41.27) 6:28.11 (36.07) 23 Esslinger, Abby M 13 WST-VA 6:30.81 6:36.80 35.19 1:14.22 (39.03) 1:55.29 (41.07) 2:36.64 (41.35) 3:17.47 (40.83) 3:58.02 (40.55) 4:38.51 (40.49) 5:18.86 (40.35) 5:58.58 (39.72) 6:36.80 (38.22) 24 Belo, Joanie J 13 HACC-PV NT 6:38.13 35.36 1:14.97 (39.61) 1:55.80 (40.83) 2:36.88 (41.08) 3:17.86 (40.98) 3:59.06 (41.20) 4:39.98 (40.92) 5:20.94 (40.96) 6:00.44 (39.50) 6:38.13 (37.69) 25 Bowman, Hannah G 15 SNOW-PV 6:45.02 6:47.86 35.39 1:13.47 (38.08) 1:53.81 (40.34) 2:35.16 (41.35) 3:17.19 (42.03) 3:59.53 (42.34) 4:42.15 (42.62) 5:25.06 (42.91) 6:07.33 (42.27) 6:47.86 (40.53) 26 Murphy, Flannery J 13 HACC-PV 8:19.49 6:47.95 35.49 1:15.26 (39.77) 1:56.30 (41.04) 2:37.95 (41.65) 3:20.34 (42.39) 4:02.73 (42.39) 4:45.29 (42.56) 5:27.57 (42.28) 6:08.26 (40.69) 6:47.95 (39.69) 27 Mietlicki, Ashley E 13 HACC-PV 8:02.42 7:22.46 36.28 1:20.59 (44.31) 2:06.78 (46.19) 2:52.69 (45.91) 3:38.71 (46.02) 4:25.57 (46.86) 5:11.69 (46.12) 5:57.37 (45.68) 6:40.84 (43.47) 7:22.46 (41.62) 28 Lyman, Natalie E 13 WST-VA 6:23.81 7:25.49 36.69 1:18.98 (42.29) 2:03.73 (44.75) 2:50.51 (46.78) 3:37.17 (46.66) 4:23.22 (46.05) 5:10.56 (47.34) 5:56.69 (46.13) 6:42.72 (46.03) 7:25.49 (42.77) 29 Zabela, Sasha G 16 SNOW-PV NT 7:34.35 38.40 1:21.94 (43.54) 2:07.42 (45.48) 2:53.97 (46.55) 3:41.71 (47.74) 4:29.79 (48.08) 5:17.64 (47.85) 6:05.62 (47.98) 6:53.55 (47.93) 7:34.35 (40.80) Girls 13 & Over 1000 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 11:39.99 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Jordan, Kylie V 14 SNOW-PV 10:31.59 10:32.39 PVJO 28.09 58.60 (30.51) 1:29.71 (31.11) 2:01.08 (31.37) 2:32.95 (31.87) 3:04.48 (31.53) 3:36.48 (32.00) 4:08.23 (31.75) 4:40.20 (31.97) 5:12.05 (31.85) 5:43.91 (31.86) 6:16.15 (32.24) 6:48.27 (32.12) 7:20.69 (32.42) 7:53.05 (32.36) 8:25.43 (32.38) 8:57.88 (32.45) 9:29.87 (31.99) 10:01.57 (31.70) 10:32.39 (30.82) 2 Dodson, Kathleen J 17 NCAP-PV 10:35.91 10:45.28 PVJO 28.79 1:00.44 (31.65) 1:32.56 (32.12) 2:04.98 (32.42) 2:37.44 (32.46) 3:10.02 (32.58) 3:42.36 (32.34) 4:14.77 (32.41) 4:47.45 (32.68) 5:20.19 (32.74) 5:52.68 (32.49) 6:25.01 (32.33) 6:57.58 (32.57) 7:30.25 (32.67) 8:03.03 (32.78) 8:35.75 (32.72) 9:08.34 (32.59) 9:40.70 (32.36) 10:13.32 (32.62) 10:45.28 (31.96) 3 Dryer, Robyn E 15 NCAP-PV 11:03.20 10:47.70 PVJO 28.75 1:00.53 (31.78) 1:33.18 (32.65) 2:05.58 (32.40) 2:38.06 (32.48) 3:11.06 (33.00) 3:43.64 (32.58) 4:16.35 (32.71) 4:49.24 (32.89) 5:22.09 (32.85) 5:54.76 (32.67) 6:27.75 (32.99) 7:00.60 (32.85) 7:33.44 (32.84) 8:06.41 (32.97) 8:39.04 (32.63) 9:11.77 (32.73) 9:44.21 (32.44) 10:16.77 (32.56) 10:47.70 (30.93) 4 Baker, Hannah M 14 NCAP-PV 11:08.75 11:02.12 PVJO 29.53 1:02.10 (32.57) 1:34.60 (32.50) 2:07.20 (32.60) 2:39.82 (32.62) 3:12.66 (32.84) 3:46.18 (33.52) 4:19.36 (33.18) 4:52.78 (33.42) 5:25.99 (33.21) 5:59.38 (33.39) 6:33.02 (33.64) 7:07.21 (34.19) 7:41.07 (33.86) 8:14.75 (33.68) 8:48.67 (33.92) 9:22.36 (33.69) 9:56.00 (33.64) 10:29.55 (33.55) 11:02.12 (32.57) 5 Hauck, Kacey A 14 SNOW-PV 11:08.52 11:05.15 PVJO 30.33 1:03.91 (33.58) 1:37.87 (33.96) 2:11.87 (34.00) 2:45.43 (33.56) 3:18.80 (33.37) 3:52.36 (33.56) 4:25.66 (33.30) 4:59.86 (34.20) 5:33.70 (33.84) 6:07.03 (33.33) 6:40.46 (33.43) 7:14.13 (33.67) 7:47.59 (33.46) 8:20.66 (33.07) 8:54.01 (33.35) 9:27.28 (33.27) 10:00.39 (33.11) 10:33.60 (33.21) 11:05.15 (31.55) 6 Kelly, Emily E 16 NCAP-PV 10:52.17 11:24.13 PVJO 30.67 1:04.32 (33.65) 1:38.67 (34.35) 2:13.53 (34.86) 2:48.29 (34.76) 3:22.33 (34.04) 3:56.67 (34.34) 4:31.20 (34.53) 5:05.70 (34.50) 5:40.75 (35.05) 6:14.65 (33.90) 6:49.00 (34.35) 7:23.57 (34.57) 7:58.31 (34.74) 8:32.22 (33.91) 9:06.81 (34.59) 9:41.43 (34.62) 10:15.96 (34.53) 10:50.36 (34.40) 11:24.13 (33.77) 7 Morency, Sami G 15 BWST-PV 11:22.81 11:31.98 PVJO 30.76 1:03.73 (32.97) 1:38.29 (34.56) 2:13.17 (34.88) 2:48.15 (34.98) 3:23.21 (35.06) 3:58.16 (34.95) 4:32.85 (34.69) 5:07.84 (34.99) 5:43.17 (35.33) 6:17.89 (34.72) 6:53.44 (35.55) 7:28.83 (35.39) 8:03.81 (34.98) 8:38.95 (35.14) 9:13.46 (34.51) 9:48.50 (35.04) 10:23.42 (34.92) 10:58.17 (34.75) 11:31.98 (33.81) 8 Lee, Katie E 17 SNOW-PV 11:20.03 11:32.71 PVJO 30.39 1:04.23 (33.84) 1:38.58 (34.35) 2:12.94 (34.36) 2:47.02 (34.08) 3:21.46 (34.44) 3:56.31 (34.85) 4:31.09 (34.78) 5:05.71 (34.62) 5:40.88 (35.17) 6:16.27 (35.39) 6:51.68 (35.41) 7:27.03 (35.35) 8:02.62 (35.59) 8:38.27 (35.65) 9:14.00 (35.73) 9:49.02 (35.02) 10:23.45 (34.43) 10:58.25 (34.80) 11:32.71 (34.46) 9 Schlemmer, Sara E 14 SNOW-PV 12:10.76 11:56.57 31.15 1:05.46 (34.31) 1:40.57 (35.11) 2:15.98 (35.41) 2:51.79 (35.81) 3:28.10 (36.31) 4:04.60 (36.50) 4:41.36 (36.76) 5:18.22 (36.86) 5:55.26 (37.04) 6:31.58 (36.32) 7:07.87 (36.29) 7:44.17 (36.30) 8:20.44 (36.27) 8:56.86 (36.42) 9:32.86 (36.00) 10:09.50 (36.64) 10:45.74 (36.24) 11:22.17 (36.43) 11:56.57 (34.40) 10 Haines, Caroline L 15 BWST-PV 12:30.17 12:04.87 32.44 1:07.71 (35.27) 1:43.54 (35.83) 2:20.28 (36.74) 2:56.34 (36.06) 3:32.67 (36.33) 4:09.12 (36.45) 4:45.49 (36.37) 5:22.15 (36.66) 5:59.30 (37.15) 6:36.55 (37.25) 7:13.54 (36.99) 7:50.46 (36.92) 8:27.65 (37.19) 9:04.01 (36.36) 9:41.19 (37.18) 10:18.14 (36.95) 10:54.82 (36.68) 11:30.68 (35.86) 12:04.87 (34.19) 11 Shannon, Siena N 13 HACC-PV 14:18.14 12:10.52 32.36 1:08.59 (36.23) 1:45.34 (36.75) 2:22.43 (37.09) 2:59.94 (37.51) 3:37.00 (37.06) 4:13.79 (36.79) 4:50.34 (36.55) 5:26.85 (36.51) 6:03.49 (36.64) 6:40.58 (37.09) 7:17.51 (36.93) 7:54.57 (37.06) 8:31.73 (37.16) 9:08.80 (37.07) 9:46.32 (37.52) 10:23.36 (37.04) 11:00.00 (36.64) 11:36.12 (36.12) 12:10.52 (34.40) 12 Missing, Emilia J 13 SNOW-PV NT 12:26.24 32.49 1:09.89 (37.40) 1:47.92 (38.03) 2:25.93 (38.01) 3:04.35 (38.42) 3:42.70 (38.35) 4:21.04 (38.34) 4:58.57 (37.53) 5:37.11 (38.54) 6:15.44 (38.33) 6:51.91 (36.47) 7:30.29 (38.38) 8:07.80 (37.51) 8:45.21 (37.41) 9:22.95 (37.74) 10:01.13 (38.18) 10:37.65 (36.52) 11:14.80 (37.15) 11:51.69 (36.89) 12:26.24 (34.55) 13 Fairbanks, Lindsay J 13 WST-VA 12:06.47 12:32.74 33.78 1:12.01 (38.23) 1:51.62 (39.61) 2:30.11 (38.49) 3:08.41 (38.30) 3:47.49 (39.08) 4:26.24 (38.75) 5:42.98 ( ) 6:21.36 (38.38) 6:59.47 (38.11) 7:38.02 (38.55) 8:16.07 (38.05) 8:53.98 (37.91) 9:31.68 (37.70) 10:09.47 (37.79) 10:46.70 (37.23) 11:23.15 (36.45) 11:58.58 (35.43) 12:32.74 (34.16) 14 Witmer, Abigail L 14 HACC-PV 14:07.18 12:43.66 33.27 1:12.18 (38.91) 1:50.88 (38.70) 2:30.11 (39.23) 3:09.05 (38.94) 3:47.32 (38.27) 4:26.11 (38.79) 5:04.72 (38.61) 5:43.65 (38.93) 6:21.88 (38.23) 7:00.27 (38.39) 7:39.03 (38.76) 8:17.64 (38.61) 8:55.79 (38.15) 9:34.39 (38.60) 10:12.61 (38.22) 10:51.42 (38.81) 11:29.82 (38.40) 12:07.35 (37.53) 12:43.66 (36.31) 15 Mitchum, Emma H 14 SNOW-PV 13:18.57 12:43.76 33.76 1:12.60 (38.84) 1:51.12 (38.52) 2:29.66 (38.54) 3:07.93 (38.27) 3:46.54 (38.61) 4:24.84 (38.30) 5:02.96 (38.12) 5:41.13 (38.17) 6:19.72 (38.59) 6:59.02 (39.30) 7:38.33 (39.31) 8:17.36 (39.03) 8:55.96 (38.60) 9:35.13 (39.17) 10:13.66 (38.53) 10:51.37 (37.71) 11:29.99 (38.62) 12:08.34 (38.35) 12:43.76 (35.42) 16 Snider, Kayla E 14 BWST-PV 12:26.33 12:46.89 35.11 1:12.94 (37.83) 1:50.90 (37.96) 2:28.98 (38.08) 3:07.36 (38.38) 3:45.88 (38.52) 4:24.65 (38.77) 5:03.28 (38.63) 5:42.16 (38.88) 6:20.95 (38.79) 7:00.19 (39.24) 7:39.26 (39.07) 8:18.65 (39.39) 8:58.05 (39.40) 9:38.03 (39.98) 10:17.35 (39.32) 10:55.94 (38.59) 11:34.69 (38.75) 12:12.90 (38.21) 12:46.89 (33.99) 17 Zolbrod, Catherine J 17 UN-PV NT 13:24.18 35.43 1:14.35 (38.92) 1:54.69 (40.34) 2:35.57 (40.88) 3:17.05 (41.48) 3:58.00 (40.95) 4:38.97 (40.97) 5:20.09 (41.12) 6:01.13 (41.04) 6:42.41 (41.28) 7:23.38 (40.97) 8:04.11 (40.73) 8:44.77 (40.66) 9:25.51 (40.74) 10:06.29 (40.78) 10:47.13 (40.84) 11:27.13 (40.00) 12:07.19 (40.06) 12:46.24 (39.05) 13:24.18 (37.94) 18 Russello, Stacey D 49 SNOW-PV 13:56.23 14:02.07 35.80 1:16.93 (41.13) 1:59.56 (42.63) 2:42.63 (43.07) 3:25.88 (43.25) 4:08.95 (43.07) 4:51.89 (42.94) 5:34.99 (43.10) 6:18.07 (43.08) 7:00.95 (42.88) 7:43.25 (42.30) 8:25.75 (42.50) 9:08.23 (42.48) 9:50.89 (42.66) 10:33.08 (42.19) 11:15.61 (42.53) 11:58.15 (42.54) 12:40.24 (42.09) 13:22.52 (42.28) 14:02.07 (39.55) 19 Vought, Emily C 14 HACC-PV 15:44.58 16:28.51 2:14.01 3:02.55 ( ) 3:52.79 ( ) 4:43.66 (50.87) 5:34.48 (50.82) 6:26.23 (51.75) 7:16.32 (50.09) 8:07.48 (51.16) 8:58.17 (50.69) 9:49.66 (51.49) 11:32.72 (1:43.06) 12:22.21 (49.49) 13:12.92 (50.71) 14:01.88 ( ) 14:51.76 (49.88) 15:40.85 (49.09) 16:28.51 (47.66) Girls 13 & Over 100 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== 1:06.39 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Lee, Carrie R 15 SNOW-PV 56.20 1:00.60 PVJO 29.58 1:00.60 (31.02) 2 Ogango, Imelda A 15 SNOW-PV 1:06.30 1:03.82 PVJO 31.46 1:03.82 (32.36) 3 Morency, Sami G 15 BWST-PV 1:21.05 1:05.04 PVJO 31.57 1:05.04 (33.47) 4 Silpacharn, Pim 15 SNOW-PV 1:03.00 1:05.41 PVJO 31.09 1:05.41 (34.32) 5 Wroniewicz, Katie A 14 SNOW-PV 1:05.99 1:06.39 PVJO 32.46 1:06.39 (33.93) 6 Lee, Abby M 13 SNOW-PV 1:07.54 1:06.55 32.39 1:06.55 (34.16) 7 Smith, Veronica P 17 HACC-PV 1:06.01 1:06.69 32.53 1:06.69 (34.16) 8 Lee, Katie E 17 SNOW-PV 1:02.98 1:07.09 32.67 1:07.09 (34.42) 9 Jobson, Cameron E 13 SNOW-PV 1:09.96 1:07.20 33.24 1:07.20 (33.96) 10 Hauck, Kacey A 14 SNOW-PV 1:05.41 1:07.59 33.42 1:07.59 (34.17) 11 Haines, Caroline L 15 BWST-PV 1:08.87 1:08.88 33.76 1:08.88 (35.12) 12 Shannon, Siena N 13 HACC-PV 1:10.64 1:09.10 33.34 1:09.10 (35.76) 13 Smith, Anya M 16 UN-PV 1:08.30 1:09.33 33.92 1:09.33 (35.41) 14 Gowdy, Marylee F 17 WST-VA NT 1:09.60 33.20 1:09.60 (36.40) 15 Manning, Molly A 14 SNOW-PV 1:11.09 1:09.77 34.77 1:09.77 (35.00) 16 Oliver, Maddie N 14 SNOW-PV 1:18.64 1:10.22 34.02 1:10.22 (36.20) 17 Snider, Kayla E 14 BWST-PV 1:13.46 1:10.35 34.41 1:10.35 (35.94) 18 Hausamann, Elli 13 SNOW-PV 1:12.47 1:10.36 34.26 1:10.36 (36.10) 19 Hilliker, Kelley L 15 WST-VA 1:08.73 1:10.54 34.25 1:10.54 (36.29) 20 Oh, Rebecca * 13 SNOW-PV 1:09.59 1:10.64 34.09 1:10.64 (36.55) 21 Mitchum, Emma H 14 SNOW-PV 1:10.55 1:10.67 33.98 1:10.67 (36.69) 22 Marshall, Megan E 13 BWST-PV 1:12.06 1:11.47 34.09 1:11.47 (37.38) 23 Donovan, Laura E 15 SNOW-PV 1:15.43 1:12.81 35.35 1:12.81 (37.46) 24 Fowler, Abby S 14 SNOW-PV 1:13.23 1:12.92 34.21 1:12.92 (38.71) 25 Flynn, Meaghan E 15 SNOW-PV 1:13.68 1:13.08 35.44 1:13.08 (37.64) 26 Invernizzi, Guilia 17 WST-VA NT 1:13.14 36.52 1:13.14 (36.62) 27 Streeter, Ellie D 14 BWST-PV 1:11.59 1:13.19 36.32 1:13.19 (36.87) 28 Mihalic, Rachel E 13 BWST-PV 1:13.82 1:13.64 36.32 1:13.64 (37.32) 29 Krynicki, Jenna N 16 HACC-PV NT 1:13.77 35.68 1:13.77 (38.09) 30 Mandrgoc, Lizzy P 13 BWST-PV 1:15.36 1:14.02 36.34 1:14.02 (37.68) 31 Sheehan, Emily K 15 UN-PV NT 1:14.25 36.09 1:14.25 (38.16) 32 Seth, Juhi D 15 BWST-PV 1:15.65 1:14.26 35.58 1:14.26 (38.68) 33 Williams, Holly K 13 BWST-PV 1:14.18 1:14.47 36.14 1:14.47 (38.33) 34 McKay, Madison P 13 SNOW-PV 1:20.02 1:15.37 36.24 1:15.37 (39.13) 35 Sheridan, Sarah E 16 SNOW-PV 1:13.63 1:15.57 36.99 1:15.57 (38.58) 36 Atkinson, Georgina E 13 SNOW-PV 1:18.79 1:16.09 36.47 1:16.09 (39.62) 37 Witteveen, Izzy F 14 SNOW-PV 1:19.68 1:17.32 38.09 1:17.32 (39.23) 38 Elbash, Sima * 13 SNOW-PV NT 1:17.75 39 Pollock, Kaitlyn M 13 BWST-PV 1:18.64 1:17.84 38.72 1:17.84 (39.12) 40 Lee, Christina Y 17 WST-VA 1:17.24 1:18.00 36.99 1:18.00 (41.01) 41 Aquiatan, Prudence N 13 HACC-PV 1:16.91 1:18.27 37.67 1:18.27 (40.60) 42 Belo, Joanie J 13 HACC-PV 1:20.75 1:18.39 38.25 1:18.39 (40.14) 43 Alemayehu, Jade J 13 SNOW-PV 1:21.60 1:20.86 39.65 1:20.86 (41.21) 44 Thomas, Jamie R 15 SNOW-PV 1:23.24 1:21.37 39.29 1:21.37 (42.08) 45 Dion, ViVi V 14 UN-PV NT 1:21.63 39.31 1:21.63 (42.32) 46 Cruz Castillo, Fe 15 HACC-PV 1:21.34 1:22.55 39.35 1:22.55 (43.20) 47 Turman, Anna P 15 SNOW-PV NT 1:23.59 40.69 1:23.59 (42.90) 48 Young, Hannah E 13 BWST-PV NT 1:26.01 41.66 1:26.01 (44.35) 49 Page, Clara G 13 SNOW-PV NT 1:33.83 45.54 1:33.83 (48.29) 50 Vetter, Courtney S 14 HACC-PV NT 1:36.73 45.85 1:36.73 (50.88) 51 Edens, Caroline A 13 WST-VA NT 1:36.85 46.23 1:36.85 (50.62) 52 Levinrad, Rachel A 14 LMAC-PV NT 2:12.28 53 Levinrad, Nicole R 16 LMAC-PV NT 2:18.36 1:07.17 2:18.36 (1:11.19) -- Barreto, Mabel * 14 SNOW-PV NT DQ Multiple strokes past vertical at turn 43.50 DQ (48.02) -- Wright, Carly M 16 UN-PV 1:16.93 DQ Delay initiating turn after past vertical 32.89 DQ (36.54) Girls 13 & Over 200 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== 2:21.49 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Lee, Carrie R 15 SNOW-PV 2:02.11 2:07.02 PVJO 29.29 1:01.29 (32.00) 1:34.36 (33.07) 2:07.02 (32.66) 2 Jordan, Kylie V 14 SNOW-PV 2:08.89 2:07.19 PVJO 30.60 1:03.08 (32.48) 1:35.81 (32.73) 2:07.19 (31.38) 3 Dryer, Robyn E 15 NCAP-PV 2:05.01 2:07.99 PVJO 30.19 1:02.93 (32.74) 1:36.10 (33.17) 2:07.99 (31.89) 4 Baker, Hannah M 14 NCAP-PV 2:14.17 2:16.24 PVJO 32.33 1:06.34 (34.01) 1:41.24 (34.90) 2:16.24 (35.00) 5 Lee, Katie E 17 SNOW-PV 2:17.14 2:17.47 PVJO 31.64 1:07.02 (35.38) 1:42.84 (35.82) 2:17.47 (34.63) 6 Hauck, Kacey A 14 SNOW-PV 2:19.28 2:17.69 PVJO 33.02 1:07.66 (34.64) 1:43.00 (35.34) 2:17.69 (34.69) 7 Newkirk, Mia A 14 NCAP-PV 2:15.96 2:17.84 PVJO 31.55 1:06.10 (34.55) 1:42.31 (36.21) 2:17.84 (35.53) 8 Kelly, Emily E 16 NCAP-PV 2:07.66 2:18.48 PVJO 33.24 1:08.31 (35.07) 1:43.10 (34.79) 2:18.48 (35.38) 9 Morency, Sami G 15 BWST-PV 2:40.03 2:20.25 PVJO 33.11 1:08.19 (35.08) 1:44.16 (35.97) 2:20.25 (36.09) 10 Wroniewicz, Katie A 14 SNOW-PV 2:23.75 2:21.02 PVJO 33.24 1:09.04 (35.80) 1:45.70 (36.66) 2:21.02 (35.32) 11 Lee, Abby M 13 SNOW-PV 2:32.59 2:23.50 32.80 1:08.76 (35.96) 1:46.92 (38.16) 2:23.50 (36.58) 12 Haines, Caroline L 15 BWST-PV 2:24.92 2:23.61 34.32 1:10.17 (35.85) 1:46.87 (36.70) 2:23.61 (36.74) 13 Carney, Megan A 13 HACC-PV 2:53.16 2:24.83 33.88 1:10.36 (36.48) 1:47.84 (37.48) 2:24.83 (36.99) 14 Witmer, Abigail L 14 HACC-PV 2:32.26 2:27.35 34.72 1:11.84 (37.12) 1:49.49 (37.65) 2:27.35 (37.86) 15 Mitchum, Emma H 14 SNOW-PV 2:30.08 2:29.32 33.98 1:11.81 (37.83) 1:50.77 (38.96) 2:29.32 (38.55) 16 Snider, Kayla E 14 BWST-PV 2:36.20 2:29.65 35.03 1:13.20 (38.17) 1:51.65 (38.45) 2:29.65 (38.00) 17 King, Caitlyn N 13 HACC-PV 2:38.54 2:31.65 34.58 1:13.39 (38.81) 1:53.59 (40.20) 2:31.65 (38.06) 18 Streeter, Ellie D 14 BWST-PV 2:37.40 2:32.00 36.31 1:15.02 (38.71) 1:54.54 (39.52) 2:32.00 (37.46) 19 Marshall, Megan E 13 BWST-PV 2:38.59 2:32.61 34.84 1:14.34 (39.50) 1:54.17 (39.83) 2:32.61 (38.44) 20 Wright, Carly M 16 UN-PV NT 2:32.85 34.86 1:12.80 (37.94) 1:52.00 (39.20) 2:32.85 (40.85) 20 Stassinos, Malina M 13 HACC-PV 2:47.75 2:32.85 36.44 1:14.78 (38.34) 1:54.48 (39.70) 2:32.85 (38.37) 22 Williams, Holly K 13 BWST-PV 2:39.05 2:34.15 35.72 1:14.11 (38.39) 1:54.45 (40.34) 2:34.15 (39.70) 23 Mihalic, Rachel E 13 BWST-PV 2:34.51 2:34.35 36.11 1:14.05 (37.94) 1:53.93 (39.88) 2:34.35 (40.42) 24 Missing, Emilia J 13 SNOW-PV NT 2:36.57 36.14 1:15.51 (39.37) 1:56.21 (40.70) 2:36.57 (40.36) 25 Mandrgoc, Lizzy P 13 BWST-PV 2:41.32 2:36.60 36.37 1:15.55 (39.18) 1:56.69 (41.14) 2:36.60 (39.91) 26 Cutrell, Gillian M 13 HACC-PV 2:59.93 2:38.24 35.68 1:16.26 (40.58) 1:58.13 (41.87) 2:38.24 (40.11) 27 Atkinson, Georgina E 13 SNOW-PV 2:42.01 2:43.45 35.99 1:16.68 (40.69) 1:59.91 (43.23) 2:43.45 (43.54) 28 Mietlicki, Ashley E 13 HACC-PV NT 2:59.21 41.60 1:27.59 (45.99) 2:14.58 (46.99) 2:59.21 (44.63) 29 Vought, Emily C 14 HACC-PV 3:07.50 3:01.23 42.08 1:27.41 (45.33) 2:14.92 (47.51) 3:01.23 (46.31) -- Vetter, Courtney S 14 HACC-PV NT DQ 1:39.72 ( ) DQ (1:52.08) Girls 13 & Over 100 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== 1:15.09 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Rosenburg, Kaleigh G 17 SNOW-PV 1:03.21 1:07.98 PVJO 32.55 1:07.98 (35.43) 2 Ogango, Imelda A 15 SNOW-PV 1:09.79 1:10.46 PVJO 33.35 1:10.46 (37.11) 3 Carney, Megan A 13 HACC-PV 1:12.85 1:14.10 PVJO 34.51 1:14.10 (39.59) 4 Schlemmer, Sara E 14 SNOW-PV 1:15.14 1:14.57 PVJO 35.52 1:14.57 (39.05) 5 Kozlowski, Katie M 17 WST-VA 1:12.48 1:15.95 36.12 1:15.95 (39.83) 6 Garner, Kristen K 15 SNOW-PV 1:13.16 1:16.13 36.01 1:16.13 (40.12) 7 McNulty, Elizabeth A 16 HACC-PV 1:11.00 1:17.50 35.45 1:17.50 (42.05) 8 Schlemmer, Anna C 13 SNOW-PV 1:22.35 1:17.57 37.74 1:17.57 (39.83) 9 Jobson, Cameron E 13 SNOW-PV 1:17.12 1:18.12 37.02 1:18.12 (41.10) 10 Morency, Sami G 15 BWST-PV 1:29.22 1:18.23 36.89 1:18.23 (41.34) 11 Vu, Catherine M 15 SNOW-PV 1:16.50 1:18.79 37.27 1:18.79 (41.52) 12 Vu, Cynthia M 15 SNOW-PV 1:18.29 1:19.01 38.11 1:19.01 (40.90) 13 Sharma, Juhi 13 HACC-PV 1:19.48 1:19.21 37.68 1:19.21 (41.53) 14 Martin, Erin E 17 SNOW-PV 1:16.74 1:20.17 38.04 1:20.17 (42.13) 15 Sheridan, Sarah E 16 SNOW-PV 1:11.43 1:20.20 38.14 1:20.20 (42.06) 16 Mandrgoc, Lizzy P 13 BWST-PV 1:21.93 1:20.28 38.35 1:20.28 (41.93) 17 Snider, Kayla E 14 BWST-PV 1:17.67 1:20.44 38.34 1:20.44 (42.10) 18 Missing, Emilia J 13 SNOW-PV 1:20.50 1:20.78 38.55 1:20.78 (42.23) 19 Oliver, Maddie N 14 SNOW-PV 1:21.80 1:20.92 37.24 1:20.92 (43.68) 20 Streeter, Ellie D 14 BWST-PV 1:20.75 1:21.60 39.27 1:21.60 (42.33) 21 Esslinger, Abby M 13 WST-VA 1:19.20 1:21.84 37.90 1:21.84 (43.94) 22 Moore, Nathalie R 16 SNOW-PV 1:19.60 1:22.25 37.96 1:22.25 (44.29) 23 Song, Shannon M 16 SNOW-PV 1:19.28 1:22.36 39.52 1:22.36 (42.84) 24 Shannon, Siena N 13 HACC-PV 1:25.00 1:23.45 39.75 1:23.45 (43.70) 25 Hausamann, Elli 13 SNOW-PV 1:28.02 1:23.99 38.58 1:23.99 (45.41) 26 Atkinson, Georgina E 13 SNOW-PV 1:18.75 1:24.68 39.97 1:24.68 (44.71) 27 Stassinos, Malina M 13 HACC-PV 1:26.10 1:25.03 39.87 1:25.03 (45.16) 28 Haines, Caroline L 15 BWST-PV 1:22.40 1:25.07 40.58 1:25.07 (44.49) 29 Cutrell, Gillian M 13 HACC-PV 1:27.83 1:25.09 39.82 1:25.09 (45.27) 30 Martin, Lori A 15 SNOW-PV 1:23.84 1:25.40 40.00 1:25.40 (45.40) 31 Wright, Carly M 16 UN-PV NT 1:25.63 40.53 1:25.63 (45.10) 32 Russello, Stacey D 49 SNOW-PV 1:25.36 1:25.80 41.34 1:25.80 (44.46) 33 Krynicki, Jenna N 16 HACC-PV NT 1:26.29 40.54 1:26.29 (45.75) 34 Huang, Aileen C 17 HACC-PV 1:25.83 1:26.36 39.75 1:26.36 (46.61) 35 Mihalic, Rachel E 13 BWST-PV 1:27.76 1:26.40 40.66 1:26.40 (45.74) 36 Mitchum, Emma H 14 SNOW-PV 1:26.75 1:26.52 40.84 1:26.52 (45.68) 37 Eberly, Ashley R 15 SNOW-PV 1:28.24 1:27.22 41.45 1:27.22 (45.77) 38 Howell, Madison S 16 HACC-PV 1:23.15 1:27.84 41.05 1:27.84 (46.79) 39 Yeganeh, Miranda L 13 SNOW-PV 1:32.33 1:28.44 40 McCabe, Kiki I 14 SNOW-PV 1:30.74 1:28.61 41.20 1:28.61 (47.41) 41 Boyles, Grace H 13 BWST-PV 1:25.59 1:28.66 40.86 1:28.66 (47.80) 42 Williams, Holly K 13 BWST-PV 1:30.58 1:28.68 41.61 1:28.68 (47.07) 43 Lyman, Natalie E 13 WST-VA 1:26.58 1:29.19 41.17 1:29.19 (48.02) 44 Alemayehu, Jade J 13 SNOW-PV 1:27.02 1:29.24 42.44 1:29.24 (46.80) 45 Pollock, Kaitlyn M 13 BWST-PV 1:32.30 1:29.33 43.60 1:29.33 (45.73) 46 Fairbanks, Lindsay J 13 WST-VA 1:34.33 1:29.41 42.64 1:29.41 (46.77) 47 Marshall, Megan E 13 BWST-PV 1:36.11 1:29.89 41.78 1:29.89 (48.11) 48 Garcia, Jackie A 16 SNOW-PV 1:35.71 1:30.60 43.07 1:30.60 (47.53) 49 Pascarelli, Emily B 15 HACC-PV 1:34.04 1:30.92 42.96 1:30.92 (47.96) 50 Turman, Anna P 15 SNOW-PV NT 1:32.61 42.75 1:32.61 (49.86) 51 Thomas, Jamie R 15 SNOW-PV 1:28.94 1:32.79 42.57 1:32.79 (50.22) 52 Weakland, Jenny L 14 SNOW-PV 1:32.42 1:33.46 44.68 1:33.46 (48.78) 53 Vetter, Courtney S 14 HACC-PV NT 1:34.12 43.90 1:34.12 (50.22) 54 Keane, Kelly 13 SNOW-PV 1:38.42 1:34.35 44.41 1:34.35 (49.94) 55 Akins, Sarah 13 BWST-PV 1:36.41 1:35.24 45.26 1:35.24 (49.98) 56 Fu, Jenny Y 13 SNOW-PV 1:39.64 1:35.38 45.39 1:35.38 (49.99) 57 Page, Clara G 13 SNOW-PV 1:49.84 1:35.49 44.10 1:35.49 (51.39) 58 Zabela, Sasha G 16 SNOW-PV 1:44.43 1:36.39 45.86 1:36.39 (50.53) 59 Lane, Rowan A 14 SNOW-PV NT 1:40.57 47.54 1:40.57 (53.03) 60 Vought, Emily C 14 HACC-PV 1:38.27 1:41.89 46.81 1:41.89 (55.08) 61 Hilliker, Kaitlyn C 13 WST-VA 1:47.05 1:42.01 46.93 1:42.01 (55.08) 62 Seth, Juhi D 15 BWST-PV 1:38.20 1:44.83 48.28 1:44.83 (56.55) 63 Healy, Sara A 13 SNOW-PV NT 1:53.54 51.69 1:53.54 (1:01.85) -- Levinrad, Rachel A 14 LMAC-PV NT DQ Hands brought beyond the hipline during stroke 1:06.66 DQ (1:22.10) -- Levinrad, Nicole R 16 LMAC-PV NT DQ One hand touch Girls 13 & Over 200 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== 2:42.09 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Ogango, Imelda A 15 SNOW-PV 2:29.70 2:29.97 PVJO 35.27 1:13.37 (38.10) 1:51.65 (38.28) 2:29.97 (38.32) 2 Rosenburg, Kaleigh G 17 SNOW-PV 2:17.52 2:30.14 PVJO 34.54 1:12.55 (38.01) 1:51.41 (38.86) 2:30.14 (38.73) 3 Carney, Megan A 13 HACC-PV 2:43.21 2:39.43 PVJO 34.62 1:13.93 (39.31) 1:56.19 (42.26) 2:39.43 (43.24) 4 Schlemmer, Sara E 14 SNOW-PV 2:40.90 2:42.31 36.27 1:17.21 (40.94) 2:00.45 (43.24) 2:42.31 (41.86) 5 Garner, Kristen K 15 SNOW-PV 2:39.52 2:44.36 36.71 1:18.36 (41.65) 2:01.46 (43.10) 2:44.36 (42.90) 6 Schlemmer, Anna C 13 SNOW-PV 2:55.44 2:47.88 38.66 1:22.34 (43.68) 2:05.46 (43.12) 2:47.88 (42.42) 7 Missing, Emilia J 13 SNOW-PV 2:51.57 2:48.36 38.24 1:20.47 (42.23) 2:06.45 (45.98) 2:48.36 (41.91) 8 Martin, Erin E 17 SNOW-PV 2:42.63 2:50.66 38.34 1:21.70 (43.36) 2:05.83 (44.13) 2:50.66 (44.83) 9 Sheridan, Sarah E 16 SNOW-PV 2:40.88 2:50.73 38.32 1:21.13 (42.81) 2:06.15 (45.02) 2:50.73 (44.58) 10 Song, Shannon M 16 SNOW-PV 2:51.41 2:54.02 39.65 1:24.72 (45.07) 2:09.06 (44.34) 2:54.02 (44.96) 11 Moore, Nathalie R 16 SNOW-PV 2:52.61 2:58.11 40.51 1:25.92 (45.41) 2:12.18 (46.26) 2:58.11 (45.93) 12 Atkinson, Georgina E 13 SNOW-PV 2:51.15 2:59.00 39.07 1:23.73 (44.66) 2:10.69 (46.96) 2:59.00 (48.31) 13 Martin, Lori A 15 SNOW-PV 2:59.12 3:04.65 40.31 1:27.60 (47.29) 2:16.01 (48.41) 3:04.65 (48.64) 14 Dion, ViVi V 14 UN-PV NT 3:11.18 40.61 1:28.99 (48.38) 2:20.66 (51.67) 3:11.18 (50.52) 15 Murphy, Flannery J 13 HACC-PV 3:06.80 3:13.31 42.50 1:32.18 (49.68) 2:22.99 (50.81) 3:13.31 (50.32) 16 Cruz Castillo, Fe 15 HACC-PV 3:35.85 3:36.38 48.09 1:43.48 (55.39) 2:40.14 (56.66) 3:36.38 (56.24) 17 Chitko, Roma R 13 HACC-PV NT 3:40.49 49.38 1:46.31 (56.93) 2:45.71 (59.40) 3:40.49 (54.78) 18 Bussell, Carly N 15 HACC-PV NT 3:40.68 48.31 1:44.28 (55.97) 2:43.30 (59.02) 3:40.68 (57.38) 19 Lane, Rowan A 14 SNOW-PV NT 3:43.95 49.35 1:47.12 (57.77) 2:45.81 (58.69) 3:43.95 (58.14) -- Groot, Chantal 14 SNOW-PV 3:11.74 DQ One hand touch 41.03 1:28.59 (47.56) 2:18.25 (49.66) DQ (46.13) -- Witteveen, Izzy F 14 SNOW-PV 3:25.20 DQ One hand touch 44.88 1:37.99 (53.11) 2:30.22 (52.23) DQ (50.31) Girls 13 & Over 100 Yard Butterfly =============================================================================== 1:05.99 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Jordan, Kylie V 14 SNOW-PV 57.61 57.04 PVJO 27.22 57.04 (29.82) 2 Morency, Sami G 15 BWST-PV 1:03.79 1:02.38 PVJO 29.68 1:02.38 (32.70) 3 Schlemmer, Sara E 14 SNOW-PV 1:04.23 1:05.34 PVJO 30.79 1:05.34 (34.55) 4 Oliver, Maddie N 14 SNOW-PV 1:11.21 1:05.62 PVJO 29.96 1:05.62 (35.66) 5 Silpacharn, Pim 15 SNOW-PV 1:09.51 1:06.66 30.39 1:06.66 (36.27) 6 Lee, Abby M 13 SNOW-PV 1:08.94 1:07.26 29.66 1:07.26 (37.60) 7 Lee, Christina Y 17 WST-VA 1:07.33 1:07.48 32.14 1:07.48 (35.34) 8 Haines, Caroline L 15 BWST-PV 1:06.81 1:07.51 32.22 1:07.51 (35.29) 9 Hauck, Kacey A 14 SNOW-PV 1:17.61 1:07.74 31.35 1:07.74 (36.39) 10 Peters, Christina E 14 HACC-PV 1:11.12 1:08.19 31.81 1:08.19 (36.38) 11 Nguyen, Emily L 13 HACC-PV 1:09.67 1:08.48 30.30 1:08.48 (38.18) 12 Manning, Molly A 14 SNOW-PV 1:09.83 1:09.68 32.58 1:09.68 (37.10) 13 Stassinos, Malina M 13 HACC-PV 1:08.18 1:09.99 31.31 1:09.99 (38.68) 14 Fairbanks, Lindsay J 13 WST-VA 1:11.86 1:10.25 33.31 1:10.25 (36.94) 15 Missing, Emilia J 13 SNOW-PV 1:10.68 1:10.73 33.19 1:10.73 (37.54) 16 King, Caitlyn N 13 HACC-PV 1:10.11 1:10.78 32.28 1:10.78 (38.50) 17 Donovan, Laura E 15 SNOW-PV 1:10.13 1:11.10 32.66 1:11.10 (38.44) 18 Mitchum, Emma H 14 SNOW-PV 1:11.54 1:11.39 32.36 1:11.39 (39.03) 19 Snider, Kayla E 14 BWST-PV 1:12.88 1:11.58 34.37 1:11.58 (37.21) 20 Cutrell, Gillian M 13 HACC-PV 1:17.99 1:11.83 31.91 1:11.83 (39.92) 21 Ouyang, Vivian W 14 HACC-PV 1:13.96 1:13.17 34.20 1:13.17 (38.97) 22 Hilliker, Kelley L 15 WST-VA 1:22.89 1:13.24 32.89 1:13.24 (40.35) 23 Yeganeh, Miranda L 13 SNOW-PV 1:15.86 1:15.28 35.53 1:15.28 (39.75) 24 Mihalic, Rachel E 13 BWST-PV 1:11.35 1:15.31 34.44 1:15.31 (40.87) 25 Streeter, Ellie D 14 BWST-PV 1:25.86 1:15.50 36.30 1:15.50 (39.20) 26 Wright, Carly M 16 UN-PV NT 1:18.72 34.78 1:18.72 (43.94) 27 Mietlicki, Ashley E 13 HACC-PV 1:34.86 1:19.88 37.30 1:19.88 (42.58) 28 Aquiatan, Prudence N 13 HACC-PV 1:22.86 1:20.96 36.26 1:20.96 (44.70) 29 Mandrgoc, Lizzy P 13 BWST-PV 1:20.52 1:21.37 37.96 1:21.37 (43.41) 30 Marshall, Megan E 13 BWST-PV 1:23.60 1:21.56 38.12 1:21.56 (43.44) 31 Williams, Holly K 13 BWST-PV 1:25.80 1:22.62 36.41 1:22.62 (46.21) 32 Seth, Juhi D 15 BWST-PV 1:31.89 1:23.95 35.16 1:23.95 (48.79) 33 Pollock, Kaitlyn M 13 BWST-PV 1:32.92 1:29.70 41.67 1:29.70 (48.03) 34 Zabela, Sasha G 16 SNOW-PV 1:27.27 1:30.93 42.49 1:30.93 (48.44) 35 Bussell, Carly N 15 HACC-PV NT 1:34.57 42.97 1:34.57 (51.60) -- Lee, Carrie R 15 SNOW-PV 58.49 DQ False start 29.20 DQ (32.96) -- Knapik, Marina E 14 SNOW-PV 1:19.89 DQ Non-simultaneous arms 35.11 DQ (44.46) Girls 13 & Over 200 Yard Butterfly =============================================================================== 2:30.69 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Jordan, Kylie V 14 SNOW-PV 2:10.23 2:08.68 PVJO 29.06 1:02.78 (33.72) 1:35.10 (32.32) 2:08.68 (33.58) 2 Vu, Catherine M 15 SNOW-PV 2:15.33 2:23.86 PVJO 31.92 1:07.51 (35.59) 1:45.28 (37.77) 2:23.86 (38.58) 3 Schlemmer, Sara E 14 SNOW-PV 2:25.40 2:25.15 PVJO 32.00 1:09.75 (37.75) 1:47.96 (38.21) 2:25.15 (37.19) 4 Witmer, Abigail L 14 HACC-PV 2:35.16 2:31.44 32.37 1:09.93 (37.56) 1:49.44 (39.51) 2:31.44 (42.00) 5 Missing, Emilia J 13 SNOW-PV NT 2:34.49 1:11.68 1:26.28 (14.60) 1:52.09 (25.81) 2:34.49 (42.40) 6 Vu, Cynthia M 15 SNOW-PV 2:30.30 2:35.10 33.29 1:12.51 (39.22) 1:53.25 (40.74) 2:35.10 (41.85) 7 Stassinos, Malina M 13 HACC-PV 2:49.59 2:43.25 34.00 1:15.37 (41.37) 1:59.23 (43.86) 2:43.25 (44.02) 8 Cutrell, Gillian M 13 HACC-PV NT 2:49.68 1:17.18 2:02.90 (45.72) 2:49.68 (46.78) 2:49.68 ( ) 9 Nguyen, Emily L 13 HACC-PV 2:50.09 2:49.79 34.23 1:15.74 (41.51) 2:02.80 (47.06) 2:49.79 (46.99) 10 King, Caitlyn N 13 HACC-PV 2:55.37 2:50.34 34.93 1:17.24 (42.31) 2:03.84 (46.60) 2:50.34 (46.50) Girls 13 & Over 200 Yard IM =============================================================================== 2:23.69 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Jordan, Kylie V 14 SNOW-PV 2:06.20 2:08.85 PVJO 28.06 1:01.24 (33.18) 1:39.56 (38.32) 2:08.85 (29.29) 2 Rosenburg, Kaleigh G 17 SNOW-PV 2:05.94 2:14.65 PVJO 29.72 1:04.64 (34.92) 1:43.56 (38.92) 2:14.65 (31.09) 3 Ogango, Imelda A 15 SNOW-PV 2:16.37 2:15.32 PVJO 29.35 1:05.12 (35.77) 1:43.44 (38.32) 2:15.32 (31.88) 4 Morency, Sami G 15 BWST-PV 2:15.95 2:18.43 PVJO 30.10 1:04.10 (34.00) 1:44.96 (40.86) 2:18.43 (33.47) 5 Vu, Catherine M 15 SNOW-PV 2:19.10 2:21.76 PVJO 30.56 1:05.00 (34.44) 1:47.65 (42.65) 2:21.76 (34.11) 6 Murphy, Ryan E 16 HACC-PV 2:18.18 2:22.62 PVJO 29.93 1:04.34 (34.41) 1:48.69 (44.35) 2:22.62 (33.93) 7 Silpacharn, Pim 15 SNOW-PV 2:24.64 2:22.99 PVJO 30.72 1:06.31 (35.59) 1:50.34 (44.03) 2:22.99 (32.65) 8 Vu, Cynthia M 15 SNOW-PV 2:22.96 2:24.03 31.77 1:07.72 (35.95) 1:50.46 (42.74) 2:24.03 (33.57) 9 Schlemmer, Sara E 14 SNOW-PV 2:22.03 2:24.96 31.14 1:08.94 (37.80) 1:52.25 (43.31) 2:24.96 (32.71) 10 Lee, Carrie R 15 SNOW-PV 2:16.30 2:25.48 29.54 1:04.35 (34.81) 1:50.90 (46.55) 2:25.48 (34.58) 11 Hauck, Kacey A 14 SNOW-PV 2:31.45 2:25.91 32.75 1:11.21 (38.46) 1:53.64 (42.43) 2:25.91 (32.27) 12 Lee, Katie E 17 SNOW-PV 2:26.26 2:26.75 1:08.75 ( ) 1:52.80 (44.05) 2:26.75 (33.95) 13 Oliver, Maddie N 14 SNOW-PV 2:34.10 2:28.03 31.00 1:11.76 (40.76) 1:56.27 (44.51) 2:28.03 (31.76) 14 McNulty, Elizabeth A 16 HACC-PV 2:25.37 2:28.23 1:08.22 ( ) 1:51.71 (43.49) 2:28.23 (36.52) 15 Ginieczki, Karly R 15 HACC-PV 2:24.27 2:28.48 32.01 1:08.09 (36.08) 1:55.84 (47.75) 2:28.48 (32.64) 16 Carney, Megan A 13 HACC-PV 2:29.96 2:28.68 32.54 1:09.84 (37.30) 1:52.44 (42.60) 2:28.68 (36.24) 17 Shannon, Siena N 13 HACC-PV 2:39.06 2:29.28 32.51 1:08.82 (36.31) 1:55.44 (46.62) 2:29.28 (33.84) 18 Jobson, Cameron E 13 SNOW-PV 2:30.62 2:29.39 35.11 1:11.69 (36.58) 1:56.26 (44.57) 2:29.39 (33.13) 19 Snider, Kayla E 14 BWST-PV 2:32.91 2:29.85 33.59 1:12.61 (39.02) 1:55.60 (42.99) 2:29.85 (34.25) 20 Garner, Kristen K 15 SNOW-PV 2:31.26 2:30.21 21 Sharma, Juhi 13 HACC-PV 2:30.15 2:30.71 34.05 1:11.20 (37.15) 1:55.39 (44.19) 2:30.71 (35.32) 22 Kozlowski, Katie M 17 WST-VA 2:26.63 2:30.91 35.30 1:13.65 (38.35) 1:54.19 (40.54) 2:30.91 (36.72) 23 Lee, Abby M 13 SNOW-PV 2:30.86 2:31.01 30.76 1:08.75 (37.99) 1:56.56 (47.81) 2:31.01 (34.45) 24 Hilliker, Kelley L 15 WST-VA 2:37.62 2:31.31 32.91 1:11.93 (39.02) 1:56.81 (44.88) 2:31.31 (34.50) 25 Streeter, Ellie D 14 BWST-PV 2:36.29 2:31.37 26 Comm, Erica G 16 SNOW-PV 2:31.52 2:31.41 30.83 1:08.42 (37.59) 1:56.62 (48.20) 2:31.41 (34.79) 27 Witmer, Abigail L 14 HACC-PV 2:36.67 2:32.76 31.38 1:08.98 (37.60) 1:56.74 (47.76) 2:32.76 (36.02) 28 Esslinger, Abby M 13 WST-VA 2:40.27 2:34.83 33.17 1:12.63 (39.46) 1:57.99 (45.36) 2:34.83 (36.84) 29 Lee, Christina Y 17 WST-VA 2:39.67 2:35.33 30.89 1:13.44 (42.55) 2:01.85 (48.41) 2:35.33 (33.48) 30 Smith, Veronica P 17 HACC-PV 2:38.14 2:36.01 32.37 1:08.32 (35.95) 1:59.72 (51.40) 2:36.01 (36.29) 31 Mitchum, Emma H 14 SNOW-PV 2:33.70 2:36.22 33.22 1:10.89 (37.67) 2:00.14 (49.25) 2:36.22 (36.08) 32 Fairbanks, Lindsay J 13 WST-VA 2:39.56 2:36.38 1:19.04 ( ) 2:36.38 (1:17.34) 33 Juday, Maeve A 14 WST-VA 2:48.53 2:36.87 36.42 2:36.87 (2:00.45) 34 Moore, Nathalie R 16 SNOW-PV 2:32.30 2:37.65 33.02 1:12.46 (39.44) 2:00.87 (48.41) 2:37.65 (36.78) 35 Mandrgoc, Lizzy P 13 BWST-PV 2:41.41 2:38.05 36.72 1:15.75 (39.03) 2:02.48 (46.73) 2:38.05 (35.57) 36 Wright, Carly M 16 UN-PV NT 2:38.09 36.18 1:13.86 (37.68) 2:02.78 (48.92) 2:38.09 (35.31) 37 Sheridan, Sarah E 16 SNOW-PV 2:27.69 2:38.15 35.11 1:16.73 (41.62) 2:00.43 (43.70) 2:38.15 (37.72) 38 Martin, Erin E 17 SNOW-PV 2:32.65 2:39.97 33.13 1:16.85 (43.72) 2:02.40 (45.55) 2:39.97 (37.57) 39 Mihalic, Rachel E 13 BWST-PV 2:38.41 2:40.02 34.50 1:15.30 (40.80) 2:02.86 (47.56) 2:40.02 (37.16) 40 Schlemmer, Anna C 13 SNOW-PV 2:46.44 2:40.99 37.94 1:20.60 (42.66) 2:05.00 (44.40) 2:40.99 (35.99) 41 Howell, Madison S 16 HACC-PV 2:39.13 2:41.98 34.23 1:15.18 (40.95) 2:07.48 (52.30) 2:41.98 (34.50) 42 Huang, Aileen C 17 HACC-PV 2:45.37 2:42.27 31.10 1:11.66 (40.56) 2:02.12 (50.46) 2:42.27 (40.15) 43 Juday, Sinead M 13 WST-VA 2:43.38 2:42.65 35.56 1:17.63 (42.07) 2:06.83 (49.20) 2:42.65 (35.82) 44 Bowman, Hannah G 15 SNOW-PV 2:44.17 2:44.30 35.14 1:17.04 (41.90) 2:06.15 (49.11) 2:44.30 (38.15) 45 Yeganeh, Miranda L 13 SNOW-PV 2:40.55 2:44.95 35.21 1:17.24 (42.03) 2:06.35 (49.11) 2:44.95 (38.60) 46 Boyles, Grace H 13 BWST-PV 2:48.62 2:45.48 33.78 1:17.08 (43.30) 2:07.79 (50.71) 2:45.48 (37.69) 47 Krynicki, Jenna N 16 HACC-PV NT 2:45.71 34.42 1:16.38 (41.96) 2:06.69 (50.31) 2:45.71 (39.02) 48 Williams, Holly K 13 BWST-PV 2:46.35 2:46.03 38.39 1:19.36 (40.97) 2:11.15 (51.79) 2:46.03 (34.88) 49 Alemayehu, Jade J 13 SNOW-PV 2:46.87 2:46.62 38.61 1:23.31 (44.70) 2:10.34 (47.03) 2:46.62 (36.28) 50 Atkinson, Georgina E 13 SNOW-PV 2:46.33 2:47.07 37.85 1:19.43 (41.58) 2:06.99 (47.56) 2:47.07 (40.08) 51 Belo, Joanie J 13 HACC-PV 2:51.66 2:48.33 38.26 1:21.70 (43.44) 2:09.11 (47.41) 2:48.33 (39.22) 52 Marshall, Megan E 13 BWST-PV 2:54.65 2:49.34 38.90 1:19.93 (41.03) 2:13.36 (53.43) 2:49.34 (35.98) 53 Mietlicki, Ashley E 13 HACC-PV 3:02.24 2:52.39 39.84 1:24.47 (44.63) 2:13.63 (49.16) 2:52.39 (38.76) 54 Pollock, Kaitlyn M 13 BWST-PV 2:59.13 2:52.53 41.71 1:23.55 (41.84) 2:14.45 (50.90) 2:52.53 (38.08) 55 Murphy, Flannery J 13 HACC-PV 3:09.82 2:54.00 41.30 1:26.17 (44.87) 2:15.26 (49.09) 2:54.00 (38.74) 56 Thomas, Jamie R 15 SNOW-PV 2:44.90 2:54.58 36.14 1:20.41 (44.27) 2:13.31 (52.90) 2:54.58 (41.27) 57 Akins, Sarah 13 BWST-PV 2:57.65 2:54.63 38.73 1:22.82 (44.09) 2:16.79 (53.97) 2:54.63 (37.84) 58 Turman, Anna P 15 SNOW-PV NT 2:56.01 35.99 1:19.93 (43.94) 2:12.53 (52.60) 2:56.01 (43.48) 59 Witteveen, Izzy F 14 SNOW-PV 2:52.48 2:56.96 41.05 1:25.21 (44.16) 2:20.38 (55.17) 2:56.96 (36.58) 60 Russello, Stacey D 49 SNOW-PV 2:54.98 2:57.43 38.32 1:29.60 (51.28) 2:17.02 (47.42) 2:57.43 (40.41) 61 Seth, Juhi D 15 BWST-PV 3:04.73 2:59.96 36.19 1:16.62 (40.43) 2:20.28 (1:03.66) 2:59.96 (39.68) 62 Lyman, Natalie E 13 WST-VA 3:07.79 3:02.59 40.11 1:28.08 (47.97) 2:21.48 (53.40) 3:02.59 (41.11) 63 Hilliker, Kaitlyn C 13 WST-VA 3:07.81 3:02.63 41.73 1:28.89 (47.16) 2:25.46 (56.57) 3:02.63 (37.17) 64 Vetter, Courtney S 14 HACC-PV NT 3:13.56 43.06 1:33.28 (50.22) 2:27.74 (54.46) 3:13.56 (45.82) 65 Healy, Sara A 13 SNOW-PV NT 3:36.18 -- Flynn, Meaghan E 15 SNOW-PV 2:43.10 DQ One hand touch - fly 33.79 1:12.09 (38.30) 2:02.57 (50.48) DQ (37.71) -- Haines, Caroline L 15 BWST-PV 2:27.23 DQ One hand touch - breast 31.95 1:09.44 (37.49) 1:55.15 (45.71) DQ (34.23) -- Vought, Emily C 14 HACC-PV 3:10.36 DQ Delay initiating arm pull at turn - back 42.57 1:30.62 (48.05) 2:28.39 (57.77) DQ (45.97) Girls 13 & Over 400 Yard IM =============================================================================== 5:03.99 PVJO 14 and Under JO Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Jordan, Kylie V 14 SNOW-PV 4:32.66 4:32.02 PVJO 29.15 1:02.00 (32.85) 1:37.14 (35.14) 2:11.81 (34.67) 2:51.41 (39.60) 3:31.47 (40.06) 4:02.56 (31.09) 4:32.02 (29.46) 2 Morency, Sami G 15 BWST-PV 4:54.41 4:52.39 PVJO 30.77 1:06.47 (35.70) 1:43.56 (37.09) 2:20.33 (36.77) 3:02.44 (42.11) 3:44.54 (42.10) 4:19.19 (34.65) 4:52.39 (33.20) 3 Wroniewicz, Katie A 14 SNOW-PV 5:32.26 5:13.39 34.75 1:14.31 (39.56) 1:54.74 (40.43) 2:33.05 (38.31) 3:17.90 (44.85) 4:03.37 (45.47) 4:39.72 (36.35) 5:13.39 (33.67) 4 Haines, Caroline L 15 BWST-PV 5:10.06 5:13.73 33.06 1:09.66 (36.60) 1:48.68 (39.02) 2:27.37 (38.69) 3:14.34 (46.97) 4:01.16 (46.82) 4:38.43 (37.27) 5:13.73 (35.30) 5 Invernizzi, Guilia 17 WST-VA NT 5:18.30 37.61 1:19.80 (42.19) 2:01.14 (41.34) 2:41.12 (39.98) 3:24.47 (43.35) 4:09.51 (45.04) 4:44.51 (35.00) 5:18.30 (33.79) 6 Moore, Nathalie R 16 SNOW-PV 5:35.02 5:23.01 34.22 1:14.88 (40.66) 1:55.70 (40.82) 2:36.15 (40.45) 3:23.30 (47.15) 4:10.71 (47.41) 4:47.02 (36.31) 5:23.01 (35.99) 7 Snider, Kayla E 14 BWST-PV 5:23.35 5:25.74 35.14 1:57.61 ( ) 2:38.14 (40.53) 3:24.47 (46.33) 4:10.84 (46.37) 4:49.68 (38.84) 5:25.74 (36.06) 8 Fairbanks, Lindsay J 13 WST-VA 6:23.81 5:35.80 37.36 1:19.87 (42.51) 2:03.08 (43.21) 2:44.83 (41.75) 3:34.73 (49.90) 4:24.83 (50.10) 5:01.89 (37.06) 5:35.80 (33.91) 9 Park, Grace J 14 SNOW-PV 5:28.12 5:43.38 35.89 1:20.57 (44.68) 2:03.21 (42.64) 2:44.77 (41.56) 3:35.58 (50.81) 4:27.81 (52.23) 5:06.72 (38.91) 5:43.38 (36.66) -- Jobson, Cameron E 13 SNOW-PV 5:32.61 DQ One hand touch - breast 35.92 1:17.78 (41.86) 1:56.55 (38.77) 2:34.92 (38.37) 3:20.39 (45.47) 4:05.98 (45.59) 4:41.42 (35.44) DQ (33.82)