George Mason University
March 22-23, 2014
Sanction # PVI-14-58
Boys 8 & Under 25 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Lussier, Alexander 8 OCCS-PV 16.84 16.38 2 Burns, Kevin 8 MAKO-PV NT 16.57 3 Cooper, Benjamin 8 OCCS-PV 17.82 16.67 4 Bohabot, Jorgito 7 OCCS-PV 16.20 16.74 5 Carroll, Christian 8 OCCS-PV 16.31 16.81 6 Gray, Natan-Mael 7 OCCS-PV 18.36 16.91 7 Whitacre, Tyler 8 MAKO-PV 17.15 17.39 8 McDade, Cash 7 MAKO-PV 17.72 17.40 9 Utter, Conner 8 OCCS-PV 17.54 17.52 10 Kocak, Ethan 7 SNOW-PV 17.78 17.61 11 Ton, Ty 8 Rst-PV 19.00 17.75 12 Nguyen, Andrew 8 MAKO-PV 18.23 17.81 13 Shafer, Grant 8 MAKO-PV 18.99 18.08 14 Murphy, Matthew 7 MAKO-PV 18.69 18.11 15 Landivar, Esteban 7 NCAP-PV 18.49 18.79 16 Kim, Carter 8 MAKO-PV 17.67 19.05 17 Egan, Brady 8 OCCS-PV 19.66 19.20 18 MacMichael, Brendan 8 MAKO-PV 20.09 19.85 19 Benney, Vincent 6 SNOW-PV 20.60 19.86 20 Grden, Christian 7 SNOW-PV 18.55 19.90 21 Breslin, Will 8 MAKO-PV 20.85 20.58 22 Calvert, Adrian 8 SNOW-PV 20.63 20.75 23 Donovan, Sean 8 MAKO-PV 18.71 21.37 24 Uribe, Ernesto 8 OCCS-PV 21.70 21.39 25 Medde-Witage, T.D. 8 SNOW-PV 21.22 21.57 26 Makin, William 8 MAKO-PV 21.82 21.79 27 McAndrews, Topher 8 OCCS-PV 20.90 21.91 28 Guttikonda, Kaustav 7 SNOW-PV 22.84 22.09 29 Daniel, Joseph 8 SNOW-PV 20.00 22.13 30 Pham, Nicholas 8 MAKO-PV 22.31 22.25 31 Maynard, Ryan 6 OCCS-PV 22.13 22.91 32 Muller, James 8 MAKO-PV NT 22.92 33 Collins, Jack 7 SNOW-PV NT 24.14 34 Caton, Andrew 7 MAKO-PV 26.49 25.77 35 Dunmyer, aj 6 OCCS-PV 26.29 25.80 36 Emmert, Ben 8 MAKO-PV 25.17 26.31 37 Rebich, Peter 6 SNOW-PV 26.18 27.23 38 Egan, Jordan 6 OCCS-PV 26.30 28.27 39 Kala, Ashvin 6 OCCS-PV 19.92 30.56 40 Wang, Luke 7 Rst-PV NT 33.14 -- Monck, Jake 7 SNOW-PV 20.90 DQ False start Boys 8 & Under 25 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Carroll, Christian 8 OCCS-PV 19.95 19.03 1 Burns, Kevin 8 MAKO-PV NT 19.03 3 Ton, Ty 8 Rst-PV 21.50 20.42 3 Lussier, Alexander 8 OCCS-PV 20.62 20.42 5 Bohabot, Jorgito 7 OCCS-PV 21.35 20.67 6 Whitacre, Tyler 8 MAKO-PV 23.03 20.77 7 Utter, Conner 8 OCCS-PV 21.90 21.14 8 Cooper, Benjamin 8 OCCS-PV 22.07 21.88 9 Landivar, Esteban 7 NCAP-PV 22.82 21.94 10 MacMichael, Brendan 8 MAKO-PV 23.36 22.09 11 Lynch, Brycen 8 NCAP-PV 22.17 22.13 12 Breslin, Will 8 MAKO-PV 22.23 22.17 13 Calvert, Adrian 8 SNOW-PV 23.63 23.23 14 Monck, Jake 7 SNOW-PV 23.82 23.29 15 Medde-Witage, T.D. 8 SNOW-PV 22.90 23.41 16 Murphy, Matthew 7 MAKO-PV 23.96 23.77 17 Gray, Natan-Mael 7 OCCS-PV 25.44 24.07 18 Kocak, Ethan 7 SNOW-PV 24.08 24.31 19 Donovan, Sean 8 MAKO-PV 26.76 24.58 20 Benney, Vincent 6 SNOW-PV 26.53 24.63 21 McAndrews, Topher 8 OCCS-PV 26.73 24.67 22 Kim, Carter 8 MAKO-PV 23.88 24.77 23 Uribe, Ernesto 8 OCCS-PV 26.31 24.98 24 Grden, Christian 7 SNOW-PV 24.37 25.33 25 Daniel, Joseph 8 SNOW-PV 23.72 25.41 26 Makin, William 8 MAKO-PV 24.78 25.57 27 Collins, Jack 7 SNOW-PV NT 26.20 28 Maynard, Ryan 6 OCCS-PV 27.45 26.37 29 Caton, Andrew 7 MAKO-PV 30.56 27.67 30 Rebich, Peter 6 SNOW-PV 25.65 27.93 31 Guttikonda, Kaustav 7 SNOW-PV 27.31 28.17 32 Pham, Nicholas 8 MAKO-PV 26.97 28.68 33 Dunmyer, aj 6 OCCS-PV 31.32 29.03 34 Egan, Jordan 6 OCCS-PV 29.91 29.67 35 Muller, James 8 MAKO-PV NT 30.10 36 Emmert, Ben 8 MAKO-PV 27.72 30.59 37 Wang, Luke 7 Rst-PV NT 33.06 38 Kala, Ashvin 6 OCCS-PV 38.27 40.60 Boys 8 & Under 25 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Vanderloo, JP 8 SNOW-PV 21.42 21.37 2 Burns, Kevin 8 MAKO-PV 25.88 23.63 3 Lussier, Alexander 8 OCCS-PV 25.09 23.67 4 Nguyen, Andrew 8 MAKO-PV 25.64 23.87 5 Cooper, Benjamin 8 OCCS-PV 22.90 24.43 6 Shafer, Grant 8 MAKO-PV 26.34 24.76 7 Ton, Ty 8 Rst-PV 26.36 25.34 8 Carroll, Christian 8 OCCS-PV 25.40 25.68 9 Misener, Clark 8 NCAP-PV 23.85 25.70 10 Beamon, Charles 8 Rst-PV 26.49 25.97 11 Egan, Brady 8 OCCS-PV 28.47 26.58 12 Gray, Natan-Mael 7 OCCS-PV 29.52 26.63 13 McDade, Cash 7 MAKO-PV 27.65 26.73 14 Whitacre, Tyler 8 MAKO-PV NT 27.56 15 Donovan, Sean 8 MAKO-PV 27.39 27.58 16 Daniel, Joseph 8 SNOW-PV 28.89 27.89 17 Kocak, Ethan 7 SNOW-PV 29.17 28.34 18 Kim, Carter 8 MAKO-PV 29.28 28.39 19 Murphy, Matthew 7 MAKO-PV 27.57 28.91 20 Breslin, Will 8 MAKO-PV 26.75 28.93 21 Pham, Nicholas 8 MAKO-PV 29.72 29.57 22 Ogden, JP 8 MAKO-PV 32.47 29.81 23 Guttikonda, Kaustav 7 SNOW-PV 30.60 30.36 24 Medde-Witage, T.D. 8 SNOW-PV 29.82 30.53 25 Uribe, Ernesto 8 OCCS-PV 31.72 32.61 26 Emmert, Ben 8 MAKO-PV 32.17 35.49 27 Caton, Andrew 7 MAKO-PV 41.37 36.26 -- Maynard, Ryan 6 OCCS-PV 32.86 DQ Non-simultaneous arms -- Dunmyer, aj 6 OCCS-PV 44.71 DQ Non-simultaneous arms -- Utter, Conner 8 OCCS-PV 25.29 DQ Arms two strokes underwater -- Collins, Jack 7 SNOW-PV NT DQ Arms two strokes underwater -- Grden, Christian 7 SNOW-PV 24.39 DQ Alternating Kick -- Wang, Luke 7 Rst-PV NT DQ One hand touch Boys 8 & Under 25 Yard Butterfly =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Carroll, Christian 8 OCCS-PV 17.63 17.13 2 Lussier, Alexander 8 OCCS-PV 19.26 18.49 3 Burns, Kevin 8 MAKO-PV 19.35 19.11 4 Landivar, Esteban 7 NCAP-PV 20.87 20.25 5 Bohabot, Jorgito 7 OCCS-PV 21.16 20.27 6 Misener, Clark 8 NCAP-PV 22.93 20.44 7 Ton, Ty 8 Rst-PV 20.41 20.72 8 Gray, Natan-Mael 7 OCCS-PV 23.30 21.64 9 Whitacre, Tyler 8 MAKO-PV 21.86 21.73 10 Kim, Carter 8 MAKO-PV 20.80 21.77 11 Murphy, Matthew 7 MAKO-PV 21.68 21.85 12 Utter, Conner 8 OCCS-PV 22.61 23.01 13 Grden, Christian 7 SNOW-PV 21.13 23.18 14 McDade, Cash 7 MAKO-PV 22.21 23.38 15 Shafer, Grant 8 MAKO-PV 26.73 23.50 16 Beima, Wilson 8 MAKO-PV 24.93 24.18 17 Ogden, JP 8 MAKO-PV 24.69 24.57 18 Beamon, Charles 8 Rst-PV 23.15 24.62 19 Donovan, Sean 8 MAKO-PV 24.92 25.70 20 Medde-Witage, T.D. 8 SNOW-PV NT 26.27 21 Lynch, Brycen 8 NCAP-PV 31.88 26.90 22 Uribe, Ernesto 8 OCCS-PV NT 27.87 23 Kocak, Ethan 7 SNOW-PV 23.59 28.77 24 Guttikonda, Kaustav 7 SNOW-PV 34.18 30.53 25 Pham, Nicholas 8 MAKO-PV 29.72 30.66 26 McAndrews, Topher 8 OCCS-PV 31.48 31.51 27 Caton, Andrew 7 MAKO-PV 52.14 39.61 -- Egan, Jordan 6 OCCS-PV NT DQ Arms underwater recovery -- Cooper, Benjamin 8 OCCS-PV 20.47 DQ Arms underwater recovery -- Maynard, Ryan 6 OCCS-PV 28.16 DQ Arms underwater recovery -- Dunmyer, aj 6 OCCS-PV NT DQ Alternating Kick Boys 9-10 200 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 2:35.59 JO'S Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Dyson, Owen 10 NCAP-PV 3:05.25 2:28.84 JO'S 34.30 1:13.94 (39.64) 1:51.44 (37.50) 2:28.84 (37.40) 2 Firtag, Benny 10 OCCS-PV 2:40.53 2:33.40 JO'S 33.65 1:13.23 (39.58) 1:55.54 (42.31) 2:33.40 (37.86) 3 Murugavel, Mugi 9 OCCS-PV 2:38.50 2:33.95 JO'S 35.78 1:16.54 (40.76) 1:57.17 (40.63) 2:33.95 (36.78) 4 Evers, Graham 10 MAKO-PV 2:45.61 2:37.25 35.06 1:15.80 (40.74) 1:58.25 (42.45) 2:37.25 (39.00) 5 Nicolai, Mitchell 10 OCCS-PV 2:42.16 2:37.62 35.85 1:16.56 (40.71) 1:57.62 (41.06) 2:37.62 (40.00) 6 Sutton, Seth 10 OCCS-PV 2:42.78 2:38.73 35.37 1:15.52 (40.15) 1:57.71 (42.19) 2:38.73 (41.02) 7 Kneeland, Andrew 10 NCAP-PV 2:36.27 2:39.05 34.99 1:15.57 (40.58) 1:57.85 (42.28) 2:39.05 (41.20) 8 Shahin, Jaden 10 NCAP-PV 2:46.78 2:41.24 36.99 1:18.04 (41.05) 2:00.03 (41.99) 2:41.24 (41.21) 9 Thompson, Kyle 10 OCCS-PV 2:47.24 2:41.29 37.32 1:20.29 (42.97) 2:04.24 (43.95) 2:41.29 (37.05) 10 Kim, Eric 9 NCAP-PV 2:44.55 2:41.67 35.60 1:16.63 (41.03) 2:01.45 (44.82) 2:41.67 (40.22) 11 Friedman, Will 10 NCAP-PV 2:49.54 2:46.44 37.32 1:19.93 (42.61) 2:03.84 (43.91) 2:46.44 (42.60) 12 Hufnagel, Adam 9 NCAP-PV NT 2:46.88 38.40 1:22.05 (43.65) 2:06.76 (44.71) 2:46.88 (40.12) 13 Gaskins, RJ 9 NCAP-PV NT 2:50.05 37.82 1:23.42 (45.60) 2:07.40 (43.98) 2:50.05 (42.65) 14 Taft, Kai 10 MAKO-PV NT 2:52.12 37.28 1:22.27 (44.99) 2:09.00 (46.73) 2:52.12 (43.12) 15 Verosko, John 10 OCCS-PV 2:56.74 2:53.72 39.21 1:23.10 (43.89) 2:53.72 (1:30.62) 16 Birkholz, Ethan 9 MAKO-PV 2:53.08 2:55.02 38.24 1:21.90 (43.66) 2:09.23 (47.33) 2:55.02 (45.79) 17 Unsal, Neco 10 NCAP-PV 3:04.10 2:58.00 39.93 1:25.45 (45.52) 2:58.00 (1:32.55) 18 Crowe, Tripp 10 MAKO-PV 2:59.20 2:58.04 42.34 1:28.99 (46.65) 2:15.23 (46.24) 2:58.04 (42.81) 19 Hu, Lukas 9 MAKO-PV NT 2:58.86 37.66 1:24.39 (46.73) 2:12.63 (48.24) 2:58.86 (46.23) 20 Moy-Jacobs, Decker 9 MAKO-PV 2:59.71 2:59.67 40.93 1:25.01 (44.08) 2:09.81 (44.80) 2:59.67 (49.86) 21 Norrie, Tyler 10 NCAP-PV 3:16.69 3:00.05 42.85 1:28.50 (45.65) 3:00.05 (1:31.55) 22 Asar, Asim 10 SNOW-PV NT 3:01.18 41.53 1:27.80 (46.27) 3:01.18 (1:33.38) 23 Dembicki, Adam 9 MAKO-PV NT 3:01.47 8.43 39.12 (30.69) 2:15.99 (1:36.87) 3:01.47 (45.48) 24 Shields, Evan 9 OCCS-PV NT 3:03.18 44.00 1:31.94 (47.94) 2:21.02 (49.08) 3:03.18 (42.16) 25 Gerving, Cody 9 SNOW-PV NT 3:07.60 41.37 1:31.01 (49.64) 2:19.20 (48.19) 3:07.60 (48.40) 26 Grimes, Phillip 10 SNOW-PV 3:11.29 3:12.67 42.00 1:31.16 (49.16) 2:21.71 (50.55) 3:12.67 (50.96) 27 Chmielenski, Ryan 10 OCCS-PV 3:22.96 3:13.36 3:41.66 3:13.36 ( ) 28 Anderson, Jeremy 10 NCAP-PV 3:10.07 3:13.83 44.19 1:35.48 (51.29) 2:26.65 (51.17) 3:13.83 (47.18) 29 Falzone, Matthew 10 NCAP-PV 3:18.42 3:15.25 43.30 1:33.43 (50.13) 2:25.59 (52.16) 3:15.25 (49.66) 30 Witte, Jake 9 MAKO-PV NT 3:16.60 44.05 1:36.13 (52.08) 2:28.13 (52.00) 3:16.60 (48.47) 31 McGuckin, Michael 10 NCAP-PV NT 3:20.36 40.76 1:33.36 (52.60) 2:29.90 (56.54) 3:20.36 (50.46) 32 Isenhower, James 9 NCAP-PV 3:20.20 3:29.42 46.30 1:41.25 (54.95) 2:37.75 (56.50) 3:29.42 (51.67) 33 Kachele, Justin 10 OCCS-PV 3:50.61 3:37.86 47.67 1:45.58 (57.91) 2:45.26 (59.68) 3:37.86 (52.60) 34 Lombardo, Evan 10 NCAP-PV NT 4:03.36 1:59.26 4:03.36 (2:04.10) Boys 9-10 100 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== 1:22.49 JO'S Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Kneeland, Andrew 10 NCAP-PV 1:31.07 1:21.53 JO'S 39.75 1:21.53 (41.78) 2 Baird, Luke 9 MAKO-PV 1:26.77 1:22.95 40.28 1:22.95 (42.67) 3 Sutton, Seth 10 OCCS-PV 1:23.42 1:22.98 4 Bayer, Clark 10 NCAP-PV 1:23.27 1:23.83 42.47 1:23.83 (41.36) 5 Hong, David 10 NCAP-PV 1:23.11 1:25.52 41.70 1:25.52 (43.82) 6 Nicolai, Mitchell 10 OCCS-PV 1:32.67 1:25.64 41.62 1:25.64 (44.02) 7 Pak, Dean 9 NCAP-PV 1:26.55 1:26.77 42.65 1:26.77 (44.12) 8 Kim, Eric 9 NCAP-PV 1:24.29 1:26.80 42.69 1:26.80 (44.11) 9 Friedman, Will 10 NCAP-PV 1:44.00 1:30.11 10 Norrie, Tyler 10 NCAP-PV NT 1:30.41 46.32 1:30.41 (44.09) 11 Gerving, Cody 9 SNOW-PV 1:31.86 1:30.68 43.87 1:30.68 (46.81) 12 Hufnagel, Adam 9 NCAP-PV NT 1:31.59 44.51 1:31.59 (47.08) 13 Do, Aidan 9 MAKO-PV NT 1:35.65 14 Rhodes, Billy 10 NCAP-PV NT 1:36.02 46.25 1:36.02 (49.77) 15 Schnitzius, Logan 10 SNOW-PV 1:34.01 1:36.08 16 Davis, Nathan 10 OCCS-PV 1:34.15 1:36.71 17 Weston, Wade 9 SNOW-PV NT 1:38.62 18 Ice, Edward 9 MAKO-PV 1:37.58 1:39.06 48.50 1:39.06 (50.56) 19 Peeler, Sam 10 NCAP-PV NT 1:39.70 48.66 1:39.70 (51.04) 20 Shields, Evan 9 OCCS-PV NT 1:40.55 50.20 1:40.55 (50.35) 21 Wong, Bryan 9 MAKO-PV NT 1:43.57 49.43 1:43.57 (54.14) 22 Amposta, Elijah 9 OCCS-PV 1:53.00 1:46.12 52.81 1:46.12 (53.31) 23 Nyhuis, Parker 9 UN-PV NT 1:48.52 24 Lombardo, Evan 10 NCAP-PV NT 1:58.36 57.14 1:58.36 (1:01.22) 25 Ealy, David 9 OCCS-PV 2:21.56 2:02.61 -- Hincy, Ryan 10 Rst-PV NT DQ Shoulders past vertical toward breast -- Jensen, Trevor 9 OCCS-PV 1:50.30 DQ Delay initiating turn after past vertical 50.12 DQ (51.12) Boys 9-10 100 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== 1:33.39 JO'S Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Thompson, Kyle 10 OCCS-PV 1:33.67 1:30.31 JO'S 44.47 1:30.31 (45.84) 2 Sutton, Seth 10 OCCS-PV 1:36.43 1:33.06 JO'S 43.72 1:33.06 (49.34) 3 Evers, Graham 10 MAKO-PV 1:42.12 1:35.88 44.23 1:35.88 (51.65) 4 Parrott, Evan 10 MAKO-PV 1:41.20 1:38.86 46.71 1:38.86 (52.15) 5 Taft, Kai 10 MAKO-PV 1:41.50 1:39.12 46.52 1:39.12 (52.60) 6 Falzone, Matthew 10 NCAP-PV 1:40.19 1:39.79 46.59 1:39.79 (53.20) 7 Schlemmer, Kyle 9 SNOW-PV 1:47.49 1:40.96 49.67 1:40.96 (51.29) 8 Dyson, Owen 10 NCAP-PV 49.89 1:41.47 48.29 1:41.47 (53.18) 9 Friedman, Will 10 NCAP-PV 1:39.82 1:41.53 48.44 1:41.53 (53.09) 10 Morgan, Eric 9 SNOW-PV NT 1:42.33 47.50 1:42.33 (54.83) 11 Kim, Eric 9 NCAP-PV 1:39.51 1:43.49 47.77 1:43.49 (55.72) 12 Thorson, Asher 9 NCAP-PV 1:46.66 1:43.71 49.91 1:43.71 (53.80) 13 Kruthoff, Paul 9 MAKO-PV 1:49.97 1:44.06 48.77 1:44.06 (55.29) 14 Lynch, Walker 10 NCAP-PV 1:55.46 1:44.93 50.19 1:44.93 (54.74) 15 Crowe, Tripp 10 MAKO-PV 1:46.51 1:44.96 49.11 1:44.96 (55.85) 16 Arnz, Cameron 10 MAKO-PV 1:42.50 1:45.94 49.87 1:45.94 (56.07) 17 Hopkins, Liam 9 OCCS-PV 1:50.51 1:46.07 50.63 1:46.07 (55.44) 18 Shahin, Jaden 10 NCAP-PV 1:48.77 1:46.66 48.79 1:46.66 (57.87) 19 Johnson, Wesley 9 NCAP-PV 1:50.45 1:47.02 52.05 1:47.02 (54.97) 20 Norrie, Tyler 10 NCAP-PV NT 1:47.36 50.74 1:47.36 (56.62) 21 Ruppe, Charles 10 NCAP-PV 1:49.48 1:48.38 51.06 1:48.38 (57.32) 22 Hufnagel, Adam 9 NCAP-PV NT 1:48.54 52.81 1:48.54 (55.73) 23 Brown, Ryan 10 Rst-PV 1:51.13 1:50.71 51.56 1:50.71 (59.15) 24 Barnard, Evan 9 MAKO-PV NT 1:51.44 53.32 1:51.44 (58.12) 25 Krstolic, Ashton 9 MAKO-PV 1:52.69 1:53.14 54.09 1:53.14 (59.05) 26 Ahart, Riley 10 NCAP-PV 1:48.89 1:53.30 55.11 1:53.30 (58.19) 27 Weston, Wade 9 SNOW-PV NT 1:53.44 53.66 1:53.44 (59.78) 28 Kachele, Justin 10 OCCS-PV 1:56.85 1:53.76 54.17 1:53.76 (59.59) 29 Hagadorn, Benjamin 10 NCAP-PV 1:52.99 1:54.22 54.27 1:54.22 (59.95) 30 Peeler, Sam 10 NCAP-PV 1:57.78 1:54.39 56.09 1:54.39 (58.30) 31 Goltry, Mikey 10 OCCS-PV 2:01.50 1:54.99 54.91 1:54.99 (1:00.08) 32 Verosko, John 10 OCCS-PV 1:54.70 1:55.81 56.54 1:55.81 (59.27) 33 Balgley, Andrew 9 NCAP-PV NT 1:56.13 54.80 1:56.13 (1:01.33) 34 Isenhower, James 9 NCAP-PV 1:47.93 1:56.26 54.82 1:56.26 (1:01.44) 35 Byrnes, Marco 9 MAKO-PV 1:53.69 1:57.23 57.31 1:57.23 (59.92) 36 Fiedler, Matthew 9 OCCS-PV 1:53.14 1:57.93 57.25 1:57.93 (1:00.68) 37 Carbonell, Luis 9 OCCS-PV 2:05.59 1:58.18 54.80 1:58.18 (1:03.38) 38 Weszelovszky, Alexander 10 NCAP-PV NT 1:58.49 56.25 1:58.49 (1:02.24) 39 Anderson, Jeremy 10 NCAP-PV 2:01.95 2:00.01 58.32 2:00.01 (1:01.69) 40 Chmielenski, Ryan 10 OCCS-PV 2:06.02 2:00.75 56.76 2:00.75 (1:03.99) 41 Hincy, Alexander 9 Rst-PV 1:59.73 2:00.78 55.43 2:00.78 (1:05.35) 42 Sturtevant, Luke 9 MAKO-PV NT 2:02.02 57.53 2:02.02 (1:04.49) 43 Jones, Phillip 10 NCAP-PV NT 2:02.17 57.98 2:02.17 (1:04.19) 44 Codding, George 9 MAKO-PV NT 2:06.05 59.67 2:06.05 (1:06.38) 45 Lombardo, Evan 10 NCAP-PV NT 2:06.97 1:02.37 2:06.97 (1:04.60) 46 Cotton, Reid 9 MAKO-PV NT 2:07.34 57.01 2:07.34 (1:10.33) 47 Jampole, Nolan 9 OCCS-PV 2:23.98 2:17.26 1:06.70 2:17.26 (1:10.56) -- Nyhuis, Parker 9 UN-PV NT DQ One hand touch 57.41 DQ (1:08.39) Boys 9-10 100 Yard Butterfly =============================================================================== 1:32.09 JO'S Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Firtag, Benny 10 OCCS-PV 1:36.09 1:22.60 JO'S 37.77 1:22.60 (44.83) 2 Kneeland, Andrew 10 NCAP-PV 1:43.44 1:22.90 JO'S 40.33 1:22.90 (42.57) 3 Nicolai, Mitchell 10 OCCS-PV NT 1:29.97 JO'S 41.75 1:29.97 (48.22) 4 Krogh, Kenneth 10 NCAP-PV NT 1:30.17 JO'S 43.26 1:30.17 (46.91) 5 Tran, Andrew 10 NCAP-PV 1:51.35 1:30.18 JO'S 42.18 1:30.18 (48.00) 6 Parrott, Evan 10 MAKO-PV 1:33.77 1:30.75 JO'S 41.21 1:30.75 (49.54) 7 Hufnagel, Adam 9 NCAP-PV NT 1:31.26 JO'S 42.37 1:31.26 (48.89) 8 Thorson, Asher 9 NCAP-PV 1:34.06 1:31.97 JO'S 42.94 1:31.97 (49.03) 9 Davis, Nathan 10 OCCS-PV 1:38.75 1:32.84 44.32 1:32.84 (48.52) 10 Feit, Joshua 10 SNOW-PV 1:44.84 1:39.70 46.38 1:39.70 (53.32) 11 Falzone, Matthew 10 NCAP-PV 1:54.21 1:40.92 45.96 1:40.92 (54.96) 12 Ice, Edward 9 MAKO-PV NT 1:43.87 45.43 1:43.87 (58.44) 13 Gilbert, Peter 9 UN-VA NT 1:49.03 45.68 1:49.03 (1:03.35) 14 Ross, John 9 OCCS-PV 1:58.40 1:56.17 50.53 1:56.17 (1:05.64) 15 Isenhower, James 9 NCAP-PV NT 1:57.53 55.14 1:57.53 (1:02.39) 16 Unsal, Neco 10 NCAP-PV 2:27.29 2:03.60 57.04 2:03.60 (1:06.56) -- Murugavel, Mugi 9 OCCS-PV 1:35.52 DQ One hand touch 42.90 DQ (46.97) -- Gaskins, RJ 9 NCAP-PV 1:50.06 DQ Alternating Kick 45.33 DQ (1:02.32) -- Bradburn, Charles 10 NCAP-PV NT DQ Non-simultaneous arms 49.81 DQ (1:00.35) Boys 10 & Under 50 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 32.59 JO'S Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Thompson, Kyle 10 OCCS-PV 33.17 31.17 JO'S 2 Baird, Luke 9 MAKO-PV 33.20 32.56 JO'S 3 Shahin, Jaden 10 NCAP-PV 33.32 33.31 4 Taft, Kai 10 MAKO-PV 33.57 33.73 5 Enfinger, David 10 Rst-PV 33.46 34.33 6 Vanderloo, JP 8 SNOW-PV 35.03 34.46 7 Tran, Andrew 10 NCAP-PV 34.39 34.48 8 Murugavel, Mugi 9 OCCS-PV 33.43 34.54 9 Feit, Joshua 10 SNOW-PV 36.22 34.56 10 Crowe, Tripp 10 MAKO-PV 33.85 34.59 11 Krogh, Kenneth 10 NCAP-PV 35.79 35.03 12 Unsal, Neco 10 NCAP-PV 34.58 35.08 13 Morgan, Eric 9 SNOW-PV NT 35.09 14 Verosko, John 10 OCCS-PV 36.70 35.13 15 Kruthoff, Paul 9 MAKO-PV 37.68 35.14 16 Burns, Kevin 8 MAKO-PV 38.52 35.39 17 Birkholz, Ethan 9 MAKO-PV 37.64 35.42 18 Lynch, Walker 10 NCAP-PV 35.60 35.47 19 Hagadorn, Benjamin 10 NCAP-PV 34.39 35.72 20 Asar, Asim 10 SNOW-PV 35.44 35.92 21 Hu, Lukas 9 MAKO-PV 35.28 36.26 22 McGuckin, Michael 10 NCAP-PV 34.13 36.28 23 Moy-Jacobs, Decker 9 MAKO-PV 35.67 36.50 24 Hopkins, Liam 9 OCCS-PV 37.56 36.52 25 Dembicki, Adam 9 MAKO-PV 37.39 36.56 26 Gilbert, Peter 9 UN-VA 39.08 36.90 27 Fiedler, Matthew 9 OCCS-PV 38.95 36.92 28 Bohabot, Jorgito 7 OCCS-PV 42.27 37.02 29 Ruppe, Charles 10 NCAP-PV 36.08 37.09 30 Dobrydney, Chris 10 MAKO-PV NT 37.17 31 Piland, James 9 NCAP-PV 36.92 37.34 32 Goltry, Mikey 10 OCCS-PV 38.00 37.84 32 Balgley, Andrew 9 NCAP-PV 37.49 37.84 34 Arnz, Cameron 10 MAKO-PV 39.24 37.93 35 Shields, Evan 9 OCCS-PV 38.85 37.96 36 Cooper, Benjamin 8 OCCS-PV 39.13 38.11 37 Nguyen, Andrew 8 MAKO-PV 41.91 38.14 38 Peeler, Sam 10 NCAP-PV 38.16 38.46 39 Weston, Wade 9 SNOW-PV 41.25 38.70 40 Tiedt, Joshua 9 OCCS-PV 42.29 38.76 41 Anderson, Jeremy 10 NCAP-PV 37.86 38.97 42 Grimes, Phillip 10 SNOW-PV 40.79 39.04 43 Quinn, Garrett 10 MAKO-PV 38.08 39.13 44 Weszelovszky, Alexander 10 NCAP-PV 39.55 39.14 45 Carbonell, Luis 9 OCCS-PV 41.21 39.15 46 Kocak, Ethan 7 SNOW-PV 40.48 39.21 47 Sturtevant, Luke 9 MAKO-PV 39.70 39.25 48 Davis, Nathan 10 OCCS-PV 36.99 39.31 49 Gerving, Cody 9 SNOW-PV 35.74 39.32 50 Murphy, Matthew 7 MAKO-PV 42.36 39.44 50 Hincy, Ryan 10 Rst-PV 40.03 39.44 52 Humphreys, Joe 9 NCAP-PV 38.46 39.45 53 Ice, Edward 9 MAKO-PV 39.64 39.53 54 Chmielenski, Ryan 10 OCCS-PV 39.07 39.55 55 Gray, Natan-Mael 7 OCCS-PV 40.97 39.61 56 Piccolo, James 9 MAKO-PV 41.08 39.89 57 Nyhuis, Parker 9 UN-PV NT 40.27 58 Kim, Carter 8 MAKO-PV NT 40.48 59 Schlemmer, Kyle 9 SNOW-PV 42.06 40.57 60 McDade, Cash 7 MAKO-PV 40.72 40.60 61 Cotton, Reid 9 MAKO-PV NT 40.73 62 Kachele, Justin 10 OCCS-PV 42.82 40.79 63 Krstolic, Ashton 9 MAKO-PV 41.49 40.86 64 Beima, Wilson 8 MAKO-PV 42.52 41.03 65 Brown, Ryan 10 Rst-PV 41.04 41.26 66 Witte, Jake 9 MAKO-PV 38.78 41.36 67 Gay, Trevor 9 MAKO-PV 45.30 41.58 68 Ahart, Riley 10 NCAP-PV 38.98 41.61 69 Hincy, Alexander 9 Rst-PV 40.02 41.62 70 Reano, Juan 10 SNOW-PV 44.78 41.66 71 Johnson, Wesley 9 NCAP-PV 40.41 41.83 72 Ross, John 9 OCCS-PV 44.42 41.94 73 Barnard, Evan 9 MAKO-PV NT 42.03 74 Moyer, Peyton 9 SNOW-PV NT 42.10 74 Lynch, Brycen 8 NCAP-PV 42.05 42.10 76 Landivar, Esteban 7 NCAP-PV NT 42.39 77 Shafer, Grant 8 MAKO-PV 44.49 42.89 78 Smith, Josh 10 SNOW-PV 44.77 43.31 79 Wong, Bryan 9 MAKO-PV 43.60 43.42 80 Maynard, Ryan 6 OCCS-PV 49.87 43.54 81 Codding, George 9 MAKO-PV 45.80 44.65 82 Grden, Christian 7 SNOW-PV 41.67 44.90 83 Egan, Brady 8 OCCS-PV 48.84 45.64 84 Lacy, Dominic 9 OCCS-PV 51.49 46.61 85 Uribe, Ernesto 8 OCCS-PV 52.67 47.18 86 Daniel, Joseph 8 SNOW-PV 50.41 47.44 87 Denny, Palmer 9 OCCS-PV 51.77 47.94 88 Guttikonda, Kaustav 7 SNOW-PV 52.12 49.40 89 Medde-Witage, T.D. 8 SNOW-PV NT 49.86 90 McAndrews, Topher 8 OCCS-PV 50.92 49.90 91 Jones, Phillip 10 NCAP-PV 48.87 49.99 92 Byrnes, Marco 9 MAKO-PV 47.28 51.12 93 Lombardo, Evan 10 NCAP-PV 53.58 53.09 94 Rebich, Peter 6 SNOW-PV NT 54.40 95 Jampole, Nolan 9 OCCS-PV 50.31 54.59 96 Dunmyer, aj 6 OCCS-PV NT 58.49 Boys 10 & Under 100 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 1:11.99 JO'S Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Firtag, Benny 10 OCCS-PV 1:13.95 1:08.68 JO'S 32.92 1:08.68 (35.76) 2 Bayer, Clark 10 NCAP-PV 1:12.77 1:10.54 JO'S 33.79 1:10.54 (36.75) 3 Evers, Graham 10 MAKO-PV 1:13.02 1:12.87 34.57 1:12.87 (38.30) 4 Nicolai, Mitchell 10 OCCS-PV 1:17.03 1:13.63 35.72 1:13.63 (37.91) 5 Petretich, Aidan 9 NCAP-PV 1:14.32 1:14.34 34.30 1:14.34 (40.04) 6 Gaskins, RJ 9 NCAP-PV 1:18.29 1:15.65 35.90 1:15.65 (39.75) 7 Shahin, Jaden 10 NCAP-PV 1:16.29 1:15.82 35.47 1:15.82 (40.35) 8 Zein, Aly 10 NCAP-PV 1:20.89 1:15.83 9 Baird, Luke 9 MAKO-PV 1:17.93 1:16.05 34.75 1:16.05 (41.30) 10 Hong, David 10 NCAP-PV 1:16.11 1:16.85 34.77 1:16.85 (42.08) 11 Krogh, Kenneth 10 NCAP-PV 1:20.53 1:16.87 36.61 1:16.87 (40.26) 12 Verosko, John 10 OCCS-PV 1:20.46 1:17.17 37.07 1:17.17 (40.10) 13 Vanderloo, JP 8 SNOW-PV 1:28.22 1:17.58 37.31 1:17.58 (40.27) 14 Birkholz, Ethan 9 MAKO-PV 1:22.81 1:18.43 36.10 1:18.43 (42.33) 15 Morgan, Eric 9 SNOW-PV NT 1:19.82 37.84 1:19.82 (41.98) 16 Kruthoff, Paul 9 MAKO-PV 1:27.41 1:20.06 17 Unsal, Neco 10 NCAP-PV 1:24.44 1:20.65 38.23 1:20.65 (42.42) 18 Asar, Asim 10 SNOW-PV 1:21.54 1:20.87 38.63 1:20.87 (42.24) 19 Thorson, Asher 9 NCAP-PV 1:20.51 1:20.97 39.14 1:20.97 (41.83) 20 Balgley, Andrew 9 NCAP-PV 1:26.44 1:21.13 37.83 1:21.13 (43.30) 21 Lynch, Walker 10 NCAP-PV 1:20.74 1:21.30 38.58 1:21.30 (42.72) 22 Fiedler, Matthew 9 OCCS-PV 1:23.89 1:21.97 38.26 1:21.97 (43.71) 23 Moy-Jacobs, Decker 9 MAKO-PV 1:20.35 1:22.10 38.38 1:22.10 (43.72) 24 Anderson, Jeremy 10 NCAP-PV 1:28.00 1:22.24 40.59 1:22.24 (41.65) 25 Dobrydney, Chris 10 MAKO-PV NT 1:22.86 40.71 1:22.86 (42.15) 26 Schnitzius, Logan 10 SNOW-PV 1:22.97 1:24.25 27 Anderson, Nick 9 OCCS-PV 1:33.72 1:24.56 39.98 1:24.56 (44.58) 28 Stein, Aidan 10 NCAP-PV 1:27.25 1:24.82 40.52 1:24.82 (44.30) 29 Falzone, Matthew 10 NCAP-PV 1:26.56 1:25.13 40.48 1:25.13 (44.65) 30 Schlemmer, Kyle 9 SNOW-PV 1:33.25 1:25.14 39.27 1:25.14 (45.87) 31 Shields, Evan 9 OCCS-PV 1:27.36 1:25.60 42.54 1:25.60 (43.06) 32 Sturtevant, Luke 9 MAKO-PV 1:32.05 1:26.35 39.47 1:26.35 (46.88) 33 Nguyen, Andrew 8 MAKO-PV 1:28.68 1:27.06 41.45 1:27.06 (45.61) 34 Quinn, Garrett 10 MAKO-PV 1:29.46 1:27.72 35 Carbonell, Luis 9 OCCS-PV 1:36.22 1:27.78 40.96 1:27.78 (46.82) 36 Gerving, Cody 9 SNOW-PV 1:27.12 1:27.84 37 Ahart, Riley 10 NCAP-PV 1:33.29 1:28.52 43.51 1:28.52 (45.01) 38 Tiedt, Joshua 9 OCCS-PV 1:44.08 1:29.90 44.17 1:29.90 (45.73) 39 Chmielenski, Ryan 10 OCCS-PV 1:29.61 1:30.73 41.12 1:30.73 (49.61) 40 Weszelovszky, Alexander 10 NCAP-PV 1:33.96 1:30.98 41.73 1:30.98 (49.25) 41 Jordan, Cameron 10 SNOW-PV 1:27.49 1:31.69 42 Facciola, James 10 OCCS-PV 2:29.33 1:33.08 45.31 1:33.08 (47.77) 43 Ross, John 9 OCCS-PV 1:39.55 1:33.48 44.53 1:33.48 (48.95) 44 Speidell, Ricky 9 MAKO-PV NT 1:34.64 45 Barry, Alpha 10 SNOW-PV NT 1:35.55 42.50 1:35.55 (53.05) 46 Lynch, Brycen 8 NCAP-PV NT 1:35.83 43.73 1:35.83 (52.10) 47 Jensen, Trevor 9 OCCS-PV 1:44.76 1:36.88 47.46 1:36.88 (49.42) 48 Nyhuis, Parker 9 UN-PV NT 1:37.61 45.06 1:37.61 (52.55) 49 Goff, Stephen 10 MAKO-PV NT 1:38.06 42.45 1:38.06 (55.61) 50 Oroho, Evan 9 OCCS-PV NT 1:39.57 45.55 1:39.57 (54.02) 51 Grden, Christian 7 SNOW-PV NT 1:43.03 52 Byrnes, Marco 9 MAKO-PV 1:40.06 1:44.57 49.52 1:44.57 (55.05) 53 Ealy, David 9 OCCS-PV 1:58.47 1:47.73 50.06 1:47.73 (57.67) 54 Holloway, Brandon 9 OCCS-PV 1:52.64 1:49.10 55 Szeto, Ben 9 MAKO-PV 1:53.95 1:49.27 56 Lacy, Dominic 9 OCCS-PV NT 1:53.00 57 Jampole, Nolan 9 OCCS-PV 2:03.78 2:01.99 58 Lombardo, Evan 10 NCAP-PV NT 2:06.30 Boys 10 & Under 50 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== 38.49 JO'S Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Firtag, Benny 10 OCCS-PV 40.48 35.54 JO'S 2 Baird, Luke 9 MAKO-PV 39.18 37.11 JO'S 3 Kruthoff, Paul 9 MAKO-PV 42.30 38.48 JO'S 4 Birkholz, Ethan 9 MAKO-PV 40.68 38.53 5 Norrie, Tyler 10 NCAP-PV 40.75 38.76 6 Gaskins, RJ 9 NCAP-PV 38.84 38.85 7 Kneeland, Andrew 10 NCAP-PV 41.33 38.96 8 Vanderloo, JP 8 SNOW-PV 41.84 40.87 9 Feit, Joshua 10 SNOW-PV 42.47 41.33 10 Kim, Eric 9 NCAP-PV 40.29 41.34 11 Krogh, Kenneth 10 NCAP-PV 40.24 41.48 12 Davis, Nathan 10 OCCS-PV 42.16 41.56 13 Tran, Andrew 10 NCAP-PV 41.10 41.65 13 Gerving, Cody 9 SNOW-PV 41.93 41.65 15 Asar, Asim 10 SNOW-PV 42.90 41.71 16 Evers, Graham 10 MAKO-PV 43.05 41.82 17 Peeler, Sam 10 NCAP-PV 44.17 42.05 18 Lussier, Alexander 8 OCCS-PV 45.12 42.32 19 Lynch, Walker 10 NCAP-PV 41.67 42.60 20 Hagadorn, Benjamin 10 NCAP-PV 42.12 42.80 21 McGuckin, Michael 10 NCAP-PV 39.87 43.12 22 Piccolo, James 9 MAKO-PV 47.79 43.15 23 Hopkins, Liam 9 OCCS-PV 42.51 43.55 24 Thorson, Asher 9 NCAP-PV 46.12 43.78 25 Hu, Lukas 9 MAKO-PV 43.57 44.37 26 Friedman, Will 10 NCAP-PV 43.67 44.74 27 Balgley, Andrew 9 NCAP-PV 42.49 44.86 28 Weston, Wade 9 SNOW-PV 42.82 45.47 29 Bradburn, Charles 10 NCAP-PV 45.71 45.72 30 Ice, Edward 9 MAKO-PV 48.11 46.02 31 Carbonell, Luis 9 OCCS-PV 48.50 46.36 32 Fiedler, Matthew 9 OCCS-PV 45.50 46.58 33 Weszelovszky, Alexander 10 NCAP-PV 46.32 46.59 34 Dobrydney, Chris 10 MAKO-PV NT 46.71 35 Arnz, Cameron 10 MAKO-PV 44.11 46.74 36 Brown, Ryan 10 Rst-PV 47.59 46.79 37 Witte, Jake 9 MAKO-PV 46.82 47.04 37 Wong, Bryan 9 MAKO-PV 53.03 47.04 39 Lynch, Brycen 8 NCAP-PV 47.72 47.24 40 Gilbert, Peter 9 UN-VA 49.65 47.34 41 Schlemmer, Kyle 9 SNOW-PV 48.63 47.35 42 Humphreys, Joe 9 NCAP-PV 50.44 47.40 43 Sturtevant, Luke 9 MAKO-PV 47.11 47.64 44 Johnson, Wesley 9 NCAP-PV 45.59 47.66 44 Nyhuis, Parker 9 UN-PV NT 47.66 46 Shields, Evan 9 OCCS-PV 48.95 47.92 47 Nguyen, Andrew 8 MAKO-PV 50.65 47.95 48 Utter, Conner 8 OCCS-PV 48.70 48.12 49 Tiedt, Joshua 9 OCCS-PV 52.98 48.64 50 Hincy, Ryan 10 Rst-PV 50.30 49.04 51 Grimes, Phillip 10 SNOW-PV 54.39 49.98 52 Ross, John 9 OCCS-PV 55.06 50.27 53 Ahart, Riley 10 NCAP-PV 51.42 50.74 54 Krstolic, Ashton 9 MAKO-PV 45.28 50.96 55 Misener, Clark 8 NCAP-PV 50.18 51.03 56 Ruppe, Charles 10 NCAP-PV 48.32 51.17 57 Moyer, Peyton 9 SNOW-PV NT 51.18 58 Codding, George 9 MAKO-PV 50.60 51.55 59 Reano, Juan 10 SNOW-PV 51.02 53.62 60 Piland, James 9 NCAP-PV 49.93 53.65 61 Lacy, Dominic 9 OCCS-PV 57.69 53.66 62 Hincy, Alexander 9 Rst-PV 51.75 54.02 63 Byrnes, Marco 9 MAKO-PV 51.72 55.92 64 Daniel, Joseph 8 SNOW-PV NT 57.20 65 Smith, Josh 10 SNOW-PV 1:00.84 57.32 66 Denny, Palmer 9 OCCS-PV 1:06.38 58.54 67 Jampole, Nolan 9 OCCS-PV 1:00.06 1:03.63 68 Rebich, Peter 6 SNOW-PV NT 1:04.39 -- McAndrews, Topher 8 OCCS-PV 1:06.23 DQ Delay initiating turn after past vertical -- Gay, Trevor 9 MAKO-PV 56.81 DQ Multiple strokes past vertical at turn -- Dembicki, Adam 9 MAKO-PV 46.38 DQ Delay initiating turn after past vertical -- Breslin, Will 8 MAKO-PV 52.53 DQ No touch at turn -- Goltry, Mikey 10 OCCS-PV 45.87 DQ Delay initiating turn after past vertical -- Quinn, Garrett 10 MAKO-PV 48.92 DQ Delay initiating turn after past vertical Boys 10 & Under 50 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== 43.59 JO'S Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Sibley, Nick 10 SNOW-PV 44.19 39.61 JO'S 2 Sutton, Seth 10 OCCS-PV 44.46 43.00 JO'S 3 Kneeland, Andrew 10 NCAP-PV 44.89 43.97 4 Falzone, Matthew 10 NCAP-PV 46.05 44.81 5 Morgan, Eric 9 SNOW-PV NT 46.02 6 Parrott, Evan 10 MAKO-PV 47.27 46.36 7 Friedman, Will 10 NCAP-PV 47.53 46.41 8 Johnson, Matthew 9 OCCS-PV 49.27 46.80 8 Schlemmer, Kyle 9 SNOW-PV 48.70 46.80 10 Shahin, Jaden 10 NCAP-PV 48.93 48.08 11 Rhodes, Billy 10 NCAP-PV 47.45 48.33 12 Hopkins, Liam 9 OCCS-PV 50.05 48.62 13 Johnson, Wesley 9 NCAP-PV 50.11 49.76 14 Ruppe, Charles 10 NCAP-PV 48.74 49.83 15 Birkholz, Ethan 9 MAKO-PV 50.02 50.18 15 Barnard, Evan 9 MAKO-PV NT 50.18 17 Pak, Dean 9 NCAP-PV 49.24 50.22 18 Weston, Wade 9 SNOW-PV 51.29 50.26 19 Krstolic, Ashton 9 MAKO-PV 51.48 50.68 20 Goltry, Mikey 10 OCCS-PV 51.24 51.00 21 Jordan, Cameron 10 SNOW-PV 53.72 51.25 22 Krogh, Kenneth 10 NCAP-PV 51.16 51.57 23 Beima, Wilson 8 MAKO-PV 51.69 51.68 24 Gilbert, Peter 9 UN-VA 55.37 51.91 24 Cotton, Reid 9 MAKO-PV NT 51.91 26 Nguyen, Andrew 8 MAKO-PV 57.33 51.95 27 Brown, Ryan 10 Rst-PV 54.15 51.98 28 Moy-Jacobs, Decker 9 MAKO-PV 53.49 52.30 29 Gaskins, RJ 9 NCAP-PV 50.83 52.64 30 Weszelovszky, Alexander 10 NCAP-PV 56.84 53.01 31 Balgley, Andrew 9 NCAP-PV 53.59 53.04 32 Peeler, Sam 10 NCAP-PV 51.76 53.07 33 Feit, Joshua 10 SNOW-PV 56.25 53.74 34 Jones, Phillip 10 NCAP-PV 55.73 53.78 35 Ice, Edward 9 MAKO-PV 55.52 54.14 36 Shields, Evan 9 OCCS-PV 56.68 54.16 36 Misener, Clark 8 NCAP-PV 56.28 54.16 38 Shafer, Grant 8 MAKO-PV 57.38 54.18 39 Barry, Alpha 10 SNOW-PV 54.47 54.35 40 Carbonell, Luis 9 OCCS-PV 54.98 54.40 41 Gay, Trevor 9 MAKO-PV 59.13 54.44 42 Hagadorn, Benjamin 10 NCAP-PV 53.41 54.62 43 Goff, Stephen 10 MAKO-PV NT 55.12 44 Oroho, Evan 9 OCCS-PV 56.41 55.34 45 Wong, Bryan 9 MAKO-PV 57.75 55.46 46 Anderson, Nick 9 OCCS-PV 58.58 56.11 47 Chmielenski, Ryan 10 OCCS-PV 57.27 56.15 48 McDade, Cash 7 MAKO-PV NT 56.25 49 Witte, Jake 9 MAKO-PV 56.53 56.41 50 Sturtevant, Luke 9 MAKO-PV 56.11 56.87 51 Egan, Brady 8 OCCS-PV 1:01.36 57.03 52 Byrnes, Marco 9 MAKO-PV 52.02 57.48 53 Hu, Lukas 9 MAKO-PV 54.70 57.66 54 Grimes, Phillip 10 SNOW-PV NT 58.17 55 MacMichael, Brendan 8 MAKO-PV 59.65 58.34 56 Codding, George 9 MAKO-PV NT 58.53 57 Hincy, Ryan 10 Rst-PV 1:05.14 58.69 58 Tiedt, Joshua 9 OCCS-PV 1:04.27 1:00.83 59 Smith, Josh 10 SNOW-PV 57.73 1:00.94 60 Amposta, Elijah 9 OCCS-PV 1:04.59 1:01.71 61 Humphreys, Joe 9 NCAP-PV 1:12.26 1:01.74 62 Piland, James 9 NCAP-PV 1:00.29 1:03.05 63 Jampole, Nolan 9 OCCS-PV 1:05.15 1:03.11 64 Lee, David 10 OCCS-PV 1:04.42 1:04.93 65 Speidell, Ricky 9 MAKO-PV NT 1:05.07 66 Medde-Witage, T.D. 8 SNOW-PV NT 1:10.18 67 Bradburn, Charles 10 NCAP-PV NT 1:10.94 68 Szeto, Ben 9 MAKO-PV 1:05.34 1:10.99 69 Lacy, Dominic 9 OCCS-PV 1:16.88 1:13.99 70 Benney, Vincent 6 SNOW-PV NT 1:15.17 -- Holloway, Brandon 9 OCCS-PV NT DQ Arms not in same horizontal plane -- Quinn, Garrett 10 MAKO-PV NT DQ Alternating Kick -- Nyhuis, Parker 9 UN-PV NT DQ One hand touch -- Ahart, Riley 10 NCAP-PV 51.45 DQ Arms two strokes underwater Boys 10 & Under 50 Yard Butterfly =============================================================================== 37.39 JO'S Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Kim, Eric 9 NCAP-PV 37.69 34.89 JO'S 2 Firtag, Benny 10 OCCS-PV 38.67 35.80 JO'S 3 Sibley, Nick 10 SNOW-PV 39.45 36.68 JO'S 4 Hufnagel, Adam 9 NCAP-PV 37.96 37.90 5 Asar, Asim 10 SNOW-PV 39.61 38.85 6 Dobrydney, Chris 10 MAKO-PV NT 39.08 7 Zein, Aly 10 NCAP-PV 39.84 39.20 8 Parrott, Evan 10 MAKO-PV 41.10 39.31 9 Vanderloo, JP 8 SNOW-PV 39.56 40.44 10 Do, Aidan 9 MAKO-PV 45.79 41.59 11 Davis, Nathan 10 OCCS-PV 40.65 41.63 12 Ice, Edward 9 MAKO-PV 42.94 41.67 13 Thorson, Asher 9 NCAP-PV 42.76 41.74 14 Krstolic, Ashton 9 MAKO-PV 41.99 41.91 15 Norrie, Tyler 10 NCAP-PV 42.50 41.99 16 Evers, Graham 10 MAKO-PV 49.70 42.21 17 Feit, Joshua 10 SNOW-PV 49.40 42.41 18 Verosko, John 10 OCCS-PV 53.27 43.21 19 Johnson, Matthew 9 OCCS-PV NT 43.29 20 Lynch, Walker 10 NCAP-PV 45.04 43.65 21 Moy-Jacobs, Decker 9 MAKO-PV 43.91 44.12 22 Ruppe, Charles 10 NCAP-PV 40.72 44.24 23 Goltry, Mikey 10 OCCS-PV 45.10 44.67 24 Kruthoff, Paul 9 MAKO-PV 46.56 44.70 25 Johnson, Wesley 9 NCAP-PV NT 44.75 26 Anderson, Jeremy 10 NCAP-PV 46.80 46.11 27 Ross, John 9 OCCS-PV 52.91 46.25 28 Humphreys, Joe 9 NCAP-PV 50.38 46.48 28 Lussier, Alexander 8 OCCS-PV 57.17 46.48 30 Grimes, Phillip 10 SNOW-PV 46.28 46.72 31 Hopkins, Liam 9 OCCS-PV 48.79 46.98 32 Misener, Clark 8 NCAP-PV 1:02.12 47.65 33 Kiyokawa, Ian 10 NCAP-PV 51.76 48.24 34 Bradburn, Charles 10 NCAP-PV NT 48.82 35 Goff, Stephen 10 MAKO-PV NT 48.93 36 Fiedler, Matthew 9 OCCS-PV 50.32 49.34 37 Hincy, Ryan 10 Rst-PV 52.55 49.66 38 Facciola, James 10 OCCS-PV 49.14 51.02 39 Peeler, Sam 10 NCAP-PV 1:09.59 51.19 40 Witte, Jake 9 MAKO-PV 48.10 51.42 41 Brown, Ryan 10 Rst-PV 51.73 51.56 42 Chmielenski, Ryan 10 OCCS-PV 52.89 52.45 43 Piland, James 9 NCAP-PV 47.10 52.56 44 Codding, George 9 MAKO-PV 1:01.32 54.61 45 Szeto, Ben 9 MAKO-PV 1:06.94 56.60 46 Ahart, Riley 10 NCAP-PV NT 58.83 -- Amposta, Elijah 9 OCCS-PV 55.81 DQ Non-simultaneous arms -- Maynard, Ryan 6 OCCS-PV NT DQ Non-simultaneous arms -- Piccolo, James 9 MAKO-PV 52.07 DQ One hand touch -- Hagadorn, Benjamin 10 NCAP-PV 41.44 DQ Shoulders not at or past vertical towards breast off the wall -- Jones, Phillip 10 NCAP-PV 1:01.32 DQ Arms underwater recovery -- Gilbert, Peter 9 UN-VA 44.15 DQ False start Boys 10 & Under 100 Yard IM =============================================================================== 1:21.79 JO'S Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Firtag, Benny 10 OCCS-PV 1:23.68 1:19.22 JO'S 36.92 1:19.22 (42.30) 2 Dyson, Owen 10 NCAP-PV 1:33.42 1:19.94 JO'S 34.76 1:19.94 (45.18) 3 Kneeland, Andrew 10 NCAP-PV 1:24.84 1:20.87 JO'S 36.90 1:20.87 (43.97) 4 Kim, Eric 9 NCAP-PV 1:23.05 1:21.80 38.47 1:21.80 (43.33) 5 Sutton, Seth 10 OCCS-PV 1:24.27 1:21.86 6 Bayer, Clark 10 NCAP-PV 1:22.66 1:24.30 38.86 1:24.30 (45.44) 7 Zein, Aly 10 NCAP-PV 1:32.95 1:27.52 41.31 1:27.52 (46.21) 8 Vanderloo, JP 8 SNOW-PV 1:29.45 1:27.91 41.60 1:27.91 (46.31) 9 Thorson, Asher 9 NCAP-PV 1:31.98 1:28.13 42.72 1:28.13 (45.41) 10 Parrott, Evan 10 MAKO-PV 1:34.23 1:28.47 42.06 1:28.47 (46.41) 11 Krogh, Kenneth 10 NCAP-PV 1:31.38 1:29.20 41.13 1:29.20 (48.07) 12 Birkholz, Ethan 9 MAKO-PV 1:31.62 1:29.53 41.94 1:29.53 (47.59) 13 Kruthoff, Paul 9 MAKO-PV 1:33.04 1:30.03 14 Gerving, Cody 9 SNOW-PV 1:33.19 1:30.12 41.56 1:30.12 (48.56) 15 Shahin, Jaden 10 NCAP-PV 1:27.85 1:30.23 40.33 1:30.23 (49.90) 16 Gaskins, RJ 9 NCAP-PV 1:27.09 1:30.33 39.72 1:30.33 (50.61) 17 Asar, Asim 10 SNOW-PV 1:31.07 1:30.74 41.38 1:30.74 (49.36) 18 Lynch, Walker 10 NCAP-PV 1:34.24 1:31.05 42.32 1:31.05 (48.73) 19 Pak, Dean 9 NCAP-PV 1:33.64 1:31.13 44.90 1:31.13 (46.23) 20 Falzone, Matthew 10 NCAP-PV 1:33.12 1:32.77 21 Hopkins, Liam 9 OCCS-PV 1:35.00 1:34.45 46.08 1:34.45 (48.37) 22 Johnson, Matthew 9 OCCS-PV 1:37.40 1:35.08 47.33 1:35.08 (47.75) 23 Stein, Aidan 10 NCAP-PV 1:35.73 1:35.40 24 Balgley, Andrew 9 NCAP-PV 1:37.44 1:35.49 43.90 1:35.49 (51.59) 25 Burns, Kevin 8 MAKO-PV 1:38.28 1:35.76 43.77 1:35.76 (51.99) 26 Verosko, John 10 OCCS-PV 1:33.17 1:35.81 45.32 1:35.81 (50.49) 27 Morgan, Eric 9 SNOW-PV NT 1:36.64 47.82 1:36.64 (48.82) 28 Weston, Wade 9 SNOW-PV 1:43.07 1:37.82 29 Goltry, Mikey 10 OCCS-PV 1:38.94 1:38.20 44.82 1:38.20 (53.38) 30 Unsal, Neco 10 NCAP-PV 1:38.03 1:38.32 31 Hagadorn, Benjamin 10 NCAP-PV 1:31.19 1:38.69 46.60 1:38.69 (52.09) 32 Brown, Ryan 10 Rst-PV 1:48.85 1:38.77 47.36 1:38.77 (51.41) 33 Do, Aidan 9 MAKO-PV 1:42.12 1:38.89 43.65 1:38.89 (55.24) 34 Carbonell, Luis 9 OCCS-PV NT 1:39.71 16.54 1:39.71 (1:23.17) 35 Cooper, Benjamin 8 OCCS-PV 1:39.52 1:40.16 46.80 1:40.16 (53.36) 36 Kiyokawa, Ian 10 NCAP-PV 1:46.44 1:40.31 49.72 1:40.31 (50.59) 37 Hu, Lukas 9 MAKO-PV 1:47.00 1:40.38 38 Gilbert, Peter 9 UN-VA 1:46.09 1:41.17 47.23 1:41.17 (53.94) 39 Davis, Nathan 10 OCCS-PV 1:40.61 1:41.54 44.40 1:41.54 (57.14) 40 Utter, Conner 8 OCCS-PV 1:45.17 1:41.97 48.51 1:41.97 (53.46) 41 Krstolic, Ashton 9 MAKO-PV 1:44.62 1:42.14 42 Anderson, Jeremy 10 NCAP-PV 1:43.32 1:42.15 48.97 1:42.15 (53.18) 43 Johnson, Wesley 9 NCAP-PV 1:45.18 1:42.84 47.06 1:42.84 (55.78) 44 Misener, Clark 8 NCAP-PV 1:42.61 1:42.85 48.29 1:42.85 (54.56) 45 Facciola, James 10 OCCS-PV 1:44.67 1:43.16 50.41 1:43.16 (52.75) 46 Piccolo, James 9 MAKO-PV NT 1:43.52 45.35 1:43.52 (58.17) 47 Fiedler, Matthew 9 OCCS-PV 1:39.69 1:43.71 50.23 1:43.71 (53.48) 48 Ruppe, Charles 10 NCAP-PV 1:38.06 1:45.61 50.12 1:45.61 (55.49) 49 Beima, Wilson 8 MAKO-PV 1:51.30 1:45.71 52.39 1:45.71 (53.32) 50 Grimes, Phillip 10 SNOW-PV 1:44.09 1:47.03 49.89 1:47.03 (57.14) 51 Witte, Jake 9 MAKO-PV 1:44.60 1:47.06 50.82 1:47.06 (56.24) 52 Humphreys, Joe 9 NCAP-PV 2:02.58 1:47.60 50.17 1:47.60 (57.43) 53 Gray, Natan-Mael 7 OCCS-PV 1:56.64 1:47.62 50.12 1:47.62 (57.50) 54 Kim, Carter 8 MAKO-PV 1:54.11 1:48.89 55 Weszelovszky, Alexander 10 NCAP-PV 1:49.36 1:50.58 53.51 1:50.58 (57.07) 56 Speidell, Ricky 9 MAKO-PV NT 1:50.64 49.42 1:50.64 (1:01.22) 57 Murphy, Matthew 7 MAKO-PV 1:50.91 1:50.76 58 Gay, Trevor 9 MAKO-PV 1:56.31 1:51.29 55.01 1:51.29 (56.28) 59 Codding, George 9 MAKO-PV 1:57.01 1:51.36 54.32 1:51.36 (57.04) 60 Ross, John 9 OCCS-PV 1:55.03 1:51.42 61 Tiedt, Joshua 9 OCCS-PV 1:53.04 1:51.69 62 Lynch, Brycen 8 NCAP-PV NT 1:52.60 54.85 1:52.60 (57.75) 63 Anderson, Nick 9 OCCS-PV 1:51.29 1:53.00 58.42 1:53.00 (54.58) 64 Egan, Brady 8 OCCS-PV 1:59.85 1:53.45 54.49 1:53.45 (58.96) 65 McDade, Cash 7 MAKO-PV 1:49.92 1:54.43 54.42 1:54.43 (1:00.01) 66 Piland, James 9 NCAP-PV 1:48.71 1:55.95 55.77 1:55.95 (1:00.18) 67 Donovan, Sean 8 MAKO-PV NT 1:58.31 57.03 1:58.31 (1:01.28) 68 Kocak, Ethan 7 SNOW-PV NT 1:58.52 1:58.84 1:58.52 ( ) 69 Uribe, Ernesto 8 OCCS-PV NT 1:59.45 52.07 1:59.45 (1:07.38) 70 Oroho, Evan 9 OCCS-PV 1:59.00 2:00.55 1:04.85 2:00.55 (55.70) 71 Lombardo, Evan 10 NCAP-PV NT 2:02.48 1:01.89 2:02.48 (1:00.59) 72 Lee, David 10 OCCS-PV NT 2:06.93 1:00.58 2:06.93 (1:06.35) 73 McAndrews, Topher 8 OCCS-PV 2:21.96 2:12.15 1:05.61 2:12.15 (1:06.54) 74 Guttikonda, Kaustav 7 SNOW-PV NT 2:14.23 75 Lacy, Dominic 9 OCCS-PV NT 2:22.35 76 Holloway, Brandon 9 OCCS-PV 2:15.82 2:27.61 -- Monck, Jake 7 SNOW-PV 2:04.63 DQ One hand touch - breast 1:00.48 DQ (1:10.83) -- Jensen, Trevor 9 OCCS-PV 2:12.79 DQ Alternating Kick - breast 56.11 DQ (1:06.80) -- Schlemmer, Kyle 9 SNOW-PV 1:38.51 DQ Not on back off wall - back 46.21 DQ (52.82) -- Pham, Nicholas 8 MAKO-PV NT DQ Hands brought beyond the hipline during stroke - breast -- Ton, Ty 8 Rst-PV 1:45.54 DQ One hand touch - fly 47.90 DQ (55.42) -- Carroll, Christian 8 OCCS-PV 1:36.62 DQ Alternating Kick - fly 40.77 DQ (55.29) -- Barry, Alpha 10 SNOW-PV 1:56.12 DQ Non-simultaneous arms - fly -- Smith, Josh 10 SNOW-PV 2:01.21 DQ Non-simultaneous arms - fly 1:03.25 DQ (56.03) -- Friedman, Will 10 NCAP-PV 1:31.44 DQ Did not finish on back - back 43.02 DQ (46.90) Boys 11-12 50 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 28.39 JO'S Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Franco, Rafael 12 OCCS-PV 30.79 28.16 JO'S 2 Fields, Matt 12 OCCS-PV 29.09 28.52 3 NewRingeisen, Addison 12 NCAP-PV 29.59 28.85 4 Lee, Matthew 12 NCAP-PV 29.76 28.89 5 Jones, Harrison 11 NCAP-PV 30.27 28.96 6 Robinette, Jakob 11 MAKO-PV 29.44 29.25 7 Lees. Jr., Thomas 12 NCAP-PV 29.72 29.28 8 Dryer, Jeremy 12 NCAP-PV 31.12 29.40 8 Mavris, Nicholas 12 NCAP-PV 31.03 29.40 10 Kornfeld, Michael 12 UN-NC-PV 32.62 29.57 10 Blindenbach, Pieter 11 NCAP-PV 29.86 29.57 12 Rivinius, Daniel 12 SNOW-PV 30.35 29.61 13 McNamara, Brian 11 NCAP-PV 30.32 29.94 14 Hughes, William 11 MAKO-PV 31.33 30.18 15 Brocato, Tyler 12 MAKO-PV 31.54 30.41 16 Aho, Carson 11 NCAP-PV 31.47 30.59 17 Reyes, Mikel 12 NCAP-PV 31.28 30.61 18 Dugan, Samuel 11 NCAP-PV 30.31 30.67 19 Byrnes, Luca 11 MAKO-PV 33.95 31.00 20 Peverall, Cole 11 NCAP-PV 33.87 31.04 21 Dugan, David 12 NCAP-PV 31.56 31.05 22 Yu, Caleb 11 NCAP-PV 30.97 31.21 23 Anderson, Josh 11 NCAP-PV 32.09 31.33 24 Oleksa, Ethan 12 NCAP-PV 31.68 31.45 24 He, Kevin 12 NCAP-PV 31.09 31.45 26 Bowers, Zachary 11 MAKO-PV 31.99 31.57 27 Kikis, Pete 12 MAKO-PV 31.71 31.62 28 McEvoy, Andy 12 NCAP-PV 32.55 31.64 29 Baker, Andrew 11 NCAP-PV 32.64 31.66 30 Xu, Albert 12 NCAP-PV 31.84 31.70 31 Lee, Justin 11 NCAP-PV 33.70 31.94 32 O'Brien, Alex 11 SNOW-PV 36.52 32.00 33 Crabb, Nicholas 11 NCAP-PV 35.19 32.08 34 Walker, Aaron 11 MAKO-PV 31.71 32.12 35 Ienzi, Joseph 11 NCAP-PV 32.51 32.13 36 Bonaiuto, Sebastian 11 NCAP-PV 35.45 32.21 37 Warren, Spencer 12 Rst-PV NT 32.28 38 Neal, Jacob 11 Rst-PV NT 32.30 39 Davis, Joshua 11 OCCS-PV 33.94 32.46 40 Hood, Carter 12 MAKO-PV 33.79 32.49 41 Wong, Joe 12 MAKO-PV 31.97 32.57 42 Beima, Pierce 11 MAKO-PV 31.51 32.61 43 Gilbert, Stephen 11 OCCS-PV 34.01 32.71 44 Beamon, William 12 Rst-PV 34.56 32.92 45 Hanes, Rowan 11 SNOW-PV 33.55 32.95 46 Mitros, Matt 11 MAKO-PV 31.89 33.27 47 Bippert, Brian 11 Rst-PV 32.76 33.29 48 Donovan, Ryan 11 MAKO-PV 32.50 33.62 49 Kehoe, Nathan 11 MAKO-PV 36.56 33.77 50 Zhang, Patrick 12 MAKO-PV 34.01 33.80 51 Laredo, Alexander 11 NCAP-PV 34.27 34.18 52 Luong, Andy 11 NCAP-PV 35.46 34.30 53 Kwon, Zachary 11 OCCS-PV 34.23 34.32 54 Bell, Logan 11 OCCS-PV 36.28 34.38 55 Stevenson, Logan 12 OCCS-PV 35.55 34.39 56 Medde-Witage, Tash 11 SNOW-PV 35.78 34.53 57 Lee, Ethan 11 Rst-PV 35.46 34.59 58 Romano, Mark 11 OCCS-PV 38.05 34.80 59 Prette, Joey 11 MAKO-PV 36.69 35.18 60 Romack, Maxwell 11 NCAP-PV 34.32 35.27 61 VanDeusen, Matt 11 OCCS-PV 37.55 35.31 62 Shoja, Russell 11 SNOW-PV 36.93 35.52 63 Zhan, Richard 11 Rst-PV 38.48 36.07 64 Tonthat, Anthony 12 Rst-PV 35.25 36.26 64 Heck, Timothy 11 NCAP-PV 38.21 36.26 66 Yun, Christopher 11 NCAP-PV 35.26 36.32 67 Li, Jake 11 NCAP-PV 38.75 36.58 68 Molino, Marco 11 NCAP-PV 35.80 37.15 69 Carley, Sean 11 NCAP-PV 37.40 37.24 70 Gibney, Carter 11 SNOW-PV 39.75 37.33 71 Schubert, Ryan 11 OCCS-PV 39.65 37.49 72 Bhaiya, Vedant 12 OCCS-PV 38.73 38.15 73 Liskey, Jackson 11 Rst-PV 37.79 38.18 74 Aksoy, Adam 11 SNOW-PV 42.66 38.41 75 Weston, Will 11 SNOW-PV 41.65 38.56 76 Curran, Nathan 11 SNOW-PV 37.59 38.68 77 Janicki, Brian 11 NCAP-PV 40.17 39.48 78 Mencke, Keegan 11 NCAP-PV 42.18 42.48 79 Zeini, Hamza 11 NCAP-PV NT 44.15 Boys 11-12 100 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 1:02.39 JO'S Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Phan, William 11 NCAP-PV 1:02.58 59.58 JO'S 28.46 59.58 (31.12) 2 Janicki, Adam 12 NCAP-PV 1:04.15 1:02.84 30.05 1:02.84 (32.79) 3 Tiago, Ulrich 12 NCAP-PV 1:04.80 1:03.16 29.59 1:03.16 (33.57) 4 Franco, Rafael 12 OCCS-PV 1:08.12 1:03.28 30.14 1:03.28 (33.14) 5 Knouse, Jackson 12 MAKO-PV 1:03.05 1:03.75 30.15 1:03.75 (33.60) 6 Dryer, Jeremy 12 NCAP-PV 1:08.98 1:03.81 30.53 1:03.81 (33.28) 7 Kornfeld, Michael 12 UN-NC-PV 1:05.49 1:04.46 31.34 1:04.46 (33.12) 8 Lee, Matthew 12 NCAP-PV 1:09.51 1:04.68 31.06 1:04.68 (33.62) 9 Liu, Alexander 12 NCAP-PV 1:10.21 1:04.88 30.98 1:04.88 (33.90) 10 Lees. Jr., Thomas 12 NCAP-PV 1:05.10 1:05.16 30.92 1:05.16 (34.24) 11 Schuering, Christopher 11 NCAP-PV 1:03.25 1:05.22 30.29 1:05.22 (34.93) 12 Blindenbach, Pieter 11 NCAP-PV 1:07.63 1:05.61 31.86 1:05.61 (33.75) 13 Mavris, Nicholas 12 NCAP-PV 1:08.06 1:05.96 31.06 1:05.96 (34.90) 14 NewRingeisen, Addison 12 NCAP-PV 1:06.36 1:06.09 32.16 1:06.09 (33.93) 15 Li, Daniel 11 NCAP-PV 1:06.71 1:06.15 31.05 1:06.15 (35.10) 16 Robinette, Jakob 11 MAKO-PV 1:05.03 1:07.15 31.98 1:07.15 (35.17) 17 Monis, Anthony 12 OCCS-PV 1:09.21 1:07.83 31.69 1:07.83 (36.14) 18 Reyes, Mikel 12 NCAP-PV 1:10.92 1:07.88 33.66 1:07.88 (34.22) 19 Jones, Harrison 11 NCAP-PV 1:09.33 1:07.91 32.88 1:07.91 (35.03) 20 Rouffa, Jared 12 OCCS-PV 1:07.35 1:08.27 33.11 1:08.27 (35.16) 21 Misener, Jay 12 NCAP-PV 1:07.52 1:08.68 33.16 1:08.68 (35.52) 22 Peverall, Cole 11 NCAP-PV 1:08.80 1:08.75 32.75 1:08.75 (36.00) 23 Hughes, William 11 MAKO-PV 1:12.25 1:09.08 33.56 1:09.08 (35.52) 24 Dugan, David 12 NCAP-PV 1:11.77 1:09.18 34.60 1:09.18 (34.58) 25 Yu, Caleb 11 NCAP-PV 1:12.38 1:09.78 32.96 1:09.78 (36.82) 26 Dugan, Samuel 11 NCAP-PV 1:11.96 1:09.94 35.22 1:09.94 (34.72) 27 He, Kevin 12 NCAP-PV 1:07.97 1:10.25 33.56 1:10.25 (36.69) 28 Kikis, Pete 12 MAKO-PV 1:10.64 1:10.37 32.78 1:10.37 (37.59) 29 Aho, Carson 11 NCAP-PV 1:11.72 1:10.47 33.44 1:10.47 (37.03) 30 O'Brien, Alex 11 SNOW-PV 1:13.05 1:10.97 34.04 1:10.97 (36.93) 31 Anderson, Josh 11 NCAP-PV 1:13.59 1:11.29 33.58 1:11.29 (37.71) 32 Xu, Albert 12 NCAP-PV 1:12.11 1:11.42 34.43 1:11.42 (36.99) 33 LaBarbera, Antonio 11 SNOW-PV 1:11.55 1:11.86 33.23 1:11.86 (38.63) 34 Walker, Aaron 11 MAKO-PV 1:13.14 1:11.89 34.37 1:11.89 (37.52) 35 Oleksa, Ethan 12 NCAP-PV 1:14.72 1:12.05 33.72 1:12.05 (38.33) 36 Ienzi, Joseph 11 NCAP-PV 1:11.17 1:12.07 34.92 1:12.07 (37.15) 37 Lombardo, Jack 11 NCAP-PV 1:12.29 1:12.80 35.58 1:12.80 (37.22) 38 Beima, Pierce 11 MAKO-PV 1:11.91 1:13.10 34.76 1:13.10 (38.34) 39 Davis, Joshua 11 OCCS-PV 1:24.45 1:13.79 35.03 1:13.79 (38.76) 40 McEvoy, Andy 12 NCAP-PV 1:16.91 1:14.06 35.17 1:14.06 (38.89) 41 Lewis, Colin 11 SNOW-PV 1:15.39 1:14.52 35.58 1:14.52 (38.94) 42 Bowers, Zachary 11 MAKO-PV 1:12.67 1:14.73 34.24 1:14.73 (40.49) 43 Nelson, Sammy 11 NCAP-PV NT 1:15.24 36.63 1:15.24 (38.61) 44 Beamon, William 12 Rst-PV 1:17.56 1:15.28 36.73 1:15.28 (38.55) 45 Kehoe, Nathan 11 MAKO-PV NT 1:15.55 34.86 1:15.55 (40.69) 46 Muldoon, Michael 11 MAKO-PV 1:13.61 1:15.99 36.35 1:15.99 (39.64) 47 Laredo, Alexander 11 NCAP-PV 1:15.15 1:16.29 36.90 1:16.29 (39.39) 48 Donovan, Ryan 11 MAKO-PV 1:13.41 1:16.31 35.71 1:16.31 (40.60) 49 Zhang, Patrick 12 MAKO-PV 1:17.20 1:16.42 36.58 1:16.42 (39.84) 50 Gibson, Michael 12 MAKO-PV NT 1:16.65 37.05 1:16.65 (39.60) 51 Romack, Maxwell 11 NCAP-PV 1:16.08 1:17.07 36.75 1:17.07 (40.32) 52 Neal, Jacob 11 Rst-PV 1:16.24 1:17.51 37.55 1:17.51 (39.96) 53 Lee, Justin 11 NCAP-PV 1:29.10 1:17.93 36.42 1:17.93 (41.51) 54 Bonaiuto, Sebastian 11 NCAP-PV 1:22.05 1:18.40 36.40 1:18.40 (42.00) 55 Wandei, Clay 12 OCCS-PV 1:22.51 1:18.87 38.19 1:18.87 (40.68) 56 Donovan, Sam 11 MAKO-PV NT 1:19.01 36.98 1:19.01 (42.03) 57 Luong, Andy 11 NCAP-PV 1:23.20 1:19.35 38.12 1:19.35 (41.23) 58 Bippert, Brian 11 Rst-PV NT 1:19.48 38.09 1:19.48 (41.39) 59 Medde-Witage, Tash 11 SNOW-PV 1:20.26 1:19.85 38.19 1:19.85 (41.66) 60 Yun, Christopher 11 NCAP-PV 1:23.01 1:19.92 36.65 1:19.92 (43.27) 61 Kwon, Zachary 11 OCCS-PV 1:22.10 1:20.28 36.77 1:20.28 (43.51) 62 Madsen, Conner 12 MAKO-PV 1:15.65 1:21.46 38.87 1:21.46 (42.59) 63 Tonthat, Anthony 12 Rst-PV 1:23.62 1:22.10 38.95 1:22.10 (43.15) 64 Schweigert-Opas, Reilly 11 MAKO-PV 1:19.39 1:22.81 40.35 1:22.81 (42.46) 65 Bell, Logan 11 OCCS-PV 1:21.06 1:23.47 37.43 1:23.47 (46.04) 66 Carley, Sean 11 NCAP-PV 1:23.80 1:23.88 40.22 1:23.88 (43.66) 67 Romano, Mark 11 OCCS-PV 1:22.48 1:23.96 38.26 1:23.96 (45.70) 68 Zeng, Roger 11 MAKO-PV 1:21.42 1:24.07 38.44 1:24.07 (45.63) 69 Fishenden, Aidan 11 NCAP-PV 1:26.66 1:24.32 39.52 1:24.32 (44.80) 70 Dasher, Peter 11 NCAP-PV 1:25.75 1:25.14 37.79 1:25.14 (47.35) 71 McLain, Matthew 11 NCAP-PV 1:26.35 1:26.52 40.14 1:26.52 (46.38) 72 Rim, Alex 11 OCCS-PV NT 1:27.15 40.00 1:27.15 (47.15) 73 VanDeusen, Matt 11 OCCS-PV 1:46.68 1:27.83 41.47 1:27.83 (46.36) 74 Stowell, Thomas 12 SNOW-PV NT 1:29.29 41.67 1:29.29 (47.62) 75 Li, Jake 11 NCAP-PV 1:26.74 1:29.38 42.54 1:29.38 (46.84) 76 Liskey, Jackson 11 Rst-PV 1:30.29 1:31.91 42.89 1:31.91 (49.02) 77 Brewington, Josh 11 OCCS-PV 1:30.03 1:32.52 41.49 1:32.52 (51.03) 78 Fink, Ryan 11 NCAP-PV NT 1:32.96 42.53 1:32.96 (50.43) 79 Gibney, Carter 11 SNOW-PV NT 1:38.50 45.57 1:38.50 (52.93) 80 Aksoy, Adam 11 SNOW-PV 1:44.49 1:42.21 81 Zeini, Hamza 11 NCAP-PV NT 1:43.52 47.84 1:43.52 (55.68) Boys 11-12 200 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 2:15.89 JO'S Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Janicki, Adam 12 NCAP-PV 2:48.87 2:16.02 30.73 1:05.29 (34.56) 1:41.22 (35.93) 2:16.02 (34.80) 2 Franco, Rafael 12 OCCS-PV 3:16.79 2:16.97 31.40 1:06.50 (35.10) 1:41.90 (35.40) 2:16.97 (35.07) 3 Blaes, Leo 11 NCAP-PV 2:20.71 2:17.32 31.45 1:06.86 (35.41) 1:42.81 (35.95) 2:17.32 (34.51) 4 Tiago, Ulrich 12 NCAP-PV 2:26.68 2:18.39 30.93 1:05.78 (34.85) 1:42.68 (36.90) 2:18.39 (35.71) 5 Lee, Matthew 12 NCAP-PV 2:24.60 2:18.62 31.55 1:07.28 (35.73) 1:42.67 (35.39) 2:18.62 (35.95) 6 Falzone, Michael 12 NCAP-PV 2:33.31 2:19.23 31.37 1:06.66 (35.29) 1:44.11 (37.45) 2:19.23 (35.12) 7 Pol, Marco 12 OCCS-PV 2:22.68 2:19.54 30.86 1:06.60 (35.74) 1:43.54 (36.94) 2:19.54 (36.00) 8 Dryer, Jeremy 12 NCAP-PV 2:32.12 2:23.05 32.30 1:08.41 (36.11) 1:46.23 (37.82) 2:23.05 (36.82) 9 Li, Daniel 11 NCAP-PV 2:29.90 2:24.76 31.90 1:08.78 (36.88) 1:48.07 (39.29) 2:24.76 (36.69) 10 NewRingeisen, Addison 12 NCAP-PV 2:30.39 2:25.22 32.33 1:09.16 (36.83) 1:47.87 (38.71) 2:25.22 (37.35) 11 Misener, Jay 12 NCAP-PV 2:26.45 2:25.76 32.70 1:10.64 (37.94) 2:25.76 (1:15.12) 12 Anderson, Josh 11 NCAP-PV 2:34.19 2:30.28 33.73 1:11.89 (38.16) 1:51.47 (39.58) 2:30.28 (38.81) 13 LaBarbera, Antonio 11 SNOW-PV 2:37.14 2:32.94 33.66 1:12.61 (38.95) 1:53.34 (40.73) 2:32.94 (39.60) 14 He, Kevin 12 NCAP-PV 2:33.48 2:33.01 35.38 1:15.04 (39.66) 1:54.40 (39.36) 2:33.01 (38.61) 15 Kikis, Pete 12 MAKO-PV 2:37.21 2:34.36 35.13 1:14.42 (39.29) 1:55.83 (41.41) 2:34.36 (38.53) 16 Xu, Albert 12 NCAP-PV 2:40.29 2:36.73 35.13 1:15.13 (40.00) 1:57.34 (42.21) 2:36.73 (39.39) 17 Lombardo, Jack 11 NCAP-PV 2:42.25 2:38.39 36.56 1:17.81 (41.25) 1:59.52 (41.71) 2:38.39 (38.87) 18 Fogg, Brandon 11 Rst-PV 2:50.57 2:39.62 34.60 1:16.25 (41.65) 1:58.94 (42.69) 2:39.62 (40.68) 19 Romack, Maxwell 11 NCAP-PV 2:47.91 2:41.45 36.37 1:18.01 (41.64) 2:00.83 (42.82) 2:41.45 (40.62) 20 Crisci, Aidan 11 NCAP-PV 2:35.28 2:41.99 35.79 1:16.86 (41.07) 2:00.21 (43.35) 2:41.99 (41.78) 21 Schweigert-Opas, Reilly 11 MAKO-PV 3:06.91 2:49.35 39.01 1:22.69 (43.68) 2:07.24 (44.55) 2:49.35 (42.11) 22 Lee, Justin 11 NCAP-PV 3:21.52 2:56.43 37.52 1:20.57 (43.05) 2:05.95 (45.38) 2:56.43 (50.48) 23 Donovan, Ryan 11 MAKO-PV NT 3:00.77 38.06 1:20.76 (42.70) 2:05.72 (44.96) 3:00.77 (55.05) 24 Bellamy, Jack 11 NCAP-PV 2:50.54 3:03.21 40.04 1:26.35 (46.31) 2:16.35 (50.00) 3:03.21 (46.86) 25 Zeng, Roger 11 MAKO-PV 3:17.78 3:08.06 41.35 1:28.83 (47.48) 2:17.64 (48.81) 3:08.06 (50.42) 26 Phan, Richardson 11 NCAP-PV NT 3:20.52 39.41 1:30.22 (50.81) 2:25.88 (55.66) 3:20.52 (54.64) Boys 11-12 50 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== 33.69 JO'S Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Aho, Carson 11 NCAP-PV 34.28 33.63 JO'S 2 Tiago, Ulrich 12 NCAP-PV 34.15 33.83 3 Blaes, Leo 11 NCAP-PV 36.64 34.42 4 Jones, Harrison 11 NCAP-PV 34.76 34.72 5 Hughes, William 11 MAKO-PV 36.06 35.01 6 Byrnes, Luca 11 MAKO-PV 35.11 35.04 7 Pol, Marco 12 OCCS-PV 40.34 35.64 8 Mavris, Nicholas 12 NCAP-PV 37.51 35.82 9 Lees. Jr., Thomas 12 NCAP-PV 35.93 35.94 10 Walker, Aaron 11 MAKO-PV 36.13 36.47 11 O'Brien, Alex 11 SNOW-PV 38.14 36.66 12 Xu, Albert 12 NCAP-PV 36.87 37.02 13 Ienzi, Joseph 11 NCAP-PV 38.30 37.10 14 LaBarbera, Antonio 11 SNOW-PV 37.22 37.23 15 Wong, Joe 12 MAKO-PV 38.22 37.54 16 Yu, Caleb 11 NCAP-PV 38.23 37.72 17 Collier, Jackson 11 NCAP-PV 40.82 37.89 18 Bippert, Brian 11 Rst-PV 40.08 38.22 19 Prette, Joey 11 MAKO-PV 37.40 38.67 20 Beamon, William 12 Rst-PV 40.00 38.82 21 Oleksa, Ethan 12 NCAP-PV 38.22 38.89 21 Gilbert, Stephen 11 OCCS-PV 42.47 38.89 23 Bonaiuto, Sebastian 11 NCAP-PV 42.92 39.12 24 Hood, Carter 12 MAKO-PV 39.70 39.13 25 Hanes, Rowan 11 SNOW-PV 39.08 39.38 26 Warren, Spencer 12 Rst-PV NT 39.54 27 Neal, Jacob 11 Rst-PV 44.68 40.07 28 Muldoon, Michael 11 MAKO-PV 41.25 40.28 29 Romano, Mark 11 OCCS-PV 42.45 40.47 30 Baker, Andrew 11 NCAP-PV 42.58 40.54 31 Tonthat, Anthony 12 Rst-PV 42.47 40.76 32 Dugan, David 12 NCAP-PV 39.32 40.80 33 Luong, Andy 11 NCAP-PV 42.85 40.92 34 Romack, Maxwell 11 NCAP-PV 41.59 41.03 35 Medde-Witage, Tash 11 SNOW-PV 40.17 41.11 36 VanDeusen, Matt 11 OCCS-PV 45.72 41.69 37 Davis, Joshua 11 OCCS-PV 46.51 41.83 38 Lewis, Colin 11 SNOW-PV 42.64 42.31 39 Kalinowsky, Sean 11 NCAP-PV 42.15 42.45 40 Heck, Timothy 11 NCAP-PV 43.33 42.75 41 Donovan, Ryan 11 MAKO-PV 42.44 42.77 42 Molino, Marco 11 NCAP-PV 41.97 43.27 43 McLain, Matthew 11 NCAP-PV 43.14 43.58 44 Carley, Sean 11 NCAP-PV 44.14 43.71 45 Schubert, Ryan 11 OCCS-PV 50.52 43.90 46 Shoja, Russell 11 SNOW-PV 44.48 44.25 47 Zhan, Richard 11 Rst-PV NT 44.48 48 Mo, Nathan 11 MAKO-PV 43.76 44.88 49 Stowell, Thomas 12 SNOW-PV NT 45.30 50 Li, Jake 11 NCAP-PV 47.07 45.47 51 Yun, Christopher 11 NCAP-PV 42.33 46.06 52 Kwon, Zachary 11 OCCS-PV 48.06 46.70 53 Janicki, Brian 11 NCAP-PV 59.53 47.49 54 Zeini, Hamza 11 NCAP-PV NT 52.19 -- Gibney, Carter 11 SNOW-PV NT DQ Shoulders past vertical toward breast -- Aksoy, Adam 11 SNOW-PV 51.46 DQ Delay initiating turn after past vertical Boys 11-12 100 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== 1:11.59 JO'S Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Myers, Richard 12 MAKO-PV 1:14.63 1:09.68 JO'S 33.71 1:09.68 (35.97) 2 Kornfeld, Michael 12 UN-NC-PV 1:13.23 1:12.34 35.53 1:12.34 (36.81) 3 Peverall, Cole 11 NCAP-PV 1:13.44 1:12.42 35.44 1:12.42 (36.98) 4 Blaes, Leo 11 NCAP-PV 1:13.37 1:14.19 36.50 1:14.19 (37.69) 5 Schuering, Christopher 11 NCAP-PV 1:13.36 1:14.23 35.09 1:14.23 (39.14) 6 Hughes, William 11 MAKO-PV 1:17.78 1:14.43 37.13 1:14.43 (37.30) 7 Rivinius, Daniel 12 SNOW-PV 1:13.92 1:14.64 37.20 1:14.64 (37.44) 8 Aho, Carson 11 NCAP-PV 1:19.29 1:15.19 36.70 1:15.19 (38.49) 9 Lees. Jr., Thomas 12 NCAP-PV 1:16.14 1:15.27 36.86 1:15.27 (38.41) 10 Li, Daniel 11 NCAP-PV 1:23.71 1:15.79 11 Lee, Matthew 12 NCAP-PV 1:23.82 1:15.89 12 Monis, Anthony 12 OCCS-PV 1:15.73 1:15.95 36.52 1:15.95 (39.43) 13 Robinette, Jakob 11 MAKO-PV 1:15.13 1:16.50 37.54 1:16.50 (38.96) 14 Walker, Aaron 11 MAKO-PV 1:18.78 1:16.77 38.19 1:16.77 (38.58) 15 Jiang, Michael 11 OCCS-PV NT 1:17.48 38.21 1:17.48 (39.27) 16 Jones, Harrison 11 NCAP-PV 1:16.49 1:17.89 38.23 1:17.89 (39.66) 17 NewRingeisen, Addison 12 NCAP-PV 1:23.52 1:17.90 18 Ienzi, Joseph 11 NCAP-PV 1:21.55 1:18.53 19 Muldoon, Michael 11 MAKO-PV 1:29.97 1:22.06 39.38 1:22.06 (42.68) 20 Crisci, Aidan 11 NCAP-PV 1:21.27 1:22.14 39.90 1:22.14 (42.24) 21 Oleksa, Ethan 12 NCAP-PV 1:28.24 1:24.10 39.74 1:24.10 (44.36) 22 Anderson, Josh 11 NCAP-PV 1:24.60 1:24.54 23 Stevenson, Logan 12 OCCS-PV 1:30.95 1:24.82 40.73 1:24.82 (44.09) 24 Bonaiuto, Sebastian 11 NCAP-PV 1:36.78 1:26.29 41.25 1:26.29 (45.04) 25 Romack, Maxwell 11 NCAP-PV 1:26.27 1:26.46 42.15 1:26.46 (44.31) 26 Hanes, Rowan 11 SNOW-PV 1:24.87 1:26.58 42.74 1:26.58 (43.84) 27 Glenn, Liam 11 MAKO-PV NT 1:26.59 28 Davis, Joshua 11 OCCS-PV NT 1:28.87 43.02 1:28.87 (45.85) 29 Luong, Andy 11 NCAP-PV 1:34.65 1:30.41 43.86 1:30.41 (46.55) 30 Romano, Mark 11 OCCS-PV 1:29.73 1:31.71 31 Carley, Sean 11 NCAP-PV 1:35.11 1:35.21 46.39 1:35.21 (48.82) 32 Weston, Will 11 SNOW-PV NT 1:37.62 33 Aksoy, Adam 11 SNOW-PV 2:01.37 1:52.12 53.10 1:52.12 (59.02) -- Rim, Alex 11 OCCS-PV 1:50.91 DQ Delay initiating turn after past vertical 46.79 DQ (53.11) -- Zeini, Hamza 11 NCAP-PV NT DQ Delay initiating turn after past vertical 54.40 DQ (58.27) -- Rouffa, Jared 12 OCCS-PV 1:24.85 DQ Delay initiating turn after past vertical -- Donovan, Ryan 11 MAKO-PV NT DQ Multiple strokes past vertical at turn 42.83 DQ (49.89) -- Prette, Joey 11 MAKO-PV 1:22.17 DQ Delay initiating turn after past vertical Boys 11-12 50 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== 37.59 JO'S Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Mavris, Nicholas 12 NCAP-PV 37.64 36.32 JO'S 2 Phan, Alex 11 NCAP-PV 38.38 36.50 JO'S 3 Tiago, Ulrich 12 NCAP-PV 39.37 37.55 JO'S 4 Byrnes, Luca 11 MAKO-PV 38.02 37.62 5 Lee, Matthew 12 NCAP-PV 38.76 37.83 6 Phan, William 11 NCAP-PV 38.61 38.14 7 Wright, Kieran 12 SNOW-PV 38.63 38.32 8 Yu, Caleb 11 NCAP-PV 43.50 39.49 9 Yung, Ian 12 OCCS-PV 38.69 39.53 10 Liu, Alexander 12 NCAP-PV 43.82 39.64 11 O'Brien, Alex 11 SNOW-PV 39.83 39.69 12 Peverall, Cole 11 NCAP-PV 39.56 40.15 13 He, Kevin 12 NCAP-PV 41.52 40.16 14 Wong, Joe 12 MAKO-PV 40.69 40.37 15 Blondin, Parker 11 NCAP-PV 39.58 40.47 16 Bowers, Zachary 11 MAKO-PV 41.50 41.04 16 Rivinius, Daniel 12 SNOW-PV 40.61 41.04 18 Misener, Jay 12 NCAP-PV 40.40 41.14 19 Xu, Albert 12 NCAP-PV 43.16 41.31 20 Beamon, William 12 Rst-PV 41.03 41.43 21 Kan, Jonathan 12 Rst-PV NT 41.53 22 Viricochea, Nathan 11 NCAP-PV 41.45 41.62 23 Blindenbach, Pieter 11 NCAP-PV 42.70 41.87 24 Rouffa, Jared 12 OCCS-PV 41.07 41.92 25 Dryer, Jeremy 12 NCAP-PV 48.69 42.14 26 Reyes, Mikel 12 NCAP-PV 42.61 42.35 27 Crisci, Aidan 11 NCAP-PV 41.52 42.52 28 Lee, Ethan 11 Rst-PV 43.65 42.54 29 Gilbert, Stephen 11 OCCS-PV 42.97 43.14 30 Gibson, Michael 12 MAKO-PV 43.08 43.26 31 Dugan, Samuel 11 NCAP-PV 42.90 43.28 32 Jiang, Michael 11 OCCS-PV 43.59 43.44 33 Kikis, Pete 12 MAKO-PV 41.66 43.82 34 Laredo, Alexander 11 NCAP-PV 43.93 43.89 35 Zhan, Richard 11 Rst-PV 47.34 44.04 36 Yun, Christopher 11 NCAP-PV 45.44 44.07 37 Liskey, Jackson 11 Rst-PV 42.27 44.18 38 LaBarbera, Antonio 11 SNOW-PV 43.00 44.21 39 Glenn, Liam 11 MAKO-PV 42.35 44.23 40 Hanes, Rowan 11 SNOW-PV 44.38 44.28 41 Kalinowsky, Sean 11 NCAP-PV 44.80 44.52 42 Nelson, Sammy 11 NCAP-PV 47.41 44.59 43 Lee, Justin 11 NCAP-PV 46.16 44.87 44 Heck, Timothy 11 NCAP-PV 47.32 45.46 45 Lewis, Colin 11 SNOW-PV 45.92 45.52 46 Schweigert-Opas, Reilly 11 MAKO-PV 46.20 45.56 47 Kornfeld, Michael 12 UN-NC-PV 47.56 45.98 48 Tonthat, Anthony 12 Rst-PV 46.25 46.06 49 Ienzi, Joseph 11 NCAP-PV 43.89 46.20 50 Medde-Witage, Tash 11 SNOW-PV 50.00 46.26 51 Andres, Jacob 12 OCCS-PV 46.11 46.67 52 Luong, Andy 11 NCAP-PV 47.02 47.11 53 Curran, Nathan 11 SNOW-PV 44.26 47.40 54 McLain, Matthew 11 NCAP-PV 45.96 47.46 55 Neal, Jacob 11 Rst-PV 47.55 47.48 56 Basham, Mitchell 11 MAKO-PV 47.99 47.58 57 Zhang, Patrick 12 MAKO-PV 47.90 47.69 58 Stevenson, Logan 12 OCCS-PV 53.53 48.05 59 Lombardo, Jack 11 NCAP-PV 45.08 48.09 60 Blaes, Leo 11 NCAP-PV 47.42 48.33 61 Weston, Will 11 SNOW-PV 48.32 48.37 62 VanDeusen, Matt 11 OCCS-PV 1:00.17 48.83 63 Brewington, Josh 11 OCCS-PV 49.03 48.88 64 Bonaiuto, Sebastian 11 NCAP-PV 48.60 48.90 65 Donovan, Sam 11 MAKO-PV NT 49.74 66 Li, Jake 11 NCAP-PV 54.50 50.53 67 Fishenden, Aidan 11 NCAP-PV 54.01 50.78 68 Prette, Joey 11 MAKO-PV 50.89 50.80 69 Madsen, Conner 12 MAKO-PV 45.46 51.54 70 Fink, Ryan 11 NCAP-PV 50.23 51.66 71 Bippert, Brian 11 Rst-PV NT 51.70 72 Janicki, Brian 11 NCAP-PV 53.85 51.86 73 Romano, Mark 11 OCCS-PV 49.45 52.34 74 Dasher, Peter 11 NCAP-PV 52.69 53.22 75 Bell, Logan 11 OCCS-PV 49.55 53.38 76 Wandei, Clay 12 OCCS-PV NT 57.05 77 Stowell, Thomas 12 SNOW-PV NT 58.46 78 Zeini, Hamza 11 NCAP-PV NT 1:01.81 79 Aksoy, Adam 11 SNOW-PV 1:02.95 1:02.36 -- Haight, Braxton 11 SNOW-PV NT DQ One hand touch -- Gibney, Carter 11 SNOW-PV NT DQ Arms two strokes underwater Boys 11-12 100 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== 1:22.49 JO'S Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Wright, Kieran 12 SNOW-PV 1:23.51 1:20.89 JO'S 38.18 1:20.89 (42.71) 2 Tiago, Ulrich 12 NCAP-PV 1:23.32 1:20.97 JO'S 37.98 1:20.97 (42.99) 3 Lee, Matthew 12 NCAP-PV 1:24.75 1:21.34 JO'S 39.43 1:21.34 (41.91) 4 Myers, Richard 12 MAKO-PV 1:37.08 1:21.92 JO'S 38.12 1:21.92 (43.80) 5 Byrnes, Luca 11 MAKO-PV 1:26.36 1:24.20 40.00 1:24.20 (44.20) 6 Li, Daniel 11 NCAP-PV 1:27.27 1:24.87 39.50 1:24.87 (45.37) 7 Beima, Pierce 11 MAKO-PV 1:24.06 1:26.15 40.65 1:26.15 (45.50) 8 Collier, Jackson 11 NCAP-PV 1:29.31 1:26.28 40.11 1:26.28 (46.17) 9 Misener, Jay 12 NCAP-PV 1:28.25 1:27.20 41.52 1:27.20 (45.68) 10 Peverall, Cole 11 NCAP-PV 1:27.58 1:27.48 41.90 1:27.48 (45.58) 11 Crisci, Aidan 11 NCAP-PV 1:27.82 1:27.62 41.75 1:27.62 (45.87) 12 Rivinius, Daniel 12 SNOW-PV 1:32.97 1:28.54 42.07 1:28.54 (46.47) 13 Brocato, Tyler 12 MAKO-PV 1:28.56 1:29.15 41.40 1:29.15 (47.75) 14 He, Kevin 12 NCAP-PV 1:29.51 1:29.67 42.96 1:29.67 (46.71) 15 Viricochea, Nathan 11 NCAP-PV 1:30.51 1:29.81 43.83 1:29.81 (45.98) 16 Blindenbach, Pieter 11 NCAP-PV 1:33.64 1:31.04 43.05 1:31.04 (47.99) 17 Fogg, Brandon 11 Rst-PV 1:40.38 1:31.10 43.49 1:31.10 (47.61) 18 Harper, Henry 11 MAKO-PV 1:30.82 1:31.30 43.18 1:31.30 (48.12) 19 Robinette, Jakob 11 MAKO-PV NT 1:33.62 43.91 1:33.62 (49.71) 20 Dugan, Samuel 11 NCAP-PV 1:34.21 1:34.13 44.20 1:34.13 (49.93) 21 Laredo, Alexander 11 NCAP-PV 1:34.60 1:34.78 44.98 1:34.78 (49.80) 22 Bowers, Zachary 11 MAKO-PV 1:34.02 1:35.45 45.09 1:35.45 (50.36) 23 Lee, Justin 11 NCAP-PV 1:35.54 1:35.71 44.51 1:35.71 (51.20) 24 Liskey, Jackson 11 Rst-PV 1:35.74 1:37.13 44.71 1:37.13 (52.42) 25 Kehoe, Nathan 11 MAKO-PV 1:40.42 1:37.23 45.07 1:37.23 (52.16) 26 Kalinowsky, Sean 11 NCAP-PV 1:32.06 1:37.25 45.31 1:37.25 (51.94) 27 Hanes, Rowan 11 SNOW-PV 1:38.74 1:38.06 46.17 1:38.06 (51.89) 28 Yun, Christopher 11 NCAP-PV 1:43.56 1:39.09 45.68 1:39.09 (53.41) 29 McLain, Matthew 11 NCAP-PV 1:44.60 1:39.10 46.90 1:39.10 (52.20) 30 Andres, Jacob 12 OCCS-PV 1:41.27 1:39.48 46.93 1:39.48 (52.55) 31 Bonaiuto, Sebastian 11 NCAP-PV 1:44.07 1:40.73 48.07 1:40.73 (52.66) 32 Crabb, Nicholas 11 NCAP-PV 1:44.64 1:40.78 48.15 1:40.78 (52.63) 33 Luong, Andy 11 NCAP-PV 1:46.55 1:41.71 50.15 1:41.71 (51.56) 34 Weston, Will 11 SNOW-PV 1:42.73 1:41.72 48.66 1:41.72 (53.06) 35 Zhang, Patrick 12 MAKO-PV 1:45.35 1:42.96 49.41 1:42.96 (53.55) 36 Curran, Nathan 11 SNOW-PV 1:42.08 1:44.64 48.12 1:44.64 (56.52) 37 Tonthat, Anthony 12 Rst-PV 1:41.51 1:45.06 50.67 1:45.06 (54.39) 38 Bellamy, Jack 11 NCAP-PV 1:48.50 1:45.52 49.85 1:45.52 (55.67) 39 Shoja, Russell 11 SNOW-PV 1:47.82 1:47.59 50.47 1:47.59 (57.12) 40 Li, Jake 11 NCAP-PV 1:58.69 1:49.26 51.99 1:49.26 (57.27) 41 VanDeusen, Matt 11 OCCS-PV 2:00.18 1:50.81 52.82 1:50.81 (57.99) 42 Mo, Nathan 11 MAKO-PV NT 1:50.96 51.72 1:50.96 (59.24) 43 Bell, Logan 11 OCCS-PV 1:52.53 1:52.58 52.96 1:52.58 (59.62) -- Mencke, Keegan 11 NCAP-PV 1:53.27 DQ One hand touch 52.67 DQ (56.67) Boys 11-12 50 Yard Butterfly =============================================================================== 32.19 JO'S Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Lees. Jr., Thomas 12 NCAP-PV 33.29 31.78 JO'S 2 Reyes, Mikel 12 NCAP-PV 32.49 32.12 JO'S 3 Phan, Alex 11 NCAP-PV 34.10 32.13 JO'S 4 McEvoy, Andy 12 NCAP-PV 33.61 32.83 5 Rivinius, Daniel 12 SNOW-PV 32.98 32.88 6 Blindenbach, Pieter 11 NCAP-PV 32.76 32.90 7 Blaes, Leo 11 NCAP-PV 33.27 33.00 8 Wright, Kieran 12 SNOW-PV 32.88 33.13 9 Knouse, Jackson 12 MAKO-PV 32.72 33.36 10 NewRingeisen, Addison 12 NCAP-PV 34.00 33.46 11 Oleksa, Ethan 12 NCAP-PV 34.58 33.49 12 Jones, Harrison 11 NCAP-PV 35.98 33.53 13 Yung, Ian 12 OCCS-PV 32.73 33.64 14 Kikis, Pete 12 MAKO-PV 33.48 33.72 15 LaBarbera, Antonio 11 SNOW-PV 35.37 33.88 16 Mavris, Nicholas 12 NCAP-PV 34.81 34.04 17 Yu, Caleb 11 NCAP-PV 37.38 34.56 18 Misener, Jay 12 NCAP-PV 34.31 34.85 19 O'Brien, Alex 11 SNOW-PV 34.79 35.11 20 Tiago, Ulrich 12 NCAP-PV 37.07 35.27 21 Aho, Carson 11 NCAP-PV 34.81 35.38 22 Walker, Aaron 11 MAKO-PV 41.21 35.89 23 Beamon, William 12 Rst-PV 38.36 36.65 24 Robinette, Jakob 11 MAKO-PV 42.04 36.80 25 Dugan, Samuel 11 NCAP-PV 36.40 36.98 26 Davis, Joshua 11 OCCS-PV 42.82 37.07 27 Neal, Jacob 11 Rst-PV 38.53 37.19 28 Byrnes, Luca 11 MAKO-PV 41.63 37.27 29 Gilbert, Stephen 11 OCCS-PV 42.01 37.34 30 Viricochea, Nathan 11 NCAP-PV 35.43 37.68 30 Dugan, David 12 NCAP-PV 36.58 37.68 32 Hood, Carter 12 MAKO-PV 40.39 37.80 33 Donovan, Sam 11 MAKO-PV 43.06 37.82 34 Franco, Rafael 12 OCCS-PV 38.52 38.03 35 Bowers, Zachary 11 MAKO-PV 40.41 38.06 36 Lombardo, Jack 11 NCAP-PV 40.10 38.07 37 Kehoe, Nathan 11 MAKO-PV 40.54 38.25 38 Wandei, Clay 12 OCCS-PV 41.66 38.27 39 Zhang, Patrick 12 MAKO-PV 39.24 39.08 40 Haight, Braxton 11 SNOW-PV NT 39.21 41 Basham, Mitchell 11 MAKO-PV 41.72 39.24 42 Zeng, Roger 11 MAKO-PV 39.27 39.38 43 Blondin, Parker 11 NCAP-PV 39.89 39.71 44 Tonthat, Anthony 12 Rst-PV 39.74 39.72 45 Wong, Joe 12 MAKO-PV 48.18 39.77 46 Beima, Pierce 11 MAKO-PV 43.59 39.91 47 MacMichael, Ryan 11 MAKO-PV 40.25 39.92 48 Lewis, Colin 11 SNOW-PV 40.30 40.08 49 Li, Jake 11 NCAP-PV 42.87 40.61 50 Laredo, Alexander 11 NCAP-PV 42.27 41.03 51 Lee, Ethan 11 Rst-PV 41.20 41.27 52 Hanes, Rowan 11 SNOW-PV NT 41.56 53 Bippert, Brian 11 Rst-PV 39.00 41.82 54 Heck, Timothy 11 NCAP-PV 47.14 42.22 55 Stevenson, Logan 12 OCCS-PV 46.59 42.68 56 Rim, Alex 11 OCCS-PV NT 42.84 57 Liskey, Jackson 11 Rst-PV 44.74 42.85 58 Weston, Will 11 SNOW-PV NT 43.26 59 Dasher, Peter 11 NCAP-PV 42.74 43.58 60 Prette, Joey 11 MAKO-PV 46.12 44.15 61 Medde-Witage, Tash 11 SNOW-PV 45.54 45.24 62 Curran, Nathan 11 SNOW-PV 49.08 45.76 63 Kwon, Zachary 11 OCCS-PV 46.76 45.91 64 Fishenden, Aidan 11 NCAP-PV 55.07 46.16 65 Yun, Christopher 11 NCAP-PV 46.06 46.62 66 Zhan, Richard 11 Rst-PV NT 46.70 67 Brewington, Josh 11 OCCS-PV NT 47.95 68 VanDeusen, Matt 11 OCCS-PV 59.15 48.28 69 Janicki, Brian 11 NCAP-PV 52.13 49.09 70 Kalinowsky, Sean 11 NCAP-PV 54.82 49.33 71 McLain, Matthew 11 NCAP-PV 56.14 49.98 -- Glenn, Liam 11 MAKO-PV 39.55 DQ Non-simultaneous arms -- Bell, Logan 11 OCCS-PV 44.84 DQ Arms underwater recovery -- Andres, Jacob 12 OCCS-PV 54.09 DQ Arms underwater recovery Boys 11-12 100 Yard Butterfly =============================================================================== 1:14.99 JO'S Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Pol, Marco 12 OCCS-PV NT 1:11.14 JO'S 32.33 1:11.14 (38.81) 2 Lees. Jr., Thomas 12 NCAP-PV 1:17.12 1:11.67 JO'S 32.76 1:11.67 (38.91) 3 Wright, Kieran 12 SNOW-PV 1:16.10 1:14.35 JO'S 33.26 1:14.35 (41.09) 4 Fields, Matt 12 OCCS-PV 1:18.27 1:15.42 34.21 1:15.42 (41.21) 5 Dryer, Jeremy 12 NCAP-PV 1:25.94 1:16.08 35.14 1:16.08 (40.94) 6 Aho, Carson 11 NCAP-PV 1:22.04 1:18.29 36.87 1:18.29 (41.42) 7 LaBarbera, Antonio 11 SNOW-PV NT 1:19.54 37.00 1:19.54 (42.54) 8 Viricochea, Nathan 11 NCAP-PV 1:23.89 1:21.60 38.38 1:21.60 (43.22) 9 Franco, Rafael 12 OCCS-PV NT 1:25.04 37.60 1:25.04 (47.44) 10 Anderson, Josh 11 NCAP-PV 1:32.83 1:26.20 39.99 1:26.20 (46.21) 11 McEvoy, Andy 12 NCAP-PV 1:19.58 1:27.46 41.61 1:27.46 (45.85) 12 Lombardo, Jack 11 NCAP-PV 1:41.72 1:33.26 42.92 1:33.26 (50.34) 13 Brady, Justin 12 MAKO-PV NT 1:33.36 43.32 1:33.36 (50.04) 14 Stevenson, Logan 12 OCCS-PV 1:48.98 1:40.50 44.89 1:40.50 (55.61) 15 Lewis, Colin 11 SNOW-PV NT 1:40.73 43.94 1:40.73 (56.79) 16 Bhaiya, Vedant 12 OCCS-PV NT 1:56.63 53.68 1:56.63 (1:02.95) 17 Phan, Richardson 11 NCAP-PV NT 1:57.94 50.50 1:57.94 (1:07.44) -- Schubert, Ryan 11 OCCS-PV 1:47.82 DQ Arms underwater recovery 45.55 DQ (1:02.00) -- Oleksa, Ethan 12 NCAP-PV 1:22.78 DQ Alternating Kick 34.81 DQ (45.98) -- Kornfeld, Michael 12 UN-NC-PV 12:00.60 DQ One hand touch 37.08 DQ (42.17) Boys 11-12 100 Yard IM =============================================================================== 1:12.29 JO'S Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Mavris, Nicholas 12 NCAP-PV 1:14.49 1:12.30 34.02 1:12.30 (38.28) 2 Blindenbach, Pieter 11 NCAP-PV 1:15.04 1:13.19 33.56 1:13.19 (39.63) 3 Fields, Matt 12 OCCS-PV 1:14.40 1:13.20 32.92 1:13.20 (40.28) 4 Li, Daniel 11 NCAP-PV 1:17.81 1:13.85 35.02 1:13.85 (38.83) 5 Rivinius, Daniel 12 SNOW-PV 1:15.71 1:14.40 34.42 1:14.40 (39.98) 6 Peverall, Cole 11 NCAP-PV 1:18.10 1:15.39 35.47 1:15.39 (39.92) 7 Misener, Jay 12 NCAP-PV 1:15.80 1:15.79 36.20 1:15.79 (39.59) 8 Brocato, Tyler 12 MAKO-PV 1:15.10 1:15.94 35.59 1:15.94 (40.35) 9 NewRingeisen, Addison 12 NCAP-PV 1:19.67 1:16.19 35.08 1:16.19 (41.11) 10 Crisci, Aidan 11 NCAP-PV 1:17.81 1:16.68 35.29 1:16.68 (41.39) 11 Reyes, Mikel 12 NCAP-PV 1:21.72 1:16.75 35.56 1:16.75 (41.19) 12 Jones, Harrison 11 NCAP-PV 1:18.52 1:16.88 35.26 1:16.88 (41.62) 13 Dugan, David 12 NCAP-PV 1:18.89 1:17.24 37.86 1:17.24 (39.38) 13 O'Brien, Alex 11 SNOW-PV 1:19.23 1:17.24 36.40 1:17.24 (40.84) 15 Yu, Caleb 11 NCAP-PV 1:22.43 1:18.06 36.71 1:18.06 (41.35) 16 Kikis, Pete 12 MAKO-PV 1:20.31 1:18.16 35.28 1:18.16 (42.88) 17 Brady, Justin 12 MAKO-PV 1:19.78 1:18.54 36.36 1:18.54 (42.18) 18 Beamon, William 12 Rst-PV 1:22.15 1:18.82 36.98 1:18.82 (41.84) 19 Viricochea, Nathan 11 NCAP-PV 1:21.78 1:18.97 39.17 1:18.97 (39.80) 20 Collier, Jackson 11 NCAP-PV 1:20.41 1:19.15 37.15 1:19.15 (42.00) 21 Beima, Pierce 11 MAKO-PV 1:26.63 1:19.82 37.69 1:19.82 (42.13) 22 Wong, Joe 12 MAKO-PV 1:24.03 1:20.35 37.38 1:20.35 (42.97) 23 Walker, Aaron 11 MAKO-PV 1:23.99 1:20.48 35.78 1:20.48 (44.70) 24 Gilbert, Stephen 11 OCCS-PV 1:22.78 1:20.90 39.49 1:20.90 (41.41) 25 Bowers, Zachary 11 MAKO-PV 1:22.10 1:21.15 37.50 1:21.15 (43.65) 26 Harper, Henry 11 MAKO-PV 1:21.98 1:22.63 40.64 1:22.63 (41.99) 27 Crabb, Nicholas 11 NCAP-PV 1:21.27 1:23.21 37.96 1:23.21 (45.25) 28 Lombardo, Jack 11 NCAP-PV 1:29.72 1:24.93 39.14 1:24.93 (45.79) 29 Neal, Jacob 11 Rst-PV 1:27.28 1:25.03 39.46 1:25.03 (45.57) 30 Muldoon, Michael 11 MAKO-PV 1:26.79 1:25.73 40.11 1:25.73 (45.62) 31 Hood, Carter 12 MAKO-PV NT 1:25.82 37.16 1:25.82 (48.66) 32 McEvoy, Andy 12 NCAP-PV 1:28.66 1:25.99 39.77 1:25.99 (46.22) 33 Laredo, Alexander 11 NCAP-PV 1:27.13 1:26.30 41.55 1:26.30 (44.75) 34 Lewis, Colin 11 SNOW-PV 1:27.97 1:26.39 40.52 1:26.39 (45.87) 35 Davis, Joshua 11 OCCS-PV 1:36.14 1:26.69 39.20 1:26.69 (47.49) 36 Baker, Andrew 11 NCAP-PV 1:30.55 1:26.75 39.41 1:26.75 (47.34) 37 Zhang, Patrick 12 MAKO-PV 1:29.21 1:26.79 41.03 1:26.79 (45.76) 38 Lee, Ethan 11 Rst-PV NT 1:27.23 41.69 1:27.23 (45.54) 39 Stevenson, Logan 12 OCCS-PV 1:38.15 1:28.30 41.76 1:28.30 (46.54) 40 Mitros, Matt 11 MAKO-PV 1:27.39 1:28.56 41.13 1:28.56 (47.43) 41 Zeng, Roger 11 MAKO-PV 1:29.33 1:29.32 42.21 1:29.32 (47.11) 42 Medde-Witage, Tash 11 SNOW-PV 1:30.49 1:29.33 42.66 1:29.33 (46.67) 43 Kalinowsky, Sean 11 NCAP-PV 1:33.31 1:29.42 43.73 1:29.42 (45.69) 44 Romano, Mark 11 OCCS-PV 1:35.26 1:30.28 41.58 1:30.28 (48.70) 45 Kwon, Zachary 11 OCCS-PV 1:31.97 1:31.16 43.73 1:31.16 (47.43) 46 Bippert, Brian 11 Rst-PV 1:29.21 1:31.17 42.60 1:31.17 (48.57) 47 Heck, Timothy 11 NCAP-PV 1:46.47 1:31.64 41.45 1:31.64 (50.19) 48 Bellamy, Jack 11 NCAP-PV 1:40.27 1:31.94 43.93 1:31.94 (48.01) 49 McLain, Matthew 11 NCAP-PV 1:41.83 1:32.03 43.58 1:32.03 (48.45) 50 Tonthat, Anthony 12 Rst-PV 1:32.31 1:32.58 41.14 1:32.58 (51.44) 51 Bell, Logan 11 OCCS-PV 1:35.25 1:33.03 43.97 1:33.03 (49.06) 52 Weston, Will 11 SNOW-PV 1:35.55 1:33.41 46.06 1:33.41 (47.35) 53 Curran, Nathan 11 SNOW-PV 1:34.00 1:33.45 45.28 1:33.45 (48.17) 54 Liskey, Jackson 11 Rst-PV 1:36.36 1:33.61 45.83 1:33.61 (47.78) 55 Molino, Marco 11 NCAP-PV NT 1:34.00 42.20 1:34.00 (51.80) 56 Andres, Jacob 12 OCCS-PV 1:39.69 1:36.22 44.64 1:36.22 (51.58) 57 Carley, Sean 11 NCAP-PV 1:38.11 1:37.37 46.27 1:37.37 (51.10) 58 Janicki, Brian 11 NCAP-PV 1:43.25 1:38.24 47.80 1:38.24 (50.44) 59 Bhaiya, Vedant 12 OCCS-PV 1:43.30 1:40.59 48.72 1:40.59 (51.87) 60 Stowell, Thomas 12 SNOW-PV NT 1:42.95 48.22 1:42.95 (54.73) 61 Mencke, Keegan 11 NCAP-PV 1:39.41 1:45.62 53.79 1:45.62 (51.83) -- Blaes, Leo 11 NCAP-PV 1:19.93 DQ Non-simultaneous touch - fly 34.13 DQ (45.08) -- McNamara, Brian 11 NCAP-PV 1:14.49 DQ Shoulders past vertical toward breast - back 35.39 DQ (38.04) -- Mo, Nathan 11 MAKO-PV 1:33.93 DQ One hand touch - breast 41.07 DQ (50.90) Boys 12 & Under 200 Yard IM =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Phan, Alex 11 NCAP-PV 2:35.32 2:28.32 32.98 1:10.38 (37.40) 1:54.74 (44.36) 2:28.32 (33.58) 2 Liu, Alexander 12 NCAP-PV 2:53.57 2:37.87 32.80 1:13.67 (40.87) 2:01.53 (47.86) 2:37.87 (36.34) 3 Schuering, Christopher 11 NCAP-PV 2:38.77 2:38.01 33.49 1:14.38 (40.89) 2:02.00 (47.62) 2:38.01 (36.01) 4 Yung, Ian 12 OCCS-PV 2:39.62 2:38.50 35.12 1:16.35 (41.23) 2:02.89 (46.54) 2:38.50 (35.61) 5 Li, Daniel 11 NCAP-PV 2:42.05 2:40.72 35.37 1:15.68 (40.31) 2:05.27 (49.59) 2:40.72 (35.45) 6 Franco, Rafael 12 OCCS-PV 2:50.30 2:41.86 37.98 1:17.79 (39.81) 2:04.97 (47.18) 2:41.86 (36.89) 7 Jiang, Michael 11 OCCS-PV NT 2:42.27 36.01 1:16.75 (40.74) 2:05.73 (48.98) 2:42.27 (36.54) 8 Dryer, Jeremy 12 NCAP-PV NT 2:42.89 35.40 1:16.78 (41.38) 2:06.95 (50.17) 2:42.89 (35.94) 9 Xu, Albert 12 NCAP-PV 2:48.62 2:46.42 34.50 1:17.44 (42.94) 2:07.33 (49.89) 2:46.42 (39.09) 10 Monis, Anthony 12 OCCS-PV NT 2:46.88 34.14 1:17.04 (42.90) 2:08.01 (50.97) 2:46.88 (38.87) 11 Gilbert, Stephen 11 OCCS-PV 3:03.32 2:47.97 39.36 1:23.78 (44.42) 2:09.89 (46.11) 2:47.97 (38.08) 12 Crisci, Aidan 11 NCAP-PV 2:47.61 2:49.82 36.90 1:18.12 (41.22) 2:09.52 (51.40) 2:49.82 (40.30) 13 Viricochea, Nathan 11 NCAP-PV NT 2:49.83 37.66 1:21.89 (44.23) 2:12.58 (50.69) 2:49.83 (37.25) 14 Byrnes, Luca 11 MAKO-PV 2:59.26 2:52.51 37.49 1:21.68 (44.19) 2:10.24 (48.56) 2:52.51 (42.27) 15 He, Kevin 12 NCAP-PV 2:53.07 2:54.72 41.23 1:24.82 (43.59) 2:15.04 (50.22) 2:54.72 (39.68) 16 Hartshorn, Matthew 10 MAKO-PV NT 2:55.52 40.28 1:24.64 (44.36) 2:14.99 (50.35) 2:55.52 (40.53) 17 MacMichael, Ryan 11 MAKO-PV NT 2:58.29 42.89 1:27.50 (44.61) 2:19.97 (52.47) 2:58.29 (38.32) 18 Anderson, Josh 11 NCAP-PV 3:00.58 2:58.41 39.28 1:25.84 (46.56) 2:20.46 (54.62) 2:58.41 (37.95) 19 McEvoy, Andy 12 NCAP-PV 3:13.59 2:58.63 37.95 1:26.26 (48.31) 2:20.38 (54.12) 2:58.63 (38.25) 20 Pandi, Neeraj 10 OCCS-PV 2:51.23 2:58.77 1:25.41 ( ) 2:19.23 (53.82) 2:58.77 (39.54) 21 Nelson, Sammy 11 NCAP-PV 3:07.10 2:59.89 41.44 1:25.95 (44.51) 2:20.72 (54.77) 2:59.89 (39.17) 22 Nicolai, Mitchell 10 OCCS-PV NT 3:02.27 43.34 1:30.20 (46.86) 2:22.60 (52.40) 3:02.27 (39.67) 23 Lee, Justin 11 NCAP-PV 3:34.40 3:03.69 38.97 1:27.34 (48.37) 2:22.55 (55.21) 3:03.69 (41.14) 24 Madsen, Conner 12 MAKO-PV NT 3:04.89 40.04 1:29.72 (49.68) 2:23.48 (53.76) 3:04.89 (41.41) 25 Taft, Kai 10 MAKO-PV NT 3:05.12 38.78 1:27.63 (48.85) 2:24.91 (57.28) 3:05.12 (40.21) 26 Romack, Maxwell 11 NCAP-PV 3:08.24 3:05.69 43.10 1:30.08 (46.98) 2:26.52 (56.44) 3:05.69 (39.17) 27 Evers, Graham 10 MAKO-PV NT 3:07.98 44.15 1:33.29 (49.14) 2:26.08 (52.79) 3:07.98 (41.90) 28 Hufnagel, Adam 9 NCAP-PV NT 3:13.70 43.45 1:32.56 (49.11) 2:31.09 (58.53) 3:13.70 (42.61) 29 Crowe, Tripp 10 MAKO-PV NT 3:20.79 52.14 1:42.01 (49.87) 2:39.49 (57.48) 3:20.79 (41.30) 30 Feit, Joshua 10 SNOW-PV NT 3:21.03 46.96 1:36.93 (49.97) 2:39.04 (1:02.11) 3:21.03 (41.99) 31 Norrie, Tyler 10 NCAP-PV NT 3:24.87 47.53 1:36.40 (48.87) 2:39.32 (1:02.92) 3:24.87 (45.55) 32 Rhodes, Billy 10 NCAP-PV NT 3:33.69 1:49.37 ( ) 2:45.89 (56.52) 3:33.69 (47.80) 33 Unsal, Neco 10 NCAP-PV NT 3:33.94 53.41 1:45.04 (51.63) 2:50.52 (1:05.48) 3:33.94 (43.42) 34 Isenhower, James 9 NCAP-PV NT 3:38.41 53.65 1:45.92 (52.27) 2:51.15 (1:05.23) 3:38.41 (47.26) 35 Carley, Sean 11 NCAP-PV NT 3:39.56 54.76 1:49.72 (54.96) 2:51.97 (1:02.25) 3:39.56 (47.59) -- Schweigert-Opas, Reilly 11 MAKO-PV NT DQ Shoulders past vertical toward breast - back 55.45 1:46.26 (50.81) 2:40.09 (53.83) DQ (47.70) Boys 13 & Over 50 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Boulter, Jake 17 OCCS-PV 23.00 22.76 2 McLean, Sam 17 SNOW-PV 29.35 23.31 3 Marron, Paul 15 OCCS-PV 23.53 23.50 4 Jackmore, Samuel 15 MAKO-PV 24.73 23.57 5 Pham-Ton, Jet 15 MAKO-PV 23.97 23.80 6 Bushweller, Colin 16 OCCS-PV 32.70 24.38 7 Levine, Noah 15 OCCS-PV 24.85 24.44 8 Brandt, Evan 15 OCCS-PV 24.85 24.45 9 Crum, Chuck 17 OCCS-PV 24.83 24.46 10 Berta, Chris 14 OCCS-PV 25.01 24.55 11 Weese, Jonathan 16 NCAP-PV 24.81 24.60 12 Briceno, Leonardo 16 SNOW-PV 25.63 24.62 13 Martin, Zach 15 SNOW-PV 26.28 25.09 14 Kearney, Patrick 16 Rst-PV 25.02 25.21 15 Keane, Sean 14 SNOW-PV 25.70 25.22 16 Finkenbinder, Dillon 16 SNOW-PV 25.83 25.23 17 Wilson, Sam 18 Rst-PV 25.61 25.42 18 Yip, Gordan 18 NCAP-PV 25.83 25.53 19 Ramberg, Jack 14 SNOW-PV 26.13 25.68 20 Stevens, Will 15 OCCS-PV 25.47 25.74 21 McKinley, Timothy 14 NCAP-PV 26.24 25.77 22 Bourdelais, Kevin 13 MAKO-PV 27.09 25.80 23 Kim, Cody 13 NCAP-PV 26.16 25.85 24 Brazier, Mitchell 16 Rst-PV 26.57 25.86 25 Smith, Cameron 14 OCCS-PV 26.08 25.90 26 Agravante, Emmanuel 14 NCAP-PV 26.29 25.94 27 Hale, Andrew 13 MAKO-PV 25.82 25.96 28 Lansberry, Austin 14 OCCS-PV 26.14 25.97 29 Harnish, Brian 14 OCCS-PV 26.01 26.07 30 Lyell, Nathan 14 Rst-PV 26.66 26.09 31 Bae, Steven 14 OCCS-PV 26.81 26.37 32 Luong, Brian 13 NCAP-PV 26.94 26.39 33 Eisner, Cole 13 SNOW-PV 27.43 26.42 34 Nowak, Matt 13 OCCS-PV 27.95 26.51 35 Barker, Farran 13 OCCS-PV 26.27 26.52 36 Lee, Michael 15 MAKO-PV 30.24 26.59 37 Radocha, Max 14 OCCS-PV 27.27 26.65 38 Kulick, Nick 18 OCCS-PV 27.44 26.67 39 Rexroad, Nick 15 SNOW-PV 27.13 26.70 40 Vutipawat, Keti 13 NCAP-PV 27.11 26.77 41 Heenan, Jake 13 OCCS-PV 27.31 26.78 42 Dobrydney, Joey 13 MAKO-PV 26.96 26.84 42 Russello, Gage 13 SNOW-PV 26.46 26.84 44 Beima, Phillip 13 MAKO-PV 25.92 26.90 45 Vahiny, Jeffrey 13 NCAP-PV 27.10 26.94 46 Pliuskaitis, Stuart 13 SNOW-PV 27.73 27.00 47 Meredith, Andrew 18 Rst-PV 25.51 27.01 48 Peny, Jack 15 OCCS-PV 27.20 27.11 49 Lamb, Alexander 13 Rst-PV 28.11 27.17 50 Foley, John 14 NCAP-PV 27.12 27.22 51 Lewis, Griffin 13 NCAP-PV 30.57 27.44 52 Murphy, Ryan 13 SNOW-PV 27.63 27.57 53 Dyson, Cole 13 NCAP-PV 27.26 27.65 54 Hummer, Michael 13 OCCS-PV 28.16 27.80 55 Stapor, Thomas 14 SNOW-PV 28.24 27.89 56 McCONAGHA, Cameron 13 NCAP-PV 30.24 27.91 57 Talavera, Javier 13 NCAP-PV 27.77 28.04 58 Beisler, Jack 14 SNOW-PV 27.70 28.12 59 Neal, Jacob 13 OCCS-PV 27.58 28.42 60 Condit, Parker 13 MAKO-PV 28.61 28.46 61 Worthley, Tyler 14 NCAP-PV 29.12 28.47 62 Henson, Daniel 14 MAKO-PV 28.90 28.50 63 Riggins, Cole 13 NCAP-PV 28.37 28.59 64 Zhang, Henry 13 NCAP-PV 33.32 28.66 65 Deegan, Kenta 13 MAKO-PV 28.12 28.89 66 Kehoe, Ryan 14 MAKO-PV 29.25 28.90 67 Laredo, Jonathan 13 NCAP-PV 27.97 28.94 68 Janardhanan, Sid 14 OCCS-PV 29.47 29.01 69 Blindenbach, Jacob 14 NCAP-PV 28.64 29.05 70 Medovar, Anthony 16 OCCS-PV 28.16 29.10 71 Gardner, Devin 14 MAKO-PV 30.31 29.28 72 Snyder, Wogan 13 NCAP-PV 29.45 29.38 73 Fishenden, James 14 NCAP-PV 29.78 29.45 73 Howley, Michael 13 SNOW-PV 29.52 29.45 75 Sallade, Jason 15 OCCS-PV 29.86 29.53 76 Sidestam, Charlie 13 OCCS-PV 31.25 29.57 77 MacMichael, Jack 13 MAKO-PV 29.99 29.77 78 Cummins, Tommy 13 OCCS-PV 29.52 30.03 79 Bacon, Austin 14 OCCS-PV 29.86 30.04 80 Fitz, Reese 14 Rst-PV 29.35 30.27 81 Barrera, Arturo 13 OCCS-PV 30.32 30.30 82 Tolar, Jack 13 OCCS-PV 29.54 30.42 83 Davis, Thomas 13 SNOW-PV 30.25 30.50 84 Questad, Carl 13 NCAP-PV 31.87 30.55 85 Stewart, Ian 13 MAKO-PV 31.00 30.75 86 Wells, Tim 14 MAKO-PV 32.35 30.95 87 Guzman, Christopher 17 NCAP-PV 31.23 31.92 88 Waddell, Jacob 14 Rst-PV 32.58 32.85 89 vu, Thien 13 OCCS-PV 33.76 33.19 90 Barreto, Juandiego 14 SNOW-PV NT 33.48 91 Peverall, Ian 13 NCAP-PV 35.00 33.61 92 Erickson, Matthew 13 MAKO-PV 35.92 34.59 93 Zanetti, Robert 13 SNOW-PV NT 35.55 94 Montenegro, Jonathan 13 MAKO-PV 36.67 38.38 95 Mussie, Noah 13 OCCS-PV NT 39.38 Boys 13 & Over 100 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 McLean, Sam 17 SNOW-PV 1:06.17 51.01 24.21 51.01 (26.80) 2 Boulter, Jake 17 OCCS-PV 51.94 51.65 24.54 51.65 (27.11) 3 Bushweller, Colin 16 OCCS-PV 1:12.73 52.89 25.34 52.89 (27.55) 4 Marron, Paul 15 OCCS-PV 52.27 52.90 25.37 52.90 (27.53) 5 Yeager, Jake 15 SNOW-PV 53.73 53.21 25.65 53.21 (27.56) 6 Mast, Matt 15 OCCS-PV 54.11 53.53 25.71 53.53 (27.82) 7 Levine, Noah 15 OCCS-PV 54.31 53.87 26.24 53.87 (27.63) 8 Martin, Zach 15 SNOW-PV 54.31 54.27 26.45 54.27 (27.82) 9 Weese, Jonathan 16 NCAP-PV 53.67 54.35 26.46 54.35 (27.89) 10 Brandt, Evan 15 OCCS-PV 55.77 54.40 26.36 54.40 (28.04) 11 Vaka, Nicholas 15 SNOW-PV 53.89 54.42 26.20 54.42 (28.22) 12 Zhang, Josh 13 NCAP-PV 54.78 54.49 25.88 54.49 (28.61) 13 Eisenhart, Geoffrey 14 Rst-PV 55.09 54.71 26.76 54.71 (27.95) 14 Finkenbinder, Dillon 16 SNOW-PV 54.64 54.83 26.39 54.83 (28.44) 15 Yang, Andrew 14 MAKO-PV 54.62 54.89 26.53 54.89 (28.36) 16 Bagal, Nithin 13 NCAP-PV 54.60 54.95 26.01 54.95 (28.94) 17 Shen, Edward 13 NCAP-PV 56.10 55.04 25.96 55.04 (29.08) 18 Kearney, Patrick 16 Rst-PV 56.35 56.10 26.97 56.10 (29.13) 19 Hale, Andrew 13 MAKO-PV 57.83 56.49 27.18 56.49 (29.31) 20 Keane, Sean 14 SNOW-PV 1:00.78 56.98 27.18 56.98 (29.80) 21 Kim, Cody 13 NCAP-PV 58.59 57.05 27.08 57.05 (29.97) 22 Smith, Cameron 14 OCCS-PV 1:02.01 57.09 27.60 57.09 (29.49) 23 Bourdelais, Kevin 13 MAKO-PV 1:01.21 57.16 27.25 57.16 (29.91) 24 Luong, Brian 13 NCAP-PV 58.48 57.18 26.82 57.18 (30.36) 25 Kulick, Nick 18 OCCS-PV 57.97 57.33 27.77 57.33 (29.56) 26 Rexroad, Nick 15 SNOW-PV 58.59 57.42 27.03 57.42 (30.39) 27 Harnish, Brian 14 OCCS-PV 57.38 57.74 27.91 57.74 (29.83) 28 Radocha, Max 14 OCCS-PV 1:00.86 57.89 27.82 57.89 (30.07) 29 Nowak, Matt 13 OCCS-PV 58.05 58.03 27.65 58.03 (30.38) 30 Butler, Steven 13 OCCS-PV 57.30 58.29 28.03 58.29 (30.26) 31 Murphy, Ryan 13 SNOW-PV 59.69 58.58 28.15 58.58 (30.43) 32 Brazier, Mitchell 16 Rst-PV 59.42 58.64 27.97 58.64 (30.67) 33 Peny, Jack 15 OCCS-PV 57.39 58.74 28.27 58.74 (30.47) 34 Meredith, Andrew 18 Rst-PV 57.86 59.07 28.23 59.07 (30.84) 35 Caron, Christopher 14 OCCS-PV 58.46 59.13 28.01 59.13 (31.12) 36 Barker, Farran 13 OCCS-PV 1:00.01 59.15 28.81 59.15 (30.34) 37 Lyell, Nathan 14 Rst-PV 59.68 59.41 29.17 59.41 (30.24) 38 Vutipawat, Keti 13 NCAP-PV 58.93 59.61 28.32 59.61 (31.29) 39 Beima, Phillip 13 MAKO-PV 59.24 59.65 27.64 59.65 (32.01) 40 Hummer, Michael 13 OCCS-PV 1:00.46 59.72 28.44 59.72 (31.28) 41 Foley, John 14 NCAP-PV 59.91 59.76 28.51 59.76 (31.25) 42 Dyson, Cole 13 NCAP-PV 59.70 59.83 28.66 59.83 (31.17) 43 Zhang, Henry 13 NCAP-PV 1:01.26 1:00.67 28.57 1:00.67 (32.10) 44 Neal, Jacob 13 OCCS-PV 58.89 1:00.71 28.76 1:00.71 (31.95) 45 Caprio, Benjamin 15 NCAP-PV 1:02.33 1:00.77 28.98 1:00.77 (31.79) 46 Laredo, Jonathan 13 NCAP-PV 1:00.86 1:01.06 29.36 1:01.06 (31.70) 47 Breen, Conor 13 NCAP-PV 1:01.23 1:01.29 30.50 1:01.29 (30.79) 48 Talavera, Javier 13 NCAP-PV 1:02.34 1:01.65 29.24 1:01.65 (32.41) 49 Lewis, Griffin 13 NCAP-PV 1:07.71 1:01.86 29.49 1:01.86 (32.37) 50 Reilly, William 13 NCAP-PV 1:00.90 1:01.88 51 Beisler, Jack 14 SNOW-PV 1:01.53 1:02.17 29.08 1:02.17 (33.09) 52 Condit, Parker 13 MAKO-PV 1:04.70 1:02.27 28.47 1:02.27 (33.80) 53 Davis, Thomas 13 SNOW-PV 1:04.13 1:02.54 29.74 1:02.54 (32.80) 54 Morris, CT 14 MAKO-PV 1:03.51 1:03.73 30.17 1:03.73 (33.56) 55 Stapor, Thomas 14 SNOW-PV 1:04.34 1:03.77 30.03 1:03.77 (33.74) 56 Sundsted, Collin 13 NCAP-PV 1:37.93 1:03.90 29.95 1:03.90 (33.95) 57 Kehoe, Ryan 14 MAKO-PV 1:04.85 1:04.18 30.72 1:04.18 (33.46) 58 Gardner, Devin 14 MAKO-PV 1:06.13 1:04.99 31.17 1:04.99 (33.82) 59 Cummins, Tommy 13 OCCS-PV 1:05.36 1:05.51 31.83 1:05.51 (33.68) 60 Fishenden, James 14 NCAP-PV 1:05.68 1:05.74 31.21 1:05.74 (34.53) 61 Snyder, Wogan 13 NCAP-PV 1:05.91 1:06.03 30.34 1:06.03 (35.69) 62 Howley, Michael 13 SNOW-PV 1:09.71 1:06.05 31.35 1:06.05 (34.70) 63 Worthley, Tyler 14 NCAP-PV 1:08.26 1:07.29 31.60 1:07.29 (35.69) 64 Zhang, Dean 13 MAKO-PV 1:11.39 1:07.59 32.52 1:07.59 (35.07) 65 Bass, Lewis 14 OCCS-PV 1:14.74 1:08.27 32.61 1:08.27 (35.66) 66 Sallade, Jason 15 OCCS-PV 1:06.67 1:08.33 31.68 1:08.33 (36.65) 67 Aedo, Maximiliano 13 NCAP-PV 1:07.72 1:10.48 33.40 1:10.48 (37.08) 68 Peverall, Ian 13 NCAP-PV 1:17.48 1:11.80 34.89 1:11.80 (36.91) 69 Barreto, Juandiego 14 SNOW-PV NT 1:14.94 36.41 1:14.94 (38.53) 70 Baumgartner, Brandon 13 NCAP-PV 1:13.97 1:15.01 34.74 1:15.01 (40.27) 71 Law, Robert 13 MAKO-PV 1:19.46 1:16.34 35.23 1:16.34 (41.11) 72 Erickson, Matthew 13 MAKO-PV 1:17.27 1:17.45 37.37 1:17.45 (40.08) 73 Montenegro, Jonathan 13 MAKO-PV 1:24.49 1:22.25 38.85 1:22.25 (43.40) -- Stevens, Will 15 OCCS-PV 57.14 DQ False start 27.18 DQ (30.62) -- Ramberg, Jack 14 SNOW-PV 57.66 DQ False start 27.13 DQ (29.58) Boys 13 & Over 200 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Mast, Matt 15 OCCS-PV 1:58.02 1:53.92 26.67 55.67 (29.00) 1:24.91 (29.24) 1:53.92 (29.01) 2 Marron, Paul 15 OCCS-PV 1:54.81 1:54.10 27.11 55.93 (28.82) 1:25.22 (29.29) 1:54.10 (28.88) 3 Brandt, Evan 15 OCCS-PV 1:55.21 1:54.48 26.71 56.02 (29.31) 1:25.49 (29.47) 1:54.48 (28.99) 4 Martin, Zach 15 SNOW-PV 1:58.22 1:54.93 26.89 56.35 (29.46) 1:26.27 (29.92) 1:54.93 (28.66) 5 Weese, Jonathan 16 NCAP-PV 2:02.61 1:55.54 27.14 56.96 (29.82) 1:26.85 (29.89) 1:55.54 (28.69) 6 Bushweller, Colin 16 OCCS-PV 2:43.96 1:55.94 27.17 56.75 (29.58) 1:26.75 (30.00) 1:55.94 (29.19) 7 Boulter, Jake 17 OCCS-PV 2:05.62 1:56.50 26.42 56.40 (29.98) 1:26.17 (29.77) 1:56.50 (30.33) 8 Crum, Chuck 17 OCCS-PV 1:58.10 1:57.34 27.31 57.47 (30.16) 1:27.42 (29.95) 1:57.34 (29.92) 9 McLean, Sam 17 SNOW-PV 2:04.71 1:57.68 26.52 56.35 (29.83) 1:27.28 (30.93) 1:57.68 (30.40) 10 Jampole, Shane 15 OCCS-PV 2:04.00 2:00.03 27.87 57.67 (29.80) 1:28.86 (31.19) 2:00.03 (31.17) 11 Shen, Edward 13 NCAP-PV 2:02.81 2:00.97 26.95 57.47 (30.52) 1:28.65 (31.18) 2:00.97 (32.32) 12 Hale, Andrew 13 MAKO-PV 2:04.15 2:01.11 27.46 58.59 (31.13) 1:31.04 (32.45) 2:01.11 (30.07) 13 Eisenhart, Geoffrey 14 Rst-PV 2:04.78 2:01.15 27.34 57.99 (30.65) 1:29.93 (31.94) 2:01.15 (31.22) 14 Yang, Andrew 14 MAKO-PV 2:01.07 2:01.40 26.52 57.16 (30.64) 1:29.36 (32.20) 2:01.40 (32.04) 15 Zhang, Josh 13 NCAP-PV 1:59.96 2:01.77 27.38 57.88 (30.50) 1:30.05 (32.17) 2:01.77 (31.72) 16 Ramberg, Jack 14 SNOW-PV 2:06.82 2:02.58 28.34 1:00.37 (32.03) 1:33.47 (33.10) 2:02.58 (29.11) 17 Kim, Cody 13 NCAP-PV 2:07.91 2:03.47 27.15 58.33 (31.18) 1:30.93 (32.60) 2:03.47 (32.54) 18 Briceno, Leonardo 16 SNOW-PV 2:08.51 2:03.57 28.83 1:00.42 (31.59) 1:33.13 (32.71) 2:03.57 (30.44) 19 Finkenbinder, Dillon 16 SNOW-PV 2:13.02 2:03.93 27.70 58.73 (31.03) 1:31.44 (32.71) 2:03.93 (32.49) 20 Pliuskaitis, Stuart 13 SNOW-PV 2:10.36 2:04.00 28.06 59.27 (31.21) 1:31.83 (32.56) 2:04.00 (32.17) 21 Nowak, Matt 13 OCCS-PV 2:09.23 2:04.05 28.92 1:00.82 (31.90) 1:32.64 (31.82) 2:04.05 (31.41) 22 Luong, Brian 13 NCAP-PV 2:07.88 2:04.53 27.33 59.09 (31.76) 1:32.12 (33.03) 2:04.53 (32.41) 23 Bergmann, Sean 15 NCAP-PV 2:07.11 2:04.84 27.25 59.01 (31.76) 1:32.09 (33.08) 2:04.84 (32.75) 24 Exel, D.J. 14 SNOW-PV 2:07.37 2:05.25 28.41 1:00.04 (31.63) 1:32.66 (32.62) 2:05.25 (32.59) 25 Eisner, Cole 13 SNOW-PV 2:08.05 2:06.49 28.17 1:00.61 (32.44) 1:33.41 (32.80) 2:06.49 (33.08) 26 Harnish, Brian 14 OCCS-PV 2:08.52 2:06.50 28.42 1:01.49 (33.07) 1:34.77 (33.28) 2:06.50 (31.73) 27 Butler, Steven 13 OCCS-PV 2:09.10 2:06.74 29.29 1:02.24 (32.95) 1:35.42 (33.18) 2:06.74 (31.32) 28 Stevenson, Grisham 15 OCCS-PV 2:08.53 2:06.86 28.28 1:00.60 (32.32) 1:34.29 (33.69) 2:06.86 (32.57) 29 Dyson, Cole 13 NCAP-PV 2:08.97 2:06.92 28.75 1:00.89 (32.14) 1:34.39 (33.50) 2:06.92 (32.53) 30 Kulick, Nick 18 OCCS-PV 2:03.69 2:07.27 28.60 1:00.11 (31.51) 1:33.54 (33.43) 2:07.27 (33.73) 31 Kearney, Patrick 16 Rst-PV NT 2:07.45 27.87 59.74 (31.87) 1:34.04 (34.30) 2:07.45 (33.41) 32 Stevens, Will 15 OCCS-PV 2:08.72 2:07.53 28.42 1:01.29 (32.87) 1:35.24 (33.95) 2:07.53 (32.29) 33 Hummer, Michael 13 OCCS-PV 2:12.28 2:08.30 30.42 1:03.82 (33.40) 1:37.04 (33.22) 2:08.30 (31.26) 34 Peny, Jack 15 OCCS-PV 2:19.95 2:08.84 29.78 1:02.80 (33.02) 1:36.40 (33.60) 2:08.84 (32.44) 35 Agravante, Emmanuel 14 NCAP-PV 2:15.05 2:08.86 30.53 1:04.03 (33.50) 1:37.69 (33.66) 2:08.86 (31.17) 36 Beisler, Jack 14 SNOW-PV 2:14.54 2:10.28 28.79 1:02.11 (33.32) 1:36.59 (34.48) 2:10.28 (33.69) 37 Heenan, Jake 13 OCCS-PV 2:13.03 2:12.42 30.41 1:04.74 (34.33) 1:39.23 (34.49) 2:12.42 (33.19) 38 Beima, Phillip 13 MAKO-PV 2:12.06 2:12.64 29.31 1:03.92 (34.61) 1:39.34 (35.42) 2:12.64 (33.30) 39 Radocha, Max 14 OCCS-PV 2:14.84 2:12.75 29.87 1:03.57 (33.70) 1:38.93 (35.36) 2:12.75 (33.82) 40 Murphy, Ryan 13 SNOW-PV 2:30.04 2:12.82 30.60 1:04.61 (34.01) 1:39.75 (35.14) 2:12.82 (33.07) 41 Meredith, Andrew 18 Rst-PV 2:23.85 2:12.83 29.78 1:03.08 (33.30) 1:38.62 (35.54) 2:12.83 (34.21) 42 Vutipawat, Keti 13 NCAP-PV 2:11.70 2:13.06 29.74 1:03.50 (33.76) 1:39.44 (35.94) 2:13.06 (33.62) 43 Dimitri, Brandon 14 NCAP-PV 2:27.58 2:13.69 29.63 1:03.59 (33.96) 1:38.93 (35.34) 2:13.69 (34.76) 44 Pham, Kevin 13 NCAP-PV 2:20.75 2:14.26 30.36 1:04.42 (34.06) 1:39.60 (35.18) 2:14.26 (34.66) 45 Foley, John 14 NCAP-PV 2:14.11 2:14.28 30.24 1:04.40 (34.16) 1:40.19 (35.79) 2:14.28 (34.09) 46 Barker, Farran 13 OCCS-PV 2:20.68 2:15.68 31.00 1:05.78 (34.78) 1:41.30 (35.52) 2:15.68 (34.38) 47 Brazier, Mitchell 16 Rst-PV NT 2:15.75 29.83 1:03.93 (34.10) 1:39.32 (35.39) 2:15.75 (36.43) 48 Surette, Noah 13 NCAP-PV 2:25.45 2:15.81 30.74 1:05.69 (34.95) 1:42.39 (36.70) 2:15.81 (33.42) 49 Neal, Jacob 13 OCCS-PV 2:15.07 2:17.06 31.28 1:06.53 (35.25) 1:42.68 (36.15) 2:17.06 (34.38) 50 Talavera, Javier 13 NCAP-PV 2:23.22 2:20.97 32.04 1:08.47 (36.43) 1:46.15 (37.68) 2:20.97 (34.82) 51 Cummins, Tommy 13 OCCS-PV 2:21.66 2:21.13 32.57 1:08.41 (35.84) 1:45.60 (37.19) 2:21.13 (35.53) 52 Tolar, Jack 13 OCCS-PV 2:22.08 2:22.41 31.61 1:06.88 (35.27) 1:43.97 (37.09) 2:22.41 (38.44) 53 Gardner, Devin 14 MAKO-PV 2:26.09 2:23.56 31.53 1:07.48 (35.95) 1:46.11 (38.63) 2:23.56 (37.45) 54 Purdy, Alex 13 OCCS-PV 2:27.15 2:23.63 31.32 1:07.18 (35.86) 1:46.08 (38.90) 2:23.63 (37.55) 55 Bacon, Austin 14 OCCS-PV 2:25.74 2:24.50 32.40 1:09.24 (36.84) 1:48.87 (39.63) 2:24.50 (35.63) 56 Sallade, Jason 15 OCCS-PV 2:26.03 2:25.37 32.24 1:09.01 (36.77) 1:48.43 (39.42) 2:25.37 (36.94) 57 Stapor, Thomas 14 SNOW-PV 2:31.07 2:26.73 32.49 1:10.32 (37.83) 1:49.00 (38.68) 2:26.73 (37.73) 58 Janardhanan, Sid 14 OCCS-PV 2:40.97 2:32.88 32.01 1:10.27 (38.26) 1:51.82 (41.55) 2:32.88 (41.06) 59 Aedo, Maximiliano 13 NCAP-PV 2:50.90 2:35.56 33.92 1:13.23 (39.31) 1:55.19 (41.96) 2:35.56 (40.37) 60 Lee, Brian 13 OCCS-PV NT 2:41.06 35.48 1:15.32 (39.84) 2:41.06 (1:25.74) 61 Barrera, Arturo 13 OCCS-PV 2:35.86 2:42.59 36.03 1:17.69 (41.66) 2:00.37 (42.68) 2:42.59 (42.22) 62 Fitz, Reese 14 Rst-PV 2:41.11 2:46.56 36.81 1:18.52 (41.71) 2:03.23 (44.71) 2:46.56 (43.33) 63 Erickson, Matthew 13 MAKO-PV 2:50.81 2:46.73 37.87 2:06.23 ( ) 2:46.73 (40.50) 64 Baumgartner, Brandon 13 NCAP-PV 3:00.19 2:49.06 35.08 1:17.65 (42.57) 2:03.99 (46.34) 2:49.06 (45.07) 65 Guzman, Christopher 17 NCAP-PV 2:35.00 2:55.09 37.74 1:20.35 (42.61) 2:07.70 (47.35) 2:55.09 (47.39) Boys 13 & Over 100 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Pham-Ton, Jet 15 MAKO-PV 1:00.23 59.72 28.40 59.72 (31.32) 2 Finkenbinder, Dillon 16 SNOW-PV 1:01.20 1:00.55 29.48 1:00.55 (31.07) 3 Bergmann, Sean 15 NCAP-PV 1:00.33 1:00.82 29.27 1:00.82 (31.55) 4 Yip, Gordan 18 NCAP-PV 1:00.02 1:01.26 30.01 1:01.26 (31.25) 5 Crum, Chuck 17 OCCS-PV 1:02.98 1:01.94 30.24 1:01.94 (31.70) 6 Martin, Zach 15 SNOW-PV 1:03.47 1:01.96 30.03 1:01.96 (31.93) 7 Wilson, Sam 18 Rst-PV 1:01.97 1:02.47 31.27 1:02.47 (31.20) 8 Berta, Chris 14 OCCS-PV 1:07.35 1:02.95 29.94 1:02.95 (33.01) 9 Smith, Cameron 14 OCCS-PV 1:03.15 1:03.11 30.72 1:03.11 (32.39) 10 Weese, Jonathan 16 NCAP-PV 1:03.78 1:03.12 31.11 1:03.12 (32.01) 11 Stevens, Will 15 OCCS-PV 1:03.45 1:03.76 31.10 1:03.76 (32.66) 12 Eisenhart, Geoffrey 14 Rst-PV 1:05.22 1:03.78 30.99 1:03.78 (32.79) 13 Heenan, Jake 13 OCCS-PV 1:03.01 1:03.80 31.99 1:03.80 (31.81) 14 Hale, Andrew 13 MAKO-PV 1:04.65 1:03.88 30.75 1:03.88 (33.13) 15 Zhang, Josh 13 NCAP-PV 1:05.65 1:04.10 30.53 1:04.10 (33.57) 16 Marron, Paul 15 OCCS-PV 1:03.89 1:04.15 31.62 1:04.15 (32.53) 17 Brazier, Mitchell 16 Rst-PV 1:05.42 1:04.27 30.86 1:04.27 (33.41) 18 Lyell, Nathan 14 Rst-PV 1:08.38 1:04.31 31.10 1:04.31 (33.21) 19 Levine, Noah 15 OCCS-PV 1:07.58 1:04.83 30.93 1:04.83 (33.90) 20 Nowak, Matt 13 OCCS-PV 1:06.01 1:04.94 31.48 1:04.94 (33.46) 21 Rexroad, Nick 15 SNOW-PV 1:07.30 1:05.43 31.62 1:05.43 (33.81) 22 Zhang, Henry 13 NCAP-PV 1:06.40 1:05.60 31.43 1:05.60 (34.17) 23 Bae, Steven 14 OCCS-PV 1:07.47 1:05.61 32.06 1:05.61 (33.55) 24 McCONAGHA, Cameron 13 NCAP-PV 1:06.87 1:05.85 32.11 1:05.85 (33.74) 25 Kim, Cody 13 NCAP-PV 1:08.97 1:05.86 32.31 1:05.86 (33.55) 26 Ramberg, Jack 14 SNOW-PV 1:07.11 1:05.96 27 Dobrydney, Joey 13 MAKO-PV 1:10.56 1:06.69 32.72 1:06.69 (33.97) 28 Russello, Gage 13 SNOW-PV 1:08.26 1:07.10 33.07 1:07.10 (34.03) 29 Jackmore, Samuel 15 MAKO-PV 1:10.05 1:07.43 32.19 1:07.43 (35.24) 30 Lansberry, Austin 14 OCCS-PV 1:13.43 1:07.79 32.95 1:07.79 (34.84) 31 Lee, Michael 15 MAKO-PV 1:09.46 1:07.82 32.89 1:07.82 (34.93) 32 Briceno, Leonardo 16 SNOW-PV 1:07.91 1:08.07 33.50 1:08.07 (34.57) 33 Medovar, Anthony 16 OCCS-PV 1:06.92 1:08.38 33.12 1:08.38 (35.26) 34 Foley, John 14 NCAP-PV 1:09.88 1:08.45 33.38 1:08.45 (35.07) 35 Pham, Kevin 13 NCAP-PV 1:08.88 1:08.52 32.26 1:08.52 (36.26) 36 Keane, Sean 14 SNOW-PV 1:09.40 1:08.70 37 Vahiny, Jeffrey 13 NCAP-PV 1:05.86 1:08.80 32.63 1:08.80 (36.17) 38 Bourdelais, Kevin 13 MAKO-PV 1:12.11 1:08.85 33.62 1:08.85 (35.23) 39 Stevenson, Grisham 15 OCCS-PV 1:09.99 1:08.95 33.46 1:08.95 (35.49) 40 Hummer, Michael 13 OCCS-PV 1:09.38 1:08.96 34.33 1:08.96 (34.63) 41 Beisler, Jack 14 SNOW-PV 1:09.62 1:09.12 33.74 1:09.12 (35.38) 42 Deegan, Kenta 13 MAKO-PV 1:13.18 1:09.22 33.02 1:09.22 (36.20) 43 Agravante, Emmanuel 14 NCAP-PV 1:08.00 1:09.39 33.96 1:09.39 (35.43) 44 Young, Ben 14 OCCS-PV 1:11.14 1:09.90 33.88 1:09.90 (36.02) 45 Blindenbach, Jacob 14 NCAP-PV 1:11.50 1:09.96 34.25 1:09.96 (35.71) 46 Dyson, Cole 13 NCAP-PV 1:11.08 1:10.78 34.75 1:10.78 (36.03) 47 Lamb, Alexander 13 Rst-PV 1:13.81 1:11.08 33.71 1:11.08 (37.37) 48 Eisner, Cole 13 SNOW-PV 1:10.65 1:12.08 35.40 1:12.08 (36.68) 49 Dimitri, Brandon 14 NCAP-PV 1:13.09 1:12.22 34.36 1:12.22 (37.86) 50 Janardhanan, Sid 14 OCCS-PV 1:15.49 1:12.70 34.03 1:12.70 (38.67) 51 Riggins, Cole 13 NCAP-PV 1:10.39 1:12.94 35.69 1:12.94 (37.25) 52 Stapor, Thomas 14 SNOW-PV 1:14.93 1:13.09 34.75 1:13.09 (38.34) 53 Kang, Joseph 13 OCCS-PV 1:17.63 1:13.56 35.08 1:13.56 (38.48) 54 Talavera, Javier 13 NCAP-PV 1:13.87 1:13.64 35.36 1:13.64 (38.28) 55 Worthley, Tyler 14 NCAP-PV 1:14.65 1:14.24 36.55 1:14.24 (37.69) 56 Howley, Michael 13 SNOW-PV 1:13.76 1:14.38 57 Lewis, Griffin 13 NCAP-PV 1:15.90 1:15.61 58 Henson, Daniel 14 MAKO-PV 1:18.45 1:15.72 36.04 1:15.72 (39.68) 59 MacMichael, Jack 13 MAKO-PV 1:19.56 1:15.98 60 Purdy, Alex 13 OCCS-PV 1:19.63 1:16.43 37.25 1:16.43 (39.18) 61 Surette, Noah 13 NCAP-PV 1:14.09 1:16.67 37.58 1:16.67 (39.09) 62 Snyder, Wogan 13 NCAP-PV 1:16.44 1:16.99 35.60 1:16.99 (41.39) 62 Kehoe, Ryan 14 MAKO-PV NT 1:16.99 37.47 1:16.99 (39.52) 64 Condit, Parker 13 MAKO-PV 1:20.79 1:18.25 38.85 1:18.25 (39.40) 65 Fishenden, James 14 NCAP-PV 1:21.68 1:18.80 37.90 1:18.80 (40.90) 66 Gardner, Devin 14 MAKO-PV 1:18.84 1:18.82 37.03 1:18.82 (41.79) 67 Sidestam, Charlie 13 OCCS-PV 1:26.13 1:19.07 68 Bacon, Austin 14 OCCS-PV 1:20.13 1:19.98 38.53 1:19.98 (41.45) 69 Waddell, Jacob 14 Rst-PV 1:20.69 1:20.64 38.30 1:20.64 (42.34) 70 Questad, Carl 13 NCAP-PV 1:32.64 1:23.25 39.66 1:23.25 (43.59) 71 Lee, Brian 13 OCCS-PV NT 1:24.70 42.06 1:24.70 (42.64) 72 vu, Thien 13 OCCS-PV 1:28.80 1:26.34 42.28 1:26.34 (44.06) 73 Barreto, Juandiego 14 SNOW-PV NT 1:28.24 74 Erickson, Matthew 13 MAKO-PV 1:29.03 1:28.67 43.03 1:28.67 (45.64) 75 Aedo, Maximiliano 13 NCAP-PV 1:37.09 1:28.94 42.60 1:28.94 (46.34) 76 Guzman, Christopher 17 NCAP-PV 1:12.34 1:30.46 43.86 1:30.46 (46.60) 77 Montenegro, Jonathan 13 MAKO-PV 1:29.68 1:31.23 -- Zanetti, Robert 13 SNOW-PV NT DQ Not on back off wall 44.21 DQ (47.90) -- Tolar, Jack 13 OCCS-PV 1:17.89 DQ False start 37.01 DQ (38.35) -- Wells, Tim 14 MAKO-PV NT DQ Shoulders past vertical toward breast 40.20 DQ (42.71) Boys 13 & Over 100 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Pham-Ton, Jet 15 MAKO-PV 1:08.82 1:07.81 31.98 1:07.81 (35.83) 2 Hale, Andrew 13 MAKO-PV 1:11.08 1:09.79 32.63 1:09.79 (37.16) 3 Lee, Michael 15 MAKO-PV 1:09.70 1:09.89 32.88 1:09.89 (37.01) 4 Zhang, Josh 13 NCAP-PV 1:11.38 1:11.71 33.26 1:11.71 (38.45) 5 Yang, Andrew 14 MAKO-PV 1:11.14 1:11.82 34.00 1:11.82 (37.82) 6 Weese, Jonathan 16 NCAP-PV 1:11.53 1:12.21 34.33 1:12.21 (37.88) 7 Kearney, Patrick 16 Rst-PV 1:12.32 1:12.55 34.14 1:12.55 (38.41) 8 Crisci, Flynn 13 NCAP-PV 1:13.41 1:13.57 35.44 1:13.57 (38.13) 9 Berta, Chris 14 OCCS-PV 1:26.98 1:13.59 35.23 1:13.59 (38.36) 10 Shen, Edward 13 NCAP-PV 1:14.45 1:13.77 34.85 1:13.77 (38.92) 11 Kulick, Nick 18 OCCS-PV 1:13.64 1:14.12 34.61 1:14.12 (39.51) 12 Zhang, Henry 13 NCAP-PV 1:15.35 1:14.31 35.36 1:14.31 (38.95) 13 Beima, Phillip 13 MAKO-PV 1:12.27 1:14.48 35.39 1:14.48 (39.09) 14 Blindenbach, Jacob 14 NCAP-PV 1:15.44 1:14.61 35.58 1:14.61 (39.03) 15 Brandt, Evan 15 OCCS-PV NT 1:14.80 34.90 1:14.80 (39.90) 16 Vahiny, Jeffrey 13 NCAP-PV 1:13.88 1:15.01 36.24 1:15.01 (38.77) 17 Exel, D.J. 14 SNOW-PV 1:13.35 1:15.52 35.89 1:15.52 (39.63) 18 Laredo, Jonathan 13 NCAP-PV 1:15.68 1:17.18 36.38 1:17.18 (40.80) 19 Dimitri, Brandon 14 NCAP-PV 1:18.59 1:17.25 36.29 1:17.25 (40.96) 20 Rexroad, Nick 15 SNOW-PV 1:17.23 1:17.72 35.98 1:17.72 (41.74) 21 Jampole, Shane 15 OCCS-PV 1:33.87 1:19.13 37.17 1:19.13 (41.96) 22 Bourdelais, Kevin 13 MAKO-PV 1:24.14 1:19.21 37.37 1:19.21 (41.84) 23 Radocha, Max 14 OCCS-PV 1:19.71 1:19.24 37.26 1:19.24 (41.98) 24 Vutipawat, Keti 13 NCAP-PV 1:19.90 1:19.38 37.42 1:19.38 (41.96) 25 Zhang, Dean 13 MAKO-PV 1:23.55 1:20.13 38.92 1:20.13 (41.21) 26 Stevenson, Grisham 15 OCCS-PV 1:26.27 1:20.62 38.03 1:20.62 (42.59) 27 Deegan, Kenta 13 MAKO-PV 1:20.32 1:20.80 37.38 1:20.80 (43.42) 28 Harnish, Brian 14 OCCS-PV 1:21.75 1:21.70 39.25 1:21.70 (42.45) 29 Neal, Jacob 13 OCCS-PV 1:15.45 1:21.87 38.35 1:21.87 (43.52) 30 Cummins, Tommy 13 OCCS-PV 1:21.19 1:22.43 39.75 1:22.43 (42.68) 31 Caprio, Benjamin 15 NCAP-PV 1:27.83 1:23.48 39.06 1:23.48 (44.42) 32 Peverall, Ian 13 NCAP-PV 1:25.72 1:23.57 39.51 1:23.57 (44.06) 33 Davis, Thomas 13 SNOW-PV 1:21.95 1:23.74 38.35 1:23.74 (45.39) 34 Stewart, Ian 13 MAKO-PV 1:22.92 1:23.82 40.05 1:23.82 (43.77) 35 Purdy, Alex 13 OCCS-PV 1:25.08 1:24.09 39.99 1:24.09 (44.10) 36 Condit, Parker 13 MAKO-PV 1:24.75 1:24.30 39.46 1:24.30 (44.84) 37 Sallade, Jason 15 OCCS-PV 1:23.18 1:24.69 39.07 1:24.69 (45.62) 38 Lansberry, Austin 14 OCCS-PV 1:27.09 1:24.92 40.32 1:24.92 (44.60) 39 Lewis, Griffin 13 NCAP-PV 1:24.59 1:25.10 39.37 1:25.10 (45.73) 40 Breen, Conor 13 NCAP-PV NT 1:25.15 40.84 1:25.15 (44.31) 41 Talavera, Javier 13 NCAP-PV NT 1:26.07 40.20 1:26.07 (45.87) 42 Worthley, Tyler 14 NCAP-PV 1:25.79 1:26.72 41.45 1:26.72 (45.27) 43 Henson, Daniel 14 MAKO-PV 1:31.83 1:26.97 41.08 1:26.97 (45.89) 44 Sundsted, Collin 13 NCAP-PV 1:32.16 1:27.64 41.58 1:27.64 (46.06) 45 Eisner, Cole 13 SNOW-PV 1:26.97 1:28.64 41.77 1:28.64 (46.87) 46 Bacon, Austin 14 OCCS-PV 1:29.64 1:29.76 42.67 1:29.76 (47.09) 47 Bass, Lewis 14 OCCS-PV 1:35.10 1:29.80 42.69 1:29.80 (47.11) 48 Fishenden, James 14 NCAP-PV 1:59.16 1:30.06 42.21 1:30.06 (47.85) 49 Baumgartner, Brandon 13 NCAP-PV NT 1:30.34 42.17 1:30.34 (48.17) 50 Morris, CT 14 MAKO-PV 1:30.54 1:31.24 42.57 1:31.24 (48.67) 51 Snyder, Wogan 13 NCAP-PV 1:29.49 1:32.45 44.04 1:32.45 (48.41) 52 Law, Robert 13 MAKO-PV 1:43.41 1:35.08 45.11 1:35.08 (49.97) 53 Montenegro, Jonathan 13 MAKO-PV 1:36.84 1:37.28 46.95 1:37.28 (50.33) -- Wilson, Sam 18 Rst-PV 1:07.37 DQ False start 30.95 DQ (35.81) Boys 13 & Over 100 Yard Butterfly =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Boulter, Jake 17 OCCS-PV 57.19 56.81 26.39 56.81 (30.42) 2 Pham-Ton, Jet 15 MAKO-PV 59.60 58.37 28.04 58.37 (30.33) 3 Bushweller, Colin 16 OCCS-PV 1:48.14 59.92 27.95 59.92 (31.97) 4 Marron, Paul 15 OCCS-PV 1:01.16 1:00.34 28.22 1:00.34 (32.12) 5 Yeager, Jake 15 SNOW-PV 1:04.84 1:00.54 27.30 1:00.54 (33.24) 6 Jampole, Shane 15 OCCS-PV 1:00.64 1:00.58 28.91 1:00.58 (31.67) 7 Jackmore, Samuel 15 MAKO-PV 1:03.94 1:00.94 28.21 1:00.94 (32.73) 8 Kearney, Patrick 16 Rst-PV 1:25.32 1:01.56 28.85 1:01.56 (32.71) 9 Young, Ben 14 OCCS-PV 1:02.43 1:01.58 27.85 1:01.58 (33.73) 10 Bagal, Nithin 13 NCAP-PV 1:02.61 1:02.14 28.15 1:02.14 (33.99) 11 Vaka, Nicholas 15 SNOW-PV 1:03.01 1:02.99 28.83 1:02.99 (34.16) 12 Berta, Chris 14 OCCS-PV 1:03.91 1:03.01 29.21 1:03.01 (33.80) 13 Dobrydney, Joey 13 MAKO-PV 1:09.25 1:03.44 29.05 1:03.44 (34.39) 14 Eisenhart, Geoffrey 14 Rst-PV 1:16.31 1:03.76 29.21 1:03.76 (34.55) 15 Vahiny, Jeffrey 13 NCAP-PV 1:02.54 1:03.91 29.64 1:03.91 (34.27) 15 Kim, Cody 13 NCAP-PV 1:06.86 1:03.91 29.16 1:03.91 (34.75) 17 Bourdelais, Kevin 13 MAKO-PV 1:08.61 1:04.26 30.10 1:04.26 (34.16) 18 Weese, Jonathan 16 NCAP-PV NT 1:04.35 29.97 1:04.35 (34.38) 19 Bae, Steven 14 OCCS-PV 1:03.69 1:05.24 29.19 1:05.24 (36.05) 20 Ramberg, Jack 14 SNOW-PV 1:06.62 1:05.46 30.22 1:05.46 (35.24) 21 Meredith, Andrew 18 Rst-PV 1:02.89 1:06.25 22 Breen, Conor 13 NCAP-PV 1:08.38 1:06.82 23 Caprio, Benjamin 15 NCAP-PV 1:08.61 1:06.91 29.87 1:06.91 (37.04) 24 Lansberry, Austin 14 OCCS-PV 1:10.14 1:07.30 30.40 1:07.30 (36.90) 25 Nowak, Matt 13 OCCS-PV 1:13.08 1:07.40 31.08 1:07.40 (36.32) 26 Hummer, Michael 13 OCCS-PV 1:16.70 1:08.25 30.93 1:08.25 (37.32) 27 Harnish, Brian 14 OCCS-PV 1:06.25 1:08.27 31.79 1:08.27 (36.48) 28 Lee, Michael 15 MAKO-PV NT 1:08.53 31.44 1:08.53 (37.09) 29 Pliuskaitis, Stuart 13 SNOW-PV 1:10.44 1:08.74 30.99 1:08.74 (37.75) 30 Vutipawat, Keti 13 NCAP-PV 1:09.25 1:09.40 31.70 1:09.40 (37.70) 31 Dyson, Cole 13 NCAP-PV 1:09.80 1:09.74 32.43 1:09.74 (37.31) 31 Stevenson, Grisham 15 OCCS-PV 1:08.52 1:09.74 31.36 1:09.74 (38.38) 33 Reilly, William 13 NCAP-PV 1:12.51 1:10.31 32.66 1:10.31 (37.65) 34 Blindenbach, Jacob 14 NCAP-PV 1:17.15 1:10.88 32.36 1:10.88 (38.52) 35 Keane, Sean 14 SNOW-PV 1:12.51 1:11.26 33.00 1:11.26 (38.26) 36 Deegan, Kenta 13 MAKO-PV 1:11.67 1:11.72 32.91 1:11.72 (38.81) 37 Murphy, Ryan 13 SNOW-PV 1:11.75 1:12.16 32.94 1:12.16 (39.22) 38 Pham, Kevin 13 NCAP-PV 1:17.71 1:12.87 32.57 1:12.87 (40.30) 39 Eisner, Cole 13 SNOW-PV 1:16.31 1:13.01 33.43 1:13.01 (39.58) 40 Laredo, Jonathan 13 NCAP-PV 1:10.82 1:16.53 33.64 1:16.53 (42.89) 41 Bass, Lewis 14 OCCS-PV 1:30.32 1:17.05 35.16 1:17.05 (41.89) 42 Bacon, Austin 14 OCCS-PV 1:20.10 1:18.26 36.35 1:18.26 (41.91) 43 Worthley, Tyler 14 NCAP-PV 1:22.86 1:18.36 36.00 1:18.36 (42.36) 44 Barreto, Juandiego 14 SNOW-PV NT 1:35.37 41.14 1:35.37 (54.23) 45 Aedo, Maximiliano 13 NCAP-PV 1:46.78 1:35.92 41.81 1:35.92 (54.11) -- Baumgartner, Brandon 13 NCAP-PV 1:32.14 DQ Arms underwater recovery 40.75 DQ (48.29) -- Stevens, Will 15 OCCS-PV 1:00.41 DQ False start 27.51 DQ (32.60) Boys 13 & Over 200 Yard IM =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Brandt, Evan 15 OCCS-PV 2:18.69 2:09.63 27.26 1:00.01 (32.75) 1:39.91 (39.90) 2:09.63 (29.72) 2 Pham-Ton, Jet 15 MAKO-PV 2:18.41 2:09.88 27.93 1:01.73 (33.80) 1:40.74 (39.01) 2:09.88 (29.14) 3 Martin, Zach 15 SNOW-PV 2:21.26 2:13.30 29.34 1:05.01 (35.67) 1:43.25 (38.24) 2:13.30 (30.05) 4 Marron, Paul 15 OCCS-PV 2:16.31 2:13.49 28.40 1:02.25 (33.85) 1:42.71 (40.46) 2:13.49 (30.78) 5 Levine, Noah 15 OCCS-PV 2:16.65 2:14.59 30.15 1:04.41 (34.26) 1:44.53 (40.12) 2:14.59 (30.06) 6 Wilson, Sam 18 Rst-PV 2:17.33 2:14.98 29.95 1:03.86 (33.91) 1:42.64 (38.78) 2:14.98 (32.34) 7 Kim, Cody 13 NCAP-PV 2:18.01 2:15.08 29.49 1:05.70 (36.21) 1:42.29 (36.59) 2:15.08 (32.79) 8 Yang, Andrew 14 MAKO-PV 2:17.67 2:16.24 30.24 1:05.95 (35.71) 1:45.53 (39.58) 2:16.24 (30.71) 9 Mast, Matt 15 OCCS-PV 2:19.53 2:16.53 27.66 1:02.34 (34.68) 1:44.55 (42.21) 2:16.53 (31.98) 10 Bergmann, Sean 15 NCAP-PV 2:14.39 2:16.82 29.52 1:03.58 (34.06) 1:44.12 (40.54) 2:16.82 (32.70) 11 Berta, Chris 14 OCCS-PV 2:22.30 2:18.33 28.62 1:03.45 (34.83) 1:45.72 (42.27) 2:18.33 (32.61) 12 Zhang, Josh 13 NCAP-PV 2:18.81 2:18.37 30.44 1:05.17 (34.73) 1:46.35 (41.18) 2:18.37 (32.02) 13 Bae, Steven 14 OCCS-PV 2:18.98 2:18.51 29.83 1:05.91 (36.08) 1:45.02 (39.11) 2:18.51 (33.49) 14 Luong, Brian 13 NCAP-PV 2:17.82 2:19.03 28.38 1:04.91 (36.53) 1:47.22 (42.31) 2:19.03 (31.81) 15 Young, Ben 14 OCCS-PV 2:17.19 2:19.14 28.93 1:07.66 (38.73) 1:49.07 (41.41) 2:19.14 (30.07) 16 Smith, Cameron 14 OCCS-PV 3:11.74 2:20.37 30.63 1:04.54 (33.91) 1:47.21 (42.67) 2:20.37 (33.16) 17 Kulick, Nick 18 OCCS-PV 2:24.34 2:20.58 29.88 1:06.94 (37.06) 1:48.39 (41.45) 2:20.58 (32.19) 18 Vaka, Nicholas 15 SNOW-PV 2:23.01 2:20.73 29.74 1:05.89 (36.15) 1:50.81 (44.92) 2:20.73 (29.92) 19 Ramberg, Jack 14 SNOW-PV 2:25.19 2:22.46 30.99 1:08.15 (37.16) 1:51.92 (43.77) 2:22.46 (30.54) 20 Bagal, Nithin 13 NCAP-PV 2:23.09 2:22.65 29.33 1:05.83 (36.50) 1:49.62 (43.79) 2:22.65 (33.03) 21 Stevens, Will 15 OCCS-PV 2:27.46 2:22.66 29.03 1:04.61 (35.58) 1:50.98 (46.37) 2:22.66 (31.68) 22 Exel, D.J. 14 SNOW-PV 2:22.09 2:22.77 30.13 1:06.56 (36.43) 1:49.00 (42.44) 2:22.77 (33.77) 23 Crisci, Flynn 13 NCAP-PV 2:26.07 2:22.90 32.32 1:08.63 (36.31) 1:51.01 (42.38) 2:22.90 (31.89) 24 Peny, Jack 15 OCCS-PV 2:29.80 2:24.31 31.14 1:09.29 (38.15) 1:52.00 (42.71) 2:24.31 (32.31) 25 Butler, Steven 13 OCCS-PV 2:22.72 2:25.04 30.92 1:07.10 (36.18) 1:52.48 (45.38) 2:25.04 (32.56) 26 Rexroad, Nick 15 SNOW-PV 2:31.81 2:25.53 31.42 1:07.95 (36.53) 1:51.86 (43.91) 2:25.53 (33.67) 27 Pliuskaitis, Stuart 13 SNOW-PV 2:26.97 2:25.82 31.91 1:07.70 (35.79) 1:52.37 (44.67) 2:25.82 (33.45) 28 Meredith, Andrew 18 Rst-PV 2:22.85 2:26.07 29.17 1:08.86 (39.69) 1:52.36 (43.50) 2:26.07 (33.71) 29 Hummer, Michael 13 OCCS-PV 2:35.75 2:26.09 33.06 1:11.39 (38.33) 1:54.24 (42.85) 2:26.09 (31.85) 30 Vahiny, Jeffrey 13 NCAP-PV 2:18.84 2:26.39 30.36 1:08.83 (38.47) 1:51.58 (42.75) 2:26.39 (34.81) 31 Caron, Christopher 14 OCCS-PV 2:25.88 2:26.62 32.41 1:09.44 (37.03) 1:53.22 (43.78) 2:26.62 (33.40) 32 Radocha, Max 14 OCCS-PV 2:35.52 2:26.88 33.05 1:11.17 (38.12) 1:54.20 (43.03) 2:26.88 (32.68) 33 Foley, John 14 NCAP-PV 2:34.56 2:27.15 32.04 1:07.99 (35.95) 1:53.93 (45.94) 2:27.15 (33.22) 34 Beima, Phillip 13 MAKO-PV 2:29.99 2:27.32 31.98 1:11.47 (39.49) 1:54.10 (42.63) 2:27.32 (33.22) 35 Russello, Gage 13 SNOW-PV 2:24.38 2:27.71 31.00 1:09.76 (38.76) 1:54.18 (44.42) 2:27.71 (33.53) 36 Beisler, Jack 14 SNOW-PV 2:32.31 2:28.22 31.36 1:07.26 (35.90) 1:53.87 (46.61) 2:28.22 (34.35) 37 Pham, Kevin 13 NCAP-PV 2:32.51 2:28.64 33.42 1:09.82 (36.40) 1:53.74 (43.92) 2:28.64 (34.90) 38 Lee, Michael 15 MAKO-PV 2:35.02 2:28.74 31.90 1:09.22 (37.32) 1:53.24 (44.02) 2:28.74 (35.50) 39 Dimitri, Brandon 14 NCAP-PV 2:29.26 2:28.86 31.54 1:11.91 (40.37) 1:53.87 (41.96) 2:28.86 (34.99) 40 Lansberry, Austin 14 OCCS-PV 2:29.02 2:29.19 31.75 1:08.54 (36.79) 1:56.64 (48.10) 2:29.19 (32.55) 41 Dyson, Cole 13 NCAP-PV 2:32.65 2:29.53 32.75 1:10.95 (38.20) 1:58.63 (47.68) 2:29.53 (30.90) 42 Blindenbach, Jacob 14 NCAP-PV 2:31.73 2:30.56 32.97 1:12.50 (39.53) 1:54.77 (42.27) 2:30.56 (35.79) 43 Deegan, Kenta 13 MAKO-PV 2:45.68 2:31.11 34.03 1:14.40 (40.37) 1:58.23 (43.83) 2:31.11 (32.88) 44 Eisner, Cole 13 SNOW-PV 2:31.18 2:32.02 33.13 1:11.56 (38.43) 1:59.86 (48.30) 2:32.02 (32.16) 45 Neal, Jacob 13 OCCS-PV 2:30.73 2:33.29 33.65 1:15.04 (41.39) 1:58.95 (43.91) 2:33.29 (34.34) 46 Brazier, Mitchell 16 Rst-PV NT 2:34.19 31.92 1:09.02 (37.10) 1:57.77 (48.75) 2:34.19 (36.42) 47 Barker, Farran 13 OCCS-PV 2:33.92 2:34.53 33.82 1:13.13 (39.31) 1:58.68 (45.55) 2:34.53 (35.85) 48 Murphy, Ryan 13 SNOW-PV 2:35.07 2:35.53 33.55 1:14.63 (41.08) 2:03.22 (48.59) 2:35.53 (32.31) 49 Reilly, William 13 NCAP-PV 2:37.40 2:36.84 34.13 1:11.95 (37.82) 2:02.33 (50.38) 2:36.84 (34.51) 50 Medovar, Anthony 16 OCCS-PV 2:32.69 2:37.63 36.67 1:15.27 (38.60) 2:01.48 (46.21) 2:37.63 (36.15) 51 Lewis, Griffin 13 NCAP-PV 2:45.56 2:38.19 35.67 1:16.08 (40.41) 2:04.33 (48.25) 2:38.19 (33.86) 52 Purdy, Alex 13 OCCS-PV 2:48.08 2:39.81 35.91 1:16.90 (40.99) 2:04.33 (47.43) 2:39.81 (35.48) 53 Cummins, Tommy 13 OCCS-PV 2:40.12 2:40.79 35.50 1:18.12 (42.62) 2:03.83 (45.71) 2:40.79 (36.96) 54 Morris, CT 14 MAKO-PV 2:46.91 2:42.28 33.03 1:13.65 (40.62) 2:03.84 (50.19) 2:42.28 (38.44) 55 Stapor, Thomas 14 SNOW-PV 2:47.63 2:44.06 36.36 1:17.55 (41.19) 2:06.19 (48.64) 2:44.06 (37.87) 56 Sallade, Jason 15 OCCS-PV 2:49.96 2:46.29 38.82 1:22.76 (43.94) 2:08.21 (45.45) 2:46.29 (38.08) 57 Kehoe, Ryan 14 MAKO-PV 2:55.72 2:46.38 35.65 1:18.59 (42.94) 2:06.46 (47.87) 2:46.38 (39.92) 58 Snyder, Wogan 13 NCAP-PV NT 2:49.26 35.27 1:18.72 (43.45) 2:09.56 (50.84) 2:49.26 (39.70) -- Fishenden, James 14 NCAP-PV NT DQ Alternating Kick - fly 36.65 1:19.28 (42.63) 2:10.91 (51.63) DQ (40.01) -- Erickson, Matthew 13 MAKO-PV NT DQ Non-simultaneous arms - fly 47.92 1:36.91 (48.99) 2:36.86 (59.95) DQ (44.03) Boys Open 200 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Yeager, Jake 15 SNOW-PV 2:08.85 2:08.03 29.44 1:01.98 (32.54) 1:35.84 (33.86) 2:08.03 (32.19) 2 Jampole, Shane 15 OCCS-PV 2:13.01 2:13.56 30.64 1:04.23 (33.59) 1:39.03 (34.80) 2:13.56 (34.53) 3 Mast, Matt 15 OCCS-PV NT 2:16.20 32.65 1:07.07 (34.42) 1:41.68 (34.61) 2:16.20 (34.52) 4 Finkenbinder, Dillon 16 SNOW-PV 2:17.20 2:16.33 31.46 1:05.86 (34.40) 1:41.55 (35.69) 2:16.33 (34.78) 5 Martin, Zach 15 SNOW-PV 2:18.75 2:16.46 32.58 1:07.42 (34.84) 1:43.07 (35.65) 2:16.46 (33.39) 6 Nowak, Matt 13 OCCS-PV 2:17.14 2:16.60 32.65 1:07.02 (34.37) 1:42.06 (35.04) 2:16.60 (34.54) 7 Bergmann, Sean 15 NCAP-PV 2:12.73 2:16.94 31.70 1:06.77 (35.07) 1:42.39 (35.62) 2:16.94 (34.55) 8 Eisenhart, Geoffrey 14 Rst-PV NT 2:17.05 33.00 1:07.79 (34.79) 1:43.14 (35.35) 2:17.05 (33.91) 9 Pliuskaitis, Stuart 13 SNOW-PV 2:22.22 2:18.10 32.84 1:07.65 (34.81) 1:44.06 (36.41) 2:18.10 (34.04) 10 Luong, Brian 13 NCAP-PV 2:21.69 2:18.44 32.31 1:07.78 (35.47) 1:44.11 (36.33) 2:18.44 (34.33) 11 Hale, Andrew 13 MAKO-PV 2:19.88 2:19.87 31.67 1:07.16 (35.49) 1:44.35 (37.19) 2:19.87 (35.52) 12 Wilson, Sam 18 Rst-PV 2:24.05 2:20.58 33.24 1:08.41 (35.17) 1:44.39 (35.98) 2:20.58 (36.19) 13 Beisler, Jack 14 SNOW-PV 2:25.86 2:24.09 34.16 1:10.33 (36.17) 1:47.32 (36.99) 2:24.09 (36.77) 14 Exel, D.J. 14 SNOW-PV 2:21.45 2:24.17 35.32 1:11.87 (36.55) 1:48.30 (36.43) 2:24.17 (35.87) 15 Butler, Steven 13 OCCS-PV 2:29.50 2:24.46 34.33 1:11.53 (37.20) 1:48.72 (37.19) 2:24.46 (35.74) 16 Lyell, Nathan 14 Rst-PV 2:30.36 2:24.78 33.81 2:24.78 (1:50.97) 17 Peny, Jack 15 OCCS-PV 2:31.88 2:25.19 35.43 1:12.45 (37.02) 1:49.97 (37.52) 2:25.19 (35.22) 18 Crisci, Flynn 13 NCAP-PV 2:26.31 2:26.18 34.19 1:10.90 (36.71) 1:48.94 (38.04) 2:26.18 (37.24) 19 Foley, John 14 NCAP-PV 2:31.02 2:27.74 35.10 1:13.17 (38.07) 1:51.92 (38.75) 2:27.74 (35.82) 20 Young, Ben 14 OCCS-PV 2:30.40 2:27.90 35.25 1:12.62 (37.37) 1:50.93 (38.31) 2:27.90 (36.97) 21 Jackmore, Samuel 15 MAKO-PV NT 2:28.08 34.32 1:12.02 (37.70) 1:50.97 (38.95) 2:28.08 (37.11) 22 Pham, Kevin 13 NCAP-PV 2:39.81 2:30.94 35.18 1:12.84 (37.66) 1:51.74 (38.90) 2:30.94 (39.20) 23 Caron, Christopher 14 OCCS-PV 2:38.93 2:31.19 34.69 1:13.44 (38.75) 1:52.75 (39.31) 2:31.19 (38.44) 24 Medovar, Anthony 16 OCCS-PV 2:28.48 2:31.62 35.51 1:13.28 (37.77) 1:52.80 (39.52) 2:31.62 (38.82) 25 Dimitri, Brandon 14 NCAP-PV 2:34.05 2:33.21 34.66 1:13.15 (38.49) 1:53.65 (40.50) 2:33.21 (39.56) 26 Kornfeld, Michael 12 UN-NC-PV 24:09.56 2:33.57 36.20 1:15.19 (38.99) 1:55.15 (39.96) 2:33.57 (38.42) 27 Talavera, Javier 13 NCAP-PV 2:36.42 2:34.57 35.61 1:14.76 (39.15) 1:55.80 (41.04) 2:34.57 (38.77) 28 Falzone, Michael 12 NCAP-PV 2:51.92 2:35.77 35.81 1:16.18 (40.37) 1:57.88 (41.70) 2:35.77 (37.89) 29 Purdy, Alex 13 OCCS-PV 2:44.45 2:38.58 36.97 1:16.87 (39.90) 1:58.29 (41.42) 2:38.58 (40.29) 30 Knouse, Jackson 12 MAKO-PV NT 2:38.91 36.41 1:17.81 (41.40) 1:58.07 (40.26) 2:38.91 (40.84) 31 Howley, Michael 13 SNOW-PV 2:43.97 2:40.90 36.41 1:18.98 (42.57) 2:01.62 (42.64) 2:40.90 (39.28) 32 Bacon, Austin 14 OCCS-PV 2:44.99 2:43.01 36.82 1:17.94 (41.12) 2:01.61 (43.67) 2:43.01 (41.40) 33 Stapor, Thomas 14 SNOW-PV NT 2:46.02 39.99 1:22.57 (42.58) 2:04.51 (41.94) 2:46.02 (41.51) 34 Hartshorn, Matthew 10 MAKO-PV NT 2:47.00 40.05 1:23.18 (43.13) 2:06.33 (43.15) 2:47.00 (40.67) 35 Gardner, Devin 14 MAKO-PV 2:49.43 2:47.16 38.12 1:20.26 (42.14) 2:03.72 (43.46) 2:47.16 (43.44) 36 Henson, Daniel 14 MAKO-PV 2:50.09 2:48.14 37.43 1:21.02 (43.59) 2:05.53 (44.51) 2:48.14 (42.61) 37 Pandi, Neeraj 10 OCCS-PV NT 2:57.93 41.67 1:27.26 (45.59) 2:13.76 (46.50) 2:57.93 (44.17) 38 Aedo, Maximiliano 13 NCAP-PV 3:02.90 2:58.61 41.47 1:26.78 (45.31) 2:12.43 (45.65) 2:58.61 (46.18) 39 Schweigert-Opas, Reilly 11 MAKO-PV 3:02.62 3:16.52 46.81 1:37.99 (51.18) 2:27.51 (49.52) 3:16.52 (49.01) 40 Andres, Jacob 12 OCCS-PV NT 3:19.19 44.84 1:35.63 (50.79) 2:28.98 (53.35) 3:19.19 (50.21) Boys Open 200 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Wilson, Sam 18 Rst-PV 2:32.44 2:31.19 33.45 1:12.96 (39.51) 1:52.46 (39.50) 2:31.19 (38.73) 2 Yang, Andrew 14 MAKO-PV 2:35.43 2:33.54 34.47 1:14.22 (39.75) 1:54.19 (39.97) 2:33.54 (39.35) 3 Shen, Edward 13 NCAP-PV 2:39.54 2:38.45 36.60 1:18.00 (41.40) 1:58.67 (40.67) 2:38.45 (39.78) 4 Vahiny, Jeffrey 13 NCAP-PV 2:37.91 2:38.51 36.84 1:16.18 (39.34) 1:57.44 (41.26) 2:38.51 (41.07) 5 Beima, Phillip 13 MAKO-PV 2:42.33 2:38.64 36.45 1:17.03 (40.58) 1:58.27 (41.24) 2:38.64 (40.37) 6 Kulick, Nick 18 OCCS-PV 2:36.75 2:38.72 35.01 1:14.64 (39.63) 1:55.96 (41.32) 2:38.72 (42.76) 7 McCONAGHA, Cameron 13 NCAP-PV 2:40.84 2:39.81 37.01 1:17.85 (40.84) 1:59.31 (41.46) 2:39.81 (40.50) 8 Luong, Brian 13 NCAP-PV 2:41.78 2:39.86 36.53 1:18.23 (41.70) 1:59.78 (41.55) 2:39.86 (40.08) 9 Zhang, Josh 13 NCAP-PV 2:38.44 2:40.17 35.97 1:16.86 (40.89) 1:59.32 (42.46) 2:40.17 (40.85) 10 Bergmann, Sean 15 NCAP-PV 2:37.12 2:41.32 35.52 1:16.55 (41.03) 1:58.84 (42.29) 2:41.32 (42.48) 11 Zhang, Henry 13 NCAP-PV 2:46.56 2:41.92 35.01 1:15.59 (40.58) 2:00.13 (44.54) 2:41.92 (41.79) 12 Dimitri, Brandon 14 NCAP-PV 2:49.41 2:41.98 36.17 1:16.63 (40.46) 1:59.92 (43.29) 2:41.98 (42.06) 13 Laredo, Jonathan 13 NCAP-PV 2:39.92 2:43.32 36.72 1:18.07 (41.35) 2:00.62 (42.55) 2:43.32 (42.70) 14 Kearney, Patrick 16 Rst-PV 3:13.02 2:43.88 34.74 1:15.02 (40.28) 1:59.13 (44.11) 2:43.88 (44.75) 15 Blindenbach, Jacob 14 NCAP-PV 2:48.12 2:44.61 36.83 1:18.78 (41.95) 2:02.18 (43.40) 2:44.61 (42.43) 16 Soderquist, Glen 12 OCCS-PV 2:47.62 2:45.14 37.74 1:20.47 (42.73) 2:03.52 (43.05) 2:45.14 (41.62) 17 Pham, Kevin 13 NCAP-PV 2:44.44 2:45.28 36.38 1:17.60 (41.22) 1:58.49 (40.89) 2:45.28 (46.79) 18 Radocha, Max 14 OCCS-PV 2:51.16 2:45.53 37.72 1:19.89 (42.17) 2:03.09 (43.20) 2:45.53 (42.44) 19 Mast, Matt 15 OCCS-PV NT 2:46.76 37.43 1:19.65 (42.22) 2:03.61 (43.96) 2:46.76 (43.15) 20 Exel, D.J. 14 SNOW-PV 2:44.29 2:47.20 38.13 1:20.22 (42.09) 2:03.41 (43.19) 2:47.20 (43.79) 21 Jampole, Shane 15 OCCS-PV NT 2:48.24 37.96 1:21.31 (43.35) 2:05.61 (44.30) 2:48.24 (42.63) 22 Kang, Joseph 13 OCCS-PV NT 2:51.49 37.80 1:22.03 (44.23) 2:07.12 (45.09) 2:51.49 (44.37) 23 Vutipawat, Keti 13 NCAP-PV 2:55.48 2:51.62 37.40 1:21.23 (43.83) 2:06.82 (45.59) 2:51.62 (44.80) 24 Davis, Thomas 13 SNOW-PV 3:05.15 2:51.86 38.84 1:22.27 (43.43) 2:07.51 (45.24) 2:51.86 (44.35) 25 Sallade, Jason 15 OCCS-PV 2:59.36 2:51.95 37.45 1:20.39 (42.94) 2:05.08 (44.69) 2:51.95 (46.87) 26 Neal, Jacob 13 OCCS-PV 2:45.93 2:51.97 38.04 1:21.83 (43.79) 2:06.52 (44.69) 2:51.97 (45.45) 27 Butler, Steven 13 OCCS-PV 3:00.27 2:53.30 39.05 1:23.48 (44.43) 2:08.56 (45.08) 2:53.30 (44.74) 28 Deegan, Kenta 13 MAKO-PV 3:04.78 2:55.41 39.47 1:24.22 (44.75) 2:10.32 (46.10) 2:55.41 (45.09) 29 Fitz, Reese 14 Rst-PV 3:01.23 2:55.45 39.06 1:23.23 (44.17) 2:10.32 (47.09) 2:55.45 (45.13) 30 Purdy, Alex 13 OCCS-PV 3:01.92 2:55.52 39.20 1:23.59 (44.39) 2:09.55 (45.96) 2:55.52 (45.97) 31 Cummins, Tommy 13 OCCS-PV 2:55.41 2:55.63 40.76 1:26.53 (45.77) 2:11.19 (44.66) 2:55.63 (44.44) 32 Blusiewicz, Andrew 10 SNOW-PV NT 2:57.24 39.24 1:25.73 (46.49) 2:11.61 (45.88) 2:57.24 (45.63) 33 Peverall, Ian 13 NCAP-PV 3:04.72 2:57.31 42.04 1:26.64 (44.60) 2:12.72 (46.08) 2:57.31 (44.59) 34 MacMichael, Jack 13 MAKO-PV 3:01.89 2:59.99 39.52 1:26.17 (46.65) 2:13.36 (47.19) 2:59.99 (46.63) 35 Surette, Noah 13 NCAP-PV 2:58.64 3:02.92 41.13 1:28.03 (46.90) 2:15.31 (47.28) 3:02.92 (47.61) 36 Sidestam, Charlie 13 OCCS-PV NT 3:03.74 41.48 1:27.63 (46.15) 2:15.41 (47.78) 3:03.74 (48.33) 37 Questad, Carl 13 NCAP-PV 3:45.01 3:04.28 40.74 1:27.30 (46.56) 2:16.59 (49.29) 3:04.28 (47.69) 38 Condit, Parker 13 MAKO-PV 3:11.49 3:08.94 40.76 1:27.99 (47.23) 2:18.42 (50.43) 3:08.94 (50.52) 39 Stewart, Ian 13 MAKO-PV NT 3:10.85 40.64 1:27.54 (46.90) 2:20.28 (52.74) 3:10.85 (50.57) 40 Wong, Joe 12 MAKO-PV NT 3:19.00 44.68 1:36.11 (51.43) 2:30.66 (54.55) 3:19.00 (48.34) 41 Barrera, Arturo 13 OCCS-PV 3:15.67 3:20.24 44.10 1:34.70 (50.60) 2:28.08 (53.38) 3:20.24 (52.16) 42 Zeng, Roger 11 MAKO-PV 3:29.06 3:23.42 45.97 1:37.03 (51.06) 2:30.53 (53.50) 3:23.42 (52.89) 43 Kalinowsky, Sean 11 NCAP-PV 3:22.15 3:27.80 48.48 1:42.41 (53.93) 2:34.55 (52.14) 3:27.80 (53.25) 44 Lee, Brian 13 OCCS-PV NT 3:29.57 45.74 1:38.86 (53.12) 2:34.68 (55.82) 3:29.57 (54.89) 45 Montenegro, Jonathan 13 MAKO-PV 3:28.07 3:32.19 48.42 1:44.50 (56.08) 2:39.73 (55.23) 3:32.19 (52.46) 46 Andres, Jacob 12 OCCS-PV 3:36.44 3:33.31 47.46 1:43.67 (56.21) 2:40.19 (56.52) 3:33.31 (53.12) 47 Aedo, Maximiliano 13 NCAP-PV 3:12.34 3:37.09 48.30 1:46.28 (57.98) 2:42.38 (56.10) 3:37.09 (54.71) 48 Schweigert-Opas, Reilly 11 MAKO-PV 3:55.98 3:43.30 50.03 1:48.18 (58.15) 2:45.25 (57.07) 3:43.30 (58.05) 49 Zanetti, Robert 13 SNOW-PV NT 3:57.66 52.78 1:52.64 (59.86) 2:54.37 (1:01.73) 3:57.66 (1:03.29) 50 Mussie, Noah 13 OCCS-PV NT 4:16.93 57.17 2:05.30 (1:08.13) 3:12.64 (1:07.34) 4:16.93 (1:04.29) -- Pandi, Neeraj 10 OCCS-PV NT DQ One hand touch 45.74 1:38.52 (52.78) 2:31.52 (53.00) DQ (52.54) Boys Open 200 Yard Butterfly =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Mast, Matt 15 OCCS-PV NT 2:09.98 29.09 1:03.01 (33.92) 1:36.68 (33.67) 2:09.98 (33.30) 2 Bushweller, Colin 16 OCCS-PV NT 2:17.43 30.95 1:04.07 (33.12) 1:39.95 (35.88) 2:17.43 (37.48) 3 Jampole, Shane 15 OCCS-PV NT 2:23.00 30.56 1:06.35 (35.79) 1:44.70 (38.35) 2:23.00 (38.30) 4 Butler, Steven 13 OCCS-PV 2:31.26 2:27.66 31.65 1:08.69 (37.04) 1:50.57 (41.88) 2:27.66 (37.09) 5 Shen, Edward 13 NCAP-PV 2:25.66 2:27.74 31.14 1:07.41 (36.27) 1:46.51 (39.10) 2:27.74 (41.23) 6 Pliuskaitis, Stuart 13 SNOW-PV 2:36.98 2:29.79 32.28 1:10.04 (37.76) 1:50.12 (40.08) 2:29.79 (39.67) 7 Peny, Jack 15 OCCS-PV 2:47.31 2:31.51 32.92 1:11.11 (38.19) 1:52.84 (41.73) 2:31.51 (38.67) 8 Meredith, Andrew 18 Rst-PV NT 2:35.02 33.04 1:10.44 (37.40) 1:53.42 (42.98) 2:35.02 (41.60) 9 Murphy, Ryan 13 SNOW-PV 2:46.73 2:39.86 34.61 1:15.73 (41.12) 1:56.78 (41.05) 2:39.86 (43.08) 10 Lansberry, Austin 14 OCCS-PV 2:55.47 2:42.47 32.97 1:12.14 (39.17) 1:55.80 (43.66) 2:42.47 (46.67) 11 Soderquist, Glen 12 OCCS-PV NT 2:54.00 37.03 1:25.36 (48.33) 2:11.34 (45.98) 2:54.00 (42.66)