Licensed to Potomac Valley Swimming - For Office Use Only License HY-TEK's MEET MANAGER 7.0 10/15/2017 07:46 PM 2017 PV JP Popovich Memorial Invitational - 10/13/2017 to 10/15/2017 Results Girls 8 & Under 25 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Cates, Noelle R 8 UN-VA NT 17.16 2 Sparrenberger, Riley M 8 SNOW-PV 20.32 17.69 3 Buytenhuys, Julia G 8 SNOW-PV 21.56 18.22 4 Albanese, Ava V 8 NCAP-PV 20.64 19.08 5 Landry, Sammy E 8 BWST-PV 22.46 19.87 6 Kocak, Ilayda L 8 NCAP-PV NT 19.88 7 Edwards, Avery G 8 BWST-PV 21.88 19.94 8 Cheeks, Isabella M 7 SNOW-PV NT 20.43 9 Cortez Martinez, Ariana 7 NCAP-PV NT 20.62 10 Beckman, Langley R 8 NCAP-PV NT 20.99 11 Nguyen, Dan X 7 NCAP-PV NT 21.07 12 Bunker, Brooklyn R 8 BWST-PV 23.51 21.37 13 Wall, Coby B 8 BWST-PV 24.32 21.53 14 Meda, Diya 8 BWST-PV 26.22 21.91 15 Kim-Jung, Jiyoo S 8 SNOW-PV NT 22.18 16 Livingston, Everly 7 BWST-PV 23.17 22.47 17 Dolan, Emma G 8 WST-VA 25.43 22.83 18 Jalali, Ayla J 8 BWST-PV NT 23.43 19 Rabe, Skylar R 6 NCAP-PV NT 23.49 20 Swigart, Corina M 8 NCAP-PV NT 23.71 21 Vranas, Amelia G 6 BWST-PV NT 23.94 22 Moore, Emma G 5 SNOW-PV NT 25.03 23 Di Bene, Noel M 8 SNOW-PV NT 25.57 24 DeLong, Abigail R 7 BWST-PV NT 26.68 25 Sexton, Avery R 7 NCAP-PV NT 27.28 26 Alic, Hanna 8 BWST-PV 37.20 27.72 27 Dove, Dove K 6 BWST-PV 33.85 29.56 28 Thompson, Grace E 6 WST-VA 31.12 32.78 29 Wong, Arianna K 5 SNOW-PV NT 35.16 Girls 8 & Under 50 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Kritsky, Josephina 8 SNOW-PV 40.31 36.62 2 Sparrenberger, Riley M 8 SNOW-PV 46.33 41.40 3 Buytenhuys, Julia G 8 SNOW-PV 48.36 42.07 4 Edwards, Avery G 8 BWST-PV 47.55 42.12 5 Landry, Sammy E 8 BWST-PV NT 46.32 6 Albanese, Ava V 8 NCAP-PV 47.57 47.21 7 Wall, Coby B 8 BWST-PV 53.19 48.35 8 Cortez Martinez, Ariana 7 NCAP-PV NT 48.54 9 Keller, Laurean A 8 BWST-PV NT 49.75 10 McCarney, Maya R 7 SNOW-PV NT 52.81 11 Dolan, Emma G 8 WST-VA 1:09.30 53.17 12 Donovan, Juliet N 6 FXFX-PV NT 54.73 13 Rabe, Skylar R 6 NCAP-PV NT 55.27 14 Clark, Ava L 8 BWST-PV NT 55.41 15 Potturi, Sahasra L 8 BWST-PV NT 56.00 16 Sreniawski, Ella C 8 BWST-PV NT 56.82 17 Gunnerson-Casca, Christi 7 BWST-PV NT 56.89 18 Block, Lily K 7 BWST-PV NT 1:00.56 19 Clark, Emma E 8 BWST-PV NT 1:01.34 -- Alic, Hanna 8 BWST-PV NT DQ Girls 8 & Under 100 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Masten, Payton E 8 SNOW-PV 1:25.77 1:28.72 2 Sparrenberger, Riley M 8 SNOW-PV NT 1:36.01 3 Cates, Noelle R 8 UN-VA NT 1:40.28 4 Moore, Cate B 7 SNOW-PV 1:41.66 1:42.22 5 Kocak, Ilayda L 8 NCAP-PV NT 1:47.53 6 Dolan, Emma G 8 WST-VA 2:30.12 2:10.37 Girls 8 & Under 25 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Beckman, Langley R 8 NCAP-PV NT 21.52 2 Cortez Martinez, Ariana 7 NCAP-PV NT 22.63 3 Buytenhuys, Julia G 8 SNOW-PV 24.95 22.65 4 Moore, Cate B 7 SNOW-PV 23.02 22.84 5 Bunker, Brooklyn R 8 BWST-PV 26.45 23.50 6 Edwards, Avery G 8 BWST-PV 24.69 23.57 7 Landry, Sammy E 8 BWST-PV 24.92 23.68 8 Nguyen, Dan X 7 NCAP-PV NT 23.78 9 Wall, Coby B 8 BWST-PV 28.89 24.61 10 Meda, Diya 8 BWST-PV 30.31 24.78 11 Di Bene, Noel M 8 SNOW-PV NT 25.25 12 Livingston, Everly 7 BWST-PV 26.57 25.41 13 Albanese, Ava V 8 NCAP-PV 25.92 25.42 14 Jalali, Ayla J 8 BWST-PV NT 25.62 15 Vranas, Amelia G 6 BWST-PV NT 25.91 16 Kim-Jung, Jiyoo S 8 SNOW-PV NT 26.09 17 Gerhard, Reese G 7 NCAP-PV NT 27.13 18 DeLong, Abigail R 7 BWST-PV NT 27.25 19 Dove, Dove K 6 BWST-PV 33.66 27.29 20 Kocak, Ilayda L 8 NCAP-PV NT 27.74 21 Swigart, Corina M 8 NCAP-PV NT 28.93 22 Dolan, Emma G 8 WST-VA 27.80 29.00 23 Rabe, Skylar R 6 NCAP-PV NT 29.37 24 Moore, Emma G 5 SNOW-PV NT 30.47 25 Thompson, Grace E 6 WST-VA 38.12 35.25 26 Wong, Arianna K 5 SNOW-PV NT 41.22 -- Sexton, Avery R 7 NCAP-PV NT DQ Shoulders past vertical toward breast Girls 8 & Under 50 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Sparrenberger, Riley M 8 SNOW-PV 49.90 46.26 2 Tjader, Rylee B 8 SNOW-PV 49.45 49.37 3 Cortez Martinez, Ariana 7 NCAP-PV NT 52.60 4 Dolan, Emma G 8 WST-VA 1:10.36 58.84 5 McCarney, Maya R 7 SNOW-PV NT 58.90 6 Rabe, Skylar R 6 NCAP-PV NT 1:01.58 Girls 8 & Under 25 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Masten, Payton E 8 SNOW-PV 22.65 19.44 2 Kritsky, Josephina 8 SNOW-PV 24.76 22.16 3 Howard, Hailey M 8 SNOW-PV 25.64 22.31 4 Tjader, Rylee B 8 SNOW-PV 26.41 25.19 5 Richmond, Sophia N 8 FXFX-PV 27.46 25.37 5 Edwards, Avery G 8 BWST-PV 27.79 25.37 7 Moore, Cate B 7 SNOW-PV 28.35 25.92 8 Cheeks, Isabella M 7 SNOW-PV NT 27.28 9 Albanese, Ava V 8 NCAP-PV 28.20 27.50 10 Keller, Laurean A 8 BWST-PV NT 28.53 11 Kim-Jung, Jiyoo S 8 SNOW-PV NT 29.06 12 Kocak, Ilayda L 8 NCAP-PV NT 29.10 13 Clark, Ava L 8 BWST-PV 44.00 29.85 14 Dolan, Emma G 8 WST-VA 32.12 31.03 15 Block, Lily K 7 BWST-PV 36.19 31.52 16 Wall, Coby B 8 BWST-PV 34.88 31.94 17 Landry, Sammy E 8 BWST-PV 37.01 32.00 18 Potturi, Sahasra L 8 BWST-PV NT 32.44 19 Pearson, Peyton L 8 NCAP-PV NT 32.69 20 Rabe, Skylar R 6 NCAP-PV NT 34.43 21 Gunnerson-Casca, Christi 7 BWST-PV NT 34.53 22 Clark, Emma E 8 BWST-PV 40.12 35.34 23 Alic, Hanna 8 BWST-PV 46.46 38.19 -- Moore, Emma G 5 SNOW-PV NT DQ Arms past hipline -- Sreniawski, Ella C 8 BWST-PV 51.75 DQ Arms past hipline -- Donovan, Juliet N 6 FXFX-PV NT DQ Arms past hipline Girls 8 & Under 50 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Masten, Payton E 8 SNOW-PV 48.90 42.49 2 Cates, Noelle R 8 UN-VA NT 51.65 3 Edwards, Avery G 8 BWST-PV 1:00.62 53.87 4 Meda, Diya 8 BWST-PV NT 57.74 5 Moore, Cate B 7 SNOW-PV 1:06.41 58.42 6 Sparrenberger, Riley M 8 SNOW-PV NT 1:01.16 7 Kim-Jung, Jiyoo S 8 SNOW-PV NT 1:02.73 8 Wall, Coby B 8 BWST-PV 1:08.28 1:04.99 9 Livingston, Everly 7 BWST-PV NT 1:06.46 10 Jalali, Ayla J 8 BWST-PV NT 1:06.87 11 Swigart, Corina M 8 NCAP-PV NT 1:22.44 12 Landry, Sammy E 8 BWST-PV NT 1:36.59 -- Bunker, Brooklyn R 8 BWST-PV 1:19.37 DQ One hand touch -- Rabe, Skylar R 6 NCAP-PV NT DQ Non-simultaneous arms Girls 8 & Under 25 Yard Butterfly =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Masten, Payton E 8 SNOW-PV 20.69 17.91 2 Tjader, Rylee B 8 SNOW-PV 23.28 19.32 3 Howard, Hailey M 8 SNOW-PV 24.70 20.03 4 Albanese, Ava V 8 NCAP-PV 26.27 20.78 5 Moore, Cate B 7 SNOW-PV 27.37 21.93 6 Edwards, Avery G 8 BWST-PV 28.65 22.56 7 Buytenhuys, Julia G 8 SNOW-PV 26.71 22.66 8 Richmond, Sophia N 8 FXFX-PV 27.58 22.90 9 Donovan, Juliet N 6 FXFX-PV NT 23.65 10 Kocak, Ilayda L 8 NCAP-PV NT 25.09 11 Kim-Jung, Jiyoo S 8 SNOW-PV NT 25.16 12 Keller, Laurean A 8 BWST-PV NT 26.34 13 Wall, Coby B 8 BWST-PV 27.83 26.82 14 Cortez Martinez, Ariana 7 NCAP-PV NT 27.12 15 Pearson, Peyton L 8 NCAP-PV NT 27.28 16 Landry, Sammy E 8 BWST-PV NT 28.19 -- Gunnerson-Casca, Christi 7 BWST-PV NT DQ Non-simultaneous arms -- Potturi, Sahasra L 8 BWST-PV NT DQ Arms underwater recovery -- Moore, Emma G 5 SNOW-PV NT DQ Non-simultaneous arms -- Clark, Emma E 8 BWST-PV 45.46 DQ One hand touch -- Clark, Ava L 8 BWST-PV 49.90 DQ Arms underwater recovery Girls 8 & Under 50 Yard Butterfly =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Masten, Payton E 8 SNOW-PV 50.35 41.31 -- Cortez Martinez, Ariana 7 NCAP-PV NT DQ Non-simultaneous touch Girls 8 & Under 100 Yard IM =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Masten, Payton E 8 SNOW-PV 1:43.29 1:28.46 43.78 1:28.46 (44.68) 2 Kritsky, Josephina 8 SNOW-PV 1:50.36 1:44.84 51.54 1:44.84 (53.30) 3 Moore, Cate B 7 SNOW-PV 2:02.91 1:50.42 49.73 1:50.42 (1:00.69) 4 Sparrenberger, Riley M 8 SNOW-PV 2:12.56 1:55.89 53.64 1:55.89 (1:02.25) 5 Kocak, Ilayda L 8 NCAP-PV NT 2:02.97 59.96 2:02.97 (1:03.01) -- Kim-Jung, Jiyoo S 8 SNOW-PV NT DQ One hand touch - breast 2:02.36 -- Buytenhuys, Julia G 8 SNOW-PV 2:19.31 DQ One hand touch - breast 52.85 DQ (1:06.99) Girls 9-10 50 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Tran, Maggie B 10 SNOW-PV 29.60 29.26 2 Carr, Samantha M 10 BWST-PV 32.31 30.26 3 Webster, Kiera M 10 WST-VA 32.16 30.29 4 Sciortino, Sarah R 10 RY-PV 30.92 30.31 5 Klotz, Anna C 10 BWST-PV 32.17 30.61 6 Speilman, Mackenzie L 10 SNOW-PV 33.81 32.29 7 Kennedy, Emily L 10 NCAP-PV 32.64 32.42 8 Hanlin, Carly A 10 BWST-PV 36.07 33.38 9 Pillo, Riley E 9 WST-VA 37.91 33.51 10 Bober, Ella K 9 SNOW-PV 34.90 33.61 11 Holland, Addison C 9 NCAP-PV 34.94 33.90 12 Mitchell, Emily J 10 NCAP-PV 33.45 34.03 13 Menz, Madeline M 10 NCAP-PV 34.13 34.20 14 Patel, Lily H 10 NCAP-PV 36.37 34.24 15 Rao, Sahana J 10 NCAP-PV 38.00 34.53 16 Edmundson, Bailey S 10 BWST-PV 36.87 35.10 17 Reynolds, Kate L 9 SNOW-PV NT 35.30 18 Sargent, Macy K 10 NCAP-PV 39.31 35.35 19 Feinberg, Madeline C 9 FXFX-PV 40.69 36.59 20 Vyzarsu, Ashwika 10 BWST-PV 41.20 37.03 21 Skorupski, Reagan M 10 BWST-PV NT 37.21 22 Griest, Addison 10 RY-PV 36.63 37.58 23 Collantes-Gasco, Luciana 10 NCAP-PV NT 38.06 24 Rickabaugh-DeVolder, Mer 10 RY-PV 39.39 38.08 25 Mandel, Zoe M 10 NCAP-PV NT 38.57 26 Skinner, Abi 10 RY-PV 39.67 38.63 27 Parhat, Eldana 9 RY-PV 39.21 38.95 28 Rice, Fiona M 9 FXFX-PV 39.70 39.08 29 Mahadevan, Sukhi V 9 BWST-PV 42.95 39.77 30 Kim, Dani A 10 FXFX-PV NT 40.08 31 Helge, Katie E 9 BWST-PV 51.71 40.28 32 Reynolds, Makayla M 9 WST-VA 40.91 40.62 33 Blake, Emilia B 9 FXFX-PV NT 40.78 34 Nicholson, Natalie N 10 SNOW-PV 44.97 41.07 35 Clist, Gracie A 9 RY-PV 56.33 41.66 36 Ramey, Addi C 9 SNOW-PV 44.07 42.23 37 Irgens, Marit N 9 WST-VA 43.18 42.40 38 Bowman, Audrey R 9 FXFX-PV NT 43.86 39 Park, Jenny 9 MAC-PV NT 44.59 40 Bhakre, Rujuta A 10 SNOW-PV NT 46.56 41 Shah, Aanya B 9 BWST-PV NT 46.81 42 Jonnalagadda, Sahasra A 10 BWST-PV NT 49.15 43 Schaeffer, Mackenzie K 9 BWST-PV NT 52.08 44 Burbano, Sofia C 9 BWST-PV 58.13 52.89 45 Woehr, Allison E 9 SNOW-PV NT 53.17 46 Datar, Eera 9 BWST-PV NT 54.02 47 Kolhatkar, Shivani K 9 BWST-PV NT 54.47 Girls 9-10 100 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Webster, Kiera M 10 WST-VA 1:09.32 1:05.38 31.07 1:05.38 (34.31) 2 Kennedy, Emily L 10 NCAP-PV 1:14.00 1:11.39 33.74 1:11.39 (37.65) 3 Bober, Ella K 9 SNOW-PV 1:17.72 1:13.02 35.70 1:13.02 (37.32) 4 Santucci, Elle M 10 BWST-PV 1:21.50 1:13.27 34.47 1:13.27 (38.80) 5 Indrisano, Ariel R 10 SNOW-PV NT 1:14.85 36.16 1:14.85 (38.69) 6 Holland, Addison C 9 NCAP-PV 1:23.88 1:15.20 34.76 1:15.20 (40.44) 7 Pillo, Riley E 9 WST-VA 1:33.17 1:15.42 34.69 1:15.42 (40.73) 8 Sargent, Macy K 10 NCAP-PV 1:41.21 1:18.53 38.00 1:18.53 (40.53) 9 Levin, Ava E 10 BWST-PV 1:26.87 1:18.79 37.37 1:18.79 (41.42) 10 Zerkle, Addison A 10 NCAP-PV 1:20.12 1:20.22 37.52 1:20.22 (42.70) 11 Hayward, Audrey I 9 BWST-PV 1:29.11 1:20.23 36.39 1:20.23 (43.84) 12 Reynolds, Kate L 9 SNOW-PV NT 1:20.82 37.79 1:20.82 (43.03) 13 Wright, Katherine 10 RY-PV 1:22.86 1:21.98 37.37 1:21.98 (44.61) 14 Smith, Ellie P 9 SNOW-PV NT 1:22.04 36.34 1:22.04 (45.70) 15 Edmundson, Bailey S 10 BWST-PV 1:27.49 1:22.23 38.18 1:22.23 (44.05) 16 Thompson, Lauren R 9 WST-VA 1:29.63 1:22.32 38.06 1:22.32 (44.26) 17 Fassacesia, Giada L 10 BWST-PV 1:27.88 1:24.41 39.36 1:24.41 (45.05) 18 Arnz, Kendall T 10 FXFX-PV 1:23.99 1:24.97 40.74 1:24.97 (44.23) 19 Vyzarsu, Ashwika 10 BWST-PV NT 1:27.13 39.62 1:27.13 (47.51) 20 McCurry, Eva M 10 SNOW-PV 1:33.58 1:29.77 40.95 1:29.77 (48.82) 21 Pollock, Claire M 9 BWST-PV 1:45.19 1:29.80 40.91 1:29.80 (48.89) 22 Mahadevan, Sukhi V 9 BWST-PV NT 1:30.39 42.74 1:30.39 (47.65) 23 Clavin, Charlotte L 9 BWST-PV NT 1:30.77 41.07 1:30.77 (49.70) 24 Collantes-Gasco, Luciana 10 NCAP-PV NT 1:30.94 40.98 1:30.94 (49.96) 25 Parhat, Eldana 9 RY-PV 1:39.02 1:31.23 40.41 1:31.23 (50.82) 26 Ismail, Mariam O 10 SNOW-PV 1:35.82 1:31.71 43.71 1:31.71 (48.00) 27 Ramey, Addi C 9 SNOW-PV 1:35.08 1:33.03 44.08 1:33.03 (48.95) 28 Caling, Kate M 10 SNOW-PV NT 1:34.52 42.66 1:34.52 (51.86) 29 Nicholson, Natalie N 10 SNOW-PV NT 1:34.68 44.65 1:34.68 (50.03) 30 Roeder, Mackenzie A 9 BWST-PV NT 1:35.07 44.91 1:35.07 (50.16) 31 Pugsley, Jenna C 9 NCAP-PV 1:39.44 1:36.15 44.60 1:36.15 (51.55) 32 Clist, Gracie A 9 RY-PV 1:42.79 1:39.18 46.01 1:39.18 (53.17) 33 Jonnalagadda, Sahasra A 10 BWST-PV NT 1:54.87 53.28 1:54.87 (1:01.59) 34 Schaeffer, Mackenzie K 9 BWST-PV NT 1:56.06 52.37 1:56.06 (1:03.69) 35 Hwang, Jaine 10 NCAP-PV NT 1:56.73 54.90 1:56.73 (1:01.83) 36 Mendoza-Lozano, Natalia 9 BWST-PV NT 2:05.55 54.75 2:05.55 (1:10.80) -- Bowman, Audrey R 9 FXFX-PV 1:43.32 DQ No touch on turn 45.72 DQ (52.33) Girls 9-10 200 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Webster, Kiera M 10 WST-VA 2:35.93 2:22.20 33.24 1:09.56 (36.32) 1:46.45 (36.89) 2:22.20 (35.75) 2 Tran, Maggie B 10 SNOW-PV 3:00.07 2:25.50 33.06 1:09.55 (36.49) 1:48.51 (38.96) 2:25.50 (36.99) 3 Carr, Samantha M 10 BWST-PV 2:39.18 2:27.90 33.65 1:12.84 (39.19) 1:52.33 (39.49) 2:27.90 (35.57) 4 Klotz, Anna C 10 BWST-PV 2:36.64 2:32.65 34.90 1:13.44 (38.54) 1:53.84 (40.40) 2:32.65 (38.81) 5 Sciortino, Sarah R 10 RY-PV 2:42.68 2:37.20 34.11 1:13.95 (39.84) 1:56.63 (42.68) 2:37.20 (40.57) 6 Indrisano, Ariel R 10 SNOW-PV NT 2:50.91 38.92 1:23.09 (44.17) 2:08.43 (45.34) 2:50.91 (42.48) 7 Sargent, Macy K 10 NCAP-PV NT 2:52.43 40.29 1:23.63 (43.34) 2:09.63 (46.00) 2:52.43 (42.80) 8 Levin, Ava E 10 BWST-PV 3:08.72 2:59.62 40.43 1:27.41 (46.98) 2:16.03 (48.62) 2:59.62 (43.59) 9 Fassacesia, Giada L 10 BWST-PV 3:13.43 3:01.21 42.66 1:29.55 (46.89) 2:16.32 (46.77) 3:01.21 (44.89) 10 Pattie, Sydney J 10 BWST-PV 3:27.29 3:07.08 40.68 1:29.25 (48.57) 2:20.05 (50.80) 3:07.08 (47.03) 11 Rickabaugh-DeVolder, Mer 10 RY-PV 3:35.17 3:08.70 39.89 1:28.54 (48.65) 2:19.43 (50.89) 3:08.70 (49.27) 12 Edmundson, Bailey S 10 BWST-PV 3:18.44 3:09.41 37.78 1:25.68 (47.90) 2:17.53 (51.85) 3:09.41 (51.88) 13 Clavin, Charlotte L 9 BWST-PV NT 3:14.51 44.68 1:37.50 (52.82) 2:28.35 (50.85) 3:14.51 (46.16) 14 McCurry, Eva M 10 SNOW-PV 3:23.64 3:15.05 43.17 1:35.36 (52.19) 2:28.05 (52.69) 3:15.05 (47.00) 15 Wong, Victoria I 9 SNOW-PV NT 3:19.64 41.65 1:33.40 (51.75) 2:27.84 (54.44) 3:19.64 (51.80) 16 Irgens, Marit N 9 WST-VA 3:36.52 3:21.60 43.79 1:35.16 (51.37) 2:28.55 (53.39) 3:21.60 (53.05) 17 Parhat, Eldana 9 RY-PV 3:34.17 3:22.06 39.34 1:29.84 (50.50) 2:27.92 (58.08) 3:22.06 (54.14) 18 Ismail, Mariam O 10 SNOW-PV NT 3:22.07 45.72 1:37.67 (51.95) 2:33.07 (55.40) 3:22.07 (49.00) 19 Roed, Ellie S 10 BWST-PV NT 3:28.66 44.81 1:38.10 (53.29) 2:35.47 (57.37) 3:28.66 (53.19) 20 Reynolds, Makayla M 9 WST-VA 3:59.12 3:33.59 44.76 1:41.18 (56.42) 2:34.99 (53.81) 3:33.59 (58.60) 21 Rieben, Annie 9 BWST-PV NT 3:34.36 46.95 2:39.09 (1:52.14) 3:34.36 (55.27) Girls 9-10 500 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Tran, Maggie B 10 SNOW-PV 6:55.00 6:40.27 35.32 1:14.17 (38.85) 1:53.37 (39.20) 2:35.09 (41.72) 3:15.81 (40.72) 3:57.93 (42.12) 4:39.85 (41.92) 5:21.65 (41.80) 6:01.47 (39.82) 6:40.27 (38.80) 2 Holland, Addison C 9 NCAP-PV 8:15.86 7:15.79 35.56 1:17.97 (42.41) 2:02.85 (44.88) 2:48.08 (45.23) 3:33.53 (45.45) 4:19.63 (46.10) 5:04.69 (45.06) 5:50.62 (45.93) 6:34.85 (44.23) 7:15.79 (40.94) 3 Kennedy, Emily L 10 NCAP-PV 8:04.18 7:23.54 37.05 1:20.69 (43.64) 2:06.40 (45.71) 2:53.02 (46.62) 3:39.20 (46.18) 4:24.96 (45.76) 5:10.70 (45.74) 5:56.96 (46.26) 6:41.69 (44.73) 7:23.54 (41.85) 4 Hanlin, Carly A 10 BWST-PV NT 7:42.13 37.76 1:22.60 (44.84) 2:09.48 (46.88) 2:57.07 (47.59) 3:43.93 (46.86) 4:32.55 (48.62) 5:21.76 (49.21) 6:09.35 (47.59) 6:58.17 (48.82) 7:42.13 (43.96) 5 Zerkle, Addison A 10 NCAP-PV 7:50.07 7:47.62 37.59 1:23.54 (45.95) 2:12.78 (49.24) 3:01.45 (48.67) 3:51.05 (49.60) 4:40.36 (49.31) 5:27.96 (47.60) 6:16.72 (48.76) 7:04.78 (48.06) 7:47.62 (42.84) 6 Albanese, Riley E 10 NCAP-PV 8:34.65 8:02.60 40.34 1:27.14 (46.80) 2:15.28 (48.14) 3:04.25 (48.97) 3:54.89 (50.64) 4:44.12 (49.23) 5:34.37 (50.25) 6:25.99 (51.62) 7:15.59 (49.60) 8:02.60 (47.01) 7 Rao, Sahana J 10 NCAP-PV NT 8:04.07 39.09 1:26.03 (46.94) 2:16.21 (50.18) 3:04.91 (48.70) 3:57.54 (52.63) 4:47.08 (49.54) 5:37.74 (50.66) 6:30.28 (52.54) 7:19.97 (49.69) 8:04.07 (44.10) 8 Schedler, Paige N 10 NCAP-PV 9:16.43 8:05.38 37.98 1:25.60 (47.62) 2:18.12 (52.52) 3:10.33 (52.21) 4:01.74 (51.41) 4:52.06 (50.32) 5:42.23 (50.17) 6:33.16 (50.93) 7:22.16 (49.00) 8:05.38 (43.22) 9 Mitchell, Emily J 10 NCAP-PV 9:08.37 8:05.96 1:29.64 ( ) 3:11.83 ( ) 4:03.52 (51.69) 4:54.70 (51.18) 5:44.72 (50.02) 6:34.53 (49.81) 7:23.54 (49.01) 8:05.96 (42.42) 10 Stout, Paige K 10 NCAP-PV 9:08.25 8:06.49 41.12 1:26.37 (45.25) 2:15.55 (49.18) 3:05.07 (49.52) 3:56.34 (51.27) 4:47.02 (50.68) 5:38.61 (51.59) 6:30.07 (51.46) 7:21.53 (51.46) 8:06.49 (44.96) 11 Patel, Lily H 10 NCAP-PV 9:14.57 8:35.99 40.06 1:31.68 (51.62) 2:25.06 (53.38) 3:18.24 (53.18) 4:13.60 (55.36) 5:06.92 (53.32) 6:03.48 (56.56) 6:55.97 (52.49) 7:51.38 (55.41) 8:35.99 (44.61) Girls 9-10 50 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Klotz, Anna C 10 BWST-PV 35.34 32.64 2 Carr, Samantha M 10 BWST-PV 36.82 34.89 3 Speilman, Mackenzie L 10 SNOW-PV 38.36 35.79 4 Sciortino, Sarah R 10 RY-PV 36.96 35.83 5 Kennedy, Emily L 10 NCAP-PV 39.15 37.15 6 Menz, Madeline M 10 NCAP-PV 39.66 37.74 7 Sargent, Macy K 10 NCAP-PV 44.29 38.86 8 Holland, Addison C 9 NCAP-PV 41.89 39.35 9 Rao, Sahana J 10 NCAP-PV 45.51 40.18 10 Pattie, Sydney J 10 BWST-PV 47.10 40.37 11 Sims, Marisol W 10 SNOW-PV 41.59 40.63 12 Patel, Lily H 10 NCAP-PV 43.42 40.78 13 Hanlin, Carly A 10 BWST-PV 43.93 40.83 14 Levin, Ava E 10 BWST-PV 43.41 40.88 15 Fassacesia, Giada L 10 BWST-PV 45.48 40.89 16 Reynolds, Kate L 9 SNOW-PV NT 41.69 17 Clavin, Charlotte L 9 BWST-PV 46.12 42.44 18 Mitchell, Emily J 10 NCAP-PV 42.96 42.66 19 Smith, Ellie P 9 SNOW-PV NT 42.92 20 Mandel, Zoe M 10 NCAP-PV NT 43.48 21 Skorupski, Reagan M 10 BWST-PV NT 43.68 22 Rickabaugh-DeVolder, Mer 10 RY-PV 47.78 43.70 23 Vyzarsu, Ashwika 10 BWST-PV 50.31 43.72 24 Adler, Avery S 10 FXFX-PV 43.70 44.20 25 Clist, Gracie A 9 RY-PV 51.87 45.34 26 Skinner, Abi 10 RY-PV 44.85 45.44 27 Griest, Addison 10 RY-PV 44.81 45.72 28 Rieben, Annie 9 BWST-PV 48.95 46.07 29 Wong, Victoria I 9 SNOW-PV NT 46.20 30 Parhat, Eldana 9 RY-PV 51.09 46.52 31 Helge, Katie E 9 BWST-PV 56.03 46.66 32 McCurry, Eva M 10 SNOW-PV 46.80 47.05 33 Ismail, Mariam O 10 SNOW-PV 44.95 47.15 34 Nicholson, Natalie N 10 SNOW-PV 50.29 47.38 35 Roed, Ellie S 10 BWST-PV 46.22 47.50 36 Ramey, Addi C 9 SNOW-PV 47.26 47.55 37 Irgens, Marit N 9 WST-VA 49.44 47.68 38 Mahadevan, Sukhi V 9 BWST-PV 50.70 47.93 39 Gatlin, Emerson E 9 NCAP-PV 47.52 48.30 40 Reynolds, Makayla M 9 WST-VA 48.59 49.30 41 Bowman, Audrey R 9 FXFX-PV 51.39 50.01 42 Shah, Aanya B 9 BWST-PV NT 52.39 43 Schaeffer, Mackenzie K 9 BWST-PV NT 53.14 44 Jonnalagadda, Sahasra A 10 BWST-PV NT 56.27 45 Datar, Eera 9 BWST-PV NT 56.68 46 Bhakre, Rujuta A 10 SNOW-PV NT 57.21 47 Woehr, Allison E 9 SNOW-PV NT 57.62 48 Burbano, Sofia C 9 BWST-PV 1:27.08 1:00.55 49 Kolhatkar, Shivani K 9 BWST-PV NT 1:03.60 -- Rice, Fiona M 9 FXFX-PV 44.29 DQ Delay initiating turn -- Park, Jenny 9 MAC-PV NT DQ Shoulders past vertical toward breast -- Feinberg, Madeline C 9 FXFX-PV NT DQ Delay initiating turn Girls 9-10 100 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Menz, Madeline M 10 NCAP-PV 1:26.37 1:20.49 39.37 1:20.49 (41.12) 2 Indrisano, Ariel R 10 SNOW-PV NT 1:21.63 39.34 1:21.63 (42.29) 2 Pillo, Riley E 9 WST-VA 1:38.99 1:21.63 38.66 1:21.63 (42.97) 4 Sims, Marisol W 10 SNOW-PV 1:29.00 1:23.93 41.16 1:23.93 (42.77) 5 Sargent, Macy K 10 NCAP-PV 1:36.58 1:26.25 6 Pattie, Sydney J 10 BWST-PV 1:36.42 1:27.78 42.91 1:27.78 (44.87) 7 Levin, Ava E 10 BWST-PV 1:32.40 1:28.30 42.45 1:28.30 (45.85) 8 Pollock, Claire M 9 BWST-PV 1:36.74 1:29.31 42.83 1:29.31 (46.48) 9 Rao, Sahana J 10 NCAP-PV 1:45.66 1:30.15 42.66 1:30.15 (47.49) 10 Yashina, Katya E 10 SNOW-PV NT 1:31.67 42.81 1:31.67 (48.86) 11 Hayward, Audrey I 9 BWST-PV NT 1:31.90 44.35 1:31.90 (47.55) 12 Hanlin, Carly A 10 BWST-PV 1:45.87 1:34.55 45.91 1:34.55 (48.64) 13 Skinner, Abi 10 RY-PV 1:45.49 1:37.02 46.62 1:37.02 (50.40) 14 Caling, Kate M 10 SNOW-PV NT 1:37.76 47.24 1:37.76 (50.52) 15 Thompson, Lauren R 9 WST-VA 1:38.39 1:38.21 46.86 1:38.21 (51.35) 16 Pugsley, Jenna C 9 NCAP-PV NT 1:42.75 1:47.55 1:42.75 ( ) 17 Nicholson, Natalie N 10 SNOW-PV NT 1:42.93 47.92 1:42.93 (55.01) 18 Gatlin, Emerson E 9 NCAP-PV NT 1:43.00 1:42.62 1:43.00 (0.38) 19 Mahadevan, Sukhi V 9 BWST-PV NT 1:44.62 48.79 1:44.62 (55.83) 20 Wong, Victoria I 9 SNOW-PV NT 1:45.96 50.51 1:45.96 (55.45) 21 Reynolds, Makayla M 9 WST-VA 1:51.12 1:50.32 52.94 1:50.32 (57.38) 22 Cook, Addison G 9 SNOW-PV NT 1:58.28 56.91 1:58.28 (1:01.37) 23 Jonnalagadda, Sahasra A 10 BWST-PV NT 2:09.66 1:04.43 2:09.66 (1:05.23) -- Vyzarsu, Ashwika 10 BWST-PV NT DQ Delay initiating turn 46.98 DQ (53.29) Girls 9-10 200 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Klotz, Anna C 10 BWST-PV 2:45.16 2:36.15 2:36.15 2:36.15 ( ) 2 Indrisano, Ariel R 10 SNOW-PV NT 2:51.62 2:40.40 2:51.62 (11.22) 3 Menz, Madeline M 10 NCAP-PV NT 2:52.28 2:52.03 2:52.28 (0.25) 4 Sims, Marisol W 10 SNOW-PV NT 3:01.18 3:05.34 3:01.18 ( ) 5 Levin, Ava E 10 BWST-PV NT 3:06.59 2:37.14 3:06.59 (29.45) 6 Edmundson, Bailey S 10 BWST-PV NT 3:07.90 7 Halicy, Mairin J 10 NCAP-PV NT 3:16.86 2:29.53 3:16.86 (47.33) 8 Wong, Victoria I 9 SNOW-PV NT 3:32.91 9 Ismail, Mariam O 10 SNOW-PV NT 3:42.13 2:49.35 3:42.13 (52.78) -- Sargent, Macy K 10 NCAP-PV NT DQ Delay initiating turn 2:36.15 DQ (35.01) Girls 9-10 50 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Tran, Maggie B 10 SNOW-PV 40.64 38.64 2 Carr, Samantha M 10 BWST-PV 41.02 39.60 3 Kennedy, Emily L 10 NCAP-PV 45.80 41.90 4 Sims, Marisol W 10 SNOW-PV 41.12 42.01 5 Rickabaugh-DeVolder, Mer 10 RY-PV 45.44 43.83 6 Speilman, Mackenzie L 10 SNOW-PV 43.59 44.27 7 Albanese, Riley E 10 NCAP-PV 46.98 44.38 8 Klotz, Anna C 10 BWST-PV 47.03 44.80 9 Hanlin, Carly A 10 BWST-PV 52.82 45.30 10 Skinner, Abi 10 RY-PV 47.06 46.07 11 Chen, Sara L 10 SNOW-PV 52.84 46.94 12 Halicy, Mairin J 10 NCAP-PV 51.27 47.93 13 Rao, Sahana J 10 NCAP-PV 52.36 47.99 14 Edmundson, Bailey S 10 BWST-PV 47.68 48.23 15 Calder, Lindsey Q 9 FXFX-PV NT 49.73 16 Skorupski, Reagan M 10 BWST-PV NT 50.20 17 Collantes-Gasco, Luciana 10 NCAP-PV NT 50.38 18 Ismail, Mariam O 10 SNOW-PV 51.79 50.73 19 Menz, Madeline M 10 NCAP-PV 55.46 50.94 20 Mahadevan, Sukhi V 9 BWST-PV 56.54 52.60 21 Clavin, Charlotte L 9 BWST-PV 1:04.82 53.32 22 Vyzarsu, Ashwika 10 BWST-PV 1:03.25 53.81 23 Clist, Gracie A 9 RY-PV 57.96 55.33 24 Park, Jenny 9 MAC-PV NT 55.47 25 Helge, Katie E 9 BWST-PV 1:02.42 56.01 26 Bowman, Audrey R 9 FXFX-PV 58.09 56.15 27 Shah, Aanya B 9 BWST-PV NT 59.99 28 Ramey, Addi C 9 SNOW-PV 1:04.51 1:01.56 29 Mogulla, Sahasra R 9 BWST-PV NT 1:07.24 30 Reynolds, Makayla M 9 WST-VA 55.12 1:09.98 31 Schaeffer, Mackenzie K 9 BWST-PV NT 1:10.61 32 Flannagan, Emma M 9 BWST-PV NT 1:13.67 33 Woehr, Allison E 9 SNOW-PV NT 1:15.16 34 Jonnalagadda, Sahasra A 10 BWST-PV NT 1:18.16 -- Roeder, Mackenzie A 9 BWST-PV NT DQ One hand touch -- Mendoza-Lozano, Natalia 9 BWST-PV NT DQ Alternating Kick Girls 9-10 100 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Tran, Maggie B 10 SNOW-PV 1:27.00 1:26.00 40.14 1:26.00 (45.86) 2 Bober, Ella K 9 SNOW-PV 1:37.01 1:32.07 43.69 1:32.07 (48.38) 2 Sims, Marisol W 10 SNOW-PV 1:31.02 1:32.07 43.48 1:32.07 (48.59) 4 Pillo, Riley E 9 WST-VA 1:43.74 1:33.38 43.51 1:33.38 (49.87) 5 Indrisano, Ariel R 10 SNOW-PV NT 1:37.12 46.00 1:37.12 (51.12) 6 Levin, Ava E 10 BWST-PV 1:46.64 1:39.72 47.84 1:39.72 (51.88) 7 Skinner, Abi 10 RY-PV 1:44.86 1:41.47 47.93 1:41.47 (53.54) 8 Edmundson, Bailey S 10 BWST-PV 1:48.76 1:41.95 47.45 1:41.95 (54.50) 9 McCurry, Eva M 10 SNOW-PV 1:47.81 1:42.37 48.69 1:42.37 (53.68) 10 Mitchell, Emily J 10 NCAP-PV 1:39.52 1:42.40 47.38 1:42.40 (55.02) 11 Hanlin, Carly A 10 BWST-PV 1:48.15 1:43.02 48.29 1:43.02 (54.73) 12 Griest, Addison 10 RY-PV 1:44.92 1:43.27 48.71 1:43.27 (54.56) 13 Fassacesia, Giada L 10 BWST-PV NT 1:43.62 48.97 1:43.62 (54.65) 14 Pattie, Sydney J 10 BWST-PV 1:47.63 1:43.82 48.96 1:43.82 (54.86) 15 Collantes-Gasco, Luciana 10 NCAP-PV NT 1:46.73 49.87 1:46.73 (56.86) 16 Wong, Victoria I 9 SNOW-PV NT 1:47.27 51.90 1:47.27 (55.37) 17 Rieben, Annie 9 BWST-PV 1:57.27 1:48.21 51.09 1:48.21 (57.12) 18 Rice, Fiona M 9 FXFX-PV 1:50.11 1:49.02 49.94 1:49.02 (59.08) 19 Ismail, Mariam O 10 SNOW-PV 2:03.87 1:49.47 52.01 1:49.47 (57.46) 20 Patel, Lily H 10 NCAP-PV 1:54.11 1:49.93 49.36 1:49.93 (1:00.57) 21 Adler, Avery S 10 FXFX-PV 1:54.27 1:50.45 50.03 1:50.45 (1:00.42) 22 Vyzarsu, Ashwika 10 BWST-PV NT 1:53.38 52.81 1:53.38 (1:00.57) 23 Mahadevan, Sukhi V 9 BWST-PV NT 1:54.26 55.23 1:54.26 (59.03) 24 Roed, Ellie S 10 BWST-PV NT 1:54.54 53.51 1:54.54 (1:01.03) 25 Clist, Gracie A 9 RY-PV 1:58.65 1:55.26 54.68 1:55.26 (1:00.58) 26 Gatlin, Emerson E 9 NCAP-PV NT 1:55.68 54.84 1:55.68 (1:00.84) 27 Bowman, Audrey R 9 FXFX-PV 2:07.00 2:01.62 56.46 2:01.62 (1:05.16) 28 Bhakre, Rujuta A 10 SNOW-PV NT 2:03.08 58.45 2:03.08 (1:04.63) 29 Helge, Katie E 9 BWST-PV NT 2:06.21 56.15 2:06.21 (1:10.06) 30 Shah, Aanya B 9 BWST-PV NT 2:08.79 59.17 2:08.79 (1:09.62) 31 Schaeffer, Mackenzie K 9 BWST-PV NT 2:27.52 1:07.08 2:27.52 (1:20.44) 32 Burbano, Sofia C 9 BWST-PV NT 2:32.47 1:08.41 2:32.47 (1:24.06) 33 Datar, Eera 9 BWST-PV NT 2:35.39 1:12.40 2:35.39 (1:22.99) -- Jonnalagadda, Sahasra A 10 BWST-PV NT DQ Arms past hipline 1:12.45 DQ (1:24.17) -- Skorupski, Reagan M 10 BWST-PV NT DQ Double pull / kicks 51.45 DQ (57.40) -- Clavin, Charlotte L 9 BWST-PV NT DQ Two strokes under water 54.09 DQ (1:02.43) -- Kolhatkar, Shivani K 9 BWST-PV NT DQ Butterfly kick 1:25.40 DQ (1:38.42) Girls 9-10 200 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Sims, Marisol W 10 SNOW-PV NT 3:10.02 45.08 1:33.67 (48.59) 2:24.66 (50.99) 3:10.02 (45.36) 2 Santucci, Elle M 10 BWST-PV NT 3:17.82 44.50 1:34.33 (49.83) 2:26.41 (52.08) 3:17.82 (51.41) 3 Rickabaugh-DeVolder, Mer 10 RY-PV 3:56.14 3:19.21 43.75 1:33.29 (49.54) 2:26.27 (52.98) 3:19.21 (52.94) 4 McCurry, Eva M 10 SNOW-PV NT 3:31.45 47.82 1:43.37 (55.55) 2:38.13 (54.76) 3:31.45 (53.32) 5 Yashina, Katya E 10 SNOW-PV NT 3:38.07 48.85 1:45.02 (56.17) 2:42.35 (57.33) 3:38.07 (55.72) 6 Wong, Victoria I 9 SNOW-PV NT 3:58.29 51.90 1:52.88 (1:00.98) 2:55.66 (1:02.78) 3:58.29 (1:02.63) Girls 9-10 50 Yard Butterfly =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Tran, Maggie B 10 SNOW-PV 35.17 31.44 2 Klotz, Anna C 10 BWST-PV 34.94 33.47 3 Holland, Addison C 9 NCAP-PV 35.57 33.94 4 Carr, Samantha M 10 BWST-PV 36.26 34.30 5 Menz, Madeline M 10 NCAP-PV 43.08 35.69 6 Webster, Kiera M 10 WST-VA 35.12 35.87 7 Speilman, Mackenzie L 10 SNOW-PV 35.99 36.07 8 Albanese, Riley E 10 NCAP-PV 39.91 36.80 9 Zerkle, Addison A 10 NCAP-PV 41.56 40.31 10 Reynolds, Kate L 9 SNOW-PV NT 40.98 11 Chen, Sara L 10 SNOW-PV 52.84 41.85 12 Smith, Ellie P 9 SNOW-PV 45.96 42.19 13 Skorupski, Reagan M 10 BWST-PV NT 42.27 14 Fassacesia, Giada L 10 BWST-PV 45.47 42.35 15 Clavin, Charlotte L 9 BWST-PV NT 43.88 44.06 43.88 ( ) 16 Wright, Katherine 10 RY-PV 41.14 43.89 17 Pattie, Sydney J 10 BWST-PV 45.11 44.10 18 Adler, Avery S 10 FXFX-PV 47.86 44.31 19 Parhat, Eldana 9 RY-PV 46.82 44.48 20 Halicy, Mairin J 10 NCAP-PV 53.31 45.83 21 Patel, Lily H 10 NCAP-PV 46.83 46.20 22 McCurry, Eva M 10 SNOW-PV 49.87 46.70 23 Pugsley, Jenna C 9 NCAP-PV 49.79 47.09 24 Helge, Katie E 9 BWST-PV NT 47.14 25 Feinberg, Madeline C 9 FXFX-PV 51.06 47.28 26 Calder, Lindsey Q 9 FXFX-PV NT 47.68 50.20 47.68 ( ) 27 Arnz, Kendall T 10 FXFX-PV 47.60 48.55 28 Park, Jenny 9 MAC-PV NT 49.13 49.11 49.13 (0.02) 29 Caling, Kate M 10 SNOW-PV NT 49.96 30 Gatlin, Emerson E 9 NCAP-PV 51.63 52.83 31 Clist, Gracie A 9 RY-PV 53.42 58.03 32 Schaeffer, Mackenzie K 9 BWST-PV NT 1:04.58 -- Shah, Aanya B 9 BWST-PV NT DQ -- Mogulla, Sahasra R 9 BWST-PV NT DQ Arms underwater recovery -- Flannagan, Emma M 9 BWST-PV NT DQ Arms underwater recovery 56.91 DQ ( ) -- Rickabaugh-DeVolder, Mer 10 RY-PV 51.90 DQ Non-simultaneous arms Girls 9-10 100 Yard Butterfly =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Holland, Addison C 9 NCAP-PV 1:24.53 1:19.62 36.23 1:19.62 (43.39) 2 Sims, Marisol W 10 SNOW-PV 1:22.90 1:22.46 39.11 1:22.46 (43.35) 3 Webster, Kiera M 10 WST-VA 1:21.48 1:22.70 38.04 1:22.70 (44.66) 4 Bober, Ella K 9 SNOW-PV 1:28.78 1:24.83 39.32 1:24.83 (45.51) 5 Menz, Madeline M 10 NCAP-PV 1:40.76 1:26.77 36.93 1:26.77 (49.84) 6 Kennedy, Emily L 10 NCAP-PV 1:42.84 1:31.56 42.65 1:31.56 (48.91) 7 Pillo, Riley E 9 WST-VA 1:53.60 1:31.71 40.73 1:31.71 (50.98) 8 Gatlin, Emerson E 9 NCAP-PV NT 2:03.62 53.73 2:03.62 (1:09.89) Girls 9-10 100 Yard IM =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Tran, Maggie B 10 SNOW-PV 1:16.74 1:13.72 35.25 1:13.72 (38.47) 2 Webster, Kiera M 10 WST-VA 1:21.78 1:16.96 35.87 1:16.96 (41.09) 3 Bober, Ella K 9 SNOW-PV 1:25.38 1:21.36 40.94 1:21.36 (40.42) 4 Holland, Addison C 9 NCAP-PV 1:27.69 1:22.78 36.25 1:22.78 (46.53) 5 Speilman, Mackenzie L 10 SNOW-PV 1:27.18 1:23.44 37.16 1:23.44 (46.28) 6 Pillo, Riley E 9 WST-VA 1:34.27 1:23.75 38.31 1:23.75 (45.44) 7 Indrisano, Ariel R 10 SNOW-PV NT 1:25.68 39.81 1:25.68 (45.87) 8 Sargent, Macy K 10 NCAP-PV 1:33.21 1:28.92 39.92 1:28.92 (49.00) 9 Zerkle, Addison A 10 NCAP-PV 1:27.21 1:31.23 41.07 1:31.23 (50.16) 10 Reynolds, Kate L 9 SNOW-PV NT 1:35.15 41.76 1:35.15 (53.39) 11 Skinner, Abi 10 RY-PV 1:45.37 1:38.31 48.80 1:38.31 (49.51) 12 Skorupski, Reagan M 10 BWST-PV NT 1:39.01 46.48 1:39.01 (52.53) 13 Chen, Sara L 10 SNOW-PV 1:45.58 1:39.37 48.22 1:39.37 (51.15) 14 Gatlin, Emerson E 9 NCAP-PV 1:59.93 1:39.99 46.05 1:39.99 (53.94) 15 Calder, Lindsey Q 9 FXFX-PV NT 1:40.13 48.53 1:40.13 (51.60) 16 Pollock, Claire M 9 BWST-PV 1:48.12 1:40.43 45.90 1:40.43 (54.53) 17 Smith, Ellie P 9 SNOW-PV 1:46.19 1:41.19 43.10 1:41.19 (58.09) 18 Arnz, Kendall T 10 FXFX-PV NT 1:41.38 50.23 1:41.38 (51.15) 19 Feinberg, Madeline C 9 FXFX-PV NT 1:43.71 45.78 1:43.71 (57.93) 20 Parhat, Eldana 9 RY-PV 1:42.79 1:44.48 49.42 1:44.48 (55.06) 21 Ismail, Mariam O 10 SNOW-PV 1:59.29 1:48.25 53.39 1:48.25 (54.86) 22 Helge, Katie E 9 BWST-PV 2:06.46 1:49.11 48.98 1:49.11 (1:00.13) 23 Ramey, Addi C 9 SNOW-PV 2:08.35 1:51.61 51.93 1:51.61 (59.68) 24 Reynolds, Makayla M 9 WST-VA 1:50.66 1:55.19 51.91 1:55.19 (1:03.28) 25 Shah, Aanya B 9 BWST-PV NT 2:01.33 57.38 2:01.33 (1:03.95) 26 Mogulla, Sahasra R 9 BWST-PV NT 2:19.31 1:09.44 2:19.31 (1:09.87) -- Mendoza-Lozano, Natalia 9 BWST-PV NT DQ Alternating Kick - breast 1:11.72 DQ (1:22.30) -- Roeder, Mackenzie A 9 BWST-PV NT DQ Non-simultaneous arms - fly 1:01.50 DQ (1:06.29) -- Flannagan, Emma M 9 BWST-PV NT DQ Arms past hipline - breast 1:02.16 DQ (1:16.09) Girls 9-10 200 Yard IM =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Carr, Samantha M 10 BWST-PV 2:55.09 2:47.95 36.26 1:18.55 (42.29) 2:11.24 (52.69) 2:47.95 (36.71) 2 Klotz, Anna C 10 BWST-PV NT 2:52.79 35.12 2:52.79 (2:17.67) 3 Bober, Ella K 9 SNOW-PV 3:07.96 2:57.32 40.04 1:28.59 (48.55) 2:17.21 (48.62) 2:57.32 (40.11) 4 Santucci, Elle M 10 BWST-PV NT 3:01.57 41.16 3:01.57 (2:20.41) 5 Kennedy, Emily L 10 NCAP-PV 3:14.08 3:04.50 40.65 1:27.07 (46.42) 2:22.99 (55.92) 3:04.50 (41.51) 6 Levin, Ava E 10 BWST-PV 3:26.68 3:08.78 41.99 1:29.00 (47.01) 2:25.66 (56.66) 3:08.78 (43.12) 7 Hanlin, Carly A 10 BWST-PV NT 3:16.06 46.30 2:33.33 (1:47.03) 3:16.06 (42.73) 8 Fassacesia, Giada L 10 BWST-PV NT 3:16.86 44.33 3:16.86 (2:32.53) 9 Adler, Avery S 10 FXFX-PV NT 3:19.75 42.46 3:19.75 (2:37.29) 10 Hayward, Audrey I 9 BWST-PV NT 3:20.37 44.95 3:20.37 (2:35.42) 11 Edmundson, Bailey S 10 BWST-PV NT 3:21.01 45.01 3:21.01 (2:36.00) 12 Thompson, Lauren R 9 WST-VA 3:43.20 3:25.25 40.22 1:33.86 (53.64) 2:36.62 (1:02.76) 3:25.25 (48.63) 13 Halicy, Mairin J 10 NCAP-PV NT 3:26.46 48.88 3:26.46 (2:37.58) 14 Wong, Victoria I 9 SNOW-PV NT 3:38.29 49.60 3:38.29 (2:48.69) -- Pattie, Sydney J 10 BWST-PV 3:25.57 DQ One hand touch - fly 44.81 1:32.95 (48.14) 2:29.91 (56.96) DQ (47.82) -- Wright, Katherine 10 RY-PV 3:24.36 DQ Multiple strokes - back 44.74 1:36.81 (52.07) 2:35.26 (58.45) DQ (45.42) Girls 11-12 50 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Kweon, Ellia D 12 UN-PV 25.63 26.06 2 Zerkle, Alden B 12 NCAP-PV 28.48 27.73 3 Beck, Nora D 12 NCAP-PV 27.75 27.92 4 Gupton, Mackenzie L 12 NCAP-PV 28.72 28.19 5 Will, Isabel Z 12 SNOW-PV 28.95 28.28 6 Boyle, Kylie E 12 NCAP-PV 29.72 28.57 7 Orndorff, Irene Q 12 FXFX-PV 30.70 28.66 8 Morgan, Grace R 11 WST-VA 31.26 29.30 9 Tran, Mia B 12 SNOW-PV 31.68 29.31 10 Oh, Kailey 12 NCAP-PV NT 29.92 11 Lin, Katherine S 12 RY-PV 31.14 30.04 12 Rice, Ava E 11 FXFX-PV 31.59 30.10 13 Stalcup, Maria C 12 BWST-PV 32.43 30.15 14 Kang, Gianna H 11 MAC-PV 30.96 30.34 14 Estes, Kaitlyn M 11 SNOW-PV 31.16 30.34 16 Blake, Madeilne C 11 FXFX-PV 34.80 30.66 17 Stephan, Lindsay C 12 UN-NC-PV NT 31.14 18 Crusan, Samantha C 11 SNOW-PV 31.75 31.16 19 Wright, Carolyn 11 RY-PV 33.20 31.23 20 Park, Sunny 12 MAC-PV 33.00 31.29 21 Sian, Isabella R 12 BWST-PV 31.84 31.33 22 Rieben, EllaGrace 11 BWST-PV 38.46 31.51 23 Petty, Ava S 11 FXFX-PV 33.65 31.71 24 Pimentel, Aimee 11 RY-PV 40.58 31.88 25 Kolluri, Nidhi 11 NCAP-PV 33.94 31.90 26 Smith, Averi J 11 SNOW-PV 38.05 32.04 27 Macik, Jane E 11 NCAP-PV 34.12 32.09 28 Bannerton, Avery M 11 SNOW-PV 32.13 32.19 29 Grishaeva, Maria A 11 NCAP-PV 33.99 32.28 30 Kim, Allison S 11 MAC-PV NT 32.34 31 Giantesano, Lina M 11 FXFX-PV 35.50 32.37 32 Silverstein, Leah K 11 WST-VA 35.10 32.39 33 Speilman, Madison L 12 SNOW-PV 33.41 32.46 34 Salley, Laura K 11 WST-VA 36.26 32.59 35 Redd, Sophia E 12 NCAP-PV NT 33.11 36 Heffron, Tessa M 11 WST-VA 33.99 33.15 37 Coppola, Natalie K 12 BWST-PV 38.71 33.17 38 Hanlin, Dana 12 BWST-PV 35.00 33.28 39 Ungerecht, Alexa L 12 FXFX-PV 34.88 33.47 40 Merced, Addisen M 12 BWST-PV 36.91 33.80 41 Larne, Greta 11 RY-PV 32.98 33.82 42 Wadhwani, Aanya G 12 BWST-PV 38.53 33.91 43 Marfia, Emma G 12 SNOW-PV 37.19 34.33 44 Hall, Katie M 11 FXFX-PV 34.97 35.20 45 Farman, Lauren D 11 BWST-PV 40.91 35.62 46 Ansah, Priscilla A 11 SNOW-PV 39.12 35.87 47 Miller, Olivia L 12 NCAP-PV 37.06 36.13 48 Bhardwaj, Mansi 11 SNOW-PV 36.67 36.23 49 DiCarlo, Allison M 12 BWST-PV 41.18 36.43 50 Krueger, Sammy G 11 WST-VA 39.63 36.96 51 Mack, Brenna E 12 FXFX-PV 41.75 38.61 52 Swanson, Camilla M 11 SNOW-PV 38.44 38.70 53 Evans, Caitlyn A 12 FXFX-PV NT 38.77 54 Endo, Celeste K 11 NCAP-PV 41.45 38.87 55 Levine, Rachael L 12 SNOW-PV NT 39.10 56 Toporowicz, Alexandra 11 SNOW-PV 40.87 40.20 57 Fusari, Isabella L 12 NCAP-PV NT 43.46 58 Tshiteya, Nicole R 11 SNOW-PV 45.05 44.62 59 Egge, Sophia M 11 RY-PV 43.65 45.71 Girls 11-12 100 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Kweon, Ellia D 12 UN-PV 55.47 55.94 27.16 55.94 (28.78) 2 Masters, Lauren K 12 WST-VA 59.78 58.86 28.07 58.86 (30.79) 3 Zerkle, Alden B 12 NCAP-PV 1:02.24 1:00.90 29.17 1:00.90 (31.73) 4 Will, Isabel Z 12 SNOW-PV 1:03.38 1:01.97 29.57 1:01.97 (32.40) 5 Boggs, Jasmine L 11 BWST-PV 1:04.31 1:02.37 29.74 1:02.37 (32.63) 6 Beck, Nora D 12 NCAP-PV 1:03.09 1:02.67 29.40 1:02.67 (33.27) 7 Sessions, Kylee N 12 UN-NC-PV 1:04.48 1:03.77 30.23 1:03.77 (33.54) 8 Celi, Zoe E 11 UN-NC-PV 1:12.57 1:04.73 30.91 1:04.73 (33.82) 9 Heath, Sammie A 11 NCAP-PV 1:07.42 1:06.00 31.71 1:06.00 (34.29) 10 Thamasett, Lili G 12 BWST-PV 1:05.22 1:06.08 32.20 1:06.08 (33.88) 11 Kang, Gianna H 11 MAC-PV 1:10.95 1:06.23 31.53 1:06.23 (34.70) 12 Yang, Christina A 12 BWST-PV 1:11.07 1:06.53 31.85 1:06.53 (34.68) 13 Moore, Melodie C 11 SNOW-PV 1:10.75 1:06.57 31.83 1:06.57 (34.74) 14 Tran, Mia B 12 SNOW-PV 1:11.80 1:06.62 32.12 1:06.62 (34.50) 15 Perezous, Micaela S 11 SNOW-PV 1:05.44 1:07.07 31.66 1:07.07 (35.41) 16 Crusan, Samantha C 11 SNOW-PV 1:09.29 1:07.39 32.22 1:07.39 (35.17) 17 Blake, Madeilne C 11 FXFX-PV 1:16.52 1:07.68 31.47 1:07.68 (36.21) 18 Sivak, Morgan 12 RY-PV 1:11.60 1:07.79 31.52 1:07.79 (36.27) 19 Rebich, Elizabeth M 11 SNOW-PV 1:15.69 1:08.10 32.91 1:08.10 (35.19) 20 Lin, Katherine S 12 RY-PV 1:06.90 1:08.49 32.24 1:08.49 (36.25) 21 Williams, Kaylee N 12 FXFX-PV 1:12.26 1:09.04 32.84 1:09.04 (36.20) 22 Martin, Abigail V 12 BWST-PV 1:14.18 1:09.79 33.24 1:09.79 (36.55) 23 Tipler, Deanna M 11 RY-PV 1:10.35 1:09.94 33.51 1:09.94 (36.43) 24 Hanlin, Dana 12 BWST-PV 1:16.16 1:10.08 33.81 1:10.08 (36.27) 25 Cates, Ainsley E 12 WST-VA 1:14.12 1:10.21 34.31 1:10.21 (35.90) 26 Bannerton, Avery M 11 SNOW-PV 1:13.80 1:10.66 33.51 1:10.66 (37.15) 27 Macik, Jane E 11 NCAP-PV 1:21.06 1:11.47 34.06 1:11.47 (37.41) 28 Giantesano, Lina M 11 FXFX-PV 1:14.80 1:11.48 34.83 1:11.48 (36.65) 29 Helge, Megan A 12 BWST-PV 1:17.82 1:11.70 34.18 1:11.70 (37.52) 30 Van Tuyle, Hope C 11 BWST-PV 1:22.40 1:11.92 33.52 1:11.92 (38.40) 31 Sehgal, Sanya 12 RY-PV 1:15.59 1:12.24 34.73 1:12.24 (37.51) 32 Jacobs, CC C 12 FXFX-PV 1:14.59 1:12.43 34.99 1:12.43 (37.44) 33 Petty, Ava S 11 FXFX-PV 1:18.75 1:12.98 34.90 1:12.98 (38.08) 34 Pimentel, Aimee 11 RY-PV 1:43.99 1:13.16 36.59 1:13.16 (36.57) 35 Kolluri, Nidhi 11 NCAP-PV 1:19.91 1:13.66 34.44 1:13.66 (39.22) 36 Criswell, Katherine 12 RY-PV 1:25.15 1:14.03 35.24 1:14.03 (38.79) 37 Speilman, Madison L 12 SNOW-PV 1:16.89 1:14.23 35.87 1:14.23 (38.36) 38 Scoffield, Lillian K 12 SNOW-PV 1:19.12 1:14.40 35.64 1:14.40 (38.76) 39 Heffron, Tessa M 11 WST-VA 1:13.30 1:14.92 35.36 1:14.92 (39.56) 40 Silverstein, Leah K 11 WST-VA 1:39.12 1:14.95 36.98 1:14.95 (37.97) 41 Caton, Mad R 12 FXFX-PV 1:16.27 1:15.44 35.86 1:15.44 (39.58) 42 Buckley, Kathlyn M 11 SNOW-PV 1:23.58 1:15.48 36.51 1:15.48 (38.97) 43 Kim, Allison S 11 MAC-PV NT 1:15.84 35.17 1:15.84 (40.67) 44 Capritta, Layna C 12 SNOW-PV NT 1:15.87 36.41 1:15.87 (39.46) 45 Rucinskas, Gabrielle 11 RY-PV 1:17.84 1:16.36 35.69 1:16.36 (40.67) 46 Brown, Lauren E 11 NCAP-PV 1:21.71 1:17.10 35.95 1:17.10 (41.15) 47 Wright, Carolyn 11 RY-PV 1:27.72 1:18.39 35.25 1:18.39 (43.14) 48 Merced, Addisen M 12 BWST-PV 1:25.34 1:18.68 38.52 1:18.68 (40.16) 49 Landry, Kylie L 11 BWST-PV 1:33.12 1:19.01 37.90 1:19.01 (41.11) 50 Griffin, Estelle G 12 NCAP-PV 1:20.17 1:19.37 37.48 1:19.37 (41.89) 51 Smith, Charlotte R 11 SNOW-PV NT 1:19.45 38.50 1:19.45 (40.95) 52 Cowan, Campbell M 11 BWST-PV 1:33.62 1:19.46 37.48 1:19.46 (41.98) 53 Ungerecht, Alexa L 12 FXFX-PV 1:16.80 1:19.62 35.91 1:19.62 (43.71) 54 Criswell, Mamie 12 RY-PV 1:21.26 1:20.50 38.49 1:20.50 (42.01) 55 Collins, Megan A 12 SNOW-PV NT 1:20.90 37.96 1:20.90 (42.94) 56 Redd, Sophia E 12 NCAP-PV NT 1:21.20 36.89 1:21.20 (44.31) 57 Mendoza-Lozano, Michelle 12 BWST-PV 1:28.07 1:21.73 37.17 1:21.73 (44.56) 58 Miller, Olivia L 12 NCAP-PV 1:26.38 1:22.32 38.25 1:22.32 (44.07) 59 Sawyer, Sarah A 11 BWST-PV 1:36.53 1:22.49 39.58 1:22.49 (42.91) 60 Hall, Katie M 11 FXFX-PV NT 1:23.70 40.28 1:23.70 (43.42) 61 Moran, Ruth N 11 FXFX-PV 1:16.90 1:23.76 41.45 1:23.76 (42.31) 62 Mack, Brenna E 12 FXFX-PV 1:41.17 1:25.92 41.49 1:25.92 (44.43) 63 Endo, Celeste K 11 NCAP-PV 1:31.62 1:27.63 39.80 1:27.63 (47.83) 64 Donovan, Paige E 11 FXFX-PV 1:34.32 1:28.23 41.17 1:28.23 (47.06) 65 Calder, Alli M 12 FXFX-PV NT 1:29.35 42.25 1:29.35 (47.10) 66 Toporowicz, Alexandra 11 SNOW-PV 1:30.15 1:30.34 44.64 1:30.34 (45.70) 67 Swanson, Camilla M 11 SNOW-PV 1:30.47 1:30.62 41.89 1:30.62 (48.73) 68 Agarwal, Annika 12 UN-SN-PV 1:38.91 1:31.24 39.95 1:31.24 (51.29) 69 Suri, Aanya N 12 UN-SN-PV NT 1:41.72 47.19 1:41.72 (54.53) 70 Tshiteya, Nicole R 11 SNOW-PV 1:43.74 1:43.18 1:52.57 1:43.18 ( ) Girls 11-12 200 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Morgan, Grace R 11 WST-VA 2:23.12 2:11.55 30.08 1:03.75 (33.67) 1:38.41 (34.66) 2:11.55 (33.14) 2 Sessions, Kylee N 12 UN-NC-PV 2:19.02 2:15.56 31.48 1:07.11 (35.63) 1:40.82 (33.71) 2:15.56 (34.74) 3 Will, Isabel Z 12 SNOW-PV NT 2:16.63 34.05 1:07.75 (33.70) 1:42.86 (35.11) 2:16.63 (33.77) 4 Boggs, Jasmine L 11 BWST-PV 2:22.77 2:21.20 31.11 1:06.79 (35.68) 1:44.31 (37.52) 2:21.20 (36.89) 5 Thamasett, Lili G 12 BWST-PV 2:21.89 2:22.03 32.35 1:08.07 (35.72) 1:44.88 (36.81) 2:22.03 (37.15) 6 Dykes, Ani P 12 NCAP-PV 2:33.42 2:22.92 32.63 1:08.79 (36.16) 1:46.44 (37.65) 2:22.92 (36.48) 7 Yang, Christina A 12 BWST-PV 2:31.19 2:23.58 32.41 1:09.13 (36.72) 1:46.80 (37.67) 2:23.58 (36.78) 8 Crusan, Samantha C 11 SNOW-PV 2:26.86 2:25.83 32.81 1:09.56 (36.75) 1:47.70 (38.14) 2:25.83 (38.13) 9 Sian, Isabella R 12 BWST-PV NT 2:27.81 32.76 1:09.84 (37.08) 1:48.76 (38.92) 2:27.81 (39.05) 10 Stalcup, Maria C 12 BWST-PV 2:43.02 2:28.53 33.78 1:12.89 (39.11) 1:52.16 (39.27) 2:28.53 (36.37) 11 Helge, Megan A 12 BWST-PV 2:54.40 2:33.96 35.40 1:15.85 (40.45) 1:56.09 (40.24) 2:33.96 (37.87) 12 Martin, Abigail V 12 BWST-PV 2:53.25 2:35.87 34.93 1:15.36 (40.43) 1:56.55 (41.19) 2:35.87 (39.32) 13 Tipler, Deanna M 11 RY-PV 2:38.13 2:39.24 35.06 1:15.22 (40.16) 1:58.42 (43.20) 2:39.24 (40.82) 14 Rieben, EllaGrace 11 BWST-PV NT 2:40.34 34.57 1:14.71 (40.14) 1:58.65 (43.94) 2:40.34 (41.69) 15 Kim, Rachael Y 12 FXFX-PV NT 2:41.57 35.07 1:15.65 (40.58) 1:58.99 (43.34) 2:41.57 (42.58) 16 Pimentel, Aimee 11 RY-PV 3:00.27 2:42.19 36.41 1:16.24 (39.83) 2:00.28 (44.04) 2:42.19 (41.91) 17 Buckley, Kathlyn M 11 SNOW-PV NT 2:42.25 38.52 1:20.67 (42.15) 2:02.85 (42.18) 2:42.25 (39.40) 18 Petty, Ava S 11 FXFX-PV NT 2:43.11 33.92 1:14.54 (40.62) 1:58.29 (43.75) 2:43.11 (44.82) 19 Smith, Averi J 11 SNOW-PV 3:12.28 2:46.33 37.20 1:19.34 (42.14) 2:46.33 (1:26.99) 20 Merced, Addisen M 12 BWST-PV NT 2:54.08 38.64 1:23.10 (44.46) 2:10.95 (47.85) 2:54.08 (43.13) 21 Collins, Megan A 12 SNOW-PV NT 2:54.22 39.51 2:11.37 ( ) 2:54.22 (42.85) 22 Cowan, Campbell M 11 BWST-PV NT 2:55.34 40.36 1:25.87 (45.51) 2:11.60 (45.73) 2:55.34 (43.74) 23 Lafreniere, Laura G 12 FXFX-PV NT 2:59.11 41.44 1:27.66 (46.22) 2:13.63 (45.97) 2:59.11 (45.48) 24 Balwinski, Kate J 11 BWST-PV 3:22.40 3:00.32 38.51 1:23.86 (45.35) 2:12.75 (48.89) 3:00.32 (47.57) 25 Landry, Kylie L 11 BWST-PV 3:20.90 3:00.38 41.39 1:28.44 (47.05) 2:16.21 (47.77) 3:00.38 (44.17) 26 Sawyer, Sarah A 11 BWST-PV 3:34.56 3:08.41 42.16 1:31.45 (49.29) 2:22.74 (51.29) 3:08.41 (45.67) Girls 11-12 500 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Masters, Lauren K 12 WST-VA 5:41.70 5:35.25 28.62 1:01.39 (32.77) 1:35.52 (34.13) 2:09.33 (33.81) 2:43.87 (34.54) 3:18.46 (34.59) 3:53.38 (34.92) 4:27.99 (34.61) 5:02.36 (34.37) 5:35.25 (32.89) 2 Wigglesworth, Elena G 12 SNOW-PV 5:59.37 5:45.77 31.94 1:06.74 (34.80) 1:41.95 (35.21) 2:17.45 (35.50) 2:52.90 (35.45) 3:27.97 (35.07) 4:03.46 (35.49) 4:38.33 (34.87) 5:13.14 (34.81) 5:45.77 (32.63) 3 Atkins, Caroline J 12 NCAP-PV 5:53.48 5:46.49 29.20 1:02.13 (32.93) 1:37.10 (34.97) 2:12.83 (35.73) 2:48.90 (36.07) 3:24.86 (35.96) 4:01.56 (36.70) 4:37.65 (36.09) 5:12.97 (35.32) 5:46.49 (33.52) 4 Elias, Isabel L 12 SNOW-PV 6:13.62 5:53.57 31.77 1:06.34 (34.57) 1:41.63 (35.29) 2:18.18 (36.55) 2:54.13 (35.95) 3:30.41 (36.28) 4:06.76 (36.35) 4:43.23 (36.47) 5:18.97 (35.74) 5:53.57 (34.60) 5 Gupton, Mackenzie L 12 NCAP-PV 5:55.76 5:56.24 29.41 1:02.70 (33.29) 1:37.77 (35.07) 2:14.31 (36.54) 2:51.79 (37.48) 3:28.07 (36.28) 4:04.99 (36.92) 4:42.03 (37.04) 5:19.68 (37.65) 5:56.24 (36.56) 6 Zerkle, Alden B 12 NCAP-PV 6:18.16 6:00.61 30.89 1:05.79 (34.90) 1:42.17 (36.38) 2:18.85 (36.68) 2:56.32 (37.47) 3:33.43 (37.11) 4:10.07 (36.64) 4:47.37 (37.30) 5:24.24 (36.87) 6:00.61 (36.37) 7 Sessions, Kylee N 12 UN-NC-PV 6:17.39 6:02.68 31.60 1:06.84 (35.24) 1:42.79 (35.95) 2:20.16 (37.37) 2:57.50 (37.34) 3:34.77 (37.27) 4:12.21 (37.44) 4:49.45 (37.24) 5:26.59 (37.14) 6:02.68 (36.09) 8 Boyle, Kylie E 12 NCAP-PV 7:02.50 6:10.89 31.78 1:09.15 (37.37) 1:46.73 (37.58) 2:24.71 (37.98) 3:03.77 (39.06) 3:41.44 (37.67) 4:19.35 (37.91) 4:58.52 (39.17) 5:36.09 (37.57) 6:10.89 (34.80) 9 Crusan, Samantha C 11 SNOW-PV 6:30.35 6:15.55 32.71 1:10.09 (37.38) 1:48.65 (38.56) 2:26.63 (37.98) 3:05.15 (38.52) 3:44.04 (38.89) 4:22.06 (38.02) 5:00.42 (38.36) 5:38.93 (38.51) 6:15.55 (36.62) 10 Rosales, Paige E 12 NCAP-PV 6:22.91 6:20.37 32.06 1:09.15 (37.09) 1:47.19 (38.04) 2:25.54 (38.35) 3:04.73 (39.19) 3:44.11 (39.38) 4:23.72 (39.61) 5:03.21 (39.49) 5:42.17 (38.96) 6:20.37 (38.20) 11 Heath, Sammie A 11 NCAP-PV 6:28.28 6:22.26 33.70 1:11.80 (38.10) 1:50.63 (38.83) 2:29.61 (38.98) 3:07.98 (38.37) 3:47.15 (39.17) 4:26.47 (39.32) 5:05.57 (39.10) 5:44.43 (38.86) 6:22.26 (37.83) 12 Dykes, Ani P 12 NCAP-PV 6:23.27 6:26.09 32.54 1:09.50 (36.96) 1:48.31 (38.81) 2:28.26 (39.95) 3:07.72 (39.46) 3:47.97 (40.25) 4:28.16 (40.19) 5:08.00 (39.84) 5:47.55 (39.55) 6:26.09 (38.54) 13 Yang, Christina A 12 BWST-PV 6:43.57 6:26.35 32.94 1:10.08 (37.14) 1:49.01 (38.93) 2:28.17 (39.16) 3:06.82 (38.65) 3:46.49 (39.67) 4:25.68 (39.19) 5:04.80 (39.12) 5:45.75 (40.95) 6:26.35 (40.60) 14 Estes, Kaitlyn M 11 SNOW-PV 6:40.00 6:27.68 33.96 1:12.12 (38.16) 1:51.08 (38.96) 2:30.31 (39.23) 3:10.07 (39.76) 3:50.74 (40.67) 4:31.02 (40.28) 5:10.30 (39.28) 5:50.13 (39.83) 6:27.68 (37.55) 15 Boggs, Jasmine L 11 BWST-PV 6:51.10 6:28.55 32.05 1:09.37 (37.32) 1:48.63 (39.26) 2:27.80 (39.17) 3:07.04 (39.24) 3:47.16 (40.12) 4:27.29 (40.13) 5:07.70 (40.41) 5:49.13 (41.43) 6:28.55 (39.42) 16 Thamasett, Lili G 12 BWST-PV 6:32.83 6:29.55 33.80 1:11.42 (37.62) 1:50.73 (39.31) 2:30.99 (40.26) 3:11.28 (40.29) 3:51.79 (40.51) 4:32.00 (40.21) 5:11.71 (39.71) 5:51.32 (39.61) 6:29.55 (38.23) 17 Perezous, Micaela S 11 SNOW-PV 6:37.10 6:32.22 32.63 1:10.04 (37.41) 1:49.91 (39.87) 2:30.15 (40.24) 3:10.22 (40.07) 3:50.56 (40.34) 4:31.39 (40.83) 5:12.31 (40.92) 5:52.71 (40.40) 6:32.22 (39.51) 18 Hanlin, Dana 12 BWST-PV 7:02.84 6:37.97 35.34 1:15.63 (40.29) 1:55.85 (40.22) 2:36.32 (40.47) 3:17.10 (40.78) 3:58.30 (41.20) 4:39.18 (40.88) 5:19.88 (40.70) 6:00.46 (40.58) 6:37.97 (37.51) 19 Lin, Katherine S 12 RY-PV 6:43.68 6:39.14 34.06 1:12.12 (38.06) 1:52.23 (40.11) 2:33.60 (41.37) 3:15.38 (41.78) 3:56.36 (40.98) 4:38.05 (41.69) 5:18.94 (40.89) 6:00.22 (41.28) 6:39.14 (38.92) 20 Ogango, Layla M 12 UN-NC-PV 7:40.70 6:42.00 35.27 1:14.82 (39.55) 1:55.72 (40.90) 2:36.45 (40.73) 3:18.20 (41.75) 3:59.56 (41.36) 4:41.27 (41.71) 5:22.63 (41.36) 6:03.64 (41.01) 6:42.00 (38.36) 21 Rebich, Elizabeth M 11 SNOW-PV 7:05.00 6:42.89 36.06 1:16.83 (40.77) 1:57.45 (40.62) 2:38.21 (40.76) 3:19.99 (41.78) 4:01.41 (41.42) 4:43.58 (42.17) 5:25.83 (42.25) 6:07.77 (41.94) 6:42.89 (35.12) 22 Salley, Laura K 11 WST-VA 7:38.12 6:48.28 34.57 1:12.72 (38.15) 1:53.65 (40.93) 2:35.76 (42.11) 3:17.67 (41.91) 4:00.24 (42.57) 4:43.52 (43.28) 5:26.71 (43.19) 6:09.97 (43.26) 6:48.28 (38.31) 23 Stalcup, Maria C 12 BWST-PV 7:10.60 6:50.71 34.50 1:15.35 (40.85) 1:57.29 (41.94) 2:40.04 (42.75) 3:21.99 (41.95) 4:04.39 (42.40) 4:47.63 (43.24) 5:30.59 (42.96) 6:11.62 (41.03) 6:50.71 (39.09) 24 Tipler, Deanna M 11 RY-PV 7:17.54 6:53.77 36.78 1:17.70 (40.92) 1:59.61 (41.91) 2:42.52 (42.91) 3:25.76 (43.24) 4:09.55 (43.79) 4:53.16 (43.61) 5:36.07 (42.91) 6:17.24 (41.17) 6:53.77 (36.53) 25 Rice, Ava E 11 FXFX-PV NT 7:03.72 35.78 1:17.92 (42.14) 2:01.55 (43.63) 2:46.32 (44.77) 3:29.20 (42.88) 4:13.86 (44.66) 4:57.36 (43.50) 5:41.21 (43.85) 6:24.80 (43.59) 7:03.72 (38.92) 26 Caton, Mad R 12 FXFX-PV 7:15.88 7:11.29 37.06 1:20.05 (42.99) 2:05.17 (45.12) 2:51.10 (45.93) 3:35.20 (44.10) 4:19.07 (43.87) 5:03.33 (44.26) 5:46.66 (43.33) 6:30.10 (43.44) 7:11.29 (41.19) 27 Petti, Reagan L 11 BWST-PV 7:38.47 7:12.27 37.19 1:18.89 (41.70) 2:03.23 (44.34) 2:47.35 (44.12) 3:32.14 (44.79) 4:17.35 (45.21) 5:02.11 (44.76) 5:47.07 (44.96) 6:29.95 (42.88) 7:12.27 (42.32) 28 Wall, Quinn A 11 BWST-PV 7:39.23 7:24.57 35.53 1:18.99 (43.46) 2:05.32 (46.33) 2:50.37 (45.05) 3:36.53 (46.16) 4:23.14 (46.61) 5:09.56 (46.42) 5:54.39 (44.83) 6:40.97 (46.58) 7:24.57 (43.60) 29 Sawyer, Sarah A 11 BWST-PV 8:46.09 8:27.49 40.78 1:30.85 (50.07) 2:22.85 (52.00) 3:14.51 (51.66) 4:09.93 (55.42) 5:03.35 (53.42) 5:57.15 (53.80) 6:48.46 (51.31) 7:41.09 (52.63) 8:27.49 (46.40) Girls 11-12 50 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Boyle, Kylie E 12 NCAP-PV 31.97 30.24 2 Kweon, Ellia D 12 UN-PV 31.01 30.39 3 Orndorff, Irene Q 12 FXFX-PV 34.60 32.08 4 Zerkle, Alden B 12 NCAP-PV 33.66 32.20 5 Atkins, Caroline J 12 NCAP-PV 33.54 32.51 6 Stalcup, Maria C 12 BWST-PV 34.86 32.88 7 Estes, Kaitlyn M 11 SNOW-PV 33.29 32.99 8 Will, Isabel Z 12 SNOW-PV 35.14 33.34 9 Crusan, Samantha C 11 SNOW-PV 35.87 33.67 10 Grishaeva, Maria A 11 NCAP-PV 34.34 33.88 11 Moore, Melodie C 11 SNOW-PV 39.10 33.93 12 Blake, Madeilne C 11 FXFX-PV 38.53 34.38 13 Lu, Sophia Y 11 NCAP-PV 34.94 34.47 14 Jacobs, CC C 12 FXFX-PV 37.70 35.10 15 Rand, Zoe C 12 NCAP-PV 35.77 35.44 16 Ogango, Layla M 12 UN-NC-PV 38.46 35.54 17 Lin, Katherine S 12 RY-PV 37.84 35.73 18 Kang, Gianna H 11 MAC-PV 36.72 35.81 19 Bannerton, Avery M 11 SNOW-PV 37.23 35.95 20 Sian, Isabella R 12 BWST-PV 41.53 36.00 21 Speilman, Madison L 12 SNOW-PV 38.91 36.18 22 Rebich, Elizabeth M 11 SNOW-PV 38.80 36.40 23 Park, Sunny 12 MAC-PV 44.00 36.49 24 Martin, Abigail V 12 BWST-PV 35.76 36.68 25 Petti, Reagan L 11 BWST-PV 40.28 36.77 26 Macik, Jane E 11 NCAP-PV 40.57 36.91 27 Giantesano, Lina M 11 FXFX-PV 39.90 37.03 28 Salley, Laura K 11 WST-VA 41.10 37.22 29 Schlabach, Sydney C 11 SNOW-PV 39.81 37.31 30 Heath, Sammie A 11 NCAP-PV 38.08 37.68 31 Cowan, Campbell M 11 BWST-PV 37.89 37.73 32 Silverstein, Leah K 11 WST-VA 42.12 37.78 33 Chaddock, Edie M 11 RY-PV 42.09 38.20 34 Larne, Greta 11 RY-PV 39.34 38.28 35 Tyrrell, Ella N 12 NCAP-PV 38.75 38.73 36 Criswell, Katherine 12 RY-PV 41.34 39.08 37 Katz, Lauren E 11 FXFX-PV 44.65 39.10 38 Caton, Mad R 12 FXFX-PV 39.14 39.25 39 Landry, Kylie L 11 BWST-PV 44.13 39.26 40 Stephan, Lindsay C 12 UN-NC-PV NT 39.29 41 Wadhwani, Aanya G 12 BWST-PV 53.21 39.65 41 Merced, Addisen M 12 BWST-PV 44.06 39.65 43 Krueger, Sammy G 11 WST-VA 46.45 40.60 44 Ungerecht, Alexa L 12 FXFX-PV 43.02 40.95 45 Colby, Margaret G 12 FXFX-PV 48.26 40.99 46 Criswell, Mamie 12 RY-PV 40.45 41.35 47 Coppola, Natalie K 12 BWST-PV 45.31 41.56 48 Miller, Olivia L 12 NCAP-PV 42.90 41.67 49 Hall, Katie M 11 FXFX-PV 40.23 41.91 50 Kim, Allison S 11 MAC-PV NT 42.09 51 Wall, Quinn A 11 BWST-PV 43.81 43.67 52 Toporowicz, Alexandra 11 SNOW-PV 47.28 43.79 53 Endo, Celeste K 11 NCAP-PV 52.64 47.00 54 Johnson, Moira C 11 FXFX-PV 50.11 48.48 55 Evans, Caitlyn A 12 FXFX-PV NT 50.95 56 Fusari, Isabella L 12 NCAP-PV NT 52.97 57 Tshiteya, Nicole R 11 SNOW-PV 58.63 58.42 Girls 11-12 100 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Gupton, Mackenzie L 12 NCAP-PV 1:02.54 1:02.34 30.30 1:02.34 (32.04) 2 Kweon, Ellia D 12 UN-PV 1:07.93 1:05.41 31.68 1:05.41 (33.73) 3 Celi, Zoe E 11 UN-NC-PV 1:13.46 1:09.07 33.88 1:09.07 (35.19) 4 Beck, Nora D 12 NCAP-PV 1:09.95 1:09.57 33.08 1:09.57 (36.49) 5 Orndorff, Irene Q 12 FXFX-PV 1:11.90 1:10.52 33.31 1:10.52 (37.21) 6 Estes, Kaitlyn M 11 SNOW-PV 1:11.20 1:11.60 35.46 1:11.60 (36.14) 7 Stalcup, Maria C 12 BWST-PV 1:13.19 1:11.81 34.85 1:11.81 (36.96) 8 Crusan, Samantha C 11 SNOW-PV 1:13.57 1:13.23 35.85 1:13.23 (37.38) 9 Elias, Isabel L 12 SNOW-PV 1:13.59 1:14.03 36.01 1:14.03 (38.02) 10 Moore, Melodie C 11 SNOW-PV 1:23.60 1:14.19 36.12 1:14.19 (38.07) 11 Rosales, Paige E 12 NCAP-PV 1:17.14 1:14.70 36.29 1:14.70 (38.41) 12 Yang, Christina A 12 BWST-PV 1:15.70 1:14.72 36.42 1:14.72 (38.30) 13 Grishaeva, Maria A 11 NCAP-PV 1:16.15 1:15.67 14 Bannerton, Avery M 11 SNOW-PV 1:18.49 1:16.67 37.29 1:16.67 (39.38) 15 Martin, Abigail V 12 BWST-PV 1:25.20 1:16.82 36.60 1:16.82 (40.22) 16 Ogango, Layla M 12 UN-NC-PV 1:21.86 1:17.99 39.09 1:17.99 (38.90) 17 Rebich, Elizabeth M 11 SNOW-PV 1:24.82 1:18.12 37.91 1:18.12 (40.21) 18 Macik, Jane E 11 NCAP-PV 1:29.56 1:19.91 38.80 1:19.91 (41.11) 19 Schlabach, Sydney C 11 SNOW-PV 1:38.91 1:21.43 40.40 1:21.43 (41.03) 20 Brown, Lauren E 11 NCAP-PV 1:21.65 1:21.69 38.91 1:21.69 (42.78) 21 Tipler, Deanna M 11 RY-PV 1:20.96 1:21.80 38.41 1:21.80 (43.39) 22 Rucinskas, Gabrielle 11 RY-PV 1:39.30 1:23.03 40.34 1:23.03 (42.69) 23 Cowan, Campbell M 11 BWST-PV 1:22.66 1:25.43 24 Criswell, Katherine 12 RY-PV 1:42.31 1:26.65 41.13 1:26.65 (45.52) 25 Landry, Kylie L 11 BWST-PV 1:40.08 1:29.16 43.60 1:29.16 (45.56) 26 Donovan, Paige E 11 FXFX-PV 1:38.22 1:29.23 27 Criswell, Mamie 12 RY-PV 1:33.16 1:29.35 43.51 1:29.35 (45.84) 28 Miller, Olivia L 12 NCAP-PV 1:35.60 1:30.34 42.92 1:30.34 (47.42) 29 Wall, Quinn A 11 BWST-PV 1:34.56 1:33.43 45.56 1:33.43 (47.87) 30 Collins, Megan A 12 SNOW-PV NT 1:40.07 31 Mendoza-Lozano, Michelle 12 BWST-PV NT 1:41.56 49.72 1:41.56 (51.84) 32 Mack, Brenna E 12 FXFX-PV 1:58.88 1:42.84 49.13 1:42.84 (53.71) 33 Endo, Celeste K 11 NCAP-PV 1:54.84 1:43.50 48.32 1:43.50 (55.18) -- Hall, Katie M 11 FXFX-PV NT DQ Delay initiating turn -- Kennedy, Sophie 12 RY-PV 1:28.68 DQ Delay initiating turn 36.61 DQ (42.20) -- Sawyer, Sarah A 11 BWST-PV 1:51.90 DQ Delay initiating turn 46.62 DQ (47.79) -- Toporowicz, Alexandra 11 SNOW-PV 1:39.50 DQ Multiple strokes 45.74 DQ (54.18) -- Capritta, Layna C 12 SNOW-PV NT DQ Delay initiating turn 43.30 DQ (47.33) Girls 11-12 200 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Celi, Zoe E 11 UN-NC-PV 2:40.05 2:29.53 2:29.53 2:29.53 ( ) 2 Beck, Nora D 12 NCAP-PV 2:32.60 2:30.85 2:30.85 2:30.85 ( ) 3 Moore, Melodie C 11 SNOW-PV 3:19.97 2:37.14 2:37.14 2:37.14 ( ) 4 Grishaeva, Maria A 11 NCAP-PV NT 2:40.40 2:40.40 2:40.40 ( ) 5 Martin, Abigail V 12 BWST-PV 3:06.00 2:49.35 2:49.35 2:49.35 ( ) 6 Cates, Ainsley E 12 WST-VA 3:24.12 2:52.03 2:52.03 2:52.03 ( ) 7 Toporowicz, Alexandra 11 SNOW-PV NT 3:30.32 2:30.85 3:30.32 (59.47) -- DiCarlo, Allison M 12 BWST-PV NT DQ Delay initiating turn 3:05.34 DQ ( ) Girls 11-12 50 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Atkins, Caroline J 12 NCAP-PV 35.38 35.50 2 Dykes, Ani P 12 NCAP-PV 36.50 35.98 3 Kweon, Ellia D 12 UN-PV 37.79 36.17 4 Boyle, Kylie E 12 NCAP-PV 40.56 37.50 5 Tran, Mia B 12 SNOW-PV 39.26 37.65 6 Gregory, Adison L 11 BWST-PV 38.01 38.22 7 Kennedy, Sophie 12 RY-PV 41.43 38.87 8 Van Tuyle, Hope C 11 BWST-PV 41.83 39.44 9 Estes, Kaitlyn M 11 SNOW-PV 41.93 39.59 10 Hanlin, Dana 12 BWST-PV 42.67 39.72 11 Pimentel, Aimee 11 RY-PV 46.32 39.74 12 Kang, Gianna H 11 MAC-PV 44.00 40.05 13 Sehgal, Sanya 12 RY-PV 43.78 40.22 14 Stephan, Lindsay C 12 UN-NC-PV NT 40.25 15 Wright, Carolyn 11 RY-PV 42.06 40.60 16 Orndorff, Irene Q 12 FXFX-PV 42.40 40.61 17 Sian, Isabella R 12 BWST-PV 43.59 41.06 18 Oh, Kailey 12 NCAP-PV NT 41.61 19 Levine, Rachael L 12 SNOW-PV NT 42.19 20 Park, Sunny 12 MAC-PV 50.00 42.41 21 Redd, Sophia E 12 NCAP-PV NT 42.51 22 Marfia, Emma G 12 SNOW-PV 46.81 42.54 23 Grishaeva, Maria A 11 NCAP-PV 44.21 42.69 24 Heffron, Tessa M 11 WST-VA 43.62 42.89 25 Rucinskas, Gabrielle 11 RY-PV 44.48 43.66 26 Ogango, Layla M 12 UN-NC-PV 44.43 43.72 27 Petty, Ava S 11 FXFX-PV 46.82 43.78 28 Capritta, Layna C 12 SNOW-PV NT 44.76 29 Stone, Sidney O 12 SNOW-PV NT 44.81 30 Wall, Quinn A 11 BWST-PV 45.36 44.85 31 Ansah, Priscilla A 11 SNOW-PV 49.99 45.36 32 Giantesano, Lina M 11 FXFX-PV 48.10 45.50 33 Silverstein, Leah K 11 WST-VA 46.92 45.92 34 Salley, Laura K 11 WST-VA 50.93 46.00 35 Calder, Alli M 12 FXFX-PV NT 46.68 36 Brown, Lauren E 11 NCAP-PV 48.26 46.92 37 Kolluri, Nidhi 11 NCAP-PV 48.77 47.44 38 Collins, Megan A 12 SNOW-PV 1:32.02 47.53 39 Evans, Caitlyn A 12 FXFX-PV NT 47.61 40 Griffin, Estelle G 12 NCAP-PV 47.64 47.77 41 Ungerecht, Alexa L 12 FXFX-PV 47.04 47.81 42 Criswell, Mamie 12 RY-PV 50.70 48.16 43 Suri, Aanya N 12 UN-SN-PV NT 48.61 44 Swanson, Camilla M 11 SNOW-PV 58.66 48.99 45 Mack, Brenna E 12 FXFX-PV 54.11 49.58 46 Miller, Olivia L 12 NCAP-PV 52.23 49.88 47 Agarwal, Annika 12 UN-SN-PV 51.59 50.44 48 Criswell, Katherine 12 RY-PV 57.93 53.43 49 Donovan, Paige E 11 FXFX-PV 56.96 54.45 50 Mendoza-Lozano, Michelle 12 BWST-PV 56.78 55.08 51 Smith, Charlotte R 11 SNOW-PV NT 56.07 52 Tshiteya, Nicole R 11 SNOW-PV 58.51 1:00.08 -- Sivak, Morgan 12 RY-PV 46.24 DQ Arms past hipline Girls 11-12 100 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Wigglesworth, Elena G 12 SNOW-PV 1:23.60 1:14.72 35.59 1:14.72 (39.13) 2 Rosales, Paige E 12 NCAP-PV 1:15.43 1:16.67 36.17 1:16.67 (40.50) 3 Sessions, Kylee N 12 UN-NC-PV 1:19.38 1:18.18 37.19 1:18.18 (40.99) 4 Beck, Nora D 12 NCAP-PV 1:20.68 1:21.85 38.00 1:21.85 (43.85) 5 Rand, Zoe C 12 NCAP-PV 1:30.20 1:22.57 39.14 1:22.57 (43.43) 6 Yang, Christina A 12 BWST-PV 1:26.84 1:22.59 38.79 1:22.59 (43.80) 7 Perezous, Micaela S 11 SNOW-PV 1:25.44 1:23.20 40.13 1:23.20 (43.07) 8 Petti, Reagan L 11 BWST-PV 1:30.29 1:23.89 38.95 1:23.89 (44.94) 9 Boggs, Jasmine L 11 BWST-PV 1:27.67 1:24.31 39.16 1:24.31 (45.15) 10 Estes, Kaitlyn M 11 SNOW-PV 1:32.92 1:25.02 41.06 1:25.02 (43.96) 11 Thamasett, Lili G 12 BWST-PV 1:26.77 1:25.15 40.49 1:25.15 (44.66) 12 Tran, Mia B 12 SNOW-PV 1:30.16 1:25.96 40.90 1:25.96 (45.06) 13 Hanlin, Dana 12 BWST-PV 1:31.57 1:26.84 41.27 1:26.84 (45.57) 14 Elias, Isabel L 12 SNOW-PV 1:30.03 1:27.65 41.64 1:27.65 (46.01) 15 Grishaeva, Maria A 11 NCAP-PV 1:32.71 1:27.81 40.35 1:27.81 (47.46) 16 Pimentel, Aimee 11 RY-PV 1:45.68 1:27.88 42.26 1:27.88 (45.62) 17 Colby, Margaret G 12 FXFX-PV 1:34.72 1:28.35 41.24 1:28.35 (47.11) 18 Bannerton, Avery M 11 SNOW-PV 1:34.44 1:28.38 42.08 1:28.38 (46.30) 19 Jacobs, CC C 12 FXFX-PV 1:32.21 1:30.32 42.13 1:30.32 (48.19) 20 Heffron, Tessa M 11 WST-VA 1:47.33 1:30.76 43.03 1:30.76 (47.73) 20 Rice, Ava E 11 FXFX-PV 1:34.15 1:30.76 42.04 1:30.76 (48.72) 22 Helge, Megan A 12 BWST-PV 1:40.16 1:32.18 42.52 1:32.18 (49.66) 23 Petty, Ava S 11 FXFX-PV 1:41.85 1:32.46 42.50 1:32.46 (49.96) 24 Williams, Kaylee N 12 FXFX-PV 1:39.25 1:32.50 43.14 1:32.50 (49.36) 25 Redd, Sophia E 12 NCAP-PV NT 1:32.58 42.53 1:32.58 (50.05) 26 Ansah, Priscilla A 11 SNOW-PV 1:44.95 1:32.65 44.09 1:32.65 (48.56) 27 Wright, Carolyn 11 RY-PV 1:35.46 1:32.99 42.44 1:32.99 (50.55) 28 Stoops, Anna 12 RY-PV 1:34.38 1:33.26 44.10 1:33.26 (49.16) 29 Caton, Mad R 12 FXFX-PV 1:35.77 1:34.49 44.55 1:34.49 (49.94) 30 Balwinski, Kate J 11 BWST-PV 1:42.75 1:34.73 43.53 1:34.73 (51.20) 31 Wall, Quinn A 11 BWST-PV 1:41.76 1:35.40 44.20 1:35.40 (51.20) 32 Kim, Allison S 11 MAC-PV NT 1:35.67 44.85 1:35.67 (50.82) 33 Katz, Lauren E 11 FXFX-PV 1:42.46 1:37.10 44.60 1:37.10 (52.50) 34 Ramsey, Isabella K 11 RY-PV 1:38.19 1:37.15 46.08 1:37.15 (51.07) 35 Tyrrell, Ella N 12 NCAP-PV 1:38.41 1:37.67 45.56 1:37.67 (52.11) 36 Kim, Rachael Y 12 FXFX-PV NT 1:37.72 45.60 1:37.72 (52.12) 37 Buckley, Kathlyn M 11 SNOW-PV 1:42.18 1:37.80 46.88 1:37.80 (50.92) 38 Sawyer, Sarah A 11 BWST-PV 1:43.85 1:38.52 46.06 1:38.52 (52.46) 39 Farman, Lauren D 11 BWST-PV 1:57.56 1:41.07 46.73 1:41.07 (54.34) 40 Criswell, Mamie 12 RY-PV 1:54.66 1:42.29 48.03 1:42.29 (54.26) 41 Tipler, Deanna M 11 RY-PV 1:43.02 1:42.42 47.99 1:42.42 (54.43) 42 Schlabach, Sydney C 11 SNOW-PV NT 1:43.77 49.46 1:43.77 (54.31) 43 Mack, Brenna E 12 FXFX-PV 1:54.43 1:44.79 49.89 1:44.79 (54.90) 44 Egge, Sophia M 11 RY-PV 1:55.76 1:44.87 48.51 1:44.87 (56.36) 45 Swanson, Camilla M 11 SNOW-PV 2:17.91 1:45.70 48.05 1:45.70 (57.65) 46 Landry, Kylie L 11 BWST-PV 2:03.33 1:46.29 50.10 1:46.29 (56.19) 47 Coppola, Natalie K 12 BWST-PV 1:52.62 1:46.52 50.69 1:46.52 (55.83) 48 Wadhwani, Aanya G 12 BWST-PV 1:57.81 1:49.04 48.76 1:49.04 (1:00.28) 49 Johnson, Moira C 11 FXFX-PV 2:01.53 1:52.13 54.25 1:52.13 (57.88) 50 DiCarlo, Allison M 12 BWST-PV NT 1:53.22 53.11 1:53.22 (1:00.11) 51 Tshiteya, Nicole R 11 SNOW-PV 2:06.68 2:09.11 1:01.66 2:09.11 (1:07.45) -- Collins, Megan A 12 SNOW-PV NT DQ False start Girls 11-12 200 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Wigglesworth, Elena G 12 SNOW-PV NT 2:41.95 36.81 1:17.60 (40.79) 1:59.88 (42.28) 2:41.95 (42.07) 2 Masters, Lauren K 12 WST-VA 2:50.01 2:42.46 36.30 1:17.68 (41.38) 2:00.29 (42.61) 2:42.46 (42.17) 3 Dykes, Ani P 12 NCAP-PV 2:44.17 2:43.50 36.34 1:18.07 (41.73) 2:01.12 (43.05) 2:43.50 (42.38) 4 Rosales, Paige E 12 NCAP-PV 2:45.92 2:50.19 37.12 1:19.59 (42.47) 2:04.61 (45.02) 2:50.19 (45.58) 5 Atkins, Caroline J 12 NCAP-PV 2:48.72 2:52.44 37.19 1:20.01 (42.82) 2:05.37 (45.36) 2:52.44 (47.07) 6 Moore, Melodie C 11 SNOW-PV 3:21.67 2:54.37 40.05 1:24.92 (44.87) 2:10.28 (45.36) 2:54.37 (44.09) 7 Beck, Nora D 12 NCAP-PV 2:53.73 2:55.39 38.24 1:22.23 (43.99) 2:08.95 (46.72) 2:55.39 (46.44) 8 Boggs, Jasmine L 11 BWST-PV NT 3:05.91 41.24 1:29.22 (47.98) 2:17.85 (48.63) 3:05.91 (48.06) 9 Kennedy, Sophie 12 RY-PV 3:15.48 3:06.67 40.68 1:28.15 (47.47) 2:17.65 (49.50) 3:06.67 (49.02) 10 Crusan, Samantha C 11 SNOW-PV NT 3:11.06 43.25 1:32.00 (48.75) 2:21.21 (49.21) 3:11.06 (49.85) 11 Grishaeva, Maria A 11 NCAP-PV NT 3:11.85 42.84 1:33.35 (50.51) 2:24.01 (50.66) 3:11.85 (47.84) 12 Heffron, Tessa M 11 WST-VA 3:50.12 3:13.34 43.43 1:32.02 (48.59) 2:23.32 (51.30) 3:13.34 (50.02) 13 Heath, Sammie A 11 NCAP-PV NT 3:18.05 45.24 1:36.34 (51.10) 2:26.80 (50.46) 3:18.05 (51.25) 14 Scoffield, Lillian K 12 SNOW-PV NT 3:21.94 45.56 1:36.81 (51.25) 2:29.80 (52.99) 3:21.94 (52.14) 15 Tan, Olivia K 11 FXFX-PV NT 4:07.74 51.68 1:55.47 (1:03.79) 3:01.35 (1:05.88) 4:07.74 (1:06.39) -- Petty, Ava S 11 FXFX-PV NT DQ One hand touch 43.44 1:36.20 (52.76) 2:32.30 (56.10) DQ (53.16) Girls 11-12 50 Yard Butterfly =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Gupton, Mackenzie L 12 NCAP-PV NT 27.97 28.32 27.97 ( ) 2 Zerkle, Alden B 12 NCAP-PV 30.75 29.98 3 Boyle, Kylie E 12 NCAP-PV 32.57 30.95 4 Wigglesworth, Elena G 12 SNOW-PV 33.39 31.11 5 Perezous, Micaela S 11 SNOW-PV 31.02 31.60 6 Elias, Isabel L 12 SNOW-PV 32.77 32.61 7 Rosales, Paige E 12 NCAP-PV 31.87 32.64 8 Williams, Kaylee N 12 FXFX-PV 32.77 32.78 9 Orndorff, Irene Q 12 FXFX-PV 35.80 33.16 10 Stalcup, Maria C 12 BWST-PV 32.71 33.19 11 Sivak, Morgan 12 RY-PV 35.90 33.62 12 Sessions, Kylee N 12 UN-NC-PV 34.04 33.81 13 Sian, Isabella R 12 BWST-PV 35.16 33.88 14 Rebich, Elizabeth M 11 SNOW-PV 35.62 33.92 15 Celi, Zoe E 11 UN-NC-PV 39.06 34.14 16 Lin, Katherine S 12 RY-PV 34.92 34.21 17 Thamasett, Lili G 12 BWST-PV 32.65 34.85 18 Macik, Jane E 11 NCAP-PV 38.51 35.11 19 Jacobs, CC C 12 FXFX-PV 38.71 35.37 20 Speilman, Madison L 12 SNOW-PV 40.80 35.54 21 Gregory, Adison L 11 BWST-PV 39.14 35.62 22 Helge, Megan A 12 BWST-PV 41.08 35.66 23 Oh, Kailey 12 NCAP-PV NT 35.96 24 Salley, Laura K 11 WST-VA 42.71 36.13 25 Lu, Sophia Y 11 NCAP-PV 37.17 36.16 26 Bannerton, Avery M 11 SNOW-PV 38.76 36.22 27 Van Tuyle, Hope C 11 BWST-PV 38.75 36.33 28 Ungerecht, Alexa L 12 FXFX-PV 37.30 36.35 29 Kolluri, Nidhi 11 NCAP-PV 38.09 36.79 30 Sehgal, Sanya 12 RY-PV 44.27 37.65 31 Tran, Mia B 12 SNOW-PV 39.77 37.69 32 Pimentel, Aimee 11 RY-PV 45.61 38.46 33 Wall, Quinn A 11 BWST-PV 41.13 38.53 34 Giantesano, Lina M 11 FXFX-PV 44.60 38.60 35 Silverstein, Leah K 11 WST-VA 45.12 38.77 36 Wright, Carolyn 11 RY-PV 40.98 38.97 37 Kim, Allison S 11 MAC-PV NT 39.61 38 Hall, Katie M 11 FXFX-PV 43.22 39.70 39 Park, Sunny 12 MAC-PV 45.00 40.30 40 Schlabach, Sydney C 11 SNOW-PV NT 40.44 41 Buckley, Kathlyn M 11 SNOW-PV 40.04 40.58 42 Ansah, Priscilla A 11 SNOW-PV 54.97 40.91 43 Cates, Ainsley E 12 WST-VA 37.12 41.05 44 Scoffield, Lillian K 12 SNOW-PV 43.78 41.48 45 Stone, Sidney O 12 SNOW-PV NT 41.58 46 Caton, Mad R 12 FXFX-PV 41.94 42.23 47 Agarwal, Annika 12 UN-SN-PV 44.28 44.92 48 Smith, Charlotte R 11 SNOW-PV NT 45.86 49 Merced, Addisen M 12 BWST-PV 44.07 47.86 50 Swanson, Camilla M 11 SNOW-PV 59.24 49.29 51 Toporowicz, Alexandra 11 SNOW-PV 55.09 50.97 52 Suri, Aanya N 12 UN-SN-PV NT 53.42 53 Tshiteya, Nicole R 11 SNOW-PV 1:02.97 1:01.20 -- Blake, Madeilne C 11 FXFX-PV 40.74 DQ One hand touch Girls 11-12 100 Yard Butterfly =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Gupton, Mackenzie L 12 NCAP-PV 1:02.65 1:02.67 29.02 1:02.67 (33.65) 2 Wigglesworth, Elena G 12 SNOW-PV NT 1:08.06 31.57 1:08.06 (36.49) 3 Elias, Isabel L 12 SNOW-PV 1:11.36 1:11.84 34.30 1:11.84 (37.54) 4 Perezous, Micaela S 11 SNOW-PV 1:11.94 1:13.27 33.94 1:13.27 (39.33) 5 Williams, Kaylee N 12 FXFX-PV 1:16.74 1:13.43 34.06 1:13.43 (39.37) 6 Beck, Nora D 12 NCAP-PV 1:12.55 1:13.78 33.22 1:13.78 (40.56) 7 Rebich, Elizabeth M 11 SNOW-PV 1:18.48 1:14.31 34.22 1:14.31 (40.09) 8 Yang, Christina A 12 BWST-PV 1:20.55 1:17.79 37.08 1:17.79 (40.71) 9 Heath, Sammie A 11 NCAP-PV NT 1:18.65 36.11 1:18.65 (42.54) 10 Thamasett, Lili G 12 BWST-PV 1:17.10 1:19.17 36.37 1:19.17 (42.80) 11 Lin, Katherine S 12 RY-PV 1:21.95 1:21.36 36.27 1:21.36 (45.09) 12 Moore, Melodie C 11 SNOW-PV 1:38.96 1:22.08 36.98 1:22.08 (45.10) 13 Lu, Sophia Y 11 NCAP-PV 1:30.37 1:22.23 38.33 1:22.23 (43.90) 14 Chaddock, Edie M 11 RY-PV 1:26.64 1:23.20 37.20 1:23.20 (46.00) 15 Ogango, Layla M 12 UN-NC-PV NT 1:27.41 39.73 1:27.41 (47.68) 16 Stoops, Anna 12 RY-PV 1:36.94 1:28.19 39.40 1:28.19 (48.79) 17 Kolluri, Nidhi 11 NCAP-PV NT 1:33.58 40.15 1:33.58 (53.43) 18 Tipler, Deanna M 11 RY-PV 1:27.02 1:34.36 41.34 1:34.36 (53.02) 19 Jacobs, CC C 12 FXFX-PV NT 1:34.61 41.88 1:34.61 (52.73) 20 Colby, Margaret G 12 FXFX-PV 1:48.51 1:37.35 41.59 1:37.35 (55.76) 21 Lafreniere, Laura G 12 FXFX-PV NT 1:38.34 46.24 1:38.34 (52.10) 22 Ramsey, Isabella K 11 RY-PV 1:36.13 1:42.89 43.61 1:42.89 (59.28) 23 Sawyer, Sarah A 11 BWST-PV 2:21.32 1:50.17 47.98 1:50.17 (1:02.19) Girls 11-12 200 Yard Butterfly =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Gupton, Mackenzie L 12 NCAP-PV 2:15.19 2:17.94 29.58 1:04.32 (34.74) 1:40.42 (36.10) 2:17.94 (37.52) 2 Zerkle, Alden B 12 NCAP-PV 2:40.99 2:26.22 32.73 1:10.25 (37.52) 1:47.96 (37.71) 2:26.22 (38.26) 3 Elias, Isabel L 12 SNOW-PV 2:39.99 2:34.94 33.50 1:12.21 (38.71) 1:53.50 (41.29) 2:34.94 (41.44) 4 Boyle, Kylie E 12 NCAP-PV NT 2:38.76 33.51 1:14.52 (41.01) 1:56.29 (41.77) 2:38.76 (42.47) 5 Dykes, Ani P 12 NCAP-PV 2:44.75 2:40.36 33.97 1:15.21 (41.24) 1:58.70 (43.49) 2:40.36 (41.66) 6 Atkins, Caroline J 12 NCAP-PV NT 2:56.15 34.71 1:18.76 (44.05) 2:08.08 (49.32) 2:56.15 (48.07) Girls 11-12 100 Yard IM =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Wigglesworth, Elena G 12 SNOW-PV 1:10.88 1:08.02 32.14 1:08.02 (35.88) 2 Dykes, Ani P 12 NCAP-PV 1:11.50 1:10.22 32.38 1:10.22 (37.84) 3 Rosales, Paige E 12 NCAP-PV 1:11.93 1:11.56 34.20 1:11.56 (37.36) 4 Boggs, Jasmine L 11 BWST-PV 1:17.61 1:12.71 33.75 1:12.71 (38.96) 5 Sessions, Kylee N 12 UN-NC-PV 1:10.96 1:12.97 34.36 1:12.97 (38.61) 6 Orndorff, Irene Q 12 FXFX-PV 1:24.90 1:13.40 33.74 1:13.40 (39.66) 7 Perezous, Micaela S 11 SNOW-PV 1:12.90 1:13.56 34.40 1:13.56 (39.16) 8 Moore, Melodie C 11 SNOW-PV 1:22.13 1:13.70 35.05 1:13.70 (38.65) 9 Rand, Zoe C 12 NCAP-PV 1:17.17 1:14.39 35.92 1:14.39 (38.47) 10 Morgan, Grace R 11 WST-VA 1:19.71 1:14.79 34.99 1:14.79 (39.80) 11 Tran, Mia B 12 SNOW-PV 1:22.05 1:15.88 35.41 1:15.88 (40.47) 12 Williams, Kaylee N 12 FXFX-PV 1:18.90 1:16.45 13 Heath, Sammie A 11 NCAP-PV 1:19.85 1:18.37 36.07 1:18.37 (42.30) 14 Kang, Gianna H 11 MAC-PV 1:22.05 1:18.72 37.39 1:18.72 (41.33) 15 Helge, Megan A 12 BWST-PV 1:27.12 1:19.46 36.74 1:19.46 (42.72) 16 Macik, Jane E 11 NCAP-PV 1:29.96 1:19.52 35.92 1:19.52 (43.60) 17 Ogango, Layla M 12 UN-NC-PV 1:22.25 1:19.57 17.00 1:19.57 (1:02.57) 18 Petti, Reagan L 11 BWST-PV 1:27.26 1:19.68 36.41 1:19.68 (43.27) 19 Martin, Abigail V 12 BWST-PV 1:25.02 1:19.81 35.95 1:19.81 (43.86) 20 Rieben, EllaGrace 11 BWST-PV 1:30.81 1:20.01 39.17 1:20.01 (40.84) 21 Rice, Ava E 11 FXFX-PV 1:22.54 1:20.50 37.80 1:20.50 (42.70) 22 Rebich, Elizabeth M 11 SNOW-PV 1:23.40 1:20.54 36.02 1:20.54 (44.52) 23 Larne, Greta 11 RY-PV 1:21.86 1:21.00 37.31 1:21.00 (43.69) 24 Hanlin, Dana 12 BWST-PV 1:24.91 1:21.03 38.97 1:21.03 (42.06) 25 Salley, Laura K 11 WST-VA 1:31.68 1:22.01 37.20 1:22.01 (44.81) 26 Stoops, Anna 12 RY-PV 1:22.56 1:22.25 38.58 1:22.25 (43.67) 27 Chaddock, Edie M 11 RY-PV 1:26.78 1:22.96 37.12 1:22.96 (45.84) 28 Park, Sunny 12 MAC-PV 1:25.00 1:23.07 39.12 1:23.07 (43.95) 29 Giantesano, Lina M 11 FXFX-PV 1:27.60 1:23.27 39.81 1:23.27 (43.46) 30 Buckley, Kathlyn M 11 SNOW-PV 1:28.13 1:23.84 40.12 1:23.84 (43.72) 31 Kim, Allison S 11 MAC-PV NT 1:24.06 39.17 1:24.06 (44.89) 32 Speilman, Madison L 12 SNOW-PV 1:27.91 1:24.51 38.82 1:24.51 (45.69) 33 Caton, Mad R 12 FXFX-PV 1:23.60 1:24.96 40.13 1:24.96 (44.83) 34 Kim, Rachael Y 12 FXFX-PV NT 1:25.45 39.67 1:25.45 (45.78) 35 Heffron, Tessa M 11 WST-VA 1:27.03 1:25.80 41.34 1:25.80 (44.46) 36 Wright, Carolyn 11 RY-PV 1:27.47 1:26.32 39.79 1:26.32 (46.53) 37 Smith, Averi J 11 SNOW-PV 1:39.76 1:26.50 38.89 1:26.50 (47.61) 38 Ungerecht, Alexa L 12 FXFX-PV 1:32.73 1:26.55 39.38 1:26.55 (47.17) 39 Silverstein, Leah K 11 WST-VA 1:30.65 1:27.19 40.29 1:27.19 (46.90) 40 Kolluri, Nidhi 11 NCAP-PV 1:26.39 1:27.22 38.36 1:27.22 (48.86) 41 Marfia, Emma G 12 SNOW-PV NT 1:27.27 41.29 1:27.27 (45.98) 42 Wall, Quinn A 11 BWST-PV 1:29.60 1:27.37 41.17 1:27.37 (46.20) 43 Cowan, Campbell M 11 BWST-PV 1:26.76 1:27.87 39.75 1:27.87 (48.12) 44 Ramsey, Isabella K 11 RY-PV 1:28.65 1:28.48 42.92 1:28.48 (45.56) 45 Katz, Lauren E 11 FXFX-PV 1:33.82 1:29.22 1:29.22 1:29.22 ( ) 46 Miller, Olivia L 12 NCAP-PV 1:35.92 1:31.78 41.67 1:31.78 (50.11) 47 Lafreniere, Laura G 12 FXFX-PV 1:43.46 1:32.22 42.53 1:32.22 (49.69) 48 Balwinski, Kate J 11 BWST-PV 1:36.56 1:32.33 46.18 1:32.33 (46.15) 49 Farman, Lauren D 11 BWST-PV 1:58.28 1:35.59 47.07 1:35.59 (48.52) 50 Mack, Brenna E 12 FXFX-PV 1:55.66 1:37.54 47.83 1:37.54 (49.71) 51 Bhardwaj, Mansi 11 SNOW-PV NT 1:38.41 45.39 1:38.41 (53.02) 52 Hall, Katie M 11 FXFX-PV NT 1:39.20 43.34 1:39.20 (55.86) 53 Krueger, Sammy G 11 WST-VA 1:45.21 1:39.95 48.05 1:39.95 (51.90) 54 DiCarlo, Allison M 12 BWST-PV NT 1:41.20 48.27 1:41.20 (52.93) 55 Swanson, Camilla M 11 SNOW-PV 1:45.36 1:41.88 50.66 1:41.88 (51.22) 56 Endo, Celeste K 11 NCAP-PV 1:57.37 1:42.20 49.69 1:42.20 (52.51) 57 Johnson, Moira C 11 FXFX-PV 1:52.44 1:43.09 50.29 1:43.09 (52.80) 58 Toporowicz, Alexandra 11 SNOW-PV NT 1:45.16 49.06 1:45.16 (56.10) 59 Egge, Sophia M 11 RY-PV 2:26.03 1:47.45 53.32 1:47.45 (54.13) Girls 11-12 200 Yard IM =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Gupton, Mackenzie L 12 NCAP-PV 2:25.27 2:21.02 28.82 1:03.12 (34.30) 1:47.85 (44.73) 2:21.02 (33.17) 2 Masters, Lauren K 12 WST-VA 2:28.32 2:24.91 30.26 1:08.67 (38.41) 1:52.39 (43.72) 2:24.91 (32.52) 3 Wigglesworth, Elena G 12 SNOW-PV 2:31.01 2:25.38 31.38 1:10.20 (38.82) 1:51.93 (41.73) 2:25.38 (33.45) 4 Boyle, Kylie E 12 NCAP-PV 2:34.05 2:28.02 32.69 1:08.42 (35.73) 1:53.00 (44.58) 2:28.02 (35.02) 5 Sessions, Kylee N 12 UN-NC-PV 2:32.12 2:28.76 33.56 1:11.89 (38.33) 1:55.21 (43.32) 2:28.76 (33.55) 6 Dykes, Ani P 12 NCAP-PV 2:33.71 2:33.00 32.70 1:12.24 (39.54) 1:56.46 (44.22) 2:33.00 (36.54) 7 Zerkle, Alden B 12 NCAP-PV 2:40.54 2:33.07 31.65 1:10.19 (38.54) 1:57.89 (47.70) 2:33.07 (35.18) 8 Atkins, Caroline J 12 NCAP-PV 2:33.92 2:33.83 33.09 1:11.62 (38.53) 1:55.86 (44.24) 2:33.83 (37.97) 9 Elias, Isabel L 12 SNOW-PV 2:37.40 2:35.46 32.27 1:10.84 (38.57) 1:59.27 (48.43) 2:35.46 (36.19) 10 Yang, Christina A 12 BWST-PV 2:41.57 2:37.38 35.65 1:14.64 (38.99) 2:00.71 (46.07) 2:37.38 (36.67) 11 Boggs, Jasmine L 11 BWST-PV 2:45.38 2:38.69 34.49 1:14.43 (39.94) 2:03.04 (48.61) 2:38.69 (35.65) 12 Thamasett, Lili G 12 BWST-PV 2:41.05 2:40.09 35.21 1:16.05 (40.84) 2:03.81 (47.76) 2:40.09 (36.28) 13 Perezous, Micaela S 11 SNOW-PV 2:37.59 2:40.66 32.79 1:15.05 (42.26) 2:03.28 (48.23) 2:40.66 (37.38) 14 Estes, Kaitlyn M 11 SNOW-PV 2:47.10 2:40.79 34.64 1:15.02 (40.38) 2:04.31 (49.29) 2:40.79 (36.48) 15 Stalcup, Maria C 12 BWST-PV 2:52.80 2:43.47 34.68 1:15.68 (41.00) 2:04.16 (48.48) 2:43.47 (39.31) 16 Williams, Kaylee N 12 FXFX-PV 2:50.51 2:44.23 33.29 1:13.87 (40.58) 2:05.94 (52.07) 2:44.23 (38.29) 17 Lin, Katherine S 12 RY-PV 2:47.56 2:44.93 35.02 1:17.22 (42.20) 2:06.48 (49.26) 2:44.93 (38.45) 18 Lu, Sophia Y 11 NCAP-PV 3:02.74 2:47.20 35.36 1:18.88 (43.52) 2:05.38 (46.50) 2:47.20 (41.82) 19 Ogango, Layla M 12 UN-NC-PV 3:00.99 2:48.50 39.60 1:20.32 (40.72) 2:11.64 (51.32) 2:48.50 (36.86) 20 Hanlin, Dana 12 BWST-PV 3:03.50 2:49.82 39.89 1:21.71 (41.82) 2:13.21 (51.50) 2:49.82 (36.61) 21 Heath, Sammie A 11 NCAP-PV 2:48.29 2:50.24 36.47 1:20.89 (44.42) 2:12.29 (51.40) 2:50.24 (37.95) 22 Helge, Megan A 12 BWST-PV NT 2:50.60 2:50.67 2:50.60 ( ) 23 Sian, Isabella R 12 BWST-PV 3:09.68 2:50.79 35.64 1:16.48 (40.84) 2:10.08 (53.60) 2:50.79 (40.71) 24 Gregory, Adison L 11 BWST-PV 3:00.03 2:53.61 37.67 1:20.81 (43.14) 2:12.81 (52.00) 2:53.61 (40.80) 25 Cates, Ainsley E 12 WST-VA 3:00.12 2:54.43 39.53 1:21.97 (42.44) 2:16.89 (54.92) 2:54.43 (37.54) 26 Salley, Laura K 11 WST-VA 3:20.28 2:56.11 36.84 1:20.72 (43.88) 2:15.27 (54.55) 2:56.11 (40.84) 27 Martin, Abigail V 12 BWST-PV 3:16.47 2:56.35 38.50 1:21.94 (43.44) 2:16.68 (54.74) 2:56.35 (39.67) 28 Buckley, Kathlyn M 11 SNOW-PV NT 2:57.93 43.38 2:57.93 (2:14.55) 29 Tipler, Deanna M 11 RY-PV 2:59.98 3:01.66 41.81 1:23.17 (41.36) 2:20.32 (57.15) 3:01.66 (41.34) 30 Caton, Mad R 12 FXFX-PV 3:11.77 3:03.00 43.41 1:28.54 (45.13) 2:19.87 (51.33) 3:03.00 (43.13) 31 Cowan, Campbell M 11 BWST-PV 3:24.47 3:09.51 43.19 1:31.52 (48.33) 2:26.12 (54.60) 3:09.51 (43.39) 32 Griffin, Estelle G 12 NCAP-PV NT 3:15.91 46.48 3:15.91 (2:29.43) 33 Landry, Kylie L 11 BWST-PV NT 3:19.80 43.53 2:33.88 (1:50.35) 3:19.80 (45.92) 34 Sawyer, Sarah A 11 BWST-PV NT 3:21.65 46.48 3:21.65 (2:35.17) 35 Moran, Ruth N 11 FXFX-PV NT 3:27.05 45.88 2:40.21 (1:54.33) 3:27.05 (46.84) -- Merced, Addisen M 12 BWST-PV 3:29.28 DQ Shoulders past vertical toward breast - back 44.10 1:33.71 (49.61) 2:41.98 (1:08.27) DQ (42.27) Girls 13-14 50 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Tsai, Katie E 14 NCAP-PV 26.27 26.43 2 Flatin, Ainsley K 14 YORK-PV 26.18 26.71 3 Kim, Jasmin 13 UN-PV 27.40 26.87 4 Leveto, Kennedy 13 SNOW-PV 26.90 27.16 5 Alcarese, Anne M 14 BWST-PV 26.33 27.18 6 Cazenas, Katie 13 RY-PV 26.42 27.25 7 Roche, Marie L 14 YORK-PV 26.20 27.38 8 Esslinger, Lyddie 13 WST-VA 28.44 27.60 9 Anderson, Molly M 14 YORK-PV 26.88 27.61 10 Van Ess, Isabella A 13 BWST-PV 28.04 27.76 11 Mcomber, Ella C 14 BWST-PV 28.33 27.80 12 Long, Lauren E 14 BWST-PV 27.95 27.82 13 LeCount, Olivia J 14 NCAP-PV 27.39 27.88 14 Vincent, Olivia R 13 NCAP-PV 27.71 27.90 15 Bryan, Abby C 13 YORK-PV 28.41 27.91 16 Tao, Isabel W 14 NCAP-PV 28.22 27.98 17 Nguyen, Evelyn Q 13 BWST-PV 28.52 28.01 18 Bernal, Daphne 14 SNOW-PV 28.22 28.08 19 Howat, Morgan H 14 YORK-PV 28.81 28.12 20 Porter, Claire Z 14 BWST-PV 27.23 28.14 21 Jagerskog, Hedda V 14 YORK-PV 28.11 28.24 22 Pillo, Tayler M 14 WST-VA 27.74 28.32 23 Simko, Paige E 13 WST-VA 29.59 28.35 24 Birkholz, Caitlin E 14 FXFX-PV 27.45 28.37 25 Mellon, Lauren A 13 YORK-PV 29.01 28.38 26 Do, Denise T 14 SNOW-PV 27.73 28.40 27 Rice, Erica A 14 YORK-PV 28.14 28.52 28 Nichols, Jocelyn 14 SNOW-PV 27.30 28.57 29 Burns, Alex M 14 UN-FX-PV 29.09 28.58 30 Blanton, Reilly A 14 YORK-PV 27.05 28.65 31 Langston, Ada 13 RY-PV 28.42 28.71 32 Calvert, Julia P 14 SNOW-PV 27.18 28.84 33 Armel, Lindley M 14 WST-VA 30.11 28.88 34 Schlemmer, Natalie A 13 SNOW-PV 28.76 29.00 35 Dickenson, Lily C 13 SNOW-PV 31.01 29.07 36 Arciniega, Angee 13 SNOW-PV 28.47 29.09 37 Corbin, Rebekah A 13 FXFX-PV 28.72 29.11 38 Huynh, Nina 13 UN-SN-PV 45.03 29.18 39 DuBois, Madeline D 14 YORK-PV 27.44 29.20 40 Holstein, Sarah M 14 SNOW-PV 29.72 29.25 41 Long, Meghan K 14 YORK-PV 28.44 29.34 42 Vargas, Maddie A 13 NCAP-PV 28.93 29.57 43 Vidal, Juliana N 14 NCAP-PV 30.88 29.61 44 Voss, Madigan 13 WST-VA 29.19 29.73 45 Burns, Carly R 14 SNOW-PV 29.84 29.78 46 Smith, Lauren T 13 WST-VA 33.39 29.82 47 Agarwal, Ananya 14 UN-SN-PV 29.51 30.13 48 Walsh, Leigh E 14 FXFX-PV 31.01 30.15 49 Coil, Ainsley L 14 SNOW-PV 29.74 30.28 50 Webster, Olivia Y 13 WST-VA 31.14 30.36 51 Pohlman, Savanna D 14 YORK-PV 29.37 30.92 52 Hoyt, Courtney L 14 YORK-PV 31.02 30.99 53 Snapp, Leah K 13 WST-VA 32.85 31.07 54 Dillner, Alena L 14 YORK-PV 32.08 31.23 55 Deering, Emma C 13 YORK-PV 31.80 31.33 56 Edelheit, xiu R 14 SNOW-PV 37.11 31.53 57 Larne, Ingrid 13 RY-PV 31.96 31.55 58 Lu, Vicky M 14 YORK-PV 30.85 31.69 59 Kinloch, Marley L 13 SNOW-PV NT 31.90 60 Farrace, Nicole M 13 YORK-PV 31.96 32.10 61 Das, Eshani 13 UN-YO-PV 30.85 32.13 62 Kim, Youjin 14 MAC-PV NT 32.30 63 Hill, Stella R 13 WST-VA 36.12 33.00 64 Collier, Magdalena A 13 NCAP-PV NT 33.59 65 Thapliya, Ragi 14 YORK-PV 35.41 34.04 66 Jang, Hyo Won 14 MAC-PV NT 34.29 67 McComis, Hannah R 13 YORK-PV NT 34.41 68 Flores, Catherine S 13 WST-VA 42.38 34.44 69 Garneau, Mariah G 13 WST-VA 36.86 34.57 70 Zombro, Claire E 13 WST-VA 38.39 34.67 71 Lindorf, Renee N 14 YORK-PV 34.47 34.84 72 Redding, Gracyn A 14 FXFX-PV 38.66 34.85 73 Milosevic, Mia 13 RY-PV 32.28 34.94 74 Timm, Meredith R 13 YORK-PV 37.77 35.30 75 Aykens, Maddy C 14 YORK-PV 35.84 36.05 76 Smith, Natalie C 13 BWST-PV 36.26 36.14 77 Burton, Sydney M 13 WST-VA 38.84 36.39 78 Woodmancy, Caroline E 14 BWST-PV 34.83 36.69 79 Patel, Mahi P 13 WST-VA 49.12 47.06 Girls 13-14 100 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 McConagha, Mackenzie B 14 NCAP-PV 53.79 54.35 26.10 54.35 (28.25) 2 Warnagiris, Kimberly E 14 WST-VA 53.75 54.39 26.36 54.39 (28.03) 3 Luong, Jennifer T 14 NCAP-PV 54.37 55.62 26.58 55.62 (29.04) 4 Vanderloo, Lexie L 14 NCAP-PV 56.25 55.63 26.86 55.63 (28.77) 5 DeLuca, Caroline R 14 YORK-PV 55.30 56.57 27.34 56.57 (29.23) 6 Cazenas, Katie 13 RY-PV 1:00.36 57.53 28.12 57.53 (29.41) 7 Tsai, Katie E 14 NCAP-PV 57.20 57.80 27.16 57.80 (30.64) 8 Chadwick, Ellen K 14 YORK-PV 57.10 57.81 27.51 57.81 (30.30) 9 Anderson, Molly M 14 YORK-PV 57.03 58.31 27.87 58.31 (30.44) 10 Kennedy, Molly A 14 NCAP-PV 57.49 58.79 27.98 58.79 (30.81) 11 Van Ess, Isabella A 13 BWST-PV 59.33 59.01 28.39 59.01 (30.62) 12 Buswell, Amelia K 14 NCAP-PV 58.93 59.64 28.97 59.64 (30.67) 13 Pyle, Ellee D 14 WST-VA 57.39 1:00.10 28.53 1:00.10 (31.57) 14 Mcomber, Ella C 14 BWST-PV 1:01.35 1:00.25 28.88 1:00.25 (31.37) 15 Sprincis, Kayla M 13 WST-VA 1:02.38 1:00.48 29.27 1:00.48 (31.21) 16 LeCount, Olivia J 14 NCAP-PV 59.33 1:00.76 29.30 1:00.76 (31.46) 17 Calvert, Julia P 14 SNOW-PV 57.85 1:01.21 29.00 1:01.21 (32.21) 18 Leveto, Kennedy 13 SNOW-PV 59.85 1:01.38 28.99 1:01.38 (32.39) 19 Kiriakova, Mariya D 14 SNOW-PV 1:03.20 1:01.48 29.81 1:01.48 (31.67) 20 Armel, Lindley M 14 WST-VA 1:04.47 1:02.11 29.90 1:02.11 (32.21) 21 Daniel, Natalie M 13 SNOW-PV 1:01.14 1:02.17 29.33 1:02.17 (32.84) 22 Sciortino, Samantha 13 RY-PV 59.72 1:02.23 28.70 1:02.23 (33.53) 23 Flatin, Ainsley K 14 YORK-PV 59.33 1:02.38 28.92 1:02.38 (33.46) 24 Batjargal, Naska 13 BWST-PV 1:01.86 1:02.40 29.27 1:02.40 (33.13) 25 Holstein, Sarah M 14 SNOW-PV 1:02.78 1:03.04 30.57 1:03.04 (32.47) 26 Huynh, Nina 13 UN-SN-PV 1:02.69 1:03.17 30.49 1:03.17 (32.68) 26 Porter, Claire Z 14 BWST-PV 1:02.15 1:03.17 30.36 1:03.17 (32.81) 28 Nichols, Jocelyn 14 SNOW-PV 1:00.39 1:03.30 30.09 1:03.30 (33.21) 28 Blanton, Reilly A 14 YORK-PV 59.45 1:03.30 29.47 1:03.30 (33.83) 30 Vannell, Emma G 13 BWST-PV 1:05.22 1:03.32 30.27 1:03.32 (33.05) 31 Schlemmer, Natalie A 13 SNOW-PV 1:01.70 1:03.52 30.42 1:03.52 (33.10) 32 Burns, Carly R 14 SNOW-PV 1:07.30 1:03.66 30.85 1:03.66 (32.81) 33 Rice, Erica A 14 YORK-PV 1:02.07 1:03.73 30.23 1:03.73 (33.50) 34 Coil, Ainsley L 14 SNOW-PV 1:05.20 1:04.00 31.39 1:04.00 (32.61) 35 Soong, Sabine L 14 NCAP-PV 1:02.75 1:04.10 30.05 1:04.10 (34.05) 36 Vincent, Olivia R 13 NCAP-PV 1:00.41 1:04.37 30.66 1:04.37 (33.71) 37 Dickenson, Lily C 13 SNOW-PV 1:12.83 1:04.59 31.33 1:04.59 (33.26) 38 Vargas, Maddie A 13 NCAP-PV 1:03.53 1:04.72 31.38 1:04.72 (33.34) 39 Corbin, Rebekah A 13 FXFX-PV 1:00.79 1:04.99 30.50 1:04.99 (34.49) 40 Burns, Alex M 14 UN-FX-PV 1:06.21 1:05.20 31.79 1:05.20 (33.41) 41 Lovern, Lexi N 13 SNOW-PV 1:07.16 1:05.24 31.20 1:05.24 (34.04) 42 Do, Denise T 14 SNOW-PV 1:01.21 1:05.33 30.47 1:05.33 (34.86) 43 Pillo, Tayler M 14 WST-VA 1:03.14 1:05.49 31.61 1:05.49 (33.88) 44 DuBois, Madeline D 14 YORK-PV 1:02.57 1:05.68 31.71 1:05.68 (33.97) 45 Garvin, Lauryn 14 RY-PV 1:06.19 1:06.00 30.98 1:06.00 (35.02) 46 Irgens, Hollin G 14 WST-VA 1:05.43 1:06.37 31.37 1:06.37 (35.00) 47 Regan, Fiona M 13 SNOW-PV 1:09.27 1:06.69 32.03 1:06.69 (34.66) 48 Webster, Olivia Y 13 WST-VA 1:06.61 1:07.00 31.85 1:07.00 (35.15) 49 Ngo, Daphne 13 RY-PV 1:06.53 1:07.51 32.15 1:07.51 (35.36) 50 Smit, Rylie K 13 NCAP-PV 1:08.31 1:07.85 32.16 1:07.85 (35.69) 51 Deering, Emma C 13 YORK-PV NT 1:08.85 32.82 1:08.85 (36.03) 52 Merrifield, Rachel W 13 FXFX-PV 1:08.94 1:08.95 33.61 1:08.95 (35.34) 53 Davis, Carly R 13 SNOW-PV 1:09.97 1:09.59 33.63 1:09.59 (35.96) 54 Farrace, Nicole M 13 YORK-PV 1:12.67 1:09.69 33.44 1:09.69 (36.25) 55 Sapatka, Lea A 13 BWST-PV 1:21.51 1:09.84 33.23 1:09.84 (36.61) 56 Pohlman, Savanna D 14 YORK-PV 1:03.86 1:10.21 32.52 1:10.21 (37.69) 57 Lai-Harris, Koryn F 13 SNOW-PV 1:11.33 1:10.50 33.31 1:10.50 (37.19) 58 Guo, Janice T 14 YORK-PV 1:09.08 1:10.59 33.62 1:10.59 (36.97) 59 Kim, Youjin 14 MAC-PV NT 1:10.75 60 Kinloch, Marley L 13 SNOW-PV 1:12.57 1:11.64 33.29 1:11.64 (38.35) 61 Ross, Brianna I 13 UN-NC-PV 1:16.70 1:11.89 34.40 1:11.89 (37.49) 62 Larne, Ingrid 13 RY-PV 1:14.90 1:12.08 34.30 1:12.08 (37.78) 63 Lewis, Savannah G 13 SNOW-PV 1:15.54 1:12.26 34.81 1:12.26 (37.45) 64 Ours, Avery E 14 WST-VA 1:13.48 1:12.87 35.19 1:12.87 (37.68) 65 Edelheit, xiu R 14 SNOW-PV 1:22.23 1:12.99 34.66 1:12.99 (38.33) 66 Gorman, Abigail L 13 NCAP-PV NT 1:15.01 35.40 1:15.01 (39.61) 67 Garneau, Mariah G 13 WST-VA 1:20.16 1:15.70 36.07 1:15.70 (39.63) 68 Bose, Shinjini 13 RY-PV 1:19.38 1:16.02 35.41 1:16.02 (40.61) 69 Coudert, Mimi M 14 YORK-PV 1:19.37 1:16.18 36.22 1:16.18 (39.96) 70 Collier, Magdalena A 13 NCAP-PV NT 1:18.40 37.28 1:18.40 (41.12) 71 Flores, Catherine S 13 WST-VA 1:38.21 1:18.58 37.21 1:18.58 (41.37) 72 Calles, Cata I 13 RY-PV 1:25.69 1:19.24 37.93 1:19.24 (41.31) 73 Jang, Hyo Won 14 MAC-PV NT 1:19.51 36.66 1:19.51 (42.85) 74 Bost, Katie E 14 BWST-PV 1:16.22 1:19.52 37.52 1:19.52 (42.00) 75 Milosevic, Mia 13 RY-PV 1:14.57 1:19.66 37.29 1:19.66 (42.37) 76 Bhardwaj, Arna 13 SNOW-PV 1:19.89 1:20.07 38.05 1:20.07 (42.02) 77 Woodmancy, Caroline E 14 BWST-PV 1:16.91 1:21.09 38.69 1:21.09 (42.40) 78 Csaszi, Lena E 13 YORK-PV 1:19.56 1:21.47 37.58 1:21.47 (43.89) 79 Bhakre, Ipsita A 13 SNOW-PV NT 1:36.75 45.87 1:36.75 (50.88) -- Nalley, Sarah M 13 SNOW-PV NT DQ False start 35.33 DQ (41.35) Girls 13-14 200 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Warnagiris, Kimberly E 14 WST-VA 1:57.29 1:57.56 27.23 57.00 (29.77) 1:27.63 (30.63) 1:57.56 (29.93) 2 Vanderloo, Lexie L 14 NCAP-PV 1:59.28 1:58.15 27.33 56.92 (29.59) 1:27.55 (30.63) 1:58.15 (30.60) 3 Kennedy, Molly A 14 NCAP-PV 2:02.05 2:01.04 27.69 58.33 (30.64) 1:29.82 (31.49) 2:01.04 (31.22) 4 Cunnane, MacKenzie I 13 NCAP-PV 2:10.18 2:03.41 27.73 58.69 (30.96) 1:30.79 (32.10) 2:03.41 (32.62) 5 Balgley, Eleanor Y 14 NCAP-PV 2:03.44 2:04.16 28.65 59.89 (31.24) 1:31.94 (32.05) 2:04.16 (32.22) 6 Oakford, Kathryn E 14 UN-NC-PV 2:03.25 2:05.26 28.48 1:00.19 (31.71) 1:32.49 (32.30) 2:05.26 (32.77) 7 Simbulan, Myra J 14 NCAP-PV 2:00.76 2:06.22 29.72 1:01.17 (31.45) 1:33.43 (32.26) 2:06.22 (32.79) 8 Allbright, Maddie M 13 NCAP-PV 2:08.12 2:07.19 28.91 1:01.33 (32.42) 1:34.49 (33.16) 2:07.19 (32.70) 9 Park, Jessica 13 NCAP-PV 2:04.45 2:07.22 29.20 1:01.52 (32.32) 1:34.70 (33.18) 2:07.22 (32.52) 10 Byrnes, Ava E 13 NCAP-PV 2:07.02 2:07.43 28.97 1:02.07 (33.10) 1:35.02 (32.95) 2:07.43 (32.41) 11 Sprincis, Kayla M 13 WST-VA 2:14.94 2:07.70 29.58 1:01.74 (32.16) 1:35.11 (33.37) 2:07.70 (32.59) 12 Tsai, Katie E 14 NCAP-PV 2:06.26 2:07.72 29.45 1:01.18 (31.73) 1:33.85 (32.67) 2:07.72 (33.87) 13 Suris, Emily 14 NCAP-PV 2:05.86 2:08.23 30.08 1:02.70 (32.62) 1:36.12 (33.42) 2:08.23 (32.11) 14 Bernal, Daphne 14 SNOW-PV 2:15.01 2:08.52 30.02 1:02.41 (32.39) 1:35.64 (33.23) 2:08.52 (32.88) 15 Alarcon, Isabel P 14 NCAP-PV 2:06.60 2:09.93 30.97 1:03.90 (32.93) 1:37.55 (33.65) 2:09.93 (32.38) 16 Hudson, Hannah G 13 NCAP-PV 2:26.62 2:10.35 29.56 1:03.05 (33.49) 1:37.30 (34.25) 2:10.35 (33.05) 17 Chadwick, Ellen K 14 YORK-PV 2:06.98 2:10.36 29.76 1:03.29 (33.53) 1:37.51 (34.22) 2:10.36 (32.85) 18 Buswell, Amelia K 14 NCAP-PV 2:05.31 2:11.19 29.97 1:03.51 (33.54) 1:37.30 (33.79) 2:11.19 (33.89) 19 Jones, Rachel A 13 NCAP-PV 2:17.89 2:11.29 29.79 1:02.75 (32.96) 1:37.24 (34.49) 2:11.29 (34.05) 20 DeLuca, Caroline R 14 YORK-PV 2:08.33 2:11.83 30.50 1:03.67 (33.17) 1:38.08 (34.41) 2:11.83 (33.75) 21 Mcomber, Ella C 14 BWST-PV 2:16.34 2:11.97 30.53 1:03.43 (32.90) 1:37.77 (34.34) 2:11.97 (34.20) 22 Kiriakova, Mariya D 14 SNOW-PV NT 2:12.24 30.81 1:03.95 (33.14) 1:38.12 (34.17) 2:12.24 (34.12) 23 Anderson, Sarah M 13 NCAP-PV 2:32.19 2:12.62 30.73 1:04.08 (33.35) 1:38.71 (34.63) 2:12.62 (33.91) 24 Esslinger, Lyddie 13 WST-VA 2:21.03 2:12.94 30.38 1:04.41 (34.03) 1:39.55 (35.14) 2:12.94 (33.39) 25 Pastva, Katherine A 14 UN-FX-PV 2:35.14 2:13.30 29.87 1:03.13 (33.26) 1:38.01 (34.88) 2:13.30 (35.29) 26 Olsen, Erica M 13 SNOW-PV 2:18.17 2:14.12 31.16 1:05.75 (34.59) 1:41.10 (35.35) 2:14.12 (33.02) 27 Srun, Tidawee V 14 NCAP-PV 2:13.08 2:14.87 30.21 1:03.95 (33.74) 1:39.26 (35.31) 2:14.87 (35.61) 28 Pyle, Ellee D 14 WST-VA 2:08.43 2:14.92 30.95 1:05.51 (34.56) 1:40.68 (35.17) 2:14.92 (34.24) 29 Simko, Paige E 13 WST-VA 2:29.16 2:14.96 30.20 1:04.61 (34.41) 1:40.11 (35.50) 2:14.96 (34.85) 30 Burns, Carly R 14 SNOW-PV 2:23.22 2:15.00 31.40 1:05.92 (34.52) 1:41.05 (35.13) 2:15.00 (33.95) 31 Connors, Kate M 13 NCAP-PV 2:16.41 2:15.85 30.63 1:06.01 (35.38) 1:42.27 (36.26) 2:15.85 (33.58) 32 Holstein, Sarah M 14 SNOW-PV 2:15.65 2:16.26 31.94 1:06.28 (34.34) 1:41.79 (35.51) 2:16.26 (34.47) 33 Nguyen, Evelyn Q 13 BWST-PV 2:34.95 2:16.56 31.02 1:05.54 (34.52) 1:40.92 (35.38) 2:16.56 (35.64) 34 Daniel, Natalie M 13 SNOW-PV 2:16.89 2:16.80 30.20 1:04.91 (34.71) 1:41.42 (36.51) 2:16.80 (35.38) 35 Pillo, Tayler M 14 WST-VA 2:18.86 2:18.47 29.92 1:04.91 (34.99) 1:42.19 (37.28) 2:18.47 (36.28) 36 Jagerskog, Hedda V 14 YORK-PV NT 2:19.01 31.53 1:07.32 (35.79) 1:44.02 (36.70) 2:19.01 (34.99) 37 Logan, Jessica R 13 NCAP-PV 2:11.81 2:19.99 32.20 1:08.28 (36.08) 1:45.15 (36.87) 2:19.99 (34.84) 38 Vannell, Emma G 13 BWST-PV 2:20.12 2:21.20 31.49 1:07.10 (35.61) 1:44.28 (37.18) 2:21.20 (36.92) 39 Coil, Ainsley L 14 SNOW-PV 2:25.41 2:21.74 33.50 1:09.93 (36.43) 1:46.57 (36.64) 2:21.74 (35.17) 40 Lovern, Lexi N 13 SNOW-PV 2:29.42 2:21.99 32.52 1:08.41 (35.89) 1:45.70 (37.29) 2:21.99 (36.29) 41 Blanton, Reilly A 14 YORK-PV 2:12.23 2:23.10 32.02 1:08.23 (36.21) 1:46.27 (38.04) 2:23.10 (36.83) 42 Winklosky, Nicole D 14 NCAP-PV 2:23.05 2:24.33 32.15 1:08.37 (36.22) 1:46.42 (38.05) 2:24.33 (37.91) 43 DuBois, Madeline D 14 YORK-PV 2:19.55 2:24.47 32.74 1:08.90 (36.16) 1:47.17 (38.27) 2:24.47 (37.30) 44 Dinh, Vy 14 BWST-PV 2:32.94 2:24.84 32.62 1:09.31 (36.69) 1:47.55 (38.24) 2:24.84 (37.29) 45 Regan, Fiona M 13 SNOW-PV 2:36.26 2:25.46 32.27 1:09.75 (37.48) 1:48.39 (38.64) 2:25.46 (37.07) 46 Batjargal, Naska 13 BWST-PV 2:21.19 2:25.70 31.78 1:08.30 (36.52) 1:47.16 (38.86) 2:25.70 (38.54) 47 Merrifield, Rachel W 13 FXFX-PV 2:32.93 2:25.72 32.98 1:10.10 (37.12) 1:48.92 (38.82) 2:25.72 (36.80) 48 Davis, Carly R 13 SNOW-PV 2:28.05 2:26.67 34.25 1:11.65 (37.40) 1:49.34 (37.69) 2:26.67 (37.33) 49 Falcone, Katie 14 RY-PV 2:26.45 2:28.84 34.64 1:12.83 (38.19) 1:52.44 (39.61) 2:28.84 (36.40) 50 Birkholz, Caitlin E 14 FXFX-PV 2:23.19 2:29.83 33.21 1:12.43 (39.22) 1:53.06 (40.63) 2:29.83 (36.77) 51 Burns, Alex M 14 UN-FX-PV 2:23.29 2:29.91 34.75 1:13.13 (38.38) 1:52.11 (38.98) 2:29.91 (37.80) 52 Bryan, Abby C 13 YORK-PV 2:36.55 2:30.82 33.92 1:12.83 (38.91) 1:52.83 (40.00) 2:30.82 (37.99) 53 Agarwal, Ananya 14 UN-SN-PV 2:31.29 2:31.43 32.61 1:10.12 (37.51) 1:50.50 (40.38) 2:31.43 (40.93) 54 Mellon, Lauren A 13 YORK-PV 2:25.76 2:32.07 33.36 1:12.48 (39.12) 1:53.13 (40.65) 2:32.07 (38.94) 55 Snapp, Leah K 13 WST-VA 2:40.69 2:32.75 33.66 1:12.63 (38.97) 1:53.17 (40.54) 2:32.75 (39.58) 56 Durham, Tess O 13 SNOW-PV 2:38.89 2:34.86 35.79 1:17.35 (41.56) 1:56.61 (39.26) 2:34.86 (38.25) 57 Sand, Amelia J 13 FXFX-PV NT 2:34.94 34.95 1:15.30 (40.35) 1:56.67 (41.37) 2:34.94 (38.27) 58 Walsh, Leigh E 14 FXFX-PV 2:33.77 2:36.46 32.94 1:11.82 (38.88) 1:54.45 (42.63) 2:36.46 (42.01) 59 Pohlman, Savanna D 14 YORK-PV 2:32.99 2:40.38 34.16 1:14.78 (40.62) 1:58.76 (43.98) 2:40.38 (41.62) 60 Rand, Grace C 13 WST-VA 2:38.53 2:41.45 35.96 1:17.64 (41.68) 1:59.18 (41.54) 2:41.45 (42.27) 61 Das, Eshani 13 UN-YO-PV 2:44.87 2:42.21 35.19 1:17.35 (42.16) 2:00.78 (43.43) 2:42.21 (41.43) 62 Kinloch, Marley L 13 SNOW-PV NT 2:42.61 36.58 1:19.09 (42.51) 2:02.80 (43.71) 2:42.61 (39.81) 63 Lindorf, Renee N 14 YORK-PV 2:51.62 2:47.36 36.62 1:19.09 (42.47) 2:03.61 (44.52) 2:47.36 (43.75) 64 Thapliya, Ragi 14 YORK-PV NT 2:49.05 37.55 1:20.87 (43.32) 2:05.80 (44.93) 2:49.05 (43.25) 65 Nalley, Sarah M 13 SNOW-PV NT 2:54.72 37.86 1:21.40 (43.54) 2:09.70 (48.30) 2:54.72 (45.02) 66 Woodmancy, Caroline E 14 BWST-PV 2:53.20 2:56.45 39.56 1:23.93 (44.37) 2:11.02 (47.09) 2:56.45 (45.43) 67 Zombro, Claire E 13 WST-VA 3:59.12 2:57.10 38.61 1:23.59 (44.98) 2:10.54 (46.95) 2:57.10 (46.56) 68 Smith, Natalie C 13 BWST-PV NT 3:12.55 41.32 3:12.55 (2:31.23) 69 Burton, Sydney M 13 WST-VA 3:16.50 3:12.80 40.74 1:28.57 (47.83) 2:20.70 (52.13) 3:12.80 (52.10) 70 Patel, Mahi P 13 WST-VA 4:40.12 3:55.35 53.56 1:55.30 (1:01.74) 2:58.48 (1:03.18) 3:55.35 (56.87) Girls 13-14 500 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Vanderloo, Lexie L 14 NCAP-PV 5:16.81 5:11.13 28.29 59.19 (30.90) 1:30.51 (31.32) 2:01.82 (31.31) 2:33.45 (31.63) 3:05.27 (31.82) 3:37.18 (31.91) 4:09.25 (32.07) 4:40.73 (31.48) 5:11.13 (30.40) 2 Luong, Jennifer T 14 NCAP-PV 5:11.58 5:14.23 28.68 59.95 (31.27) 1:31.48 (31.53) 2:02.87 (31.39) 2:34.57 (31.70) 3:06.49 (31.92) 3:38.55 (32.06) 4:10.55 (32.00) 4:42.93 (32.38) 5:14.23 (31.30) 3 Kennedy, Molly A 14 NCAP-PV 5:20.70 5:22.41 28.89 1:00.92 (32.03) 1:33.64 (32.72) 2:06.36 (32.72) 2:39.05 (32.69) 3:11.96 (32.91) 3:44.75 (32.79) 4:17.64 (32.89) 4:50.60 (32.96) 5:22.41 (31.81) 4 Oakford, Kathryn E 14 UN-NC-PV 5:30.66 5:28.79 29.69 1:02.17 (32.48) 1:35.24 (33.07) 2:08.15 (32.91) 2:41.32 (33.17) 3:14.63 (33.31) 3:48.44 (33.81) 4:22.56 (34.12) 4:56.23 (33.67) 5:28.79 (32.56) 5 Park, Jessica 13 NCAP-PV 5:28.61 5:29.06 30.96 1:04.08 (33.12) 1:37.41 (33.33) 2:10.44 (33.03) 2:43.73 (33.29) 3:17.32 (33.59) 3:50.85 (33.53) 4:24.25 (33.40) 4:57.58 (33.33) 5:29.06 (31.48) 6 Balgley, Eleanor Y 14 NCAP-PV 5:37.14 5:33.56 30.51 1:03.28 (32.77) 1:36.73 (33.45) 2:10.29 (33.56) 2:44.35 (34.06) 3:18.06 (33.71) 3:51.85 (33.79) 4:26.10 (34.25) 5:00.15 (34.05) 5:33.56 (33.41) 7 Cunnane, MacKenzie I 13 NCAP-PV 5:52.04 5:34.39 28.60 1:01.71 (33.11) 1:35.60 (33.89) 2:08.94 (33.34) 2:42.82 (33.88) 3:17.48 (34.66) 3:52.00 (34.52) 4:27.56 (35.56) 5:01.24 (33.68) 5:34.39 (33.15) 8 Sprincis, Kayla M 13 WST-VA 5:42.34 5:36.02 29.63 1:02.72 (33.09) 1:36.42 (33.70) 2:10.51 (34.09) 2:44.76 (34.25) 3:19.43 (34.67) 3:53.92 (34.49) 4:28.14 (34.22) 5:02.53 (34.39) 5:36.02 (33.49) 9 Allbright, Maddie M 13 NCAP-PV 5:30.27 5:36.95 29.75 1:02.32 (32.57) 1:35.94 (33.62) 2:10.14 (34.20) 2:44.46 (34.32) 3:18.75 (34.29) 3:53.30 (34.55) 4:28.49 (35.19) 5:03.64 (35.15) 5:36.95 (33.31) 10 Bernal, Daphne 14 SNOW-PV 5:50.00 5:40.55 31.84 1:06.62 (34.78) 1:41.73 (35.11) 2:17.00 (35.27) 2:51.87 (34.87) 3:26.44 (34.57) 4:01.14 (34.70) 4:35.82 (34.68) 5:08.96 (33.14) 5:40.55 (31.59) 11 Simbulan, Myra J 14 NCAP-PV 5:26.79 5:40.98 30.78 1:03.82 (33.04) 1:37.88 (34.06) 2:11.80 (33.92) 2:46.29 (34.49) 3:21.37 (35.08) 3:56.43 (35.06) 4:31.25 (34.82) 5:06.30 (35.05) 5:40.98 (34.68) 12 LeCount, Olivia J 14 NCAP-PV 5:51.20 5:46.44 30.33 1:04.46 (34.13) 1:40.20 (35.74) 2:15.94 (35.74) 2:51.09 (35.15) 3:26.53 (35.44) 4:01.80 (35.27) 4:37.51 (35.71) 5:12.57 (35.06) 5:46.44 (33.87) 13 Hudson, Hannah G 13 NCAP-PV 6:02.02 5:47.66 29.82 1:04.42 (34.60) 1:40.33 (35.91) 2:16.63 (36.30) 2:52.53 (35.90) 3:28.05 (35.52) 4:03.85 (35.80) 4:39.83 (35.98) 5:14.51 (34.68) 5:47.66 (33.15) 14 Alarcon, Isabel P 14 NCAP-PV 5:46.19 5:47.76 31.95 1:06.65 (34.70) 1:41.97 (35.32) 2:16.80 (34.83) 2:52.36 (35.56) 3:27.41 (35.05) 4:02.62 (35.21) 4:38.00 (35.38) 5:13.63 (35.63) 5:47.76 (34.13) 15 Suris, Emily 14 NCAP-PV 6:03.00 5:50.10 32.02 1:08.13 (36.11) 1:44.37 (36.24) 2:20.74 (36.37) 2:56.58 (35.84) 3:31.52 (34.94) 4:07.03 (35.51) 4:42.57 (35.54) 5:17.30 (34.73) 5:50.10 (32.80) 16 Byrnes, Ava E 13 NCAP-PV 6:18.71 5:50.53 31.62 1:06.26 (34.64) 1:42.30 (36.04) 2:18.09 (35.79) 2:54.43 (36.34) 3:29.65 (35.22) 4:05.40 (35.75) 4:41.55 (36.15) 5:17.00 (35.45) 5:50.53 (33.53) 17 Jones, Rachel A 13 NCAP-PV 6:53.06 5:54.18 33.12 1:09.63 (36.51) 1:46.11 (36.48) 2:22.83 (36.72) 2:58.76 (35.93) 3:34.88 (36.12) 4:11.23 (36.35) 4:46.95 (35.72) 5:22.40 (35.45) 5:54.18 (31.78) 18 Cazenas, Katie 13 RY-PV 5:48.93 5:54.72 31.61 1:07.19 (35.58) 1:43.68 (36.49) 2:19.92 (36.24) 2:56.32 (36.40) 3:31.93 (35.61) 4:08.50 (36.57) 4:44.72 (36.22) 5:20.32 (35.60) 5:54.72 (34.40) 19 Pyle, Ellee D 14 WST-VA 5:58.72 5:56.56 31.70 1:07.39 (35.69) 1:43.16 (35.77) 2:18.94 (35.78) 2:55.11 (36.17) 3:30.88 (35.77) 4:08.51 (37.63) 4:44.79 (36.28) 5:21.39 (36.60) 5:56.56 (35.17) 20 Holstein, Sarah M 14 SNOW-PV 6:01.49 5:57.89 33.14 1:09.51 (36.37) 1:45.84 (36.33) 2:22.33 (36.49) 2:59.09 (36.76) 3:35.20 (36.11) 4:11.22 (36.02) 4:47.28 (36.06) 5:22.93 (35.65) 5:57.89 (34.96) 21 Simko, Paige E 13 WST-VA 6:20.00 5:59.34 31.21 1:06.93 (35.72) 1:43.17 (36.24) 2:20.58 (37.41) 2:57.12 (36.54) 3:33.52 (36.40) 4:10.60 (37.08) 4:47.55 (36.95) 5:24.12 (36.57) 5:59.34 (35.22) 22 Burns, Carly R 14 SNOW-PV 6:22.95 5:59.60 31.88 1:07.70 (35.82) 1:44.25 (36.55) 2:20.96 (36.71) 2:57.33 (36.37) 3:33.98 (36.65) 4:11.12 (37.14) 4:48.27 (37.15) 5:25.26 (36.99) 5:59.60 (34.34) 23 Srun, Tidawee V 14 NCAP-PV 6:34.77 6:02.20 32.79 1:08.02 (35.23) 1:44.14 (36.12) 2:20.35 (36.21) 2:56.80 (36.45) 3:33.76 (36.96) 4:11.27 (37.51) 4:49.02 (37.75) 5:26.19 (37.17) 6:02.20 (36.01) 24 Anderson, Sarah M 13 NCAP-PV 6:09.14 6:06.08 33.05 1:09.97 (36.92) 1:47.97 (38.00) 2:26.01 (38.04) 3:02.96 (36.95) 3:40.60 (37.64) 4:17.95 (37.35) 4:55.12 (37.17) 5:32.52 (37.40) 6:06.08 (33.56) 25 Pastva, Katherine A 14 UN-FX-PV 6:43.50 6:07.16 32.63 1:09.31 (36.68) 1:46.54 (37.23) 2:23.59 (37.05) 3:01.46 (37.87) 3:39.23 (37.77) 4:17.60 (38.37) 4:54.92 (37.32) 5:31.13 (36.21) 6:07.16 (36.03) 26 Vidal, Juliana N 14 NCAP-PV 6:24.48 6:07.33 32.10 1:07.97 (35.87) 1:45.59 (37.62) 2:23.21 (37.62) 3:00.85 (37.64) 3:39.06 (38.21) 4:16.87 (37.81) 4:55.09 (38.22) 5:32.26 (37.17) 6:07.33 (35.07) 27 Connors, Kate M 13 NCAP-PV 6:25.43 6:15.33 32.40 1:09.10 (36.70) 1:47.29 (38.19) 2:26.08 (38.79) 3:04.60 (38.52) 3:43.55 (38.95) 4:21.33 (37.78) 5:00.05 (38.72) 5:38.27 (38.22) 6:15.33 (37.06) 28 Logan, Jessica R 13 NCAP-PV 6:16.37 6:20.49 33.13 1:10.16 (37.03) 1:48.73 (38.57) 2:28.27 (39.54) 3:08.39 (40.12) 3:47.75 (39.36) 4:27.47 (39.72) 5:06.93 (39.46) 5:45.11 (38.18) 6:20.49 (35.38) 29 Nguyen, Evelyn Q 13 BWST-PV 6:35.18 6:21.69 33.37 1:11.41 (38.04) 1:50.24 (38.83) 2:29.33 (39.09) 3:09.15 (39.82) 3:49.48 (40.33) 4:29.19 (39.71) 5:08.03 (38.84) 5:46.76 (38.73) 6:21.69 (34.93) 30 Porter, Claire Z 14 BWST-PV 6:41.33 6:22.09 33.76 1:11.08 (37.32) 1:49.35 (38.27) 2:28.32 (38.97) 3:07.81 (39.49) 3:47.44 (39.63) 4:27.55 (40.11) 5:06.98 (39.43) 5:46.03 (39.05) 6:22.09 (36.06) 31 Irgens, Hollin G 14 WST-VA 6:19.52 6:25.66 32.81 1:10.23 (37.42) 1:48.61 (38.38) 2:28.22 (39.61) 3:08.00 (39.78) 3:47.20 (39.20) 4:27.65 (40.45) 5:07.29 (39.64) 5:46.81 (39.52) 6:25.66 (38.85) 32 Vincent, Olivia R 13 NCAP-PV 6:09.53 6:27.43 33.94 1:11.94 (38.00) 1:50.53 (38.59) 2:29.87 (39.34) 3:10.11 (40.24) 3:50.14 (40.03) 4:30.43 (40.29) 5:10.75 (40.32) 5:49.71 (38.96) 6:27.43 (37.72) 33 Winklosky, Nicole D 14 NCAP-PV 6:33.36 6:29.60 34.10 1:12.65 (38.55) 1:51.66 (39.01) 2:31.66 (40.00) 3:11.79 (40.13) 3:52.10 (40.31) 4:31.79 (39.69) 5:11.81 (40.02) 5:51.27 (39.46) 6:29.60 (38.33) 34 Burns, Alex M 14 UN-FX-PV 6:31.35 6:35.08 34.88 1:14.27 (39.39) 1:54.17 (39.90) 2:34.34 (40.17) 3:15.18 (40.84) 3:56.24 (41.06) 4:37.15 (40.91) 5:18.03 (40.88) 5:56.99 (38.96) 6:35.08 (38.09) 35 Coil, Ainsley L 14 SNOW-PV 7:11.14 6:36.11 36.24 1:14.93 (38.69) 1:54.28 (39.35) 2:34.68 (40.40) 3:15.53 (40.85) 3:56.43 (40.90) 4:37.37 (40.94) 5:18.16 (40.79) 5:58.47 (40.31) 6:36.11 (37.64) 36 Davis, Carly R 13 SNOW-PV 6:50.99 6:37.79 36.46 1:16.89 (40.43) 1:57.32 (40.43) 2:38.07 (40.75) 3:19.21 (41.14) 4:00.46 (41.25) 4:41.05 (40.59) 5:20.88 (39.83) 5:59.93 (39.05) 6:37.79 (37.86) 37 Garvin, Lauryn 14 RY-PV 7:00.45 6:40.94 35.13 1:13.15 (38.02) 1:52.57 (39.42) 2:33.12 (40.55) 3:13.78 (40.66) 3:55.23 (41.45) 4:37.17 (41.94) 5:18.84 (41.67) 6:00.34 (41.50) 6:40.94 (40.60) 38 Halstead, Sophia M 14 NCAP-PV 6:36.38 6:42.30 33.97 1:13.39 (39.42) 1:53.49 (40.10) 2:35.23 (41.74) 3:16.88 (41.65) 3:58.94 (42.06) 4:40.83 (41.89) 5:23.14 (42.31) 6:03.57 (40.43) 6:42.30 (38.73) 39 Batjargal, Naska 13 BWST-PV 6:45.99 6:43.23 33.88 1:12.94 (39.06) 1:54.03 (41.09) 2:35.59 (41.56) 3:18.00 (42.41) 4:00.13 (42.13) 4:42.67 (42.54) 5:24.96 (42.29) 6:04.24 (39.28) 6:43.23 (38.99) 40 Paliwal, Shreya S 13 BWST-PV 6:44.51 6:49.45 37.41 1:19.37 (41.96) 2:01.19 (41.82) 2:43.34 (42.15) 3:25.68 (42.34) 4:07.02 (41.34) 4:49.62 (42.60) 5:31.60 (41.98) 6:10.88 (39.28) 6:49.45 (38.57) 41 Shastry, Arti 13 BWST-PV 6:57.69 6:54.66 36.68 1:16.32 (39.64) 1:58.30 (41.98) 2:41.44 (43.14) 3:24.29 (42.85) 4:06.97 (42.68) 4:49.52 (42.55) 5:32.97 (43.45) 6:14.46 (41.49) 6:54.66 (40.20) 42 Pohlman, Savanna D 14 YORK-PV NT 7:14.05 36.08 1:17.34 (41.26) 2:02.70 (45.36) 2:46.32 (43.62) 3:31.91 (45.59) 4:17.77 (45.86) 5:03.61 (45.84) 5:47.50 (43.89) 6:32.58 (45.08) 7:14.05 (41.47) Girls 13-14 1000 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Vanderloo, Lexie L 14 NCAP-PV 10:49.54 10:39.50 28.77 1:00.18 (31.41) 1:32.28 (32.10) 2:04.51 (32.23) 2:36.36 (31.85) 3:08.47 (32.11) 3:40.93 (32.46) 4:13.24 (32.31) 4:45.48 (32.24) 5:17.73 (32.25) 5:49.60 (31.87) 6:21.71 (32.11) 6:53.97 (32.26) 7:26.48 (32.51) 7:58.95 (32.47) 8:31.60 (32.65) 9:03.76 (32.16) 9:36.67 (32.91) 10:08.74 (32.07) 10:39.50 (30.76) 2 Warnagiris, Kimberly E 14 WST-VA 11:11.70 11:08.99 27.72 58.98 (31.26) 1:31.41 (32.43) 2:04.45 (33.04) 2:37.61 (33.16) 3:11.48 (33.87) 3:45.56 (34.08) 4:19.82 (34.26) 4:53.95 (34.13) 5:28.30 (34.35) 6:03.12 (34.82) 6:37.39 (34.27) 7:11.11 (33.72) 7:45.33 (34.22) 8:19.37 (34.04) 8:53.79 (34.42) 9:28.35 (34.56) 10:02.76 (34.41) 10:36.55 (33.79) 11:08.99 (32.44) 3 Sprincis, Kayla M 13 WST-VA 11:56.81 11:22.56 29.26 1:01.76 (32.50) 1:35.14 (33.38) 2:08.66 (33.52) 2:42.94 (34.28) 3:17.16 (34.22) 3:52.06 (34.90) 4:27.02 (34.96) 5:01.77 (34.75) 5:36.77 (35.00) 6:11.88 (35.11) 6:46.55 (34.67) 7:21.50 (34.95) 7:55.74 (34.24) 8:30.86 (35.12) 9:05.23 (34.37) 9:39.98 (34.75) 10:14.52 (34.54) 10:48.89 (34.37) 11:22.56 (33.67) 4 Buswell, Amelia K 14 NCAP-PV 11:26.49 11:47.96 29.85 1:04.02 (34.17) 1:38.87 (34.85) 2:14.03 (35.16) 2:49.54 (35.51) 3:25.44 (35.90) 4:01.85 (36.41) 4:37.79 (35.94) 5:13.76 (35.97) 5:49.94 (36.18) 6:25.85 (35.91) 7:01.88 (36.03) 7:38.19 (36.31) 8:14.49 (36.30) 8:50.66 (36.17) 9:26.73 (36.07) 10:02.87 (36.14) 10:39.07 (36.20) 11:14.27 (35.20) 11:47.96 (33.69) 5 Holstein, Sarah M 14 SNOW-PV 12:30.00 12:11.68 33.19 1:09.55 (36.36) 1:46.55 (37.00) 2:23.89 (37.34) 3:01.04 (37.15) 3:38.42 (37.38) 4:15.95 (37.53) 4:52.68 (36.73) 5:29.70 (37.02) 6:06.59 (36.89) 6:43.52 (36.93) 7:20.17 (36.65) 7:57.18 (37.01) 8:33.71 (36.53) 9:10.22 (36.51) 9:47.01 (36.79) 10:23.94 (36.93) 11:00.43 (36.49) 11:36.56 (36.13) 12:11.68 (35.12) 6 Olsen, Erica M 13 SNOW-PV 14:10.00 12:15.31 31.53 1:06.47 (34.94) 1:42.34 (35.87) 2:18.60 (36.26) 2:55.81 (37.21) 3:33.65 (37.84) 4:11.14 (37.49) 4:49.38 (38.24) 5:27.40 (38.02) 6:05.67 (38.27) 6:43.53 (37.86) 7:21.18 (37.65) 7:58.43 (37.25) 8:36.00 (37.57) 9:13.56 (37.56) 9:50.88 (37.32) 10:27.45 (36.57) 11:04.17 (36.72) 11:40.78 (36.61) 12:15.31 (34.53) 7 Vidal, Juliana N 14 NCAP-PV 14:29.79 12:19.89 31.26 1:07.77 (36.51) 1:45.82 (38.05) 2:23.60 (37.78) 3:01.55 (37.95) 3:39.40 (37.85) 4:16.51 (37.11) 4:53.75 (37.24) 5:31.59 (37.84) 6:09.26 (37.67) 6:46.17 (36.91) 7:23.01 (36.84) 8:01.37 (38.36) 8:39.45 (38.08) 9:16.30 (36.85) 9:53.41 (37.11) 10:30.87 (37.46) 11:08.08 (37.21) 11:45.36 (37.28) 12:19.89 (34.53) 8 Simko, Paige E 13 WST-VA 14:12.05 12:20.08 32.21 1:07.98 (35.77) 1:44.32 (36.34) 2:20.98 (36.66) 2:58.14 (37.16) 3:34.70 (36.56) 4:11.92 (37.22) 4:48.93 (37.01) 5:26.43 (37.50) 6:04.37 (37.94) 6:41.89 (37.52) 7:19.14 (37.25) 7:57.46 (38.32) 8:35.67 (38.21) 9:13.02 (37.35) 9:52.38 (39.36) 10:28.89 (36.51) 11:05.86 (36.97) 11:44.22 (38.36) 12:20.08 (35.86) 9 Smit, Rylie K 13 NCAP-PV 13:08.37 12:59.47 33.06 1:10.20 (37.14) 1:48.80 (38.60) 2:28.04 (39.24) 3:06.84 (38.80) 3:45.93 (39.09) 4:25.12 (39.19) 5:04.63 (39.51) 5:44.14 (39.51) 6:23.83 (39.69) 7:03.50 (39.67) 7:43.15 (39.65) 8:22.36 (39.21) 9:02.09 (39.73) 9:42.15 (40.06) 10:21.93 (39.78) 11:01.73 (39.80) 11:41.76 (40.03) 12:21.64 (39.88) 12:59.47 (37.83) 10 Vincent, Olivia R 13 NCAP-PV NT 13:07.81 33.22 1:12.03 (38.81) 1:50.83 (38.80) 2:30.12 (39.29) 3:09.68 (39.56) 3:49.93 (40.25) 4:29.96 (40.03) 5:10.18 (40.22) 5:50.46 (40.28) 6:30.50 (40.04) 7:11.02 (40.52) 7:51.63 (40.61) 8:32.22 (40.59) 9:12.42 (40.20) 9:52.52 (40.10) 10:32.82 (40.30) 11:13.67 (40.85) 11:53.40 (39.73) 12:32.74 (39.34) 13:07.81 (35.07) 11 Winklosky, Nicole D 14 NCAP-PV 14:59.21 13:22.53 34.42 1:13.39 (38.97) 1:53.45 (40.06) 2:33.12 (39.67) 3:14.34 (41.22) 3:55.06 (40.72) 4:35.99 (40.93) 5:17.74 (41.75) 5:58.34 (40.60) 6:39.64 (41.30) 7:20.73 (41.09) 8:02.23 (41.50) 8:43.04 (40.81) 9:23.70 (40.66) 10:05.01 (41.31) 10:45.11 (40.10) 11:25.75 (40.64) 12:05.67 (39.92) 12:45.38 (39.71) 13:22.53 (37.15) 12 Lai-Harris, Koryn F 13 SNOW-PV 14:30.00 14:13.10 34.85 1:14.24 (39.39) 1:56.46 (42.22) 2:39.34 (42.88) 3:22.42 (43.08) 4:06.06 (43.64) 4:49.12 (43.06) 5:32.17 (43.05) 6:15.81 (43.64) 6:59.39 (43.58) 7:43.13 (43.74) 8:27.65 (44.52) 9:12.09 (44.44) 9:54.53 (42.44) 10:38.69 (44.16) 11:22.00 (43.31) 12:05.62 (43.62) 12:49.05 (43.43) 13:31.95 (42.90) 14:13.10 (41.15) 13 Birkholz, Caitlin E 14 FXFX-PV NT 14:36.88 35.86 1:17.87 (42.01) 2:01.78 (43.91) 3:29.52 (1:27.74) 4:13.99 ( ) 4:58.71 (44.72) 7:14.22 ( ) 7:59.76 (45.54) 8:45.00 (45.24) 9:31.00 (46.00) 10:16.41 (45.41) 11:01.86 (45.45) 12:31.46 ( ) 13:15.20 (43.74) 13:58.31 (43.11) 14:36.88 (38.57) Girls 13-14 100 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 McConagha, Mackenzie B 14 NCAP-PV 57.03 57.28 27.68 57.28 (29.60) 2 Luong, Jennifer T 14 NCAP-PV 57.98 1:00.89 29.30 1:00.89 (31.59) 3 Cunnane, MacKenzie I 13 NCAP-PV 1:02.11 1:02.32 29.94 1:02.32 (32.38) 4 DeLuca, Caroline R 14 YORK-PV 1:03.65 1:02.99 31.04 1:02.99 (31.95) 5 Anderson, Molly M 14 YORK-PV 1:01.53 1:04.41 31.61 1:04.41 (32.80) 6 Cazenas, Katie 13 RY-PV 1:05.90 1:04.75 31.82 1:04.75 (32.93) 7 Nichols, Jocelyn 14 SNOW-PV 1:05.67 1:05.48 31.90 1:05.48 (33.58) 8 Hudson, Hannah G 13 NCAP-PV 1:06.33 1:05.61 31.79 1:05.61 (33.82) 9 Van Ess, Isabella A 13 BWST-PV 1:04.69 1:05.73 32.22 1:05.73 (33.51) 10 Calvert, Julia P 14 SNOW-PV 1:01.72 1:05.83 31.73 1:05.83 (34.10) 11 Rice, Erica A 14 YORK-PV 1:04.51 1:06.35 32.06 1:06.35 (34.29) 12 Mcomber, Ella C 14 BWST-PV 1:06.63 1:06.46 32.81 1:06.46 (33.65) 13 Buswell, Amelia K 14 NCAP-PV 1:05.58 1:06.59 32.26 1:06.59 (34.33) 14 Kennedy, Molly A 14 NCAP-PV 1:02.83 1:06.74 32.30 1:06.74 (34.44) 15 Oakford, Kathryn E 14 UN-NC-PV 1:06.89 1:07.26 32.76 1:07.26 (34.50) 16 Porter, Claire Z 14 BWST-PV 1:09.48 1:07.34 32.31 1:07.34 (35.03) 17 Alcarese, Anne M 14 BWST-PV 1:02.81 1:07.43 32.32 1:07.43 (35.11) 18 Anderson, Sarah M 13 NCAP-PV 1:07.98 1:07.51 32.92 1:07.51 (34.59) 19 Flatin, Ainsley K 14 YORK-PV 1:07.22 1:07.56 32.39 1:07.56 (35.17) 20 Chadwick, Ellen K 14 YORK-PV 1:06.84 1:07.62 32.63 1:07.62 (34.99) 21 Pyle, Ellee D 14 WST-VA 1:04.80 1:07.77 33.03 1:07.77 (34.74) 22 Esslinger, Lyddie 13 WST-VA 1:11.65 1:08.21 32.91 1:08.21 (35.30) 23 Daniel, Natalie M 13 SNOW-PV 1:08.53 1:08.23 32.59 1:08.23 (35.64) 24 Tao, Isabel W 14 NCAP-PV 1:07.11 1:08.32 33.27 1:08.32 (35.05) 25 LeCount, Olivia J 14 NCAP-PV 1:10.51 1:09.11 33.52 1:09.11 (35.59) 26 Kiriakova, Mariya D 14 SNOW-PV 1:10.89 1:09.33 34.34 1:09.33 (34.99) 27 Leveto, Kennedy 13 SNOW-PV 1:09.04 1:09.60 33.74 1:09.60 (35.86) 28 Schlemmer, Natalie A 13 SNOW-PV 1:11.62 1:09.76 34.15 1:09.76 (35.61) 29 Dinh, Vy 14 BWST-PV 1:11.76 1:10.12 33.66 1:10.12 (36.46) 30 Jones, Rachel A 13 NCAP-PV 1:21.99 1:10.41 34.34 1:10.41 (36.07) 31 Armel, Lindley M 14 WST-VA 1:17.63 1:10.58 34.40 1:10.58 (36.18) 32 Long, Meghan K 14 YORK-PV 1:09.64 1:10.81 34.19 1:10.81 (36.62) 33 Vargas, Maddie A 13 NCAP-PV 1:08.98 1:11.07 34.49 1:11.07 (36.58) 34 Vidal, Juliana N 14 NCAP-PV 1:13.43 1:11.12 33.99 1:11.12 (37.13) 35 Byrnes, Ava E 13 NCAP-PV 1:09.53 1:11.52 34.32 1:11.52 (37.20) 35 Kim, Jasmin 13 UN-PV 1:12.00 1:11.52 35.03 1:11.52 (36.49) 37 Holstein, Sarah M 14 SNOW-PV 1:11.06 1:11.62 35.08 1:11.62 (36.54) 38 Pillo, Tayler M 14 WST-VA 1:12.41 1:11.67 34.81 1:11.67 (36.86) 39 Sprincis, Kayla M 13 WST-VA 1:13.91 1:11.97 34.99 1:11.97 (36.98) 40 Burns, Alex M 14 UN-FX-PV 1:15.53 1:12.06 35.19 1:12.06 (36.87) 41 Arciniega, Angee 13 SNOW-PV 1:10.54 1:12.75 34.70 1:12.75 (38.05) 42 Vannell, Emma G 13 BWST-PV 1:13.28 1:12.85 35.20 1:12.85 (37.65) 43 Batjargal, Naska 13 BWST-PV 1:13.07 1:12.99 35.84 1:12.99 (37.15) 44 Langston, Ada 13 RY-PV 1:14.38 1:13.13 34.50 1:13.13 (38.63) 45 Webster, Olivia Y 13 WST-VA 1:18.91 1:13.15 35.46 1:13.15 (37.69) 46 Voss, Madigan 13 WST-VA 1:15.58 1:13.35 35.89 1:13.35 (37.46) 47 Howat, Morgan H 14 YORK-PV 1:14.25 1:13.36 35.66 1:13.36 (37.70) 48 Smit, Rylie K 13 NCAP-PV 1:13.48 1:13.62 35.55 1:13.62 (38.07) 49 Merrifield, Rachel W 13 FXFX-PV 1:15.43 1:13.87 36.32 1:13.87 (37.55) 50 Roche, Marie L 14 YORK-PV 1:12.68 1:14.57 35.61 1:14.57 (38.96) 51 Regan, Fiona M 13 SNOW-PV 1:21.07 1:14.95 36.84 1:14.95 (38.11) 52 Witt, Madison 14 RY-PV 1:17.56 1:15.37 36.54 1:15.37 (38.83) 53 Mellon, Lauren A 13 YORK-PV 1:18.48 1:15.41 36.59 1:15.41 (38.82) 54 Halstead, Sophia M 14 NCAP-PV 1:13.11 1:15.60 36.79 1:15.60 (38.81) 55 Walsh, Leigh E 14 FXFX-PV 1:15.12 1:15.61 35.80 1:15.61 (39.81) 56 Deering, Emma C 13 YORK-PV NT 1:15.62 36.05 1:15.62 (39.57) 57 Farrace, Nicole M 13 YORK-PV 1:19.13 1:15.81 36.08 1:15.81 (39.73) 58 Larne, Ingrid 13 RY-PV 1:19.88 1:16.07 36.48 1:16.07 (39.59) 59 Huynh, Nina 13 UN-SN-PV 1:57.93 1:16.13 60 Smith, Lauren T 13 WST-VA 1:23.08 1:16.15 37.35 1:16.15 (38.80) 61 Do, Denise T 14 SNOW-PV 1:12.69 1:16.50 36.50 1:16.50 (40.00) 62 Lovern, Lexi N 13 SNOW-PV 1:17.45 1:16.59 36.96 1:16.59 (39.63) 63 Birkholz, Caitlin E 14 FXFX-PV 1:13.62 1:16.71 38.97 1:16.71 (37.74) 64 Guo, Janice T 14 YORK-PV 1:13.45 1:17.29 37.00 1:17.29 (40.29) 65 Falcone, Katie 14 RY-PV 1:22.09 1:17.99 38.88 1:17.99 (39.11) 66 Davis, Carly R 13 SNOW-PV 1:16.28 1:18.06 38.49 1:18.06 (39.57) 67 Durham, Tess O 13 SNOW-PV 1:17.85 1:18.16 38.44 1:18.16 (39.72) 68 Lu, Vicky M 14 YORK-PV 1:19.10 1:18.34 38.63 1:18.34 (39.71) 69 Winklosky, Nicole D 14 NCAP-PV 1:12.32 1:18.77 37.81 1:18.77 (40.96) 70 Hoyt, Courtney L 14 YORK-PV 1:19.18 1:19.12 39.16 1:19.12 (39.96) 71 Duncan, Grace A 13 FXFX-PV 1:23.70 1:20.94 37.31 1:20.94 (43.63) 72 Thapliya, Ragi 14 YORK-PV 1:22.68 1:21.48 39.93 1:21.48 (41.55) 73 Kim, Youjin 14 MAC-PV NT 1:22.11 74 Kinloch, Marley L 13 SNOW-PV 1:29.64 1:22.32 39.77 1:22.32 (42.55) 75 Rand, Grace C 13 WST-VA 1:25.04 1:22.84 39.32 1:22.84 (43.52) 76 Lai-Harris, Koryn F 13 SNOW-PV 1:23.64 1:23.55 40.30 1:23.55 (43.25) 77 Hill, Stella R 13 WST-VA 1:36.12 1:24.80 41.99 1:24.80 (42.81) 78 Lewis, Savannah G 13 SNOW-PV 1:30.25 1:25.06 41.21 1:25.06 (43.85) 79 Lindorf, Renee N 14 YORK-PV 1:24.87 1:25.84 41.18 1:25.84 (44.66) 80 Redding, Gracyn A 14 FXFX-PV 1:32.99 1:26.97 81 Milosevic, Mia 13 RY-PV 1:34.59 1:27.06 42.58 1:27.06 (44.48) 82 Collier, Magdalena A 13 NCAP-PV NT 1:29.16 42.49 1:29.16 (46.67) 83 Garneau, Mariah G 13 WST-VA 1:45.95 1:29.78 43.02 1:29.78 (46.76) 84 Jang, Hyo Won 14 MAC-PV NT 1:30.05 42.18 1:30.05 (47.87) 85 Flores, Catherine S 13 WST-VA 1:35.12 1:31.10 86 Aykens, Maddy C 14 YORK-PV 1:22.07 1:38.97 45.62 1:38.97 (53.35) 87 Burton, Sydney M 13 WST-VA 1:53.55 1:47.87 50.32 1:47.87 (57.55) 88 Patel, Mahi P 13 WST-VA 2:35.12 2:01.27 -- Smith, Natalie C 13 BWST-PV NT DQ Not on back off wall -- Dillner, Alena L 14 YORK-PV 1:27.15 DQ Not on back off wall 40.57 DQ (44.35) Girls 13-14 200 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 McConagha, Mackenzie B 14 NCAP-PV 2:03.90 2:02.64 28.16 58.50 (30.34) 1:30.42 (31.92) 2:02.64 (32.22) 2 Luong, Jennifer T 14 NCAP-PV 2:06.00 2:10.54 30.05 1:03.51 (33.46) 1:37.37 (33.86) 2:10.54 (33.17) 3 Van Ess, Isabella A 13 BWST-PV 2:24.93 2:15.59 32.57 1:06.96 (34.39) 1:42.22 (35.26) 2:15.59 (33.37) 4 Cunnane, MacKenzie I 13 NCAP-PV 2:21.81 2:18.07 31.48 1:07.27 (35.79) 1:42.65 (35.38) 2:18.07 (35.42) 5 Anderson, Molly M 14 YORK-PV 2:12.35 2:20.11 32.76 1:07.97 (35.21) 1:44.71 (36.74) 2:20.11 (35.40) 6 Rice, Erica A 14 YORK-PV 2:24.59 2:22.96 33.18 1:09.54 (36.36) 1:46.74 (37.20) 2:22.96 (36.22) 7 Nichols, Jocelyn 14 SNOW-PV 2:21.22 2:23.20 33.42 1:09.05 (35.63) 1:45.79 (36.74) 2:23.20 (37.41) 8 Bernal, Daphne 14 SNOW-PV 2:23.80 2:23.36 33.59 1:09.84 (36.25) 1:47.37 (37.53) 2:23.36 (35.99) 9 Schlemmer, Natalie A 13 SNOW-PV 2:38.75 2:23.96 33.48 1:09.71 (36.23) 1:47.20 (37.49) 2:23.96 (36.76) 10 Calvert, Julia P 14 SNOW-PV 2:19.12 2:24.35 33.71 1:11.19 (37.48) 1:47.68 (36.49) 2:24.35 (36.67) 11 Long, Lauren E 14 BWST-PV 2:28.47 2:24.49 33.56 1:09.87 (36.31) 1:47.44 (37.57) 2:24.49 (37.05) 12 Vargas, Maddie A 13 NCAP-PV 2:27.35 2:27.27 34.51 1:11.10 (36.59) 1:49.32 (38.22) 2:27.27 (37.95) 13 Pyle, Ellee D 14 WST-VA 2:23.58 2:27.50 33.97 1:11.36 (37.39) 1:49.79 (38.43) 2:27.50 (37.71) 14 Daniel, Natalie M 13 SNOW-PV 2:35.80 2:30.21 34.04 1:11.97 (37.93) 1:51.26 (39.29) 2:30.21 (38.95) 15 Vannell, Emma G 13 BWST-PV 2:36.90 2:34.09 35.77 1:15.10 (39.33) 1:55.12 (40.02) 2:34.09 (38.97) 16 Burns, Alex M 14 UN-FX-PV 2:36.58 2:34.18 36.83 1:16.13 (39.30) 1:55.77 (39.64) 2:34.18 (38.41) 17 Voss, Madigan 13 WST-VA 2:52.33 2:34.26 36.19 1:14.84 (38.65) 1:55.38 (40.54) 2:34.26 (38.88) 18 Burns, Carly R 14 SNOW-PV 2:43.35 2:35.56 36.73 1:16.32 (39.59) 1:56.91 (40.59) 2:35.56 (38.65) 19 Davis, Carly R 13 SNOW-PV 2:41.15 2:41.28 38.79 1:19.76 (40.97) 2:00.98 (41.22) 2:41.28 (40.30) 20 Walsh, Leigh E 14 FXFX-PV 2:48.52 2:45.43 37.12 1:19.69 (42.57) 2:04.45 (44.76) 2:45.43 (40.98) 21 Shastry, Arti 13 BWST-PV 2:57.52 2:49.35 38.05 1:19.79 (41.74) 2:05.05 (45.26) 2:49.35 (44.30) 22 Flores, Catherine S 13 WST-VA 3:25.12 3:14.40 41.93 1:28.27 (46.34) 2:22.48 (54.21) 3:14.40 (51.92) -- Long, Meghan K 14 YORK-PV 2:30.09 DQ Delay initiating turn 36.91 1:15.83 (38.92) 1:55.74 (39.91) DQ (40.20) -- Halstead, Sophia M 14 NCAP-PV 2:35.40 DQ Delay initiating turn 37.26 1:17.57 (40.31) 1:58.96 (41.39) DQ (40.05) Girls 13-14 100 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Schlemmer, Natalie A 13 SNOW-PV 1:10.93 1:12.42 34.41 1:12.42 (38.01) 2 Nichols, Jocelyn 14 SNOW-PV 1:14.83 1:13.06 34.13 1:13.06 (38.93) 3 Kiriakova, Mariya D 14 SNOW-PV 1:10.64 1:13.39 34.67 1:13.39 (38.72) 4 Rice, Erica A 14 YORK-PV 1:10.49 1:14.58 35.20 1:14.58 (39.38) 5 Tsai, Katie E 14 NCAP-PV 1:14.13 1:15.63 35.53 1:15.63 (40.10) 6 Do, Denise T 14 SNOW-PV 1:16.12 1:15.79 35.43 1:15.79 (40.36) 7 Kim, Jasmin 13 UN-PV 1:12.00 1:15.99 35.69 1:15.99 (40.30) 8 Long, Lauren E 14 BWST-PV 1:22.50 1:17.28 35.96 1:17.28 (41.32) 9 Cunnane, MacKenzie I 13 NCAP-PV 1:17.26 1:17.30 35.97 1:17.30 (41.33) 10 Leveto, Kennedy 13 SNOW-PV 1:17.33 1:17.53 36.48 1:17.53 (41.05) 11 Mcomber, Ella C 14 BWST-PV 1:19.75 1:17.63 37.06 1:17.63 (40.57) 12 Simko, Paige E 13 WST-VA 1:19.83 1:18.17 36.73 1:18.17 (41.44) 13 Buswell, Amelia K 14 NCAP-PV 1:17.22 1:18.46 36.68 1:18.46 (41.78) 14 Soong, Sabine L 14 NCAP-PV 1:17.68 1:18.77 36.74 1:18.77 (42.03) 15 Kennedy, Molly A 14 NCAP-PV 1:17.81 1:19.13 36.47 1:19.13 (42.66) 16 Chadwick, Ellen K 14 YORK-PV 1:18.67 1:20.40 37.99 1:20.40 (42.41) 17 Armel, Lindley M 14 WST-VA 1:26.82 1:20.64 38.48 1:20.64 (42.16) 18 Nguyen, Evelyn Q 13 BWST-PV 1:22.26 1:21.13 38.53 1:21.13 (42.60) 19 LeCount, Olivia J 14 NCAP-PV 1:21.87 1:21.51 37.65 1:21.51 (43.86) 20 Flatin, Ainsley K 14 YORK-PV 1:17.65 1:21.62 37.52 1:21.62 (44.10) 21 Huynh, Nina 13 UN-SN-PV 1:53.25 1:21.68 39.72 1:21.68 (41.96) 22 Winklosky, Nicole D 14 NCAP-PV 1:23.80 1:21.76 38.00 1:21.76 (43.76) 23 Corbin, Rebekah A 13 FXFX-PV 1:22.69 1:22.42 37.56 1:22.42 (44.86) 24 Guo, Janice T 14 YORK-PV 1:21.31 1:22.43 38.51 1:22.43 (43.92) 25 Sapatka, Lea A 13 BWST-PV 1:24.83 1:22.77 39.25 1:22.77 (43.52) 26 Vidal, Juliana N 14 NCAP-PV 1:26.41 1:22.94 38.99 1:22.94 (43.95) 27 Halstead, Sophia M 14 NCAP-PV 1:21.06 1:23.05 39.85 1:23.05 (43.20) 28 Lovern, Lexi N 13 SNOW-PV 1:25.30 1:23.29 39.72 1:23.29 (43.57) 29 Vargas, Maddie A 13 NCAP-PV 1:25.57 1:24.24 39.83 1:24.24 (44.41) 30 DuBois, Madeline D 14 YORK-PV 1:21.93 1:24.28 39.49 1:24.28 (44.79) 31 Merrifield, Rachel W 13 FXFX-PV 1:24.95 1:24.40 40.17 1:24.40 (44.23) 32 Vannell, Emma G 13 BWST-PV 1:25.59 1:24.52 40.24 1:24.52 (44.28) 33 Sciortino, Samantha 13 RY-PV 1:23.17 1:24.75 39.76 1:24.75 (44.99) 34 Pillo, Tayler M 14 WST-VA 1:26.35 1:28.12 41.33 1:28.12 (46.79) 35 Davis, Carly R 13 SNOW-PV 1:28.63 1:28.49 42.55 1:28.49 (45.94) 35 Daniel, Natalie M 13 SNOW-PV NT 1:28.49 39.63 1:28.49 (48.86) 37 Edelheit, xiu R 14 SNOW-PV 1:42.77 1:28.54 41.94 1:28.54 (46.60) 38 Bryan, Abby C 13 YORK-PV 1:30.78 1:29.34 41.69 1:29.34 (47.65) 39 Csaszi, Lena E 13 YORK-PV 1:34.40 1:29.37 42.30 1:29.37 (47.07) 40 Collier, Magdalena A 13 NCAP-PV NT 1:29.80 41.72 1:29.80 (48.08) 41 Kim, Youjin 14 MAC-PV NT 1:30.66 44.16 1:30.66 (46.50) 42 Webster, Olivia Y 13 WST-VA 1:35.09 1:30.96 43.70 1:30.96 (47.26) 43 Ngo, Daphne 13 RY-PV 1:32.92 1:31.18 43.28 1:31.18 (47.90) 44 Coudert, Mimi M 14 YORK-PV 1:37.56 1:33.23 44.77 1:33.23 (48.46) 45 Ingram, Vivian M 14 SNOW-PV 1:30.38 1:33.48 44.04 1:33.48 (49.44) 46 Milosevic, Mia 13 RY-PV 1:38.49 1:34.30 44.13 1:34.30 (50.17) 47 Lai-Harris, Koryn F 13 SNOW-PV 1:43.97 1:36.47 44.88 1:36.47 (51.59) 48 Smit, Rylie K 13 NCAP-PV 1:38.68 1:36.54 45.54 1:36.54 (51.00) 49 Ours, Avery E 14 WST-VA 1:40.42 1:37.58 45.64 1:37.58 (51.94) 50 Calles, Cata I 13 RY-PV 1:45.00 1:37.91 48.05 1:37.91 (49.86) 51 Larne, Ingrid 13 RY-PV 1:48.72 1:37.96 47.38 1:37.96 (50.58) 52 Jang, Hyo Won 14 MAC-PV NT 1:38.53 45.31 1:38.53 (53.22) 53 Bhardwaj, Arna 13 SNOW-PV 1:42.18 1:39.06 46.06 1:39.06 (53.00) 54 Bose, Shinjini 13 RY-PV 1:43.41 1:40.43 47.96 1:40.43 (52.47) 55 Paliwal, Shreya S 13 BWST-PV 1:40.73 1:40.66 47.63 1:40.66 (53.03) 56 Flores, Catherine S 13 WST-VA 1:44.12 1:45.83 49.76 1:45.83 (56.07) 57 Bost, Katie E 14 BWST-PV 1:43.54 1:46.46 50.06 1:46.46 (56.40) 58 Garneau, Mariah G 13 WST-VA 1:55.03 1:52.53 54.13 1:52.53 (58.40) 59 Woodmancy, Caroline E 14 BWST-PV 1:52.90 1:53.31 54.60 1:53.31 (58.71) 60 Bhakre, Ipsita A 13 SNOW-PV NT 1:57.25 55.48 1:57.25 (1:01.77) Girls 13-14 200 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Schlemmer, Natalie A 13 SNOW-PV 2:29.96 2:29.84 34.98 1:13.05 (38.07) 1:51.16 (38.11) 2:29.84 (38.68) 2 Oakford, Kathryn E 14 UN-NC-PV 2:32.35 2:31.29 33.80 1:12.22 (38.42) 1:51.70 (39.48) 2:31.29 (39.59) 3 Kiriakova, Mariya D 14 SNOW-PV 2:33.90 2:37.18 35.37 1:15.66 (40.29) 1:56.67 (41.01) 2:37.18 (40.51) 4 Van Ess, Isabella A 13 BWST-PV 2:37.96 2:38.63 36.24 1:16.87 (40.63) 1:57.86 (40.99) 2:38.63 (40.77) 5 Rice, Erica A 14 YORK-PV 2:31.20 2:39.87 36.09 1:16.68 (40.59) 1:58.60 (41.92) 2:39.87 (41.27) 6 Nichols, Jocelyn 14 SNOW-PV 2:44.64 2:40.98 35.98 1:16.46 (40.48) 1:58.95 (42.49) 2:40.98 (42.03) 7 Park, Jessica 13 NCAP-PV 2:38.21 2:42.52 37.78 1:19.80 (42.02) 2:01.32 (41.52) 2:42.52 (41.20) 8 Tsai, Katie E 14 NCAP-PV 2:37.57 2:43.01 36.41 1:17.60 (41.19) 2:00.04 (42.44) 2:43.01 (42.97) 9 Pyle, Ellee D 14 WST-VA 2:39.58 2:43.95 35.67 1:16.67 (41.00) 1:59.97 (43.30) 2:43.95 (43.98) 10 Long, Lauren E 14 BWST-PV 2:49.81 2:46.24 37.04 1:19.06 (42.02) 2:03.74 (44.68) 2:46.24 (42.50) 11 Pastva, Katherine A 14 UN-FX-PV NT 2:48.05 36.84 1:19.31 (42.47) 2:03.57 (44.26) 2:48.05 (44.48) 12 Kim, Jasmin 13 UN-PV 2:36.00 2:48.08 37.11 1:18.84 (41.73) 2:02.79 (43.95) 2:48.08 (45.29) 13 Leveto, Kennedy 13 SNOW-PV NT 2:50.19 37.31 1:20.34 (43.03) 2:04.66 (44.32) 2:50.19 (45.53) 14 Balgley, Eleanor Y 14 NCAP-PV NT 2:50.44 39.82 1:23.16 (43.34) 2:07.37 (44.21) 2:50.44 (43.07) 15 Do, Denise T 14 SNOW-PV 2:48.15 2:50.53 38.05 1:20.66 (42.61) 2:06.15 (45.49) 2:50.53 (44.38) 16 Simko, Paige E 13 WST-VA 2:54.21 2:51.32 37.74 1:22.63 (44.89) 2:07.66 (45.03) 2:51.32 (43.66) 17 Jagerskog, Hedda V 14 YORK-PV NT 2:52.71 38.84 1:23.16 (44.32) 2:07.61 (44.45) 2:52.71 (45.10) 18 Huynh, Nina 13 UN-SN-PV 2:54.82 2:53.43 41.05 1:25.14 (44.09) 2:09.46 (44.32) 2:53.43 (43.97) 19 Cazenas, Katie 13 RY-PV 2:59.14 2:54.62 39.41 1:25.21 (45.80) 2:11.47 (46.26) 2:54.62 (43.15) 20 LeCount, Olivia J 14 NCAP-PV 3:01.28 2:56.95 39.08 1:24.31 (45.23) 2:11.03 (46.72) 2:56.95 (45.92) 21 Merrifield, Rachel W 13 FXFX-PV 3:05.72 2:58.97 40.36 1:25.59 (45.23) 2:13.31 (47.72) 2:58.97 (45.66) 22 Halstead, Sophia M 14 NCAP-PV 2:57.16 3:00.76 40.59 1:25.92 (45.33) 2:12.90 (46.98) 3:00.76 (47.86) 23 Davis, Carly R 13 SNOW-PV 3:08.34 3:02.52 42.03 1:29.23 (47.20) 2:16.32 (47.09) 3:02.52 (46.20) 24 Guo, Janice T 14 YORK-PV 3:00.49 3:03.34 40.03 1:25.91 (45.88) 2:15.03 (49.12) 3:03.34 (48.31) 25 Long, Meghan K 14 YORK-PV NT 3:04.51 40.54 1:27.89 (47.35) 2:16.48 (48.59) 3:04.51 (48.03) 26 Witt, Madison 14 RY-PV 3:12.54 3:08.25 41.38 1:29.83 (48.45) 2:19.04 (49.21) 3:08.25 (49.21) 27 Vincent, Olivia R 13 NCAP-PV 3:06.14 3:09.85 41.41 1:31.16 (49.75) 2:21.48 (50.32) 3:09.85 (48.37) 28 Lu, Vicky M 14 YORK-PV NT 3:21.48 44.76 1:35.12 (50.36) 2:27.30 (52.18) 3:21.48 (54.18) 29 Pohlman, Savanna D 14 YORK-PV 3:24.80 3:25.46 41.74 1:34.61 (52.87) 2:30.44 (55.83) 3:25.46 (55.02) 30 Collier, Magdalena A 13 NCAP-PV NT 3:25.70 42.54 1:35.17 (52.63) 2:31.38 (56.21) 3:25.70 (54.32) 31 Timm, Meredith R 13 YORK-PV NT 3:30.97 48.50 1:44.31 (55.81) 2:36.93 (52.62) 3:30.97 (54.04) 32 Zombro, Claire E 13 WST-VA 4:22.12 3:35.51 49.12 1:45.07 (55.95) 2:40.92 (55.85) 3:35.51 (54.59) 33 Redding, Gracyn A 14 FXFX-PV NT 3:38.02 48.80 1:44.18 (55.38) 2:41.65 (57.47) 3:38.02 (56.37) 34 Woodmancy, Caroline E 14 BWST-PV 4:05.76 4:02.48 53.78 1:54.80 (1:01.02) 2:58.79 (1:03.99) 4:02.48 (1:03.69) Girls 13-14 100 Yard Butterfly =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 McConagha, Mackenzie B 14 NCAP-PV 56.33 57.54 26.82 57.54 (30.72) 2 Luong, Jennifer T 14 NCAP-PV 57.50 1:00.02 28.20 1:00.02 (31.82) 3 Warnagiris, Kimberly E 14 WST-VA 58.95 1:00.30 28.19 1:00.30 (32.11) 4 Vanderloo, Lexie L 14 NCAP-PV 1:02.88 1:01.39 29.12 1:01.39 (32.27) 5 Cunnane, MacKenzie I 13 NCAP-PV 1:02.19 1:02.70 28.78 1:02.70 (33.92) 6 Connors, Kate M 13 NCAP-PV 1:07.10 1:05.09 30.17 1:05.09 (34.92) 7 Jones, Rachel A 13 NCAP-PV 1:06.89 1:05.73 30.91 1:05.73 (34.82) 8 Allbright, Maddie M 13 NCAP-PV 1:13.82 1:05.79 30.26 1:05.79 (35.53) 9 Buswell, Amelia K 14 NCAP-PV 1:03.56 1:05.96 31.02 1:05.96 (34.94) 10 Sprincis, Kayla M 13 WST-VA 1:20.06 1:06.43 31.05 1:06.43 (35.38) 11 Porter, Claire Z 14 BWST-PV 1:08.47 1:07.55 31.11 1:07.55 (36.44) 12 Langston, Ada 13 RY-PV 1:11.72 1:08.37 31.31 1:08.37 (37.06) 13 Simbulan, Myra J 14 NCAP-PV 1:07.21 1:08.59 31.41 1:08.59 (37.18) 14 DuBois, Madeline D 14 YORK-PV 1:04.71 1:08.62 31.22 1:08.62 (37.40) 15 Anderson, Molly M 14 YORK-PV 1:07.47 1:08.73 32.18 1:08.73 (36.55) 16 Logan, Jessica R 13 NCAP-PV 1:09.64 1:08.81 32.04 1:08.81 (36.77) 17 Suris, Emily 14 NCAP-PV 1:09.67 1:08.93 32.55 1:08.93 (36.38) 18 Alarcon, Isabel P 14 NCAP-PV 1:06.35 1:09.02 32.60 1:09.02 (36.42) 19 Calvert, Julia P 14 SNOW-PV 1:12.48 1:09.41 32.19 1:09.41 (37.22) 20 Burns, Carly R 14 SNOW-PV 1:10.49 1:09.51 32.96 1:09.51 (36.55) 21 Chadwick, Ellen K 14 YORK-PV 1:12.35 1:09.64 31.94 1:09.64 (37.70) 22 Vannell, Emma G 13 BWST-PV 1:13.79 1:11.06 32.87 1:11.06 (38.19) 23 Tao, Isabel W 14 NCAP-PV 1:09.41 1:11.40 33.24 1:11.40 (38.16) 24 Voss, Madigan 13 WST-VA 1:16.98 1:12.22 33.35 1:12.22 (38.87) 25 Agarwal, Ananya 14 UN-SN-PV 1:14.08 1:12.93 33.34 1:12.93 (39.59) 26 Coil, Ainsley L 14 SNOW-PV 1:13.07 1:13.15 34.52 1:13.15 (38.63) 27 Srun, Tidawee V 14 NCAP-PV 1:09.47 1:13.47 34.35 1:13.47 (39.12) 28 Vidal, Juliana N 14 NCAP-PV 1:16.53 1:14.28 33.75 1:14.28 (40.53) 29 Hoyt, Courtney L 14 YORK-PV 1:19.61 1:14.82 34.47 1:14.82 (40.35) 30 Vargas, Maddie A 13 NCAP-PV NT 1:14.83 33.87 1:14.83 (40.96) 31 Smit, Rylie K 13 NCAP-PV 1:13.82 1:14.90 33.87 1:14.90 (41.03) 32 Webster, Olivia Y 13 WST-VA 1:20.09 1:15.26 36.90 1:15.26 (38.36) 33 Falcone, Katie 14 RY-PV 1:19.07 1:15.63 34.98 1:15.63 (40.65) 34 Dinh, Vy 14 BWST-PV 1:20.42 1:15.86 35.09 1:15.86 (40.77) 35 Armel, Lindley M 14 WST-VA 1:16.64 1:16.59 34.14 1:16.59 (42.45) 36 Regan, Fiona M 13 SNOW-PV 1:24.66 1:16.85 35.07 1:16.85 (41.78) 37 Dickenson, Lily C 13 SNOW-PV NT 1:17.23 33.26 1:17.23 (43.97) 38 Snapp, Leah K 13 WST-VA 1:40.29 1:18.86 37.12 1:18.86 (41.74) 39 Smith, Lauren T 13 WST-VA 1:39.12 1:21.91 38.74 1:21.91 (43.17) 40 Larne, Ingrid 13 RY-PV 1:31.99 1:24.38 38.57 1:24.38 (45.81) 41 Guo, Janice T 14 YORK-PV 1:19.98 1:24.73 39.56 1:24.73 (45.17) 42 Farrace, Nicole M 13 YORK-PV 1:29.09 1:24.74 38.67 1:24.74 (46.07) 43 Das, Eshani 13 UN-YO-PV 1:23.39 1:24.82 38.03 1:24.82 (46.79) 44 Witt, Madison 14 RY-PV 1:32.79 1:25.10 39.68 1:25.10 (45.42) 45 Batjargal, Naska 13 BWST-PV 1:21.34 1:25.42 37.17 1:25.42 (48.25) 46 Lewis, Savannah G 13 SNOW-PV NT 1:26.46 39.04 1:26.46 (47.42) 47 Nalley, Sarah M 13 SNOW-PV NT 1:26.97 38.87 1:26.97 (48.10) 48 Rand, Grace C 13 WST-VA 1:22.56 1:29.08 38.74 1:29.08 (50.34) 49 Milosevic, Mia 13 RY-PV 1:26.74 1:30.22 39.94 1:30.22 (50.28) 50 Hill, Stella R 13 WST-VA 1:26.12 1:30.45 41.51 1:30.45 (48.94) 51 Flores, Catherine S 13 WST-VA 1:39.12 1:31.21 42.15 1:31.21 (49.06) 52 Garneau, Mariah G 13 WST-VA 1:55.12 1:38.69 46.13 1:38.69 (52.56) 53 Lai-Harris, Koryn F 13 SNOW-PV 1:37.26 1:39.69 42.76 1:39.69 (56.93) Girls 13-14 200 Yard Butterfly =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 McConagha, Mackenzie B 14 NCAP-PV 2:01.86 2:05.61 27.34 58.77 (31.43) 1:31.91 (33.14) 2:05.61 (33.70) 2 Balgley, Eleanor Y 14 NCAP-PV 2:17.72 2:16.90 31.19 1:06.06 (34.87) 1:41.25 (35.19) 2:16.90 (35.65) 3 Park, Jessica 13 NCAP-PV 2:17.02 2:21.28 33.23 1:09.54 (36.31) 1:45.43 (35.89) 2:21.28 (35.85) 4 Warnagiris, Kimberly E 14 WST-VA 2:13.01 2:26.00 31.33 1:08.69 (37.36) 1:47.70 (39.01) 2:26.00 (38.30) 5 Bernal, Daphne 14 SNOW-PV NT 2:26.87 32.68 1:11.22 (38.54) 1:50.14 (38.92) 2:26.87 (36.73) 6 Van Ess, Isabella A 13 BWST-PV 2:35.70 2:26.93 32.32 1:10.03 (37.71) 1:50.17 (40.14) 2:26.93 (36.76) 7 Buswell, Amelia K 14 NCAP-PV 2:16.36 2:27.38 31.80 1:10.08 (38.28) 1:49.22 (39.14) 2:27.38 (38.16) 8 Allbright, Maddie M 13 NCAP-PV 2:23.81 2:29.72 31.32 1:09.23 (37.91) 1:49.67 (40.44) 2:29.72 (40.05) 9 Connors, Kate M 13 NCAP-PV 2:30.51 2:31.28 32.64 1:11.59 (38.95) 1:52.51 (40.92) 2:31.28 (38.77) 10 Simbulan, Myra J 14 NCAP-PV 2:41.56 2:33.23 33.88 1:12.79 (38.91) 1:53.27 (40.48) 2:33.23 (39.96) 11 Schlemmer, Natalie A 13 SNOW-PV NT 2:33.42 33.53 1:11.71 (38.18) 1:52.71 (41.00) 2:33.42 (40.71) 12 Suris, Emily 14 NCAP-PV NT 2:34.81 33.57 1:13.56 (39.99) 1:55.01 (41.45) 2:34.81 (39.80) 13 Alarcon, Isabel P 14 NCAP-PV 2:30.25 2:38.78 35.50 1:15.95 (40.45) 1:58.60 (42.65) 2:38.78 (40.18) 14 Hudson, Hannah G 13 NCAP-PV 3:16.28 2:40.80 33.40 1:14.58 (41.18) 1:57.20 (42.62) 2:40.80 (43.60) 15 DuBois, Madeline D 14 YORK-PV 2:28.68 2:41.64 33.19 1:13.57 (40.38) 1:57.18 (43.61) 2:41.64 (44.46) 16 Srun, Tidawee V 14 NCAP-PV 2:55.97 2:45.61 36.56 1:18.06 (41.50) 2:02.71 (44.65) 2:45.61 (42.90) 17 Long, Lauren E 14 BWST-PV 2:57.99 2:49.16 33.97 1:15.82 (41.85) 2:01.28 (45.46) 2:49.16 (47.88) 18 Smit, Rylie K 13 NCAP-PV 2:46.37 2:51.92 35.49 1:18.79 (43.30) 2:05.74 (46.95) 2:51.92 (46.18) Girls 13-14 200 Yard IM =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Luong, Jennifer T 14 NCAP-PV 2:09.38 2:13.58 28.81 1:02.22 (33.41) 1:42.47 (40.25) 2:13.58 (31.11) 2 Vanderloo, Lexie L 14 NCAP-PV 2:18.37 2:14.55 29.34 1:02.09 (32.75) 1:43.72 (41.63) 2:14.55 (30.83) 3 Warnagiris, Kimberly E 14 WST-VA 2:09.23 2:17.12 29.18 1:05.06 (35.88) 1:45.71 (40.65) 2:17.12 (31.41) 4 Balgley, Eleanor Y 14 NCAP-PV 2:18.83 2:17.65 28.92 1:04.48 (35.56) 1:46.74 (42.26) 2:17.65 (30.91) 5 Park, Jessica 13 NCAP-PV 2:18.71 2:18.30 29.84 1:07.22 (37.38) 1:47.44 (40.22) 2:18.30 (30.86) 6 Oakford, Kathryn E 14 UN-NC-PV 2:17.36 2:19.44 29.91 1:05.63 (35.72) 1:45.36 (39.73) 2:19.44 (34.08) 7 Van Ess, Isabella A 13 BWST-PV 2:22.35 2:20.77 31.12 1:07.08 (35.96) 1:48.22 (41.14) 2:20.77 (32.55) 8 Cunnane, MacKenzie I 13 NCAP-PV 2:20.60 2:21.27 28.52 1:04.39 (35.87) 1:47.36 (42.97) 2:21.27 (33.91) 9 Suris, Emily 14 NCAP-PV 2:24.15 2:21.45 31.08 1:07.43 (36.35) 1:49.49 (42.06) 2:21.45 (31.96) 10 Simbulan, Myra J 14 NCAP-PV 2:18.23 2:22.55 30.81 1:06.92 (36.11) 1:49.42 (42.50) 2:22.55 (33.13) 11 Allbright, Maddie M 13 NCAP-PV 2:25.28 2:22.56 31.07 1:08.49 (37.42) 1:49.60 (41.11) 2:22.56 (32.96) 12 Nichols, Jocelyn 14 SNOW-PV 2:24.84 2:23.67 31.91 1:07.11 (35.20) 1:49.23 (42.12) 2:23.67 (34.44) 13 Cazenas, Katie 13 RY-PV 2:31.19 2:24.80 32.22 1:08.78 (36.56) 1:54.08 (45.30) 2:24.80 (30.72) 14 Srun, Tidawee V 14 NCAP-PV 2:26.23 2:25.21 32.77 1:10.35 (37.58) 1:52.28 (41.93) 2:25.21 (32.93) 15 Hudson, Hannah G 13 NCAP-PV 2:24.92 2:25.63 31.26 1:07.28 (36.02) 1:52.30 (45.02) 2:25.63 (33.33) 16 Tsai, Katie E 14 NCAP-PV 2:22.23 2:25.80 30.23 1:08.64 (38.41) 1:51.57 (42.93) 2:25.80 (34.23) 17 DeLuca, Caroline R 14 YORK-PV 2:19.41 2:26.03 30.24 1:08.14 (37.90) 1:50.90 (42.76) 2:26.03 (35.13) 18 Alarcon, Isabel P 14 NCAP-PV 2:25.46 2:26.23 31.91 1:08.82 (36.91) 1:53.84 (45.02) 2:26.23 (32.39) 19 Anderson, Sarah M 13 NCAP-PV 2:30.11 2:26.24 31.93 1:09.04 (37.11) 1:51.07 (42.03) 2:26.24 (35.17) 20 Pyle, Ellee D 14 WST-VA 2:25.77 2:26.46 31.77 1:09.63 (37.86) 1:51.91 (42.28) 2:26.46 (34.55) 21 Long, Lauren E 14 BWST-PV 2:28.54 2:26.55 31.74 1:08.94 (37.20) 1:52.02 (43.08) 2:26.55 (34.53) 22 Jones, Rachel A 13 NCAP-PV 2:35.10 2:26.77 31.79 1:09.63 (37.84) 1:53.40 (43.77) 2:26.77 (33.37) 23 Chadwick, Ellen K 14 YORK-PV 2:26.31 2:26.80 31.17 1:07.53 (36.36) 1:52.94 (45.41) 2:26.80 (33.86) 24 Byrnes, Ava E 13 NCAP-PV 2:32.84 2:27.54 32.21 1:10.99 (38.78) 1:55.41 (44.42) 2:27.54 (32.13) 25 Rice, Erica A 14 YORK-PV 2:28.44 2:28.47 33.58 1:12.34 (38.76) 1:53.12 (40.78) 2:28.47 (35.35) 26 Connors, Kate M 13 NCAP-PV 2:27.36 2:29.22 31.34 1:07.18 (35.84) 1:55.04 (47.86) 2:29.22 (34.18) 27 Kim, Jasmin 13 UN-PV 2:22.00 2:29.99 30.57 1:10.20 (39.63) 1:54.07 (43.87) 2:29.99 (35.92) 28 Mcomber, Ella C 14 BWST-PV 2:28.51 2:30.01 34.14 1:10.93 (36.79) 1:55.20 (44.27) 2:30.01 (34.81) 29 Kiriakova, Mariya D 14 SNOW-PV NT 2:30.39 34.63 1:12.48 (37.85) 1:55.67 (43.19) 2:30.39 (34.72) 30 Sprincis, Kayla M 13 WST-VA 2:37.23 2:31.17 32.09 1:11.30 (39.21) 1:58.88 (47.58) 2:31.17 (32.29) 31 Calvert, Julia P 14 SNOW-PV 2:37.51 2:31.27 31.16 1:08.62 (37.46) 1:56.17 (47.55) 2:31.27 (35.10) 32 Leveto, Kennedy 13 SNOW-PV 2:36.75 2:31.39 31.94 1:11.45 (39.51) 1:57.10 (45.65) 2:31.39 (34.29) 33 Simko, Paige E 13 WST-VA 2:38.28 2:32.34 32.53 1:13.23 (40.70) 1:58.37 (45.14) 2:32.34 (33.97) 34 Porter, Claire Z 14 BWST-PV 2:33.60 2:32.76 31.97 1:11.84 (39.87) 1:57.93 (46.09) 2:32.76 (34.83) 35 Vargas, Maddie A 13 NCAP-PV 2:33.39 2:33.12 33.66 1:11.88 (38.22) 1:57.81 (45.93) 2:33.12 (35.31) 36 Nguyen, Evelyn Q 13 BWST-PV 2:41.88 2:33.73 33.58 1:11.88 (38.30) 1:57.27 (45.39) 2:33.73 (36.46) 37 Armel, Lindley M 14 WST-VA 2:42.46 2:34.71 33.43 1:59.67 ( ) 2:34.71 (35.04) 38 Logan, Jessica R 13 NCAP-PV 2:30.25 2:34.74 31.33 1:11.05 (39.72) 1:58.84 (47.79) 2:34.74 (35.90) 39 Vidal, Juliana N 14 NCAP-PV 2:43.41 2:36.23 33.43 1:12.42 (38.99) 1:59.31 (46.89) 2:36.23 (36.92) 40 Burns, Carly R 14 SNOW-PV 2:39.30 2:36.57 31.92 1:12.75 (40.83) 2:00.09 (47.34) 2:36.57 (36.48) 41 Holstein, Sarah M 14 SNOW-PV 2:36.44 2:37.75 34.63 1:13.04 (38.41) 2:02.35 (49.31) 2:37.75 (35.40) 42 Do, Denise T 14 SNOW-PV 2:39.23 2:37.77 37.47 1:20.38 (42.91) 2:02.38 (42.00) 2:37.77 (35.39) 43 Lovern, Lexi N 13 SNOW-PV 2:40.71 2:37.96 33.34 1:15.52 (42.18) 2:00.98 (45.46) 2:37.96 (36.98) 44 Olsen, Erica M 13 SNOW-PV 2:43.89 2:37.98 34.92 1:17.16 (42.24) 2:03.75 (46.59) 2:37.98 (34.23) 45 Soong, Sabine L 14 NCAP-PV 2:34.79 2:38.00 34.16 1:14.26 (40.10) 1:59.06 (44.80) 2:38.00 (38.94) 46 Winklosky, Nicole D 14 NCAP-PV 2:36.65 2:38.12 33.88 1:16.96 (43.08) 2:01.12 (44.16) 2:38.12 (37.00) 47 Huynh, Nina 13 UN-SN-PV 2:35.96 2:38.93 36.39 1:19.62 (43.23) 2:03.97 (44.35) 2:38.93 (34.96) 48 Blanton, Reilly A 14 YORK-PV 2:30.89 2:39.46 34.99 1:15.57 (40.58) 2:03.29 (47.72) 2:39.46 (36.17) 49 Vincent, Olivia R 13 NCAP-PV 2:32.70 2:39.89 34.32 1:15.09 (40.77) 2:03.40 (48.31) 2:39.89 (36.49) 50 Vannell, Emma G 13 BWST-PV 2:40.59 2:40.40 32.29 1:12.72 (40.43) 2:01.67 (48.95) 2:40.40 (38.73) 51 Sciortino, Samantha 13 RY-PV 2:38.30 2:40.72 33.58 1:13.94 (40.36) 2:03.98 (50.04) 2:40.72 (36.74) 52 Pastva, Katherine A 14 UN-FX-PV 2:52.70 2:41.22 34.67 1:16.45 (41.78) 2:03.94 (47.49) 2:41.22 (37.28) 53 Halstead, Sophia M 14 NCAP-PV 2:37.00 2:41.32 34.72 1:16.36 (41.64) 2:02.80 (46.44) 2:41.32 (38.52) 54 Burns, Alex M 14 UN-FX-PV 2:47.31 2:41.57 37.20 1:16.59 (39.39) 2:07.22 (50.63) 2:41.57 (34.35) 55 Daniel, Natalie M 13 SNOW-PV 2:37.09 2:42.26 34.10 1:14.54 (40.44) 2:05.17 (50.63) 2:42.26 (37.09) 56 Sapatka, Lea A 13 BWST-PV 3:05.76 2:43.07 34.28 1:16.14 (41.86) 2:03.39 (47.25) 2:43.07 (39.68) 57 Pillo, Tayler M 14 WST-VA 2:38.15 2:43.61 35.10 1:16.54 (41.44) 2:06.47 (49.93) 2:43.61 (37.14) 58 Merrifield, Rachel W 13 FXFX-PV 2:48.52 2:43.98 37.72 2:06.16 ( ) 2:43.98 (37.82) 59 Irgens, Hollin G 14 WST-VA 2:42.00 2:44.14 34.78 1:13.75 (38.97) 2:05.51 (51.76) 2:44.14 (38.63) 60 Webster, Olivia Y 13 WST-VA 2:50.51 2:44.69 36.96 1:17.47 (40.51) 2:07.84 (50.37) 2:44.69 (36.85) 61 Coil, Ainsley L 14 SNOW-PV 2:45.42 2:45.48 35.48 1:20.57 (45.09) 2:08.01 (47.44) 2:45.48 (37.47) 62 Regan, Fiona M 13 SNOW-PV 2:58.09 2:45.70 35.52 1:14.78 (39.26) 2:09.25 (54.47) 2:45.70 (36.45) 63 Garvin, Lauryn 14 RY-PV 2:57.50 2:47.36 35.73 1:17.72 (41.99) 2:09.35 (51.63) 2:47.36 (38.01) 64 Guo, Janice T 14 YORK-PV 2:43.55 2:48.87 38.95 1:19.96 (41.01) 2:07.49 (47.53) 2:48.87 (41.38) 65 Bryan, Abby C 13 YORK-PV 2:55.76 2:50.73 37.23 1:21.57 (44.34) 2:10.51 (48.94) 2:50.73 (40.22) 66 Batjargal, Naska 13 BWST-PV 2:45.78 2:50.91 38.38 1:18.82 (40.44) 2:15.56 (56.74) 2:50.91 (35.35) 67 Farrace, Nicole M 13 YORK-PV 2:56.38 2:53.37 36.85 1:19.81 (42.96) 2:12.96 (53.15) 2:53.37 (40.41) 68 Deering, Emma C 13 YORK-PV NT 2:53.87 35.36 1:16.30 (40.94) 2:15.83 (59.53) 2:53.87 (38.04) 69 Ngo, Daphne 13 RY-PV 2:49.46 2:54.36 35.58 1:20.80 (45.22) 2:13.83 (53.03) 2:54.36 (40.53) 70 Shastry, Arti 13 BWST-PV 2:58.76 2:54.40 37.81 1:18.30 (40.49) 2:13.93 (55.63) 2:54.40 (40.47) 71 Paliwal, Shreya S 13 BWST-PV 2:57.33 2:56.04 40.16 1:25.26 (45.10) 2:18.28 (53.02) 2:56.04 (37.76) 72 Larne, Ingrid 13 RY-PV 3:01.12 2:56.78 39.38 1:23.02 (43.64) 2:18.31 (55.29) 2:56.78 (38.47) 72 Lai-Harris, Koryn F 13 SNOW-PV 3:01.60 2:56.78 41.11 1:27.93 (46.82) 2:20.02 (52.09) 2:56.78 (36.76) 74 Ross, Brianna I 13 UN-NC-PV NT 2:57.77 39.08 1:23.10 (44.02) 2:17.01 (53.91) 2:57.77 (40.76) 75 Coudert, Mimi M 14 YORK-PV 3:04.55 3:07.24 43.47 1:33.34 (49.87) 2:25.81 (52.47) 3:07.24 (41.43) 76 Ingram, Vivian M 14 SNOW-PV 3:10.45 3:07.78 42.32 1:31.19 (48.87) 2:22.31 (51.12) 3:07.78 (45.47) 77 Bose, Shinjini 13 RY-PV 3:14.51 3:10.78 42.80 1:30.25 (47.45) 2:26.74 (56.49) 3:10.78 (44.04) 78 Flores, Catherine S 13 WST-VA 3:25.12 3:15.93 42.44 2:34.38 ( ) 3:15.93 (41.55) 79 Calles, Cata I 13 RY-PV 3:12.47 3:16.56 45.78 1:36.63 (50.85) 2:34.01 (57.38) 3:16.56 (42.55) 80 Bost, Katie E 14 BWST-PV NT 3:16.87 39.56 1:26.33 (46.77) 2:28.84 (1:02.51) 3:16.87 (48.03) 81 Garneau, Mariah G 13 WST-VA 3:29.60 3:17.05 46.43 1:33.99 (47.56) 2:35.21 (1:01.22) 3:17.05 (41.84) 82 Nalley, Sarah M 13 SNOW-PV NT 3:20.21 39.47 1:32.07 (52.60) 2:32.59 (1:00.52) 3:20.21 (47.62) 83 Woodmancy, Caroline E 14 BWST-PV 3:13.30 3:22.45 46.34 1:34.11 (47.77) 2:38.08 (1:03.97) 3:22.45 (44.37) 84 Bhakre, Ipsita A 13 SNOW-PV NT 3:56.01 55.12 3:02.27 ( ) 3:56.01 (53.74) -- Ours, Avery E 14 WST-VA 3:19.31 DQ Non-simultaneous touch - breast 38.61 1:28.82 (50.21) 2:22.42 (53.60) DQ (43.13) Girls 13-14 400 Yard IM =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Warnagiris, Kimberly E 14 WST-VA 4:39.67 4:45.69 29.67 1:04.19 (34.52) 1:42.96 (38.77) 2:21.00 (38.04) 3:01.98 (40.98) 3:42.30 (40.32) 4:14.27 (31.97) 4:45.69 (31.42) 2 Vanderloo, Lexie L 14 NCAP-PV 4:46.38 4:47.12 30.22 1:04.19 (33.97) 1:38.67 (34.48) 2:13.95 (35.28) 2:58.67 (44.72) 3:42.69 (44.02) 4:15.35 (32.66) 4:47.12 (31.77) 3 Luong, Jennifer T 14 NCAP-PV 4:37.55 4:50.11 30.07 1:04.26 (34.19) 1:40.80 (36.54) 2:17.04 (36.24) 3:00.41 (43.37) 3:44.61 (44.20) 4:17.90 (33.29) 4:50.11 (32.21) 4 Park, Jessica 13 NCAP-PV 4:54.54 4:50.98 31.86 1:07.04 (35.18) 1:45.93 (38.89) 2:23.81 (37.88) 3:04.55 (40.74) 3:45.45 (40.90) 4:18.57 (33.12) 4:50.98 (32.41) 5 Balgley, Eleanor Y 14 NCAP-PV 4:52.44 4:52.03 30.81 1:05.77 (34.96) 1:44.07 (38.30) 2:21.67 (37.60) 3:05.00 (43.33) 3:47.41 (42.41) 4:20.12 (32.71) 4:52.03 (31.91) 6 Bernal, Daphne 14 SNOW-PV NT 4:53.58 31.02 1:06.82 (35.80) 1:45.67 (38.85) 2:23.03 (37.36) 3:02.99 (39.96) 3:43.51 (40.52) 4:19.85 (36.34) 4:53.58 (33.73) 7 Kennedy, Molly A 14 NCAP-PV 4:50.03 4:54.28 30.45 1:06.00 (35.55) 1:43.57 (37.57) 2:20.78 (37.21) 3:05.56 (44.78) 3:49.79 (44.23) 4:22.49 (32.70) 4:54.28 (31.79) 8 Allbright, Maddie M 13 NCAP-PV 4:59.50 4:58.52 31.72 1:08.69 (36.97) 1:46.61 (37.92) 2:23.99 (37.38) 3:06.48 (42.49) 3:50.00 (43.52) 4:24.99 (34.99) 4:58.52 (33.53) 9 Suris, Emily 14 NCAP-PV 5:22.51 5:03.46 33.74 1:13.10 (39.36) 1:51.39 (38.29) 2:28.94 (37.55) 3:12.27 (43.33) 3:55.78 (43.51) 4:31.16 (35.38) 5:03.46 (32.30) 10 Simbulan, Myra J 14 NCAP-PV 5:10.74 5:06.48 32.63 1:11.26 (38.63) 1:50.45 (39.19) 2:29.83 (39.38) 3:13.15 (43.32) 3:57.43 (44.28) 4:32.07 (34.64) 5:06.48 (34.41) 11 Connors, Kate M 13 NCAP-PV 5:12.58 5:10.23 31.83 1:08.92 (37.09) 1:46.45 (37.53) 2:24.08 (37.63) 3:10.98 (46.90) 3:58.81 (47.83) 4:34.81 (36.00) 5:10.23 (35.42) 12 Alarcon, Isabel P 14 NCAP-PV 5:09.32 5:10.31 32.90 1:11.01 (38.11) 1:50.71 (39.70) 2:29.79 (39.08) 3:15.23 (45.44) 4:01.80 (46.57) 4:37.74 (35.94) 5:10.31 (32.57) 13 Hudson, Hannah G 13 NCAP-PV NT 5:11.20 31.93 1:10.83 (38.90) 1:50.40 (39.57) 2:29.70 (39.30) 3:16.07 (46.37) 4:02.39 (46.32) 4:37.05 (34.66) 5:11.20 (34.15) 14 Long, Lauren E 14 BWST-PV 5:21.47 5:14.27 31.22 1:13.49 (42.27) 1:53.31 (39.82) 2:32.52 (39.21) 3:16.60 (44.08) 4:01.82 (45.22) 4:38.62 (36.80) 5:14.27 (35.65) 15 Srun, Tidawee V 14 NCAP-PV 5:29.38 5:17.68 34.51 1:14.27 (39.76) 1:55.96 (41.69) 2:36.64 (40.68) 3:21.09 (44.45) 4:04.43 (43.34) 4:41.64 (37.21) 5:17.68 (36.04) 16 Byrnes, Ava E 13 NCAP-PV 5:17.81 5:21.75 34.43 1:15.28 (40.85) 1:56.43 (41.15) 2:37.43 (41.00) 3:24.83 (47.40) 4:11.75 (46.92) 4:47.18 (35.43) 5:21.75 (34.57) 17 Logan, Jessica R 13 NCAP-PV 5:47.93 5:31.02 33.78 1:12.95 (39.17) 1:55.05 (42.10) 2:37.40 (42.35) 3:27.45 (50.05) 4:17.10 (49.65) 4:55.46 (38.36) 5:31.02 (35.56) 18 Nguyen, Evelyn Q 13 BWST-PV NT 5:34.39 34.62 1:16.74 (42.12) 1:57.68 (40.94) 2:38.47 (40.79) 3:28.22 (49.75) 4:18.42 (50.20) 4:57.20 (38.78) 5:34.39 (37.19) 19 Winklosky, Nicole D 14 NCAP-PV 5:48.15 5:34.41 34.63 1:14.79 (40.16) 1:59.53 (44.74) 2:42.64 (43.11) 3:28.65 (46.01) 4:16.20 (47.55) 4:56.07 (39.87) 5:34.41 (38.34) 20 Blanton, Reilly A 14 YORK-PV 5:24.62 5:37.14 35.57 1:18.83 (43.26) 1:58.24 (39.41) 2:38.20 (39.96) 3:28.25 (50.05) 4:17.34 (49.09) 4:58.89 (41.55) 5:37.14 (38.25) 21 Vincent, Olivia R 13 NCAP-PV 5:39.62 5:40.99 34.51 1:15.78 (41.27) 1:58.37 (42.59) 2:41.64 (43.27) 3:30.41 (48.77) 4:22.33 (51.92) 5:01.87 (39.54) 5:40.99 (39.12) 22 Halstead, Sophia M 14 NCAP-PV 5:37.07 5:49.12 36.69 1:22.03 (45.34) 2:08.09 (46.06) 2:52.83 (44.74) 3:40.09 (47.26) 4:27.94 (47.85) 5:09.60 (41.66) 5:49.12 (39.52) -- McConagha, Mackenzie B 14 NCAP-PV 4:34.67 DQ Non-simultaneous touch - breast 27.56 59.96 (32.40) 1:34.21 (34.25) 2:07.87 (33.66) 2:46.71 (38.84) 3:26.78 (40.07) 3:59.61 (32.83) DQ (31.63) Girls 15 & Over 50 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Cundiff, Missy A 18 SNOW-PV 24.29 24.49 2 Kopac, Allison N 15 NCAP-PV 23.98 25.32 3 Rubino, Lauren E 16 NCAP-PV 25.19 25.37 4 Zhang, Gabrielle 17 NCAP-PV 25.13 25.50 5 Schlemmer, Rachel L 15 SNOW-PV 25.03 25.63 6 Frie, Rita C 17 SNOW-PV 24.27 25.82 7 Brooks, Emily M 17 YORK-PV 24.58 26.31 8 Bloedorn, Rachel T 17 FXFX-PV 25.69 26.47 9 MacMillan, Allie C 16 NCAP-PV 24.66 26.52 10 Smithers, Natalie R 15 NCAP-PV 25.64 26.60 11 Curtis, Brynn M 15 YORK-PV 25.15 26.75 12 Winklosky, Katherine E 15 NCAP-PV 25.83 26.80 13 Pliuskaitis, Sam M 15 SNOW-PV 26.34 27.09 14 Harper, Taylor B 17 BWST-PV 26.07 27.21 15 Greig, Morgan E 15 SNOW-PV 27.71 27.27 16 Burkley, Sally 16 SNOW-PV 26.34 27.32 17 Lane, Hannah Z 15 YORK-PV 27.03 27.44 18 Oliver, Maren E 17 SNOW-PV 26.93 27.49 19 Carter, Hannah M 17 SNOW-PV 25.36 27.56 20 Hanson, Sophia H 15 SNOW-PV 27.96 27.63 21 Dye, Stephanie M 16 NCAP-PV 26.69 27.77 22 Bernal, Ariel 15 SNOW-PV 27.73 27.93 23 Wardell, Mady L 15 SNOW-PV 26.54 27.96 24 Gore, Olivia J 16 YORK-PV 27.60 28.16 25 Lindorf, Talise N 16 YORK-PV 26.31 28.49 26 Stonerook, Lydia G 17 SNOW-PV 27.42 28.57 27 Taylor, Nadinka 15 RY-PV 27.94 28.65 28 Vannell, Lauren S 16 BWST-PV 27.85 28.69 29 Rentz, Kate E 17 YORK-PV 29.97 28.81 29 Kahng, Isabelle M 15 NCAP-PV 29.16 28.81 31 Miller, Stephanie A 16 WST-VA 28.87 29.09 32 Crouch, Alexa G 15 BWST-PV 27.82 29.30 33 Webb, Liz G 15 SNOW-PV 31.57 29.35 34 Lai-Harris, Kassy E 15 SNOW-PV 29.35 29.52 35 Cantilina, Anna G 17 YORK-PV 29.53 29.65 36 Katsaros, Lindsey R 17 YORK-PV 28.52 29.94 37 Walton, Grace 16 BWST-PV 30.82 30.17 38 Chenault, Valerie 16 BWST-PV 29.50 30.19 39 Rickman, Jade M 15 WST-VA 29.88 30.32 40 Potoker, Abby G 15 FXFX-PV 30.31 30.72 41 Hedden, Belinda M 15 FXFX-PV 31.36 30.85 42 Huynh, Nikki 15 UN-SN-PV 50.12 33.26 43 Alcazar, Aurora E 16 WST-VA 33.86 33.64 44 Skillin, Laura 15 RY-PV 31.41 33.69 45 Sagaow, Amanda N 15 FXFX-PV 35.02 34.01 Girls 15 & Over 100 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Harter, Abby E 15 NCAP-PV 51.16 53.33 25.72 53.33 (27.61) 2 Cundiff, Missy A 18 SNOW-PV 54.56 53.65 25.32 53.65 (28.33) 3 Frie, Rita C 17 SNOW-PV 51.70 54.36 26.58 54.36 (27.78) 4 Perezous, Janika 15 SNOW-PV 53.00 54.67 26.06 54.67 (28.61) 5 Rubino, Lauren E 16 NCAP-PV 54.86 55.37 26.41 55.37 (28.96) 6 Zhang, Gabrielle 17 NCAP-PV 53.10 55.58 26.97 55.58 (28.61) 7 Gupton, Madison A 16 NCAP-PV 54.79 55.69 26.69 55.69 (29.00) 7 Kopac, Allison N 15 NCAP-PV 51.15 55.69 26.82 55.69 (28.87) 9 Jacks, Chale' M 15 NCAP-PV 53.37 55.93 26.69 55.93 (29.24) 10 Schlemmer, Rachel L 15 SNOW-PV 54.38 56.41 27.21 56.41 (29.20) 11 Davis, Emerson L 16 SNOW-PV 54.95 57.02 27.21 57.02 (29.81) 12 Gerving, Shelby L 15 SNOW-PV 53.33 57.33 27.51 57.33 (29.82) 13 Brooks, Emily M 17 YORK-PV 53.97 57.48 27.63 57.48 (29.85) 14 Bowers, Lauren N 16 SNOW-PV 55.46 57.82 27.54 57.82 (30.28) 15 Haast, Mikaela A 15 NCAP-PV 59.35 57.94 27.67 57.94 (30.27) 16 Heath, Maggie L 15 NCAP-PV 57.02 58.07 28.14 58.07 (29.93) 17 Bogushefsky, Ashley L 15 NCAP-PV 1:00.17 58.11 27.00 58.11 (31.11) 18 Smithers, Natalie R 15 NCAP-PV 56.32 58.17 27.29 58.17 (30.88) 19 Winklosky, Katherine E 15 NCAP-PV 57.11 58.27 28.36 58.27 (29.91) 20 Bae, Ashley W 15 SNOW-PV 58.35 58.55 28.00 58.55 (30.55) 21 Lane, Hannah Z 15 YORK-PV 56.94 58.98 28.72 58.98 (30.26) 22 Geddes, Helen I 17 FXFX-PV 56.95 59.05 28.06 59.05 (30.99) 22 Stefanyshyn, Andrea M 15 NCAP-PV 55.67 59.05 28.25 59.05 (30.80) 24 Nguyen, Elise Q 16 UN-NC-PV 55.30 59.13 28.25 59.13 (30.88) 25 Holstein, Cassie M 17 NCAP-PV 56.33 59.18 28.65 59.18 (30.53) 26 Cargill, Ann Marie M 15 BWST-PV 58.46 59.30 28.76 59.30 (30.54) 27 Watts, Molly M 15 UN-NC-PV 56.28 59.39 28.22 59.39 (31.17) 28 Ross, McKenzie Q 15 NCAP-PV 55.98 59.50 28.27 59.50 (31.23) 29 Pliuskaitis, Sam M 15 SNOW-PV 57.09 59.56 28.14 59.56 (31.42) 30 Hanson, Sophia H 15 SNOW-PV 1:00.23 59.69 28.88 59.69 (30.81) 31 Burkley, Sally 16 SNOW-PV 57.68 1:00.43 29.13 1:00.43 (31.30) 32 Myers, Morgan A 15 BWST-PV 57.83 1:00.68 29.03 1:00.68 (31.65) 33 Wardell, Mady L 15 SNOW-PV 57.46 1:01.28 29.13 1:01.28 (32.15) 34 Miller, Stephanie A 16 WST-VA 1:01.42 1:01.66 29.61 1:01.66 (32.05) 35 Vannell, Lauren S 16 BWST-PV 1:00.52 1:02.89 30.24 1:02.89 (32.65) 36 Stonerook, Lydia G 17 SNOW-PV 1:00.42 1:02.96 30.32 1:02.96 (32.64) 37 Rentz, Kate E 17 YORK-PV 1:06.52 1:03.06 29.75 1:03.06 (33.31) 38 Webb, Liz G 15 SNOW-PV 1:07.80 1:04.68 31.28 1:04.68 (33.40) 39 Chenault, Valerie 16 BWST-PV 1:03.09 1:04.86 31.02 1:04.86 (33.84) 40 Kahng, Isabelle M 15 NCAP-PV 1:01.92 1:04.89 30.61 1:04.89 (34.28) 41 Lai-Harris, Kassy E 15 SNOW-PV 1:04.28 1:06.01 31.77 1:06.01 (34.24) 42 Myers, Kristen 16 BWST-PV 1:02.38 1:06.48 32.35 1:06.48 (34.13) 43 Hedden, Belinda M 15 FXFX-PV 1:10.55 1:06.70 32.45 1:06.70 (34.25) 44 Nguyen, Courtney 15 SNOW-PV 1:08.23 1:09.08 33.16 1:09.08 (35.92) 45 Sian, Katrina A 16 BWST-PV 1:11.60 1:14.52 34.96 1:14.52 (39.56) 46 Layne, Caroline J 15 BWST-PV 1:15.20 1:14.85 35.51 1:14.85 (39.34) 47 Alcazar, Aurora E 16 WST-VA 1:15.64 1:15.80 36.00 1:15.80 (39.80) Girls 15 & Over 200 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Harter, Abby E 15 NCAP-PV 1:50.34 1:54.75 26.60 55.68 (29.08) 1:24.99 (29.31) 1:54.75 (29.76) 2 Kopac, Allison N 15 NCAP-PV 1:50.14 1:56.92 27.10 56.81 (29.71) 1:27.19 (30.38) 1:56.92 (29.73) 3 Zhang, Gabrielle 17 NCAP-PV 1:53.42 1:57.76 27.03 56.24 (29.21) 1:26.80 (30.56) 1:57.76 (30.96) 4 Gupton, Madison A 16 NCAP-PV 1:57.05 1:58.49 26.50 55.64 (29.14) 1:26.36 (30.72) 1:58.49 (32.13) 5 Jacks, Chale' M 15 NCAP-PV 1:56.30 2:00.18 27.33 57.73 (30.40) 1:29.10 (31.37) 2:00.18 (31.08) 6 Matthias, Brooke D 17 NCAP-PV 1:53.77 2:00.34 27.51 57.59 (30.08) 1:28.96 (31.37) 2:00.34 (31.38) 7 Frie, Sarah E 15 SNOW-PV 1:58.07 2:00.66 27.94 58.51 (30.57) 1:30.14 (31.63) 2:00.66 (30.52) 8 Sauger, Nika M 16 YORK-PV 1:54.18 2:00.94 27.85 58.35 (30.50) 1:29.86 (31.51) 2:00.94 (31.08) 9 Rubino, Lauren E 16 NCAP-PV 1:58.68 2:01.20 27.58 57.78 (30.20) 1:29.39 (31.61) 2:01.20 (31.81) 10 Wenner, Jordan M 16 NCAP-PV 1:56.30 2:01.89 27.87 58.69 (30.82) 1:30.50 (31.81) 2:01.89 (31.39) 11 Gerving, Shelby L 15 SNOW-PV 1:53.25 2:03.32 27.87 58.73 (30.86) 1:30.85 (32.12) 2:03.32 (32.47) 12 Davis, Emerson L 16 SNOW-PV 1:59.49 2:03.68 28.66 59.80 (31.14) 1:31.85 (32.05) 2:03.68 (31.83) 13 Stefanyshyn, Andrea M 15 NCAP-PV 2:02.35 2:03.96 28.68 1:00.01 (31.33) 1:32.53 (32.52) 2:03.96 (31.43) 14 Holstein, Cassie M 17 NCAP-PV 2:00.29 2:04.68 28.84 1:00.42 (31.58) 1:32.81 (32.39) 2:04.68 (31.87) 15 Muras, Adeline M 15 NCAP-PV 2:00.12 2:05.24 28.54 59.79 (31.25) 1:32.37 (32.58) 2:05.24 (32.87) 16 MacMillan, Allie C 16 NCAP-PV 1:53.24 2:05.27 28.22 59.80 (31.58) 1:32.81 (33.01) 2:05.27 (32.46) 17 Korotovskikh, Dana 16 NCAP-PV 1:59.69 2:05.99 28.49 1:00.00 (31.51) 1:32.77 (32.77) 2:05.99 (33.22) 18 Lane, Hannah Z 15 YORK-PV 2:02.36 2:06.50 29.90 1:02.19 (32.29) 1:34.72 (32.53) 2:06.50 (31.78) 19 Bowers, Lauren N 16 SNOW-PV 2:04.64 2:06.97 30.54 1:03.15 (32.61) 1:36.42 (33.27) 2:06.97 (30.55) 19 Bloedorn, Rachel T 17 FXFX-PV 2:04.25 2:06.97 28.78 1:00.83 (32.05) 1:34.00 (33.17) 2:06.97 (32.97) 21 Nguyen, Elise Q 16 UN-NC-PV 2:05.02 2:07.28 29.21 1:01.79 (32.58) 1:34.99 (33.20) 2:07.28 (32.29) 22 Ross, McKenzie Q 15 NCAP-PV 1:59.81 2:07.44 28.54 1:00.59 (32.05) 1:34.09 (33.50) 2:07.44 (33.35) 23 Oliver, Maren E 17 SNOW-PV 1:59.99 2:07.61 29.75 1:01.58 (31.83) 1:34.77 (33.19) 2:07.61 (32.84) 24 Hanson, Sophia H 15 SNOW-PV 2:11.04 2:07.85 29.59 1:02.21 (32.62) 1:35.63 (33.42) 2:07.85 (32.22) 25 Myers, Morgan A 15 BWST-PV 2:08.31 2:07.86 29.53 1:01.92 (32.39) 1:35.17 (33.25) 2:07.86 (32.69) 26 Pliuskaitis, Sam M 15 SNOW-PV 2:02.51 2:08.36 29.59 1:02.12 (32.53) 1:35.33 (33.21) 2:08.36 (33.03) 27 McDuffie, Cara R 16 WST-VA 2:10.30 2:08.62 30.16 1:03.07 (32.91) 1:36.34 (33.27) 2:08.62 (32.28) 28 Bae, Ashley W 15 SNOW-PV 2:06.22 2:08.72 30.24 1:03.05 (32.81) 1:35.73 (32.68) 2:08.72 (32.99) 29 Harper, Taylor B 17 BWST-PV 2:04.15 2:08.86 29.63 1:02.49 (32.86) 1:35.79 (33.30) 2:08.86 (33.07) 30 Cai, Charlotte R 16 RY-PV 2:06.94 2:11.60 29.47 1:02.82 (33.35) 1:37.09 (34.27) 2:11.60 (34.51) 31 Dye, Stephanie M 16 NCAP-PV 2:03.13 2:12.36 29.30 1:02.57 (33.27) 1:37.36 (34.79) 2:12.36 (35.00) 32 Gore, Olivia J 16 YORK-PV 2:11.05 2:12.40 31.11 1:05.10 (33.99) 1:39.19 (34.09) 2:12.40 (33.21) 33 Stonerook, Lydia G 17 SNOW-PV 2:10.94 2:12.84 30.41 1:04.73 (34.32) 1:39.64 (34.91) 2:12.84 (33.20) 34 Holstein, Regan M 15 NCAP-PV 1:59.80 2:12.90 30.43 1:04.10 (33.67) 1:38.68 (34.58) 2:12.90 (34.22) 35 Wardell, Mady L 15 SNOW-PV 2:06.97 2:12.96 29.98 1:03.61 (33.63) 1:38.46 (34.85) 2:12.96 (34.50) 36 Greig, Morgan E 15 SNOW-PV 2:17.61 2:15.50 30.11 1:04.65 (34.54) 1:40.13 (35.48) 2:15.50 (35.37) 37 McCummings, Delaney S 15 UN-NC-PV 2:18.82 2:17.84 31.30 1:06.13 (34.83) 1:42.53 (36.40) 2:17.84 (35.31) 38 Champ, Melody D 17 SNOW-PV 2:15.47 2:17.99 31.76 1:06.75 (34.99) 1:43.09 (36.34) 2:17.99 (34.90) 39 Miller, Stephanie A 16 WST-VA 2:21.74 2:19.32 32.06 1:07.23 (35.17) 1:43.48 (36.25) 2:19.32 (35.84) 40 Lai-Harris, Kassy E 15 SNOW-PV 2:25.92 2:21.08 32.65 1:08.78 (36.13) 1:46.54 (37.76) 2:21.08 (34.54) 41 Rentz, Kate E 17 YORK-PV 2:25.87 2:21.37 32.05 1:07.77 (35.72) 1:44.50 (36.73) 2:21.37 (36.87) 42 Boyle, Josie M 15 SNOW-PV 2:14.90 2:22.29 33.22 1:09.05 (35.83) 1:45.91 (36.86) 2:22.29 (36.38) 43 Crouch, Alexa G 15 BWST-PV 2:12.64 2:22.90 32.19 1:08.54 (36.35) 1:46.70 (38.16) 2:22.90 (36.20) 44 Chenault, Valerie 16 BWST-PV 2:16.34 2:22.93 32.60 1:09.35 (36.75) 1:46.86 (37.51) 2:22.93 (36.07) 45 Katsaros, Lindsey R 17 YORK-PV 2:16.52 2:23.63 32.47 1:09.32 (36.85) 1:46.49 (37.17) 2:23.63 (37.14) 46 Lindorf, Talise N 16 YORK-PV 2:17.50 2:23.97 32.28 1:09.21 (36.93) 1:46.02 (36.81) 2:23.97 (37.95) 47 Kennedy, Anne 16 RY-PV 2:22.67 2:25.91 32.08 1:08.82 (36.74) 1:47.24 (38.42) 2:25.91 (38.67) 48 Williams, Caroline L 15 YORK-PV 2:19.19 2:28.38 32.73 1:10.42 (37.69) 1:49.58 (39.16) 2:28.38 (38.80) 49 Rickman, Jade M 15 WST-VA 2:32.86 2:29.36 35.09 1:12.85 (37.76) 1:51.51 (38.66) 2:29.36 (37.85) 50 Walton, Grace 16 BWST-PV 2:28.85 2:29.41 33.58 1:10.94 (37.36) 1:50.15 (39.21) 2:29.41 (39.26) 51 Teare, Katie M 15 FXFX-PV 2:23.16 2:30.43 33.48 1:11.21 (37.73) 1:51.01 (39.80) 2:30.43 (39.42) 52 Hedden, Belinda M 15 FXFX-PV 2:30.36 2:31.13 34.18 2:31.13 (1:56.95) 53 Skillin, Laura 15 RY-PV 2:42.41 2:41.99 35.50 1:16.51 (41.01) 1:59.47 (42.96) 2:41.99 (42.52) 54 Sawyer, Katie E 15 BWST-PV 2:54.53 2:42.98 35.45 1:17.20 (41.75) 2:02.48 (45.28) 2:42.98 (40.50) 55 Alcazar, Aurora E 16 WST-VA 2:43.70 2:46.38 37.92 1:21.14 (43.22) 2:04.22 (43.08) 2:46.38 (42.16) 56 Sagaow, Amanda N 15 FXFX-PV 2:50.49 2:58.28 38.24 1:23.83 (45.59) 2:12.21 (48.38) 2:58.28 (46.07) Girls 15 & Over 500 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Kopac, Allison N 15 NCAP-PV 4:55.71 5:10.75 28.47 59.34 (30.87) 1:30.79 (31.45) 2:02.63 (31.84) 2:34.26 (31.63) 3:05.84 (31.58) 3:37.81 (31.97) 4:09.76 (31.95) 4:41.44 (31.68) 5:10.75 (29.31) 2 Harter, Abby E 15 NCAP-PV 4:56.88 5:10.78 27.88 58.88 (31.00) 1:30.04 (31.16) 2:01.90 (31.86) 2:33.44 (31.54) 3:05.16 (31.72) 3:37.07 (31.91) 4:08.82 (31.75) 4:40.64 (31.82) 5:10.78 (30.14) 3 Perezous, Janika 15 SNOW-PV 5:05.61 5:18.62 28.55 59.89 (31.34) 1:31.74 (31.85) 2:03.46 (31.72) 2:35.19 (31.73) 3:07.71 (32.52) 3:40.41 (32.70) 4:12.97 (32.56) 4:46.26 (33.29) 5:18.62 (32.36) 4 Jacks, Chale' M 15 NCAP-PV 5:20.18 5:20.66 28.30 1:00.13 (31.83) 1:32.31 (32.18) 2:04.93 (32.62) 2:37.50 (32.57) 3:10.35 (32.85) 3:43.06 (32.71) 4:15.64 (32.58) 4:48.57 (32.93) 5:20.66 (32.09) 5 Frie, Sarah E 15 SNOW-PV 5:19.55 5:22.03 29.30 1:01.46 (32.16) 1:34.10 (32.64) 2:06.54 (32.44) 2:38.99 (32.45) 3:11.91 (32.92) 3:44.90 (32.99) 4:17.78 (32.88) 4:50.70 (32.92) 5:22.03 (31.33) 6 Rubino, Lauren E 16 NCAP-PV 5:22.63 5:22.31 27.84 58.78 (30.94) 1:30.74 (31.96) 2:03.46 (32.72) 2:36.49 (33.03) 3:09.34 (32.85) 3:42.59 (33.25) 4:16.03 (33.44) 4:49.65 (33.62) 5:22.31 (32.66) 7 Wenner, Jordan M 16 NCAP-PV 5:32.94 5:24.46 28.43 59.97 (31.54) 1:32.80 (32.83) 2:06.06 (33.26) 2:39.21 (33.15) 3:12.71 (33.50) 3:46.05 (33.34) 4:19.32 (33.27) 4:52.33 (33.01) 5:24.46 (32.13) 8 Heath, Maggie L 15 NCAP-PV 5:22.87 5:25.64 28.95 1:01.15 (32.20) 1:34.34 (33.19) 2:07.30 (32.96) 2:40.43 (33.13) 3:13.60 (33.17) 3:46.96 (33.36) 4:20.41 (33.45) 4:53.77 (33.36) 5:25.64 (31.87) 9 Davis, Emerson L 16 SNOW-PV 5:27.65 5:28.06 29.80 1:02.37 (32.57) 1:35.44 (33.07) 2:08.61 (33.17) 2:41.51 (32.90) 3:15.05 (33.54) 3:48.68 (33.63) 4:22.34 (33.66) 4:56.21 (33.87) 5:28.06 (31.85) 10 Korotovskikh, Dana 16 NCAP-PV 5:36.26 5:33.65 29.46 1:01.57 (32.11) 1:34.68 (33.11) 2:08.47 (33.79) 2:42.47 (34.00) 3:16.78 (34.31) 3:50.89 (34.11) 4:25.30 (34.41) 4:59.71 (34.41) 5:33.65 (33.94) 11 Muras, Adeline M 15 NCAP-PV 5:20.66 5:34.51 29.70 1:01.93 (32.23) 1:35.24 (33.31) 2:08.92 (33.68) 2:43.31 (34.39) 3:17.89 (34.58) 3:52.32 (34.43) 4:26.90 (34.58) 5:01.00 (34.10) 5:34.51 (33.51) 12 Winklosky, Katherine E 15 NCAP-PV 5:23.83 5:34.93 28.95 1:01.27 (32.32) 1:34.71 (33.44) 2:08.90 (34.19) 2:43.28 (34.38) 3:17.72 (34.44) 3:53.07 (35.35) 4:28.27 (35.20) 5:02.89 (34.62) 5:34.93 (32.04) 13 Holstein, Regan M 15 NCAP-PV 5:13.09 5:35.03 29.82 1:02.79 (32.97) 1:36.86 (34.07) 2:10.71 (33.85) 2:44.60 (33.89) 3:18.64 (34.04) 3:52.85 (34.21) 4:26.68 (33.83) 5:01.22 (34.54) 5:35.03 (33.81) 14 Stefanyshyn, Andrea M 15 NCAP-PV 5:26.30 5:35.15 30.00 1:03.07 (33.07) 1:37.09 (34.02) 2:11.50 (34.41) 2:46.95 (35.45) 3:21.45 (34.50) 3:56.31 (34.86) 4:30.51 (34.20) 5:03.21 (32.70) 5:35.15 (31.94) 15 Ross, McKenzie Q 15 NCAP-PV 5:16.02 5:37.06 29.65 1:02.80 (33.15) 1:36.62 (33.82) 2:10.46 (33.84) 2:44.41 (33.95) 3:18.69 (34.28) 3:53.24 (34.55) 4:28.22 (34.98) 5:03.25 (35.03) 5:37.06 (33.81) 16 Pliuskaitis, Sam M 15 SNOW-PV 5:54.72 5:37.32 30.17 1:02.80 (32.63) 1:36.68 (33.88) 2:11.00 (34.32) 2:45.10 (34.10) 3:19.36 (34.26) 3:53.66 (34.30) 4:28.35 (34.69) 5:03.41 (35.06) 5:37.32 (33.91) 17 Dayyani, Ainsley G 15 NCAP-PV 5:44.99 5:38.76 30.29 1:04.04 (33.75) 1:38.47 (34.43) 2:13.14 (34.67) 2:47.83 (34.69) 3:22.77 (34.94) 3:57.02 (34.25) 4:31.86 (34.84) 5:05.57 (33.71) 5:38.76 (33.19) 18 Holstein, Cassie M 17 NCAP-PV 5:15.46 5:39.11 29.93 1:02.73 (32.80) 1:37.03 (34.30) 2:11.66 (34.63) 2:46.56 (34.90) 3:21.32 (34.76) 3:56.03 (34.71) 4:30.81 (34.78) 5:05.46 (34.65) 5:39.11 (33.65) 19 Lane, Hannah Z 15 YORK-PV 5:35.44 5:39.18 30.69 1:04.03 (33.34) 1:38.08 (34.05) 2:12.39 (34.31) 2:46.76 (34.37) 3:21.43 (34.67) 3:56.13 (34.70) 4:30.81 (34.68) 5:05.30 (34.49) 5:39.18 (33.88) 20 Myers, Morgan A 15 BWST-PV 5:47.80 5:41.77 30.79 1:03.94 (33.15) 1:38.61 (34.67) 2:13.15 (34.54) 2:47.46 (34.31) 3:22.16 (34.70) 3:57.59 (35.43) 4:33.33 (35.74) 5:07.90 (34.57) 5:41.77 (33.87) 21 Cundiff, Missy A 18 SNOW-PV 5:25.50 5:43.77 29.12 1:02.29 (33.17) 1:36.82 (34.53) 2:11.72 (34.90) 2:47.42 (35.70) 3:23.36 (35.94) 3:58.41 (35.05) 4:34.18 (35.77) 5:09.59 (35.41) 5:43.77 (34.18) 22 Bowers, Lauren N 16 SNOW-PV 5:30.51 5:44.09 30.35 1:04.77 (34.42) 1:38.54 (33.77) 2:13.28 (34.74) 2:48.30 (35.02) 3:23.17 (34.87) 3:58.48 (35.31) 4:33.71 (35.23) 5:09.08 (35.37) 5:44.09 (35.01) 23 Bae, Ashley W 15 SNOW-PV 5:42.51 5:52.61 31.06 1:06.02 (34.96) 1:41.94 (35.92) 2:17.60 (35.66) 2:53.14 (35.54) 3:28.97 (35.83) 4:05.09 (36.12) 4:41.39 (36.30) 5:17.36 (35.97) 5:52.61 (35.25) 24 Harper, Taylor B 17 BWST-PV 5:35.17 5:53.63 31.02 1:07.15 (36.13) 1:43.42 (36.27) 2:20.32 (36.90) 2:56.56 (36.24) 3:32.45 (35.89) 4:08.25 (35.80) 4:44.15 (35.90) 5:18.98 (34.83) 5:53.63 (34.65) 25 Stonerook, Lydia G 17 SNOW-PV 5:50.89 5:55.87 31.63 1:07.51 (35.88) 1:44.31 (36.80) 2:21.18 (36.87) 2:57.62 (36.44) 3:34.01 (36.39) 4:10.37 (36.36) 4:46.60 (36.23) 5:21.86 (35.26) 5:55.87 (34.01) 26 Myers, Kristen 16 BWST-PV 6:08.95 6:06.83 33.25 1:09.91 (36.66) 1:47.29 (37.38) 2:24.56 (37.27) 3:01.49 (36.93) 3:38.84 (37.35) 4:16.35 (37.51) 4:53.68 (37.33) 5:30.53 (36.85) 6:06.83 (36.30) 27 Mitchell, Emma F 15 NCAP-PV 6:15.50 6:07.21 31.34 1:06.79 (35.45) 1:43.80 (37.01) 2:21.10 (37.30) 2:58.47 (37.37) 3:36.56 (38.09) 4:15.03 (38.47) 4:53.49 (38.46) 5:31.06 (37.57) 6:07.21 (36.15) 28 McCummings, Delaney S 15 UN-NC-PV 6:00.64 6:12.36 32.17 1:08.37 (36.20) 1:46.21 (37.84) 2:24.24 (38.03) 3:02.42 (38.18) 3:40.58 (38.16) 4:19.17 (38.59) 4:57.36 (38.19) 5:35.82 (38.46) 6:12.36 (36.54) 29 Miller, Stephanie A 16 WST-VA 6:15.04 6:16.42 33.58 1:10.34 (36.76) 1:48.83 (38.49) 2:26.84 (38.01) 3:05.61 (38.77) 3:43.79 (38.18) 4:22.57 (38.78) 5:01.21 (38.64) 5:40.21 (39.00) 6:16.42 (36.21) 30 Kahng, Isabelle M 15 NCAP-PV 6:43.69 6:21.16 32.54 1:09.13 (36.59) 1:47.23 (38.10) 2:26.42 (39.19) 3:05.68 (39.26) 3:44.64 (38.96) 4:23.65 (39.01) 5:03.51 (39.86) 5:43.25 (39.74) 6:21.16 (37.91) 31 Boyle, Josie M 15 SNOW-PV 5:57.17 6:23.96 33.71 1:11.42 (37.71) 1:50.81 (39.39) 2:30.27 (39.46) 3:09.22 (38.95) 3:48.92 (39.70) 4:28.53 (39.61) 5:08.04 (39.51) 5:46.99 (38.95) 6:23.96 (36.97) 32 Alcazar, Aurora E 16 WST-VA 8:13.27 7:00.60 38.59 1:21.11 (42.52) 2:04.97 (43.86) 2:47.85 (42.88) 3:31.57 (43.72) 4:15.50 (43.93) 4:58.21 (42.71) 5:40.37 (42.16) 6:21.42 (41.05) 7:00.60 (39.18) 33 Sawyer, Katie E 15 BWST-PV 7:22.37 7:13.95 36.77 1:18.78 (42.01) 2:03.30 (44.52) 2:47.16 (43.86) 3:32.94 (45.78) 4:18.78 (45.84) 5:04.27 (45.49) 5:47.66 (43.39) 6:32.84 (45.18) 7:13.95 (41.11) Girls 15 & Over 1000 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Kopac, Allison N 15 NCAP-PV 10:10.31 10:24.60 27.95 58.58 (30.63) 1:29.66 (31.08) 2:01.09 (31.43) 2:32.46 (31.37) 3:03.91 (31.45) 3:35.30 (31.39) 4:06.80 (31.50) 4:38.25 (31.45) 5:09.78 (31.53) 5:41.34 (31.56) 6:13.26 (31.92) 6:44.91 (31.65) 7:16.95 (32.04) 7:49.09 (32.14) 8:21.01 (31.92) 8:52.49 (31.48) 9:24.28 (31.79) 9:54.98 (30.70) 10:24.60 (29.62) 2 Schlemmer, Rachel L 15 SNOW-PV 10:08.32 10:28.00 28.08 58.36 (30.28) 1:29.38 (31.02) 2:00.74 (31.36) 2:32.15 (31.41) 3:03.63 (31.48) 3:35.28 (31.65) 4:07.10 (31.82) 4:38.94 (31.84) 5:10.70 (31.76) 5:42.76 (32.06) 6:14.85 (32.09) 6:47.08 (32.23) 7:19.36 (32.28) 7:51.57 (32.21) 8:23.48 (31.91) 8:54.98 (31.50) 9:26.43 (31.45) 9:57.20 (30.77) 10:28.00 (30.80) 3 Gupton, Madison A 16 NCAP-PV 10:47.97 10:47.51 27.98 59.03 (31.05) 1:30.80 (31.77) 2:03.13 (32.33) 2:36.01 (32.88) 3:09.25 (33.24) 3:41.99 (32.74) 4:14.98 (32.99) 4:48.15 (33.17) 5:21.19 (33.04) 5:54.40 (33.21) 6:27.00 (32.60) 7:00.31 (33.31) 7:33.19 (32.88) 8:06.51 (33.32) 8:38.85 (32.34) 9:11.68 (32.83) 9:44.00 (32.32) 10:15.84 (31.84) 10:47.51 (31.67) 4 Frie, Sarah E 15 SNOW-PV 11:00.73 10:58.45 29.00 1:01.39 (32.39) 1:33.98 (32.59) 2:06.92 (32.94) 2:39.98 (33.06) 3:13.07 (33.09) 3:46.23 (33.16) 4:19.46 (33.23) 4:52.97 (33.51) 5:26.30 (33.33) 6:00.03 (33.73) 6:33.39 (33.36) 7:07.10 (33.71) 7:40.72 (33.62) 8:14.03 (33.31) 8:47.59 (33.56) 9:20.84 (33.25) 9:54.21 (33.37) 10:27.17 (32.96) 10:58.45 (31.28) 5 Rubino, Lauren E 16 NCAP-PV 11:54.45 11:00.37 28.56 1:00.06 (31.50) 1:32.58 (32.52) 2:05.15 (32.57) 2:38.07 (32.92) 3:10.97 (32.90) 3:44.04 (33.07) 4:17.34 (33.30) 4:50.58 (33.24) 5:24.17 (33.59) 5:57.36 (33.19) 6:30.82 (33.46) 7:04.16 (33.34) 7:38.00 (33.84) 8:11.76 (33.76) 8:46.03 (34.27) 9:19.59 (33.56) 9:53.58 (33.99) 10:27.79 (34.21) 11:00.37 (32.58) 6 Gerving, Shelby L 15 SNOW-PV 10:47.67 11:08.10 28.37 59.62 (31.25) 1:32.19 (32.57) 2:04.66 (32.47) 2:37.60 (32.94) 3:10.90 (33.30) 3:44.58 (33.68) 4:18.50 (33.92) 4:52.65 (34.15) 5:26.71 (34.06) 6:00.91 (34.20) 6:35.09 (34.18) 7:09.41 (34.32) 7:43.94 (34.53) 8:18.30 (34.36) 8:52.52 (34.22) 9:26.93 (34.41) 10:01.16 (34.23) 10:35.17 (34.01) 11:08.10 (32.93) 7 Heath, Maggie L 15 NCAP-PV 11:04.97 11:08.68 29.55 1:01.86 (32.31) 1:34.95 (33.09) 2:08.21 (33.26) 2:41.95 (33.74) 3:15.50 (33.55) 3:49.51 (34.01) 4:23.34 (33.83) 4:57.38 (34.04) 5:31.37 (33.99) 6:05.32 (33.95) 6:39.36 (34.04) 7:13.28 (33.92) 7:47.18 (33.90) 8:21.21 (34.03) 8:55.17 (33.96) 9:29.02 (33.85) 10:02.57 (33.55) 10:36.16 (33.59) 11:08.68 (32.52) 8 Oliver, Maren E 17 SNOW-PV 11:28.01 11:10.50 30.74 1:03.95 (33.21) 1:37.21 (33.26) 2:10.81 (33.60) 2:44.22 (33.41) 3:17.66 (33.44) 3:51.34 (33.68) 4:25.21 (33.87) 4:59.15 (33.94) 5:33.20 (34.05) 6:07.21 (34.01) 6:41.35 (34.14) 7:15.12 (33.77) 7:49.20 (34.08) 8:23.23 (34.03) 8:57.47 (34.24) 9:31.75 (34.28) 10:05.45 (33.70) 10:38.94 (33.49) 11:10.50 (31.56) 9 Jordan, Emily M 15 NCAP-PV 12:07.73 11:15.48 29.62 1:02.66 (33.04) 1:35.91 (33.25) 2:08.68 (32.77) 2:42.21 (33.53) 3:15.92 (33.71) 3:50.12 (34.20) 4:24.25 (34.13) 4:58.63 (34.38) 5:32.85 (34.22) 6:06.99 (34.14) 6:41.69 (34.70) 7:16.13 (34.44) 7:50.75 (34.62) 8:25.19 (34.44) 8:59.27 (34.08) 9:33.65 (34.38) 10:08.33 (34.68) 10:42.48 (34.15) 11:15.48 (33.00) 10 Holstein, Cassie M 17 NCAP-PV 11:04.29 11:19.78 29.60 1:02.29 (32.69) 1:35.79 (33.50) 2:09.93 (34.14) 2:44.06 (34.13) 3:18.30 (34.24) 3:52.41 (34.11) 4:26.82 (34.41) 5:01.52 (34.70) 5:35.89 (34.37) 6:10.29 (34.40) 6:44.91 (34.62) 7:19.45 (34.54) 7:54.20 (34.75) 8:28.63 (34.43) 9:02.89 (34.26) 9:37.22 (34.33) 10:11.76 (34.54) 10:46.13 (34.37) 11:19.78 (33.65) 11 Holstein, Regan M 15 NCAP-PV 10:30.29 11:25.27 29.36 1:01.91 (32.55) 1:35.77 (33.86) 2:09.92 (34.15) 2:44.57 (34.65) 3:18.25 (33.68) 3:52.10 (33.85) 4:26.17 (34.07) 5:00.37 (34.20) 5:34.61 (34.24) 6:09.37 (34.76) 6:44.51 (35.14) 7:19.45 (34.94) 7:53.92 (34.47) 8:28.85 (34.93) 9:04.71 (35.86) 9:39.99 (35.28) 10:15.64 (35.65) 10:50.88 (35.24) 11:25.27 (34.39) 12 Winklosky, Katherine E 15 NCAP-PV 11:12.85 11:25.83 29.13 1:01.71 (32.58) 1:35.32 (33.61) 2:09.29 (33.97) 2:43.28 (33.99) 3:17.67 (34.39) 3:52.46 (34.79) 4:27.37 (34.91) 5:02.39 (35.02) 5:37.33 (34.94) 6:12.22 (34.89) 6:47.40 (35.18) 7:22.38 (34.98) 7:57.55 (35.17) 8:32.16 (34.61) 9:06.56 (34.40) 9:41.80 (35.24) 10:17.23 (35.43) 10:52.04 (34.81) 11:25.83 (33.79) 13 Pliuskaitis, Sam M 15 SNOW-PV 11:59.85 11:27.19 30.07 1:03.04 (32.97) 1:36.43 (33.39) 2:09.92 (33.49) 2:43.50 (33.58) 3:17.17 (33.67) 3:51.68 (34.51) 4:26.05 (34.37) 5:00.33 (34.28) 5:35.08 (34.75) 6:09.98 (34.90) 6:45.35 (35.37) 7:20.72 (35.37) 7:55.49 (34.77) 8:30.96 (35.47) 9:06.43 (35.47) 9:41.40 (34.97) 10:17.21 (35.81) 10:52.64 (35.43) 11:27.19 (34.55) 14 Frie, Rita C 17 SNOW-PV 10:47.64 11:27.20 29.34 1:01.85 (32.51) 1:34.89 (33.04) 2:08.61 (33.72) 2:42.84 (34.23) 3:17.08 (34.24) 3:51.88 (34.80) 4:26.52 (34.64) 5:01.60 (35.08) 5:36.36 (34.76) 6:11.52 (35.16) 6:46.61 (35.09) 7:22.06 (35.45) 7:57.10 (35.04) 8:32.66 (35.56) 9:07.85 (35.19) 9:43.45 (35.60) 10:18.45 (35.00) 10:53.25 (34.80) 11:27.20 (33.95) 15 Jacks, Chale' M 15 NCAP-PV 13:31.55 11:33.11 29.53 1:03.04 (33.51) 1:37.33 (34.29) 2:11.75 (34.42) 2:46.49 (34.74) 3:21.52 (35.03) 3:56.51 (34.99) 4:31.68 (35.17) 5:07.18 (35.50) 5:42.07 (34.89) 6:17.49 (35.42) 6:52.58 (35.09) 7:28.36 (35.78) 8:03.52 (35.16) 8:38.78 (35.26) 9:14.41 (35.63) 9:49.54 (35.13) 10:24.61 (35.07) 10:59.84 (35.23) 11:33.11 (33.27) 16 Watts, Molly M 15 UN-NC-PV 11:14.82 11:33.67 29.56 1:02.88 (33.32) 1:36.42 (33.54) 2:09.89 (33.47) 2:44.16 (34.27) 3:18.19 (34.03) 3:52.03 (33.84) 4:26.94 (34.91) 5:02.44 (35.50) 5:37.41 (34.97) 6:12.85 (35.44) 6:48.35 (35.50) 7:24.13 (35.78) 8:00.61 (36.48) 8:35.85 (35.24) 9:11.19 (35.34) 9:46.40 (35.21) 10:22.04 (35.64) 10:57.90 (35.86) 11:33.67 (35.77) 17 Van Winckel, Zoe Y 15 RY-PV 12:01.93 11:58.57 31.59 1:06.22 (34.63) 1:42.05 (35.83) 2:18.08 (36.03) 2:54.49 (36.41) 3:31.07 (36.58) 4:07.52 (36.45) 4:44.05 (36.53) 5:20.52 (36.47) 5:57.43 (36.91) 6:34.00 (36.57) 7:10.28 (36.28) 7:46.80 (36.52) 8:22.80 (36.00) 8:59.00 (36.20) 9:35.38 (36.38) 10:11.40 (36.02) 10:47.71 (36.31) 11:23.65 (35.94) 11:58.57 (34.92) 18 Geddes, Helen I 17 FXFX-PV 12:51.99 12:38.20 31.41 1:07.41 (36.00) 1:45.52 (38.11) 2:24.40 (38.88) 3:02.74 (38.34) 3:40.81 (38.07) 4:19.79 (38.98) 4:58.58 (38.79) 5:37.71 (39.13) 6:16.32 (38.61) 6:55.49 (39.17) 7:34.28 (38.79) 8:13.36 (39.08) 8:52.49 (39.13) 9:30.72 (38.23) 10:08.92 (38.20) 10:46.65 (37.73) 11:24.21 (37.56) 12:01.54 (37.33) 12:38.20 (36.66) Girls 15 & Over 100 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Perezous, Janika 15 SNOW-PV 56.58 58.46 28.27 58.46 (30.19) 2 Matthias, Brooke D 17 NCAP-PV 56.12 58.87 28.42 58.87 (30.45) 3 Harter, Abby E 15 NCAP-PV 57.23 1:00.19 28.69 1:00.19 (31.50) 4 Cundiff, Missy A 18 SNOW-PV 1:03.50 1:00.85 29.23 1:00.85 (31.62) 5 Korotovskikh, Dana 16 NCAP-PV 57.22 1:02.11 30.22 1:02.11 (31.89) 6 Sauger, Nika M 16 YORK-PV 59.07 1:02.68 30.58 1:02.68 (32.10) 6 Haast, Mikaela A 15 NCAP-PV 1:02.69 1:02.68 30.39 1:02.68 (32.29) 8 Davis, Emerson L 16 SNOW-PV 1:01.48 1:03.06 30.64 1:03.06 (32.42) 9 Bogushefsky, Ashley L 15 NCAP-PV 1:02.76 1:03.58 30.52 1:03.58 (33.06) 10 Frie, Sarah E 15 SNOW-PV 1:05.49 1:03.82 31.62 1:03.82 (32.20) 11 Smithers, Natalie R 15 NCAP-PV 1:02.55 1:03.91 30.84 1:03.91 (33.07) 12 Brooks, Emily M 17 YORK-PV 59.79 1:04.16 30.66 1:04.16 (33.50) 13 Nguyen, Elise Q 16 UN-NC-PV 1:00.68 1:04.66 31.67 1:04.66 (32.99) 14 Curtis, Brynn M 15 YORK-PV 1:00.80 1:04.70 31.56 1:04.70 (33.14) 15 Carter, Hannah M 17 SNOW-PV 1:01.83 1:04.84 31.50 1:04.84 (33.34) 16 Watts, Molly M 15 UN-NC-PV 1:00.66 1:04.86 31.71 1:04.86 (33.15) 17 Holstein, Regan M 15 NCAP-PV 58.29 1:05.27 31.65 1:05.27 (33.62) 18 Stefanyshyn, Andrea M 15 NCAP-PV 1:04.78 1:05.32 31.68 1:05.32 (33.64) 19 Cai, Charlotte R 16 RY-PV 59.99 1:05.51 31.32 1:05.51 (34.19) 20 Bowers, Lauren N 16 SNOW-PV 1:03.45 1:05.55 31.99 1:05.55 (33.56) 21 Heath, Maggie L 15 NCAP-PV 1:02.33 1:05.65 32.17 1:05.65 (33.48) 22 Jacks, Chale' M 15 NCAP-PV 1:05.45 1:06.50 32.09 1:06.50 (34.41) 23 Gore, Olivia J 16 YORK-PV 1:03.33 1:07.29 32.53 1:07.29 (34.76) 24 Weiser, Brooke J 15 YORK-PV 1:08.89 1:07.91 32.43 1:07.91 (35.48) 25 Jordan, Emily M 15 NCAP-PV 1:07.93 1:07.96 33.11 1:07.96 (34.85) 26 Bernal, Ariel 15 SNOW-PV 1:07.05 1:07.99 33.67 1:07.99 (34.32) 27 Burkley, Sally 16 SNOW-PV 1:05.70 1:08.73 32.87 1:08.73 (35.86) 28 McDuffie, Cara R 16 WST-VA 1:08.94 1:09.51 33.95 1:09.51 (35.56) 29 Dayyani, Ainsley G 15 NCAP-PV 1:07.54 1:10.13 33.96 1:10.13 (36.17) 30 Taylor, Nadinka 15 RY-PV 1:12.86 1:10.20 34.60 1:10.20 (35.60) 31 McCummings, Delaney S 15 UN-NC-PV 1:10.31 1:10.49 34.42 1:10.49 (36.07) 32 Champ, Melody D 17 SNOW-PV 1:09.15 1:10.52 34.17 1:10.52 (36.35) 33 Chenault, Valerie 16 BWST-PV 1:10.85 1:11.01 34.17 1:11.01 (36.84) 34 Myers, Kristen 16 BWST-PV 1:13.59 1:12.58 36.11 1:12.58 (36.47) 35 Kahng, Isabelle M 15 NCAP-PV 1:12.52 1:12.62 35.52 1:12.62 (37.10) 36 Crouch, Alexa G 15 BWST-PV 1:36.44 1:12.93 36.04 1:12.93 (36.89) 37 Lindorf, Talise N 16 YORK-PV 1:11.11 1:13.19 35.56 1:13.19 (37.63) 38 Cantilina, Anna G 17 YORK-PV 1:10.90 1:13.37 35.20 1:13.37 (38.17) 39 Williams, Caroline L 15 YORK-PV 1:11.55 1:13.65 35.13 1:13.65 (38.52) 40 Lai-Harris, Kassy E 15 SNOW-PV 1:17.73 1:15.39 37.35 1:15.39 (38.04) 41 Walton, Grace 16 BWST-PV 1:15.56 1:15.68 37.07 1:15.68 (38.61) 42 Potoker, Abby G 15 FXFX-PV 1:14.09 1:16.22 37.31 1:16.22 (38.91) 43 Webb, Liz G 15 SNOW-PV 1:24.65 1:16.30 44 Boyle, Josie M 15 SNOW-PV 1:12.66 1:17.52 37.48 1:17.52 (40.04) 45 Huynh, Nikki 15 UN-SN-PV 2:05.23 1:19.37 38.21 1:19.37 (41.16) 46 Sawyer, Katie E 15 BWST-PV 1:21.21 1:19.93 39.11 1:19.93 (40.82) 47 Teare, Katie M 15 FXFX-PV 1:20.93 1:22.77 41.56 1:22.77 (41.21) 48 Sian, Katrina A 16 BWST-PV 1:24.69 1:23.50 40.45 1:23.50 (43.05) 49 Alcazar, Aurora E 16 WST-VA 1:24.32 1:24.57 40.27 1:24.57 (44.30) 50 Rickman, Jade M 15 WST-VA 1:27.21 1:28.02 42.64 1:28.02 (45.38) -- Vannell, Lauren S 16 BWST-PV 1:12.14 DQ Delay initiating turn 35.81 DQ (37.44) Girls 15 & Over 200 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Perezous, Janika 15 SNOW-PV 2:01.28 2:07.26 29.49 1:01.38 (31.89) 1:34.48 (33.10) 2:07.26 (32.78) 2 Harter, Abby E 15 NCAP-PV 2:03.56 2:10.89 29.99 1:02.71 (32.72) 1:36.55 (33.84) 2:10.89 (34.34) 3 Zhang, Gabrielle 17 NCAP-PV 2:04.25 2:13.48 31.32 1:04.60 (33.28) 1:38.89 (34.29) 2:13.48 (34.59) 4 Sauger, Nika M 16 YORK-PV 2:05.40 2:14.00 31.78 1:05.68 (33.90) 1:39.99 (34.31) 2:14.00 (34.01) 5 Dye, Stephanie M 16 NCAP-PV 2:11.72 2:14.03 32.34 1:05.77 (33.43) 1:39.75 (33.98) 2:14.03 (34.28) 6 Curtis, Brynn M 15 YORK-PV 2:18.79 2:15.23 31.96 1:05.50 (33.54) 1:40.29 (34.79) 2:15.23 (34.94) 7 Bowers, Lauren N 16 SNOW-PV 2:14.43 2:18.94 32.20 1:06.88 (34.68) 1:42.96 (36.08) 2:18.94 (35.98) 8 Davis, Emerson L 16 SNOW-PV 2:21.48 2:19.53 32.01 1:07.17 (35.16) 1:43.90 (36.73) 2:19.53 (35.63) 9 Myers, Morgan A 15 BWST-PV 2:20.85 2:22.65 33.92 1:10.23 (36.31) 1:46.84 (36.61) 2:22.65 (35.81) 10 Cargill, Ann Marie M 15 BWST-PV 2:25.58 2:24.68 35.04 1:11.65 (36.61) 1:48.90 (37.25) 2:24.68 (35.78) 11 Harper, Taylor B 17 BWST-PV 2:19.73 2:25.54 34.17 1:10.67 (36.50) 1:48.16 (37.49) 2:25.54 (37.38) 12 Bernal, Ariel 15 SNOW-PV 2:23.76 2:26.28 35.40 1:12.03 (36.63) 1:49.66 (37.63) 2:26.28 (36.62) 13 Cai, Charlotte R 16 RY-PV 2:16.22 2:27.36 34.50 1:11.60 (37.10) 1:49.08 (37.48) 2:27.36 (38.28) 14 Burkley, Sally 16 SNOW-PV 2:23.16 2:28.72 34.61 1:12.63 (38.02) 1:50.65 (38.02) 2:28.72 (38.07) 15 Myers, Kristen 16 BWST-PV 2:35.74 2:30.05 36.31 1:13.98 (37.67) 1:52.12 (38.14) 2:30.05 (37.93) 16 Champ, Melody D 17 SNOW-PV 2:29.45 2:30.61 34.82 1:12.52 (37.70) 1:52.21 (39.69) 2:30.61 (38.40) 17 Wardell, Mady L 15 SNOW-PV 2:25.33 2:30.83 33.73 1:11.15 (37.42) 1:51.08 (39.93) 2:30.83 (39.75) 18 Greig, Morgan E 15 SNOW-PV 2:31.88 2:33.20 34.21 1:12.95 (38.74) 1:53.46 (40.51) 2:33.20 (39.74) 19 Chenault, Valerie 16 BWST-PV 2:32.18 2:36.03 36.91 1:16.97 (40.06) 1:57.44 (40.47) 2:36.03 (38.59) 20 Lai-Harris, Kassy E 15 SNOW-PV 2:39.14 2:38.97 37.13 1:17.10 (39.97) 1:58.44 (41.34) 2:38.97 (40.53) 21 Crouch, Alexa G 15 BWST-PV NT 2:41.63 2:41.63 2:41.63 ( ) 22 Teare, Katie M 15 FXFX-PV 2:54.33 2:55.51 41.69 1:25.67 (43.98) 2:10.63 (44.96) 2:55.51 (44.88) -- Tran, Quynh-Thi H 15 SNOW-PV NT DQ Delay initiating turn -- Haast, Mikaela A 15 NCAP-PV 2:15.41 DQ Delay initiating turn 31.72 1:05.97 (34.25) 1:41.68 (35.71) DQ (35.12) -- Sawyer, Katie E 15 BWST-PV 3:06.77 DQ Delay initiating turn 37.70 1:21.56 (43.86) 2:08.67 (47.11) DQ (45.58) -- Vannell, Lauren S 16 BWST-PV 2:34.80 DQ Delay initiating turn 35.87 1:13.46 (37.59) 1:52.84 (39.38) DQ (39.26) Girls 15 & Over 100 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Gerving, Shelby L 15 SNOW-PV 1:03.98 1:08.70 32.35 1:08.70 (36.35) 2 Schlemmer, Rachel L 15 SNOW-PV 1:11.09 1:08.90 32.33 1:08.90 (36.57) 3 Oliver, Maren E 17 SNOW-PV 1:08.89 1:10.77 33.60 1:10.77 (37.17) 4 Jordan, Emily M 15 NCAP-PV 1:10.40 1:10.81 33.65 1:10.81 (37.16) 5 Burkley, Sally 16 SNOW-PV 1:08.93 1:11.35 33.57 1:11.35 (37.78) 6 Hanson, Sophia H 15 SNOW-PV 1:09.65 1:11.68 33.56 1:11.68 (38.12) 7 Frie, Sarah E 15 SNOW-PV 1:13.25 1:13.33 34.81 1:13.33 (38.52) 8 Frie, Rita C 17 SNOW-PV 1:15.35 1:14.27 35.36 1:14.27 (38.91) 9 Haast, Mikaela A 15 NCAP-PV 1:14.22 1:14.57 34.56 1:14.57 (40.01) 10 Nguyen, Elise Q 16 UN-NC-PV 1:09.01 1:14.63 35.77 1:14.63 (38.86) 11 Smithers, Natalie R 15 NCAP-PV 1:19.70 1:15.54 35.51 1:15.54 (40.03) 12 Graham, Kayla P 16 UN-NC-PV 1:19.30 1:16.23 36.37 1:16.23 (39.86) 13 Zhang, Gabrielle 17 NCAP-PV 1:12.17 1:16.41 35.72 1:16.41 (40.69) 14 Vannell, Lauren S 16 BWST-PV 1:15.29 1:16.51 36.15 1:16.51 (40.36) 15 Kahng, Isabelle M 15 NCAP-PV 1:14.84 1:17.03 35.66 1:17.03 (41.37) 16 Rentz, Kate E 17 YORK-PV 1:18.95 1:17.26 36.12 1:17.26 (41.14) 17 Bae, Ashley W 15 SNOW-PV 1:14.87 1:18.50 37.43 1:18.50 (41.07) 18 Geddes, Helen I 17 FXFX-PV 1:16.71 1:18.76 36.74 1:18.76 (42.02) 19 Carter, Hannah M 17 SNOW-PV 1:18.95 1:18.79 37.44 1:18.79 (41.35) 20 Cargill, Ann Marie M 15 BWST-PV 1:21.49 1:20.35 38.77 1:20.35 (41.58) 21 Nguyen, Courtney 15 SNOW-PV 1:23.61 1:21.59 38.44 1:21.59 (43.15) 22 Bogushefsky, Ashley L 15 NCAP-PV 1:22.77 1:24.50 39.12 1:24.50 (45.38) 23 Lai-Harris, Kassy E 15 SNOW-PV 1:21.76 1:24.58 39.34 1:24.58 (45.24) 24 Boyle, Josie M 15 SNOW-PV 1:20.62 1:24.63 39.97 1:24.63 (44.66) 25 Gore, Olivia J 16 YORK-PV 1:23.83 1:24.98 40.09 1:24.98 (44.89) 26 Layne, Caroline J 15 BWST-PV 1:26.74 1:27.16 40.61 1:27.16 (46.55) 27 Sian, Katrina A 16 BWST-PV 1:25.83 1:27.44 40.53 1:27.44 (46.91) 28 Hedden, Belinda M 15 FXFX-PV 1:32.08 1:29.28 40.92 1:29.28 (48.36) 29 Dayyani, Ainsley G 15 NCAP-PV 1:27.62 1:30.79 42.40 1:30.79 (48.39) 30 Chenault, Valerie 16 BWST-PV 1:29.73 1:32.28 43.03 1:32.28 (49.25) 31 Huynh, Nikki 15 UN-SN-PV 1:56.91 1:33.50 44.04 1:33.50 (49.46) 32 Sawyer, Katie E 15 BWST-PV 1:43.63 1:40.10 46.58 1:40.10 (53.52) Girls 15 & Over 200 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Gerving, Shelby L 15 SNOW-PV 2:18.29 2:28.94 34.27 1:11.80 (37.53) 1:50.05 (38.25) 2:28.94 (38.89) 2 Curtis, Brynn M 15 YORK-PV 2:17.69 2:29.27 34.07 1:11.46 (37.39) 1:50.12 (38.66) 2:29.27 (39.15) 3 Jordan, Emily M 15 NCAP-PV 2:33.14 2:32.64 34.07 1:12.74 (38.67) 1:52.20 (39.46) 2:32.64 (40.44) 4 Oliver, Maren E 17 SNOW-PV 2:29.44 2:35.85 35.08 1:14.28 (39.20) 1:54.86 (40.58) 2:35.85 (40.99) 5 Hanson, Sophia H 15 SNOW-PV 2:32.41 2:36.20 34.89 1:14.62 (39.73) 1:55.45 (40.83) 2:36.20 (40.75) 6 Nguyen, Elise Q 16 UN-NC-PV 2:40.06 2:37.27 35.62 1:16.41 (40.79) 1:56.86 (40.45) 2:37.27 (40.41) 7 Frie, Sarah E 15 SNOW-PV 2:38.04 2:37.66 35.63 1:15.96 (40.33) 1:57.58 (41.62) 2:37.66 (40.08) 8 Heath, Maggie L 15 NCAP-PV 2:47.62 2:40.11 36.31 1:17.16 (40.85) 1:59.28 (42.12) 2:40.11 (40.83) 9 MacMillan, Allie C 16 NCAP-PV 2:28.76 2:43.40 36.63 1:18.12 (41.49) 2:00.62 (42.50) 2:43.40 (42.78) 10 Korotovskikh, Dana 16 NCAP-PV 2:44.77 2:43.83 36.46 1:17.86 (41.40) 2:00.45 (42.59) 2:43.83 (43.38) 11 Carter, Hannah M 17 SNOW-PV 2:40.08 2:44.33 37.74 1:19.41 (41.67) 2:01.62 (42.21) 2:44.33 (42.71) 12 Bae, Ashley W 15 SNOW-PV 2:41.10 2:44.67 37.58 1:19.18 (41.60) 2:01.65 (42.47) 2:44.67 (43.02) 13 Dye, Stephanie M 16 NCAP-PV 2:36.17 2:45.62 37.68 1:19.16 (41.48) 2:01.79 (42.63) 2:45.62 (43.83) 14 Myers, Morgan A 15 BWST-PV 2:49.16 2:46.52 37.68 1:20.36 (42.68) 2:03.86 (43.50) 2:46.52 (42.66) 15 Greig, Morgan E 15 SNOW-PV 2:44.95 2:50.02 37.12 1:20.43 (43.31) 2:05.12 (44.69) 2:50.02 (44.90) 16 Muras, Adeline M 15 NCAP-PV 3:31.72 2:50.58 39.05 1:22.76 (43.71) 2:07.05 (44.29) 2:50.58 (43.53) 17 Vannell, Lauren S 16 BWST-PV 2:44.42 2:50.86 37.69 1:21.27 (43.58) 2:05.21 (43.94) 2:50.86 (45.65) 18 Bloedorn, Rachel T 17 FXFX-PV 2:47.06 2:51.32 37.67 1:20.91 (43.24) 2:05.70 (44.79) 2:51.32 (45.62) 19 Rentz, Kate E 17 YORK-PV 2:58.16 2:51.47 37.58 1:20.09 (42.51) 2:04.84 (44.75) 2:51.47 (46.63) 20 Myers, Kristen 16 BWST-PV 2:58.01 2:53.77 38.81 1:22.43 (43.62) 2:08.34 (45.91) 2:53.77 (45.43) 21 Kennedy, Anne 16 RY-PV 2:51.42 2:55.04 38.66 1:24.18 (45.52) 2:08.62 (44.44) 2:55.04 (46.42) 22 Bowers, Lauren N 16 SNOW-PV 2:51.03 2:55.85 38.99 1:23.31 (44.32) 2:09.81 (46.50) 2:55.85 (46.04) 23 Bogushefsky, Ashley L 15 NCAP-PV 2:59.76 2:59.20 39.88 1:26.34 (46.46) 2:12.14 (45.80) 2:59.20 (47.06) 24 Boyle, Josie M 15 SNOW-PV 2:51.78 3:01.75 40.60 1:26.41 (45.81) 2:13.96 (47.55) 3:01.75 (47.79) 25 Skillin, Laura 15 RY-PV 3:08.74 3:04.45 41.07 1:27.68 (46.61) 2:15.95 (48.27) 3:04.45 (48.50) 26 Dayyani, Ainsley G 15 NCAP-PV 3:11.13 3:09.31 41.59 1:30.14 (48.55) 2:19.28 (49.14) 3:09.31 (50.03) 27 Hedden, Belinda M 15 FXFX-PV NT 3:13.13 43.71 1:33.79 (50.08) 2:24.64 (50.85) 3:13.13 (48.49) 28 Sian, Katrina A 16 BWST-PV 3:18.96 3:16.58 42.48 1:31.96 (49.48) 2:23.51 (51.55) 3:16.58 (53.07) 29 Huynh, Nikki 15 UN-SN-PV NT 3:21.14 43.99 1:34.84 (50.85) 2:28.10 (53.26) 3:21.14 (53.04) 30 Tran, Quynh-Thi H 15 SNOW-PV NT 3:24.92 43.07 1:34.82 (51.75) 2:30.84 (56.02) 3:24.92 (54.08) 31 Sagaow, Amanda N 15 FXFX-PV 3:25.13 3:29.08 46.48 1:39.57 (53.09) 2:33.93 (54.36) 3:29.08 (55.15) 32 Sawyer, Katie E 15 BWST-PV 3:40.19 3:37.50 48.21 1:43.13 (54.92) 2:40.50 (57.37) 3:37.50 (57.00) Girls 15 & Over 100 Yard Butterfly =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Harter, Abby E 15 NCAP-PV 53.72 56.67 26.69 56.67 (29.98) 2 Matthias, Brooke D 17 NCAP-PV 54.50 57.42 27.26 57.42 (30.16) 3 Zhang, Gabrielle 17 NCAP-PV 55.96 58.27 27.62 58.27 (30.65) 4 Davis, Emerson L 16 SNOW-PV 57.73 59.01 28.17 59.01 (30.84) 5 Kopac, Allison N 15 NCAP-PV 55.92 59.67 28.00 59.67 (31.67) 6 Gupton, Madison A 16 NCAP-PV 59.67 59.93 27.99 59.93 (31.94) 7 Jacks, Chale' M 15 NCAP-PV 57.63 1:00.09 28.05 1:00.09 (32.04) 8 Schlemmer, Rachel L 15 SNOW-PV 55.74 1:00.20 27.85 1:00.20 (32.35) 9 Cundiff, Missy A 18 SNOW-PV 1:01.30 1:00.91 27.94 1:00.91 (32.97) 10 Perezous, Janika 15 SNOW-PV 59.39 1:01.42 28.54 1:01.42 (32.88) 11 Haast, Mikaela A 15 NCAP-PV 1:00.16 1:01.77 28.46 1:01.77 (33.31) 12 Winklosky, Katherine E 15 NCAP-PV 59.39 1:02.42 29.28 1:02.42 (33.14) 13 Frie, Rita C 17 SNOW-PV 1:00.38 1:02.69 29.55 1:02.69 (33.14) 14 Gerving, Shelby L 15 SNOW-PV 59.80 1:03.88 29.82 1:03.88 (34.06) 15 Stefanyshyn, Andrea M 15 NCAP-PV 1:03.09 1:03.91 29.81 1:03.91 (34.10) 15 Sauger, Nika M 16 YORK-PV 1:01.44 1:03.91 29.82 1:03.91 (34.09) 17 Harper, Taylor B 17 BWST-PV 1:00.93 1:04.24 30.12 1:04.24 (34.12) 18 Heath, Maggie L 15 NCAP-PV 1:05.11 1:04.52 29.86 1:04.52 (34.66) 19 Burkley, Sally 16 SNOW-PV 1:03.93 1:05.07 29.80 1:05.07 (35.27) 20 Jordan, Emily M 15 NCAP-PV 1:04.11 1:05.17 30.42 1:05.17 (34.75) 21 Bogushefsky, Ashley L 15 NCAP-PV 1:07.78 1:05.36 28.97 1:05.36 (36.39) 22 Myers, Morgan A 15 BWST-PV 1:01.15 1:05.44 30.23 1:05.44 (35.21) 23 Lane, Hannah Z 15 YORK-PV 1:06.34 1:05.70 31.20 1:05.70 (34.50) 24 Wardell, Mady L 15 SNOW-PV 1:01.14 1:06.38 30.70 1:06.38 (35.68) 25 McDuffie, Cara R 16 WST-VA 1:06.84 1:07.11 31.31 1:07.11 (35.80) 26 Watts, Molly M 15 UN-NC-PV 1:01.66 1:07.45 30.60 1:07.45 (36.85) 27 Ross, McKenzie Q 15 NCAP-PV 1:04.64 1:07.54 31.13 1:07.54 (36.41) 28 Dayyani, Ainsley G 15 NCAP-PV 1:05.80 1:07.81 31.74 1:07.81 (36.07) 29 Miller, Stephanie A 16 WST-VA 1:09.53 1:07.98 31.85 1:07.98 (36.13) 30 Weiser, Brooke J 15 YORK-PV 1:09.90 1:09.01 31.49 1:09.01 (37.52) 31 Bae, Ashley W 15 SNOW-PV 1:05.88 1:09.48 32.74 1:09.48 (36.74) 32 Taylor, Nadinka 15 RY-PV 1:12.40 1:09.76 32.34 1:09.76 (37.42) 33 Smithers, Natalie R 15 NCAP-PV 1:09.47 1:10.28 31.22 1:10.28 (39.06) 34 Katsaros, Lindsey R 17 YORK-PV 1:09.78 1:10.51 33.10 1:10.51 (37.41) 35 Bernal, Ariel 15 SNOW-PV 1:08.91 1:11.13 33.46 1:11.13 (37.67) 36 Kahng, Isabelle M 15 NCAP-PV 1:11.93 1:12.07 33.06 1:12.07 (39.01) 37 Myers, Kristen 16 BWST-PV 1:11.81 1:12.71 33.31 1:12.71 (39.40) 38 McCummings, Delaney S 15 UN-NC-PV 1:15.41 1:13.19 34.35 1:13.19 (38.84) 39 Stonerook, Lydia G 17 SNOW-PV 1:11.81 1:13.82 34.10 1:13.82 (39.72) 40 Webb, Liz G 15 SNOW-PV NT 1:16.37 34.35 1:16.37 (42.02) 41 Potoker, Abby G 15 FXFX-PV NT 1:17.08 34.68 1:17.08 (42.40) 42 Teare, Katie M 15 FXFX-PV 1:14.98 1:17.24 Girls 15 & Over 200 Yard Butterfly =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Graham, Kayla P 16 UN-NC-PV 2:18.90 2:08.30 29.32 1:01.73 (32.41) 1:35.28 (33.55) 2:08.30 (33.02) 2 Davis, Emerson L 16 SNOW-PV 2:06.48 2:08.87 29.73 1:02.67 (32.94) 1:35.89 (33.22) 2:08.87 (32.98) 3 Schlemmer, Rachel L 15 SNOW-PV 2:04.61 2:09.37 29.40 1:02.27 (32.87) 1:35.57 (33.30) 2:09.37 (33.80) 4 Gupton, Madison A 16 NCAP-PV 2:14.03 2:15.16 29.28 1:02.71 (33.43) 1:37.71 (35.00) 2:15.16 (37.45) 5 Frie, Rita C 17 SNOW-PV 2:18.27 2:16.27 29.57 1:02.97 (33.40) 1:38.98 (36.01) 2:16.27 (37.29) 6 Muras, Adeline M 15 NCAP-PV 2:11.95 2:21.14 31.79 1:08.27 (36.48) 1:45.38 (37.11) 2:21.14 (35.76) 7 Jordan, Emily M 15 NCAP-PV 2:23.02 2:24.50 31.22 1:06.60 (35.38) 1:45.61 (39.01) 2:24.50 (38.89) 8 Harper, Taylor B 17 BWST-PV 2:23.84 2:27.08 32.31 1:09.95 (37.64) 1:48.37 (38.42) 2:27.08 (38.71) 9 Bogushefsky, Ashley L 15 NCAP-PV 2:39.35 2:28.73 31.96 1:08.76 (36.80) 1:50.10 (41.34) 2:28.73 (38.63) 10 Wardell, Mady L 15 SNOW-PV 2:19.15 2:34.01 33.31 1:12.42 (39.11) 1:53.69 (41.27) 2:34.01 (40.32) Girls 15 & Over 200 Yard IM =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Perezous, Janika 15 SNOW-PV 2:08.11 2:11.61 28.08 1:00.61 (32.53) 1:40.34 (39.73) 2:11.61 (31.27) 2 Frie, Sarah E 15 SNOW-PV 2:15.56 2:14.23 28.61 1:03.20 (34.59) 1:43.39 (40.19) 2:14.23 (30.84) 3 Gerving, Shelby L 15 SNOW-PV 2:04.06 2:14.95 30.01 1:04.40 (34.39) 1:43.14 (38.74) 2:14.95 (31.81) 4 Wenner, Jordan M 16 NCAP-PV 2:11.19 2:15.38 28.39 1:03.50 (35.11) 1:43.67 (40.17) 2:15.38 (31.71) 5 Zhang, Gabrielle 17 NCAP-PV 2:08.21 2:16.11 28.64 1:02.51 (33.87) 1:44.81 (42.30) 2:16.11 (31.30) 6 Cundiff, Missy A 18 SNOW-PV NT 2:16.26 28.84 1:01.86 (33.02) 1:44.77 (42.91) 2:16.26 (31.49) 7 Kopac, Allison N 15 NCAP-PV 2:09.29 2:16.77 28.82 1:06.74 (37.92) 1:47.26 (40.52) 2:16.77 (29.51) 8 Korotovskikh, Dana 16 NCAP-PV 2:15.59 2:17.98 29.36 1:03.17 (33.81) 1:45.82 (42.65) 2:17.98 (32.16) 9 Jacks, Chale' M 15 NCAP-PV 2:16.13 2:18.09 27.50 1:03.29 (35.79) 1:47.09 (43.80) 2:18.09 (31.00) 10 Watts, Molly M 15 UN-NC-PV 2:14.12 2:18.75 29.95 1:06.03 (36.08) 1:46.55 (40.52) 2:18.75 (32.20) 11 Rubino, Lauren E 16 NCAP-PV 2:14.20 2:19.23 29.22 1:05.80 (36.58) 1:47.35 (41.55) 2:19.23 (31.88) 12 Carter, Hannah M 17 SNOW-PV 2:13.11 2:19.74 30.62 1:05.64 (35.02) 1:47.56 (41.92) 2:19.74 (32.18) 13 Oliver, Maren E 17 SNOW-PV 2:13.48 2:20.19 30.43 1:06.73 (36.30) 1:46.38 (39.65) 2:20.19 (33.81) 14 Nguyen, Elise Q 16 UN-NC-PV 2:12.97 2:20.29 29.50 1:06.24 (36.74) 1:47.35 (41.11) 2:20.29 (32.94) 15 Heath, Maggie L 15 NCAP-PV 2:21.22 2:20.67 30.27 1:07.12 (36.85) 1:47.90 (40.78) 2:20.67 (32.77) 16 Winklosky, Katherine E 15 NCAP-PV 2:14.94 2:20.94 29.46 1:06.16 (36.70) 1:48.45 (42.29) 2:20.94 (32.49) 17 Haast, Mikaela A 15 NCAP-PV 2:17.08 2:21.23 28.80 1:05.00 (36.20) 1:48.52 (43.52) 2:21.23 (32.71) 18 Harper, Taylor B 17 BWST-PV 2:15.70 2:23.33 31.09 1:09.14 (38.05) 1:50.73 (41.59) 2:23.33 (32.60) 18 Hanson, Sophia H 15 SNOW-PV 2:24.84 2:23.33 31.33 1:10.33 (39.00) 1:49.88 (39.55) 2:23.33 (33.45) 20 Dye, Stephanie M 16 NCAP-PV 2:16.68 2:23.81 30.87 1:06.67 (35.80) 1:50.22 (43.55) 2:23.81 (33.59) 21 Burkley, Sally 16 SNOW-PV 2:14.26 2:24.34 30.77 1:09.28 (38.51) 1:49.83 (40.55) 2:24.34 (34.51) 22 Smithers, Natalie R 15 NCAP-PV 2:21.60 2:24.52 30.81 1:06.50 (35.69) 1:50.35 (43.85) 2:24.52 (34.17) 23 Ross, McKenzie Q 15 NCAP-PV 2:15.19 2:24.90 31.04 1:06.69 (35.65) 1:50.88 (44.19) 2:24.90 (34.02) 24 Holstein, Regan M 15 NCAP-PV 2:18.05 2:25.95 32.49 1:07.28 (34.79) 1:52.38 (45.10) 2:25.95 (33.57) 25 Bowers, Lauren N 16 SNOW-PV 2:19.25 2:26.83 30.92 1:07.44 (36.52) 1:52.90 (45.46) 2:26.83 (33.93) 26 Pliuskaitis, Sam M 15 SNOW-PV 2:21.00 2:27.13 29.72 1:06.95 (37.23) 1:50.44 (43.49) 2:27.13 (36.69) 27 Geddes, Helen I 17 FXFX-PV 2:18.30 2:27.46 30.53 1:08.23 (37.70) 1:53.08 (44.85) 2:27.46 (34.38) 28 Myers, Morgan A 15 BWST-PV 2:20.31 2:27.60 30.36 1:07.85 (37.49) 1:52.53 (44.68) 2:27.60 (35.07) 29 Stefanyshyn, Andrea M 15 NCAP-PV 2:23.03 2:28.54 31.28 1:08.30 (37.02) 1:54.99 (46.69) 2:28.54 (33.55) 30 Brooks, Emily M 17 YORK-PV 2:34.96 2:28.66 32.16 1:06.67 (34.51) 1:55.08 (48.41) 2:28.66 (33.58) 31 Cargill, Ann Marie M 15 BWST-PV 2:25.19 2:29.95 33.20 1:11.74 (38.54) 1:56.40 (44.66) 2:29.95 (33.55) 32 Dayyani, Ainsley G 15 NCAP-PV 2:31.94 2:30.62 30.97 1:08.76 (37.79) 1:57.68 (48.92) 2:30.62 (32.94) 33 Wardell, Mady L 15 SNOW-PV 2:22.79 2:31.71 32.01 1:11.22 (39.21) 1:56.86 (45.64) 2:31.71 (34.85) 34 Holstein, Cassie M 17 NCAP-PV 2:23.38 2:32.36 32.28 1:10.64 (38.36) 1:57.78 (47.14) 2:32.36 (34.58) 35 Vannell, Lauren S 16 BWST-PV 2:33.35 2:33.36 33.97 1:12.82 (38.85) 1:57.85 (45.03) 2:33.36 (35.51) 36 Myers, Kristen 16 BWST-PV 2:36.27 2:34.37 34.23 1:13.63 (39.40) 1:58.58 (44.95) 2:34.37 (35.79) 37 Mitchell, Emma F 15 NCAP-PV 2:30.89 2:34.70 32.96 1:12.43 (39.47) 1:58.65 (46.22) 2:34.70 (36.05) 38 Gore, Olivia J 16 YORK-PV 2:31.94 2:36.39 33.78 1:12.80 (39.02) 2:00.61 (47.81) 2:36.39 (35.78) 39 Miller, Stephanie A 16 WST-VA 2:38.36 2:36.64 31.40 1:11.13 (39.73) 2:00.85 (49.72) 2:36.64 (35.79) 40 McCummings, Delaney S 15 UN-NC-PV 2:39.04 2:36.96 33.47 1:13.48 (40.01) 2:02.08 (48.60) 2:36.96 (34.88) 41 Boyle, Josie M 15 SNOW-PV 2:32.87 2:42.15 36.29 1:18.20 (41.91) 2:05.53 (47.33) 2:42.15 (36.62) 42 Chenault, Valerie 16 BWST-PV 2:37.02 2:44.27 33.26 1:15.19 (41.93) 2:06.98 (51.79) 2:44.27 (37.29) 43 Rentz, Kate E 17 YORK-PV 2:46.58 2:44.56 35.23 1:17.60 (42.37) 2:05.52 (47.92) 2:44.56 (39.04) 44 Lai-Harris, Kassy E 15 SNOW-PV 2:38.10 2:44.57 35.00 1:17.22 (42.22) 2:05.13 (47.91) 2:44.57 (39.44) 45 Hedden, Belinda M 15 FXFX-PV 2:53.00 2:53.49 40.10 1:23.79 (43.69) 2:14.92 (51.13) 2:53.49 (38.57) 46 Sian, Katrina A 16 BWST-PV 3:09.19 2:59.55 38.38 1:25.52 (47.14) 2:16.31 (50.79) 2:59.55 (43.24) 47 Huynh, Nikki 15 UN-SN-PV NT 3:02.22 42.69 1:26.77 (44.08) 2:17.58 (50.81) 3:02.22 (44.64) 48 Layne, Caroline J 15 BWST-PV 3:02.07 3:03.84 42.18 1:31.64 (49.46) 2:22.07 (50.43) 3:03.84 (41.77) 49 Sawyer, Katie E 15 BWST-PV 3:01.56 3:04.09 39.20 1:24.77 (45.57) 2:23.06 (58.29) 3:04.09 (41.03) 50 Alcazar, Aurora E 16 WST-VA 3:11.40 3:04.30 42.83 1:31.20 (48.37) 2:24.57 (53.37) 3:04.30 (39.73) -- Muras, Adeline M 15 NCAP-PV 2:19.03 DQ Other - breast 29.13 1:06.60 (37.47) 1:50.37 (43.77) DQ (32.37) Girls 15 & Over 400 Yard IM =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Schlemmer, Rachel L 15 SNOW-PV 4:25.33 4:35.82 28.90 1:00.94 (32.04) 1:36.21 (35.27) 2:11.50 (35.29) 2:50.92 (39.42) 3:31.77 (40.85) 4:04.29 (32.52) 4:35.82 (31.53) 2 Perezous, Janika 15 SNOW-PV 4:26.14 4:38.52 28.82 1:02.41 (33.59) 1:37.45 (35.04) 2:11.97 (34.52) 2:52.19 (40.22) 3:33.57 (41.38) 4:05.99 (32.42) 4:38.52 (32.53) 3 Graham, Kayla P 16 UN-NC-PV 5:13.01 4:46.27 29.12 1:02.61 (33.49) 1:39.36 (36.75) 2:15.68 (36.32) 2:57.53 (41.85) 3:40.35 (42.82) 4:14.03 (33.68) 4:46.27 (32.24) 4 Gupton, Madison A 16 NCAP-PV 4:49.42 4:47.97 30.40 1:05.12 (34.72) 1:42.20 (37.08) 2:18.08 (35.88) 3:00.25 (42.17) 3:43.86 (43.61) 4:16.09 (32.23) 4:47.97 (31.88) 5 Wenner, Jordan M 16 NCAP-PV 4:57.08 4:49.07 29.72 1:05.13 (35.41) 1:42.72 (37.59) 2:19.90 (37.18) 3:01.25 (41.35) 3:43.04 (41.79) 4:16.49 (33.45) 4:49.07 (32.58) 6 Winklosky, Katherine E 15 NCAP-PV 4:46.79 4:51.63 28.97 1:03.12 (34.15) 1:40.91 (37.79) 2:18.00 (37.09) 3:00.37 (42.37) 3:44.27 (43.90) 4:18.43 (34.16) 4:51.63 (33.20) 7 Frie, Rita C 17 SNOW-PV 4:38.74 4:53.14 29.94 1:04.67 (34.73) 1:42.99 (38.32) 2:20.14 (37.15) 3:03.51 (43.37) 3:47.67 (44.16) 4:21.29 (33.62) 4:53.14 (31.85) 8 Rubino, Lauren E 16 NCAP-PV 4:50.60 4:53.91 29.89 1:04.70 (34.81) 1:42.82 (38.12) 2:21.05 (38.23) 3:04.37 (43.32) 3:48.64 (44.27) 4:22.00 (33.36) 4:53.91 (31.91) 9 Ross, McKenzie Q 15 NCAP-PV 4:46.58 4:56.65 31.57 1:08.02 (36.45) 1:44.89 (36.87) 2:21.47 (36.58) 3:04.42 (42.95) 3:48.32 (43.90) 4:22.98 (34.66) 4:56.65 (33.67) 10 Haast, Mikaela A 15 NCAP-PV 4:48.89 4:57.97 29.91 1:04.57 (34.66) 1:42.68 (38.11) 2:20.85 (38.17) 3:05.20 (44.35) 3:49.88 (44.68) 4:24.60 (34.72) 4:57.97 (33.37) 11 Muras, Adeline M 15 NCAP-PV 4:50.33 4:58.46 30.74 1:06.28 (35.54) 1:45.29 (39.01) 2:23.91 (38.62) 3:08.08 (44.17) 3:52.10 (44.02) 4:25.43 (33.33) 4:58.46 (33.03) 12 Pliuskaitis, Sam M 15 SNOW-PV 4:52.75 5:03.29 32.23 1:09.90 (37.67) 1:49.73 (39.83) 2:27.19 (37.46) 3:09.35 (42.16) 3:53.09 (43.74) 4:28.45 (35.36) 5:03.29 (34.84) 13 Watts, Molly M 15 UN-NC-PV 4:43.75 5:04.46 32.00 1:09.57 (37.57) 1:48.32 (38.75) 2:26.52 (38.20) 3:08.18 (41.66) 3:52.00 (43.82) 4:28.65 (36.65) 5:04.46 (35.81) -- Kennedy, Anne 16 RY-PV 5:48.74 DQ Delay initiating turn - back 35.00 1:17.38 (42.38) 2:01.58 (44.20) 2:46.79 (45.21) 3:32.39 (45.60) 4:17.90 (45.51) 4:58.48 (40.58) DQ (39.49)