Potomac Valley Swimming
Board of Director’s Meeting
November 11, 2016
Video Conference
· Attendance- Tim Husson, Dave DiNardo, Mark Faherty, Murphy Freal, Tom Ugast, Heather Purk, Jack Neill, Evan Stiles, Bill Marlin
· Call to Order – The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by General Chair, Bill Marlin
· Proof of Quorum – There are a sufficient number of voting board members to conduct business
· Approval of October meeting minutes – Motion to approve the minutes from the video conference board meeting minutes, second and approved.
· Approval of Chair reports and October Financials –
o Motion
to approve the chair reports as submitted, seconded and approved.
o Motion to approve the financial reports as
submitted by the controller, seconded and approved
· General Chair comments – Be sure to sign and send the Conflict of Interest statement to Tom Ugast as soon as possible so they can be sent to USA Swimming.
· Old Business
o Long Course Age Group Champs – Blair Piddington, AG Chair, has been in touch with the staff at the Rockville pool. In addition, Mark Faherty, Sr. Chair, talked with Dave Greene, Christa Krukiel and Dave Crocker regarding the LC meets. Initially it was thought that Rockville would not shut done for the amount of time needed to run a LC Champ meet; however, it now looks like the outdoor Rockville pool and KSAC will be able to run Age Group Champs (11-12 & 13-14 prelims at Rockville) and 9-10 and Finals at KSAC in the afternoon/evening. It sounds like RMSC/Rockville and Montgomery Co will be able to work together to make this meet work for the weekend.
§ Which is better to have outdoors? Mark is not sure, doesn’t want to speak for Blair and the AG coaches, but thinks older kids outside is better.
§ How do we finalize this? Mark suggested we contact Dave Greene and get a contract.
§ Bill will talk with Blair and John Ertter about getting a contract so we can add it to the schedule.
o Long Course Jr. & Sr. Champs –
§ Mark reported that the Jeff Rouse pool has 2 meets in a row on two different weekends in July. There is only about a 5% chance that they would be willing to host our Jr. and Sr. Champs on the last weekend in July. Because Mark feels that there is only a slim chance he is also trying to get a hold of Fairland and PG, but so far he has not been able to get in touch with anyone.
§ The only facility he has been able to find is Freedom Center which is willing to give us the pool the 6-9 of July but we will have to let them know as soon as possible, we probably can’t wait until the December BOD meeting. This is what it will be unless someone can come up with a better option within the next week.
§ What about last weekend in July? Mark reported that Freedom said no, Jeff Rouse- maybe, but slim chance, Fairfax County said no, so Mark is waiting to hear from Fairland/PG. Many of the coaches Mark has spoken to, commented that they didn’t like the last weekend in July.
§ What about Officials, we will be able to staff? Jack Neill, said that he feels if we have the swimmers we will have the Officials.
§ Bill will get John Ertter to work on the contract for that weekends.
§ Coaches Reps and Athletes, what do you think of the weekend after July 4? Heather said she thinks if earlier we are able to add it to the schedule the better chance we will have of swimmers being able to attend.
§ Mark will discuss the various options in format with coaches and bring this feedback back to the Board.
· New Business
o PVS Open Meet Task Force – Tim commented, that he received feedback from all four sites of the November Open. He would like to set up task force made up of Operations, Strategic, Coaches reps, athlete rep, Sr. Chair, AG Chair and sanctioning officer. The task force will meet to discuss options for moving forward with the Open meets and will bring their ideas to the February meeting. There will also be idea discussed at the January CCM. Once the Board makes a decision based upon the findings of the task force the final resolution will be presented at the Spring CCM.
o Mighty Mega LSC Workshop – Mark Faherty and Greg York went to USA Swimming for the workshop. Within the next quad, USA Swimming will continue to have similar meetings each year for LSCs of different sizes. This first meeting was for the larger LSCs of which PVS is a part of. They both felt there were a lot of great discussions and breakout sessions.
o November Open Re-Cap –
§ Claude Moore: From Christine Vu said as a coach she noticed a lack of officials, but felt that the number of volunteers were ok. Tim commented, too few officials was a big issue. Tim believes problems include the host club not having any officials and their unfamiliarity with Daktronics equipment. It was aslo suggested that in the future we should plan for 3 sessions from the beginning.
· We should make the bid process more open and visible. New clubs should be encouraged to run PVS meets in the future.
§ Mt. Vernon – sessions went fairly smoothly. The CTS didn’t work from PVS, so they borrowed one from Potomac Marlins. The 9-10 sessions on Sunday had fewer officials which is probably why it ran long. But otherwise it went well.
· Tim suggests buttons only for 9-10 sessions going forward. In all PVS meets.
§ Fairland – The Officials and Table were great and well staffed. They had plenty of timers for all sessions. The biggest complaint was the coaches found out that the other sites were done earlier.
· The Meet Referee ran the meet with 12 lanes on Friday. Tim doesn’t suggest it for other than a distance session. (MSSC owns a 12 lane harness).
§ Cub Run – Coaches felt it was a well run meet. FISH and their Meet Director David White did a great job. Jack said there were more than enough officials, marshals, etc. The meet ran over the timeline on Friday by about 15 minutes. The meet ended at almost 10 pm. Fortunately the facility was really good about it.
o November Open Balancing – this process is getting more difficult. To balance meets there are multiple factors to keep in mind; number of swimmers, number of splashes, timeline and now facilities are getting more strict about the number of swimmers on deck each session.
o Awarding PVS LC meets – Mark and Blair will work on collecting bids for the 2017-2018 PVS meets.
· Round Table discussion topics
o December 18 is the LEAP planning meet. Dave DiNardo is making plans and wants to know who will be there: Bill, Tim, Jack (hopefully), Heather, Mark, Tom, Murphy, Evan, Greg all plan to attend. Jane Grosser wants all the names. PVS will provide a location and food. USA Swimming will pick up the tab for the consultant.
o February 5 at Takoma for the Athlete Safe Sport clinic. There is an athlete meeting tomorrow night to discuss the planning.
o Law Suit update – The attorneys are in final negotiations. PVS has confirmed that we have nothing on our website nor have we distributed any of Mr. Bells material. There will be a financial settlement ($15,000) and they are willing to drop the suit. The USA Swimming attorneys felt it was fine, but wanted to ensure that Mr. Bell can’t come back at us later. USA Swimming will be paying the settlement fee.
· Motion to adjourn (Wednesday, December 14)