Potomac Valley Swimming

Board of Director

Video Conference

December 14, 2016


·         Attendance – Bill Marlin, Tom Ugast, Mark Faherty, Tim Husson, Blair Piddington, Jack Neill, Bob Vincent, Evan Stiles, Heather Purk, Murphy Freal, Ben Gryski, Dave DiNardo, Merari Collette

·         Call to order – The meeting was called to order by General Chair Bill Marlin at 7:02 pm

·         Proof of Quorum – There are a sufficient number of Board Members in attendance to conduct official business.

·         Approval of November Minutes – Motion to approve the minutes from the November Board Meeting, seconded and approved.

·         Approval of Chair Reports and November Financial Reports – Motion to accept the reports as submitted and the financial reports as prepared for November, seconded and approved.

·         General Chair comments – Please be sure to send Tom the Conflict of Interest of Forms.  Please sign and send them before the end of 2016.

·         ASCA Clinic Funding Amount – More to Round Table Discussions

·         Athlete Safe Sport Clinic update/travel costs – Murphy Freal reported that the Athlete clinic is scheduled for Feb 5 from 1-3 at Overlee. It was asked, who pays for the USAS Safe Sport representative to attend, USAS or PVS. There will be expenses for airfare and one night of hotel. USA-S asked if we had a budget for this clinic. Tom commented that no, we do not have a budget for their travel. It was suggested by Greg York to include a Parent track of the clinic. This way we would get more information from USA Swimming.  

o   Next week, a firm date will be presented to the PVS families.

·         Strategic Planning Meeting update – The Meeting is scheduled this Sunday, December 18 at Westwood Country Club. Will meet with Jane Grosser from 9-3. Half of the day will be spent discussing Board Governance and the other half will be on Strategic Planning and LEAP. The invites were sent out by a program “Who’s In”. There was preliminary information that Jane has asked everyone to review and complete before Sunday. There will be some breakout sessions as well as full group meetings. Here is the address: 800 Maple Ave, Vienna, VA 22180

·         LC 14 & U AG Champs update – Blair reported that he sent a reminder to Dave Greene regarding the contract for the summer LC AG Champs. The pool will be at the outdoor Rockville pool and KSAC. They are working on the details and will send PVS the contract. The meet is July 20-23, 2017.

·         LC Sr/Jr Champ update – Mark Faherty reported that he explored with Collegiate in Richmond. VSI is not using it this summer for their Champ meets. VSI pulled out because they are getting so expensive. So Mark reached out to them, they said maybe. However, when Mark talked with coaches and officials and they felt that going to Richmond for 4 full days was not going to work well for them, particularly the smaller teams. Freedom then pushed Mark for an answer, or else they were going to pull the plug. He has them started on a contract for July 6-9 2017. We will likely be renting the gym and other spaces so everyone will fit.

·         Official’s Travel Reimbursement for Dec National meets – There were 6 Officials at Nationals, 2 at Juniors East. They have all reached all requirements. Motion to reimburse the 8 Officials for $600 each for travel reimbursement for the 2016 Winter Nationals and Junior Nationals-East, seconded and approved.

o   Officials are required to submits receipts but the athletes do not? It was asked why this what the standard operating procedures. In short it is because the clubs are the ones who request the reimbursement, not the families. Clubs will be asked to show the receipts upon request.

o   The clubs have the receipts. From an audit perspective, PVS should be turning in the receipts. We need to remind the clubs to collect the receipts. Maybe we just tell the clubs that they can produce the receipts as requested. Bob Vincent will check what others do.

·         Athlete Travel – We have 4 athletes that applied for Winter Nationals and 5 athletes that applied for Winter Junior Nationals. All forms and swims were filled out correctly. Motion to reimburse the clubs for the all 9 of the athlete travel expenses from Winter Nationals and Junior Nationals as submitted, seconded and approved.

o   Note that SNOW has not submitted for Juniors. NCAP and RMSC have not submitted for Nationals. They have 30 days to apply for reimbursement, so there may be more requests coming in.

·         PVS Equipment Storage – Tim and Tom have been working with University of Maryland on the PVS equipment storage and maintenance issue. The biggest issue is the PVS directly paying one of the UMD employees to deliver the equipment. UMD wants to hire another person to handle this for $50,000; this fee would cover the storage, maintenance and delivery of the PVS equipment. The PVS BOD doesn’t feel this would be in our best interest.  In the short term, Tom Ugast can move the equipment to one of his facilities which has electrical so it can be worked on if/as needed. Tim and Tom will be talking and working on a short term and long term solution for how to handle the equipment storage and delivery. The biggest issue is delivery. PVS will also have to find an equipment manager. Will work on moving all the equipment the first weekend in January.

·         Continuing Ed Grant for Greg – Greg attended the ASCA Clinic in Cherry Hill, with David Marsh as the Key Speaker. All Greg is asking for is hotel, meal and tolls. He is requesting $488. He is a life member of ASCA. Motion to approve the Continuing Education report, seconded and approved contingent on his presentation at CCM on January 4, 2017.

·         Round Table Discussions

o   ASCA Clinic/funding for PVS coaches – We need to agree upon a total amount that we are willing spend for the PVS Coaches to go. ASCA will give PVS a deal to send out coaches. PVS will pay for the coaches. John Leonard is offering $100 for the clinic plus a one year membership. The fee typically is $250, early bird then goes up to $400.

§  It was suggested that PVS support this with $10,000 of our budget. The first 100 coaches that want to sign up can go, but they have to attend. (Tom Ugast commented that he will pull the NCAP coaches out of this because he plans to pay for his own coaches to go to the clinic himself)

§  Heather feels that we could/should use some of the coach’s award money. However, others felt that the $10,000 budgeted would be enough.

§  Greg feels that expecting a goal of 100 PVS coaches to attend (not including NCAP) is a great/reasonable goal.

§  Motion to set cap at $10,000 for 100 coaches to attend the 2017 ASCA World Clinic in Washington, DC in September 2017, seconded and approved.

o   PVS Treasurer Position – Bill Marlin and Tom Ugast have been talking with Ellen Colket, a PVS Official who lives in Maryland. Bob Vincent will be talking to her about the position. She has a management background with a lot of budget experience. We think she is a viable candidate when JD Foster resigns his position at the end of 2016.

o   Zone Team outfitting – Heather reported that she was approached by Metro Swim Shop regarding the outfitting for Zones. They are interested in putting in a bid to handle the outfitting for the Spring Zone Team. We do not have a contract with Aardvark to do the outfitting, but Bob York has done it forever. It was recommended that we be very careful since Aardvark has been a long time supporter of PVS.

§  Heather commented that PVS had to pay $5 for backpacks and there is additional inventory that needs to be accounted for and sold.

§  Heather is asked to get numbers from Aardvark and Metro and possibly Sport Fair to get bids. PVS can think pick the vendor we feel gives us the best value, including service. We do not necessarily have to go with the lowest bid, we can take into account the service provided.

o   Old Business – none to report

o   New Business – It was never discussed regarding the email from OCCS asking about the denial of the charitable funds being turned down. Tom felt that the women who sent the email was primarily venting. OCCS is a 501c3, but they are not a charity organization. We asked them to provide the documentation and/or designate the charity to donate the funds to. It is not to keep the funds into the club. If the funds were going to an outside organization (charity), we could have approved it. But they were requesting to keeping the funds within the club based upon their 501c3 status their request was denied. Tom will respond and explain why their request was denied.

o   Heather reported that Paris ask that due to the reduced number of programs/heat sheets if PVS would allow them to charge admission to the PVS Championship meets.

§  The Board didn’t feel this was necessary, but would be willing to talk with Paris about her thoughts.

·         Adjourn; CCM on Wednesday, January 4. Board meeting Monday, January 9.