Minutes approved at the March BoD meeting
Potomac Valley Swimming
Board of Directors Meeting
Conference Call
February 15, 2017
· Attendance – Bill Marlin, John Ertter, Tom Ugast, Tim Husson, Jack Neill, Blair Piddington, Evan Stiles, Rob Green, Murphy Freal, Heather Purk, Dave DiNardo, Mark Faherty, Jana Clark (guest), Greg York
· Call to Order – The meeting was called to order by General Chair, Bill Marlin, at 7:06 pm
· Approval of Agenda – Motion to approve the agenda as presented, seconded and approved.
· Approval of January Minutes – Motion to approve the minutes from the January Board of Directors meeting, seconded and approved.
· Approval of Board Report and Financials – Motion to approve the reports as presented and the January financial statements as prepared and presented, seconded and approved.
o Pull the Operations report for further discussion.
· General Chair Comments –
o HOD Recognition – At the annual House of Delegates meeting, we would like to recognize any outstanding volunteers in the association. In the past we have honored several with a Lifetime Achievement Award and other special recognition awards. If you know of anyone in PVS who should be recognized, please send list to Terri and Bill.
o Programs to add to budget due March 10 – The April BoD meeting we will be a working budget meeting. If there are any programs or additions to current programming you would like to see added to the budget, please bring it forward to the March meeting for discussion and so that Ellen can add them to the budget for approval at HOD.
o Swimposium – Currently we are on the USA-S schedule to host a Swimposium in the fall of 2017.
§ After some discussion, it was agreed that we would postpone at least another year, due to ASCA World Clinic being the Washington DC and many PVS coaches are planning to attend.
o Succession plan for your position – All board members should be thinking about a succession plan for your position. As transitions are made each year, all members need to work together to ensure all parties are up to speed on their responsibilities.
§ We also need to come up with back up plans for several current positions/tasks.
o Eastern Zone meeting – If you are planning on going to the May Eastern Zone meeting, please let Bill know. All attendees must be registered.
§ Please let Bill know if you are planning to go and when you will be arriving and departing.
§ In addition to the Zone meeting there is a Zone Workshop in the days prior to the meeting. Review the information on who should be attending.
o Congratulations to Paris Jacobs, who has been selected by USA Swimming to be on the task force to hire a new Executive Director.
· New Business –
o PVS member question to the Board – Jana Clark, a new member to PVS, was in attendance, expressing a couple of concerns.
§ Meets that go beyond the 4-hour rule for 12 & U sessions.
· The meet in question was addressed and it was determined that efforts were made to keep the timeline within the 4-hour rule. Because this meet was a trial/finals format, the days were long, but the sessions were in compliance with the rule.
§ The cancellation of events at the January Open
· It was explained to her that the cancelation of the 200 Free and 100 IM at the 2017 January Open was an isolated incident due to the unusual restrictions at the venues this past winter. The PVS board does not anticipate this happening again.
o Zone Team Director –Dave Greene, has stepped down as the Zone Team Director. The PVS board thanks Dave for his years of service.
§ The Zone Director is an appointed position it was recommended that a note be sent to the coaches/membership to see if anyone is interested. We plan to have a new director in place by June 1, to take over for the Summer 2017 zone trip.
§ The spring meet will be managed by Heather Purk. She will coordinate with Controller, John Ertter, on all the financial needs of the meet.
o Parking passes for PVS Champ meets – Parking arrangements for meets at University of Maryland will be changing starting with the meets this spring, due to construction in the lower lot, where we have historically been able to reserve spaces for Key Officials and meet management. This lower lot the number of available spaces will be limited now and as we continue to use the facility. The association must pay for all passes for these volunteers. Do we continue to pay for passes or ask everyone to park in the Terrapin Garage and walk to the pool?
§ There are some positions (hospitality coordinator) where it is almost a necessity to be able to park close.
§ It is also a nice perk for those key Officials who are working all sessions of the meet to have easy access.
§ Tim and Tom will look at the numbers of parking passes needed to cover the key volunteers. Communications will go out to those Officials who are not getting the passes.
o National Athlete Travel – Motion to approve the SNOW Swimmers for Junior Nationals, seconded and approved.
§ The submission of these applications were accidently overlooked. All submissions were sent it on time and all five are eligible for reimbursement.
o ASCA World Clinic Registration update – Very quickly we reached the 100 maximum number of coaches registering for the 2017 ASCA World Clinic. The first 100 registered, will have their fee covered by PVS. All additional registrants will continue to receive the reduced rate of $100, but will have to pay themselves.
· Old Business –
o PVS Equipment Storage – We lost our equipment manager at UMD and will be losing the ability to store PVS equipment there in the very near future. Tim Husson and Tom Ugast have been working to move all PVS equipment to a new facility in the Tysons area. In the next week or two all equipment will be looked at to see what we need to fix, thrown out and keep. They will also begin the search for a new equipment manager.
§ Special thanks to both Tim and Tom for making all equipment deliveries for the recent PVS meets.
o Operations Report –
§ Officials: To clarify from the Officials report, there are 634 registered Officials in PVS according to the Admin Report, however the Officials Report indicates only 530 officials. 530 actually represents the number who are registered and certified.
§ 18 & U qualifier – the numbers came in about 30% lower than in the past (5,000 splashes in the past, closer to 3,300 this year). We will need to look to see if this is the new normal or was it just a one year “blip”. We can use this information to plan for the future.
§ Motion to approve the Operations Report, seconded and approved.
o CSC Diversity Grant follow up – Rob Green reached out to Clark Swim Club to inquire about the amount they are requesting for the Diversity Grant Program. They will be given one more month to respond and we will go from there.
o Zone Team Outfitting Vendor – We asked for bids from Cassels, Metro Swim Shop and Sport Fair. Both Metro and Sport Fair responded and the recommendation is to go with Metro Swim Shop for the Zone apparel. Heather has been working with Metro to get things ready so we will be ready to go when the applications are sent out.
§ She will work on putting a one year contract together with them, which can be extended if all expectations are met.
§ Motion to make Metro Swim Shop as the Zone Team outfitters, seconded, withdrawn to further negotiate the duration of the contract.
o Safe Sport Day Summary – Maggie Vail from USA Swimming was in town the first weekend of February to present at the Safe Sport Day. Her presentations were well received. There were 16 for the morning session and 22 signed up for the afternoon session. Although some thought the attendance was low, USA S felt it went well for the first attempt of a program like this.
§ In the future, we will need to do a better job of advertising and communicating all the details.
· Round Table Discussion Topics
o Milestone/Calendar/LEAP update –
§ LEAP: Dave is still working on the LEAP items that pertain to the budget.
§ Milestone calendar – the first draft has been developed and shared with Tim. Dave will send it on to the Board for review. You will need Google to look at it. But if you want a pdf, he can do that too. Take a look and give him additional suggestions.
o PVS Observed Meets – We charge High Schools and colleges and masters a $100 Observed Meet sanction fee to host a meet in PVS. The only real cost to PVS is the cost to collect the fees. Tim would like to entertain the idea of making the sanction fee zero. The only time spent on Observed meets is to put the times into SWIMS and that is done by a volunteers.
§ John Ertter commented that we have charged $100 as a sanction fee for as long as he has been aware. For this year, we have 22 Observed meets, which is $2200 to go into our budget.
§ If we continue with charging a fee, would like to see the payment be done online.
§ Tim will research what other LSC’s do and report back so we can make a decision, as it will affect the budget.
o January Open Cancelled events – entry fee collection – John Ertter needs guidance on how to handle the financials for the cancelled events.
§ Are we going to pay the host clubs for the entries that were not swum? For those events cancelled, are we going to wave the entry fees to the clubs for the events cancelled.
· For Audrey Moore the teams were informed well before the meet that the events were being cancelled. The board feels the clubs should not have to pay for those events. Updated reports can be created.
· For Fairland, there were 2 events cancelled during the meet due to pool contamination issues. Tom will work with Manga to get the adjusted information to John. A determination if there was any substantial financial impact one any one team and if so a decision will be made.
· Adjourn