Potomac Valley Swimming

Board of Directors Meeting

Overlee Community Center

April 3, 2017



·         Attendance – Bill Marlin, Ellen Colket, Tom Ugast, Tim Husson, Mark Faherty, Dave DiNardo, Evan Stiles, Heather Purk, Rob Green, Merari Chollette, John Ertter, Greg York, Jim Garner and Kurt Thiel.

·         Call to Order – The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm by General Chair, Bill Marlin

·         Proof of Quorum – There are a sufficient number of members in attendance to hold business.

·         Approval of Agenda – Motion to approve the agenda as presented, seconded and approved.

·         Approval of Board Reports– Motion to approve the board reports submitted before the meeting, seconded and approved.

·         Approval of March Minutes and Financials – Motion to approve the minutes from the March meeting, seconded and approved. Motion to approve the February financial reports as presented, seconded and approved.

·         New Business –

o   Officials Travel Request – There were 2 Officials who attended the Indy Arena Pro, both meet the requirements to be reimbursed.

§  Motion to approve the two Official’s reimbursement from the Indy Arena Pro Series Meet in March, seconded and approved.

·         How many officials do we typically have going to the Arena Pro Series? Tim commented there are an average of about 2 officials per meet.

§  Motion to allow the Official’s Chair, Tim Husson, to approve all Official’s Reimbursement for the three Sectional meets and the Zone meet, pending they meet all the requirements, seconded and approved.

o   2017 LC Championship Meet Bids – OCCS interested in doing the JR/SR Champs. FBST is interested in hosting both AG Champs and JR/SR Champs. If they can only do one, they would prefer AG Champs. Another option for Junior/Senior Champs would be for PVS to host and hire a meet manager and hospitality chair.

§  As the PVS host it went well and everyone is comfortable.

§  One member felt it would be a good idea to give OCCS a chance, they are a club that we would like to get involved in the association. Other board members agreed.

§  Motion to approve the LC Open 1 and LC Open 2 meet hosts, LC Distance and LC Junior/Senior Champs and Age Group Champs, as presented seconded and approved.

o   Eastern Zone meeting – The registration form has been sent out multiple times. At this time appears that no one from PVS has registered to go to the EZ Meeting. Those going to the Zone workshop are registered, but no one else is registered to go.

o   Budget Presentation & Discussion – Ellen Colket and John Ertter worked together to present the budget proposal for 2017-2018 fiscal year. Colket’s goal is to accomplish three things: 1. this year’s budget and projection, 2. 17-18 fiscal year budget, looking at drivers and some open items to be discussed. 3. Align on a budget to be published and discussed at HOD.

§  For 2016-2017 we planned $1,097,000 income, 71% reserve ratio and a deficit of $36,000. Looking at where we were in February and projecting forward: budgeted revenue is up by 2% and our projected expenses are down 1%. Actuals at the end of March will be input next week and then we can look again.

§  PVS meet entries are down, but Club meet entries are projected to be up in the next year.

·         This prompted a discussion on the budget regarding the pool rental/expenses.

§  2% increase in income and 6% increase in expenses are projections for 17-18.

·         Drivers: membership will be increasing, we projected zero growth (in looking at USA Swimming which experienced some recent  negative growth).

o   There was a discussion on projected growth in PVS. We will project a 2.5% growth.

o   For 16 -17 we had budgeted an increase of 5% in membership. With the post-Olympic year, we will be closer to 7%).

o   PVS Sponsored meets: Currently PVS charges $4.50 for Open Meets and $4.75 for LC Open meets. We are proposing $5 for all PVS SC Opens and LC Open meets.

§  If we leave them as is, we will run at least a 16% deficit. If we make the change we will run at a 10% deficit.

§  Is the assumption that the PVS meet entries numbers will be the same as in the past year? Yes.

§  If we think more will go to club meets, do we increase splash fees? Last year we tried to do both and they were both rejected. This year we are only looking at increasing the PVS Open meet fees.

§  Without the meet fee increase, our reserve will drop to 63%. Some are not comfortable with this low of a reserve.  

§  The goal is to get the PVS meets as close to a zero line items possible.

o   Equipment expenses are projected to have a slight increase due to a new storage facility and new equipment manager.  

o   Other Officials Support – line 54240 – decreased it down $1,000.

§  Tim is comfortable with this.

o   Safe Sport – request to increase it from $2,000-4,000.  

§  After some discussion on the Safe Sport Chair possible travel expenses, Merari came back with an increase to $2,800 for the 17-18 season.

o   Inclusion/Diversity – decreased due to removal of EZ Select Camp which is not included for 2018. It is only held in the odd number years. It will be added in again for the next year.

o   Zone fees increased – Not sure how the zone meets will be structured in the future.

o   Travel Assistance – Feel we will increase for Winter 2017 Jr/Sr Nationals, due to an increase in athletes.

o   Operating Reserve – We will be at the 66% instead of the 71% that we had this year and this includes the increase in the meet fees.

§  By dropping to a 66% reserve, we will be lower than what is stated in P&P, which says no lower than 75% and no higher than 1.25%.

·         Motion to endorse the budget as presented, seconded and approved.

·         Ellen will finalize the budget, send it out to the board members and prepare to present it at HOD in May.

·         Old Business –

o   All end of year reports due to Terri on April 30.

o   Timers – Will need to continue discussion on how we want to run Championship meets to keep them running efficiently.

§  For 14 & U JO’s at Prelims all teams were assigned a specific number of timers. The meet manager enforced this policy. For finals, timers were hired (UMD students).

§  Tim commented that at Sectionals the host club provided all timers.

·         Round Table Discussion – nothing to discuss

·         Adjourn – Motion to adjourn, seconded and approved.