Potomac Valley Swimming

Board of Directors

Video Conference

June 5, 2017



·         Attendance- Tom Ugast, Bill Marlin, Tim Husson, Ellen Colket, Mark Faherty, Jack Neill, Evan Stiles, Heather Purk, Merari Chollette, Murphy Freal, John Ertter.

·         Call to Order – The meeting was called to order by Bill Marlin at 7:04

·         Proof of Quorum – There are a sufficient number of voting members in attendance to conduct business.

·         Approval of April minutes – Motion to approve the meeting minutes from the April Meeting, seconded and approved.

·         Approval of Reports and Financial statements – Motion to approve the reports submitted by Officers and the financial statement as presented, seconded and approved.

o   Financial Report, Operations Division Report

o   Tom will review the monthly report from the registrar, Sumie and let us know where we stand in terms of the number of athletes as of June 1 in the next few days.

·         Action Items from Competition Committee Meeting –

o   Assistant Coaches for LC Zones – The CCM endorses the selection of the following coaches for the LC Zone Team, Leslile Tomlinson (NCAP), Ian Handerhan (SDS), Kelly Rose McCullough (FISH), Marye Carter (NCAP), Gian Polignano (TIBU), Stephen Clendenin (BWST), and Ryan Pauling (FAST).

§  All coaches have been checked in SWIMS. One coaches has a couple certs to update and has been notified.

§  Denise Adams (ASA) was initially planning to attend and was endorsed by CCM; however has indicated to the BOD that she is no longer able to go.  Heather will work on finding an 8th coach for the meet.

§  Motion to accept the coaches for LC Zones, as endorsed by CCM, seconded and approved.

§  Heather is currently the Assistant Head Coach and the acting Zone Coordinator; however, she cannot be both on this trip. She has worked on the apparel and will be the assistant coach fulfilling the coordinator duties until further discussion.

o   Summer LC Senior Champ Finals – CCM endorsed the approval of having an A, B & C finals using all 10 lanes (top 30) with WU/CD breaks after Boys A Finals.

§  Motion to accept the format for the finals sessions, A, B, C finals (top 30) with breaks after the Boys A final during LC Senior Champs for the summer of 2017, seconded and approved.

o   Final Meet Schedule for 1718 season – There was one new meet added to the 1718 meet schedule and several date changes. CCM endorsed approval of the addition and changes.

§  Motion to approve the updated 1718 Club Meet Schedule as endorsed by CCM, seconded and approved.

o   Outstanding Athlete awards – At CCM there was straw poll asking if we should continue with the Outstanding Athlete award as it is currently structured or if we should do away with the award. Based upon the outcome of the poll, we will continue to do the Outstanding Athlete awards in the same format.

·         Review of HOD meeting and any issues to resolve –

o   The overall feeling was that the meeting went well and the reports were well received. Budget is always tough, but we got through it.

§  Budget – Ellen felt there was good engagement from those in attendance and feels there are ways to improve on the presentation for next year, particularly with getting information out earlier. All information has been revised as per the discussions at HOD and will be posted on the website in the next few days. We will need to figure out who will revise P&P, regarding the new policies that passed.

§  The monthly financial report was sent last week which included the changes to zones.

§  Bob Vincent, the USA Swimming Vice Chair of Finance, questioned what we are posting on the website regarding the budget. He feels the summary page is plenty for the membership to be able to see.

o   Participation – There was a strong showing of athletes at HOD. However, we are still struggling in getting a large number of our clubs to attend. Are there any thoughts on getting more clubs to attend?  Any incentives? Fines?  

§  Membership doesn’t know what happens at HOD, maybe a primer, “HOD for dummies”, can be sent out prior to the meeting to help clubs understand what is going to be discussed?

§  Maybe it is a function of when we do the meetings, evening versus weekend morning?

§  Everyone agrees that we need to find a way to make it better.

§  John Ertter commented that he has heard from several small clubs who feel that by the time they get to HOD, all decisions have been made. And while they have a vote, they feel that they do not have the ability to impact HOD because everything has already been decided on. Dave DiNardo will work with Tom on this issue and try to increase attendance in 2018.

·         Review of Summer LC meets and any outstanding issues –

o   We need to get the back-ups from the teams for LC 1 yet. To check on the size of the sites and go from there. [By the end of the day Tuesday 6/6, all three sites had been evaluated, changes made and all changes, timelines and psych sheets were posted.]

o   Junior Senior champs – Anything else outstanding? Tim reports they are all good.

o   Equipment rental/additional expenses – Aaron will submit a report of what he is thinking and justification.

·         Officials Travel Reimbursement – In April we pre-approved Tim to be able to approve Officials Travel Reimbursement for the final few Officials who attended the spring travel meets. These have all be approved and paid.

o   There is one appeal – Motion to approve the bus fare of $91 for the one Official who was a full time grad student, seconded and approved.

o   Since we will not have any meetings between July and October, Tim has asked for approval to have the authority to approve any Official’s Travel Reimbursement for the Summer Travel Meets.

§  Tom requested that all requests get vetted through Tim and Ellen for final approval. If there are any issues they will be brought to the board.

·         Athlete Travel Reimbursement – There are several requests for Open Water Nationals, but still a few that are outstanding. They should all be in by the July meeting, at which time they will be brought to the BoD for approval.

·         USAS House of Delegates – Tom will need to know who is planning to attend the USA S Convention, in Dallas this September. Once each attendee sends Tom their plan as to when they will arrive and leave, Tom will work with Linda on hotel rooms. Each person will be responsible for getting their flights and submitting receipts. Tom and Ellen will check and report on a reasonable fare rate, everyone should then plan to stay within that range. Please let Tom know by Friday, June 9, your plans.

o   At large votes – We get three automatically, and a request for 3 more has been sent to the President of USA S. Once Tom has the final list of who is going, he will decide to whom he will assign the At-large votes.

·         Old Business –

o   Athlete Leadership Camp – Murphy asked how to go about reserving several hotel rooms in the Silver Spring area for a few of the athletes organizing the Athlete Leadership Camp this August. Hotel fees were already calculated in the budget proposed.  Several board members questioned whether or not Takoma is a safe place to hold the athlete camp. DC Wave is giving the pool and community center for free, but we do need to decide if this is best for PVS. Murphy and Tom will talk.

·         New Business –

o   Kurt will be going to Denver on Friday for the Risk management and Safety Chair workshop. He will report back to the Board all important information.

o   Ellen and Tom will be attending the Treasurer Workshop next week and will report back as well.

o   Jeff Rouse Center in Stafford – This past weekend, several teams participated in a meet at the new pool in Stafford. It is 50 m, 8 lanes with about 6 lanes for wu/cd. It has wide decks, about 900 spectator seats. Meet Management found the Aquatic Director to be very accommodating, friendly and helpful. This is a facility to keep in mind as a possibility for future meets. It is about 30 miles South of the Beltway off of I95. Not sure of the speed for a Short Course, but has enough to run 2 short courses. The fees to rent the facility will be about 50% less than what we currently pay for our Championship meets at UMD.

o   Shannon English – coach for JFD, her 19 year old son was killed in an auto accident early yesterday morning. Thoughts and prayer for her and her family.

·         Adjourn, next meeting is Thursday, July 13. It will also be a video conference.