As approved at January 1999 BofD Meeting


NOVEMBER 17, 1998
ROOM #151

The November PVS Board of Directors meeting was called to order by Dick Rankin, General Chairman. In attendance were: Linda Crudup, Thirl Crudup, Manga Dalizu, Kerry Ellett, Steve Ercolano, Ward Foley, Bob Fout, Mary Ann Henderson, John Hirschmann, Linda Klopfenstein, Greg Long, Kit Mathews, Eric Moore, Dave Scibetta, Evelyn Taylor, and Charles Bittenbring from Fairfax County Park Authority.

Minutes for October 20, 1998 were approved.

Treasurer's Report: Bob distributed the financial report for October 1998. As of October 31, 1998, checking account balance is $93,272.59, with income of $136,256.93 and expenses of $57,036.26.

Ward, Steve, and Bob met with Charlie Bittenbring to discuss PVS and FCPA issues. Charlie addressed the FCPA position and was present to answer questions. The attached proposal will be reviewed and discussed at the January Board meeting. Charlie requested a PVS calendar of meets, including club meet requests to assure clubs get the PVS rate when pools are reserved.


Thirl reported on visits made to George Mason University, University of Maryland, and the Prince George's Sports & Learning Complex, with Mike Unger, from USA Swimming. There was discussion of the features of these facilities.

Thirl reported that equipment management under Don Smith is going smoothly.

John reported that the January official's schedule is being finalized. Dick requested that the Officials Committee recommendations for standards for referees be prepared for February Board meeting. John will also follow up with Arvydas about the Dave Davis memorial presentation to be made in March.


Thirl reported that Metro Marlins Swim Club is unable to manage the January Mini Meet, which is a club meet. Fairland Aquatics Center is reserved. Thirl will send a letter to Clubs to determine if any club is interested in running this meet.

Steve has asked Mark Eldridge, PVS Distance Coordinator, to formulate standard procedures for distance meets.

CUBU has requested to be moved to a Maryland site for the January Open.

Travel Assistance Appeal: Linda Klopfenstein recommended that assistance for John Dressendorfer be approved under the college exemption. MOTION PASSED.

1999 SC Zone Team: Linda Crudup reported that hotel arrangements have been made. The team will be returning Saturday evening due to the Easter holiday.


Kit has revised the Policy & Procedures Table of Contents and Committee Realignment (ATTACHED). Discussion of these items will begin at the January Board meeting.


Dave presented his report from the Configuration Control Committee meeting (ATTACHED). There were 183,000 hits in October to the PVS page, which is the second highest to date. The PVS page has received recognition from Links to Go.


Mary Ann reported she continues to work with the new program. To date, PVS has registered 2517 athletes, 24 Clubs, and 311 non-athletes for 1999. Seven clubs will not be renewing for 1999, and six new clubs have registered. Verification forms for US Open are due to Mary Ann by November 23, 1998. The problem with submission of credentials for coach registration persists. Dick authorized sending a list of coaches and certification information to John McDonald, PVS Safety Chairman.


Greg reported that he and Amanda are planning to hold another athletes' meeting. They will be working on topics for discussion.


Eric expressed the need for improved communication with coaches. He also is interested in seeing increased involvement for disabled athletes. Dick will contact Marc Stanley. Eric also inquired about reconsidering an aquatics guide for future years.


Dick made the following announcements: the Women's Global Challenge has been postponed; an item of interest from Oregon Swimming will be mailed with minutes; and housing information for Nationals will be posted on the web. USA Swimming is planning Registration and Officials workshops in March, and a Finance workshop in October.

Kerry Ellett reported that the USA Swimming Age Group Committee will be meeting in February, and that Tom Avischious is the staff contact. As PVS Camp Coordinator, Kerry reported a successful Racing Camp under the leadership of Eric Moore and Greg York. He also reported on the success of the Gold Medal Clinic held earlier, and requested consideration to offer again in the future.


Kit presented a request from UMD for approval of ACC Championships and Terrapin Invitational, to be held at University of Maryland.

Meeting adjourned 9:50 pm.


Respectfully submitted,


Evelyn Taylor

Administrative Assistant

BoD MEETINGS FOR 1998-99 at Falls Church High School, Room #151, 7:30-10:00 p.m.:

Tuesday, January 19
Tuesday, February16
Tuesday, April 20
Tuesday, June 15