-- DRAFT --


Potomac Valley Swimming

Competition Committee Meeting

6030 Lee Highway

Arlington, VA 22205

May 17, 2017


·         Attendance

·         Call to order – The spring CCM was called to order by Senior Chair, Mark Faherty at 7:05 pm

·         Approval of Winter CCM minutes – Motion to approve the Winter CCM minutes, seconded and approved.

·         Old Business –

o   Recap: PVS SC Spring Champs – The club hosts for the Spring Championship meets were given a chance to comment on the meets. All agreed the spring meets ran well.

o   PVS Outstanding Athletes – There was a delay this past year in the selection process for Outstanding Athletes. There have been additional discussions as to if we should continue with the award or not and in what format. The Senior Chair asked the body asked should we continue to hand out this award?

§  The general consensus is if we continue with the award that we need t0 be able to put out in a timely manner and in a format so all coaches/clubs can review it in time.

§  A Straw Poll was taken – All in favor of continuing with the award? 4 yes, 3 no, 8 abstain. We will continue with the award in the current format.

·         Eastern Zone Meeting (May 5-6, 2017) Report –

o   Winter SC Zone changes – Mark Faherty, Senior Chair reported, there is a new format for the SC Eastern Zone meet. At the recent EZ Conference there was a vote regarding the format of the meet (each LSC had 4 votes, unless there was an athlete, then 5 votes). Previously it had been determined that the meet will have qualifying times instead of only the top two as qualifiers. The LSCs in the zone had to decide whether or not the meet should be a club meet or a LSC meet? Then to decide on the age limits.  

§  The final decision was to make it an 18 & U Club meet. Therefore, PVS will no longer be sending a team. Each club will send the athletes based upon qualifying times. Starting in 2018 and again in 2019 and then can revisit.

·         9-10 will be timed finals in afternoon

·         11-18 will be prelims/finals (A B final).

·         They will make the qualifying times what they think will fit at the facility (most likely AAA times).

·         Most likely a Window meet for the 14&Over

·         The meet will be held March 29-31, 2018 (weekend after Sectionals)

·         Hotel rooms were previously booked. They will be released tomorrow.

·         The meet will be scored by club

·         Summer zones will stay the same

·         Nominating Committee – Nomination Chair, Greg York reported that there will Board of Director elections at the annual HOD meeting, next Tuesday, May 23.

o   Three people running for Diversity (Rob Green, Yvonne Taylor and Russel Klosk)

o   The other positions have only one running (General Chair, Senior Chair and Finance Chair).

o   Additional nominations may be taken from the floor at the HOD meeting.

·         Board Reports

o   General Chair –

§  It was just announced that the 2020 Olympic Trials will be in Omaha June 21-28, 2020

§  Los Angles has submitted a bid for 2024 Summer Games

§  There is a proposal going forward to the USA S HOD in September that, if passed, will allow the Eastern Zone to be able to place that meet wherever on the schedule we want.

§  There is a proposal to add a Junior Coach memberships for 16-17 year old assistant coaches. They will have to be under direct supervision of a coach member. Once they are 18 will have to get BGS and can be a coach on their own. With this new program, these athletes who also coach will only have to pay one registration fee.

§  There is also a proposal for a Flex membership categories – this will allow athletes to participate in up to 2 meets below the championship level. Intended for swim school/mini, Summer prep, High school maintenance type swimmers. The fee will be $20 ($15 to USAS and $5 to LSC). It is thought the new membership option will keep kids in USA S, instead of going to AAU or YMCA. This is a full year program, but there will still be a seasonal membership. If they decide to move to full membership the $20 gets credited. If passed, the Flex Membership will be effective April 1, 2018.

o   Admin Chair – HOD report is posted on the PVS website. PVS numbers have increased in all categories (5.7% increase). We are in need of a host club at LC Open 2 at Fairland. We want to get more clubs involved in hosting meets for PVS. Contact Terri, Tim will help with Officials. Two teams can do it together. Please consider helping out.

o   AG Chair – no report submitted

o   Sr Chair – no additional report submitted

o   Coaches Reps – Zones – application for LC on the site by June 1.

§  Coach elections will take place during the summer LC Champ meets. Please let Heather Purk know if you or any coach is interested in running. Evan Stiles is up for reelection and will run again. This summer there will also be Coach Rep Elections.

o   Safe Sport Chair –

§  Encourage coaches to encourage to families to go to the website and to do the online training.

§  Goal in PVS is to have a safe sport club contact for each club. There will be description written to share with anyone on your team that might be interested. Talk with your parents and coaches to find someone interested and send their name to Merari.

§  One the Zone level – USAS is using a new BGS company. It is $38 the first time for everyone, even if it is a renewal, but this is just for the first time.  

§  There is a new recommendation for team chaperones; a non familiar, a non coach, non-parent can be a chaperone and in the room with two other athletes.

§  There are t-shirts available from Safe Sport, coloring book, marshal guidelines have been published, guidelines to tell the timers, parents and marshals about Safe Sport.

§  There is now a Club Self Assessment regarding Safe Sport on the USA Swimming website. Please take the time to assess your club. It is for you to see how your club is doing but nothing to identify of your club.

§  Looking for athlete rep on the Safe Sport committee member

o   Diversity Chair – no report submitted

o   Officials – We have about the same number of officials as last year at this time. Please encourage your parents to become officials. The 2017 Rule book went into effect May 1. Only one new rule to mention – for 400 yd and greater, only circle seed top 2 heats, not 3.

§  The Scholastic All-American application is June 1-August 15. Encourage your swimmers to apply. 2016 Winter Juniors cuts are the qualifying times. All info on the USA Swimming website. www.usaswimming.org/saa

o   Strategic Planning – no report submitted

o   Athlete Reps – no report submitted

·         Selection of LC Zone Assistant Coaches – The following coaches have been nominated to be assistant coaches for the 2017 LC Zone Assistant Coaches; Leslie Tomlinson (NCAP), Ian Handerhan (SDS), Denise Adams (ASA), Kelly Rose McCullough (FISH), Marye Carter (NCAP), Gian Polignano (TIBU), Stephen Clendenin (BWST), Ryan Pauling (FAST)

o   Motion to closet the ballots, seconded and approved.

·         Motion to accept the 8 coaches, Leslie Tomlinson (NCAP), Ian Handerhan (SDS), Denise Adams (ASA), Kelly Rose McCullough (FISH), Marye Carter (NCAP), Gian Polignano (TIBU), Stephen Clendenin (BWST), Ryan Pauling (FAST) by acclimation, seconded and approved.

o   Head coach (Jeremy) TIBU, Heather Purk (Assistant Coach).

·         New Business –

o   Summer LC Champs Finals Format (4 options) – Freedom Aquatic Center (July 6-9)

o   10 lane course, no additional warm up/cool down space. We will be running 10 lane for prelims in Senior Champs and timed finals for Junior Champs with breaks. The amount of time and when the breaks are will be determined once the entries are submitted

o   For Senior finals we have 4 options: (adding 10 min breaks, we will be adding about 30 min)

§  A, B, C Finals using all 10 lanes (top 30) with WU/CD breaks (likely 10 min breaks) after boys A final

§  A, B, C Finals using 8 lanes (top 24); 1 lane open with continuous WU/CD (no breaks)

§  A, B, C, D Finals using 8 lanes (top 32) 1 lane open with continuous WU/CD

§  A, B, C Finals using 8 lanes (top 24) with WU/CD breaks and 1 lane open with continuous WU/CD

·         Motion to run 10 lanes (top 30) at finals with Breaks, seconded and approved.

o   The 10 min break would be after the boys and girls full event.

o   Summer LC Age Group Champs: Sessions/timelines – This summer will be at Fairland. There is a small area for continuous warm up/cool down. There will be three prelims sessions and finals. Once entries come in we will determine where the breaks can go to give the athletes the opportunities to warm up and cool down. There will be tents outside to help keep people outside.

o   PVS Open Meets – Events Format in Oct, Nov and Jan –

§  We typically flip Saturday and Sunday.

§  7 events and 4 per day.

o   If your kids are going to LC Zones the order of events has changes. Heather has the new event list, email her if you need it. It will also be added to the website.  

o   Out of 56 swimmers in the EZ, there were 10 in the EZ Select Camp, plus 2 coaches and Dan Jacobs is head coach in Western Zone Select Camp

o   UMAC has suspended operations. If you are interested in hosting a meet at UMD

·         Meet Schedule for 17-18 season – There was one new meet proposed to be added to the 17-18 club meet schedule and a number of proposed date changes.

o   Date Changes – Motion to accept date changes as proposed, seconded and approved.

o   New Meets – Motion to add the new meet, hosted by PGKS as proposed, seconded and approved.

·         Fall meeting date: Saturday, September 30 at Overlee. (shoot for afternoon)

·         Adjourn