March 12-14, 1999
Colorado Springs, CO

The meeting was called to order by Pat Lunsford, Chair, at 7:00 pm, March 12 at the Sheraton Hotel, Colorado Springs. The following persons were in attendance:

Pat Lunsford,Chair Paul Jones
Joel Black, Vice-Chair Fran Klier
Pauline Hubbell, Vice-Chair Dan McAllen
Virginia Bay J.R. Pooler
Dottie Bruchez Beth Scott
Carolyn Burt Jim Sheehan
Frank Ching Carol Burch, Staff
David Coleman Ron Van Pool, Vice President


Dottie Bruchez led a discussion of proposed changes to the officials' test for 1999. The group discussed a re-certification test for officials. The committee would like to have the officials' test on the USA Swimming Website as well as a hard copy of the test. The target date for completion of the test is April 15. It will then be sent out to all LSC Officials' Chairs.

MOTION: That the Officials' Committee offer a re-certification test. Seconded and Approved

The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 pm.

The Officials' Committee reconvened at 8:30 am, March 13 in the Ray B. Essick Room, USA Swimming Headquarters Building, Colorado Springs. All persons present at the March 12 meeting were in attendance.


Chuck Wielgus, USA Swimming's Executive Director, addressed the group and discussed USA Swimming's Game Plan priorities for 1999. The committee had the opportunity to ask questions of Chuck.


Pat Lunford appointed a sub-committee of Paul Jones (Chair), Carolyn Burt, Frank Ching, Dave Coleman, Dan McAllen and J.R. Pooler to review the Minimum Standards for Officials. The group is charged with taking a look at reciprocity among LSCs.


The committee would like to release the Officiating Swimming manual. Pat Lunsford will talk with Don Hart to see what the status of this project is and what we need to do to get it completed.


Pauline Hubbell presented the goals of the Officials' Committee that had been established by the previous Officials' Committee. The group asked questions about projects that the committee had been doing.


The Officials' Training Clinic will be held the weekend of May 14-16 at the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs. New topics on the agenda will include adapted swimming and open water. Committee members who will be attending the clinic will be Pat Lunsford, Pauline Hubbell and Joel Black. The possibility of holding regional officials' training clinics will be explored.


The newly completed Officials' Starter Video was shown. The committee wants to get the video out as soon as possible. Carol Burch will talk to Debbie Case, USA Swimming Controller, about cost and distribution of the video.


Possible ways of increasing communication with officials was discussed. The group talked about how to increase the distribution of the Officials' newsletter. Pauline Hubbell and Carol Burch will research costs to mail the newsletter to all LSC Officials. The committee suggested that Pauline Hubbell work with Club Development Committee to see if the Parents Introduction to Officiating should be included in information sent to clubs.

Two sub-committees were appointed by Pat Lunsford. Joel Black and Jim Sheehan will represent the Officials' Committee and work with appointed Education Committee members on any joint projects.

Pauline Hubbell(Chair) and Joel Black were appointed to work with members of the Communications Committee to work on setting up a Web site for officials. Carol Burch will follow up with Charlie Snyder to see what we need to do and a possible target date for getting this site set up.

Officials' Committee members will contact specific LSC officials' chairs within their zone. Pauline Hubbell will coordinate work with LSCs west of the Mississippi River and Joel Black will coordinate work with LSCs east of the Mississippi.


The group discussed the convention workshop and possible topics. Planned topics include a discussion of officiating at Open Water meets, officiating with the Disabled and a demonstration of the proposed Officials' Web site.


J.R. Pooler gave a report on the script that is being put together for a new Stroke Video. This video will focus on how to officiate stroke and turn with elite level athletes. JR and Frank Ching are the Officials' Committee representatives working on this script.


The Officials' Committee selects the award recipient of the Pettigrew Award, an annual award presented at convention. Nominations are to be sent in writing to Dan McAllen by April 15.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 pm