The chapters of the Officiating Swimming Manual represent what is good about the sport of swimming and why many officials make it their lifetime avocation. The text represents the efforts of over 65 people working on this as a volunteer project. The team was the entire National Officials Committee for 1998. This included the steering group and each of the 59 LSC Officials Chairmen. These individuals worked in small project sub-teams to pool their many years of varied experience. In is no small measure of the progress in nationwide training that these individuals were able to communicate and come to well-respected approaches to the instruction and description of swim officiating.

The continuity in the manual from chapter to chapter is a result of the technical editing by the past officials chair, Mrs. Anneliese Eggert. However, a much as possible the original thinking of each group was retained and does provide some variability in style, phrasing and wording. We felt it was important to retain that degree of individuality. In any regard the responsibility for the editorial content is with the 1996-1998 Officials Chair.

We welcome any critical comment or improvement in practices. Please submit those by e-mail to Pat Lunsford at for consideration by the USA Swimming National Officials Committee.


Don Hart

Pauleen Hubbell

Pat Lunsford

1996-1998 Officials Chair

Officials Vice Chair

Officials Vice Chair