Protocol and Philosophy


The information in this booklet is a compilation of ideas, thoughts, and excerpts of previous documents on the art of starting. It is an ever-changing practice in which all good starters are willing to adapt. Many thanks to starters, both present and past, that have helped to mold the current and effective protocol and philosophy that is presented in this document. Pat Graham, Russ White, Jeannine Dennis, and Neville Johnson are the most significant contributors as well as Pat Lunsford and Bob Houston as the preparers of this booklet.


The information that is being presented is to provide a clear set of guidelines in which someone having the interest in becoming a starter or improving on their skills as a practicing starter will be able to refer to. Starting is an art that can be perfected as long as someone is willing to accept and understand the protocol and philosophy of the position based on current practices and standards. Once the protocol and philosophy are accepted and a solid understanding of the position of starter is clear, skill can be developed through hours of practice and observing other starters while they perform their duties. It takes many hours of practice in order to understand what occurs in a very short period of time during a start. Those occurrences can have a major impact on the outcome of a race, an event, or a final team score. Knowing what to say, when and how to say it, and what to look for are the first steps in becoming a starter. Proficiency only comes after many meets (and years) of learning and practice. First, protocol will be discussed in detail followed by suggestions as to how to use the information and become proficient.

Uniform - NATIONAL - Preliminaries - White shirt, navy blue pants, shorts, or skirt, white socks and shoes
Finals - Navy blue jacket, white shirt, red or blue tie/scarf, white long pants or skirt, white socks and shoes
LOCAL - Specified by your LSC and the meet you are working

Assignments - as assigned by the Meet Referee; in addition to starter, they could be turns, relay take-off judge, strokes, etc.

Other responsibilities - attend briefing sessions and marshal as assigned

Starting commands - Be brief, poised, professional, conversational and assertive. Remember that you are inviting the swimmers to swim, not ordering them to do so.

  1. Forward starts -
    1. At the referee's signal, the Starter will give the command, "Ladies/Gentlemen, step up please." (This should be stated in a conversational tone with the intention of inviting the swimmers to the blocks.) See attachment B at the end of this booklet that refers to the new USA starting (effective 3/6/98) rules concerning the position of the swimmer's feet.
    2. When the pool is clear and the swimmers are ready, the Referee will blow the whistle.
    3. The Starter will give the distance and event (i.e. 100 meter freestyle) and then the "Take your mark" command. In calling the event, omit the "s" from meters/yards. Often, the quality of the microphone makes it have a whistling sound. (There should be two pauses in the delivery of your commands. The first pause is between the Referee's whistle and the start of your instructions. A learning technique to force this pause is to hold the mic down at your side until after the Referee has blown the whistle. Then, slowly bring the mic up to its proper position for you to speak. You could also take a long breath before you speak to create the same pause. The second pause is after you have given the distance and event. This pause allows the swimmers and the Starter to get settled and the crowd noise to subside. There are two techniques that can help you to generate this pause. First, take another slow, deep breath and exhale it slowly. The second technique is to slowly move the mic away from your mouth and then bring it back. Either of these techniques will give you approximately the proper pause. The motives are for the noise level to come down to a point where the swimmers can hear the start; see that the swimmers are, in fact, ready to swim - goggles OK, last minute gyrations completed, etc.; and to relax the starter. The "TAKE YOUR MARK" command is then given. It is extremely important how this is done. It should be given in a conversational tone and manner. You should try to talk the swimmers down with your voice. It has been shown that a sing- song instruction can cause the swimmers to bounce up and down. A flat or slight drop in the pitch of your voice is all that is needed. A helpful technique is to think of the phrase "shut the door". This phrase, when given normally, will generally give you the pitch change that you are looking for in the "take your mark" command. Remember, be conversational - don't speed up the command. Quick commands often cause the swimmer to react faster than usual causing them to miss or lose their grasp of the block which will lead to an early take-off. Take an extra 4 to 5 seconds with the pauses and a slower command. This will save you time in the long run as opposed to waiting an extra 20-25 seconds to get swimmers back up and off again after a false start. It takes practice to become consistent with this procedure.
  2. Backstroke starts -
    1. At the referee's signal, the Starter will give the command, "Ladies/Gentlemen, step in, please." (Most swimmers will respond properly to this command and enter the pool feet first. This is a safety concern, but don't make an issue of it if the swimmer enters head first - let the Referee follow-up. Since the swimmers are not doing a racing dive, the preference is to have them enter feet first.)
    2. When the pool is clear and the swimmers are ready, the Referee will blow the whistle.
    3. The Starter will give the distance and event (i.e. 100 meter backstroke) and then the "Take your mark" command. (The previously mentioned pauses are to be used here as well.)
    4. The Starter will use the "Place your feet" command only when one or more swimmers have not attained a starting position within a reasonably short time frame.
  3. Recommended stand up and other commands
    1. If the Starter is not comfortable with what is occurring after the command "Take your mark", then give the command "Stand up" or "Stand, please". (A number of things could occur to make you uncomfortable - one or more swimmers are taking too much time to assume their starting positions, the swimmers do not settle into motionless positions relatively quickly, a loud noise, flash or other disturbance occurs, a swimmer loses his/her grip on the block, etc. This is a good command that can keep bad things from happening at the start. However, you must be patient with the swimmers and not use this command too often.)
    2. After the first command, you should pause to let the swimmers get readjusted. Then, give the command, "Take your mark".
    3. If it is necessary to stand the heat up twice, the Starter will give the command AStep down@ for forward starts, or "Stand up" or "relax" for backstroke starts. The Starter should let the swimmers relax and compose themselves briefly. Then, the Starter will give the command, "Ladies/Gentlemen, Step up please" for forward starts or "Place your feet" for backstroke starts. At this point, the Starter will give a generic command, if deemed necessary, such as "Please assume your starting position without delay", Please respond promptly", "Please find a motionless position", or "Please stop your motion at some point". PAUSE, and then give the "Take your mark" command.
    4. If you must stand the swimmers up a third time, and it is the second time for a specific swimmer, warn the swimmer by saying, "Lane___, please assume your starting position without delay". (Or whatever the problem may be.) Then give the command "Take your mark" remembering to pause between your instructions and the "Take your mark" command.
    5. If you would have to stand the heat up again for the same swimmer, step them down and recommend to the Referee that the swimmer be disqualified for delay of meet. (This should be a very rare occurrence. The swimmers generally respond very well to the steps described above.)
    6. Do not repeat starting instructions after a stand-up or stand-up/step down . Only say "Take your mark" unless it appears that the swimmers are not ready. At that point, you may want to repeat the distance and event or simply say "Ladies/Gentlemen", to get their attention, then a long pause, and "Take your mark".
  4. Backstroke starts
    1. The Recall Starter will not raise the pistol until all four swimmers on his/her side of the pool have their feet in the proper position. Until the time the Recall Starter is ready to raise the pistol, it should be kept out of sight, either straight beside your leg or behind your back. (For safety reasons, only raise the pistol to a maximum of waist level and aim it toward the pool away from the blocks. Always be aware of your surroundings hold the pistol overhead.and where the packing from the pistol and the flash will go.) It is recommended to NEVER hold the pistol overhead.
    2. If the pistol remains down, the Starter will speak directly to the lane who is in violation by saying "Lane___, toes, please."," Lane___, toes under for the start, please.", "Lane___, your toes must be completely under the surface." or " Lane___, toes must not be curled over the gutter.". After the swimmer has responded, say "Thank you". The reason for going directly to the lane is to keep the amount of time the swimmers are hanging from the blocks to a minimum and to try to keep from interrupting the concentration of the non-offending swimmers. If the offending swimmer is close to the Recall Starter, he/she can instruct the swimmer directly. If the Starter sees the Recall Starter but can not identify the offender, the Recall Starter can signal the lane number to the Starter - just be sure that you both understand the system you will use. If the Starter does not see the Recall Starter keep the gun down or notice a swimmer in violation, the Recall Starter should continue to keep the pistol down and signal to the Starter the offending lane number without making a spectacle of the situation. If the Starter still does not acknowledge the infraction, do nothing else until after the start and then mention to the Starter what you observed. Do not recall the heat.
  5. False Start Actions:
    1. The Starter and the Recall Starter will recall all false starts. In other words, the beeper and the pistol are to be heard on all false starts. (The Recall Starter should fire the pistol one time only unless it is necessary to fire another shot to be sure the swimmers stop.)
    2. The Starter, Recall Starter, and the Referee will independently write down the lane they saw false start. The Referee and Starter will compare notes. If the Referee and Starter concur, there is no need for the Referee to confer with the Recall Starter. (The specific procedure here may vary depending on the level of meet you are starting and the instructions of the Referee. You are to follow whatever procedure the Referee gives you. It is highly recommended that the people confirming the false start write down what they saw or heard - the lane and any unusual occurrences. Then, if the decision is questioned, it is easy to justify the decision you made. This also eliminates any appearance of one official talking the other official into or out of a call. There should not be a discussion - you either match or you don>t.)
    3. If the Starter and the Referee do not concur, then the Referee will confer with the Recall Starter at the Recall Starter's side of the pool. The Recall Starter WILL WAIT for the Referee to come to him/her.
    4. If you have additional information that would affect the decision to disqualify the swimmer, such as the swimmer slipped, a noise behind the swimmer, etc., be sure you relate this to the Referee.
  6. The commands and actions cited above are the guidelines developed for the purpose of consistency. If circumstances dictate that you do something else to ensure a fair start, do it.
  7. Recall Starter
    1. The Recall Starter will stand on the opposite side of the pool from the Starter. (In many cases, this may be the Referee or the assistant Referee for recall who has the authority to confirm false starts.)
    2. When the Referee blows the whistle, the Recall Starter will raise the pistol no higher than waist level and aim it toward the pool. (EXCEPTION: During the backstroke starts, the Recall Starter will not raise the pistol until the swimmers on his/her side of the pool have their feet in the proper position as detailed in D1 above.) (You must always be aware of safety in firing the recall pistol. Be careful where you hold the gun so that if you must fire it, it will not injure anyone.)
    3. Recall Starting is a tough job. Do not try to anticipate or prompt the do not have control. If you see movement at the start, fire one (1) shot. Do not pre-cock the pistol unless your hand is not strong enough to fire without doing so. Fire an additional shot only if it is necessary to stop swimmers.
    4. If the Starter recalls the swimmers, fire your pistol once.
    5. Guard your space for safety if you must fire the pistol. WARN COACHES, SPECTATORS, ATHLETES, PHOTOGRAPHERS, ETC. OF THE POSITION OF THE PISTOL.
  8. Miscellaneous comments
    1. All doubts and questions go in favor of the swimmer.
    2. Be Very patient. Do not "speed up" to get a heat off. Treat all heats and all events with the same courtesy and professionalism. Remember that you are the only official that has a direct bearing on how the athletes perform. When you agree to a starting position, you are agreeing to do your best to give every swimmer the best start that they have ever had. Once the swimmers are turned over to you, it is your responsibility to give them a fair and equitable start. At this point, forget the time line - treat each heat the same whether it is the first or the last.
    3. Maintain good deck perspective - you are the referee's 2nd set of eyes and ears. Many questions will come to you because you are visible and always in the same spot - near the starting equipment. Answer courteously those questions within your jurisdiction and direct all other questions to the Referee.
    4. If you say the wrong event, simply say " Correction, proper event and distance"..
    5. Do not be critical of other officials or their decisions at any time - on or off the deck. You never know who may be listening.
    6. Do not discuss false starts, recalls, or DQ's with coaches, parents, or swimmers. Direct all questions, complaints, and problems to your on duty Referee.
    7. Focus and concentrate on your events. Watch and observe other starters. Learn as much as you can about the art of starting. Before every session, check the blocks, flags, pistol, starting system, speakers, recall rope, etc.
    8. What do you do after the start? Keep the mic in the normal speaking position. Simply rotate your head and/or your body and watch the swimmers into the water and until they surface and you are sure that the race is has begun fairly. Why should you do this? You are the Starter and it is your responsibility to be sure that each heat gets off to a good and fair start. What if there was an echo and half of the field stopped because they thought the race had been recalled? You must know what happened. What if seven lanes started fine but one lane stopped? You need to be able to provide information to the Referee concerning the fairness and correctness of the start. What if something unusual happened that would cause you to recall or stop the heat? (At the 1995 Pan-Pacs in Atlanta, the backstroke flag socket and pole came out of the deck and fell into the pool. What if this had happened right after a start?) Lane lines sometimes break. A swimmer sometimes hits the bottom of the pool. The Referee may frantically ask you to stop the race. These occurrences don't happen often, but when they do, you must have the mic in hand and ready to use.


With the National Championship starting procedure, the referee will give a series of short whistles to have the swimmers disrobe to their suits and approach the platform. When all swimmers are at the step, the referee then gives a long whistle blast to have the swimmers step onto the platform and assume any foot position. When the swimmers appear ready, the referee will signal with an outstretched arm to the starter for the start to commence. The starter only says "TAKE-YOUR-MARK" and when all are motionless, gives the starting signal. When "TAKE-YOUR-MARK" is the only command, the pause, after the referee's whistle, should be long enough for the swimmers to step onto the starting block and settle into their ready position, keeping in mind that every swimmer may have a different position. As in all levels of forward starts, if a swimmer assumes a position with at least one foot at the front edge of the platform before the "TAKE-YOUR-MARK" command, the other foot does not need to move forward on the command. If neither foot is at the front edge of the platform before the command, one foot must move forward to the edge of the platform. When all swimmers are motionless, the starter needs to activate the start signal. The philosophy as to when to activate the signal is discussed in detail in an earlier part of this manual.

Guidelines for the "No Recall" Starting Procedure

(effective Summer, 1999 for all Grand Prix events
and Junior and National Championship events)

The first start generally is the swimmer’s best effort. Therefore, swimmers should not be penalized for a good start by having a race recalled due to someone false starting. Under the "no recall" starting procedure, the penalty for a false start is imposed on the offender after completion of the swim. This starting procedure, however, emphasizes swimmer’s responsibility to concentrate on the start and the race and not be affected by actions of the other swimmers on the blocks. If confirmed by the Referee, swimmer’s reaction to the movement by another swimmer could result in a disqualification or at the very least, in a delayed response to the start signal. Also note that, under this procedure, informing the athletes about a disqualification for a false start after the event is consistent with all other disqualifications under the swimming rules.

Usual National Championship starting procedures will be in place, except that, if a false start occurs, no recall signal will be given. Instead, the Starter shall allow the race to proceed and shall make a written record and immediately report to the Referee the lane or lanes which false started. Any other observation by the starter or information relative to the start should also be reported.

If, after assuming the starting position on the command "take your mark" a swimmer leaves their mark prior the start signal and the Starter has time to give the "stand" command, no signal shall be given and the offending swimmer will be disqualified by the Referee or a Referee’s designee after confirming the lane with the Starter. All other swimmers entering the water in reaction to the "stand" command shall be released. The starter shall inform the heat by saying "please remain motionless" or "second start" and shall restart the heat.

The Starter may recall a heat for unusual circumstances, such as a lane line break, sudden noise interfering with the start signal, or anything that may affect fair conduct of the race.

The Referee shall use the current National Championship procedure for initiating a race and shall observe each start for movement prior to the signal and other irregularities. The Referee shall record the observations immediately after the start, but shall allow the race to continue without recall. If the Referee and Starter independently agree on the infraction and the lane or lanes, the swimmer or swimmers in those lanes shall be charged with a false start. The referee or a designee shall inform swimmers of the violation upon completion of the race. No false start can be charged if a heat is instinctively recalled by the Starter and the heat shall be restarted. In the 50 meter races, notification of the infraction will be communicated by the referee or the chief judge at the starting end to the chief judge at the finish end who then will inform the athlete of the infraction.

A recall starter will not be used with this procedure. The starter shall have full responsibility of ensuring that proper starting procedures are implemented and enforced.


The lengthy description on the protocol that a person needs to be familiar with when performing the duties of a starter is sometimes hard to put in proper perspective when you consider that most of what is mentioned occurs in a time frame of several seconds. Only experience will allow you to think of most, if not all, of what must be done on each and every start, which brings us to the next consideration on starting. Once experienced, are you also good? Those wishing to become good and experienced must understand and absorb all information and put it to practice.

The definition of an experienced starter is complex. Determination of the definition will depend on who you talk to. To some, a good starter is one who has been starting for a long time. As a result, being good is associated with longevity in their minds. I contend that this is possible but only with numerous strings attached. For an experienced starter to be good, she/he must consider the following characteristics:

  1. The purpose of the starter at any level is to ensure a fair start for all competitors. That is the sole purpose - it is not a forum for the starter to show who is in charge or to entertain the crowd. If the starter has ensured fair starts for all competitors, she/he will experience satisfaction of doing a good job which in itself is a boost to the ego.
  2. Experience at all levels is a necessity. To become a good starter at a senior level, one must become proficient at the novice level and progress upward. Once proficiency has been achieved, the good starter should continue to work all levels so as to gain additional experience.
  3. Proficiency comes with experience. All starters are going to make mistakes. A good starter knows that mistakes will happen but will learn from them. An experienced starter who does not admit to mistakes, boasts of accomplishments, or passes the blame onto someone else is a long way from becoming good. When a person has learned the basic procedures of the art of starting and continually works to improve her/his performance, the mistakes will become minimal. When mistakes are reduced to a minimum and of very little consequence, proficiency has been achieved. Add the characteristic of consistency to the starter that has become proficient and you now have what is known as a good starter.
  4. Patience is a virtue, not only with the swimmers on the block, but also is paramount in developing a strong foundation at each level of starting. Too many starters, having worked a level once, expect to proceed to the next level immediately. This will occasionally occur, but in most cases proficiency must be achieved at each level before moving up. Being patient with the swimmers on the block is critical in becoming a good starter. Often, a starter is told after a meet, "Great job, you didn't have any false starts". It would be a great job and the starter should be commended if in fact all swimmers were motionless and had ample time to achieve their starting positions. Unfortunately this does not occur very often. This does not mean that you must have false starts to be successful. It simply means that all swimmers must be given time to assume their positions and become motionless. Too often, a starter will rush the start so that a decision does not have to be made giving the appearance that it was a good start. Many times a swimmer is left on the block because they were not yet set. Patience will allow for all swimmers to get set and experience will dictate when to stand up the heat and try again. It is important to understand that all situations cannot be stood up. If you were too patient and held the swimmers too long, admit your mistake and start again. An error on the slow side is not only possible but easy to correct. An error on the fast side is not correctable.
  5. Admit mistakes and accept all responsibilities associated with them. The key to being good is to learn from your mistakes and not dwell on them. Too often, a starter will let one mistake overshadow a multitude of good starts. When this happens, the focus is still on the mistake instead of the current heat on the blocks.
  6. Expect the unexpected. Be proactive - not reactive. We have heard these statements many times while officiating. Proficiency and continued practice at each level will give a starter the experience to instinctively perform with success knowing what could happen and being able to adjust before a potential problem occurs. Don't ever think that you have seen and experienced all situations.
  7. Experienced starters will often become familiar and possibly good friends with many swimmers, families, and coaches. The swimmers habits and often faults may be well known. A good starter will not focus on a particular swimmer, but rather the entire field. If a mistake is noticed with a general focus, it must be called to ensure fairness to the entire field.
  8. A good starter will also be a teacher. Coaches and swimmers appreciate constructive comments, particularly at the developmental age group level, if they help the swimmer improve on future starts. Another point of view is usually welcome. In all cases, and with the referee's consent, approach the coach first before saying anything to the swimmer. Some coaches will want you to talk to the swimmer, others will want to handle the situation on their own. Providing this assistance will help in several ways. First, it can improve on the swimmer's performance and technique on future starts. More importantly, it shows an attitude of being in the business to improve the sport and the performance of the athletes which is also the intention of most coaches. This may help eliminate, or at least soften, the "we/they" attitude which sometimes prevails on some decks. As a starter progresses to higher levels of swimming, it is not appropriate to offer such information unless a coach specifically requests suggestions. The reasoning behind this is that the stakes become greater for the swimmer and the coach at each progressive level. It is also more difficult to establish a close relationship with a swimmer and coach at an advanced level unless it began in the age group program. Therefore, a starter knowing that a swimmer has a potentially illegal technique in starting can be used by a coach in an attempt to overrule a disqualification, the argument being that the starter knew of the technique and focused on that particular swimmer instead of the entire heat. The coach has a right and an obligation to protect her/his swimmer and having this information may be all that is needed to get a reversal.
  9. Not only teach the athlete and coach, but be able to share information and suggestions with other starters. The more proficient all starters on the deck become, the more fair the competition will be. A good starter will be willing to share information without fear of being replaced by someone who becomes more proficient. Encourage input from others whom you consider to be accomplished, skilled starters. This input must be requested by you to a skilled starter for an observation and critique of your performance during a session. If you ask, then you must be willing to listen to all comments without becoming defensive. Once the critique is completed, you must analyze the information. The more you are observed and critiqued, the more input you will have. Understand that philosophies of starting change periodically. You must be flexible to those changes and conform to the current philosophy. By listening to other comments and observing the proficient starter, you can incorporate what segments you like, discount what you don't feel comfortable with and develop your own style and personality as a starter. A starter that has her/his own style and personality and can still conform to the current philosophy is well on the way to becoming proficient and experienced.
  10. Courage to do the right thing is critical. Whether as a starter or a recall starter, one must be able to respond if unfairness has occurred. A good experienced starter will respond regardless of what it might do to their reputation. If the decision to call a false start was done according to the rules and fairness prevailed, then it was the right decision.
  11. Work every session as though it is your last. In other words, don't start a session with a lackadaisical attitude regardless of the level. You don't know if an accident, an illness, or politics will prevent you from ever starting again. If you perform to the best of your ability at each outing and something tragic happens, you will be remembered for your last performance over all others. You will also remember that last performance as being your best and no one can take that away from you.
  12. Be professional. Professionalism is a must in all positions on the deck, but because all competitors, coaches, and parents attention is focused on the start of a race, the starter's calm demeanor and presentation stands out more than any other position. The starter can establish the mood and decorum of the meet by following general rules of professionalism. In conjunction with this thought, the starter needs to give their undivided attention to their performance. Full concentration is a must. The starter must be as rested and in the best physical condition as possible, present the sharpest image possible by wearing a neat, clean and appropriate uniform and must perform their duties as if the opportunity will never occur again.

In closing, many of the characteristics mentioned are not new to most good experienced starters. My purpose is to reiterate what it takes to become proficient so that those who wish to become starters have some guidelines in which to begin and those who have experience will be aware of the many considerations that go into becoming experienced and proficient.

(effective for the 1999 summer nationals)

Note: These are the criteria that will be used to determine who gets an opportunity to be observed as a potential starter at future national championship level meets. This observation takes place during time trials of national championship level meets.

These are recommended guidelines for establishing the rotation of starter candidates. They are to be used if the number of request outnumber the positions available. A is required.

  1. Minimum certification - LSC level as a starter
  2. Preferred certification - National level as a starter
  3. Must be recommended by the LSC Officials Chairperson or a National Championship starter or referee
  4. Must wait one full year before requesting an observation if not approved in 3 consecutive observations
  5. Provide information as to whether the assignment is for advancement or educational
  6. Must receive 2 favorable observations from separate observers to be considered for assignment
  7. Be observed once each season (no Jrs and Nationals in same season)
  8. Work all sessions at the meet where observation is requested.
  1. National certified with 2 observations completed
  2. National certified with 1 observation completed
  3. National certified with 0 observations and have recommendation
  4. LSC certified with recommendation

An LSC certified starter without a recommendation will not get an observation unless there is a need and items 1 through 4 are not fulfilled

Each starter will have a minimum of 10 starts to be fairly observed. It is the job of the head starter to determine this order with assistance from the National Officials Chair providing some background information on the starter candidates.

Adopted by USA Swimming Officials Committee -- March, 1999


The following is a set of guidelines that a person should follow when performing the duties of a Head Starter whether it be a national championship or an LSC level meet. Some items may not apply as heavily at an LSC level but should still be considered. The level of the meet and how long starters have worked together will determine the degree to which each is followed.

The Head Starter should:
  1. Get acquainted with the team of referees and starters.
  2. Assign the starter/recall starter and possibly the referee rotation IF requested by the referee. If pre-meet communication is difficult, have a tentative schedule prepared.
  3. Meet with the referee to answer/ask questions about specific procedures and then meet with the starters to discuss details of the meet, commands, protocol, and the role of the recall starter.
  4. Check equipment and make sure starters know how it works; check daily. Also, assist the referee by checking the blocks and pool layout.
  5. Be a mentor - observe, offer positive comments and encouragement, constructive criticism when asked or following the meet.
  6. Be a part of the leadership team and set a positive example.
  7. Do other tasks as requested by the meet referee or your deck referee.
  8. Be prepared, for the referee and other starters, to verbally evaluate the starting team AFTER the meet.
  9. Let each starter develop their own rhythm and stay out of the way unless there is a serious concern - discuss the concern with the referee before talking to the starter.
  10. Know the differences between NCAA, HIGH SCHOOL, USA Swimming, and FINA rules - there are differences.
    1. be honest - don't perpetuate an impossible situation:
    2. base observations on current national championship starting philosophies;
    3. meet with the candidate at the earliest possible opportunity to discuss the observation;
    4. be an educator and offer suggestions for improvement;
    5. inform the candidate(s) that a recommendation for an assignment does not always bring an assignment; don't promise assignments at future meets; don't promise a recommendation on the next attempt as a starter candidate;
    6. be consistent in your evaluations using the following areas for consideration:
      1. voice
      2. eye
      3. spacing
      4. calmness and control
      5. position on the deck and holding the cord
      6. response to unusual situations