For utilization by

Position Min Age Education & Training Evaluation & Certification



None except pre-meet briefing. Performance monitored by Chief Timer during meet..

Certify after passing USA SWIMMING Timer’s test and satisfactory performance at one meet..



Formal clinic training and must take USA SWIMMING Stroke & Judge test.

On-the-deck apprenticeship with a trainer (who has minimum 1-year certification as S&T) for a minimum of four (4) sessions (cannot make a disqualification during those session).

RENEWAL: Recommend clinic, pre- meet briefing and/or test..

Evaluation by trainer and/or Meet Referee to be reported to Officials Chairman or his designee.

Must complete certification within one year from date of clinic..

To maintain certification, must work a minimum of four (4) sessions per year in stroke & turn or higher capacity.

RENEWAL: Based on continuing evaluation.



Must be certified Stroke & Turn Judge.

Considered part of Stroke & Turn Judge certification.



Must be certified Stroke & Turn Judge.

Must have a minimum of one (1) year’s experience as a certified Stroke & Turn Judge



Must have worked as certified Stroke & Turn Judge For a minimum of five (5) sessions.

Must attend Clinic, take the USA SWIMMING Starter’s test, and serve five(5) sessions on the deck with trainer(s) approved by the Officials Chairman or his designee.

RENEWAL: Recommended clinic, pre-meet Briefing and/or test.

Certification based on recommendation of the trainer(s) and/or the Referee(s).

To maintain certification, must work a minimum of four (4) sessions per year in starter or higher capacity.

RENEWAL: Based on continuing evaluation.



Previous certification as a Stroke & Turn Judge Or Starter for a minimum of one (1) year. Recommend be familiar with the positions of Announcer, Clerk of course. Starter, Stroke & Judge, Chief Judge, Timer, Timing Judge, and Meet Marshal. Must pass USA SWIMMING Officials’ test (all sections) with a grade of at least 80%

Attend Referee’s clinic and apprentice on-the-deck for minimum of six (6) sessions at three (3) sanctioned meets with a least two (2) different Referees.

RENEWAL: Attend clinic and/or take test every two years.

Certification based on completion of Education And Training Requirements and favorable recommendations of Referee trainers.

To maintain certification, must work a minimum of six (6) sessions per year with at least one session as Referee.

RENEWAL: Based on continuing evaluation by the Officials Chairman or his designee.

*may not officiate at a meet in which they are competing