Chairman: Thirl Crudup, Members: John Ertter, Jim Garner, John Hirschmann, Bill Marlin, Bill Stephens, Greg York. Non-Voting Members and Guests:
Todd Benedick, Boots Hall, Linda Klopenstein.
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:12 pm by the General Chairman, Thirl Crudup. He provided the Board with an agenda.
General Chairman's Report
Thirl had provided with a written report in advance of the meeting.
Thirl discussed with the Board his recent trip to Tampa Bay for a meeting of all USA Swimming LSC General Chairmen. He concentrated his comments on the major redesign of the USA Swimming database and the implications it will have for PVS. He noted it would result in the 30 separate databases currently being maintained by USA Swimming being merged into one.
Clubs will be expected to register their athletes electronically directly with USA Swimming. However, the registrations will initially be held in suspense and will not be released into the official database until the local LSC registrar clears them. This will include a review for accuracy and that payment has been received. A schematic of how the new system will work was provided to the Board.
The PVS Registrar, Sumie Emory will receive training in the new system in July. She will in turn instruct PVS Registrars and meet directors on the new system.
Thirl is proposing that a mandatory clinic for all PVS Registrar's and Meet Directors be held in the early part of September to familiarize them with the new system before the 2004 registration process starts in earnest and PVS starts to have meets. Clubs would be expected to send a substitute if their primary person could not attend on that date. There was discussion regarding the choice of the date since some of the attendees would likely be attending the ASCA convention the first week of September and/or the USA Swimming convention the second week. It was suggested that PVS consider scheduling more than one clinic given its importance and to avoid the inevitable scheduling conflicts when that many people are involved.
Thirl noted that one of the problems that expect to overcome with this system is information about athletes (including times) being in the system under multiple versions of their name.
Another area being impacted by this shift is in the Top16 times/National Times Verification area. This will also become part of the new integrated database. Times will now be submitted simultaneously for both purposes. It will also mean at the local level that the PVS T16 and NTV coordinator will have to work more closely. Linda K indicated that they also expect to receive training in this area this summer.
Thirl also shared with the Board some other items that were discussed at the General Chairman's meeting. He observed that after hearing from other General Chairman that PVS should "pat itself on the back" as were not facing many of the problems other LSC's were having to address. He indicated that communication is key within a LSC and value of a good website in permitting that to happen.
Thirl proposed three names for the Nominating Committee -- Thirl Crudup, John Ertter and Linda Klopenstein. He indicated the three individuals he was naming had indicated they do not wish to run for office. It was noted that PVS by-laws do not require two of the Nominating Committee members to be on the Board, it has been PVS practice to do so. The Board APPROVED the names recommended for the Nominating Committee.
Thirl noted that three Board members regular terms were ending this year and since they had served two full terms in this position, they could not run again for that office. They are Thirl Crudup, General Chairman; John Ertter, Treasurer and Jim Garner, Senior Chairman. In addition, the positions filled by two Board members who were appointed to fill part of the term for Board members who resigned, need to be elected for the balance of their terms by the House. They are Greg York, Age Group Chairman and Frank Persico, Strategic Planning. Thirl informed the Board that Frank Persico had advised him he did not wish to run again for that position.
Three Board of Review positions will also come up for election. The three incumbents can seek a second term if they wish to do so.
Thirl also proposed to the Board that following ten individuals receive at-large votes to this year's House of Delegates meeting. They are Linda Crudup, Kerry Ellett, Marie Beth Hall, Linda Klopenstein, John McDonald, David Mengering, Linda Raab, Pamela Starke-Reed, Donald Riedlinger and Don Smith. The Board APPROVED these nominations.
Thirl proposed and the Board agreed that the date of the 2003 House of Delegates meeting would be Wednesday evening, May 28. The location would be announced.
Thirl also announced that Bill Marlin had resigned at Senior Coaches Repesentative for the term that expires August 31, 2003. He nominated Bill to fill the Junior Coaches Rep term expiring August 31, 2004 that had been vacated when Bob Lindberg resigned. The Board APPROVED this nomination.
Greg informed the Board that Todd Benedick was the only coach running for the Board for the term that will commence in September 2003 and end in August 2005. Elections had started the PVS SCY Champs Feb 27-March 2 and will be completed the following weekend at PVS 14/U JO Age Group Champs. It was proposed that Todd be elected to complete the Coaches Rep term expiring August 31, 2003 that Bill Marlin recently resigned from. The Board APPROVED this proposal.
Thirl advised the Board that he has asked Linda K to make hotel reservations for the USAS Convention in San Diego in September 2003. There was a brief discussion of how many and what type of rooms should be reserved at this time.
Athlete's Report
No athlete was present. No report was presented to the Board.
The Board did discuss the desirability of having athletes more involved in PVS Board activities. It was observed that for high school swimmers, their training and school commitments substantially impact on the time they have available to attend Board meetings. It was noted that it might be beneficial toward this goal of achieving greater athlete participation if an older athlete (post collegiate) might be elected to fill at least one of the athlete rep positions. Under Amateur Sports Act, you are considered an athlete for up to ten years after you retire from competition.
[Note: Subsequent to the meeting, it was observed that PVS By-Laws state in part that to be an Athlete Rep to the PVS Board, the individual must "…(c) be currently competing, or have competed during the three (3) immediately preceding years, in the program of swimming conducted by PVS or another LSC…" (Article 4.1.3)]
It was suggested that the coaches might want to consider this is making nominations for athlete rep this May at the House meeting. The decision on whom to elect will clearly remain with the athletes when they vote at the July PVS LC Championship meets.
Administrative Division
Bill provided the Board with an outline and notes on the topics he wished to discuss with the Board.
He pointed out that one remaining challenge for the registrar is getting coaches to submit all the documentation needed to process their membership applications.
It was noted of the approximately 6900 individuals now registered with PVS, about 6400 are athletes. Jim Garner noted that based on the data he is maintaining of PVS swims this year, just under 5000 of these athletes have participated in at least one meet.
Bill gave an update regarding office and administrative issues including individuals who might wish to take on a more active role in the future. Additional discussions on this item are planned. Also, PVS has retained an attorney in the event the need for such services should arise.
Bill also recommended that the PVS website policy be changed to permit links to sanctioned meets on the PVS schedule (other than dual and tri meets) to be linked to if the meet announcement has been posted on the website of one of the teams participating in the meet. Current policy has been to limit meet announcements posted on the PVS website to meets open to all PVS clubs and to not post or establish a link to meet announcements where the meet is only open to clubs upon invitation.
A motion was made that PVS website policy be modified to permit links to be established to the meet announcement posted on the site of a club participating in the meet. The change in policy is intended to apply to club sponsored meets that have been properly sanctioned and placed upon the posted PVS schedule, but would still exclude dual and tri meets which do not require full Board approval to be sanctioned. The Board APPROVED the change in policy.
Hirschmann made reference to his report on website activity and noted another question regarding website policy had recently arisen regarding PVS clubs being able to use the PVS website to announce coaching vacancies. A motion was made that would permit to PVS policy to post a summary listing of such vacancies to be posted for 45 days. The listing would simply be a listing of the opportunity: e. g., Club, level (head, senior, age, mini, etc), full or part-time, and club point of contact (phone, e-mail, snail address and linkage to a club website listing.) No provision would be made for coaches seeking employment with a PVS club to post their availability. The Board APPROVED such a change in policy.
It was also noted that USA Swimming website permits coaches to both seek job vacancies and announce that that they are seeking employment.
The presenting of various items to officials in thanks for their services was discussed - starting with nametags. The desirability of removing the $3 charge for recertifying officials was also raised.
Various items that could be presented to PVS registered athletes to help them recognize that they are part of PVS were discussed. It was noted that the actual distribution of these items to athletes might be the greatest challenge - since, for instance, most clubs no longer distribute the athlete registration cards to the athletes anymore.
Bill mentioned his desire to put together a publicity brochure. Many Board members pointed out the importance that the material be balanced in terms of being perceived as representing all PVS teams, competitive programs at various ability levels, type of athletes participating in our programs, etc. The desirability of broad review of the proposed copy/presentation was also raised.
The timing of when Outstanding Awards should be presented to athletes (which evening) was discussed. Many felt Saturday evening might be a better choice. Also, arranging for publicity in conjunction with these presentations to help increase awareness of PVS and competitive swimming was discussed.
Operations Division
John Hirschmann had provided a written report in advance of the meeting
He sought the Board's input on one matter, determining who should be selected to be the host club for PVS LC 14/U Age Group Championship meet to be held this July. It was noted that this meet was being expanded from a three session meet to an ten session meet. Also, major changes are occurring at the club, which has recently hosted this meet for PVS, which might impact on their capacity and/or desire to continue to host this meet.
The Board agreed that all teams in PVS be advised of the opportunity to bid to host this meet for PVS. Hirschmann indicated that multiple bids might be received. Clubs will be asked to provide a brief synopsis of their club's experience in conducting meets and to identify who will be key individuals supporting this meet - i.e., meet director, club official's chairman, etc. The Board CONCURRED with this approach.
Treasurer's Report
John Ertter circulated financial reports in advance of the meeting as of February 28. (The Board had also been provided between board meetings with financial reports as of January 31.) The reports continued to include a Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Statement, Financial Report on club-sponsored meets for 2002-3 and Financial Analysis of PVS Sponsored Meets.
The report showed PVS had current assets on hand as of February 28 of $444,279. This includes $4783 in the Dave Davis fund. Information on interest and dividends earned during February and changes in the market value of the mutual fund during February were not yet available. The pool rental for the Age Group Champs at GMU March 6-9 remained to be paid as of February 28.
John E advised that the escrow account that had been maintained for a member club to pay registration and meet entry fees had been liquidated with the balance being accepted as income for past services by PVS. In the future, this club will pay PVS directly on an "as incurred basis" as do all other clubs.
Attention had also been brought to the fact there had no activity in the Dave Davis fund for a considerable period of time and that it was appropriate for these funds to be used for the purpose that they were contributed - the training of officials. Also, a portion of these assets are being held for the benefit of the NVSL officials program.
John E also reported that he had been attempting to get an inventory of PVS equipment from the Don Smith, the PVS equipment manager for several months and that one had been received just prior to the meeting. He has also promised to provide an invoice for his services over the past several months shortly.
John E also reminded the Board that he would be preparing the FY 2004 PVS budget for the Board's consideration at its April meeting. He asked Board members who want a change from the current level of financial activity to advise him so it can be considered as part of the budget formulation process. This includes in particular areas for where additional funds may be needed - i.e., additional paid staff to carry out administrative functions that have been done by volunteers this year, etc.
John E also indicated that it is likely PVS will likely wind up with assets on hand in excess of one year's operating expenses -- the previously discussed level for an appropriate reserve for PVS to maintain. There was also discussion of what type of adjustments PVS might consider making to its revenue stream if it appeared such an adjustment might be warranted.
John also noted that based on signature authorities that had been previously established -- that dual signatures were only required to withdraw funds from one of PVS's CD accounts. He recommended that PVS's policy be changed and dual signature authority be applied to all PVS financial accounts except the PVS checking account. In that case, dual signatures would be required for amounts in excess of $500. The board indicated it felt such a change in policy was appropriate. John Ertter indicated he would prepare specific motions for the Board to vote upon at its April meeting to implement this policy.
John circulated to the Board a letter he had received from Association of Graduates, United States Military Academy acknowledging the gift Potomac Valley Swimming made in Myron Lynch's memory.
Senior Chairman
Jim Garner reported briefly on the PVS SCY Championship meet, which had been swum the prior weekend. He indicated had gone smoothly and no major concerns had arisen.
In response to a question it was noted that at a championship meet, referees would usually allow for some delay if a swimmer has a close "double" in finals. However, this requires the referee be advised of this situation and also that overall timeline for the session permit. Also, some coaches and athletes select their events with recognition of this possibility and expect the meet to be run according to an established timeline in fairness to all athletes.
Age Group Chairman
Greg York indicated that there was some confusion whether times from time trials could be used to qualify for a slot on the PVS EZ SC team. He stated the intent had been to prevent swimmers who had just missed making the team attempting to do so by then swimming a time trial. Jim Garner that in processing times from earlier in the season, times from time trials had not been excluded and that depending in what format times from out of LSC meets are received, it is not always practical to do so.
It was suggested that PVS's written Policy and Procedures be clarified in this regard and that the prohibition on considering time trial times be limited to meets swum on the final weekend of the selection period.
Coaches Representatives The Senior Coaches Representative reported on the results of the election of two assistant zone coaches held this prior weekend at the PVS SCY Championship. He reported that Mike Pluskitis and Breanne Smith had won the elections. He requested Board approval of their selection. The Board APPROVED their selection.
It was also noted the election of the 12/U assistant zone coaches would occur the coming weekend at the PVS 14/U Age Group Champs. The Board agreed to approve their selection by electronic vote immediately following as the next Board meeting in April would be after the Zone meet.
Greg told the Board that Linda Crudup has advised that she felt the PVS zone team would benefit from having additional assistant zone coaches available to assist with the team, particularly now that additional events were available to the 10/U and 11-12 age groups. The Board was also advised that while PVS usually sends six coaches to these meets, zone rules permit each LSC to have up to eight coaches.
A motion was made that PVS send a total of three 12/U assistant coaches to this year's spring championship meet (an increase of one from the previous number.) It was clarified that this was intended to apply to this year only and was not being proposed as a permanent change. The Board APPROVED this motion. Bill Marlin indicated he would advise the coaches of this change and the forthcoming election would be conducted on this basis.
[Note: Kevin Ahearn, Dan Jacobs and David Kraft were chosen by the coaches as the 12/U Assistant coaches and the Board approved their selection by electronic vote on March 10.]
Old Business
There was no old business presented to the Board.
New Business
Bill Stephens raised the possibility of holding a retreat for the PVS Board in the next few months. Given that several changes in the Board membership are likely, the usefulness of holding this meeting prior to House of Delegates meeting was raised as well as the challenges of scheduling such a meeting during the summer. There are both the PVS competition schedule as well as summer league commitments that many Board member have. The possibility of having such a discussion at the beginning of the USAS convention in San Diego was also raised, including the possibility of having PVS Board members attending the convention arrive a little bit earlier.
Next Meeting
The Board agreed to have its next meeting on Wednesday, April 23 rather than its normal meeting date of April 16.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 10:00 p.m.