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For assistance or additional information, please contact the PVS Registrar, Terri Marlin at registration@pvswim.org.

  2025 USA Swimming Registration

Registration for the 2025 USA Swimming Membership Year will open September 1, 2024. A registration link for all new members (athletes, coaches, officials, and other non-athletes) will be provided by your club. For registration renewals, check with your club for instructions.

Contact your club for their registration procedures.

2025 Registration Fees

Registration Instructions for NEW USA Swimming Members

Registration Instructions for RENEWING USA Swimming Members

Coach Membership Requirements Checklist

USA Swimming 2024 Registration Guides for Clubs:
How to Bulk Renew (after Sept 1)
Self Renewal Guide

  Athlete Transfers

All transfer requests must be initiated in SWIMS 3.0.

For swimmers transferring into your club, their transfer is initiated from their USA Swimming Membership record. The swimmer's USA Swimming Membership record may be accessed by the parent on whose account they are a family member or by the swimmer if they have their own login account. After logging in to their USA Swimming account:

  • parents click VIEW next to the swimmer's name in the My Family box [if the swimmer is logged in to their own USA Swimming account, they don't need to complete this step]
  • click General Info in the My Account box
  • click on the Club Transfer tab
  • click the arrow next to the current club
  • click on Initiate Transfer.
  • complete the information about the New Club, the name of the person submitting the transfer, and click SUBMIT TRANSFER. The transfer will be submitted for approval.