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Athletes Committee

Committee Description

The Athlete Committee is a standing advisory committee that will make proposals as well as provide advice and consent to the Board of Directors regarding governance issues that are important to athletes. The committee will consist of the following voting members chosen by the chair of the committee: athletes on the Officials Committee (2), the Technical Committee (1), the Competition Committee (2), the Audit/Finance Committee (1), a Safe Spor t representative (1), and the Diversity and Inclusion Committee (2) as well as the current BoD Athlete Representatives. The committee members (excluding the chair and BoD representatives; which will serve two, two year terms, elected by the board) will be allowed to serve up to three, one-year terms on the committee total. All members selected must be a current member of Potomac Valley Swimming and USA Swimming in good standing and must be at least 15 years of age. One term year will be from September 1st - August 31st. Robert's Rules of Order will govern the meetings, and majority rules on all votes.

Vision Statement

The purpose of the Athletes Committee is to better educate swimmers on the USA Swimming legislation as well as provide a better support system for athletes.

Positions for Athletes on PVS Committes

Apply here: PVS Athlete Committee Application

Audit/Finance Committee (one athlete position)

  • Two in-person and two phone meetings per year
  • The committee is responsible for:
    • Approving the selection of the auditor and reviewing the audit
    • Monitoring PVS investments

Competition Committee (two athlete positions)

  • Three meetings a year (January, May, September)
    • Meetings last from 1-1/2 to 2 hours
  • The committee is responsible for:
    • Setting the schedule for PVS meets and approving the PVS competition schedule
    • Determining the formats for PVS meets
    • Selecting (by vote) the PVS Zone Coaches for both LC and SC meets
    • Selecting (by vote) the PVS Athletes of the Year

Diversity and Inclusion Committee (two athlete positions)

  • Two in-person and two phone meetings per year
  • The committee focuses on providing opportunities in swimming to under-represented and economically-disadvantaged youth in the communities that make up the Potomac Valley LSC

Officials Committee (two athlete positions)

  • Seven meetings a year, some online and some in person
  • The committee is responsible for:
    • Training, evaluating, and certifying Potomac Valley officials
    • Managing Potomac Valley officials
    • Interpreting rules for Potomac Valley officials, coaches, and swimmers
    • Staffing PVS Championship Meets

Safe Sport Representative (one athlete position)

  • 6 – 10 meetings a year (with the Athlete Committee only)
  • The representative is responsible for:
    • Organizing and planning Safe Sport education information for the athletes
    • Being a liaison being the Athlete Committee and the Safe Sport Community

Technical Committee (one athlete position)

  • Most of the work is completed by email with at most one meeting a year
  • The committee is responsible for:
    • Reviewing meet announcements for correctness and compliance with USA Swimming rules and PVS policy
    • Consulting with PVS Meet Directors to bring their meets into compliance with rules, such as the four-hour rule