Current as of February 4, 2025
These lists are created using information from the USA Swimming SWIMS database. Those names highlighted in pink have missing or expired registration elements and must be corrected prior to being on deck. If you see any discrepencies on these lists, contact the Officials Certification Officer.
NOTE: If you are not registered with USA Swimming for 2025 (i.e. your registration expired 12/31/2024 and you have not yet renewed), you must renew your registration before working on deck, even if your certifications are not expired. If you have questions, contact the PVS Officials Chair.
Officials Roster (sorted by club)
Officials Roster (sorted by last name)
You are not allowed to work on the deck (including as an apprentice official) if your registration and PVS certifications are not up to date. This includes completing the one-time concussion protocol training and an up-to-date background check and athlete protection training.